Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1929, p. 6

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AS FI Sr mE------ ATER f PAGE 81x THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DCTOBER 11, 1929 " --_ he L« Women's Interests in the Home -- The Women's Corner pw ---- For Anything of Interest w the Homemaker and the Housekeeper a a METHING NEW IN SHOW EIS | Byldes and showers goem Lo go together, and (he hostess 1 whe ways wondoving what wilh be a 111 te differant, Reeantly fn un big sove we saw Ro bride's klehon shower belpg assembled And i wa Bol af gana or almoiniin, pi oie ight expect hut of glass, and pink BL thet, Copnrely this bride could stat housework with # rosy outlook In her kitehan, In the pi ehosen" wan butter anh 4A vetrigerator), n om reamar set on u fal Jus, fives file tor lingerie and louding fahvies are the favored yellow and hlue new colors w LJ New York note that vopes of peayly long and short continue in vague and for street sports afters noon and evening they are worn with any and every type of 068 Lume ¥ Muny of the skirts are now made without pleats either helng mounts all on un yoke and flaring at the widen, or ont from a eireilay pats torn for al the moment pleats seam definitely out of style at least, for woollen sports ensembles LJ . LJ Long walstlines are practioally auf, aven for apris weary, while at (he moment the normal waistline in the secepied thing and evening and day dresses from the most formal to the simplest hoast a narenw hell Ishen that piled an op of, one another, with a pup f , Thea ara to hold left=overs ihn he rofrl pr, There was a walt ar, no mistaking it with the name ambossail Wy 0 mensuring sup and a wel of Bix sraduated mixing bowls, You aan slike got the same plecos in green glass Wire, | * i . small hows of tweed on erépe blouses with "tallored (wood sulla gre smart Moft pastel shades and twostone olor somblpations are Lhe present aahilon In smart bedroom meee pores, A -------- If thers are any ahiidrven in the home it Is advisable (0 use home-made substitute In prefers ence to the veal thing, whieh i Wehly polsonous, The substitute is gyolved by mixing table salt with lemon Jules, In the proportion of one part salt to avery four of the lemon Jules, CE BRON Wid eiepn Ave Boru ae: _ EN IL ® \ orm FowDERS @ noLIEVE THE aT QONDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE OF WORMS RESTORE THE OHILD TO NORMAL WEALTH, Me DOUROULHEA Hat Shops ofter more' than hata--they offer style assurance you know the color is right-the newer autumn shades of brown, for instance==you know each hat has that touch which sels it apart from all thoand Dadknee hore are six Dorothea at aho there is more Individuality the price fs ONLY yu TWO AND THREE DOLLARS DOROTHEA HATS LIMITED Shops in Taranto, Hamilton, Oshawa, , Catharines, Galt, North Bay 3 King St, E, $7.19 © top square heal; abe game; sigh Oshawa Full Fashioned Hosiery « et DOROTHEA HAT SHOPS Weddings A pretty Autumn wedding took place at the home of Mr, und Mis, Ady Viuke, Barr Will, Whithy, Ont, when thelr youngest iat 4 tar, Myrtle Ivene, became Lhe bride of Charlies 15, Valriey, son of the late My, and Mes, John B Fairley of Guelph, Ont, The ears mony was performed hy Hey, ¢ W, Cragg of Oshawa, The hiride en tered the drawing room on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding mareh from Lohens grin, played by Miss Birdie Thomas of Ww ithy, Bho was hesutifully owned in ivory satin and Vrenoh hos and wore sliver slippers, A Aninty wreath of orange blossoms seturad wu long white vell of em broldered tulle, Her bouquet was Bweeatheart vosen and lily of the valley, Bhe was attended hy Miss Marlon Cuff, Rew, N,, of Hrant« ford, Khe was prettily gowned In a Vreneh dress of apricot georgetie and tulle and wore gold slippers, Ophelia roses were carried, "he Eroomaman was My, George Palys ley, Tovanto, brother of the groom, The ceremony was performed hes fore & hank of palms, ferns and autumn flowers, During the signs Ing of the rexister, Mra, Murray Cole, Toronto, sang "Por You Alone" P Following the ceremony a huffel luncheon was