Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Oct 1929, p. 13

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y-- TH] THE, OSI IAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 PACE THIRTEEN E C) vis" where EEE D meets CTION : eller "aN \PIIeO ih Legal CONANT & ANNIS, (ATRTE Suliitars, QI hublie, Ie, wh nelng an ¥ fy a Uiede of"Hlon Orhan, J gue i" 4 D Conalif, {Ary Bi ACF, Annis, BA, iii Jolistor, Natiry Jublig Canvey nee, ney 1a loan, Third flo ne > Bal id Opposite ou! { Cr RANK TY ry ABA: all 10, Notary Fuhlie on veyanerr, Money to loan, Office 144 Ing. 81, last, Gye hang 448 TON AND Vraser, Bar inters, Canveyancers, Notaries Publie, ute, Offfea aver HUAnAArd Bank, Kutvanes Bimene Hi, Phone 18, J, ¥, fvierson, ) T, K, Crelghton, HA, N, trod HA, FRAN, WARREN Kiln [tar, alnry, aver ewlindl's Lave, Mousey (0 loan, 16 Simeone fie north, Phone 67, Residenee } HAR Alley P hang | PARKIILL AND FTETD: Isters, ete, Maney (a loan Id WO TA Offige 1 { Hite Hiei AN Finters, Ralieltops, wie, M44 (| A ane $160, Maney 1a loan ' 0, HALL, "B.A, BANRIE toy, ote, Convayanelng ind Heneral praeties, BEV, King Bt, Kas hone ABET, ie (1h) Medical PR ARO E WT RICR PIT 781 wlan, © Surgeon; Obatetriclun, Speelnl references (0 maternity work and di seasan of wotren, Two vears' post radiate experience, Coe and rem enad 167 Bimene BL N, (ear, Hoek) hot ga, A --------_aa N MoRAY, FHURICTAN, BUR. (TN goancher Offies and res ing 81, Rast, earner Vietorld dence, aie TAN i Bi TH i AGREES © WEL Ohaterpieln, 1 Mae we niats end ehildren 8 Phone 11848 anid Kas i HJ, HAZ EWOOD, PHYA tlh ah IPROGI, seein attention five - wy No and Elnel ros fhety 0, - Hlack, Phone 80), FA ape Am, nm idee | 6! Ki East, Phone #414 DR, ALVIE BTEWART, SUN, goon, Ohstetpiclan, physieian, Special attention tt surgery, Two years eles anths "Bh Araduate faner ange fi (U1 Roya pap, BE ih Lent NOW'S and a Hoang a fn: din HR (TH il Bineoa Bi " \ ys MD, CM Reithynh Qhatetrigian Phone NN Ar ARC A and ones 161 King St IE eT it RCHER A ROWN, MD, bk I h AVR h dinhwrih, Piva hI Ohsteirielan, LOR 0] frais al speaial is tention ta maternity work wand of ehildran, Ofoe and veal ve, tT Bees ft North, Phone "EWTN, FRVETOTAN, i) son, Obstetrician, Office and veatdence, B18 Blmeoe street north, Phone 2416, bi Worn Hor 4 at Ed Biors oar ty far Son 4A and treativent of diseases ol fit nose and throat hi tape Fhe, ga he wade al i [1 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Bi EF, RICHARDSON, OFFICE ver Mitchell's Drug Store, How's 0 0 13 am, 2 io i Hyenlnws hy PARLOR Oca phone 2660 Ribidnes a -- Dental IRS [FLERE OVER WAS: aott'y, Pg attention 10 Noray \ xiraetion, Nurse 0 li Noth 0 a 080. Anse R, FRED A, FLORA, DENTIST. King street east, Alger building hone 2000, Byenings by appeint: TST "aver Mitchell's Store SHON, Engluserin and Surveying foxy i and TAR. y iglans 1 n pg grill] Ir iy) CURE WORTAL CO, oy KING 67 Kast, Ambulanee, A BAA Bim: oa sireet north, Phones 210] apd FUNERAL OMT Oshawa, are X Oy 0 ina wives, Ambulanes, i Vane Bius 6 slreat, A 8 hay iy Le wi, nN ail a inp THe Bo on Nik fongy fn Oshawa, 30 Re 11 i fork | is NG IN sananlt WY Taking, "80 Binicos