JAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, a. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 ne Oshawa A Bally Times THE OBHAWA DAIL DAIL \ REFORMER (Eotablished 1871) *% independent newspaper published every onsopt Sundays and legal holidags, of Conada, Mundy Printing Company, Limited Chas, M, Mundy, President) A R, , Boer rotary, The Qehaws Daily Times is oa wombey of the Cone: dian Prose, the Canadian Daily Newspapers' Ae: sesiation, The Ontaria Provincial Dailies snd the Audit Bureau ot Clreulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvier, lhe » week By mall in Subp (outolde Oshawa carrion delivery Hmite), $400 » year) United States, $5.00 & year TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Building, 88 Temperance Sra Teifhone Adelaide 0101 HD Trosidder, REPRESENVATIVES IN UB Powers and Bienes, Ine, New York snd -- MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 GETTING IT STRAIGHT It seems to have taken & long time to get the candidates wh South Ontaria straightened out se fay ua this liguer issue la concerned, On Friday night at Port Perry, FL, Mason, the Conservative ean didate, made a lenghty and clear-cut statement, and cleared away the ambiguity which persisted aiter his peply to the questionnaire of the Ontario Prohibition In that reply, he sald that he proposed to make his stand known from the public platter, but he went on to say that be was in favor of anything whieh would eliminate the eurse of drunkenness, At Part Perry, on Friday evening, hawaver, he made his position much clearer, for he declared him self solidly behind Premier Ferguson as a supports of the Liguer Control Ast, In the view of The Times, whieh, as is well known, has ulways heen opposed to the liguer trafic in all its ramifications, there 1s a vast difference between supporting the Liquor Central Act, and supporting temperance, tof, i statistios count for anything, the Liquor Control "Act has ereated far more drunkenness than was ever apparent under the Ontario Temperance At Thus the editorial reference in Saturday's lve of The Times, referring ta Mr, Mason's attitude as a seeker after the elimination of drunkenness, and suggestion that In this attitude Me, Mason was differing somes what fram his party leader, was a trifle premature, singe the Port Perry speech made it eleur that Mr, Mason's attiude Is exactly the same af that of Mr, Ferguson, The editorial in Saturday night's issue of The Times, too, did un injustice ta Me, Sinclair, by an inadvertent omission of reference ta the fast that while My, Sinclair is in favor wf striet enforcement of the Liquor Control Aet while it romaine en the state books, he is alia pledged 1a give the people of Ontario a plebiscite on the lguor question as seen #8 thera fs a demand for sush a vole, The fave between the twa candidates fn South Ontario, therefore, becomes a very simple ane, Mr, Sinelaly stands by his manifesta and speeches, and pledges himself 10 a plebiscite of the peaple on the Hguor question, Mr, Mason stands behind his leader av opposed to any further plebiseites, and favoring the continuance of the Liguar Contrel Ast withew any diveet™yeforence of the question to the electors There are the twa sides of the question, It is for the electors of Ontarie South to say which view they prefer, It Is unfortunate, perhaps, that the liguer question has become so prominent an election issue, but the lack of ather issues of real politieal signifi cance have foreed the liguor question inte the fore: ground, and on that issbe it is very Hkely that the election campalgn will be fought and wen, DOING THEIR GOOD TURN The Bay Seon ol Celie are ving well wp to their motto of doing a good turn every day in thelr venture to provide something of the cheer of the Christmas season to needy ohildron of the city of Osh awa. At the Christmas season, when jay and meri went should be the rule of the world aver, there will be wany families in the © anity in which there will be Nitle of Christias cheer, anving to the force of clroumatanees. It is to heighten these homes that the bay scouts of the eity are apni undertaking their Tabor of love, that of operating a toy shop on behall of those children whe would otherwise have ww de without any of the tokens of the Christmas season, The appeal of the seouts of Oshawa, as it appeared in The Times on Saturday, should fall on veapon: sive ears. 11 is net wel that the bays are asking to help them in thelr task, Tn west homes in the sity there are tays which, while they have yet much pielul service left in thom, have been cast aside and Become unused, There are abe toys which have bes pote broken and thrown aside, even although they are not hovond repair, The purpose af the tay shep is fo secure these cart-oll toys, to epalr thew, touch hem up to wake thom Tek Hke new, and then distribute thom where they are wast needed, The citizens of Oshawa should not have ta he asked twice to respond 10 such an appeal The giving of these articles will cost Kitle or nothing, but alter they Mue been through the toy shop, they will hring joy and oheir 10 wany childish hearts, So, even ab though Christmas way seem a long time away, The Times joing with the soouls in asking the