Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 15

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$= THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 8 SATURDAY, OCTOBER ho 1979 THE CTASSIRIED 3 ECTION. Seller "020000 PAGE THIRTEEN i CONANT A ANNI olieltors, Xotaries I Bhi " it Bi AW, A, L 1 JRARK N AE, WATIRTETRN, olicitor, Notary Publie, Con aneer, Money (0 | bi ow Ale ay ih" Onpose it hie eGo | tor, Notary Piblie, eC or) + panty 10 loan, Office 1414 Printers, ONYeYAN oes, While, ets, Office ovor Adard Bank, Hutvancs Bimeoe "hone 18, 1, ¥, Grierson, K.0,, i Cralghton, B.A, 5 } ivi WATNTETI i", otary, over Dewlanil's Money to loan, 16 Himeos north, Phone 07, Residence HILL ele, AND FIELD, foney 1a loun HAR Alper fii Opposite fm Office, \ Son Amd rt ligltors, ato, 14 Binmeoe he one A160, Maney to loan HALL, "BA, DARRIS fy yh Conveyanolng and general notles, BBW King Bt, Hast hone HEAT, (Lf) al Medical ------ LR, HAROLD W, | W, THICK, MUTE olan, Surgeon, Obstetriolan, Anedial , references to maternity work and ii senses of women, 'Two vears' post rraduate experience, Office and 'real nee 1607 Simoes 81, N,, (cor, Broek) | phe ne A048 | DR, MeKAY, PHYNICIAN, "on H Foslr lotor Lon, Avconcher, Qe an dence, King Nt Rant Orner Y, PHYRICIAN an, hnaoe of fil Ll oe it: J, HAZLEWOOD, Puy dan and Surgeon, apeelsl a ptr ivan 1a fay work and th copy, Ofee, Disney hy hone ) Offiey i 9 am, 8 Eas Nurgeon, Infants red' lene [es DR, BN, A iden DR, ALVIE VER AR SUR: Keon, Obstetrician, physiolam Byes! a teation 10 surgery, 1we Yoark Sl montha, post aduate raver He. 4 wpital Bariholomen's oo Ni, £ arya Henitar on, Hoyel we i Tonk Edinburgh, University Hose 0 ¢ tal thin, Offies 44 Nimeoe Ht, eaiilence ad | Bo One ¥ Oy DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, RCP oand 8 ldinburah. ih slelan, oe 14d wigeon and Qhutetl Wn (§] mene Lf N, Phone ) eniden 161 King Nt JE Phe L] 3 anee ARCHER IROWN MD, LR \h A A Binbueshi © Phyatolan, Obstetrielan, dvetia CLM tention oe ari diss ane gases offte and reals thy TR donee, it" Simeoe 81, hone TW AVIAN rgoon, Obhstetrielan, Office and venidence, A138 Rimeoe street norid, Phone R414, i Forman (Oat, 8-1 mo) | Ear, "Nose, "Throat Specialist Ox. | WRYANS OF 160 Loa feet West, Dronton will he oth affiee aver Jury Yovelfy FA Nore 3 A rom 1 ull 4 pn, for aon mi on and treatment of diseases of car, nose and throat panty, vidi ents may be wade ul in LAM Mhane 9 " ! Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR, EF. RICH ARDSON, OFFIC ® aver Mitchell's Dru Store, Hours 10 to 12 amy 2 to & Hveningy 3 Jiiithee 4 Office phone atidence : Dental OTST FHITTTRS "OUT 8 ots, Speelal Mithiion 10 "AY work, Gas Sxiraction Nurse (1 Ab nde (AL 4 WRED ry ROR jo bude Kin bak TTIN or building Hi Jat, Al | appoint Sh Mitchell a En s BN \ NI ld OXVEON fA on wage | Th ov Si Spas AR RJ R BROCK, DENT TI Ny over Dewland"s ° hee, Wy MW, BE Eyshings by R nt Theatre id . Li Tl 5 TN Nn '1 TEN a 3 ey BR FAY : ONES nx Ah and _X 50 M atiendanee, Veterinary Surgeon mw RTREAT, VETERINARTAN. \peaialiv Me dugpies domestio animals, N i an ovpitel, Ring west, AN tural Aw on a KN Bank a i, Phone 14% \ NE TOHNSO iM THOM AN H 3 \ tools, Simcoe RRL am, TL Re g and Surveying own 1 nine nd ub: i) one horrs I L] ast, ? WURTAL Res(denas, ht nu fon treet north, Phones 210) and ton fi Celina street, Oshiwa, mer | 7 - sirest Ambulance, hone nsurance 5 