Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Oct 1929, p. 1

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VOL. 5-NO, 88 News in Brief (Wy Conndion Press) 106 Pullsts Stolen Mitton. he thieves visited the home of James vans, Nelson township an tole 108 white pullets, M for Yukon Dawson Clty. ~VFor the first time In the hictory of the Yukon, Dawson City and all Interior parts this year will receive all classes of mal throughout the winter by means @ aeroplane servige, 0» § Worker Killed Sydne A dey vr A ou, aged 21, a laborer at the steel plant, wa almost instantly killed when o Tell a distance o Meet from = ladder in the blast furanee department, suse taining a rue! ured whl, 's Own Honored Buffalo~The Queen's Own Rifles, erack Canadian regiment, were given the plage af honor at the head of a parade here on Saturday night, hich elimawed a three-day ecelebrae tion of Light's Golden Jublele, hon oring Thomas A Judson, of Niagara 5, Ont, and tender of lock 19, Welland canal, was drow: ned at Jhafod yesterday when the brakes of his car falled to hold and the maching fell into the water wt {3 A B 4 Drowned In Canal Sit, sire y- Philly Pina, 50, [ 1] A * "Dies of Injuries Brockvillges ames Wood, 43 years of age, a native of Cornwall towns ship, whd son of Daniel Weed, Sto- ne's Corners, died at 540 o'clock on Sunday-meening fn the Ontario hos pital, as a gui fo being attacked by an insane patient on Friday, AJ LJ Littla Control Brantfords=Premier Ferguson's re« quest that the eltlzens gontrol them: selves did not "stick" in this eity, Sig drunks were haled to the cells Saturday night, one being charged with driving a ear while Intoxleated, This latter offense has been growing more common reeently, Dies After Explosion Toronto~=Injured about the face and body when a boiler in the byte ment of a synagogue at 878 Hay street exploded at 6 o'clogk Saturday night, John Muneck, aged 38, single, wat removed to the General hospital where he died shortly after midnight Inst night, \d lars Busy Reglna--=Loot amounting to thous ra has been taken AE afo-ora an ewan during the k ) Be for pk a id $0, dou of Weginn, a secure when w sinal funds stolen from the Postoffice, a safe war shbed in Quarrel ne o,~=John Erb Jr, 20-year: old son of John Heb, well-known farmer of this district, Is lying at hia father's home suffering rou k He wounds in his arms and back, y the police to have been ine ted by Abe Horton of Smithville, when the two men quarreled over a dor owned by, Horop, First Hunting Mishap Sault Ste, Hint Ont==Reports from Espanola state that i ex Bell, a Mh school student, Is the first Al: wa victim of the hunting season. oll was carrying a 22 calibre rifle in the bush, and in some unknawn man. ner it was discharged, the bullet lodg: ing in his right foot, He managed to ride home on 4 bieyele, Woman Beaten ; Hamilton =Mrs, Elisabeth Chad: Wok, 12 Cannon street east, was brus tally beaten by a man whom she ac companied to the mountainside Sat. urday night, and who, she says, tried to drawn her in b Joris trough, Por have a good Hi eseription of her bY but no name, Develops ments are considered Wely, however, { Famine is Serious Shanghai,~Famine conditions in Chima are rapidly growing worse, ag: {ord hg to recent reports received in dangh vom the northern provine bo where hundreds have been dying ly of rvavcn for many months, No R rom natural causes is exs pevted tore next spring Cargo for Hudeon Bay Winnipeg --=Sponsors of the first e from England to Western Cus via Hudson Bay two and ee half centuries age, the Hudson's company announces that it has been first to ship goods from Winn Ue Ragland and rom England to \ Wanlpes h bay route and the Bay railway, ! of Nin oy er Min EA A |, RE ed tions hh ge) » * SL at. . . ne instea of a your's Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer The Oshawa Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in s Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy, FOURTEEN PAGES BRITISH AIRSHIP MAKES TRIAL FLIGHT GIANT DIRIGIBLE R-101 SUCCSSFUL IN ITS FIRST FLIGHT OF Largest Airship in the World Left Its Mooring Mast This Morning With Full Crew Aboard MADE TRIP OVER CITY OF