Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 1

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Osh News in Brief : (By Canadisn Pross) Lind Piying North Miam!, ¥la,~Colonel Charles A, Lindbergh, "northward bound', hopped off from here at 6,68 am, today, His flight plans will be deeming by the weather, he sald, L] LJ | at) Frightened by Bear Pombo von at Chalk River were given a scare while athering pine cones near the vil eo on Thursday, when they were suddenly confronted by a large black bear, The children screamed when they mw it, and ran home, » Two Shot Dead New Burgh, N.Y, ~--Two persons were killed and three injured hy a chauffeur who ran amuk with a shot gun here last night, The hautteur, Pasquale Parino, killed Simeelt after killing from ambush the last of his victims, » * w Baptists to Convene Otthwa,~Close to 600 accredited delegates are expected te he In attendance when the annual meet- ing of the Ontario-Quebes Baptist Convention opens here on October 18, Sessions will continue for six days, Ad * Fire In Woods North Bay.---Fire, originating from slash burning operations, has destroyed a quantity of valuable hardwood in the Meadowside dls. triet, Thirty men are fighting the fire, which, according'to the fire ranger, is now under control, * Small Potate Crop Sasketoon --Saskatchewan's small est potato crop in history is bein harvested this fall, in the opinion o merchants here, Retail prices a year ago were one cent d pound while new they range between three and four gents, with prospects of a furs ther increase, ¥ Ld Goderich By-law Goderich, --A by-law granting » fized assessment on the lands and property of the Dominion Road Ma- ohinery Company, Limited, of this town Yor upward of ten years, was voted on by the ratepayers of God- erich and carried by a majority of 447, RL Eh Committed in Arson Case Stratford--Peter Altcheson, for- mer sergeant of the Stratford po- lee force, was committed for trial here on & charge of arsen in con- nection with the burning of uw vara on the property of Duna Robert pon, Ontario street this city, om Beptember 17, » Ld LJ | he of hrf Ward, was pe when Par & furnace exploded in RE, Charles fchool, Bedard, who was employ» by the Christian Brothers as & raace man, was found dead, standing against one of the walls in the basement of the institution, » ¥ Urges Stiffer Penalty Toronto. ~That the present pen alty for hit-and-run drivers was not sever enough and that a prison sentence without any other eption should be imposed, wis the sub. - stance of the charge delivered by Chief Justice R, M, Meredith to the Grand Jury upon the completion of their task in the fall asxizes, Frolghter Athore ; New York---The British frelght- or Pacifie went ashore on Frying Pan Shoals on the Virginia coast, eleven miles south-southeast of Cape Fear, according to ofMclale of the United States naval communi cations office here, who sald the distressed freighter sent out an SO8 call at 14 Much Improved Winnipeg, -- The condition of Most Rev, 8, P, Math , Primate of all Canada, 11 in Victoria, B.C, was much improved today, accord. ing to messages received hy uods frey Matheson, Dominion Govern. ment offelal, Relief was express. od that he fs well on the road te recovery, Daring oldu ng North Bergen, NJ. Holdup men today walked abreast into the second floor office of Perryman's radio tube factory at Thirteenth Street and The Boulevard, covered the office force with three auns, sgooped up an $11,000 payroll bee ing put into envelopes, backed down the stairs and escaped in a oar waiting at the ourb. Eagle Attacks Children © Moose Jaw, Sask. A glant gold- on eagle lies battered to death here after making awooping attacks on schoo! ohlldven and standing ite ground against the elub-awinging onalaughts of adults, Parents of ohildren at whom the monster bird clawed soptinually rushed to tue ungsters' ald with elubs, Under he hoary strokes of a eolub, the fell dead, oeal |, » 4 _G aa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1929 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy. EIGHTEEN PAGES a -- LABOR LEADS IN AUSTRALIAN VOTIN F. L. Mason Makes Full Statement On Liquor Issu EARLY RETURNS SHOW A DECIDED SWING TO LABOR IN T0-DAY'S ELECTION Labor Party Needed Only Six More Seats Than It Had in Last House to Overthrow Government of Premier Bruce SECOND ELECTION IN LESS THAN YEAR Voting Today Is Expected to Give Some Permanence to the Political Situation and to Enable Settlement of Serious Problems (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Melbourne, Australia, Oet, 12 Early returns in the Australian gen eral elections today indicated a de cided swing to the Labor party, the official opposition in the last parlia ment, Hon, E. G, Theodore, one of the standing Labor chiefs was