THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 PAGE THREE, | Five People Are Seriously Injured in Auto Crash at Harmony County Prohibition Union Criticizes F. L. Mason For His Campaign Statements Rev, A. M, Irwin Declares Union Has Not Yet De- cided to Support W, E, N, Sinclair, as Mr. Maton Contended ---- MEETING TUESDAY TO DECIDE QUESTION Committee Appointed to Re- celve Statements from Both Candidates Will De- cide Tomorrow on Course of Action of Union In an interview with The Times this morning, Rey, A, Mansell Trwin, ane of the officers of the Oshawa Prohibition Union, took exception 0 the statement made hy ¥, 1, Mason, Conservative candidate for Bouth Ontario, to the effeer that Ontario County Prohibition Union had de glided to support , No Sinclair in the election campaign, although Mr, Sinclair had not promised to sign the pledge of the uplon "Phe Ontario County Prohibition Union has not deeided on its eaurse of action in the campaign," deelas ed Mr, Trewin, "At our last meeting, # committee was appointed to receive the statements of the twe candidates, and to decide ap its course of aglian after these had been reeeived, This | eammittee met on October 7, hut as | no statement had then heen received front Mr, Mason, it adjourned with aut taking any aetion, Another meet ing of the sommittes has heen eal ed for tomorrow, and at this meetin the committee will game to a deol sion as te what will the union dao in the Jeeal election campaign as @ hod y, . "Onder these elreumstanves, Mr, Trewin, "It is entively wrong tur Mr, Mason to state that the Prohib von Union has decided to por Mr, Sinclair in the eampagin, Hntll aftef tomorrow's Meeting, ne ane ean sav that the Union has agreed to | \ ) nyone armor Denies Disevimination Denial that the Ontavie county arganizgation of the Prohibition had shown any digerimination towards either candidate in this riding dur ing the present electian pAmpAign was made hy Hamuel Farmer, of Part Perry, publisher of the Part Perry Star, and secretary of the country organization, today Mr, Farmer olaimed that the Prohibition' Union pledge had heen submitted first to WwW. BE, N, fw olair, Liberal leader snd Libera) candidate, by the headquarters o\ the Ontavia Prohibition Unton Wm Toronto, Hh had net signed the pledge but had submitted a written letier to the headanartevs of (he Union at Toronto outlining his position on the temperance question, The eoun ty organisation he expected would be informed of Mr, Hinolair's stand ough headquarters a he Qodue had alse heen submitted to Frank L. Mason, the Conservative candidate, through the headquarters af the Unien, Mr, Farmer expected (hat any reply, other than that made hy My, Ma son on the publio platform, had been submitted to headquarters The campaign commities meets at Brooklin tomorrow afternoon when it is antieipated that the a ers of hoth candidates Way he Red pefore it and it will then be In a position to decide what action the Union may take in the pampalgn in this riding sald \ Hell hath no futy like the ong in yoked by the golfer who has just sliced his drive inte the wild ou sumbers=Rorder Cities Star, Coming Events a Cents por wand each in sertion, Minimum charge for each insevtion, #80, BE SURE TO HEAR MiSs OLAR: ioe Spencer, Reader, at King St Church supper, Tuesday evens ing, (8h) MADAME RROWN, PALMIST, #3 Louisa St, Phone appointments, 2034F, (FM) HEAR MRS EVA ROSE YORK, noted bible teacher, at Calvary Baptist Ohureh, © Athol siveet west, each evening this week at § o'olook, All welcome, (88a) WHIST DRIVE, S0N& OF RNG land Hall, Tuesday, Oot, 1§, § pW, (88a) FOWL SUPPER AND CONCERT, United Chureh, Columbus, Ootos ber 18th, Supper § to § (88-90) HEAR DR, (. H, STEVENSON, Supt, Hospital far Insane speak at North Simeee Church, cor Avlington Ave, and Slmeee Sis, tonight, Subject, Mental Health He understood that Mv | Sheriff Paxton Was 72 Yesterday J. FV, Paxton, the genial shers iff of Ontario County, cele heated the meventy-second ane niversary of his bivth quietly at hig home In