LONDON Major Scott, Who Has Al ready Flown Across the Atlantic in a Dirigible, Placed in Command of Britain's Monster of the Air (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Cardington, Eng, Oct, 14. England's giant new dirigihle Re 101 returned safely to her moor ing-mast thin afternoon after her trial trip, The big airship erulsed over London and other parts of southeastern Kngland Although the original plans oalls ed for a test flight of only #0 miles, the officers ahoard her ape arent felt justitied in making a Farrar telp as It 18 about 40 miles from Cardington te Landon, ---- Cardington, Eng, Oct. 1d=The glant Hritlah dirigible, R101, largest alrship in the world, left its moors ing mast at 1119 am, tor its first trial Might, She carried a crew of WM and 14 passengers, Great cnowdls cheered as the airthip started ita filght commanded by Mas jor G, i. Rout who dad airtady own the Atlantie in a Hghteysthan. a machine, The guests eluded Sir John Higiing, representing the Em pire Ale Council, Hot luncheon was 10 be served ahoard "My instructions ara to fly in & clrele and to test the ship In every pogsible way," Major Scott sald, "The probability {a that our maiden trip will be about 30 miles in length, She shall go no higher than 2000 feet" BRITAIN KNEW OF ACTIVITIES OF W. B. SHEARER Knowledge Revealed in Let: ter From Former Ad miralty Head rr-- Uh | (hy T T y Cana dian Press Ntatt Correspondent) London, Oct, 14.=The first lord of the British admiralty was aware of the activities of Willlam Shearer, propagandist, at the Gen ova disarmament conference of 1027, and had protested amainst admission of Hhearer to press cons ferences, This in revealed in a lot. ter to The Times today trom Lord Bridgeman, flest lord from 1934 until hia realgnation before the last general elections, Lord Rridmeman adda that after announcement of the RNritiah dis armament proposals tn June, 1927, he ran into a violent attack in cer tain sections of the United Hiates press, This included gross winres presentations, not all of which were innocently conceived, He had we cured from representative Hritlah and American NOwSRAPOrMen oon- currence in his declaration that certain of these reports were absos Intely untrue, CAR JUMPS CURR AND HITS TRUCK -------- Child Injured In Accident on King Street Weat Saturday ------------ When a car driven by John 1D Morris, 419 Dundas swreet east, To ronte, traveling east on King street west swerved to aveld + hitting a Wiek operated by Ervin Gray, 30 Albert street, near the intersection with Warren ave, Saturday afters noon, it jumped the cuth to the boulevard on the south side of King street and travelled for a distance feet, finally coming ta a stop t collided with the rear of a truck, The windshiek! af the 0 man's ear was smashed and HAN twosyear-ald Annie Spinks of hardson street, who was ascomne ning Morris received a ent on the head caused by fying glass, She a removed to the office of Dy won where she received medical attent FORTY MILES MacDonald Left New York Today -- New York, Oct, 1a Promier | Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain bade New York adieu today and de parted en a special train over th New York Central ralleond, enroute to Canada, where he will gonfer per sonally with Premier Mackensle King Refrgahed somewhat from his two days of comparative reat following his arduous oMelal visitors In Washing ton and New York, the Hritish pre miler and his daughter, Miss lshbel, were driven to the Grand Central ter minal from their hotel, to he greeted by a large crowd, A squad of motor oyele police, sirens sereeching, form od wn eseort They faged the Inevitable battery of camera men and smilingly posed for plotures while spectators applaud ed, Soon alter the premier and his party boarded their train, which pull ed out of the terminal at 8.30 o'¢ fock When the premier and his daugh ter arrived at the station, they were greeted hy Sir Harry Armatrong, British Consul«General, and Lady Armstrong, who presented the mems bers of the British consulate and their wives to the prime minister and his daughter Desperate Fi Mother An -- Toronto, Oct, 1=Medienl skill Ix waking a desperate