THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 FE --------r a a Candidates Nominated In Ontario Constituencies PETERBOROUGH COUNTYT, hh idhster, Cony W, Ar Anders "uiinonyon 0 Ir, A oir trigklan n RHO J, WM, Ho PORT Tenudoln, WR ho PILL " wer ih on, H ote, NCE allt, eon joer ep fi i ali Athieu, RENT t, , {, Cos PAGE TWO The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subser and news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office, at Gasette and Chr Telephone 23-~After Business Hours--'Phone 369, ~ REPRESENTATIVE--.JAMES H. ORMISTON SPECIAL SERVICES STILL INTERESTED | ALLEGED CHEQUE ] OR THANKSGIVING AN'CAMP BORDEN FORGER IN WHITBY |. AT ALL SAINTS| wir wis Zac vor ror |§ UNDER ARREST ther Consideration in View oe Approprister Sermons and of Press Notices Brought From | Port Hope Music at Both Services in | , di trom ottaws spear. | Where He Got a Year for Whitby Church ) Stealing » a Car Toronto evening newsps- te zelhia Wiltrea par charged 6 County Naot, ir the effect that the Depari- Harvest Than National Defense has not In ATL BAnts tr forging & theaye infer am A] "De the nn come up fo pr Fi P for a hearing on Adoused was brought to Whitny ded on a new site for Hamp were largely attended morning sroused much Inter. op nd Sreping 0 Bundal, the recs or, on Watiurday by COhist Ounson, Whithy, and Provinelal Constable )y on sooount of the the Rey M, Orisnll, proaches at Friday's papers announc- + dow appropricte RhankeR ving gare * homes Mitchell, Oshawa, after be. Cont CG, Fletoher, Lib, + Smith, 1 ) C, he Mantenced In Port Hope to a [goed wip fl AM irkile Spence "that Trenton had heen finally vices, your In gaol for stealing a oar, a chosen, ) N FOU e ohuren wdttios was decorate Saturday's despatch saya that Parks was recently much in the Cony I. XE, Crawford, 1.| Trenton 18 favored hut that In any (ad, by. an energetic gommittee of Lidudion' of 'the. Pariah cutid with | fYent Jip Shange will be mada for publle eye In Toronto, In the pI BONTEN AG wo Hambly, Con. 1 oar Which he stole he led the pe | P70 Jidward Ming, Lib, two yes frofts, vegetables, flowers and vain, veminders of the hountiful aap wi ket 1 touch ih wa hi h with a view to Joo on Wn twalve-mile chase while oN TENACG, A, Aylesworth, | Mel na akart belng {ired at him, Giry NORTH=Thomas Randle, W, A, Dryden, president of the South Ontario Liberal Asseclation opined thet the Liberal leader woul) he seked to form a government when the smoke of election hind rolled wwiy, He paid toute to Mr, Bi clair as i wl the party und de seribed him we a keen chwmplon wi Liberalism and a tenacious fHghter Bouth Ontario might well be provwd Wo claim him as a son, Mr, Belair and Mr, Dryden had to leave surly us they were engaged | Ges i meeting of electors wi You Must Have Sugar Sugar Is one of the much needed elements in a balanced diet, Following is & list of party candle duis sty in Ontario up to date whon, W, D, Black, |» I th, Lib, ALG oA ok 1 Lib; Dr, Ji Con Lk C. NIXON, reg. [} Hn oA In LK, Read, Lb | C 'on yi fini. 1 Xa Rowers, Lf Li oY : hock N it - uf) ¥ Byars, Coie fc Jr MeKay, ie Uh onl tell y, hs b¥ - Dr, A] RENE i NORTH bd: A J J Saten, Sn ou tl: CA. Seguin, Cons A. 7 ih eguin, Lon, | OCHRA, wot) br, J A | Belang i 8 7 Vb om | of oy erie HARINES=E, C, Graves, il on y Jaen "Thur OT, MARIE w= Jumes Wa a fami Ww baby N. N nnd Weds of Geo, H, Chal od) [ Aon ean ok rw win, og, Ci why AM = M, J. Ehioti, Con} i v " "qi th i ji by i by ih J Ya" Coni ch T= on Ll } Con, i J, D, Galbraith, db Cron Lom.) hare IX NOK we Dr, Paul Poles A Marentette, Lib, vid X dou) TH Austhn 1 Con } Win WRIGLEY'S chewing sweets supply sugar In a convenient