elected Sir Lyttleton Groome, speaker of the last House, who declined to mak a casting vote when the government was defeated, was at the bottom nf the poll in Darlung Downs in the early returns, The Labor party needed only six seats more than it held in the last House to have a working majority and control of government, In the last elections, held eleven months ao, JO Nationalist supporters of pre. mier Rt, Hon, Stanley Bruce were elected, to 13 Country Party members and 32 Laborites, It was hoped a decisive vate today would infuse same permanence | lat go the troubled political situation. the vexing - of Labor arbitration, The Bruce gov. srnfint would aholish the Federal arbitration court and turn jurisdietion over to the state courts, while the Labor party strongly upholds the threatened Federal court, Mrs. McPherson Is Involved In New Inquiries S------ Noted Evangelist Is Charged With Misappropriating Funds (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Los Angeles, Oot, 12.~Mrs, Aimee McPherson, evangelist, who has heen invalved in a series of sensational in+ auiries in recent years, today was the 'cal point of two new investiga: Yon y the district attorney's of: ce, Affidavits fyled hy five pastors of her ehurches, two of wham were diss missed this week, accused Mrs, Me: Ferien of misappropriation church uns, he complaining pastors were Dr, John Goben, former exeoutive of An. gelus Temple, Mrs, MePherson's mtoher ehureh, who was dismissed by the evangelist hecause of a dis reement over policies; the Rev, . BE, Allord of Angelus Temple; the Rev, Willard Pope, of Pomeong, Calif, discharged Thursday night: the Rev, R, I. Larson of Hollywood, and the Rev, J, H. Silten, EI Monte, Cal, They alleged the evangelist eons verted ta her own use an unnamed sum donated to the church, Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery Returns to England Liverpool, Oot, 12.~-Rt, Hon, L. 0, M, 8B Amery, former secretary for the dominion arrived at Liver | on the Duchess of Athol te ay after a holliday in Canada, We stated the whole atmosphere in Canada was favorable for delay real business with Great Britain and ther est of the empire, Cans ada wan taking a greater interest in the question of empive trade iy at any time fin the past, he Pittsburg. --Emil Wolff, orches tra leader at the Nixon theatre for 21 years and known to theatre: Joors here for nearly 38 years, died mn his home in Wilkin He was T1, urg. anton lad Jogo, who au a responsible arranging the wedding between Edward Tih and Queen Alexandra, dled at her home, Unlawater Court an the Sev arn, Gloucestershire, as a vesult of a burning accident, CHIEF DRAPER GIVES ORDER T0 STOP MEETING Will Not Allow Communist Gathering in Queen's Park This Afternoon COMMUNISTS FIRM Labor Party Leader Declares Police Order to be Illegal (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Tdronto, Oct, 18-Oeneral D, 0 Draper, chief of police, last 'night issued a statement stating that a neeting called by Communists of Tarento for this afternoon In queen's Park will not be allowed, He stated that he Is not desir ws of stopping free speech, but the order stopping the meeting Is n the Interests of law and order The order cancelled the leaves of all police officers today, In spite of Chief Draper's states ment, the men hehind the meeting declare they will not comply with the order, OMelals of the confer ence stated that they would go to the park In an attempt te hold the meeting, Jumen Oil, ochalrman of the tons ference and head of the Earlsoourt Labor Party, stated that there should aertalnty de an the meeting, one that the polfee can stop us by brute farce hut the statement of the Chief of police Is legal,' he sald, Communist Jack MacDonald de olared that he would be on hand to address the meeting, BRITISH FLEET PAYS VISIT TO TURKEY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Constantinople, Oct, 12. -<Part of the Hritlsh Mediterranean fleet via. ited Constantinople today, Among the ships was the Queen Elisabeth, bearing Admiral Fleld who was helleved to have the greet. ings of the new Hritlsh labor govs ernment to the Turkish republle, The Turkish military museum at HSeralglo Point contains shells shot by the Queen Elizabeth against Turkish forts at Gallipell during the Great Wir STILI. HOPEFUL FOR LOST FLIERS Government Expert Believes They Are Alive and Well Ottawa, Oct, 12Col, C, D. NH, MeAlpine, and his seven eampanions marconed for nearly five weeks in the subsArctic wastes, are alive and will he resened hefore the end of the month, in the opinion of A, M. Nar Tar, aerial surveys expert of the Dominion government who has heen assisting in the search for the lost fivers, Mr, Narraway returned to Ot. tawa yesterday but will return to search headquarters at Winnipeg in a week or ten days te again assist in the rescue work, Attacked by Patient Brookville, ~James Wood, assis tant gardener at the Ontario Hos. pital, 1s in a eritioal condition with a fracture of the skull, suffered when he was attacked by a patient while engaged in gardening, Japan Names Its Delegates To Conference (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tokyo, Oot, 12.