V fd to AUF Insurance wants atiende ILerests protaglen. i ransportation TATA AND BTONAT0 "oor man's, Ah Hond Wast, Hpecinlinis In furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 8, CANTAGE sind and cinders, Local and long distany hauling, Phone JO48 anil 2003F, Bmith and Cox, 44 Bond Bi Kevrewons OLOERT ERETAN lished furniture movers, Parl Road apy age, Looal and long distanes Frank Cawle, Prap, 68 Park Ri Bouth, Phone B16, ~WOVING, TIRRYT" (apt 16:1 mo) A aa a. "ae Beauty Parlors RETTYTOU FERNANTNT waive, Speelul B85 and $7.50, Finger Wikve B shimpoa $1 Vaelnd 73g, Hale sulting £50, Phone 2V08 ap Bo Almeas North EXPERT NARCALLIRG ay Hotty Ward at Hetty Low Perman eit Wave Shoppe, Maree! and sham poo Bl Phone 2068 3 WATRONS HANRERT AND Heauty Shap, 9 Coling 81, We spe alalige In ladies' hair eutting, ma eel shampooing, facials, Maree! CAL] or appointments phan 10:1 ma) nept i NTR fle, MRR Hyeretie Bell, Apt, UO, Edward Apart ments, Quehee Br Far appointment phone I i (Oct, Ko mad upplies SR AW For Pr bark loam wily hd sepVice Ll, Ew [TA nu 11 {i 8 BLOCK FON BATES a laure Rio delivery, place nr ora In advinee of delivery date, Phong 1618 . Music MPC ACORV IRD instyuetions, Mos, Hevry, Phone 1106, wi Arrowdale, INT VOUT (Pr) Grant (Det, 1:1mn) ARTHUR "TYNOE VOCAL TE A cher (Hambourg Conservatory, 1a ranta) pupils tenared for all exam Oshawa "Wedne dy hy 02 Bimens Al North Ae (111) FHA WHE ENTTH, ONR of Taranto'n leading vialin teaoh eve, 18 In Oshawa an Thursday afternoons, Biudio &6 Riga 8 © Phone TAM, (Opt, d+1ma) WHET WOORTEY PATRER 80: ue, will nocapt pupltis for sing he volo oulture, elo, Phone 1004, (Ot, aime) Pel ne ArEaREed, Tess por : Rou Rasrinters ole, A Ahane 1614. Hh NINH ORNTE FRI YARD, PLEATS Than! 1 one dollar, Dpssamakin A a Rmbhraldery an quasking Me on 264 Blmooe South, hone LIS Hl boa TO |! Watch Repabing A Kl, Shea en ple your or: Rudo Service RATIO HH VIOR "AND ACCES nories, Rupeuy on elsotrie and Tubes and batteries ERE fl a { Matton veoharged, vantal He 10443, Ohara on. 1 wa) a re TORT Ri St 10 Bas eXIFAGHON and use in attendance, P Xray extiy animaly AN Ring west TN bok TRL PRONE TL avnctionesr, MA § be well vour ol Se T Ma es pt ho hones | § QUTSOLE, FIRST Es ani dt oat \Re --. § von BWA Ea ssimaien J Ha! + aw Oshawa, Phone [iY Ao 8 (O0f 4-1 we) Painting and Decorating Rie. painting A a Pine Wy ag ¥ Lg My 1 \ and ER only Rist cha work, swarante YOArS = eh A PrCes da Oot Ls \ TPRRWRITING AN 3X machines averhauied, vepal and Tohuiit, My work rte avy You don't pay until you are sats } Suater in Ay of Ton SA Nh - Wi of this nature, fo "Times" I BAINe, All Classified Adverticing Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE I'his vule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to game personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estata for Sale NEW HOO BRICK HOURN WITH ganvenlenoss good garden on the highway east will make of Oshawa farms to sult purchaser Howmanvilie den, WN, FART Apply, FARM 70 Clay loam In stable, Plenty af fary anally finaneed from Oroann _ Will # No, §, IN BALE = Lot I, Heoken Front A: Pascoe, 200 Athol, Oshawa R BALR windmill, watered