citieens to search through their attics and cellars and tay-boaxes, and sot aside what they can give away to make these Joss fortunate chillven happy, and then seo that these articles are delivered without delay to the tay shop Boadguartuts at the warket building, It is Wis kind of giving which way mean very little to the giver, Bat which will mean wweh to these who bowefit by i TRE PRESS AND LITERATURE ------------ De. Allen Sinckair Will head of the department of Journalism of Rutgers University, in New Jersey made a stirving defonge of the modern ROWAN a & cent wddress to the New Jersey Press Association, Declaring that the outery which used to bs raised agent pewspaper Journalism, because of its sup- posed sensationalion Lad died sway to # mers echo, he boldly made the following declaration : "Compared to ¢ frend literature of the kind rated hig " hy the or fon, | and most po amongat ¥ sad era of books, the newspapers are veatly restrained in ay treatment hor [] be ete ) Which medesty and propristy are lis vol AL There ean be no disputing the justice of this state: ment, In many of the modern best sellers, there are to be found long passages which would have been blug-pencilled without mercy had they been submits ted to the editor of any sell-respecting newspaper, In fact, many of the modern novels have had to he drastically censored before they could he published In serinl form in the newspapers, One notable example of this is to be found in Emil Remarque's sensational best seller, "All Quist on the Western Front"! In its original book form, the story was ough that it could never have been published, In ny newspaper, without drastic censorship, In fast, the United States edition of the book has been sonsered until it is hut an acho of the original, And even that United States edition, censored ae it way, has had to be further supurgated hefore it sould be published in the newspapers of this continent, Be much has this been the case that many passsges of the original have been omitted entirely, and the news: paper serial version Is hut an anaemle copy of the original, And there are other cases of a similar nature which go to prove that the newspaper Journalists of today are much more eaveful of the type of reading matter whieh they place before the people than are the writers of the best-selling and mest popular novels, A WORTHWHILE BUGGEATION D, M, Ross, the Liberal-Progressive candidate for North Oxford in the provincial election campaign, at his nomination meeting threw out the suggestion that his opponent and himself should hold Joint meetings throughout the riding, at which bath would have the opportunity of presenting thelr views ta thelr su I'he Woodstoek Sentinels Review, comment rightiully finds much in nt diences ing on this suggestion, that is meritorious Fram the standpoint of ereating Interest In a slow and dragging campaign, If for ne other reason, the experiment would he worth trying, As matiers are NOW, CAMPRIEN mestings are largely matters of farm, with little veal value attached to them. When the Conservative candidate holds & meeting, the Conser vatives attend it, hear exactly what they wanted to hear, applaud the speakers who express the views which they themselves hear, and go home again more convineed than ever that their party is sight. When the Liberal candidate holds a meeting, all the loyal Liberals turn out in full forge to provide him with an audience, and, like the Conservatives, they alse hear the kind of speeches they want to hear, and go home Just as satisfied, But think what & change there would be Hf join meetings were held, with the opposing candidates de bating the questions of the day, At such meetings, there would be ne apportunity for wild irresponsible statements, for they would he immediately eheoked up Nar would there he the nasty type of person alities which sometimes mars meetings from which the opposing candidate is absent, And, above all, just think of the audience of bath Liberals and Con servatives which would gather for such a weeting The audience would hear both sides of the question, and there might even he possibilities that one side or the ether might make same polities! converts But perhaps that is the very thing which stands in the way of the holding of joint meetings, There just a possibility that neither sandidate would like to take the risk of exposing hs following to the argu ments of his opponent, for fear that they might desert from the fold and go aver 10 the ather side, WELCOME MOISTURE Seldom has a fall rainfall heen so weleomne as the heavy showers which came down on daturday evens ing, This has heen & remarkable season of droughy, and the malsture whieh came down onthe Saturday showers must have brought gladness 10 the hearts of the farmers of the district, Ontario county, pers haps, did net suffer fram the swmimer drought as much as those of other parts of Canada, but Sines the fall season commenced, the continued dry wear ther created a situmtion which threatened to become serious, The sail had became so hard and lwked that even with tractors fall ploughing has heen almost an impossibility, and it began 10 look as if that timp ant operation, which means so much 10 next year's