way, The flavor Is an extra delight, Ab the Liberal leader depart from the Greonbank eonmumity hal he received (three heurty cheers rom the sudiecne, lend by Keev George MaueMillun, ehalrman, Utlen Meeting romise that the Liberal party would relieve wll munlelpalitics with in the wrovines of the burden of con ibutng 40 per cent of the provines's share for the cost of old nge pen sions was made by Mr, Sinclair be fore the electors at Utica, ke claim ed that this humanitarian measure for the beneht of the uged poor vl he provines md ofinated with the Aberal party in the Dominion and On ito ts iblature, But the Conse vastly 'wort srnment Instesd of ben Ing the per cent of the cou of the Asheme had burdened the | munielpal A with contributing + per cent of ite share, "Surely the pra lnee of Ontario | wealth nov to look after (hou deserving ones, who through sickness or misfortune have arrived at u pen niless old age" the Liberal lender Then too'=you know you aren't adding welght, Sugar Is 2 fuel that burns up needless fat. darvie, aN Vorgle, oon Mes Come with the a iioy fon Bank, sglving norvicen glioan Chureh Raven, Chas, Marriott, muy itinarow FALLS «= A, A, Aus hin, Co STORMONT wr 1, A, MeNaughs to Hi EilikaNING C. A Dyam, hd dt if Cun, HoRoNTO: "TROEK TON ¥, G. ) ilehrist! Lib, TENE hATWOS a Bell, Con, a ataon Labor HTN sor Con, | asked, The Liberal party had alse pro osed to relleve the counties of the burden imposed upon them of eon tributin ab per sent for the bullding and muintenange of provinelal high Ways Mr, Binclalr declared, "Wa need provinelal highways," he a aaa - caslons made It clear that he does not BAI NWIN FAMILY think it possible in writing on polities ta avold eriticlsm of the existing Gov: ernment, and he believes that the right place for such eritlelsm Is in harvest for which thanks to a kind dng Just what the situation * Pravidence was rendered, Around definite place has been tar the big alr camp, then the windows, the chancel, and at the ohurch entrance (hese weve | nak for further consid. placed, Hoasons for Thanksgiving At the morning service the ree tor called wpon the people to thanks not only for temporal ' ibifual blessings, He pointed out that the harvest throughout Cans ada, while not up to the mark, pers haps, of other years, was naverthes less a hountiful one, and gave the sople occasion for thanks to the "or spirits poopie could valne thelr voloes in thanks Bpecinl application of the message Wis made to the local congrega- progressing, had much rd of the Harvest, unl blessings, ton, tion. which is which, the rector sald, to he thankful for, Appropriate Musle At the morning service the eholr ""Hreak Forth Bimper), BH, Trueman as soloist "Ya Bhall (Htalner), P, Lynd and W, BANE the anthem, Inte Joy" (Caleb Mrs, 0, the evening the anthem, Dwell in the Land," Bung, with Mrs, 6, J H, Richardson as soloists, John Perry nlso Bang very acoepts ably, "Tranks be Unto Cod" Mra, Marsh presided at the won), organ, the (Dok oration rom' he opm the Department, a ---------- FATHFR FACFS IN Bat Found Destitute Harry Buy cession of and Haturday afternoon with Inf tng her grevious bodily harm, WAN | next Mra, him almost destitute, Thousands Now Eat ¢ A Delightful Breakfast Food Yours, ren, It ls sald, have supplied lauor to appear in Police Court onday, or charges will be ASSAULT CHARGE Daughter Was | His Vietim weSayen Children Were oun, Of the sixth eons hithy Township, ap- peared before Magistrate Willis on charged with assaulting hin daughter and oaus- was remanded to goal until Friday When Provinelal Constable Mitohell and Ohlef Gunwon called at his house, It 1s alleged, accused wis found In