pasture, Possasion Threa miles Anply Hox 240 Times yale, well frult | Bight all, LL} 1 ast Th ull wore ACRES, Whithy AUHREA Hinw (haf) (We) Whiley (ATh) money Hy for a invgro, YY aired 110W, AUTO ORY ANT Motil humping, Hodlon palving the Kidey ih Bond Waal, | inlied. $1, \ wt a NOMA (ET ORENOND AND TW livered Tho, antire olaotilonl aratem of oar re B04 Oshawa Biv, pontal Hullh 81 Work Wanted WE UPHOCS TERING fields made 1 arder Earimates free (0, A 11H 74 Meghanio street Phat Wa (7) (4 A oenta orien vopiired Marie, oo, Bie, Oot, 11 awa (Ont aatmye EOL. Repairing ORT Tatloring" "i CARE), sn NEADY I Address 1214 Kin Call and ¢ NN oliver (N ep, 3 41 "Second Hand Dealer AROOND HAND TEAL niture bought and sold, hl, Haat, TIVE VO IR FAVORTIN ANAT ROLORTARRE Polo ad es fo Prices and samples, 00k, 1:1 Wn), ne arer---- shots and Phone 604 street ROTLR, Hates for mailing Mate and olroulay (Hep, B41 Wa) NORERTEITEW dT HOOK STORE, Prices an araphy work, Phone 1473, 47 Hw Ask fap hone 14 Phan 008 Ht, Narih, oom \ [HOY ROT A , ior for 30, © ame 11M, THIVOOR Hpeeinl ) "1900, Publie (M-TH Wai) ------------] I Hy RB, fram 11, " tN 1 pw OTR ANT TOON Bn elose ta Ks meals, 288 Simeoe toy iw bahy, Times, NICHI with hoard Cantal a ' hoard hahy tram birth ap anal Hosp veference, (Hept, 34:1 wa) FOR 4 GIN {Ories, Call at haok 4, tn HA family, Ver Chane 183 1 4 -- and Found TOF REVS LOST IN| Thirty RAR or at the dear 19 GOTO METKON, TONER OR William Bis, ave your ahoes Ried, (00, 11 Ma | ee A ny, 'Wanted To Rent WARTHER TRENT PARN OF 50 10 180 aoves, Aj A wilen of WwW ] 2meoe an Mace to leaned AN Taranta, ARply Lin A dyed, Ni \ 0% For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE = ae "FIVE SPAN: did hailing Ws for Naehanne a) soad hose nat over $5000 value, Fas a Rete svi Live FOR SAREE RUBE TRE of hollow havse Ritson Read horn hens, also A olppers. Apply 1} santh, Phone S08} FOR RATE FTN WUNERE Woy Wiles, Hox 43%, Have done ARRY W Herat 0 | many ile, Weigh, al 88 / CHE LEAL ATER 1041 mod TRUOK™ I handle Hil Fry, 10:1 ma) "WINTERS Cents' averenats repaired and altered, ladies" fur S0ul volined and repaired your awn material made ny W 54 Boor DIN MW Apply 3 Mata) the hast Times, 1h) Viol Can LED it ren hive Phoue I mn) ne (over Phone | mo.) FUR (it) Hone wa onl \ A Pla LN) (X8h) Rowe (3%¢) axolnatve Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $350 per load, Also hone dry body wooed, Waterous Meek Lined Phone | 28M (Apr, dail) om AT "a RATNTINAN aur Ladd, planes, new and used planos ABO radios, Intest modela Joti arranged, Apply ©, Tradl hone 11 LE A -- % -- 1 4 E11 ELECTRIC COAL GRATE USED aly three months with table, elestyi fixtures for 6 rooms and 2 extension Mies, Fhane RAM ne . (Moe) HARY CARRIAGE FOR BALK First elasn condition, Apply B06 King Ht, B® (Ath) FOR BALH-=MOFFATT wind trie wlove with annex snd hot watery front, 100 Calborne BL, HB Phone J0K0W (B%0) APPLEE FOR HALE-ANY WIN tar variety hy the barrel, Prices rensonnhle, Dallvered Phone oy wilte your order ta Liayd Hnow dan, Bowmanville, Ont, Phone BOA (NEN) aR -- ph. HADIO POLEN AND CEDAR POSE for mule, Alea # storm win dows, Hood as new dx & TL sles Lloyd