RON, | NEURANCE 4 h K A bh wel Qshawn, The old " i awa, 30 Re ' ' NEUTANTT consult |, N, Johns, "0 Hh north Your insurance wants attended to id (erests protecien OATTATH AND FTORATE 00LW: man's, A Bond Went, Mpeciallste In furniture moving, storage Ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 8, wu 4 CARTAGE™ MOVING, GRAV] Loeal and long sand and cinders, distane hauling, Phone 3048 spl 2003K, Bmith and Cox, 44 Bond ' EE ----------------_-- ONTAWAT DLO T 7 lished furniture movers, Par ear age, Loeal and lone d huey frank Cowl, Prop, 63 Par Houth, Phone by a PETTY LOU wd INT Wilve, M Wi ny Bpeclal #5 and Wve an Aho I Vacial fair cutting #80, Phone 2068 or % fi 3 fy ARCITLING oy Hetty Ward at Hetty Low TUE oi Wave phone La ore and sham | 0 Nod ¥ 1! Lore AND eauty Shop, 9 Colina 81, We spe olaliae. In Indies' hair qutting mies eelling, shainboolnd facials, Marcel Bn, Vo For appointments phone f Haretie oe Apt oh dwar Ante ' Meni, sheo Bi, hor Appelt tment : hid phot 0 {one A ack LY wnlity A wervien da i) LLL alivery, ol \ ate, WW, hue promp ot A ran Ivory : Phont 1614 lg, Musle FOPILR AOI IRD TN" VOUKT. instraetions, Mra, (Bry) Grant Berry, Phone 11606, (Oot, 1«1mn) ARTHUR TYNDE VO: AL TEA oher (Hambourg Conservatory, Tos ronta) pupils wepared for nll exams Oshawa, We neAIN: 03 Simeoe Mt Norgl if) FRA of Toronto's leading Welln TYAN ore, In In Oshawa on Shursie) afternoons, Bludio Ne Bigin BY Phous Ta0M, (Oot, ds1mo) - A VTA rane, will aceept pupils for nn nl, voles Lo [ ea Phone 1004, 8 Nt, , 1lmo \ haa] err TC Field. Haveinters, eto, Alger Pho ] Hematitching RINE OWN PER VARD PORAT oft skirta one dollar, Dresamaking y{ Alterations, Rmbroldery, and Rmothing, Mi MM, sh 2600 Mimeos on South, a 14:1 met Watch R FX VON CUNTRN. EXPERT Swiss anaker, repair shop ab Wi4 K treet West, Your pat R I. Rupr an oe Eh i rated, a. 4d, rental elt ww 104 J, Oharies 2:1 mo) your rE Th AR oar filled uD Blase coment And » iy out the old draft, saves fuel, the cont 1s eatimates, J, 1, thw. No. 2, Oshawa, Phone [ITI (Out) mo) y Painting and Decorati TBUTSOLE Fiera PANG ne Ave, hone TURNE and PATNA A work, guaranteed «0 ence, pri fist clan VORTEX Only | TRIES of this nature, and collect for same, All Classified Adverticing Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling « large number of small secounts For the convenience of eustomers who find It Inconvenient to soma personally to The Times' office, a will bring a messenger who will receive, the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT telephone eall Real Estate for Sale NEW HUG BARTOK noukn WIT all conveniences, Wight nores of good marden on the highway east of Oshawn, WIL sell, will make terme to sult purchaser, N, Nnow: den, WM, No, §, Bowmanville, - LLY) ARNT RAL = 70 ACRE, Lot |, Hrghen Fre nt, ast Whithy Apply, A » Pasgoe, 200 Athol, Oshawa (We (POPPING NILE AND™ i dence for sale Apply Box 28, | 7a RAE 2 ih 73% cat a CRY He loam, #0, windmill, water In stable, well watered pasture, Panty of fruit, Fall possession ory easily financed, Three miles trom Orono, Apply Box 340 Hinds (47h) Hy) Rouse, Barn A and Amal lot fn Nhiriey neighborhood, All Ia HY 4 repair, A bargain, 800, house, § roomn, All oon vonlonose, barn, ohloken house, one mere land, Myrtle, Ont, First olass condition, and will consider fawn or oity property or mort rs for these properties, arvie & Harris, Port Prey, (An) Work Wanted ING