PAGE NINE a A i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 THE PAIN OF RHEUMATISM | "Frulta-tives" Rid Him of Trouble of Long Standing vai od | wn effort wit helng made by the managers wl the lguos Hares 1a gir tll eonstimption of Hguor, hl f CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE ISSUES STRONG CHALLENGE (Continued rot from page i) ell and it took eight sears to get an newer, 1 refuse to go to the Legs slurs with my hands tied gn tine eranee leglslation Tor eight years" & declare halk Menges Yaion "What party ng the provines the ast wavaneed and the mest stable i MT Pe ; temperance enlslation yer plated | i \Hetodt ul UnertyWoug Q80lared wan & women a He enunty 1a i 1 L all 0 fl Oras working rv oi lh ih and } halen | [ht i Wak Arad af the high bon towards temparanes should unite J byw Gn, Sy Pon the tea Fah ht AR LINION to. pines & i) Anam pHoN, Gigvar man bonire ' and andanvor to find a solition to held i this viding gid A olf system," this elestar the problem, rather than Avaguing | sees Es Ee -- ' a ahiain 4 d Wy ort of their awn fal: : i" Hvery man ean he a bootlagger | 10 through poiitionl battles and | the evidenes given at the r \ iF view Versa, was not dlsay "oh pt lowers, inelalr and 1 are on I ea y he ow hay. any amount of ta hecoming aeparated, He spokn JunAd the aldence diel at th PROKIBI [ON UNION "ne be vim pi ih oo IH i6i SUPPORTS SINCLAIR | LIE |) ¥ the same Bn neither ane of ua al soll 4, ransonahle 10 le varahly of My, Mason's Aenlura A ' W har sind tha pledge. he sald han Jurehape | | Poi of of th y tan that he would unite with any nt he 4 a hy Hh Bol Jaortn 10 he -. ro on Liberal eandidites were advocating nd A Gabe of heer every day,' he Inginintiva. body that wae sndeave | onto ™sn a fntarfared with on of gusstlon---n right hd fh: wine and dete hy Hil Hel AS aid anid anime or " bo heing abouk & yedustlon | aark fyom Taranto, dite had declared Lhe peop »o i] oy i mani earn and hia public Mii I In rep Mp, Avan stated that!in 1 J asonsumption of Hyguoy UY leave IL th vou," erin Lhe lve If he was slesiad, i» _ Ey dra i wo | Ahora) Lpadn La say If you -- wing In ho Joly. do Ih he i : (Continued from pags 1) 'Tavonta, had Aeeline LJ upon this question 1s not aseards pledges hut Wad fae A Wiel ig 10 the wishes af the penple, this Volos oan Wave voeaurse to the haliot and ean turn hin govern ment nul nees, ha MM Mr, Binelair ever proms I | fied hrehibition." the candidate asks think Brien wai diimisned hoo ia upon a publi platform te And, whoevens, My, Vreank 1, Ma 4 ing that an a supporter of the Guys sehoals ravided In Northern Ontar Cl i M P 4 ha owed some money, nr heoniis od Chane i hig would Be (na hebter pols | lo The Hh be 'als would remove there 08 ng ar et riCes "Mr, Blne I wipporter nf the Hanarahis , - won, Lhe Conservative cunditdate fo An In olnlmed, he was aelive tn the [1] a as nweh | ton to vepresent Bonth Ontario thi | travelling sehoals fram these sap performance of hig duly chance of heing P fie abo of this Pras | ould a member of the apposition, | munities, he declared, Whe work with wipporieiial the Hehemite 4. whieh would hol promt [1 welt auth Optaria, da nb supporter of My, Povguson tn this poliey, and Mr, Binelate voaouliod that, nt the | 1 ALL a8 hie has of helng eleoted un] He declared that he was heartily in Backward students and with alin me af the Investigation bij or for South Ontaries=and his] favor of extending the good roads | quents was alse Nor iy of support, tkking of a pleh 8 OF refeyens dim han deelarad himself as such And, whereas, Mp, W, BW, N ney:Coaneral Prioe had wnid hn iri | tall for a yesr on the enw ced are very slimy, He has heen | system and the Hydeo lines a sald, amid ) ha oadwinking the peeple of this rid he eandidate reviewed the reeovd | Thers wis na provines in Canada The senrelaty Wik natant 1 Prepare 8 HAL ment nr | AL press showing the Union's Assisi olalr, Ki Ldhoaral onndidnte foi Hanth Ontario, has definitely aint Wut