this ety on Bunday Numerous friends and velatives enlled upan him yesterday and gongratulpted him on the at tinment of the second year aver the allotted span of three poore years and ten, ven al thig advanced age Mr, Paxton attends regularly to his work and ls Lo he seen at hig offige avery day the same as when he wis first appointed several YEUrs ngn Hharlff Paxton Port Perey on LEAT, and was the son of the Inte My, and Mpg, Thomas ax tan, In 1881 he maved to Whil hy, where he | resided until transferring hig residence 10 Oshawa a few months ago was harm In Oetoher, 110, This picture is from (Ontarie) Regiment In the Regent Theatre last night NEW COMPANIES IN JOB PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Times Publishing Co, of Oshawa Limited, Takes Over Two Newspapers OSHAWA TIMES AND WHITBY GAZETTE Mundy-Goodfellow Printing | Co. Limited to Operate Job Printing Business Lhe businesses of Famed Dad ly Reorganization of per and job printing Mundy Printing Company publishers of The Oshawa Times, and €, A Goodfellow & fon, publishers of Th Uneetie and Ohrontele, Whithy, has now heen completed The printing for marly carried on hy hath compan {08 has heen taken aver company inecarporated name, ""Mundy-GUondfellow ing Company Limited Mundy president M, Goodfellow vies managing divectoy This company is printing plants and Whithy and OWHDA Jory business bY A how under the Feind ( M and pr 11) ident and aperating lob hath ARO maintatng a selling office tn Toronto under the direction of H, D. Tresidder, who is also a director of the eampan) A. Ro Alloway, wha has sociated with Myr, Mundy In the printing and newspaper huslness since 1015, 1a also a divector of this company The newspaper husiness of hath The Oshawa Dally Times and The Gazette, Whithy, 1s now helng oons ducted hy the "Times Publishing Company of Oshawa Limited" which company Is a ehanke of name from the farmer Mundy Printing Company Limited The president 1a CO, M. Mundy and the vice-president and managing ol reotar, A, R. Alloway, G, M, Goes fellow 1s also a divegtar of this company and will give a measure of personal supervision to the publication of The Gasette & Chroniole, of which he was formers ly publisher The twa companies, while apey ating as separate units will he very olosely associated and will cosoperate fully with each ather in serving the public At the same time it is belleved that the new arrangement which will provide enlarged wechanioal facilities and strengthening of personnel will in. orense the efficiency of hath husis nesses and pave the way far still further growth and development, City News DRUNKS FINED Two en appeared before Magis trate Hind in eity police court today as a result of imbibing too much W- anor aver the week end Each receiv ed the eustomary $20 and oosts, or thirty davs in the county fail The wen were Joseph Sroka and Horace Selliek SCHOOL PRIA AWARDED Riveh Cliff, Oct, 13-=Prlaes awarded at Scarbore high soleol 10 1829 students weve today ane nounced as fellows: Commeroial department, Lila Gronrose (wom en's institute prise), Alfved Steve enson (Milton prize), general course, Doris Lloyd (Barehard prize) and Audrey Cameron (Mo Claln prise), MUNICIPAL RUMBLINGS Riveh Cite, Oot, 13--Cal, George RB Little, reave af Scarbore, has announced his intention of seeks ing 8 (hind tem at. the next mus niolpal elections. At the same time ex-Depuly Reeve James M, 1 Weir, an old colleague, has decay od himsell in the tield, It 8 alse probable that ex-Reeve (learge Moore will be a candidate. Other at heen ae Lraydon | Oshawa | Royal Scarlet Chapter At tends Service in Albert St, Church ulher danstitutes the highest duty Tar the hrothe hood or tay men and willie af He, Hav, ( | Belleville and formerly | eryioe Tal | | Wwamen in Muoare af Ouliny nildves Hoy ran claimed In an Inepiring members of the of the Abe | tory ul | lot Chapter | Lion at I | yoagterday | based hi 10h Chureh LLL | PRBLOY | Matthew love thy Josus in the | Maave Homan urged in Home he And Ighhbor a hrousht thinking stated