served to the guests The hride's mother vesslved, dress ed In a handsome gown of helge Heorgetia and gold lace with shoes to mateh, Hhe wore a Corsage bouquet of sunset roses After the reception, the happy aouple left on a motor trip for Ottawa and other eastern oltles The bride travelled in a modish frey Noorgetia dross with mateh NE shoes and hose, & navy velo hat and coat of navy silk broad gloth, trimmed with large collar and ouffs of grey sable, On the! return Mr, and Mra, Fairley will reside In Guelph Out of town guests were pres ent from Hrantford, Hamilton, To ronte, Guelph and Owen Hound, Helpful Hints Kvery housewife should keep a Lite salts of lemon handy, as this fan be used very effectively for many household purposes LJ * = Marking Ink stains ean he va moved from linen with salts of leman, Apply with a pad of sowt oloth, leave for a few minutes then wash the material In the usual way, LJ N . Salta of lemon oan he used very affeetiviey for removing black ink sining from materials, Draw the (ffectad parts tightly across the mouth of an open vessel rub the alts of lemon over them, then nour very hot water over them Ahould traces of the ink still re Main repeat the process w . * Phere 1s nothing lke salts of lamon far oleaning a allmy sponge Dissolve about two tabhlespoonfuls a hall pint of tepid water, then immerse the sponge In this and How to seal for an hour or sn Wing 1t out ocoaslonally and quessing it firmly hetwaen the hands, Rinse under cold, running witer, and suspend from a nall In the open alr to dry LJ V LJ Copper vassals that have hecome hlnokened through contact with the fire oan he vestored to thelr armer heightness by rubbing them with Hberal guantities of salts of amon, Ringe off as soon as pos sible, to prevent the acid eating inte the copper PALLY RRCIPE Lemon Nwt Cookies 1 oup shovtening 2 oups powdered suse 1 elR, Loup eream ooup lemon julee a teaspoon vanilla I oups of flour, 2 (eaupoans baking powder \L tenapoon nutmes, A teRapnon salt, 1 tablespoon grated lemon vind, Wo oup ahvedded blanched al mons, Cream the shovtening and sugat thoroughly and add the eps, well beaten, Mix and sift the dry ins redionts and add alternately with the lguids, Last of all, stir In the omen rind and wuts and drop in tiny portions an a well olled hake ~N pheet, Bake about twelve minutes In a moderate aven-240 This makes about six doen vookles, ae ol The old theory that wars are es sential to Kill off the surplus popus ton falls In faee of the fact that Sunday antomobiling i doing a tho ough Job inn large way-Tula World, PRR i Social and Personal JUNE WORDS phear heputy words, thely rhythm, Aide from all the Tmnges loktars muy veonll OF happy seenes, ov trlendly farms, oy perfume's heady wine, Bava lute of words ving elfin chimes an sweel thelr mecsnts fall J There is In mers melody; the when you take the music of (hens mage syllables And weive I In ow slory, posm, ar wn BONE, Yau have a waondvous tapestry, iting harmony, To drupe the thronesvoom of your soul, where myriad med loys throng Then ar mu al Iney words, welysian, stardust and asphodel The velvel words hutus, tritium The futelike words, vestigls netta and chrysoberyl The cello words, mahogany, oi mine, delphinfum The Anemone, ul vig Each ane Is musle, colar ga) they've fuhries rich and These wovds wa use so Hghtly ag wa spank, or write, nv sing They veady stand to clothe our thoughts, lve voles to heart's loniron Fibre mant Just words, they walt the or's hand to gulde thely Toning NURIN B, Vanthill, Ont fash * * Mr, and Mrs, A, HB, Jackson, of Whithy, visited friends in the recently ' # i Miss Margaret Anderson, of On 8.0, EXHIBIT AT SIMCOE §T. CHURCH Exhibit, Banquet and Program thot Calinwi has fohool The 'alive shown they pront Hunaday the prepnr ol fundpy held iunday workers in manner in whieh d thely second materials m have annual exhibit helps for use in Kxhihit fs bhelng Ht, United Chureh rooms, One roam 18 devoted to each department of whioh there ave The Btory Hoom is tractive place where preanged avound In the fireplaces, and hooks tn profusion every where teachers In charge of thin veom