wo far the Attarney-Hoenorinl ever since he aspired ta publio [of the Fepguson government in res showing as marked improvement hi h " had mado only ona short vaferens ¥: Ta Mr, Mason feelaved, ward to avieuliuee \ vo operative | temperanes velar i Cintarin, he TORONTO NPOOK EXOHANGYE | Can, Pare to the eune tn the present ean or sound way of bringing about | plan of selling should he put data f anid, Ho seared (he "wobbling" at d Can, hry PALEY Einelaly and The AMperance reform was by edueation, | effect ta benefit the farmers of the | titude of the Liberal Ipader al the Taranto, Oct, 10, ~Bioaks 000 | Ohpynler # felt that sueh administra Mason sald, "I am prepared ta provinee, he sali tomperanes question, "The elty of [ined ted vift downward In 10a 4 Cangnleum Han shawed dlsoeimination, and vi unite with any beginlative body that Mrs, Gorge Hood, tna brief ads) Oshwia never looked bettor for a {dull and featureless session of the | jog ¢ niated the British spirit of sven od Ihit To will rant either & pioh endeavouring (0 bring shout a res | dress, appealed fo the women electors | Conservative eandidate, We have [Papoptn Stank Kxohanue, Pam, Ply, 744 handed Jusllen [olin oF un velerendiim ws may he thejon in the eansumption of lige] and Mheled for a full vote on Oo] had 2100 pew voters put on the Nat, International Niokel and Bessie | Gan, Mol ih Maborating on hin Jrevioun Pau on od hy the (omPerIes ver," the speaker by) taher 30 While the Liberals hat 1100 new vous {jan Prantion, the astive leaders Gra, Palge 171% statements that lew a ready anise punnle, and glve the peaple an un Extend Good Roads b R, BD, Preston ery, The eity will Ive Mr, Mason wire both down on the morning's | gala Dust 64 ta envey the Inuavations for th wm MR Bl Ty There was na deubt of the Can RD. Preston, of Oshawa, veviewad | 8 big malority he deglared transnotion, The former Hy of Hud, Mt. 3 ayloter enforeement of the aot Hi aT ad AL oP ' Fvative Severn ent being return: | Premier Ferguson's work in edpes By, James Megre full point at 63%, while the ae Hip aromined hy J poh thin Hponiaht matter / tha Bauth Ontarie Preohinttion tn f lon with support My, W, HK. N, Bin elder tn his candidntnre an un rap putative who hag deintiely prom wed to necord to the elestors the | Preminy Yarpuson In to power, sald Mi + Mason, deslais ton, veferving to travelling Dr, James Moore, of Rroaklin, In ter vooedad § ab 10 Ford YA" 58 Dam ' M AW Bpenoarville speech, My, Hin oe a long address, outlined the work ' ' : a Ey -- a Th viele to think and vote for them this Inovensingly im per of the Qshawi lore had 100 permite field ul n hl 8 snle, doling out only a small smn! of fo alow Hine ty these pir IR Hard Lguor dviakers, kasping then sway from the beatleggers, tilleyy Biosks Up if gi In being lessened, why Blue Label 38¢ Hall: pound Red Label 43¢ Halk pound | vi abools shares af distillers ner ens | bi In value hy » Hemen ou smoking)" 4 Mn ther of the audiense asked Jhon stated that this was en i We I the i Lit et i! golng Inte the Unlied States from Canada, Ontarlg hid the hel dynar i ontal | if wy provinee Ih, onda i) fy Anal, [} h the Bun Henvy Mavel, Toft, Conservitive member for Nipissing In the law loglnlatnee, will defend hin sent pEninst dohn MH, MeDonald, vight, Novht Bay, Libopal, Mp, Movel's home In at Mattawn, He was firs eloeted in 1008, pesplogied In 1011 and 1id, defeated In a thee: cornered oontest In 1010, and res olected In 1088 and 1086, Market Bummary hy Canadian Pross Toronto and New York Baek Quotations Supplied hy Mable, Vorlong and Cg, TY hb yh (LL Hil fins | 10 support My FRRRONK for pms, rn Aeroplane Now Being Used to Transport Elestion Speakers Turomta, Out, "16 Abraplanes are helng requisitioned far tha first time in the provines election oampnign, and for the frst time In history a speaker will fly from Torante Ie Northeast Wellington to support the gandidature of the Conservative nominee, Kev, W. Downer Captain Earl Hand, will fly to