CHERTRR Nelda made to order, We save you Moh, FAW free, GO, A, Con at lo, 74 Mechanle street, as i D for and delivered, 7% (ri { ron: tal supp WW 81, Batteries repaired, 2 Ml Sy 8 ol Tw don, ARFIR livered THe, rental Rha, and the entire electrionl system of oa AH 104 Oshawa Bivd, P ons / Oot, 111 mo EA palring Metal bumping, 1 heiiie the Elder Bu uh les, RIL Pry 49 Bond Weal, Gent AVEraoats Npaired and altered, a o' fur eoats relined and repaired, ew oring" your nh m tery! made up. Address 1314 Kin fover a ngs), Call iin Phone LUN "INO. land FRUOND HAND DRALEN LAN nlture bought and sold; 188 Bloor Bi, t, Phone 1017M, (i XVI YOUN FAVORITE ANAT shots and Wien 0010red = Phone 884 for Prices 4 and A Same. 000 WENKo Wy CORNET OF Siew why lam Bis, the best ve ut shoes fixed, Oot, 1+1 Mo) OR WANT WM HILTON, sirest north, Phone 1600, peoial rates for malling Mata and elrenlar work (Rept, 24-1 mo) and Live Roller Singer, vanteed, Price five dollars, w Fass cape, stand and guaranteed singer, special $10 ne ete. A. Henning, 185 Centre St \ ¥ ANT] 3 mos, old, well bre iy ™ will enjoy roi the atest Fletion at minimum cont Phone 1472, AT Blweos pen. A) SREY LI BOT he MRO RN wR, lend Mg le wT AH \ %, all black, SW . thorn We, ATTN TN or at the door, Please and A W]] OF N ety return to King EN West, (3h) i Articles For Sale MIXED {IAD AND BOTT WOON slabs, B50 wr logd, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meok Limmed hon wr IL ron mer eA Lid, pianos, new and used planos AO radios, latest wooden) Lerie Alrh od, Apply O, ull, Met FOR BATH =="TANAY. . i J ie range cheap, Good baker, Apply 10 Broek Bt, W, or phone #70, (Whe) HONE INONAWICR oabinet phonopraph and records, fumed oak, wringer, muskrat oont, Mine 40, Phone 1140M, (Abo) 1 LADIES WINTER CORT AND fopr dresses, WII sell cheap, Pho ne ELECTRIC COAL TURAT 1 USED only three months with table, eleetric atures for 6 rooms and 2 extension that ok SAT TION "OOO U ou Al: Phone sractically now, M alse (N71 Him LR 11a meni Foi MH 8 por bing, Apply 10 Band For tr wea! goal oll stove, 1 single bed new, 40 Alexander Hivd, (ATa) ANY CUARIIAGE TOR BALK Firat olass condition, Apply B60 King Bt, W, (8TH) FOR "NATO Rnd trie stove with annex and hot water front, 100 Colborne Mt, RB Phone Jodow. (410) Home me Cooked Meats ERNOTYRN WOME" "NAHE FONR plan, sausage rolls, brawn, potted meats, eto, oto, Frank Drakes, ¥1 Maple street, Phone 20T2N, (T00) Help--~Wanted Male TWO RELIABLE MEN TO Digs tribute 100 samples per week for the Fuller Brush Company, Per manent work, neal APPeArance falr education essential, Abel Baturday to Fuller Hrush Qo, Alger Hide, Oshawa, (48 ") WANTED w= JUNIOR CLERK BY Bank, high sehool education prefer red, Apply Hox 2%, Times, Se) ANMAITIOUY INESTRERTE Re RD men owed Alty vents per hour, learning best ying trades, Ennin eerin Bleatpleity, Garage Work Chauffeuring, Ty p TRA Hairdressing, 4 Lite ure, fret Write ominion Trad chools ne Nt Went Troi -- (400 DLA.) BOY WITH RIOYOLR WRT oh for messages and otMos work, must be thoroughly reliable and be able to SUPPLY references, Nad al Ones 10 A Alloway, Manager, Oahs awa Dally Times, Telephone 38 or 1284 (ATs) TINOMITHE A 70 benoh and time work, Write de tally giving, tet ™ oon hy wages required, LO LL men, Flotoher Nr heh ai 4) (ATa) Help emule cane ue -------------------------- a QIRL WANTED FOR GRNRRAT, housework, Kxperienced preferred, To sleep