an Intoxicated voms ditlon With 'saven ohildren arouna The offios org say that this Ia the worst case of 1th kind they have handled for The mother of the child. has left home, ang the Ohildren's Ald Boclaty has steps ped in, Chief Gunson has the name of a Whithy man who is alleged to Burgess, who had no permit, and he will hara on The pollee say that oth preforrea Reliable HERBAL REMEDIES for Stomach, Blood, Plles, Kidneys, Calls bladder, Overweight, Tensile, Adenoids, Nerves, Rhoumatiom, Catarrh, Varicose Vaing, ote, A Don't You Know? THAT NERDS SUP, BRYCE MADE are the natural means WHY PRLS TEN HREM o Ants or tore a on n SIMcOR aT, Noa He, re Dr, Thuna Balsam Remedies, Lid. PHONE m0 Ona went through the back wine dow and struck mn looking glass { In the front, but the driver did not stop until hin tives were punctured by further bullets, Brother Caused Ronsation The nooused olaims to he a bros Kher of Jack Parks, now serving five years In Kingston, whose ess cape from Peterboro Jail and sub. sequent elopement with a young girl, Pearl Bowerman, onused Wits A sensation some time axe hile being brought from. Moose Jaw after his escaps he threw pepper In the deteotive's eyes, Will Appear Monday Accused appeared before Magis trate Willis on Haturday after noon and was remanded until Mon day He wan identified at Coe hourg by the teller of the Domine fon Dank here an the man who passed a forged cheque on him The girl he was In company with fs on remand In Cobourg gaol, In connection with this case Burgess, it is alleged, has been drinking heavily of late, The pos loa took two guns from him, with which, it ia alleged, he threatens od to shoot himself and children, WAN NOT HOUSEKEEPER OF WILLIAM MeCAYIG Mra, George Nadler has desired The Times to state that she was not housekeeper to Willlam Meo Calg at the time that MoCalg come mitted sulelde by taking polson on September 25, OLD TOWN WHERE ¥ ) Window ipl i of These 27 in, Velveteen, Plain and Fancy Patterns, 98¢ Yard Plain velveteen in colore=copen, brown, green, sand; also fancy patterns for trim- wings, 27 in, to 30 in, wide, Regular $1.25 and $1.50 yard, One prioe iii navy, black, 98¢c Silk Velvet 36 inch ilk brown, green: Regular values to One price FAT fy $2. 39 A as NITED fa $3.30; on Sale This Week, $2.39. LL} 1 DAVY, Tose, copen, ged d velvets in the lot, LINCOLN TROD SAVED BY STATE] Here "Honest Abe" Clorked, Courted, Read Law--Re. stored, Its Memories Cling ---- Potersburg, HL=\Vherever one go throughout central Hlinois there are to be found reminders of this State's citimen=Abraham hardly anywhere is most illustrious Lincoln, Hut there a spot more ealeulated to give an dnsight into those things whi h went nto the foundations of his man wold than old New Salem, once a wgorous little pioneer town, today a whine, Restored, in a measure, 10 A original condition, it Is now to preserved and protected by the ate, Standing on a bluff, with the Sans qamon River 100 (eet helow, and the wealth of timber land closing in abou i, It would be dificult otf find "w more picturesque location, Settled a JEN as a mill town, with every womise of permanence, it had an ae wal existence of less than seven ears, Ita population of perhaps a undred poople was housed in sone } log cabins, Resides the mill there as a cooper's shop, a couple of ures, and a tavern, One looks at the two rooms of the esent Rutledge Tavern, at the cep ladder entrance to the upper aot, where a night's lodging was eekoned at 12 1-2 cents and remem otrs by contrast the spacious new Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Spring deld, 30 miles away, Housed in the little Hone muse, a dignified one