crops, would have to he allowed to go hy defauly, Even with Saturday's rain, it will not be possible 10 have as much ploughing done as usual, but ta many farmers it came Just in time 10 save the situation, and was a real blessing EDITORIAL NOTES One of the Pardes things to find after it has been lost is health, WEE Ching has a general named General Fay, Not a VOTY Appropriate name for a faminesstricken country TE -- Miss Ishbe! Masbonald does not smoke, drink wie comments. In other wards, she is a wodel all other girth woull do well 10 sop, Canada is 10 Wake part in the five power naval cons ference, it is said, But her own may can hardly stand uch reduction or Hwitation WE ---------- At olechion time, as at other thmes the man who talks the loudest wawally knows the least about has subject, Now that temperance has become a definite elo tion issue, ft would be in order to suggest that ean didates and thelr supporters practive it in their oles HOR wtleranees. The Chivagoe wan who walked across the siteet on a shiek wire nine stories above the ground has found one solution of the problem of safety far the pedess trian, The wheat pool is inte the biggest gamble in wheat crop historyy IB wing the farmers will gain wil Fons of dollars, but if it loses, it will be a bad eutlook for the grain growers, TE ------ The Ringling Brothers are paving cash for the new clrons properties they are buying, Bat is ts only og eal that it should be made easier 10 buy an autome { Bik or a radio sot (han a slivws Other Editor's Comments NOIBES » Don WH) Inserests representing $11,000,000, onl are engaged In the campaign to sup on NRCC RAPY ieee in New oF Hav ng all th $ [Rsources they ought to start of th # hig parade, lo by # dogen good hands TYRANNY OF TIPPING (Glasgow Herald) Ameria visitors state that the practice of "Hpping" has grown eis armeisly In England during the last few years, but 1s less apparent or necessary in Seatland hich Bye omething for Beatlind, hi andean, I partieular, this tyrannical systen as utterly corrupte both men wi wamen who new regard rat ities an legitimate, and deliberately withheld necessity services unless the "wheels are oiled! Two big catering firms Who have adopted 8 "na gratuity" plan find it impessible ta abiiin an adequate staff 10 earry on with, as nan CROPS WITHOUT RAIN pam the Financial Post) A Western farmer wha declares that he did not see & drap of rain between AP 1928, and September, 1929, this yeas harvested (4,000 hush ols of Noo 1 wheat, This 1s an amas ing tribute to western soll. Few countries would have produced any crap at all in the fase of sonditions HA as Western Canada has experi enced during the past year, Given a fair amount of moisture this fall and winter, ar even during the spring and summer, Western Canada will produces woe Craps next year It has heen repeatedly emphasized in these soluimns that the west this ear has had draught hut nat erop Tailors Producing 450.000,000 hush els of wheat of the highest guality that sells at & goal price is not fail ure hy any streteh of the imagination THE COUNTRY DOCTOR (Midland Free Press) Madern medieal method ha browght better health ta the rural distriets, hut the Wletime eauntry dactar, 'with his high hat and his spavined horse, bs passing from the seenn, Bo i appears from fuels ell elted in a veeent survey which shows there are fewer physicians in the gountry towns than ever before, yet health 1s better pratected hocause of the greatest efficiency of the modern physician With the telephone mahile, the country d brought inte his patients anplianee his hands al the than before Fhis much Is easy to holley does not dis the palpable fast that the old-time country dostar, re membered from the day and the autn etar today Is mich closer taueh with and hy means of the new that seis is able ta keep the !} # higher alth comunity al level ove | Sincerity The Basis of Eloquence Yronie ForLoNG 00@ hy Pitt siidied, he had he first Na one could say of My, Ramsay MacDonald'v speaking, as wae siid celyed "the wand of the maglelan," ahout the addresses thus far made in this countey hy the Prime Minister af England, hewrt, For sxternnl form he cares nothing compared with substance, Wearly all the rules of conventional rhetaricians he disregards definition of high aratary whicl, whether he sonselously gollows it ar nat, he iMusteates, Tt is tg have a great cause advocated sinedfely by & man in whose eharacter seerebe=the open secret in America, yesterday ta the Benate of the United Biates, uh he spoke of the aspirations for settled peace which are clutching at the heartstrings of millions of people all aver the warld, oratory, it is something finer and grander, A Gt en msdn 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 An Editorial fram The New Yark Times of the evatery of Charles James Vox, that in it ene always pers There 1a nothing artful ar artiheial He simply speaks right out of a well-stoped mind and a full But there is one his hearers have every confidence, Fhis 1s really the af the maving power af My, MacDonald's speaking It vevealed iteelf clearly in the shart address whieh he made In wards ehvieusly un without giving # thought apparently ta the lierary finish 'of 'whit ta