Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1929, p. 3

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A HP HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16.) Drys Provide Lively Meeting For F. L. Mason At Cherrywood Liberal Meetings In Every Riding Ot Ontario Will Hear Sinclair' s Address Tonight Rallies Planned in All of the Centres of the Province to Hear Radio Broadeast of the Liberal Leades's Ad: dress SINCLAIR ON AIR AT 9 O'CLOCK SHARP Amplifiers Placed Outside the Armories Provide for the Large Overflow Crowd Expected to At tend Meeting Here Ldhernl vallies have heen plans wed for practieally avery viding in the provines tonight when work ore and the pubiie will gather al the varlous eommities vooms Haten via the vadio to the speeches of W, KB, N, Binelalr, Liberal lead: er, and others at the hig Binelalr rally helng held in the Armories heve tonight, Heparia from Toronto state that flekets far the big Liberal event werg ab a premium wll diy yes HAY Although tha Armaries will aeebmapodate £000 peapls It Is expected that there will he ah overflow gathering Lonight, ifers Provided An seats and elghorate dovarat ght fre already 1h place, and the Dullding ham been wived for speech amplifiers both within and without, If weather permits a large crowd will he able to stand gutelde the armories and hear the Liberal leader's addvess hy means pf the loud speakers, The mesting will commence al § o'clock and Mr, Hinclale Is exe pected to go on the alr at nine n'eloek sharp A, J, Graves, of Brooklyn, ex-alderman of the oly, and J) MoRuer, K.C\, of Toronto, wil wlio dalivey Ad Aresses, The Program will he broadeast over a ohaln of Ontario radio stations gomprising CFCA and OFRA, Toe rote, GJGC, London; UNRO, Ot« wi Ald CKPR, Midland, The Ontario Regimental Hand will play in tha Intermissions My, Hinelair's address will he fhe keysnote of the campaign, fog following dhe precedent of Liberal Aanpdian and Briigh Ma lhemen, ao To ING. ie 4 1 wm othe Mding of Sra Routh Taranto Liberals ave leaving the Ontario Club in that ely at 6,18 this evening In TC, busses and motor eave, while large parties are poming from Bast York, Naorths umberland, Durham and Ontario north 0, D, Conant, secretary of the South Ontario Liberal Association anld today that all the arrange: ments have bean completed for this, the biggest Molltioa) gathering aver held In the riding, W, A, Dryden, president of tha Associas ton, wil preaide an ehatrman, ONTARIO COUNTY REPRESENTED AT KINGSTON NATCH Team of Three is at Pre: vincial Plowing Competi: tion This Week Ontarig county is hatng repre: sented at the Provinelal Plowing mateh at Kingston this Sieh "- LY the Ipter-Cownty Team © aH The tion hy Earl MoQualte dame Heorge Tanson, Green bal le Clark, Ushridge, In addition te Juluale prlaes a Ssanitul Miver aap onp NE awarded to (he winning first, silver "tony Tua ing donated the Individual mem. hers of the team, fram Ontario county el ae well In home playing competitions And local county matches and ft is arpected that thay will give a ood acoount af themaelves at the Na mateh at Kingston, by, J, T Hatt, ane time gold medalist Ww self, of Reach township, whe will accompany the hays to Kingston And aot as thelr coach has a let of confidence in these haya as has W, M, Oraskery, agrienitural repre: sentative, who in also interested in seeing the County vepresented by ita host yYouns plowmen, Other Ontavia county bays whe fiend #olnE to Kingston ave: Manley Thompeon, Claremont: Av wane MeMillan, Greenbank: Ralph Rmith, Sandford; and Norman smith, Sandford, POTATOES UXBRIDGE NEW BRUNSWICK HOGG & LYTLE PHONE 203 Falling Brick Menace at the City Fire Hall v-- Pedestrians who pass by the old city hall, either an Blmeoe street or ski ring the north wall 'en Iehmond street, would do well to keep & good dlstanes from the bublding, Hie firemen have digs covered that seme of the bricks in the cornice have become