fight in St. Mi chael's hospital to save the life of a woman whose flesh has heen burn ed off her body hy gasolinested fam on, And if the woman dies as doclors fear she may, another life remaing to be saved, that of the child ta which she would have miven birth in a few weeks' time, The injured woman Is Mrs, Jahn Neilson, mgaed 8 King street coast, who became enveloped when her huss hand poured pasoline On A Move In the kitchen of their home on Satur day afternoon, When doctors examined Mes, Neil son she was siven but a few hours to live, Her body was a mass of burns, But at an early hour thi morning she still lived Dr, DW. Pratt, who Is attending the case, described her vitality as nothing short of amasing All the skill of medical selence ia belng thrown inte the battle to save the lives of the mother and her unborn ohild and attendants at the hospital are prepared to undertake the last recourse, 4 Laesarian operation, a the event of Mra Neilson's death, The operation must be carried out immediately after death, Dr, Pratt explained, The husband of the ins ured woman has not been told of pin wile's precarious condition, He has heen toll, however, that she very sick and after hearing what the hospital doctors had to say congerns ing the chances of bringing the babe inte the world, Neilson signed a cons soit paper, giving the doctors pows er to perform the operation, "It is amasing that she is still as live", said Dr, Pratt, who sat at the beduide of Mra, Neilson through Sat. urday night and the early hours of Sunday morning, "She has passed throukh the primary and secondary stages and 1a now in the toxie nape which na that poisons from the burned skin tissue are entering hor body, It ia seldom that a person sures vives this stage, In the event of hee death a Caesarian operation will be immediately performed and we hope 10 save the Baby which {8 well des veloped," PREMIER BRUCE T0 RESIGN OFFICE James H. Scullin, Labor Leader, Will Form New Melbourne, Australia, Oot, 1d Prime Minister Stanley Bruce will tender his resignation to the gow ernorgeneral at Canberra, Austra lan capital, on Saturday, This was decided at & conference of the cabs inet following the nationalist par y's defeat tn the general elections of Saturday. Premier Rruce afterwards met James NH. Suellin, leader of the vie terion Labor party, and arranged that pending hiv awn veslanation, Mr. Suellin would hold ha abevanee Plans for formation of a Labor Medical Science Is Waging ministry, mm ---- W.E.N. Sinclair Says H AEE ---- is Po Ee ii | Empress of Canada Aground Off Vancouver [ PLAGEHIP transpacifio Canada, fleet PACT Pacifie of Canadian liner, Kmpross flagship, on route from Nootland® wo V 'ancouver, Is reported plied on rocks In Ban Juan de Fuca straits, south of Vancouver Island, In a donne fog, Passengers, together a ht To Save Expected 'Child Volcano Is In Eruption By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Fort de France, Martinique, Oor, 14 =Mont Pelee, famous West In dian voloano which overwhelmed the town of Balint Plarre In a ding. trous eruption in 100%, burst into eruption at four o'oloek this morn. Ing, The veleano's activity WHA stronger than in the last previous eruption, Hept, 14, Home of jhe inhabitants of Saint Plerre, Morne Rouge, and Pecheur left thelr homes, ---- Ocean Liner Still On Rocks Will Make Effort to Refloat Empress of Canada at High Tide (By Canadian Press Lossnd Wire) Victoria, B.C, Oct, 14 Leaks ing In three of her holds, the Trans-Pacific steamer Empress of Canada, flagship of the Canadian Pacitie Ocean Services oriental fleet, was still hard and fast aground early today, The vessel yeaterday noon atrudk on the rocky shore of Homer's Bay, 18 miles south of Vitoria in the straits of San Juan De Fuea, due to heavy fol, All passengers were taken off immediately, Enroute to Vancouver, the Em press of Canada had been come pleting the laat log of a voyage that started at Southampton, Rag, on September 1%, Riforts will be made at high tide today to Moat the big ship which salvage vessels yesterday were unable to move, Divers were bu ascertaining whether It ia possible 10 out ar blast away the rooky projections that are