Drayton today 19 take part In an avening mee ing wr E---------- W elaly told hig andiepnes that Hh fon the Ferghion government, | AAS Sold troalv and 10 Amped BY | 11 wii i | Henry Deavion had wlven avidenos bolnte at 104, Kly, Hef "NN ab the publi Areas Committe Tha alle wera alan down, Home | gy Ward 10814 AY AL INS Lraaur Doritos Hoard om ON dealined WW at 15, Tmpovial was (Ni py Im (TAM ployed 18 Tnapeators (0 Viki thi unohanged at AY, Internation®! | Bini pa iy a RL Mg Pate reacted § at BRR] BUpertest | pay A vpn 0K Hiker uteta 0 thank bb oo es was off Fa A he Rarvien Hin Fhehatd R he % ad If, when he made his Apences HORE shun 1 war On LL) » brain L¢ pan. I Prion ohanion In the halanes oF) kadio : villa wpasch, the Pramiey ¥ 4 warant of this sanipment the Hat wera of an unimpartant | Ra, Ke, op Hh had heen at hin dleposa! all alon nature, How, Inaur, 10 and If the Premier was plan un fare, Rhok 1h0 MW Aware that the law peavided To Progressing Faverably PAYNE partieulay attention 1a the puvial work of the government in gliding the Bowmanville Rays' raining Hehaal and other Ma 4 Alon fi alan touched on the devel apment of Hyde The Fireworks Start Mes, Arthur Taylor arose in hey ORE (0 alate ia although the Con ryatives had stated they did am ant Hauer in the campatgn, she had RIVER Upon partant i We ha vesalution ts slened hy Bam which | nel Jere Part Parry, Ghalrman| «| Nay, A, Ro Banderson, Whithy, thatrman of the eampalen com Hamuel Farmar, Had FOr Sires su HAL wad --------" 10 y . Lumbe Bev; COMPANY LIMITED 28 Rison Road North TELEPHONE 2021 | | ernment shawa amber | with Government Control ard mare about Hguor at this meet than in any other, Would 11 he yeasonable ta plant on tvy along the voad and (heh ion the hands of the ehildeen ka ta toaeh them net 1a taueh it? I iy Just as veasonable 1a apen wp hose Nawor stores like & box of promous snakes, along the high ave and then issuing edusational LOOK 210 try to keep the youth away fn 1 Ts this an advance along mneranee lines!" she Asked Phe LUA Was & great experiment, dd My Mason, wha stated his apn no that education would de more wn legislation ter temperance ve amy More attention should he paid education between elestion pe ds, he said Pa you supper Me, Ferguson's Supports L © A dew an Goverment Contrel 1" ask La an in the andisnee "Vou, heeause, I seo nothing betty wm the hartson," said Mr, Mason Prohibition haeked up hy the gov "anid several men 1 want it elearly wnderstoad that [1am a supporter of temperance,' said [ My, Mason "Ia the Conservative party satisfied asked an elector Noy' adi My, Mason Why An Elestion? "Then why did the Pravineial Gon | ornment heing on an election 3 won tha hefore the lite of the Loglalatuee | ended instead of 1rving 1a improve IF 1 was because the government - Tm wand I like them because they are blended right, CIGARETTES SAVE THE "PONER HANDS" HTANDARD MINING WRAOHANGH Torantn, Oot, 18, Hooks dis played an sasiey trend in (his morning's quiets session af trading an the Blandard Mining Raehanee and AL NOOR loases outnumbered gning hy & Wide margin Tha oll stacks pravided the hulk of the huniness, AJAR was the moat waminent In veEArd ta antivity he stook Wah oft 10 ae A 00 after selling up to 1, " Ame sold oft 8 to A861 Calmont flrmad 16 at BLY Wind was dawn #0 at ALIR. 'ole wha up boat), vil Walnwell was steady ab RAJ sonintad Os eared 10 Naltae advanced 4 at 18; wn Kdwmonton receded 16 at 20 Hama OH reacted #0 at 14, Vie flacae wal the most active of (hi WELAlE ABA AROWEA BAMA Foe Une 10 the Ly A Song his Pane was anly oft four pH AE NANG followed and sold of MELT Other priee ohana Ineludedi Narahada aft Th at 48.85; Nawbhao aff Ag Ab AL) Molntyra up 08 ad 16.067 Lake Whore up BR a SOR AO Aharels Gorden off 18 a 6,90 and Ventures aff 10 at 4.80 FORBIGN BXUHANGR Now Yark, Oot, 20, Farelgn ox hanes steady) demand rates reat Britain 4000 Canadian dollars 18:10 of ane Par sent, dis UY TORONTO High low Bam 144 2 4 1 1) MN 1 Y L 1 