loose nd Hire is danger of them falls Ing Prompt measures will be un 16 cement the bricks firmly i place but fn the meanwhile those who wish ta protect thelr skulls from the possible danger of falling bricks should keep at u safe distanee a --------, BE -------- Kdwards Married New York=--FPhillp A, Edwards, Canadian Olymple star and captain nf the New York University track eam, announced Jest night he was married last Thursday to Miss Bdith Margaret Oadelachoff, 10, a white girl, He would hol say whe performed the ceremony 13 FINED $50 FOR ASSAULT ON WIFE John Hreenuk Promises Court He Will Tread the Straight and Narrow John Hreesuk, who was eonviet ed hy Magistrate Hind last week on A charge of assaulting hin wife, appeared for mentenee in poliee oourt this morning and was fined $60 and costs, Magistrate Wind warned the accused that If he ap peared hefore him a second (ima ie would receive A more severe penalty, Hreesuk, Who hau resided In Oshawa far the past twenly years promised the court that he would trond the straight and narrow path in future, and that his domestie relations would hecome happler Louis Hyman appeared for the aes oused while Crown Attorney J, A MeCHinhon aeted on behall of the Crown Coming Events i iN Conta per word each ine sovtion, Minimum charge for each insertion, Bde, ORHAWA WINTER Thursday, Oct, 17th, 830 pm prise Fox Trot Night, Handeome 'rank Carew's Commander Ov oheatra In 1atest motion ploture orohedtrations, (80h) RUMMAGR BALE KING ATRERT Chureh, Thureday afternoon p00, (A0h) RUMMAGE BALE THURRDAY Qotober 174h at Market 2 pm, 1, Andrew's Y, W, (40h) DON'T FORGET THE DANCE IN Rotary Hall, Wednesday night, Oct, 18th, Tiekets Ade, (ahh) FOWL RUPPER AND CONCERT United Chureh; Columbus, Octo her 18th, Bupper § to § (AAD) RUMMAGE BALE MOLY TRIN ity Ohuroh basement, Friday, Oct, 1840 at 1.00, (h0h) EUCHRE IN LTR HALL OVER Hydro Friday, Oct, 18, Good prives, Admission 23¢, (0h) COME TO THE ROCIAL IN WT Ea A Nall, Thursday, Oe 17h, Hpeeial musle and dane ing, Admission 800, (A001) ORHAWA LITTLE THRATRE opens' Friday and Sturday with the vate Sutlany a Cols Jiate 'an anditortum, Hubsoribers' tie 25.00 for alx produce ona, "inal admissions, $1.00 Collegiate le ui BO contin, (h0n) QENTRR STRERT GARDENN, UNITED Ladies' Ald Tea at home of Mra Mann, 188 Chureh 8, Friday 2 0 § (90a) PIR ROCIAL AND CONCERT AT Harmony Seheel, Thursday, Oc, 17, at & a'eleek hy © QL 1, Adults 28e, ohtldren 130, "tad Va REERRVE OOT, 24TH, ome KEN Pattie Tea at Savoy, (M0) ORHAWA WINTER GARDENS, Friday, Oot, 18 §30 pm, guare and round danolng, A rousing Pal Jones will he the feature of the evening, Pal Nhannon and hie Haymakevs Orehestia, {90 KIWANIS GLUB OF WEST TORONTO IS ENTERTAINED HERE W. T. Gregory, Toronto, Is Speaker on Program Pro. vided by Visitors i aa FUN PREVAILS Group Singing, Stunts And Good Fellowship Enliven Meeting Crop sloglng, fun, stunts and good fellowship previlled when the mem hers of the loeal Kiwanis Club enti tained the West Toronto Kiwanis Club wt a sumptuous banguet held in the Hotel Oshawa, last night, The visitors nade the trip to Oshawa in twa special ohartered buses and upon thelr departure from the banquet hall they were loud In thelr pratses of the cordial tremtment which they had ye ceived at the hands of the loeal elub Oshawin Kiwanis have been invited to mike a return vislt Forento within the near future A J Parkhill, president of the lo al Kiwanis, extended a cordial wel come to the visitors on behall of the club, The meeting was then tured over to Prealdent Wallace of the West Toronto Club who aeted as chinleman, Mr, Wallace expressed the uppreciation of the West Toronto on panieation for te Invitation to Osh Wik tu A Get Together Last night's banguet was in the ture of a welstogether hetween tH two clubs and Oshawa and Toronto members went given " change fu wet aequainted over the festive hoard A very tasty meal was served which added much to