Cloora, the (Hh thinkey hive tha oltie yinpathi arator and his that should not arrowin hut land Christ furthers J ia n of with Hit thely went mueh hig followers Wha rejok to who wee) ather harde | than of He want The speaker Aid not reserve fon Who ws Yared aanlated | Tul and PaELOy ord | wand hraneh ol elaty The were wiitomm Howe them ih tod with hint who nod hat J ule those many wha Tat Undeserving \ od that member Wo hould » niin work | a th van LINE ESL 8) in 0 Whol wim nuded hy [BN organisa tressed reve principle gquatil ship, It was pledeed | saveret noRRthariy and the constitution | while tt waa the dels Protestant faith and all men, resardle worahip As they dor alsn nid amph hrotherhood' and Christian iy, Rev, Mr, Moor men who strived to Hive alms and ideals id weleamed as members hurehes | Mrs. E iI \h of Mansed | 4 0 aeeing up to wa aw va Rose York At Calvary Baptist At Calvary Haptist Ohare y torday, Mrs, Evie Dose York, wel known Bible teacher, commenced # series of devational Bible swuay meetings which will he continued each evening this week and next Sunday Twa splendid addresses were miven yesterday, the mary ing subieet helng the vielen of faith, and In the evening Mw York spoke on the free born eitd sonship which was: avallabhia a those wha put their trust in God a8 thelr Heavenly Fathey FINE CONCERT ny REGIMENTAL BAND The Ontarie Regiment hand last night presented the first of 1s sey fos of fll and winter concerts in the Regent Theatre, having Paul Verland, baritone soloist of olty, an guest artist, A large erowd Was attracted to the eancent was featured by a number of effec tive classical numbers "The Beauty of Bath lea Godirey, was the number hy the band selection was handled perfectly hy Chay ontstanding his diffigniy (30) its condueto TT. Dampsey, Two overtures were played effectively, "Orpheus, hy Difepback and "Tan ered hy Ragsinl, Other numbers of the hand were the waveh al SLineoln Oentennlal™ wale, "Hine Danube. and the selections, "Spy it of Youth," and "Bedouin lave Song" as well as the hymn, "Abide With Me" The soles hy Paul Verland, "in vietus,' By Hubhn, and "The Call hy Olver, were well yeveived and ware hoth encared Mis Baldwin accompanied him plane, wy the In Memoriam In loving memory of wha Ot TITLEY Yo Title 192% 13 died members af council, with the ex RRA". oak AS pe Jan, 1 hecames tawnshin soliotion will seek re-election, ception of Hollis Beckett, wha on |* dong Thy will b \ Wile and Davghis (33a) whieh | I'HE BAND OF THE ONTARIO REGIMENT veeent photograph of the Band of the 8th | throughout the winter, which apened its sevien of fall and winter soncerts | of the front row, Bandmastor he hand will give monthly conserts | | | | | | Hppcial | | District are Relatives of Missing Col, McAlpine Hogld pecially that | h In nis of thi Interested fi nu HOR en gonducted Tor th Aplin which lant aver five trie wun \ Ing n M hi PRYLY Yarihern tn uh Aplin | | ohn hewn in wi { H Mi of Heneral Hugin Winunvithe Wha COUR ve elty, Col, My AM thr) M who Is na | H toner winanvin ul Bowmanville Alpine ul Leslie Moebaughlin, pres) dant Mobaughtin Coul and Buy who ls a nephew Hughes, ta nl Ihe family which In nwaiting any news from hunting af Cal Ldmited, rl | wy | | of Jahn with Hane 0, enn \nxlounly y thy neh ing MOA Tp | axpadition | party wid the memhbem W vio hn wh thie farmerty an unly reported William Mpeg fhe HT \ ni Fhe Time | LLL) oi LAN} in rT | MoA TRIN 18) Wh | Oshawa Hy | 1 \ Mrs, (In | | oly nl thi ulhiey ul Danevan Daily Times News, advertising and subseriptions will he received al the Howmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--=Othee, B87, REPRESENTATIVE--8, DOGO OOOOOONAONONOONOONNNOLONN000 : TRINITY GHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES CFLEBRATES 1TH 3 | 40TH ANNIVERSARY Rev, Dvr, C, W, Bishop, Principal of Albert Col. lege, Is Special Speuker FINE MUSIC Tha Chel tion of Francia Sutton Gives Special Program fartieth Alnivey peclal services veostorday and Rov, yp, © W Albert \ preached the morning Hishap, principal