Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 13

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a. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 lL. The WIFE WHO FAILED And the Girl who Baved Garrard from His Crime wo nd Brought Happiness, INRTALMENT TWENTY THREW HARVEY GARRARD, find: ne the business whioh bs fn shvited about Bankrupt, Foe Rov oon hin Idle Ife and turns ov help and sympathy to his wits, MILDRED, who has thelr FRONR) Jlopaity ted up tor $4H f, But she falls him nie torly In his erlsls and Indig nantly leaves him with the word that aha married him only to be supported In line ury. Harvey finds a stranger alone (0 hin offies Tate at night nd iw (ag with a million LBL hA 0 seeurition In his ] " 3 he temptation : Bppropvinte this money 'o 8 HY I. he business is too strong, The man was ERENBEER EWAYLE, hit there seams to have hash mo pecord of the fortune he Wis arrying, and Hapvey's theft fs undiseavered, A new phase Is put on the situation, howhver, with the appearanes of the dead man's granddaughier, GRACE BWAYLE, wha had An SnEAEeMEnt th mest her rand father and was apecting im th have an Inheritance veady for her, The wirl pels Harvey's promise that she shall ba looked after, and, while here bs Rendering how mush she Wight know of the willion, he Is foraed fants A Business trip to Amarisa, And finds hor on aMphoard virtual Vy forelng haraelt an nim a8 Nis seeretary, Mivoaush guarding himasll agalnet any slip whieh way reveal his see vob, he finds the situation not pleasant, aa (heir flandahin vipans, Bul the net of dls savory eloses around him, ae otland Yard traces the sials nds ta hin hank aesaunt, paperately he eonfesnes hia evime to Grace, Who declares or love for him and then van Yehey from her apariment, Wild with _anslety a on slang, APYEY § bd day, That night he sete her by aceldent ab A ated, Confessing his arime to Grace, arvey is rewarded by her Res milan of love, Ronsiher ther face hin aceusers,, Wow Go On With the Rory whey sat over their Junehesh Wie WM A180, and drove Wek 0 ne both appressed by a Join pois lon that the thing whieh (hey affenied 10 reat Hahily, dul heh dreaded, Was abauh 4a hair Noy affected to treat lightly, but wetuall Sranend, wat shout 6 hat \ w ROW If tha male va vada threahisld of the warehouse, Wreblote, somewhat disturbed, followed him wp Blairs ad stopped Bim before he reached ' "hers AES 404 Wan walling 18 you from BHeotland Yard, ay [4Y nounoed dimdently, het wou A slate thelr business, ought ft beat to Shik them wp a re ivate voom." ad thraan Rp hat on 10 p Rd Wade Ria way taward 9, He #eod (here leaking ot Als visltoys, A} remember you quite well, In epector," he admitted, UE am sorry ta ah sin" the lat or walla, Yihat, an 1 warhed W yesterday might ba the ease, | i here on Ly A Rusiae, i & WAFTARL far Your av \ ou piealaely what eharget" Harvey ihenired, mechanieally, = oy L) EA having Woieh 6 ale M7, Baeneser avie Live Ponds to the value of ane. was the grave reply, "It I WY AUF 10 warn yew, My, Gan rand; ha AMthhg YOU WAY WN now In liable 9 be used aan A evidence. mi ore a ne haem that 1 speak, 1) ™ Gran demanded, oat all" A We tall you," she dee \ w ite eH the Donda at all, They were WY grandfather's holies polation and I begaed him wee of thew," Alle fillokeved across the sR BOL BOW A subjeat for dia Ww" he anReunesd, mn ation Ia that you wt 1a Londen at ihe " alleged theft, Do you ALY Instructions 9 Arrard before we 19 Wake ever 28 SY for You an pemible, Wh §e " 10 the slatien 1a | Ar i you wil," EN a \! hese aad _ OR A for a teow a it you would ab ah he Inepee or Ro 4 seated himself ta his accustomed seat, Refore him, on he 10D of saveral other letters, was ) envelope, addiesied to him and subaeribied in the left-hand "Private and very urgent He allt the the sliver euler Mn turned 1 oven | Li the shamp 4 PACA aver and hia 1 A ma & ANd stamped of the Ia bo 0 EHNRd \hiough he Ce ORE EE A] w A Mp Gerrard never Caprigh eredit of Mis Cranes Bwayle, i sand BW to you at ones, hopkig 1 may possibly ha of service, Bineeraly Yours, JAMES POULAON void the few Hines through iwlea (0 gain time, All the while Win healn was working aulekly The letter which ae yel he had not opened was wihtout a doubt from hennker Hwayle, It win al leas fuss that He eontents might Ha usilty his wae of the bonds, The sLiAr, however, wil unopened, He venllned Lhe advisability af swift aetlan, Ha oo Ind down the few Hones from the hank manager, atratahed aut hig hand far the In plone and dvapped I elumally un ta the earpat, i stopped down the allver penkintfa wlll In Wis hand, When he stood up again he dvew the eller fram the envelope and vead I theoush, He vead 1 ab Oral slmont at a wlanee, He took In Ha amaring slgnifeance without an outward quiver, © At that me ment, how ever, ha eould not have vend 1 wloud UReally,! he exelgtmed at asl quite unaware (hat he wan §jome Ing In absolutely his ususl tone Tihs In an exteaerdinary eolnel denea, A letter whieh | have heen unable to trace has heen diseaversd hy my hank manage? tn the mid dle of ane af the sheaves of hands You will see what he says, Inspse tap" Ha passed Mr, Paullon's latter to Lhe tapector who ped 10 threugh And returned 18 withaut eamment UNow perhaps, your will allow we tn read aloud this sommunliontion from the ale M1, Awayie Havvey sugested | will hand 1 aver ta you afterward de what you lke with Tha tnapeotor drew his ehale Hiile nearer to the table and slgnl fied hia approval Harvey, who Rad only ventured upon ane rapid glance At Grae, veal slowly and With utmost ealynein) Havoy Hotel, Wednesday svenlug My Dear My, Harvey Garprad Fam WERE to you In ome un sasiness, In consequences of whieh ANd Femambering the corde! hus Renn relations whith have esated belwesn our (we houbes tor halt a ONIURY, 1 wm VeRLUTIRG (0 Ask you A great favar, 1 have hrenght ave With me fram the Bintes & wmillion dollars' worth of securities, virtual I¥ my eutlre fertung, whieh it Wy intention shall ultimately Inte, the possession of my grand daughter, Graces BEwagie, my only AUPVIVIRG velntive, wha will Join we Ina few days trom Parle COTTE day, however, 1 was vislied with what the doctor here has admitied 10 he a severe heart attack, and 10 Any 1 feel weak and (1, 1 am teil Aatl at the thought that 1 minht die day T feel work ant 0 1 am teryl fed at the thought that 1 wight die quite suddenly with this large sim UPAR WY pereon, # Vial Ab peur warehouse his evening, thevelforea to proffer the Pagquest that you will accept on de PORIL WY securities, PAYInE Wy ErARddauEnter aueh Interest as you IhInK falf and alther nvesting the WORRY permanently tn your husk NOSE OF IN BF other trustee seourt Hes That ase good ta you, | hope that 1 do wot ask too muoh, but} AW Aure that 1 need nat remind YOu that your father was my oldest friend and many aot of friendship (have passed between us, 1 wills this Jetier and shaw leave 1b with (the bonds tn case | am nol Torus ale A] 10 Aad you 1a, COrMially yours, BRENRERR AWAYLE, There was an unimaminable ails SNe In the veam for several Woe ments after Harvey had Antshed reading, broken at 'he last by a Rint sob fram Grace I The Inspector siveked hs ohin thoughtfully Hia Keon ayes weie Axed upon Grace YMY infarmation madam he PomArked, "ls that It was you whe frst gave information to the police Ha the bonds were not torthesms ne "That was bhetore 1 had seen wy Frandiathey's letiey or had heard from My plained, messare," ho continued, "which we revived Brom you the Mahl helore ast" Home one has heen hoaxin you! Grace declared epelly, have never telaphon (UR LUE LIL RUE URI A I The IRSpecior was wmoamentanily RoR=puised, Whatever his foalings AY have heed, however, he ob SINALY concealed them, YW you allow we 10 