the enjoyment of th UEORAION, Oshawa wan lar LL ely indebted ta the vistors for the program which In eluded several Ane tenor solos bi My, Mantgamery of Toronto, Clever Aunts were also performed and on ane oecasion the bangueteers were alarmed to see Maes shoot (orth from one of the entrances to the din ing hall, Gongs rang and the room wis invaded by Ave Bremen with uo single line of hose Fhe Rremen woved to be none other than mem wrs of the club and the concluded thelr performance hy sin ne a heart visiting chor W, 7, Gregory of Kiwands were stroased Gregory; of Toronto, oa Interesting address, My ted out that cach club served a twosiold tunetion, 1 render od service to the underprivileged, ea peeially to young boys, and alsa pro vided sovial intereonrse for fs mew bers, The assistance which the club rendered to bays who were withow proper parental guidance he consid ered to be of the Minn while he also urged that the organi gation should sponsor patriotism in Canada, Meo deplored the fact that thin country had been so foaded with American erature and Amerigan moving petnres thal many yOUNK Canadians were growing up with a poor vaneeption wl the history and sohievements of thelr wathve land Phrough sponsoring historical essays for school ehildren the speak thought that the younger generation wold learn 10 take a Keener dnteg eal and pride tn their own sountey fv, Harry Lecky and Major hob Sith, menbers of the local elub, also spoke and emphasised the hw portance. of assisting waderprivileged boys to develop (nto manly men ands Hood eitisens Humor was injected inte the pro ceedings when President Parkhill was presented with a prise eanhiftow er by Dr, Jolin Broek and My, Si ven Flintoff, A langh was also radioed Al the expense of the Toranto pres dent when he veeelved a hasket of mined trait and vegetables as a token of appreciation from his followers The hanguet was concluded with the Vinking of "0 « anada A I'he aim hy W, 1 brie! bul Lregory me Regimental Orders Part 1 Opders by Ly Col Smith, Commanding Ontario ment, October 14th, 190 Duties for Week Ending Oct, 19, 1820 Orderly Ofogre=Lieut, M, ivan: Orderly Nergeant=Nergt, MeNeill Orderly Corporal=Corpl, Moffat, For Week Bading Oct, 26, 108 HA Offieer==Lieut, 1. Lifton! Orderly ADerue pe and Orderly Cor poral 10 be deta Parades= Friday, Oulober 18th, iN Brassil Order with rifles and Training Syllabus, R00-830 Plato Deill=Falling In "haven, Atti ( Tab, Neos, #798 1 1 Vel, 00: 10.00-=Rifte exercises. Move Ww 0 of the rifle on the march Fy cave of absence x grant th i 5A Mitehell Rom et Ah, with permission to te broad, 0 Piequet=The Five wing Pioguety Vy he detailed for Wy Loy and Thursday (rex heels), hy M. Daviess Jeter o Ra Q auet 10 be taken, and names the Adintant or Orderly i Hh Aer than the following daw © aday, Oeioher toih=Tnen 0 wen, Thursday, October I h=Ine.o. men & Adit H 1 Regt 1) A sidearm 1) K. Pearson, Capt Notice A hmited number of tiekets are as vatlable Wor the Arnktice Ranghot (Rory Hall), at 700 paw, Novembor Tih CAGmisen S300), These wish TAR SAE WAY apply 19 the Adintant Ravauer is being held under avspi wes of RESL, {portance | Ad GRAVES Of Weooklin, an exsalderman of Oshawa, ome of the speakers at the Liberal Bally hore tonight, Over Jn to he added to Hat fog Clshiwn nn the Kev fon Court belong conducted here to day hy His Honor Judge Thampsun ul Whithy The two me Nes are expected the yotey sts of th Alen! organisations this elty have prepared Hats of new fot ling 3,200, whieh they tor have wdded 1a the Hast Lhe Comservabives minde und (9) Ihe Libera) through the efforis at thelr commited Hitless vr \ 1! Hare, elerk ul the uit tor the eit coneeded that In NMS nr ondedvorin far this olty determined effort hn S100 n TI died 1100 wanes ih warkor Foo A few aplved hy I, | Koyiglon ( While 11 | muy he mr Hats, the (ABOR MEETING HAILS M'DONALD + hotsesto Yana ul th Hr ther duplication miher of nun tinued from