Bunowden, Bowmanville, Ont (Bah) THE HARRY Db, WILEON HARD ware, offers the following In used woven Maftant three elament pangs S40, annex $10 MoClnrey Cabinet BAR Quehee Cook #10 WO Bas ranges 86 eaeh Three Iarge oon! ranges 356 eneh, 280 King airoet west, Phone 44 {Nah FORFATE DIVAN ETH 0000 condition, Alsa stroller Mpa, | Jones, 441 Himons Mt Phone 1841 W (Aha) - FE N Home Cooked Meats BENULIEH HOME MADR PONK ples, shushEe rolls, hrawn, potted mente, ote, ate, Frank Drakes, 31 Maple street, Phone BATEN (Pn _Help--Wanted 1 Male WANTED JUNIOR CLERK Hy Hank, high sehoo! Slug Han preley rod, Apply on 200, Times, (Moe) (N4e) \ Help' Wanted--Female aoon QENERAL, NO W ARMING Vi Box 243 Times, or phone Wihithy 248 (4%) A. Agents Wanted Dov lo VOUT salary hy ling S00 weekly selling Imperial Ast Personal Christmas Carda ' friends, business Jase fates, eluh a ehureh members, TOM RE ioent free sample hook Imperial rt Mannfaoruvers, 81 Wel fington West, Torani, TEN WHTOUT --TRAOTO0 shies experiance make Food with Wh You oan tae, Wa will help you wake good, Bxealient appavtunity; wiriiory tn Oshawa Write givin a Dooupa tion th The J, thine Company, Dept, FK, Hamilton Ont, NWR wk) oom nted FOURG MAN WINTE WING bh o With hoard In private home, With gavage pretermble, Hoarding houses need Wat Apply, Apply Hox LAL Times, (88a) oF TIT FORTTAT TANDAT RHAAY, first olass condition, Must he sold thin weak, A bargain for samenns, Hee oar And wake offer, Phone TRA W, (Nae) 3 CHEVROLET TOA CHE Ap Wr Quick Wit Jel W a Ba AR at? LX A SETY TY Rn Conel, Thivtyaty hundied mites, Like new Exoollant condition WIN sell cheap IF ken a) ance Phone 4440 (39) FOR RA Notice SS TORII ASHREOR WRITTEN Alitalia Will be received hy the alpned Wp Hl aa Qotaher Tah RoXt for tha oF Aw soar far the nN of Bast Whithy, at the sala of fae Duties (0 OMmenta this month, No APPHORRL Roosssarily agp Mod, BQ PURVES, hy whip Clavy Columbus, Oot §, BAL) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROONED MOD orn wultes, including sleeirio relrig aration, stave, Isundry, oonvenl snes, obo sentinuous hot walsr supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 8671, gr The Trusts and Guarantees Oo IAd,, manager for awner, iH (W741) AFATVIMENE 10 nuNT Modern conveniences, $40 and " Apply Jury & Lovell, (HAT) FO HOWE PIIVATI I HOOM kD apartment over Ledger's Blors, nekl tp Karp's brug Wore Pow weislon Ostober 1, pl Mrs, VV, L" Howry, il King Bt, aa Phone 16 Ah) TO WENT WE" ROOMA #0 muhed, Wyery conveniences for Hight he nwekeaping, Phone 1470) - ET [ i) Fon WENT wil, apuviment, Ideal pasidentinl woos Hon, Kitchenette fiinaite, Hyinue vom, bedroom, bathroom, Baulp: pod. with kitehen eabinet, eleeirie rulviunrator, electrls stave, eleptrio winher, elootrie Hetures, Winds and ourtalpn rods, Hot snd old wiley the year pound free with Janitor wervies, Henk reasonable Disney Heal Wet Opp, PO Phone 1600 or BE4TY (ROLE) TO INT TWO VURNTAR rams (housekeeping) Walter, Hight, hont, uns No ehlidren, 20 Mupla Hi Phone how (Kf) 0 HOOMILD nov siETO Wl NT. 150 Nimeoe Bt, Boush, Al eonvenlencus hot water heating, newly deeorated Reasunghle vent, Phone H, Enel 08 ar SOV (7611) ZROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT, 5 Hruee Bi, Possession atl ones, Ap ly 104 King Bi _--1T TO RENT 2 HOU I espn FOBING, JG Franch Street, Phone ERVIN (Hoe) TWO OR THREE ROOMED FLAY madern eonveniences, Apply 90 Broek NL, Wo Phone MM (Me) GROOMED HOUSE AT 304 HALU HE Miwtures, hinds, garage, all son venlenees Phone 2106 wr ily HI Cirooms Ave ---- tha) 0 WENT=HOUNE AT Tal ANNIN Hireet, Phone 18770 (HW) FOR RENT=BIX ROOM, NEWLY bale house, all modern conveniences hardwood Aoaes throughout, french doors, on paved street, Apply 682 Nommerville Ave Phone aw V, (Ww) FOR RENTSPWO NIORLY FURS niahoed rooms for Heht housekesp Ing, Wveary convenience, Also gar nae, Apply BL Waren Ave (Ao) FO TENTS RT WOON TUNGA law, All canvanieness, Gara e Lave garden, Apply RHUEW, Lor downstairs, (he) FRONT BEDROOM Hoavd optional, Apply B68 Warren MYen {Hto) TO WINTER TN TFORNTEED rooms for Hght housekesping, All sonvenlences, Mone 2R0AW 10 HUNT (He) TORENT APAHTNERT, 6 rooms, Laundry tubs, Bulle tn bath Klootrio stove, steam heat Fur nlahed or unfurnished Contra) Hox RAY Timea (LLIA FOURT ROONRD HOURE™ TO ent on Mary street, Apply 87 Con naupht MW (N00) FHREE ROOMED FEAT FOR rent, hardwood Hoors, all sonven ionees, Apply Rohertahaw's Book non (Ne) ROOM HOUNI 0 MONTH, i room house, $320 month Convenien een, aonth end, Murdaeh, Mgt] (ie) 1'0 LET=SIN ROOM HOUSE ON Colborne 81, WW, with or withow pavase, Mleotrio Halts, toilet, gas, (ree water, Possession November first Apply 43 Colborne 81 West, Phong AE \\ a ST) ROOMS FOR RENT AT HILL alde Tourist Retreat, one mile west of Oshawa on hahway, Hieam holed, Earaue, oily conveniences hroakfust IF dealved, TFARRPOTIA ton to work Heanahahle valve, Come and see the vaomas, Phone 2080, L (At) TO RENT = FOUR™ ROONED honss, Hehe, phone, mEarage, | Aore Of land on Kingston voad Ll) Fhane LLL i" i ato) Ny ROOMBD HOU WAR TO RRND Opposite Pedlar plant, 882 Rha LLL qanih, (4fe) ---------- TO LET SM RTNGALOW hrlok House on Mary stveet, All oonventences, Hamwood floors ARMY Bradley Bros, Slwmeoes #4 A LAE TROON HoT ar 181 Oollege avenue, Oshawa, Bath and furnace, Apply Pag | Bron Phone 288 or ha \ ALIEN EY 20 A a vue, Olly conveniences, Must be AON 10 ha appreciated, Apply §0 Ohatles 31 Phone 10830, (3% AHA) FOR RENT FURNTRIRD™ WR POO With all conveniences, WW tH MoMillan Drive, Phone ob (R80) TO HENRI TART ores Kooning rooms, Everything "fw nished except dinhes and Tinens, $95 aw wu Phone 2934), a (8% TO RENTESIN "NROWRIT VOR house, Conventences, TT Motiregor 2 328 month, Bleately fixtures, Possession Nov, 10, Apply TH Mes Uranar Rt RLY ABARTVRNTY TO RENTERS AT conveniences. Rleotvieally phed, & roams and hath sooand Hoare, Avaliable (¢ i} ARR Nav, Ist, Make AWRY 43 1 APM, 3 181 King Rast (te) a A Somebody han WA hero Ww hy hat wa § ye A ah WA aot Relug pooh a Ath 1 adh: ws Slaw Nn Apia Rates for Classified Ads, | Pirit Insertions " th Genie per word, Minimum charge Bos, Each subsequent sonseei tive Insertion 10 per word, Theres eonseentive inser: tons for the price of two first Insertions (hres eanty & word), Minimum ehargs for thres Insertions, 40 cents, Box number 10a additional