story building of ode design is a collection wf choice relies, It is the hope of the Qld Salem-Lincoln League of Peters: Durg that every house in the village ¢ ba restored and properly reluey ne oth, The fulfilled vision will stand a8 a beautiful tribute to that fraitiul period of Lincoln's young manhood which proceded his longer years of wholeshearted service 10 his counter and 10 his fellawmen, a spot to w hh added thousands will make their w not alone for the sight of visi things pertaining to Lincoln's life, but that they may Tk kewise gain a clears or insight fate the: invisible forces which went into the making of the Great Bmaneipatorn, WOE Bernard Shaw insists that he is more entertaining than Shakespeare. ¢ certainly says funnier things, Chatham ows, ---- Ramsay MacDonald receives the keys to the city, even A ough Mr Enright avers that it is wide open | =New York Evening Post, er-- There was quite a frost in this diss teict last night and one toweh of Con, lor, {) GRE i y Soli. a Nelion Perdue, Con, 1 I, Oliver, UI, GLE NOARKY we ANUS MeGills, Con. | fephen QO'C onnor, I, i GRENVILLE=Heon, G, son, Con HAI DIMAN DD R, N Cont R, IY, Miller, Lib, HALTON w= Gy ores Hillmer, Con, | T. A finckloek Lib HAMILTON RAST we Win, Mor vison, Cant R, 1, Treleaven, Lib HAMILTON CENTRE « T, W Jutten, Con, HAMILTON WEST « Hon, F, 7 Smye, Con HASTINGS W, we W, H, Ireland, Con, i GH Holton, Lib HASTINGS EAST James F, Hill, on HURON NORTH=Charles Roberts sony, Lib Dr, JB, Whitely, Con, HASTINGS NORTH=Hon, J, R Cooke, Con HURON SOUTH w( Con; W, «0 ' Medd, Govenloek, Lib KENORA LP Ear! Hutehinson, KENT, WEST«Rev, A, C Cong A. St. Claly Gordon, Lib KENT EAST-P, J, Henry, Con KINGETONT, A, Kidd, Con, LAMHTON FAST ws Howard ¥ra leigh, Cong Li W, Oke, UFO, Pred Eastman, Lih LAMBTON WEST Dy A R, Mgs Millen, Con.i Wm, Miller, Lib LANARK, N, » John A. Crag, Can Dr, 'A, Dawn! ving, 1h LANARK SOUTH «= Dr g A An deraon, Con LEEDS =I, { Skinng, Con; Dr J.P, Sinclair, Lib 1, L Ellis, Pros hib, a INCOLN I". 1. Wilson, ! Damude, Lib; R, H + Fergus Derry, 100THe |} Hott, Prog v Earngey, Con, Laboy Calder, Con, | Kemp, Dr, H, A, J. € Wilson, on LONDON NORTH~), IP Con MANITOULIN «= Alfred Graham, Cong () Far rquhar, Lib | "MIDDLESEX NORTH « I, V Langhton, Con; W, HW, McLeish, | b fl I" LONDON SOUTH » | Stovenson, Labor; Dr Moore, | MIDDLESEX WEST De LW Freele, Cont 1. G. Lethbridge, Prog. 1 W. 6G, Turnbull, Lib MUSKOKA « GW, Ecolestone, Cont W. KE, Hutchinson, Lib«Prog, NIAGARA FALLS«C, F, Munroe, Lib; WV, GG, Willsan, Con NIPPISSIN Ge Harry Morel, Con.) John 1H, MeDaonald, Lib. NORFOLK.W i Mason, ¥ ib NORTHUMBERLAND F, J, Mes Arthur, Cant W, G Robertson Lib ONTARIO NORTH = James Dia: chard, Con; George Veales, Lib; W, Widdifield, Pro ONTARIO Youth rank I, Ma« son, Cont W, KN, Sinclair, Lib OTTAWA NORTH=A, EK, well, Can. W. 1, Gilhoaoley, 3 OYTAWA SOUTH=Arthur Ellis, on, OXFORD NORTIT = D. M, Rous, Libs Prog i John W, Sales, Con, OXFORD SOUTH James Pullin, Cont R.A, Daxter, Lib or AWA EAST « Louis Cote, Con, A, Pinard, Lib, PARRY SOUND: «Roy Dixon, Lib; GV. Harcourt, Can, PEEL-T, 1, Kennedy, H, Graham, Lib, Gained 10 Pounds In 22 Days That's going some-=hut skinny men, women and ohildren just OAn't help putting on geod healthy flosh when they take MeCoy's Co Liver "Extract Tablets, Full of health and weight bulla. Ing substances=<the proven and avnocessinl kind==the kind that are A real help to frall, rundown, akinny men apd women Try these supremely etflolent Augar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days==it they don't help greatly your money will be retunded, One woman gained ten pounds In twenty-two days, Sixty tables, 80 