are Miss Havel DeCluerre, Mi Defoe, Mrs, Wohstey Miss Ritson and Mes, Rice, From three o'olock to five In the afternoon the Indien ave telling stories fi 8 man ney most work he In Himes tohool no most wt ohalrs ne t+ olvele about flowers © and ih w Wiad We - ---- -e "1 was In very poor health before my baby was born and had wa le down twa hou every day, The dog vor sald | would never carry my baby on [owas too weak, My mother pers waded me ta toy Lydhia B, Pinkham's egetable Compound, Te has helped me wonderfully, My baby (8 nor very t he ia strong and healthy, ) Om the Compound wo every an wea oo ear complaining and when i k | take ft again myself, bed iy they never 5 ne anawer letters if 1 can help A Wik ho hon healthy ain," I arg Nwls, | ) | TLE wu ol 11 TIT } 1 Yeoetable Compound and | pleasing to the ehildron i hey An Whithy, with M College, the weskand Mr, and Mri Division sires " LJ Mis, Miller's group of BL, Ah draws Chuveh had a rummage sls yasterday at the market, The pro candy wore $id tario Ladies' pending Pivenin, deveon, (4) A Miss Lots Gevmond, wha 1s sl tending the Ontario Ladies' College ul Whithy, will be fn town for the week-end, ' , , _ G, G4, Guretle, advance vepregei tabive of the "Dumbbells was # business visitor tn the eity yester diy The "Dumhbells" ure to Bp pear at the General Motors Audi torfum on October #5 and w w Miss Marion Pelt, of this elty, and her aunt and uncle, Dy, and Mrs, Bpenoer, of Bowmanville, have just veturned after a motor trip 10 wouth Norwalk, Conn, New York City and Philudelphin " Min n # Charlies Ansalsting fire visiting town with theh grandson and his wife, Mr, and Mrs, Halph Young Mr, and Mrs Ausolatinge are veturning to theh home fn Prankford, Ont, after a trip to Teall, B.0, + Boddy, assisted hy the group served after her home on Quehers Ootoher Miss Doris My, und w ¥ Wm of he ton wt on Wadnesday, the afternoon, | Hoddy gave several plano solos Land Myw, B, Holland favored the guests with a voesl solo Miu Indien noon plireel During ane interested may drop painters on thin art of | and Hiny | In ull met | story telling, I'he Hervies Projects room Wn ohurge of Miss Verg Watson has dlupluy of things that may he dow the children In the Primary und Junlar depaviment and right next to this room Is one devoted World Friendship where man [ artioles from all the eountries | which the United Chureh 1s work | wre on dlaplay, The solleetion | | { | | hy | in thig room has been loaned hy different people In elty and [olen In It thera In 8 very valuable colleeton of hooks which Dy, Hiay of Tarontag sent down fw Nochsion the Musla Hoom there of songs for eohildven Harriett in there ready to play tht muy wish hony roam full of pletures makes u ronlize how hard 1 would he to tench the little tots witheaut wd of a beautifully ealored ness of the story sential In the training ron After seeing the section where Munday Hohoo! Huperintendent's uppiies are exhibited one Ig con vineed that this husiness of Hun day Hehool Teaching has hean hrought slmost down to a selence his room has hooks and papers {on all phases of the wark [ aps, hoth wall maps and MA Ps | wand which may he arranged to il lustrate any seatlon of the coun try that Is being studied The , 0, 1. 17, and the Roya Wark Hoard of Oshawa both have very fine exhibits of thelr work The most attractive room of all the exhibit ia the one devoted to the Cradle Holl and Beginners This 18 In oharge of Mrs, OO, Lan dar and 1 to very evident that she Lund her helpers have spent a great deal of time In preparing the three Hitle tables all decorated for par tion oelehrating different festivals throughout the year, These are fist suggestions to Cradle Roll Poachers for entertaining the wee tots, and there fa no doubt ahout I that any litle tot would he the CRON Ihe In hooks Mya nny A ure you a of ohild rellel more than delighted In the Play Boom Miss Evelyn ay and two others have ever sn many games that small ehildren He to play and she Is there all the time ta lead the ehildren In the AAes Last avening Mrs, James group {OF the Slmeoe #8t, Ladies' Ald served & supper to the Tasoher