Professional "ar Business Cavdn, $4.60 por month for #0 wordy or less) 10 OANtE a word per month far each additions! word, TIMK ADE CONT LITT COMPLIES MUCH THLHNPHONE 88 Ask for Olassified Ad Department CLARRIVIND Al Notice IN BANKRUPTCY IN THE MATTER af the Estate of James MeFadyen, of the elty of Osh aw, In the Provines of Ontarly, DICHTOR FENDERS WILL, BE RECEIY ED hy the undersigned up to noon on Thursday, the 17th day of Oeto her, 1989, tor the following assets of the above estate) Pareel 1, 1 lot of pans, cake ting, wienalls, ete, $405 80; Pareel 4, | Por table Oven, $0000 1 Pare! ), 1 Ho bart Mixer, $9500 Parcel 4, | Chey role Troek with 1938 gavered hody, #750001 Pareel 8 1 Chevrolet Truck with 1937 covered bhady, 650.00 FENDERS may be far the business ASB HONK Concern, oF far separate lots, A marked ehegue for 10 per cont, of the tender priee to aeoomp any adh tender which will he return oll to the unsueeessful tenderer, and will he applied an the purchase price of any tender aecepied I'he bal wnee to be pald 60 per cont on note of aeceptanes and the baluee 30 pes eent, on completion, whieh must be within ten dave Fhe highest or any tender nol necessarily negepied Caples of inventory evn he obtain ed fram the Trustee, and the prem Les, No, VW Mary Breet, Oshawg, Ontario, will he eben dor ina peetion an Tuesday the 15th day of Oetab between the hours of 11 & wm, and \ pm DATED AT day of Oetober, 190 \, i, Hrookleshy & Co, SOFH Manning Chambers, Loronto & Ontario (Hh) a TODAY'S LIST OF TORONTO, this 10th I'rustes, AUTO ACCIDENTS| HARY NERIOUNLY INJURED Hranttord, Oct, 18es When a oar being baoked out of the lane of © Knowles, Mohawk streel, > Noy man Henry, MA Inte By Newman, Mohawk street, the Intter's (hres Mmonthmald ohild, who was bhelnw earpled hy him, was injured and Was taken to the hospital, A wheel having run over the babae's head Hin condition was thought to he serious but this afternoon he was wleaping NIX MEN INJURED Hamilton, Oct, 14.8% men from Niagara Falls were Injured Saturday afternoon, one seriously, When (he sedan in which they were viding turned turtle on Lake shore houlevard near the filtering has After aRIAAIng on a slippery pave Went David Auld, of 467 4th stveet, Niagara Falls, Ontavin, ts in a ROM LOORBMIONE CORUILION and was seriously hurt about the head, The following were taken ta the Gen oral hospital suffering from lacey ALOR ABA hradaes, Bat are not in A serious condition: Alex Munroe, oF S89 27th street: Robert MoRel an, of 1860 Whtthep avenue, Ohavies Bmith, of 111 Grove ave LH i Gaunt, of 382 Rigm street, And Thos, Callen of 20684 Tiree avenue, all of Niagara Falls, La FATALLY Taronty, Oot, tfe=Ininion wove fatal to Henry Grossman, 4, of G08 Queen street weal, when he WAR KRovked down hy an autem Mla on Palmerston avenue, south oF Collage atreet, at 1.80 Saturday MERE A fractured akull was the Ohief injury and Gronsman died Wostern hospital a shart time on HAMILTON YOUTHS INJURED Torante, Oot, 14, Rplaning MORE King street Woit, on thelr WAY BACK TOM the Paahy matoh AL Kingston, two Hamilton bays OR A motareyele called with a» MAMOr oar last evening and autor ol