out, Apply Box 234 7 nes, (84th) Agents Wanted Double R80 t salary hy "aling Fa pohly aw lm, orth Art A VPA eraonal associates, olub and ehureh members, o {riends, business Tom | fos roe sample hook, mperial Art Manufacturers, 81 Wels lington 1 FUNC AGENTS-=3200 "MONTHL Y FL | Ing amastng new awtomobhile trouble Haht, Btloks anywhere on oar, Kleotro magnetie, It's an Aver inating Tashiight, Sond tor den ORAITATOT and salen Dartionlavs, M, JR, Hpecialty Mfg, & Sales Lime ited, 137 Wellington 8, W,, 0, (N av Ave, Toront wire nts in thiv toowily 10 prialle Canada's finest ling of Christmas SENTTOR yy Maternity narsl Doctor's FLY ge 1) MATTIE: TRISH, ( (§80) FRAOT fmediate And gen wp Tor | AR For Rent YOUR AND vive RoOMED MOD. arn suites, including elestris velrig eration, stove, laundry, conven) ances, oto.) continuous hot water supplied, Apply up, 'phone 8611, nr The Trusts and Guarantees 00 IAd,, manager for owner, tii ) "APARNA 0 WNT Modern S0nvhRIanéan, $40 dh Apply Jury & Lovell, FO RINT == PRIVATH 4 ppurtmant over Ledger's oe ry next ta Karn's Drug Btors, o sension Ootober 1, Ff Mrs, ¥ UG Henry, 84) t, Mam Phone a: EE ol niwned, a, pi BL Er fh heunskoeping, Vhone 14781, (7001) BRAUTTVT, FOR HUNT ww apartment, Ideal residential sev tion, Kitehenstte, dinette, Hving room, hedroom, bathroom, Kaui ped with kitchen oabinet, sleetrio rulrigerator, slectrio stove, electric washer, slsotrio tixtures, blindw and ourtaln rods, Hot and cold water the year round fres with wnltor merviee ent ressonnhie Maney Heal Vastate, Opp, PO hone 1660 or BTW, (ROLE) FOR RENT FURNINIHID Wen: room with will conveniences, Apuly 70 MoeMillan Drive, Phone 30500 (Kho) TWO ToT noos unfurnished, Priy AL 104 Churep Bt, Chureh Bt, Phone (hdd) FURNTRIED convenlandes, 410 Alloa Bt (ba) "On THRE FOR RENT old apartments, Hie entrances Apply 103% gahaM -- FORT RENT singla room All Phone 177T8W ar call FOR NENT »TWO unfurnished room, Heutod, Wlvery convenience, Possession November first, Apply 301 Kulalle Ave (Kho) ~NEW WX FOR RINT ROOM Lriek house, hardwood trim, Onk floors downstairs, All conven! anoen, Hent rensonable; Apply L080 Arlington Ave, I'hone Le (A80) FO TINT=TWO FURNINHED FOOMA {heusehadpiup) Water, Hult, hont, gas 0 ohildren, 20 Maple Kt, Phone TW. {h40) FOUR ROOM ID HOUS AND gavage, all oonvenlenoes 0 a month Apply TH1 Albert street r hones Aw, (Ko) ------ 9 ROOMY D HOUSE TO Ri NT, Ww Simeos St, South, All sonvenlences, hot water heating, newly decorated Rensonshle rent, Phone H JOR or 3 _(J0uf) TWO rire RPING ROOMS to vent, Apply 302 Division Street, NOH -- - i (Hs IRONED TOUR FOR WENT, 55 Heuge St Possession at once, Ap» ply JO4 King Bt J (Hoe) TO RENT i LIGHT HOUN keeping noms, downstaly J16 Freeh, furect | Phone A110], (Hoe) TWO OR THREE ROOMED FLAT madern conveniences, Apply %0 Hrook 81 W, Phone AM, (He) ¢ KOON 1D HOUSE" AT 38 TAT Fixtures, blinds, garmpe, all odbns WON Phone 2106\W or sorh $a Axe -------- TO RE NT HOUSE AT 121 RN St 00 ne, JIN, = Un] FOR ~81X RC oo) NTW butt house, al modern eonveniendes, hardwood floors throughout, french doors, on paved thane at oN Nu 0 hone 24 (Rh) FORE R NINRLY TT nished vooms for lght housekesp ing, Kvery convenience, Also gan wpe, Apply 21 Warren Ave, ($70) AIX NOON FURNTRNED TOUNN to rent, All conveniences, Hard wood floors throughout, Qentrally looated, Apply 20 Centre 8t, (RAH) FON TINEA NOON NGA low, All conveniences, Garage, Large