holding the vessel, TENEMENT DWELLER LEAVES $800,000 New York, Oct, Ha=An 80-year-oll spinster, Miss Pauline DPoppita, was found Saturday dead of natural caus ses in her $13.a-month Brooklyn tens ament, which upon police HON Was ny 10 contain ting a wealth of half a million dollars, nov! and bank books represen: ce Ra purse i uining SALES MO bonds worth $100 each, © th State of Virginia, nine bank hodks of Rrooklyn and Manhattan banks, representing undetermined des posits, and 21 mortgages on paroper: ty in Brooklyn and Connecticut, Jokes ap marriage are funny only 10 those who are not married. Chis cago Daily News > EN ROUTH FROM with baggage, have been landed, Neveral ahoard, show! IR. flagship The Eighty Libera (By Canadian © Toronto the preliminarie provinoelal eleetic dates are formal Raturday the dissolution Today finds an Isgialature, A © of the 112 seats, election, Blghty Liberal oronto photographs (1) Empress of Canada, of which is hard aground off Vane conver, (RB) Capt, kK, ont, week will nee the Five weeks have Premier Ferguson issued the Con nervative manifesto and announced bora of the last legislature, cabinet ministers are seeking ve were hero ople Pacitie Meet, Griffiths, 1225 Candidates Now Entered In Election Fight CONSERVATIVES IN FIELD IN EVERY RIDING Is and Fifteen Progressives Also Nominated ress Lonsed Wine) Oot, 14 This completion of a to the Ontario mm, when oandl ly nominated next elapsed ainee of the legislature imposing array of candidates for the 112 seats in the onservative candi date han heen nominated for each A2 of them mem All candidatea are already in the fleld and more will greasives and U Ontario have 18 bare, Altogether he nominated during The Liberala seeking election ine elude 15 tormer the week, members, Pros nited Farmews of onndidates nomi: nated, five of them former mem 220 candidates have heen chosen including, in ads dition to those already & Prohibitionists, 3 Independents, 3 Conaervatives, Communists and dorsation of the addresses at antioned, 8 In dent 2 Labor, Bach of the § Independent Conservatives ia opposing a candidate with the ens party organisa. tion in the constituency. Pramler Ferguson will deliver Brampton and Orangeville today, Mr, Rinolaly will speak at Allis ton, and last wight he would veply He refused to written a letter sald, ta whion Rympat Medae, ft necessary to - he indieated to Premier For Reson' Avimer speech, make any extend: od reply to the Premier's states ment he had signed the pledge of the Prohibition Union, He had to the Unlon, he he had expressed with the points tn the Wt he had not considered tan it, e-------- CEILING FALLS IN TORONTO CLASSROOM Torante, Oot, colling of a class 14=The entire room in Lealle St Sohool fell with a orash today, but fortunately before the children had taken their places, The weight of tons, and had the the celling wasn estimated at four aceident aconrred ring sohool hours, it would have weed serious youngsters, jury to many NOOTLAND PILEN ON ROCKA IN VOU commander of tle Kmpress of Canada, (8) Kalvage King, noted Pacific salvage ship, which is being rushed to the stranded liner, in chavge of Capt, J, M, Hewlson Eight Planes Now In Search Winnipeg, Oot, 14, -=Hight fear loan plots, wise In the ways of the north, were named today to carry out the search for Col, C, D MH, MoAlpine and his seven fellow pxplorers missing In the harrens for mare than five weeks, Already five panes are At Baker Lake, aerial outpost 800 miles west of Hudson Bay, and three others will hop to Baker when the freere-up sounds the signal for the begins ning of the hunt, Capt, BB, W, Broatoh is at Stoney Rapids In Northern Haskatohewan today; Capt, Charles Hutton is en route thither from the Pas, North ern Manitoba lumber town; and Ken Dewar in at the Pas, prepay: Ing to join Mutton and Nroateh at Stoney, The trio are the Ones se- lected to ald the five maochinas under the command of Capt, G, N Nlanchet, veteran sub-Avotieo travs eller at Baker Lake Mavhe we grow, better but many a dollar bill still has to ask nickels and dimes what a collection plate (4), her wellknown skipper, Doukhobors Are Quieter (By Cansitian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Oot 