vead the tu 111000 ORES More, ale!" ha hog Harvey handed thew aver and the mapectar ead them thiowah worl hy word | YMARd mew, aM he eantinned YER 1 he permitted 10 speak a ROAdUUATION Ol & telophone where i | Vihere ate Laren BOAtha Just aut aide on your Jet" Harvey eld h Make yom ehales | 100 Jey ThE Tam atier ) Ward of ast uetions 12 hia sh INAS. Harvey apened A dramen, teak oul & hax of elgan otion SRA ML Ge. Gndus whe had hoon leamitng Marwan, her head buried In her hands looked wh and diew a Mille loser to hw, YRId you Knew about his eb LL \ Not an idea, ORLY oul the ewe We relotned, "i ® after | had 5 nd rapped it | "Re It really AM dn any die hg WATT % 01 | Ny ng A Won We \ | Tn due calitee t - aapester tes ined, He alosed (he door hehind ha "Mn ha Aankownesd, 8 To WW have 1 orm you (hat erdeie heads quarters Rot 10 serve warn By E. Phillips O Hheneser | LLL Fam paying yeu | Garrard," she "Then there was the telephone | penheim : Phillip Peakialm A in my possession, The Chief feels that tn view af Chat leltey from the Inte My, Whaneser Bwayle he pve condlngs wgalnst you could possihly pueeuei, Win maked, however, (no Pag iest you Ao eame (0 hesdguay ls ore with the letler, the [oun Indy, And If possihie the Bank manakar, Tha Chief desires me to say that If you are able to satiety him that the lattar In panning 10 18 monk finprohs able that further proceadings will ha Lanen,' Harvey vous to hin fast, PRen dn thal eens, he suggest ad, turning to Gres, "1 Eiink pers hip, that we had better himer aul friend, the Chief" They eft Heatland Yara about an hour Inter, A fresh wind was Plowing up the river and the gulls wore wheeling aovoss the Kimhin he ment, hey were hath ws Hitle why ont, a Hite exhavstedshut (he world was thelr! Tod bless Grandfather Bwayie for writing that letter!" she ax olatmed forvently, "And dear My, Poulton for sending 11 down," [UAH the same," Harvey ahuerys (od, with a humorous gleam in his [oyom, "1 am Just as mush a thief as 11 was,' YAR 1 she "have heoome & worse thing & perjurey | He shook hig head Yau misdemeanor sonronly eounte' he declared, "fo 1 am futte suve thal the tnepsotor didn' hallave § ward you sald," X PNG mare eould sny one hellave that you were a thief," she retort oil bby plghed happily, Ian Harhort Pavdale vous & Nite AUIRIY From WIE obgly th the lotnge fof the Hotel de Pavia and adyvanesd toward the swing tn Mildred Hho waa quite a bei iang Ivison tn a marning sown of pale Breen ovepe de ohlue, but there was A atinotly ahaent smiles upon her Hpa an she greeted her admired UYou are not going to Bay thal Foam late this morning, she pra (tented, "Look at the elaek Is | bavely halfpant | Well, that's half an hour ats a eomplained "You promised a he here at 18 a'eloek,' UMY memory again she slahed | UEamehaw oF other 1 gulte thought PAA It was halbpast, However, | ld the oar ta walt, IF you like | we will Bo up to the Royalty aud Have oonekialle" | Me pleked up his hat and follow od hey IL 1an't only the walling about that's so tedious he conided, as [hw LOOK his place By her side In the [Autamabile, But what 1 wan't Tagine 18 why | am nat allowed 1a [ome OL With the oar to the villa ta feloh you, Ba you realise, Mid Ped, that 1 have never set tool in the place snes you went there outs Weel |e, THAT 1 BAYa Raver set foal In the place YOU went there Inearly twelve months agat" fhe looked at hevaell far a mo WERE WR Ball pookel mirrae [WhIoh she had drawn from. the SEmaiu case hy her slide On the whole sha was satisfied Her all Toyehrow might perhaps he a ile Mapraved, hut 11 was ton delleats AR Aperation 16 be attempied In the Car Bhe replaced the mirror and Mahed once wore UN pleases, minoe 'Now Herbert, don'd COMMANeR the day hy balng unrea [aRabie" sha begged, "You ought 10 Yeallse Tor my sake how neve BALY 11 12 10 be eautiona It Ia HORFLY 81% MOntha Bow sinee my decreas