page 1) [ hte had wn o¥ In his heart ut all time Me, MacBonstl's Message workman frm eorney Mi FaRNONA Mae Donnld od the why stand at all times for Be declared, way Hiably "hors Led ant upon dle Babor Wan TE had Bean so WM the bast, hat would he still more In the event future war Fram the depths the sons and the heights of he death and destruction not only wpe tha tesined soldier in the trenches, Bat upon the In nnoent and ehitlderen of the wWorkingman Ha wan making lass anpoal, but he had at heart the wellare the wile and ehild of Lah hey bore the hupden of war and suffered a havrdahips Ho was amog friends and he came an a friend, sald Mr, MaoDaon ald, He asserted that on the othep side of the Atlantie In Great Rel tain, Labor was working out fia polloy hy new methods It had ahubatitnted evolution for vevelu ton The hallot-hox had veplaced al hor method Only hy appeals to the sound moral sense of hnmanity sould permanent Improvements he wecamplished An My MaoDanald toek peat, the crowd rose drain Again he walk halted with cheers and hand-olapping, and then came BUTT Ae Miss MaeDonakil Spoke The President announced | the meeting wan 1a Rear a Mw | wards fram Miss MaeDonald, Calm { And sellapossessed, as she always Appeared (in publio singe coming to Amerion, the Premier's daughter | same ta the front platform, dhe | had not expected to Ly she | sald, but she had not been able th resiat coming with her father Hetore leaving London; she had gone 10 a Women's Lahor meating where sha had received a "warm sond-oret VAL that meeting," Donald sald, "they sent we off with gobd Wiahea and they waked me to iy ta make You understand haw vary deeply intevested they are in this misaton of peace,' Sipe fait, sald Miss MacDonald, that the PPOSONT Was A very Fond apporiuns Ry 10 deliver the message, The Pramior's daughter thanked (he meeting for giving her the appa tunity and the pleasure of bhelny present, After Migs MacDonald's speach, the delegates remained quietly th thelr seats at the request of the ohair, In order that the guests might depart with a ttle hoon venience an possible, My, MacDonald's next enkage ment 1% the luneheon of the Canas dian Club, ta he held at the Ray Al York Hotel shortly belers one f'olnek Graf Zeppelin Again yy On Extended Flight ween Roluvade, Jue Slavia, Oct 18 The Grad Fenpeling whieh leit Fried piohahaten vestenday for a ob-hony fiaht over the Balkans, passed over thin oity at ¥ am, and proceeded on fs tour, tis the eraft's longest teip Ne the pou thesworkd venture 00 LATE TO CLASSIFY FRAO A FARTRENT WAT sloam heat Contral $38 pen MORE, WIL tarnish iF desired, Ap aBi ne emphante Labor shauld pence, War rue ol wanld Wives ol hin i that Mian Mas Ply Box 24% Times, L908) AT THE LIBERAL RALLY TONIGHT Local Political Parties Secure 3,200 Names For | Addition To Voters LLL rl | Hin voles, vibrating with earn | First Production of | } | # Lourrow of al fn W | not | | pending W. A, DRYDEN Prosldont of the Bouth Ontario Liberal Association, who will ni chaleman of the Libeval Hally tonight, * List [ in net expected alerk of the + With repre Inlom eihe Crtinive weil over the Haste and the major portions of th Hos th whindnuted duplicn \ppeals uy | | ome ol by thu Case ul a gil in refused thi furelgnel si iieient eviden I thet ht 1 vote, but dn the tod | tht the upp \ | how to main ime will he susdained Iss hein Ww yppenle wr Pintle tin i wi ie hive ne wm the Fuck from Hint | Ih ey "noun pened Ie a ™ dann ny I haver nines ol wwe ether ne ioved 1 the | Li thi flo) ine Tow limber | al Len the appeal! n AN OPENS FOR LITTLE THEATRI THURS. MORNING Season to be on Friday and Saturday rain al goat pln ton of tu top the | be | el at th i AY] | pecinl request of a in \ Chosen | In | hing | hon it Ih | nie of th wast pupa wid aio efteotive | Heh ua {| I hy John | the Little § finish I vin nm LAL {ow aplendul work by COR Pa hist been wsseimbl the director | Iron TA the and ons, 1s