garden, Apply 2040W, ' (880) TO TANT FRONT NEDROOM, Hoard optional, Apply #4 Wares Avenue, (he) 10 RENT--NIOBLY FURNTRNED room on ground Hoor, running water, alse " single room, Rvery convenience, Very central, Apply 178 Contre Ht, Phone A114, ' (47a TO RENTW-2 OR 3 ROO A Bathroom flat, Apply 883 Javels nt, LL) T™ rooms fop Tah nouneken hh conveniences, Phone 2363 * ile TO RENTS rooms, Laundry tubs, Built in "bath, Kleotrlo stove, steam heat, Mi nished or unfurnished, Cent Hox 34% Times, 8 FOUR ROONED™ rent on Mary street, Apply 8% RAY naught 8, THRER™ ROONED WL rent, hardwood floors, Al tone fences, Apply Robertahaw's Store, HROOM HOUSE $20 MONTH, § room house, $8 month, Loven! NY ony wonth vad, SE roel fO TRE INR Colborne « St Wa SN or "Withowt garage, Nleetric lights, toler, gas, (tee Raton Possession November feat 4 Colborne St West, " R Li FOR WR RENT AT HILL 0 Tourist Retreat, one mile weay of Oshawa on phway, Hioam heated, on 00h, hreaktast it ria tian to werk, a. Tato, Lome And nee the rooms, Rhine AU TRENT house, Hghts, phon reference, Phone 4 (18) aore of land on Np. voad east, Phone 383, - 3) ah Boden, We fb AND 7 moh A Rates for Classified Ads. | Plrst 1ROrtion=1 % cents por word, Minimum charge #08, Each subsequent conse: tive Insertion lo per word, Threo consecutive inser: tions for the price of two first insertions (threes cents a word), Minimum ohargs for three insertions, U0 cents, Box number 100 additions) Professional or Nusiness Onrdn, 88,60 por month for 40 words or less; 10 osnts A word per month for each additionnl word, TIMES CLARKIVIND ADB CONT LITTLK) AC. OOMPLISH MUCH THLEPHONK Bb Ask for Classified Ad Departinent For Rent APATITE TO ARNT LE modern conveniences, Wlectrioally equipped, 5 rooms and bath, Virst and second floors, Available Out, 15 and Nov, 1st, Maks application to Apt, §, 161 King Hast, FON IRTP TVR 100 vith house on Byron street, Whithy Convenlences, Central, Just north of Library, Apply W, Burgess, hulade AL, To. ALLL LLY) "Wanted To Rent -- WANTED 10 RENT PARM OF KD to 160 noves, Within 50 miles of Toronto, Apply Box AD Times, (§7h) For Exchange FO ER CTANGI FIVE SYN: did building lots {or Jashahae on good house ne it over $5000 value, Lys vally 1 Kil HOUSE Je "TXCHANGE W Q) good farm Aplly MO Simeoe Street Routh SRR RTL) Notice IN BANKRUPTCY IN THE MATTER of the Estate of James MeFadyen, of the eity of Osh awit, in the Provinces of Ontarle, DENTON, TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV ED by the undersigned up ta neon on Thursday, the 17th day of Ovta her, 199, for the following assets of the above estate 1 lot of pans, $AUSH0 Pareel 4, | Yor talile Oven, $00.00; Parcel J, 1 Ho hart Mixer, $0500 1 Parcel 4, 1 Chey rolet Truck with 1948 covered hody, $750,001 Parcel § 1 Chevrolet Truck with 1927 covered body, 0680.00 TENDERS may be for the business A A HUNK coneern, oF Tor separate lots, A marked cheque for 10 per ent, of the dander pries to wecomp any each tender which will be return ed to the wosmecesful tenderer, and will be applied on the purchase price of any tender accepted, 'I'he bal ance 10 be paid 60 per cent on notlee of aeeeplance and the bhalace JO por ent, on pan + whioh must be within ten days, The highest or any tender necessarily aeaepted, Coples of inventory ean be obtains od from the Trustee, and the prem» nen, No, 437 Mary Street, Oshawa, Ontario, will he open for Inspection