and those who eared to attend, Miss NeaTannis Sammons of Taranto and Rov, Roy Rickard of Plokering enol sald wn few words after the banguet, The program which fol lowed the banquet was very inte. esting and tnapiving, Mp, J © Young acted as ohalvman, The Rov, OB, Crags lead tn worship and the apeakers of the evening wera Miss NeTannis Semmens and Rev, "Ray Rickard, There was sinaing and other musle during the program Seventy-five sound Rls were wade 1 Germany tn the last year the | Hike: | Motures ure os: | and There Is also a large box of | Cam-- (ATHLETIC EVENTS FOR GIRL GUIDES T | Sports To Be Judged by Well-known Canadian Athlete The program of outdoor aetivitiey known mmong the Girl Guldes, would not he complet without an Athletios Meet to fin Ish off the season hetore the win tor's own special things start, Bo an Haluvday wftarpoen the Guldes af the Bnd Oshawa company ara running off a fine program in Aloxandra Park Thora ure entries for bath jun lors aud seniors, us well as a spo Inl relay vaoe for patrol eampetl tan, The program consists of many of the things for the Athlete's hadge, and a few of the Guldey will also try the test for it Two dashes, 0 ydu and 100 yas, will glve the sprinters | chanes to show thier prowess, High jumping and long Jumping hath running and standing the pott pity to hrepk the jay inn an the program, Throwing a hall | 4 ¥ S wa well a pliscg and 1 far Hrd place, AL Lhe ond, the totals will be taken and on Firat and wu second prise glven 'n both Junior and senior sections, It Is hoped (hat the Commisgloner, Mus, Wrie Phillips, vill be there La present the priges at [lve a'eloek The Gulden fee] much honored in having as the Judges for the day sueh well known athletes as Way ones Jana Hell of Olymple fame, one of the girls who put Cannda's flag at the top of the pols In the h world'y higgest athletic mest in Amsterdam lant year, as well un Fit Migs Dorothy O'Neill of the May Iw ing Hr Kalaer Is uy wating the « wilting at Cal af fold 'Fresh from the gardens' and wn | hirather-Indaw of inple of Doorn mel Charles Is Raaner ar later wd have a MH Community w Allthatshower andsun can give~Iin fragrance TA PR, whlpplug and a chest expansion of Inehion und entehing wll der in Ise kiurel Eaton Behool of Physical fruining The Judges will also wel as ex aminers for the Athlete's Badge for a few of the Guldes who have heen preparing for the test, This not only tha rune | (whieh Is a om hut alsa for alle for not only detanes hut alsa feouraey of alm Intarprorsed In the mare serious will sieh laugh-provok Faoed nn he Heh the race and the needle avents he nu thrae-leggad wnd-thread vace here will avant y Toy valle far, ming and Jumping tain pet standard) hate fon Tor shh nd polnis pues he I8l Nea Our New Fall Line of Conte I the OPPE Hauth and Dresses n FASHION SH Hi Wimeon Ni ov & - a Sb and | \ i I 2 oo Make Suds Quickly... but be sure you make SAFE SUDS ! One tub of suds looks much like any other tub of suds , + , « It's what the suds are made from that means either risky washing or safe washing, And you should think of your hands , , everyone knows what harsh suds will do to them ! The purity of Sunlight Soap means for both clothes and rls Ie nh purity of Sunlight which makes it dissolve freely, And Sunlight's gentle suds, so quickly formed ,, , . always cleanse thoroughly and above all | , , safely, Other laundry soaps are never really satis: factory to the women who have once used Sunlight, That's why millions of bars the world over are bought for every wash day. Look for the $5,000 Sunlight Guarantee of Purity on every carton, It means real economy == longer life to your clothes = protection to your hands, Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE a" Ta \» "we CIRevs WAS Going on Nwwely CoMPY D0 His SHARE Of Thiers | ------ A ------ WHEN MOTHER HUBBARD POOR PRGGIE A Dang =» COMFY CRIED AND SAID NE ne | A) A at Th TR -- eam x GAVE HEN, WANTED Vv ERE. AND TERE WAR TRE HUMPTY EMPTY -- ---- Bur view aeppen CRY! ot Lom ®R FAanik wh A) OLD FRIEND, h ITY WALL WAS Pusned inte The Rive .

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