was granted, and tn three Weeks or #0 1 ahall he absolutely fren, Barely that 1a not ten long to waly © He wade no reply, He had Ns OWA TARA Upon the subdent hut he Waa Weary af exploiting thom, YAN muat remember she went an, phing forward to smile and Wave her hand al a peering ate aualntanes, "that Harvey always hated the Idea of a divares aud 1} SROWIAR'E be In the least surprised IF he were having wa watohed aver hare #0 as 10 have the King's Pros HOF or Whosver that persan is, tus torvane 18 1 were sven tndisores) "Idan helleve 1 tor A we ment he declared, almost renah UYOuP husband ante that son all Bho half alosed her ayes My dear wan! whe protested "Yau really must get out of the RAL of valaing' yoru velos when YOU speak MY netves simply will AOL sand 1 You way thnk that What | suggest 1a didlowlons, ht there have bean several sthange WOR about the villa lately whe COI Bive Ra satisfactory aveount of themselves YHAve 1 Your Aw way then," he ANU TeRORd, Wilh al allem at pond Rumer, "AN the same, yeu have other wen there I have my ol flanda® she ath | mite, hat In quite reasonable | 1 al Harvey wanld never shieel ta that, | [YOR AT the one person Whew he I IMUERE suEpect and for that reas, | hawever much I wight want fou AWM Rat HKely (9 be overheard I 110 cama, | have 10 Koop Yon away, | FARK BOW," She Well on, AFANIRE & Rewahnper ram the pack, M1 want [t¢ IK 19 You seriausy, Well we, 1% this true about Havveyt | Yl owhat awe he asked, UWA, about Harvey and this | wondertil otation of Ms Bowe LORY has sent we this financial PT mes, © Aon't waderatand it very Well, But 11 I trae that the bab Wea 6 Gaiand and Gara was HORE for S3.300,000 and that sho asked, WRdAer hep breath, [they Just declared a Rest dividend | 10 per cant? FOYE Is bewe enonah Fardale ad Pmitied, a ite peavishly, "He PRE Ave had the devil's awa ak He Wa ed he Wmeney somehaw of ALARY 18 AEWATS Rin Dank, Weal in OF huge speculation, Khowing WOLRIRE Whatever about 1 Just a) ihe WERE time and had the seed OIA 10 Sap During Just hele he Markel weakensd and gol Wa In At the hattam. Thea | sam Ria hankers, ol ame one, ak {ot i to Rim ABA 1 Was A wok A a a The | "Right [Ima ed, i. Hmited eompany, and he did Bhae tare the paper inte frag: manta, Her ayes flashed, Hay Wn mouth wen suddenly srooked, wrdaule, looking at her (0 astoninh ment, was smaked (0 dissover that for the moment she was an ugly wainun "You know what this means?! Wie demanded, "1 means that 1 inva heen oliented," "Eoden't quite understand," ha protested Fhiey had reached the Tile tak rueed onto, and she led the way le A vetired tube, adusied the nimhedRi to lier Wiking snd walled Will he lind given an order, "1 thought, Hike avery one eles," whe oxpla Hell, leaning novess the ble, "that the business was going Ml Le places and (hint Harvey would never have a penny, 1 naw he Wad a thousand a year which AR Aunt Taft Bim ow Jong time age; MnA Alveetly he consented 10 my Alariing notion sgainet him, 1 (old my lawyer to bry to gel him to Make over hal thousand a year, an tht 1 whould he sure of nowes thing. "Homething' Mardale repants od, under his hrosth, "Why, my AGAP WOMAN, You have aver three thousand » your already" "Don't he absurd," she soled, YOP what use Is three thousand » larga altmony trom Harve holug weneraus and veleas Mam det, but Twas sb afraid that 1 should get nothing that 1 thuinted upon his wiving up that LROusRid A your and 1 signed a pa poy lod ng mysall not to demand wnything farther," Horhert Yardale sat quite still for a woment with hin eyes Axed upon hig companion, Then he suds denly and without esensihls yea aol began to laugh, He laughed until Ne was ehliged to produce a alk and averspertumed hander chill from his pookel and dab his forehead, The more he laughed the greater heonma her Indignn ton SWHL you tell me," she asked folly, Ywhat you And humorous in {the