~=Reljlrto Wake atsuki, former premier, today aes Sabied leadership of the Japanese egation to the naval conference to be held in London late in Janu: ary, It wan decided other Japan: ose delegates to the conference would he Kyo Takarabe, fivet lord of the admiralty, and Twnnee Mate sudaira, former ambassador to Lons de and minteter for foreign abs Fo to} PREMIR After an of king week In Washin and New York, the British Premier, Re, Hon, J, Rams say MacDonaldh, accompanied ny his daughter, Miss Ishbel MacDons AT New York, N.Y, Oct, 1 ~8tand ing between two huge flags--the Un lon Jack and the Stars and Stripes which draped the walls of the Rita Carlton banquet room, Premier Ram say MacDonald tonight made an ap peal, He asked those within the sound of his vole, and they were millions, to stand steadfastly behind the statesmen who are confronted with the very difficult task of mak ing world peace a diving reality Great Britain and the United States had waken the very best possible steps to protect themselves hy declaring that there should be no more war tween them, "Hut, declared the speaker, "two nations cannot make the peace of the world," That was the reason for the coming fivespowes conference, There was a note of optimism, however, in the strong, elear vibrant voice of Prime Minister MacDonald when he referred briefly to the situas tion in Europe, "We have been work: ing in Europe, and 1 think we have heen working with considerable sue- cess," he asserted, "Public opinion there is beginning te ii that ALD AND © | Coming To Canada Next Week | Ramsay MacDonald Says Positive Peace Policy Britain's Great Object British Premier, Speaking Over Radio From Banquet Table at New York, Tells His Audience That Public Opinion Demands That Political Leaders Take the Risk of Peace ~=Declares Spirit of Open Diplomacy Is Now Making Up Its Mind to Dominate the World ' (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) : get JE wie HIN DAVGRTRR, ¥ ald, will teave Now day and will enter Canada at Niagara Falls for a hrief visk to Toronto and Ottawa, political leaders take the risk of peace Declares His Doctrine The prime minister was speaking at a dinner given in his honor by the Council on Foreign Relations, From the head table at which he stood, a commanding gray-haired fs pure with kindly piercing eyes, his words were carried aver the radio to millions of lsteners in the United States, Canada and Great Britain, With the strength and convietion which breathes through his every utterance on peace, the labor prem ler one more declared his doctrine and asked for help. He told of some of the diffenltion which has heen encountered nn the negotiations. for peace, OF the "wise men who were really very foolish men" who sad that world peace was an impossibility because {1 fad never been achieved he mentioned men who were afraid to abandon military seeurity in favor of political security, And he pointed out that, while governments might agree on peace, the peoples of' res spective gountries must ehange the "turniture® of their winds, must (Continued on page 4) BUYING PROPERTY FOR TRENTON BASE Ottawa, Oct, 12=The department tional defence a ed yes terday that it was negotiating far the ourehase of property at Trenton, nt, on which the new Royal Cana: fan Air Force training base i to be built, supplanting Camp Barden, Authority was granted sone time ago hy the privy council for the Se lishment of a new ntation Which would combine advantages for lawl and seaplane training, provided that the department could wake satisfac: ors arrangements for the purchase an SALVATIONISTS WELCOME HIGGINS a Toronto, Oct, 12.«Ton thousand Halvationista last night acelaimed General Raward Higging, when the Army heud appeared before a huge audience here, A pameant, "The Salvation Army Enelreling the Globe," provided the program for the opening session of the 4Tih, East Canada Congroas, and aa Gens eral and Mie, Higeine entered the arena, tier upon tier of the huge audience rose to lta feet to accord Canadian V.C.'s Invited To The Prince's Dinner (By Canadian Press Lessed Wine) Ottawa, Ost, 11+The depart: ment of National Defence an« nounced yesterday that It was sending out notices to all Cana dian holders of the Vieteria Cross, Informing them they are invited to attend the V, C's din: ner to be held under the shalr- manship of the Prince of Wales in London on November §, Sinclair Challenges The CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE DECLARES HIMSELF FOR GOVERNMENT SALE POLICY Chaneellor Installed Kingstons=James Armstrong Rich ardwon, of Winnipeg, was formal Installed as Chancellor of Queen's University, at the fall convoention held at the university, last night Premier To Announce L.C.A. Revenue For Present Year Kingsville, Oct, 13~"Premier Fars guson says 1 have no courage, If he has as much courage as he says he has, let him tell us what the revenue is from the LCA, for this year" 'This was the challenge Issued by W, KE, N. Sinclair, Liberal leader, in his address to the Liberals of South Janox here last night, The leader of the opposition adopted the role ol challenge In place of the ehallenged Attacking the Ferguson administra tion from all hil iy Mr, Sinclair compared the premier to a "boastful Goliath hurling ehallenges at his op ponents," "I notice that Premier Ferguson does not always sing to the same note at his meetings, but he has the facility of throwing down challenges ta me on the OTA" sald Mr, Sine lair, "1 asked him at Brockville who made hn the grand challenger of Ontario, Promier Ferguson has his manifesto which has nothing in and 1 have mine containing many questions which, he has so far fail ed 10 answer, 8 rova "Let the ve enue for the en Sve 30 or this your If he is not afraid to do so, "He is well aware that the re: port will not be made public until the day alter the election, Let the people of Ihe" ea mow these \gures before they vole," I'he Liberal chieftain declared that the election was called to satiny Pres ner Ferguson's desire for power He asserted that there was no need for. an election at this time, The legislature had still another year to stay In power, Yet the government called an elogtion, hoping to eateh their opposition unaware, I'he speaker referred to Premier Ferguson's statement made at Bpens cerville, thay "They can't get me" "Just consider the premier of the province making such a defiant states ment," declared Mr, Sinelair, "They can't get me," That David Is what Goliath said to David, but Da vid got him all right, The people of this province are confronted with a premier who goes to the country he fore his time and without a construes tive policy and then says defiantly, "They can't get me" "1 helleve the people of the prov ince will show Premier Ferguson that they are not going to he dicta able and popular ministers of that declared Mr Sinclair, amidst cheers, A ,S-S-SB@@ GREAT BRITAIN GIANT DIRIGIBLE 1 0UT OF HANGAR R100 Moored to Ita Mast For the First Time Ee hMb>°h..A Cardingston, Nediordshire, Ra Og. 12=The R:101, glant new Bris tish divigible and the British bid for supremacy in the air, was taken from {tn hangar at $49 am, today for the first time and moored to a mast hall a mile away, There wax no wind and the ground crew Of 400 men had wo difficulty in taking the ship==which ix the largest ailreraft in the world and considerably larger than the Graf Zeppeline=frow tha hangar and ledding ¥ ACTON 10 the mast, It took about three minutes to manoeuvre the ship from the han. yan Shere it has been weather-hound Or Gays, General Motors Plant In Japan Is Suspended (Ry Comadian Pros Leased Wine) Osaka, Japan, Oot, 12,==The pon lice have ordered suspension of op erations at a body faetery recently opened fu Osaka by the General otore Corporation allegin ' ure to comply with the factory laws, The suspension does not ap PY to the maln assembly plant of the General Motors Corporation, The suspended factory employs 209 them an affectionate greeting, men, > TWOMEN HELD IN CONNECTION WITH FATALITY Charged With Being Impli- cated in Death of Escott Man (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brookville, Oot 18, Jumen Hill, aged 29, and Donald Laing, nied 21, both of Gananoque, the former heing professional of the Gananeque Golf Club, were lodg od In the cells here last night by Provineial Constable Robinson on charges arising out of the death on the provineial highwiy near Esoott on Tuesaday night of Dennis Dono Yan of Kscott, whose Body was found in a diteh beside the road on the following morning, The arrests followed the discov ory In a local arabe one [hal of A oar, sald ) missing parta of which tallied with those found near the scene of the acoldent, Tt in stated by the pros vinelal police that the car was driven by Hill with Laing as pas senger, and that the paler admitted striking an obstruction at the seene of the acoldent without being awure that any human being was concerned, They will appear in po Hoe court today, Miss MacDonald Interested In Welfare Work -------- Spends Most of Time in New York Visiting Settle. ments New York, Oot, 18+=Visita to social welfare agencies, a surprise for her father's birthday, and a football game