Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 16

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PACE FOURTEEN by ASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Aid bb bbb bbb bb bbb db bb bbb bbb ddd di Move Unemployment Palerhapg ~ Phere hey heen a considerable inoyesse in the unem- ployed ranks in this ety In the het few days, although the situns thon in Peterhore bs still mueh het ter than In a number of other manhfacturing eentres in Ontario, r-------- Planning Ahead ingston----Kingeton Orangemen ae already planning to wv to kville next year, when that oly will be the scene of the hig bration of the Glorious 12h of July for the Orangemen of |] fs dintriet, # Kingston--"The whola elty ana oounty 1s now looking forward to the big Internationsl lowing matches which are to he held on sani ehtiary and Rockwood Hos pital farms for tour days of next webk commencing on Tuesday, Hinin Delays Threshing ookfeld-The heavy rains of lat week put the ground In much potter shapa for the fall plough ing, although it delayed the thresh ng crore ong on the streets and ampened the stacks of grain to some extent A Cure Masonic Night Belleville--City officials oecu- lad the several chairs In Hureka MaKe when a prominent elty of« Rola] was Initiated into the craft, The officers and members of the lodge were hosts to this galaxy of oftlelals and a ren! evening of ens Joyment was the result, Tee On The Take Kingston--Duck hunters who made an early morning trip 10 Loughboro Lake, stated that there was jee on the edges of the lake, and of sueh thiekness that it had to he hroken hefore an outhoard motor hoat eowld go through I without cutting the boat Going 10 West Brookville--=At a special meeting of the Hroekvilla Life Underwrits are' Association held at the Hotel Manitonua a larga number of mems- hers gathered tn pay thelr respects to and say farewell to Clifford ® Bissell, CL, U,, who leaves short BE Mui Ty tov Calgary, Alta, to which oily he i8 helng transferved in the sel vies of the Canada Life Assurance ln, Light Registration Bellaville~Registeation of vol ars thus far in the ely hus not heen ag heavy as 1s usinl in a gen eral elestion, Gourt sittings for three wards have heen held and the total veglstvation is 166, Yes tarday forty names were added to those sirendy on the Het for Kelch enon Ward, ---- Killed in West Peterboro-"Thendaore W, Helps, wha was horn in Warsaw and Hved thare with his parents for shout 164 yours, wan killed near Haskatoon when a Moth plane which he was fiving, erashed, He received n pun fle sehoal education Bt Warsaw hafora he removed with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Albert Helps, lo gagkatoon, shout 14 years ago A Noted Winner Norwoods==Donald David Vife, grant grandson of the oviginel pro ducer of the far-famed Hed Vite wheat, won two prises for May Auls wheat In tha grain section of the Bast Peterborough Agvieultur al Boeclety's exhibition and fal here Navrow Heseape danonogue == George Maitland, a WMehly respected farmer of Pitis terry, narvawly esoaped being kill ad yesterday afternoon Heo wan driving hig cattle across the high way, whieh runs through his farm, when he was struck hy mn anos mobile, knocked down und suffer ed the fracture of one arm, he sides halng more or less shaken up by the fall Agricultural Conditions Broekville==Tha weekly erap re part of the Ontarin Department of Agrionliure says that in respect of [medi County, generally speaking, Hye stock {8 In rather thin condi tion, Roots are poor in the eoun ty this year, due to unfavorahla HEARN Turnlps are helng badly attacked hy a pest known as the Zebra caterpillar AA For Beauty Oshawa Lumber COMPANY. LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821 \ THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 --_-- $9 zit Free! Indestructible Poariy Produce Prices in the fii Commercial Markets eldry, ye byudie FINNS, fi E isn OEE 111000 Aviles, Bebb, Vober ooprneriirne Wolke gerivnreeery seenereneeenere B80 Sannin, per Tan, basket Clvapes, 1 Hl wars, Hog Peaches, 6 yl Honey Dew melons ree O68 ii Guranteed Value | TREASURE i N Containing Le Ton Perfume value oun $1.00 Almond Cream ,.., 80 Face Powder 0 1.00 Cold Cream jinn BO Brilliantine B50 Cocoanut Ol) Shampoo PEER RRRREEY 3 1) " Total Value € All toy ) 98c | Penvig Vres Oct, 18 w= Oct, 19 At the Rexall Bloves JURY & LOVELL King ¥, Bloons NH, home BM hone 08 PARKS IN CANADA PRAISED BY NOTED ENGLISH SPEAKER Lord Bledisloe Lauds Deo. minion's National Parks Before Manchester Convention hos, FT, Champion, Canadian Press Biaff Corvespondent ) London, Oet, . | Mueh in belong gild of the heauties of Canada's national parks at the national eons farencn for preservation of the aount dy, now in session al Manchester Lord Rledislos, pos slbly the leading agriculturist In