14, Alter months of intermittent outbreaks of trouble, the Doukhabor situation today appeared to have a definite | turn toward improvement, A hung» or strikes hy Sone of Freedom in Oakalla Jail at Vancouver had halted; guards had been dismissed form a new Doukhobor eamp ar Port Rico, near Nelson, BO, and A band of fmprivoned paradera at Prince Albert, Hask,, were quietly serving thelr sentence, Ontario Pilot Killed In West Winnipeg, Oct, 14e=Thrown into a Sapin" as he banked sharply for a wen, preparatory to landing, J. 1 Templer, youthtul pilot for the Trans-Canada Airways Company, fatled, despite a desperate effort, wo vight his aeroplane and the machine crashed on the prairie lands to the west of the city, nedr Stevenson Aerodrome, late yesterday, Tompler, who was MN years old, and a former resident of Burford, was fatally in ured, while his two passengers, \Wil fam Burton and Keunth Roy MM Donald each sustained a broken leg and several internal injuries, Unconscious the pilot and his pas sengers were taken from the wreck: age of the plane hy motorists, who withessed the orash, Templer died en route to a dootor's office, An an bulance was rushed from the city, and Burton and MeDonald were ta London, Oot, 14==The accepts ance by the Soviet government of the terms of the protocol negotiate od hy Foreign Secretary HNenders son and Ambassador Dovgatevaky with a view toward resumption of relations between Great Britain and Russia han been received by the Britiah government, It 1a new ex pected the next step will be cons sideration. of the protoeel hy pan Hament with a view to ratitication, a m-------- . Prisoner Rishptured St, Catharines =Albert Gait, the prisoner servine a four months' term in Lincoln County fat aho made his escape Thursday, was Vecantured Nas turday night hy Sheriff Henry O% Loughlin and the + hee ARR Hunger Strike Vancouvers=Confronted with a choice of eating or going without, 113 Dounkhobors, prisaners in Oakal 1a fail capitulated Saturday after a hreesday hunger strike, looks like Hrandon Sun Frederick W, Wilson, Editor And Publisher Of Port Hope Guide, Passed Away Sunday Port Hope, Oct, =A prominent figure in provincial journalism and lo cal business elreles was removed yes terday with the death of Frederick W. Whson, late editor, of the Port Hope Guide, His death came follows ig an ness which resulted fram a hreakdown on Sept, 3M, With W, 15 R, Preston, My, Wil son figured as defendant in the $30. 000 libel action brought in Cobourg nearly years ago by Sir Ar thur Currie Fredevisck Willlam Wilson was born in Port Dover in 1860, the fourth son of the late George Wilson and Sarah Howell, Hai father was the publisher of the New Dominion in Port Dover until 18%, when the family moved first to Hamilton and later to Milton, where Mr, Wilson, St, published the Champion, F, W, Wilson was married in 18M to Mary Esther Cheate of Belmont Farm, who predeceased him in 192% He took his son, Donald, inte part nership some vears ago, and has since published the Guide at Port Hope Deceased {8 survived by three children, Ralph, Donald and Ruth He also leaves three brothers, Chars les A, and 8, Franklin, of Toronto, and George H, of Lindsay: two sis ters, Miss Florence Mary of Port Hope and Mrs, H, TT, Hambly of Toronto, and a namber of nieces and nephews UNITED STATES ONLY PONER TO REPLY $0 FAR Italy, However, Is Likely to Accept Britain's In. vitation twa London, Oct, 14-=The United States thus far is the only one of the powers which has replied to Great Nritain's favitationa to a § power conference on naval disarm. AMOnt early next year, It was sald in ofMolal quarters today that cons trary to reports Italy had neither declined nor accepted the invitation yet, Likely to Accept Rome, Oot, 14-11 was wader atood today that Italy would accept Groat Britain's invitation te the 8 power naval conference in Londen fa January, She will ho represened hy efther Giuseppe Eirlannt, mints ter of marine, or Dine Grandi, min. tater of forelan atfalre, According to the nature of the representation from the other pawers, EE . Commits Suicide Guelph. ~=Mrs, © Rosalle Wells, who has suffered for some years from