md Nu yo edn nities of whieh Craig, Theatn on eke nt iy Wil nino fnughter, and | of a play Wa give a y™) " | sendsoll Latte Theat ment for the season Subscribers' fee \ | Finn st the CUR) UNE not eaming of the | the | nous rapid! diveviog Little Theatre 0 HY sithacribey We \ of 350 tar \ \ the with ence i the reserving. of should be a rash of new serihers when the plan RUT The singh Hekets for the performance to he presented the auditorign, are being | at SL Teach, while Ny the Callegiate and \ HIN a spools] rate has hoon fixed, he play in he presented on Friday and Saturday of this week and the plan will he open at the | Arcade, Limited, from 10 a (TO pon Thursday, Foday Satay | City News FINED 830 FOR INTOXICATION Prokov Baehnk,' who pleaded | RUiity to his second chavge of he ME Intoxtoated In patios court to AY, War fined $40 and costs al Oley wet ul | the preter | BRS Ther and ald sub OPENS Tomo Ah iasion | which i or healt don wale | students ol) oeational Ins | of Lily vents A AEC) LRLLRLR LT Tow n Wi and RASN NRARON CLOSED | The apen season for the taking of Bass olosed on Tuesday, Outobey 18, and anglers wares that this YOar has heen a most sucoesstul one trom every paint of view IRITIAN MANS Malls for Great Belay aad Burape olose at the Oshawa Post Offtee at the following hours dus ue the neat week For Ro Montealm, vam vor, oloses at 1.80 pow, Oot, Lotter and papar mall only, Far 88 Caleanie, from Mont rend, close at T.30 'pow, Ont, 14 Parcel port and specially addressed correspondence For RR He de Francs, fram Naw York, oloses at 1.80 pom Qet 18, Latter mail only Por BR Bachoss of Righmond, fie Montreal loses at T.30 pow, Oct. 180 AN mails Por 2.8, Homerle, fem York, oloses at T.30 pan, Ot All Walls, Monts LI) | Now LAN Jdwo Men Are. tulephont RIL [vera ' a I 1929 Its TWO TORONTO MEN INJURED IN GRAS | NEAR. PICKERING Clyde Buchanan snd R, 8, Adams Badly Cut About the Face and Head TRUCK WRECKED In Oshawa General Hospital--Condi- dition Not Serious Clyde Buehunan, 108 Quesn Bt 1, Toronto, and WH, HW, Adams, #6 Mi, Patvlek's Baueve, Toronto, nay rowly ssenped death shortly after LH o'olook last night when uw truek hihoay ware driving falled to the turn to the aft on the highway nu milew est of Plekaring, jumped the dite, wunappad off » pola and toppled over an wide, The two men wera thrown oul of the enh and hind ly halen up and veeslved urn oils nheut the not and head Flvat wld wos vandered hy Dy, Cart wright, of Plokering, and the men wore then hraught Ohi Wi Gonoral Hospital Huohunun ut the thoy whit mn wort Wi to thi wan driving the tim of the falled (0 road on we truck helonus nl Fish ( al Torontn, mon wi returning toa husiness trip to Bastern Of turin Highway Trae OMoey A TH ard, of Whithy, Investigat od thewooiden Honphial anthapitie that the condition of the men wa and he will prohabl he ATS to lopave tholp vith un fe Huy hele wre mol considered serious trek rendered almost plete wreak WHAT OTHERS SAY wha nootdent noties the aunt af Lhe fo: the Ro and the Foronta wt trunk tutod ein he fo The 0 I't or nm stated toda for Injuries "is fn nom i VYordun hd Oshawa I'n The Kaltm Cuhawn Dally Deny Bh Wilfred of temneranes, and Intaps pon In hin fleet paris tent, he sald In one af Yoshi endenvaor sn upporters will he mn As no pram iaes, served na. priv to and who galied no title, and lost no friend," Would 1} our Parliamentary | niatives today had ths alt vale jdoal of publioe servies and duty? 