were on Ishbel Mae Donald's programme today, Following the prompting of her professional interest am a wnoolal worker In the London slums, she has devoted most of her sight-aee Ing In New York to viewing the working of ohild welfare organisa. tions, Her fivat engagement today wan A quiet visit to the Manhattanville Day Nursery, Then came a trip to the Raventy«Ninth Street branch of the Henry Street settlement and luncheon at the uptown headquar ters of the settlement on Park Avenue, The afternoon was met aside for the CQolumbla-Wesleyan football Rame, Misa MacDonald announced that she planned to remember the aixs tthivd birthday of her father, J, amsay MacDonald, with a sun ree," hut refused-to divalge what t wan to be, REPORT RECEIVED OVER THE RADIO The report of today's world sem fof game was again received in The Timea office over a Sparton ras dio set installed in The Timea of fio by J, IL, Ireland, looal agent for the Sparton radio, Reception was excellent, and enabled The Timea to glve ita readers an ox ceptionally fast service on the coms plate story of the game, Barl of Meath Passes London, ==The Karl af Meath, ta. mous as the founder of the Rm: pire Day movement, and a great public benefactor, dted in London aged 8% years, . » Tstantly Kled .. .\ Port Colborne Willlam F. Ba sett, Thoveld, was instantly killed when he wan trapped heneath & counterbalance when a bridge was raised, Liquor Control Act Should Be Given Further Trial, Mr. Mason Declares at Conservative Meeting in Port Perry Last Night STRONGLY FLAYS THE PROHIBITION UNION Declares Union Promised Support to W. E. N. Sin- clair Before Recelving His Answer to Its Questions naire Throwing down the gauntlet to the Prohibition Union of this rid« ing, I, 1, Mason, Conservative ean didate in the provincial election, last night issued a statement de- olaring himuelf ine favor of a fur ther trial for the Liguor Contrel Act Inaugurated by the Ferguson government, .. Mr, Mason's statement was Issus od during a Conservative mesting held in hin Interests in Fort Perry, Other speakers were Dr, CO, A, Ames, of North York, Dr, 1 BE, Kalser, MP, of Oshawa, Mrs, George Hood of Houmog Inland, and Dr, James Moore of Nrooks In Mr the lows! A "On Tuesday, the fh tober, 1080, T recelved a letter from the Ontario Prohibition Uns lon, In which was enclosed a . olavation of Polley enunciated by that Organtsation, and a pledge consisting of three distinot ele ments, which appears to have heen submitted for my consideration, I wah not anked to sign the pledge and apparently it is understood from the statements in the press of my speech when nominated that I am in favor of all true tempers ANee movements, However, lat me observe In passing that sey. eral days before 1 was nominated af a candidate for the Ontario Legislature, at least one hranoh of the Prohibition Union openly deolded to give Ita support to my opponent, W, KE, N, Sinclair in this election, although there fa no evis dence to show that he eves prom= teed to sign this pledge, and nots withstanding tha fact that his manitesto to the electors and his publie utterances are dlametrieals y opposite to the spisit and inten. tion of the pledge submitted, "In order that we may Olear ly understand this declaration of polley and the articles of the pledge submitted, dot me read the communication itself, which is as follows! + The Union's Pledge "IAs a eandidate for the Ontars lo Legislature in the Rleotoral Dis- triet of ,, vives AR the pending General Eleotion, I hereby declare that, if elected, I will support the Temperance legs inlative program set forth by the Ontario Prohibition Union, as hes low stated, and that I will eonfer and cosoperate with other members of the Legislature wha take a aims {lar porition, in devising ways and means of making sald program ef fective, and that, when aver nuoes: sary, I will act independently of my political party to promote these ends, via: "41, The passing of an Act pro viding that no brewery or distillery shall manufacture or sell aloohella Hauor in the Provinea withous a license from the Provinelal Gove (Continued on page 8) Mason's statement In full en Hquor question was as fol- -------- FRANGE T0 OPEN NEGOTIATIONS ON NAVAL CONFERENCE Will Prepare Way By Cone versations With Britain and Italy (Ry Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Pars, Oot, 13.==1t la auchoritas tively learned that France will bes gin conversations with Great Beis tain and Italy tn an effort to pres pare the bases of the London naval conference and to determine and harmonize if possible the respective standpoints, It Is sald that this is in keeping with the text and the apivit of the conference invitation leaned by the Britleh Government thin week,

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