say, he made a deep impression hy the genyine emotion which felt in his awn soul, and then was able to convey to his audience If this he not lofty A ---------- _-- Your the natural Hoyou must he vou kn that Ih | | eral nines heen m have th head, 1 middle | 18 most He ey nea has placed in| hut It | nl 10 the 0 | od wn | Then veh | WAYS) Ad young s helare the | aside eri, 18 on his way out, In| Ri place 1s a new type of doctar tratned In he modern ways of ell eleney, dashing from house to house in his motor ear, preserihing Xora treatments and aperations instead of honeset and paregoris 0 a LEA, PURLISH THE NASHVILLE & NR \ TENNESSEAN av AT the profession of teach ing, though ane of the mest im: portant to the weiare of aw country, is yet ane of the mest sadly waderpaid, Upon the ability and inspiration of our teashers vests the hope of ow youth, In the graded sehools calleges and waiversities tl alten falls 10 make a living This is especially true when the in dividual has ehildyen educate, teacher Wale In one of aur Southern nati: tutions an eminent sctentist, af tor thivty years of labor, has at tained a salary whigh should tl 0 a mine ho holt - cial at the Whivty Ave, He sweated hs have, has hh Taek home, and hat me ammunity hug fullness \Y A ed 3 look ahead a. Sr Ak votive: a hw years he 19 4 WMeager pene Ton mage he was offered a large salary fram a great textile oon ven LA would take him frou his home and his family. Jt would ve meve him tram assoeiation with his students He shose 10 remain a teacher and the choige weant the saorifice of financial mde®adence, a it is worth weney to know the ohniealities of turning ont fist class textile goods, is I nat worth as wueh to know the art of develop: | my sueeessinl have and giels, or wen and women ? RATT w The King COrawned--S50 (hen, after the Lond had spoken wale thm, Re was redeived up into hea: ARE sat on the Tight hand of tod w=Natk 18:18 Prayen "The golen gates are Nited wn, The doors are opened Wide, The King of Glory 8 sone iw Unie his Father's side" | Wid In the support and | By James W. Darton, M.D WHY headache, 18 ta} pain INN a entice i" Are whjeet tah Puri cannon mething 1s winng mewhers tronhl headueh stun A ocertain hour | ow hours. There a n oa taw divs | Hae Han has Het Hwa hereditary, hut tiredness and a slug wish liver are unguestionahly Ay its eause, Hest with & purgative 5 usnally all that is necessary here, ah the patient appears ta be well bes tween attacks Where the headache 18 aecampin fed hy digginess 1 8 frequently due ta some wente atliment approaching and rest In hed should he the hrsl thought, If na abdamingl symptoms whieh might paint to appendigitis are present # purgative may be taken bt 16 16 mueh safer ta let your phy sletan have a lank at your frst hen there are the headaches of which neurasthenies eampain, # sori af binding pain toward the tap ol the head, This pain Is net aeeampan ied Ly vomiting or nausea, and th patient 1s usually ahle ta get 10 sleep ab night, This type of headaghe | slag) to] helped hy the apen alr or eald 10 alae headache, then vour | the head, whereas the patient with ense tell 1 that there neslded headaches prefers the he n for it Pain, asl and Bikes to he down "in a guiel ignal ta you | dark eorper" ' y 1 have aut whether 11 1s indigestion with gas farmation, | trouble In the sinuses, & sluggish | have | YEP, avertredness, of ie wiht | just asf eavae, Han't he satished Just 1a take the | some drug 10 allay the pain [ (Heuistered in asgardance with the | Copyright Act) THE HEAD ACHES first thought, if vou Rave a gb something 1a ease HrEse, In # mosi and Vm not go at this time, But Hh thing tad It's the quality Inside a pale of shoei not thee appearance==that eounts most, Lamps also look alike but if you seek the i atest value for eurrent sonsumed you will buy Edison Masdas, TT) EDISON MAZDA CEN ERK LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC HIGHER GASOLINE | --- . TAX LIKELY IN B.C, BUWRA ELLCTRIC SHOP (By Canadian Fiemme Lena Wire) 70 Simcoe Street North Oshaw i" | Victoria, BO, Oot, 14 Tnopens: | ' ---- oa of the pie Was af thea B1A.00 indulge, = 8i # gallon gasoline, to Ave ceils A | VOEH ait gallon, 1s regarded now as aast | Planned ror 1840 od head: | cortain ta he made at the next ses als | alan af the British Columbia legis ture Walking It 1s halleved soething neal A Bome res w, Is Nature's # headache try 4 veruse of th ind EYES which 1 Hsing th Ha | | ell Bo eansid | ie head the Hu epiden ther re ahen of headueh rat the haek ut usually on al wail! whout th of the wi his type PRODUCY ring and lasts VORiting an It DABRER AWAY niinues lone piten hem heen h.0060 will bs V | ng ary uw v require that SRI enlars Agu Ive an veeard put an Adam af earnin, the sweat of his hivey 1S 4m ealthiwd ¢ V nh vivlled Hralessar Letinan ! Development! weand behind Fe Fo a 0 fopcemmthe huge resources influence of Banking Service, Bank of Toronto has contributed a in building Canadian Dusines ue Shieh peration with ts Bal eo yr ch Gre it and evervwi Rot 3 Sen SE ave built sound! gly 38 us Aly winging out into wide commerce, in touch with our nearest Yo a Toronto your business This Bank is heve to help you "BANK-TORONTO OSHAWA py 8, POTTER, Manager