situation' Her tana oheoked his mirth Wipad the tears from his eyes, "My dear Mildred," he pointed out, yan must admit, although the Juke 18 anaingt you, that thers 1s a vartaln amount of humor in the aliuation You're a elaver waman and 1 admire you for it You sald altay diAhe house and furniture when you SAW rouble eaming and eleared out, Quiie rlght You stuck to YOUPF marriage settlement, natural 1¥, Then, when you thought your Rushand wan ruined you took what you Imagined was all the money he hag In the worlde=hig thousand a ye #0 AR 10 ha Bure of aomes thing! Clever again, na doubt, hut If you had Jeft Bm that Hite in OMe your alimeny "wauld prah Abily have same 10 at least Ave Thnusand a year VARA you And that humaroust" she exelaimed furieusly YForgive me, he boagaed, genuinely alarmed, "I was stupid, of course, Afar all, you don't need 10 works ahaut muney, You'll | Aosd to worry about money, You'll BAYES All you wan! VAL Y want!" she repeated with BOarn, "Never! Never (a this world [Herherteonnt sven (1 you settied [the whole of your forty thousand A YEAT BH Wie Aha sipped her eookiall and he Suda her for a moment atientives [Ivy Without & doubt she was, a {every one desorbed her, ona of the | beet dressed and beslAurnedout [Women In the world, Rvery detail [OF hor tollabe wan perfect of fw [#0 How mueh of her oom plaxion | Wan natupal and haw mueh owing [10 AFL BOL even 1a this brilitany | \nahthe AL A ow feet distant could {he tell he WAR & very perfect and waldaptal Atealion ' Whe YR good ware INE About 4, Mildred, TN Il have Me 10 draw upon hetore lang." I owonder," aha retlooted, "whee LheX The court could not upset (hat Arrangement. YE shonian's wy 1 1 were you," Ae Teplied a ttle shorly, "You R00, AR arranged divoree Hike yours 18 VALhOr (In the mature of a cons Spay, Harvey's lawyer, toe, a Far 100 shrewd A fellow 10 have laf A laophals, You've got four thous sand A TRAE Which Wo one ean Neh, The day we are married I'M Wile another + four thousand & YOAR GR you, That's a faltly good MOAMS far A WOmAR who's golng Hye with her huaband. Thousand a year" sha YEosuppose 1 shall gel AONE on that" Ha wan a Hite startled "Lahoud WhIRK you wight try" he remarked with unnoticed sam SANW, YRveryihing Wo, 80 expensive iv BIE WARE ah "TRI me Wha YOM BAY YOUI ine Mather ¥ IROOM. Was, YABORL forty thousand a yean" he peptied, "I wen'y reid IhouEh, It 1 nagleet Business rushes EO to BIA af down here SYRLY WORE op flmpse of you» There In a0 3hOM a Hine ta wall now WHY don't you go back to LORdONn and Work Maid tof & few WOOKE® 1 don't ike to take you AWAY em your business, Hen bag "IN athap words t he observed, You'd we have We Waki { MORAY Ih the RILy far you to bend [TF Oh ABAD daeing Atiendance {OR You here EOYWaLY She pointed out. "thers ATS A 101 of peta we Both Khow WHOM WH mest all the time, and of a Ws WH Wk i INR he ) 0 Wh "What the devil veg Raga \ oben Mh navel Pay x * ow of \h | Hotel Pg iy Rd = [We Shier the sates of your villa, When You Janel alone with we it CHOIR A sanee stadaingly and in Da [WOH pabiie 0 YOu OAR IhIaK of, HIE We AIRe Rgether Baw You ae IDaRInRRE 1 alt wpon faviting [Same Oho oad, You haven't hea 100 generous with yourseit this LY WORAAS have You, Mil \ "w THE WOMER Whe Ais gonerow | then ve MW hare wn JOOP 10 mie? 1 aught to have a very | - him | 10 oateh a! " ! PUL WAY 40 yout" she relotued VO They 19 Wik | BALYATION ARMY HEAD wunn Gansval Wo J, Migginn, head of he Nal yan ba AR MG ny suawered oalmly, Vd not lant Jour Fou have not long wo wall, parstul 48 In far your saline an wall Ww mine! fain TWILL you have another ane shall wa go to luneh? the vod hy a vediloss drive thought he would give hm uw HA Aer uw wwilt Jonrney he set the old follow down Her auld, Hovy furst und me last" to hear the other side are those w know 1 all and those whe don't want 10 learn We PAGE ELE 'Over fifty million