Hone Hells bath Vike sermons al the and evening dovoations musio under the aireeiion of Frances sutton ehatr divegtar, was another of the day, In the morning W Cawker sans Glovia" as a solo and has heen seldom heard advantage, The ohaele West acceptable manne thew Yo Shall Dwell Lord, ™ hy Stainey with Mes, B,J Chambers and A, BE. Hireook sing ing the solo paris, De, Bishop ohosg tor his subject at this services he Meaning of Pentecost and In & arian and reature gorvive MR LETTE IB RON hia ta LL LAY the olga Meee hatiey wn an nh he [well worded and exceptionally well this | | | | { are | the service hy [| sidney | the | Aiseonvae | Cawken, | Laleal prasam delivered addvess explained the meaning of his subleet ta a oan grosation that filled the chureh ta CAPR OILY AP, Sutton at the OF gan played Wesley's "Charal Sons As A postinde heinging to the fare all melody and expression that Makes this composition a0 POPWIAY AMORE chureh organists The service fill evening anal the oredit of the hand (self andi og the ohureh to the doors Where the same high olass musie delighted the preciative audience Foster sans the soln anthem "1 Wilt Magnify MOB ala followed with the Valee of the Wilderness, hy Seat wo other anthems, "How Lovely Thy Touts" and "Spink ha mortal were ably rendered during the ehain At this Be. Rishon preached on Wwe Only Hope," holding WRsWerving attention of aw throughout the spivited A auartette, "Qad Will Take Care of You" hy Nis Mus, Anderson, WW, ® Paliard and OG W. Slewmon and the anthem "Saviour Breathe an Rye ning Riessing® tehginnd the ww ARERR the haned is the orsanist paved the "Fa mm OY hy ® Wesley, hoing ing services that will be long Ww membered 10 a Ting cise PROS am lavee and Ab Hn nan ol Thee and ap LL] serviee Chris hearers Hon Lae Under the Direc: | the al Wj he | HERBERT MORTLOCK LOCAL CHURGHLS St. John's Anglican Cons | gregation Has Business Meeting Tonight LRTI \ nm mo ¥ | i H \ | | OVeuin " he that AUETORA LION hota deeld CRUren needa My that hives annaunced i Ww A onl ing HD tond wheth hs Par nat 'Y Mhives many rake A111) new APY na VINE HW tH AR 180111) od sible in thi he lad TIGL TY | 1% hon wild Imports the and nd TO | ationd ta Wodisous ohureh held » alterna Ww ul Lon 0 the He pte in Ww \ number at tended Rey 1) Av h t Andrew ' { terday, the ehuveh is Minister, Bul ow | the meating 1 manth th [ painted | Owing to the special services in | Teindty United Ohno on Sunday Paul's United Ohureh held just the maming worship so as ta en able the consveration ta he pres { ont at the anniversary of (help sis ter ehureh, The Rev, Dr, Hest, the Wanster, preached at this service | taking for his subject "The Reoret | of Taeotialness The services at St. Joseph's D FO Chureh followed the usual ous TOMAry Sunday worship yesterday With the pastor, the Rev, ¥ B Butler, in ohavge of the devotions MANY ACTIVITIES of Tavanty nm = UPON oR led that preshyiery he ane ap oN the Will I nt 0 neat ™ | Wt Several Organizations Have Called Meetings--Conserv. | atives Gather Tonight Aobivities Tn. Rawmanville thw | week Include several mestings that will he oF interest 10 & WMrse pes contane of the popniation. Toniaht the first political meeting of the olootion campaian will he held in Opera House hh the interests of Mayor Milton J Riliott, the Cons servative candidate The ohiet speaker will he the Hon, Chavies MoCrea, Minister of Mines in the FRrEuson Government and one of the Tinest orators i the pravinakal house. Resides the candidate, Cal PARK On Paesday, Tolalty VO W Blary will hold 'a meeting in the SOhOBL TOAM ARG avery member iw TOUUOSRIOd 10 he present. Quariey Ar ton Will be served hy Miss Flow SUH Without | SCHEDULED HERE Hamy Malling of Toronto will alse | | Awe | Dempoey is shown in the sentre ANNUAL ORANGE | Residents Of Oshawa and [EVANGELISTIC CHURCH PARADE ~~ OERVICES HELD | .vangel Temple of Toronto ls Conducting Meet. | ings Here Hundred Howmanyille gens have heen attending the gollatio meetings that | held at the Cream of Harley of Oth BYan heen amp lave [ wid on the Past OMes egorney Ing the summer montha | now being held every Won the Opera Houses he Evangel Tomple is al the af Bond and | wtreats, Toronto, in {the Toronto Kyvangelinth Hon he temple was formerly | old Hond # and hae a two thousand [Hime nt all LAI | wre punday nis nitunted Pundus hy ABROO IY he Congregational ehureh ARLE oupacity of nearly whioh 1a taxed to iis meetings I'he pastor | 1a Hay, Willard PVoares, it | Ia hoped that tt will he possible to Fhetng this wareeful speaker to How orne and awned the wind fave during the course of campalan he | perintended the As worker owmanville servi ne by Mr. WW, BH MeUaul 00 ation's most ena who told The Times wld Hike people ta faily that his services are paompatition with other of an nterdannm Mrs, Peares ator, Is favorahly id ole of the heat avangallst of the day and throughout is conducting meatings in aver tha United Mates Compaigns similar ta held In Bowmanville, parvied on In Mount Fopest Last Were as usual, at and annveeiative C1) ane of patio that he understand m hat ave Ww nat ran huvohes ational ohavactey wil wa of the pa kn Fhe Year al had heing th (Fioa vil Ione heing andl A 1 Urahge vite Bhi's vie d hy A whol stened with rapt ats the messama of Mm, Bd ward Day the math speak ol Nove Honday the onmpaten wily in d at the Town Hall and A Ney will he Mr, Hynds WwW, Bo MeCawd tend Iaree audio tention who w th L ad NM Worry 's group wpen enh le A) tudy Pauls k evening Hing the will be held in Wb room on Wednesday elERt a vloek, A mies collgneaus program will he given and all musi are oardial 1 Invited ta he present On Friday the ladies of drew Prashytovian thelr annual AHarnoon tea tn the » HLS wl Lure at overs An Chureh are basaar and nday fehoal Will he made Rt holding POO and svery one | Wel ale | wo aut-al town meetings whieh | WIL he attended hy Conservatives { OF the town Will he held at Hamp ton on Wadnesday and at Black { MLO0K on Thursday, and promineny EPOAKOMS Are on the program fap | OA0h Eathering, Avthae J. Trahil OOek, & native of Bowmanville and now of Taranta, will he ane af tha sheakors at Rlaekstook, The Lik Oral meetings have as yol not heen PY arranged, hut an ARROWS Ment of interest to Liberals of the jlown Will ge made during the next fow days, the Times was informed hy MP, Bass, whe candidate or resodection 1) WEREKEND WAR QUIRKY Bowmanville spent ane of (he Quietest week-ends this year and Saturday and Sunday were sntively devald of any theldents oF cam PRR of any Kind, Traffic was HEht and vellected on the a PrOAching fall and the falling oft oF the tourist trade, Saturday night falled to hing the usw orowd of BURY shoppers to the town owing 10 the continued drissle all even. ne Chureh services were well attended on Sunday, and the town Wan deserted very early in the eve wing LR CHURCH PARADE The local onder of the Laval True Rives, headed hy the 1. ®\ RB BARd fram Oshawa, paraded from the odie rooms to Trinity Chareh on Sunday afternoon, where the Rev, JU) Robbing preached a sem Won In keaping With the organ sation and fa alms. This is the fst ohuveh parade held hy this odie since Hts Wmoeption and is to DR MARS AN Annual affair PERSONAL ITTRMS | MP and Ms Ben Johnson | Petarbora' and My, and Mw bh W | Johnson of Fraserviile spent the § wonk-ond with MR and Mes, John {son Thickson, Ontario street, Ww the | dur { whieh | Musto | Two Varsity Co-Eds Are Hurt As Cars Crash At Unlighted Barricade On Road "AT ST. ANDREW'S WALLACOK CHRINVIK Avenue Church, Toran at the Annlvey of ML Andrew a go ny, n OF Hhodes 0, who spoke BAPY nNOPVieeN Chureh, yesterday ANNIVERSARY OF ST. ANDREW'S IS DULY CELEBRATED. Rev, D, Wallace Christie of | Rhodes Ave, Church, To. | ronto, Is Speaker WELL ATTENDED | | paving Choir Contributes Largely to| the Service by Fine An. thems and Solos | A! el \ \ Andrew Lndted uu wel of a4 highly erer, an Mend which filled the thom I Wer NETORALI CApacny | IE and ehureh eVENINg | Ih \ Hiv Chidatio, HD, wl Chureh, 1 1s preneher ho By Wal Rhoda Avene who delivered two hey wonta Ll PIRI