Kogland, leading the dehate last night admitted many persons were | unable to visualize any national | park which would not he vielated | hy hraken hotties, hanana sking td banjos, This however was eon FATY WO the great experience galn d an the ather side af the Atlan le, he pointed out I'he eonferance mpithy towards the proposal wt the members immediately pommended thelr favorita loos: lon ns most sultalle for sueh wrks, The forest of Dean, the vount Danowdon country, Dovedals n Derhyshiva, the peak distriot of Derhyahire and the Calrngarms In potland were mentioned Entirely Herbal WorksWonderson Peevish Stomachs and Lazy Bowels The old, reliable Gallagher's | Tonle and System Builder | | AN the goodness and healing virtues of | herbs, Nature's own medicine, ae in [this tonio, No mineral drugs, Hela | ovary args working 1009, Frings | haok the ald Jay of living, Cood for Whe | herve. Glows op akin troubles. ven LLY WHS You up, ( An other Gallagher's Herbal Household Rowedios are, by *» Fy WW, Thompson, 10 Bimeoe Ni Oshawa (Hy showed much 8 8 TELEPHONE 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL ror SOLVAY COKE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS 'Jeddo Premium Coal --; The Beat Produced in America Body Wood, Hard & Soft Wood Slabs All Fuel Orders Weighed on City Scales if DIXON COAL ' \ CO. arate, dered A p ' wathy, on CHEST 4p mathy, ale, bo Clihe wbviw, Wei Sal (ios BA per bom esting, logss, Mi wine, Hite, aver following prices bo the tigdei ity 10] hin We hos, Bde; 70 ta Wl TORONTO MAY AND NTRAW PRICES Whelssals faders In hay and siraw Bie ting shippsin the Tehaw hi Jirléte bar sh 14.00 UR] 14,0 ". Thmathy, baled, ton 00 Jient sl led, ton 10.060 Wa. | He (HA I quoted st 816 te here l boat SS TORONTO PRODUCE Taranta plegale deslers wre ullering pro duce ia reid! 4 at the lullewing wile "* LA) Eggo ¥roah extras, in cartons, bei fragh Biot, louse, 456 secanids, Butters Na. | sreamery, prints, dep Nao, CEEMINBIY, Prints, Ak | wing, #1 1.8 esse New, (nine, flej foueas gag) wiilians, @7e, ON; Targe, ei 8 Tele tnplets wnd eit, He; oli (ane, Ae, yo Rienens, § Ws, up Wy toh ts, ay Ao APL) ' A undef is, E) I 4 Lf [ed A540 r a i, rollers wg kings TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Taranta wholesale lentes we fiat ne the Hien ts od bali, valle, Bhs; Wreakias neahiealed, 38 to itl bien, Tamia, medium, 8M to Vii gon { ane of } y i haek, i da, naked 45 0 0s i ured meni Fang clear hacon, 80 ga 10 I he fig @ ta HO Ihe, fle, Heavyweight ralls, de, Lightweight rolls Lr § yy ENTE ie, Lhe, Hr #H friarke Cabbage 1111 CopliMawer ori i Wie Drasend 1" A044 ' ii ' 7 "e 15 Crean, tires rule Piss EIR, sal let eh Toad letfien 'ninings, li welmhar Parsley, per Lhe 1,1 f fd Wyrm tiarcan, 164 tubin, 16 Lodi pile Aer prbnin, 18 ba 196, Bhoiienkag, Verses TORONTO FARMERS MARKET . alles on the Bi roduc Fuse, exlrns, ner dagen Yrs I HF, Awiry, My, ind "rraie, fis iy i! i bak lane, di ft, bwaket oir th aA bl LIreen idpjieis Liuinees, 6 yt 1g wraps, 1g Cranberries, gt CANADA'S FIRE LOSSES INCREASE esse tubs, 14 1edes palle, 1667 ting, 1 i loth, Mei New York shaulders, #4 iil, #7 Lede pink hime, #7 1k allowing are Guetations, retail, I AWEENes market, Taraniui LR [RU bw UR] [(R"] ol 07 RH] Ninth, per dagen oF pin i "ee 1 PEF POUR gree fi or RENEE iii iaee 1] " RS] URL] ed Last Week As Comper: ed With Year Ago ! Pavonta, Ont, Oot, 11.=¥ire losses In Canada during the week i anded October 0, 1080, are esti mated hy the Monetary Times al MILLIS oc) CL BGA4 B00, an compared with §E70, pekreg al 700 for the previous week And tree with $614,000 for the eavraspond ing weok of lust year, From Jan k a bit PERE ER RE LrY 0 eririrrgrintntntste per [a PEE thie 08111 ' 4 fay Ll fi 0h, hes, ar [ | COAL wary 1, 1086, to Octoher 10, 1hEH five Younes totalled $16,167,800, and fram January 1 to October 0, 1080, they wern HER 866, 800, Losses tar the month of Beptem har, 1080, ave estimated 88,040, THO ax compaved with $8,778.800 for August 1080, and with $1,780, B00 for Heptember 1HEN, QUALITY Phone 3060 MALLETT'S Heavy Fire Damage Report: |B HAH TT Starting Monday House Furnishings Week Extra Special Values Such as We Have Never Equaled in the History of Our Business THE ARCADE Phone 1000 IL SON \ AN AA i \ =the funda lov ahaa achioved this ideal wi 2 slsire en 0 ww eliminator 3 te table ¢ bow AN for \haa w own a TEMPLE Receives, Distributed by Temple Canadian, Limited | 1) wand: 3 RR rr ---- BINS a ry fl iI 5% Pe erp BE [19 I ILAKIA IR IA a [TOTO TW TW To TS TW TAT TR I pig | : all hy, Ji | Il | ) i i Wo ih, Wot diflonls to h : va Mohd \o the Distributing Division, 283 Kng Street East, Toronte We wil be pleated to demonstrate Temple Tone to you at any time, Moffatt Motor Sales SIMCOE STREET NORTH Phone M18 4

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