injuries, The hays ew iT, wh RATA RU Sh A. ITY to he Wy, Whlla Garman was injured A Ahe soln ar R \ Von MTS, Wing, 80, of N Aly» wh TY Mich, a Roark of 11% a AVRRIS, RAR ai00, Mish, wore Killed to: day When the alased ear in which hey Were driving on the hiahway URKRD wy Thaman, 1 Barnsdale HARDWOOL VIVE Linll) BY EXVEWE MECHANICH id flonre Hnlshisd Hike sew, worm windows, sopbination sila Cornwall and Mohtres), Akiaded und plunged, In fhe oulnnges canal near Cascades, » oink where several simileg Rect pri have ooeureed hin serson, one taking the yes of five Venr doors, Genera) Contraption neyivANIR Lourie, B, Ww. HAYNES NAVIGATOR FINDS [I] t= LARGE ICE CAP FEDERATION OF MINE 1 WORKERS IN SESSION Maine Sailor Tells of Discov: i ory After Return From Arctic Trip Nowngen, Maine, Oulaer Dis euvery of the lee cap "mets Ineog niin whieh now savers an ares of 00 square miles with a maximum depth of 3,000 feat, betwesn Vrobls her's Hay and Hudson Biralt, long pou! hy JAElentiste, was yearn tei Lieuteifant Commander Danald Marseilles, Vrance, Oct, 12(C.F) The Congress ul National Fed eration of Mine Workers, represent ing the majority of the miners of France, stirted sessions today, The agenda wis composed of all import ant mining questions, Including the world's production and eonl to he delivered under the reparations agree ments A RUNNET.GILDED GARDEN The day was near He clone) The sun wan sinking low} As I traveled to the hilltop In the fading sunset glow, I Mae Millan, on his return from a summer's Avetie trip, an the sehoon er Bowdoln, Tt was estimited 10 have st one time extended over 4, 000,000 square miles Mae Millih sild that this was he Haved ta he the last of the les saps of the pleistocens period, which soy ered all of New England, exgapt the tp of what fs now Mount Washing fon, toon depth of 5,000 feet, over i poriad of 5000 years a Aid the 16 up ne tually eonsisted of two Caps, approximately 40 pguare miles, and the other of 300 square miles, Four wlaelers wore dissharg ing rom It inte the bay, all Howling north Ihe lee onp In "recoding, accord nw tn Ma Miflin, thus settling a ton long In the minds of selen who have been anxious to know whether (t was receding or ad vaneing Photographs of the le aap were made by the expedition for gomparison with other photographs to he made on next summer's expe ditlon to definitely establish that the Ie CRP Is TOWNE smaller Next year the party will "stake" aut with rock ealrns the outermost edge of the lee cap, an that selentists in future years ean determine with aocuraey the rate of recession ar ads vaneement Mae Millan reported that there was no serious aceldent on the teip, whieh started from Wiseasset in June, and that the ten members of the expedi ton remained in good health, The only aeeldent oeeurred off Cape MI Cioorge, Newfoundland, on the retum trip, when Kenneth Rawson, son of Frederiok H, Rawson, Chicago bank er, and Frank Henderson, were thrown inte the surf, A small dory they were going ashore Around a winding hend, A garden faly veposed, rustle fence, and climbing Vines Betore mae lay disclosed, With The hush of aven, lay On te sequestered how're A lady In