and BRHTLING sermon the Merning serves het hieavh the Hh Vos Lawl where the Yaeth hy ww reve nt aveident LM I expressed thy Wid som hy hy made a lon wi xwell, pa \ a health Past 1) ld Wie his his fendi hist LC hurgh Wh it had Chistia Loining RL I Ih Andy " Fy ol a W ree | \W DUNG wh A i} im the oily of howe past On HIS anniversary to the ature, and \ Wake | 11] Oshawa, \ oi | TR | wid continu 0 PON urged Ver, | We { anil he rogation | th ouk NK inapivation OORAR TON glorion 11] ol Past had heen Sad Lhe Speak " the vane | \ on 1 \ \ Ven vive for Gy than thy Fo make en NM thi possible WOCORRATY Hapa 11%) plunge as had heen was BOON siream of which from above, and ma whole-heartedy the work which the chwreh 1a da hy OOK an impartant pan RR glen vholy 1 all fou | oral | | ley heen oaused hy | until { Ont | rom | Hded head on against { hint Dr, and Mrs, Bourett of Mid land, Occupants of Other Car, Are Also Injured in the Accident ALL FIVE NOW IN OSHAWA HOSPITAL Mishap Occurred as Driver of Toronto Car Swung Around Barricade, Crash ing Head-on Into Midland Auto from thn returning 1 he Fgh hadly In hel) widen F'aranto Two mivl nlversity n toned from game at Kingston, were fured late last night when our, whieh wae helng towed hy a second oar, driven hy GO, |) ng Heh, 10684 College street, Tarento, Hi O 8 university student Wii struck by a maohine driven hy Ih Hourett Midinnd, while i" wing the eentre of the vousd Knglish attempled to swerve pround wu Farrionde at the ap proach the firat Harmony hldge, east of here Dy, Houvelt and My Hourett, wha was sooom panying him, were plan Injured and wera removed tn the Gen Hospital where they are now attention, The students Prive N Lakesida and Miss King, of Annesley Hall Vietoria Colles uttered wevere outs and hvulses hut they will probably ha abla 1 leave the hospital today hy Hourett received several faelal outs the bridge of his nose was fractured Mis, Hourett was out the faoe and her forearm wan broken, Thelr condition is re us favorable Two other Iy wire Misg Cheshire and Anni Wright, both af Annes Hall enoapad without injuries he ident tn sald ta have the faot that there IAntarn at the harvioad Which was placed diveedly tn front OF a Braken spot an he highway Hagligh failed to see (he Premed he WHR almost on tap of it, awerved to the left enusing th ol ll () of tn ni LL aeelving Mise Marjoria drive Foranto While haut Var Mian Ae Wi no Hi | oar whioh he was towing to swing th the centre of the voad Hourett Who was approaching the west had ue. time in whieh to apply his brakes and ool the oar eon A) toads offielals state had heen Yering the Highway red lantern hint placed on but & veport has received that a few minutes tn the acoldent a ear ran havvieads breaking tha Kuglish stated at night theta was no Hieht visible he approached the heldee glhols' ear had broken dawn the olty and English was at tempting te tow to the nearest RATARS LJ 5, n havvieade heen Previous nin the Iantern Whine he near i Spencer, of the loeal police | foros, investigatod thesaooldent, --- the serviee, providing special an [ thems and solos for the vecasian, Hn feature wad that "hy an anmplitier sgulpment ody nected hotween the Pulpit and Sis bedroom in the nnse, the Rev. Pr Maxwell was able to hear the wipe OF The ANNIVER ATY Rervices ¢ Phas evening the annual anniv ATV Supper and eeneert holy held in the ahureh Ball, with he ehureh chaly taking charge of Hu CONCETE PRO PAI, . ne Means of ary After a wan heeames rioh, his wu wneopth habits become merely ob ACTON LI pebuliarities, w= Han AUN Ny \) Ww If you would know you're right . , , wear a GRUEN The Gruen watch is favored by the diserime inating not alone for its admitted beauty and character of design, nor for its timekeeping qualities=but principally because of its press ge or ty the commonplace | | NNN FELT - ~~" 12 SIMUOR SY, 8 SEBS, .. To wear a Gruen is to join that evers RrowiY Tua Know distinctiveness and see it and who av +. Our styles for men ans women begin at $27.50, BROS, The Leading Jewellers PROLR 188