'imos Lawson, the fame vivoonie national mentary ht he tv pet that n hl to think of JL one who Lonnake pleit showid animate the all ranks, from the lowest LA] TVW In Memoriam memory "af who diel laving Allred, MURRAY our dear won Oel, 10th, 193 I'oo dearly loved to ever ho forgot en in father and hrothars (hoa) by his mother, ale Challenges Pr "NEW C.P.R, AGENT THA WN, IVEY New Oshawa agent of the C004 who has arvived from Kingston and has taken over his dutios hove, NEW SOCIAL CLUB homos Wiehe | | "One O'Clock Club" Hold Private Dances in Masonic Hall - Among the new social organisa th "On Private | thane of the elt | [O'Cloek Club," holds of ndmirabily i tg dances nn the an Temple {whieh din wihleh be rium the Manan Purpose hore will he for first Monday third Mon February, members on the {of sneh month and the days of January and Oh oreamientions will assist 1 filling no long felt want toy of entertainment amd WL LYpu understood several other eolubs © A osimtlar nature will he formes during the autumn {lis salle Outober 1 Pha fest dance of wus held on MoRday, and deolured ungualified an LL fom iw commitive ne ident, } 1 I HP, Har 4] wa tallows Wrow) Vioe mastery uf vere Hubbell) , Hohl, Meek; commities, and Mes, A, Jd Pavichill, My, an Mra, Alex R, Ross, Mr, and Ms, of Norval Willson, Mr, Nell MebDous all the (HY prow, moni ron Mi Ea. Conservative Candidate FORMED IN. GITY Will] ary, Club ent suited 10 Lis fn onerion of dances this offionrs and the members of PAGE THREE | SH Ea SSS A » " ' ohibitionists- To Nominate, A Candidate Fle Mason Ds Declares Bath Candidates Are pn Equal Footing, Neither Having Signed the Union's Pledge AUDIENCE SCORES ATTITUDE ON L.C.A, Candidate's Declaration in Favor of = Government Control Brings Forth Run- ning' Fire of Questions The hottest, mesting in this vids Ing thus far tn the provineial eleg: ton campaign, was faced last night at Cherrywood hy" 1, 1, Mason, Connervative adpirant to the Legis Inture from Mouth Ontario, Hig ate Hide tn supporting Goavernmani Control wan severely aritiolged by neveral members of the aydigues, who kept up a running flee of questions for at least an hour afler tha. ohalrman tried to start, the Nas Hana! Anthem, During the meeting, Mr, Mason deglaved that he snd My, Binelalr were on an equal footlog in regard to the Hguor question as neither of them had signed the union's pladge, Ho challenged the Prob tlon Unlou of the county to nom ate an" Independmmt prohibition candidate rather than supporting dinelaly | I Frank Jy | eandidate made hy [| Mas | Le Mason Mason, the Conservative repheiates a statement Ww, | Binclalr that Me no omade a misstatement at hi Port Parry meeting in declaring that | Mr, Sinclale hind "adopted Govery Control as his liquor polio no ether inter pretatiofl placed on Mr, Binelair'y the speakey here | thatopun be [ 1g we Willlam address," declared Rev, A. M. Irwin Weg tame in fob strom eritfeldam By fi, Mason, fob stating that the County Prohibition Union had not given support to Mg A section of the Prohibis meeting in Oshawa th y | night before T was ne minated, stated that Mr, Sinclair was the man 18 support and Samuel Jeffrey, presiden al the County Unjgny later he | fF] tht it dish not matter whether 1 sigy {ed the pledge, as the Unlon woul support Me, Sinelale In any casey Mr Mason said, Hoof Mae Sinclair oid © pot sign thi Prohibition Union pledge, ond he wis never knowin 10 sign a tempers ance pledge W any. campalgn, My Sinhala has heen Hivting with the liwor interests and the tem pranet people at the same dime," declare the candidate, "The Yeason 1 did not sign tha pledge was hecanse it sontained § planse that the Proyines should pa Lan set gontrolling «the manufactuig yf of liquor, Sie Oliver Mowat submits ted this question to the Privy Coung (Continued on PAKe b inelal tion Union i le --_-- La Ae all Footwear & Hosiery Great Clearance Values ) Ladies' $4. $5 and $6 and others, 1 89 All alzes in the lot, shoes, Satins stra ful an 23 Ladief' Bpwn and patent gains, Rohe oxfords. oe wonders 10), Men's Fancy Wool Sex Surplus quantity of sizes 10 and Regular 75% and $1, Ladies' firat Regular $1 Full Fashioned Hose wality, Mostry size 84 N 95. Children's Sandals and Straps 8:10, Regular Misses' sizes, $1.19, 3-09 values Men 'who wear 10, 10% or 11, Ask to see our - in clearing The Burns Co. Ltd OSHAWA, ONTARIO

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