1] LL Cookahutt 24 Bid van, Ard, 30 [ Oan, Malt, 34% | Lan nd a Oty, Dey, AN | Aloahal ia Pur, Met, Ad A | Pard VAY Bt typsum 47 Rig Hm, Bred, 81 AWK Wye, Whi AT\ LR Al MN Ms \ 1) Op, Crush 12 : Sation AN \4 ML Lmnda, | HOM, oy BAS | He, ON 4 | Raw ) MN wo Pram, 113 Wig ah, A nH 8 , 188 R18 134 LL at) 155 w Awe it ANek Clow Amer Can. ITN ¢ Aehison 133) MEN Balt & Ohin Hh RR 183 Sess Nie HB NN WN Hin, OH LIE BL ON NT AW Ht, Ol NY, 44% hy Bludehaker AA ill Fimmaons 1708 148 Utd, Al 104 LLL U8 Hunhay BN id {8 Biles) AY RRM Wipa, Ovid, Wa if] Waslwarth 0A MY Yallaw Oah 34 "n Mohey 1 per cent TORONTO LIVEATOCK oh Mu LIAS Taranto, Oct, 10 gltsnvors an the 01 | Dominion Livestoek Fxohanwe oiday tatalled 15,000 Eo ii 5 Wil dull on steer holfors with nothing good offered. Rute gr stoers were 5 andy LUE LLLUSTR C4 LA were steady, Plain stove oli : eattle " far fram Ly n ith were steady at BLIO0 to 16.00 hnlee fir Reiiied al La 0 FOR, o oar for haan amb steady at 81100 for god Swen and weathers Sheep wnohanged at $2.00 for top WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipes, Oot |] Pros Wheat On, in & lower at 140% 0 148 Deo, k/ nh % lawer al Hibd wig f 10 8% lower at 182 on Tha T1'Y tapaning wnohanged Oth] Deh, MW Tower a Mar, Woe \ | lower (IRARUEL ORK AGO GRAIN Ohioann, O01, 10 Wheat prices OAK an early downward swing tos WARY largely as a reault af an atte. ML RUMMATY showing faverable oanditions for dameatie winter WAOAL Realdes Liverpool wheat GUOIALIGRE ware lower, and leek OF SIOPARS APAOR TOF RAW Teceipts A Liverpool was sald ta he dale IWR pressure to sell, Opening to a dawn, Ohioasn wheat later Showed a material further dva Carn and oats were asian, with COTA MATHIRE unohanaed to N ott, ARE subsequently declining all around Provion were tiem, SINCLAIR GIVEN GREAT RECEPTION AT GALT MEETING my ATTACKS GOVERN MENT'S POLICY OF LIQUOR CONTROL Deak With Celebrated Case of Provinell Officer Brien Alt, Hanih a. Kites a "en re what Wik am BN dlnelin KO, inten Nt od 19 he an Anawer 10 Premier gh oak that "They MNS met when Yithay' erawdesd he 'oan ArMaries 10 capacity with the Eroates fa i That has greeted the Liberal Leader in hia PIOASRT SAW PAIK Aon ath ab 3000 mw Bh Thera qs GRY a floar w Whe A the |W anv noo RR hy 2 heeting at he TOAD RRA 1h The aleles, AVAeking the Gavearament's aw: foreman of the Liguwer Control ACh an falling far shaw of the mises wade the 1938 elon ME SiR0Ir remirectad tha osle: hrated case of the din A of Proavineial Otter Rulon for his ae Avitien tn AIR 1ooality In the ane foreament of tha Ww, VERS oar he deslared, Yerewm: PURSE vary Wall the methods ad od Wy the Sh hnen A the a BiRbTaLion of Whe ast" ™ the suspension of the driving pepe | TRIREY, bo Find mit of a drunken nutalsl hin Tussin Conslderad Tavanto Joh 1 Ll platament tesund atiar the | Lisut tavernoy Rose, 0 Prinee Geavie, ven moaeting 10 wan emphatieally stats | (aria, Ly Napir 1h Be LA Wy | guestion of whether | favors mpifel 'ahly th Oafarel i lle wan a hotter | He was oparate AF APPEN Lh Me, Mason, | te aver the waek-and Ina Landon son of the Heltlsh maouareh, has n ah (hat the fined the Prinee of Wale learns Be not My Init ta pint an aleplan LOT OF Oa TH AA RL To Look Your Best You Must Feel Your Best! « When humanity was young, men and women relied upon the cleansing, purifying action of rain, wind, sun and exercise to keep the clean and healthy, Today hampered hn modern living and modem clothing ==your skin pores become sluggi ah clog up, fil'to de their duty in carrying ofl poisonous waste, Nature needs help in righting this undesirable condition, A simple, easy, sure expedient is the daily bath with Lilebuoy Soap, Lilebuoy's Steamy lather is yp wu restorative, does more than just © te but certain i opens up skin lets he he, helps lunction proper + red, tensed sien ii dtm nerves are soothed and you feel like a new person, Furthermore, Lifebuoy's tangle ingredient stands guard a an invisible shiek! againat infer $y - LIE EBUQY