eonta--Koonomy Size $1.00, Ask Jury & Lovell, T, B, Mitohell, W, H, Karn or any druggist for MoCoy's Cod Liver Extract lots, Directions and formula on each box, wr Cony 7% haa Ro a dh est ga Sl ave frost makes the wl real juioy,=St Catharines Standa TORONTO, hac CHES wT A Murphy Con,1 W, ord, Lib, RONTO AGEN ME, J Noad, | 1] Nesbitt, Con TORSNTY fo ERCOURT Sam Wright, Can, | D, Stanley, Lib TORONTO, GREENWOSD Smith, Con, TORONTO, HIGH PARK . Baird, Cont Dr, M, KE said, Prog TORONTO, PARKDALK - Hon, WwW, H. Price, Con; J, Coughlin, Lib JORONTO, RIVERDALE Oakley, Con ORONO, ROLINTON « Hl. ) Kirby, Ind, Lib; A, C, MeLean, Con, TORONTO, 8T, GEORGE'S Mrs fan Needham, Lib; H, C, Schols ole Can, TORONTO, ST, DAVID'S I. A Carrick, Lib] W, Helghinmon, Con TORONTO, 8T, PATRICK'S | I, Murphy, Con; Miss Helen Cur rie, Ind, Con, TORONTO, 4 ANDREW'S I, J Glass, Lib. F, Singer, Con, TORONTO, WOON ETC eo PERTH NORTH-Hon, I. D, Mon- telth, Con. G, I, Graff, Lib, PERTH SOUTH == David Ranls, Cong A, A Colquhoun, Lib W, A MeKeneie, Pro Shields, Can. f A Kinsella, Lib VICTORIA NORTH »= Win, News man, Lib DD, MeQuartie, Can VICTORIA SOUTH-W, W, Stap les, Cont F, G Bandy, Prog WATERLOO NORTH! Dr, J.T Ja, a "% €, Tweed, Ind Vi Wilghet Con, | W ATERLOO ot gn = Karl K Mouth, Gong De, 8 E Charlton, ih, WELLAND «Mark Vaughan, Co " an EN IWURTH NORTI \ Plinves Cont Dry LL, C, IR H, Chatland, Lib WENTWORTH SOUTH « T, ) Mahoney, Con, WEL x INGTON NORTHEAST Dr, Gy MoQuibban, Lib; Rev, W Boh Con WELLINGTON SOUTH = Hon Lincoln Goldie, Con WINDSOR WEST), Fred Reld, Con WINDSOR EAST-F, WW, Wilsan, Con. DD, R, MaeKensle, Lib. Decky Dyhay, Communist, 'ORK' EAST «= Hon, George 8, Henry, Cony Harold A: Saunders, Lib YORK NORTH « Clifford Case, Cong 1, W, Pearson, Lib, Tv IN Macau YORK SOUTH gb God Lien, -W, A Creo, ny, Cont GW, PB, YORK WESTwHon, rey, Lon, ---------------- LIBERAL LEADER CHALLENGES HIS OPPONENT (Continued trom page 1) highest courts the question as \ whether the federal ar provincial au thorities should have jurisdiction ove the issuance of licenses to breweric: and distilleries, Continued Neh next \ghway Mr, Sa also deal at Jeng! with the provincial highway proble and promised to relieve the count of the burden of contributing twent per cent towards the building an maintenance of provincial highways "I was delighted to learn som time ago that Mr, Mason was | favor LOL this one plank in ny plat form" the speaker claimed, "But he has been back-slidin lately for | hear that he now And that \his pol oy would cause the counties to vi with each other to see which cou, ! secure the greater mileage of pro | vineial highways, No doubt he ha | been in cuntae with the higherups | hia party and they have put hin! In line as a steiet Ferguson follower, | The Liberal leader wanted to warm the elogtors that the promer stil, held most, dear his favorite schemes wiht regard 10 township seh hoards, the teaching of Rest form work in public schools and the pro vision for instruction of first yea university work in high schools, He referred to the report issued by the premier as Minister of Education and showed that these things sull held a prominent place in his mind, They Aout prove of tremendous cost to ach municipality he claimed Mr, Sinclair trusted that Ms tong xperience in the Legislative Asseny iy fitted him to best represent South taro and he was convinced that Reach township would sccord him that loyal support which it had giv ten him at the last election, ley FIGURES IN NEWS Hearst's Attack on Former British Premier is stated, "hut the province should pay for them, + No Deflelin In answer to Mr, Muson's erltielsm that the Liberal party's program