blue, with slivered haly Watered the thirsty fow'rs ane ol Part of the pleture, sha, Bmiling, serena; replale With eharm, and peace, and quiet qi NanK, y Thin beautiful retreat Alas! T must away, Away Lo street and mart, But the mam'ry of that garden Ldpge=nontied In my heavl Hotty M, Hrand, The Hectow, Camphellville, Ont In answer to that old "What 1s so rare a mn one might appropriately reply, day In October" Kitchener Regs ar query Tune 1 "A \ (day A En Tao that him A news despately save that with caught stealing plas nen onto, He might have known the plas would squeal on Kingston \Whig=Btandand aaa a la Ol. Capsiged ua or supplies The party erected a portable sthoolhouse at Nain, in Northern La heador, for use of the Maravian nls slonary, the Rev, Paul Hettaseh, on the agreement that his daughter, wha 18 10 be the teacher, will tnstruet the Kakima ohildven in English ext your an Ameriean girl will be taken north to aseist hes I Rogtnall Fernald of the Har yard dental school, installed sets of teeth for a number of the Eskimos 10 replace some of the 1,000 removed last year hy dentists, He alsa made A comparison of the teeth of primitive Lakimos and those wha have heen aflected hy contact with elvilisation Dy, Fernald found the primitive Kakimes' teeth showed na decay and though they teak Kdnsddon -- EH Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AMITRD LL] Nimgoe Ni, WN, Phone He SPECIAL SALE ON DOMINION OLOTHING ©0, on KING NT, W, Phone 8141) We Deliver NOW had thick enamel, ne eare of theny, They ate practis eally all froson meat, The condition of the teeth of the Eskimos further south, whose assoefation with eivil teed people vavaed them 1 eat cans ned meats, broad and ather fonds pres viously wnknown ta thelr rave was found not so goud MINIMUM WAGE FOR WOMEN PROPOSED Tobacco Industry Confers ence Planned by Labor Council Here Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Car, Let Me Finance You! Moron | JOANN AND DIS JUNTR LTD, Felt Block Roow 8 Phone 2TH0 Montreal, Oot, 1d eedome Weeks ARO IE was announeed at & mesting of the Montreal Trades and Laher Connell that an guivy waa to be conducted te the conditions in the tohaeen Industyy, Questionnaires are bois Ry #1 10 he Rent out to manufacturers the Pravines of Quebes, A, Jam fopy, Inspector af the Mintmuam Wage Hoard, Informed the prom ARES MOR IuE, And eventually a oon. ference will ha hald and a win WWM WaEe tor women fixed, he sald He mentioned that some 80 floma will he elvenlartaed, In regard ta the inquiry tate the Aone | Industry, many of the S00 firma ta whom questionnaires have hoon "ont hve replied, ho stated EVESIGNY SPRCIALIAY A wh AN er the Winder ol Are Ports AW a olen le has WN 8 Ww > rontete, nh -- a ompty Nguor bottles that of helng Hiheveen just Hon time ==Nitehener Re A fg that § " Hike an been produced, Just what with a A That tastes tke A stated = Part Arthur Nows( REPAIRING WATCHES QUR RPROCLALYY It your Wateh I wot giving satialaotion we can Noble and wake | ll the earrect time D. J BROWN THR IRWERLER ONTcla. Wateh Tnapector tor Canadian National and Oshawa Ratiroads

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