on Tuesday the 15th day of October between the hours of 11 a m, and J (70) Parcel |, onke tine, uiensils, ate, not pan, DATED AT TORONTO, this 10th day of Urtoher 19 fe looky & Co, Trustee, 0 8 Manning Chambers, Toronto 3, Cniarte (W7 NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE RETATR OF WILLIAM POWIA KNIGHT, late of the Qlty of Osh awa, fn the County of Ontario, Factory Superintendent, deceased, NOTION ix hereby given that all oreditors and others having claims or demands against the oatate of the sald William Powis |Knlght, who dled on op About the Rixteens th day of Heptember, AD, 1029, at the Clty of Oshawa, J In te County of Dularle, are h guint ed Su mi fhm th 48 th pron a ON ver The Toronto' danerat Frases Tay And Melinds {otation, oor, fhe Toronto, Ontadit, one of the Rxeoutors of the Last Will and Toatament of the sald deceased, thelr Christian names ad Te names, addresses and desoriptions, the full partionlars; fn writing, of their olaimys, & Sate | of thelr acoounts, and ho 4 the a yg date the Kxooutors - Ld aie will pros ceed to Satie the assets of the sald o avatel Ammon the he ten entitled here, Ving Pe Fant only to t \ma of whioh thay shall § are Retlo that the sal Rascutars w be lable jor ih wart ona Wh : hive WORRY fh 1] L) ny Ontario, a" for hp of the Powla Kalght, a Oshawa, Ontario, thin 10th " of October, 1939, RT (38:00 07) Motor Cars TIT PONTTAG LANDAU BROAN, first elans sondition, Must, he wold this week, A bargain for semeons, Hen car and maks offer, VFhone 1180, (bbe) WH ONIVROT TT CORE CHEAP tl ale, good, condition, Vine L) ar Oh 0 une ha OT pork, hm Hix hundred miles, IAke new, lxcellent eondition, Will sell cheap If taken ni ones, Phone 444), (878) Notice TOWNBHIP ARBHASONR WRITTEN appleations will ha received hy the undersigned up til neon October 18th next for the position of Aw wossor for the Township of Maxi Whithy, at the salary of $600 Duties to commence this month, No upplieant necessarily nec pled, PG PURVES, Township Clerk, Oot, 0 Columbus, (h-87) T0 DISCUSS LOAD LINE ASSIGNMENT Amazing "Changes Take Place In Oil Tanker Type of Vessel [ha question of assigning loud lines to the oll tanker which ns wn type of vessel has undergone one of the most amaeing changes and de velopments in the histary of shipping will be one of the Important ques tions brought up for diseussion the International convention on load Hines to he held in London next May, It Is announced in wn report from London, The event is helng watehed with mueh Interest by the local ships ping Federation Iwas stated yesters day morning Phis rapid growth in the numbers and sire of tankers theenghout the world way be sean In hi Hj ns piled hy the British A ne gems mittee, which shows that In 1904 there were only 190 tankers of London Al 1000 gross tons ar upward fn the world, with a total gross tonnage of Sid,» 231 tong, or less than 7 per cont, of the total tonnage of the steamers W------ FARM BARGAINS BO aevse, Kendall, B40060§ 100 acres house and barn, HERO, Pontypool, 108 aores, B4B00, house and harm, Npring's orohard, Orono, BOO Kores, sheep farm, timber, Foutypool, BABOD, BO acres, Hampton, with Creek, B barns, fine house 84 x 00 hen house, pons, apples, plums, ig BO acres, Hampton wah f voom house, vy Apples, gavage Bi per #400, o FOR SALE B10,000 fine home King St, West, hot water, garmge and ohloken ooops, This property is for rent. @ room, now, hot water, vachnt, voady, , $1000 cash, Ia ne brick veneer rosidence Nigin We, 0800, Vacant or for rent at B80,00, HO ACR RS==H8000 Rrick House; Jarge barn, plggery, orchard spring water, BO acres pastures, cedar x apples, close to way, Cheap, S500 cash Consider exchange, [| Oolborne Jett new, rooms, double Eerage, $0000, BL1OOO oan', Westmoreland, 6 rooms and bath, garage, hardwood throughout, $8800, #10800 oanh, Kine Ate Wii § business oom or $10,000, 8 room house to rent BNO, Molaughiin Boulevard, 8 rooms BRA00, BRO he. A onion Now rs Tamod At S808, $00. cash takes it, Tot Murdoch know your needs, Buying, Selling Wi ohanging: Dwurance ot Kinds, Rates free, dreds of satisfied Bi holders in all parts of the Murdoch's 27 Warren Ave, Phone 80ST 4 | HAIDWOOD VEIANIRE LalD BY EXPENE MBOHANICS OL floors Nuished ke new, worm windows, combination anove, Gensrsl Conleautorn B. W, HAYNES Wl King BL WW. Phone 1, residence VOTE whereas In June of (his yeu, thers were In the world, 1,26 tan! ers of 1000 gross tons or wpwirds, These had & gross tonnage o 6,937,022 tons and represented more than 10 per eent, of the total steamer snd motor ship tonnage Rapid Developments When the British rules for the ae signment of lond lines wers reyised wid approved hy the Bowrd of Frade in 1900, no suggestion was made thi the tanker should he spacially eons sidered my the vevislon of the rules anid treated differently from the ordi nary cargo carrying ship, but during the twenty-five years of rapid ins orense in number and tonnage, there have been developments in the design construction and equipment of tank ers until they ean now be treated he pirately, I'he report just made public. by the British committee is of particular Interest to Canadian shipowners who operate tankers, inasmuch as the res us the basis of discussion at the ins commendation will prebabl? be used ternational convention, The commit tee's remarks in gonnegtion with the assignment of load lines to oll take ers, which was recelved recently from London follows in part "Wa ure asked to gonsider the pro posal and to advise whether shoei frochonrds can be properly allowed to tankers, and i so, under what sondition Preferential Treatment "Wa took a considerable amount ol ovidenae," stafes the report, "on the subject from Beitish shipowners and shipmasters, Almost without exce) tion the witnesses supported the claim for preferential (reatment 10 he given to tankers In the assignment of load lines, We are told unofi elally that thers was a substantial o mannt of opinion definitely agaigst deeper loading, and we endeavorid in every way open to us ta ohigin evidence of this kind, hat witnesses were not fortheanung, It is proposed In the Treansvidal to present H, G, Deane, the South Af rlean erieket eaptain, with the Ht deeds of the house he occupies, rrv------ obi sion Rn uae at Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AMITED 00 Blmooe Si, 8, Phose 000 SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION OLOTHING 00, 08 KING ". Ww, Phone 9141 o Deliver Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTH LTD, Felt Block Room 6 Phone 8790 EYERSIGNT secure REPAIRING WATCHES OUR 3PROIALTY Sets wo WO CAR PLA abn R fe So wake I tell the oorrect time D. J BROWN THR JRWRLEN Otticta, Wateh [napoctor Re. anadnn National and Oshawa 10 Rang 8h W, Phone 180

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