an incurable disease, ended her life early today when she rose om her hed and made her way to an old quarry hole, where she pMunged in, licy Misrepresented LIBERAL LEADER ISSUES STRONG CHALLENGE TO THE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE Mr, Sinclair Addressed Well Attended Meetings of the Electors Held at Greens bank and Utica on Satur. day Night LIQUOR QUESTION WAS CHIEF SUBJECT Also Speaks on Financing of Provincial Highways and Old Age Pensions, and Declares Liberals Would Cut Unnecessary Expend« itures Charging that there had heen mis representation by his opponents of his stand on the liquor question ever since the present campaign began, W, EK, N, Sinclair, leader of the th eral party and Liberal candidate for this viding, In an address hefore a large body of Reach township elegs tors at Greenbank, last Saturday night roundly seored Frank Ma~ son, his Conservative opponent fer stating that at Fort Willlam he had "east aside prohibition and flatly sald he was in favor of Government Cons tral" "Where in any of my speeches ean anyone find pusiy fptement, r Sinelale challenged, "l only ask my to gol --- ® fasta i on we 'disenss fasuen let we discuss them an friend to friend, Tha press have heen fair in reporting my speechen and Mr, Mason is making this charge before those who hy rouding roports in the newspaper have gained an intelligent opinion of the questions of the day and the pols icles of the political parties, Such a claim is false, absurd and ridieus lous and will be resented by the peas ple, 1 do hope for the good name of this viding of South Ontario that he will refrain from such tactics in future," In spite of the fact that he had just completed a strenuous week and had addressed an audience at Kings» ville in the extreme west of the pros vince the night previous, Mr, Sins olair was in fing fettle when he aps peared before the Greenbank audis ence Saturday uwlght, This was his second visit to the north end of the viding since his nomination, terested In Truth "I am not particularly interested In Me, Mason's stand on this question," Mr, Sinclair stated in continuanee, "hut I am interested in truths or untrathy" The Libera! leader read aloud his wanifesto and that of Premier Fors puson with regard to the liguor quess tion and showed how pin the clauses in his declaration approxifmas ted the demands of the Prohibition Union, He again stated that if the Liberal party were elected to power it would submit the whole question to the people to be decided by refers endum or plebiscite providing thera was a sufficient body of public opine fon desiring such action on the part of the government, "But what would Premier Fergus son do?" the speaker asked, "When it comes to a plebiscite, which aften all is the great question of the d& he says 'No, there will be ne bel iscite, So there you have it, o says that this is a matter which he will decide and calls a plebiscite uns constitutional and wn-British even though he held a plebiscite in 1994 himself, Contrast this attitude to the policy of the Liberal party which sincerely desires to remove this arent moral problem from the realm ol polities, With regard to the posts tion of Mr, Mason it must be vems membered that ho dy first, fast and always a supporter of Mr, Ferguson Mr, Sinclair declared that the Libs eral party wan willing to refer to tha (Continued on page 3) were EE ™™ AP FRENCH DOCTORS TO STUDY RAILWAY MEDICAL METHODS Montreal, Oct, M=On a mission of investigation to meth« ods employed on railways of ¢ country, medical officers of twa the bigest French railways are coms ing to Montreal this week, The vi ory are Dr, Pierre Fredet and Louis Basi, medical heads of Pacis: Lyons: Mediterranean and the Pariv-Orleany railways, respects ively, The two medical authorities have Been making an extensive study methods used on railways of the United States, They will arvive here oh Monday from Detroit on the Cas nadian National Railway train whi reaches Bonaventure station at 680 an, Before leaving for Quebee they will 'he entertained. hy rathway » olals at a private dinner at the Cercle VUniversitaive,

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