would bring about a defiglt Mr, Bin clair replied, "I can tell Mr, Mason that If we are placed in office ther will be no deficit, We will cut down on some of the unnecessary expendi tures whieh the present government has been making" G, D, Conant, of Oshawa, alio ad although he he Labor party London, Qet, 14. I'wa members of the Baldwin family, Stanley and hi son Oliver, figure prominently In the news today Randolph Hearit's at tnek an the former Prime Minister the same in power 'w Parllament or on the platform or In the press of his own country, Oliver Baldwin, the son, continues to attack the MacDonald Government is an getive member of th n writing in the Resented Socialist weekly, "The Clarion," pays that the treatment of the unem: played In his constituency Is exactly as it was under Steel-Mait: land when the Tory Government war dressed the electors and pointed out that by re-eleeling My Sinelalr, South Ontario might be eleating the prime minister of the provinee, He pratsed him for his courage, ability and trustworthiness and elaimed that South Ontario could take pride In providing so able a leader for the ranks of Liberalism John Graves, of Hrooklin, and for mer member of the Oshawa city counell, spoke at hath meetings and strongly condemned the government's liquor sale poliey which he elalmed promoted | has' voused much resentment not only among the Tories, but with members of other parties and oficial friends of Mr, Haldwin hey assert that Mi sent attitude Is due to Mi refusal to pecept an offer for the Hearst newspapers when he left the answer to this, it Is explained nat only is Mr Huldwin tea busy to write, but he does not regard It as ethical that eon fidentinl eB obtained while holding office should be exploited for private gain, Baldwin's Relief Mr, Baldwin has Ei TARR s PO SAG SR Hearst's pre Baldwin's to write Hladder Leg or Groin Haokache, Hurning, Rheumatie Cyutex 48 houy premiership, In Arug store, intemperance and plagued the mark of respectability on a vie lous and lawless traffic, wleep fine, feel and full of pep gone, stronger, on _previou A Getting Up Nights Can Be Hopped often in 48 hours, If you are losing pep, health and strength from Getting Up Nights, Weakness, Paine, or Aches, why not try the Test? Get Cystex (pronounced Hiss-tex) today at any for only 60e, bok If you don't soon find pains Money younger, TRARY "Get me Mr. Jones on the telephone!" . . . another cause of "LINE'S BUSY" ASN your secretary to get Mr, Jones on the telephone and then making him wait for you to speak fa not oul & discourteay to Jones, It ties u your telephone line for unnecessary minutes, an people who are trying to call your office are told: Line's Busy", Uncompleted telephone calla=of which "Line's Busy" is a chief cause~-are wasting two million minutes every day in Ontarlo and Quebec, They are congesting Jailie «=~ gausing constant irritation == handicapping We are atrl always to provide the beat possibie telophone* service, That is why we are now pointing out some common faults in telephone usage which are blocking telephone efficiency, Your office may need a rearrangement of present tele phones to give greater ease of access, It may need more telephones, You be able to time outgoing calla to avoid rush hours, There may be unnecessarily long conversations, You be getting your sccres tary to call Jones when you don't need to, When people call Jo office and are told "Line's Buy you waste their time, And you lose calls, A often means lost business, We would be glad by din your telephone facilities and submit a report, Te Jaelliiea are Sha anly spending 1980 outlay wn ™ "ere than HN H. M, BLACK, Manager,