peeks nges are sold each year. SALADA TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' a d i JEWS OBSERVE SOLFHN DAY OF RETROSPECTION Ceremony of Tom Kipper to he Observed on Sunday On Munday, Oct, 1H, the Tewish people will hogln thelr ealehration of the Day of Alonsment, known In Hebrew as "Yam Kipper," with most solemn religions wervicas, The services will open with the tenditlonal melody of Kol Nidre, whieh will mark the heglnning of tio mont saored and salami dey of the Helivew onlandur, The entire doy In ahwapyvoed hy all Jews with Evave concern) 1 In devoted to fauting, prayer, meditation, Jopol tunes and forgiveness, "This hoy duy, therefors, ourries an inva while vallglous messagn to mankind ut large, an wall as (0 the Jewish pagple In the dave of the Temple, nn wlnhorato guovifioful vitunl const Lied the ohiof form of absarvanon af the Day of Atonement The neaple fled the Temple oauris Phin High Prisst pnme hefors the Ae garhed tn his pelestly drone Pelest's Confession AL Rest he uttered uw confession of Bin awn slie and the sing or his hounahold and prayed for pardon und remdasion; then he elted un con funnion of tha wane of the priest hood and hespod forgiveness! fin PAO ally he head wo oonlession of the WE thank "ee for the vides | Mie of the antire Jewish poopie " and Invoked the Gad of Justion and Marey far forgiveness, This ose mony fmpressad the people and nil ad them with awe and reveranee) Ha purposes wis (0 heing them to " Mite Of repentance and mone. men ong place In the Bahara Des would he a good ides =London Witan Iie, tha Day of Atonement vous i paorednons and holiness, Prayers gma ta wabstitate the saevifielal paring; meditations took the Mua of the oonltossion made hy the High Priest auld Hopontune and conteitlon, yecanettiation and forgiveness came to he emphasised wove and more by the Rahbiy Duy of Vasting Avoarding to Jewish teaditon, the Day of Atonement murked the day upon which tod sealed the finn] daoven of avery ovestuve of the warla who had passed hafors Him tn Judgment on Naw Year's Huy I was tharelfore sel aside nn ou day af fasting and spesial Prayers and suppllontions is Iden constituted the keynote of the Day of Atonement throughout the Middle Aga Whatever (he messange of Day af Atonement In wKes past, today IL stands In Jewish Hie an noany af the soul santifest ion The Iden af vetvoaspestion and in fronpection which poarmestios (he Hiuvgy of this holy day helngs man to pontemplate his purposes In Hi anf to maditate an the values of Judalam Which serve to sanetify and ennoble human Hin ol The value of the world! wi pi In lows than $8,000, fo ; a (rie vipers are found In erin ATH Vitinh thal it new vislkin Penloy Whe have tnt Waly behind Te ---- Sa io) Ws ROUP4 , Ci Is a wicked dise sure death If you don stamp It out with Baye promised te winery you and 1am ' Wh Phere 1a such a Lhing Be uver oaretulness,' he $ompiaied nll or (Continued Tomorrow) i _.-] RE - An old farmer wan ploked up on the whi Turning, the ROUP TABLET Save the Floek Bold by all dealers AT EO od ge w ------ "Rides! waked the drive "Yen soir Yoa've given me me A sisdphone Ie viredueed {n, Ame With the dlsuppenranes of tha | erlea every forty seconds, Tt 1a 4 naorifotal pitas) from the Jewish | (fmated (hit if they were all piled in a RR > The only peaple whe should refie {11 Publishers Byndionte A " DOMINIQA ill TH Hil; 2 | 0 "nA S o® Mirae heute strong. Rugged. A sori. Sanine tha 0 . vig php braking TAT al Baw Seevioe direc inti what ks, Ta carcass is hull up ply upon ply of shooksreslsting oie ¥entired Rl carcass into ani sidewalls are | HEAVY SERVICE TIRES a .. EE IR Ret oon SER: DOMINION TIRE DEPOT ONHAW 3 on King & Contre Streets, A we Ws Hy Rodd, Tire & Battery Serves | -- IL lh) trouble, i You are never far away fram «a \ DOMINION TIRE DEPOT L) '

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