Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1929, p. 3

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Large Registration in Vocational Evening Classes Here THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 A ------ Oil Refining Inventor Ap wo Local C. of ; Would Form Company Here Dr. JW. Trotter, Patentee of New Process, Desires to Form Syndicate Prelimin- ary to $2,000,000 Cor. poration DESIRE LOCATION NEAR LOCAL HARBOR Representatives Outline Plans for Unit With Cap- acity of 210,000 Gallons of Gasoline Per Day of nn palent Process toy Raprasanialiyes ¥nown as the Trotter votining ols veacontly wpproachod the leeal Chamber of Commarea with the object of forming 4 pre Hminary syndionie to outuhlinh 8,000,000 eovporstion te ha nown as tha Aero OH Craeking Process Limited with refineries Io onted at Oshawa The Inventor, Doatar J, W, Trot tor, explained that his process was entirely different to the pro oonnen Ab present used hy the Inve oll companies and that the wasn Hine derived from the process could be produced more eeonomioally and that the results In the use of the gasoline had proved an In oreansd sfficiency of from 08 1.0 to 100 per cent above other high tout ganolines und that there was no oarhon Two reports and » number of letters were shown sub ptantiating the ahove Faots, Oshawa Nultahlo R, 0, Coekhurn explained that an Oshawa was oonslderad the an tomobile centre of Canada and that pultable sites wera avallahle for the vefinary adjacent to the harbour which was belong oon wirneted, that this oily wold he wall willed for the establishment of the refinery, The plans us outlined hy the res presentatives ealled fov a unit with i oapaeity of 210,000 gallons per any, The representatives were assur od that conslderation would be glven. to thelr proposal, Regimental Orders PAE 1 OHDKRS BY LINUT C01, MH, MW, SMITH, COMMANDING IN: TARIO REGIMENT, OUTOBREN TIN, 1080 Duties wool ending Ockahey 18h, Lhe Ordorly offleor, Tdout, VP Paveally Orderly sergeant, Hart, I Crawford; Ovderly Corporal, Corpl Haxhy oy ih Wynnn) MoNellly Maoffutt, Woy week onding October 10th, Ovderly Offiesr,, Lieut, M Orderly Hregeant, Maru Ovderly Qaorporal, Corp! Parades Parnie Friday, all In-=Rondy to hand over ut 500 pm Dron Pritt Order with rifles and side nrme Commanding. Offlosrs' In speetion §.16 pin Training and Company Ovganl gntion and Drill under supervision of Biaff Bet, Major Ryan, "0" and "0 Companies will parade unday Own loon! Rrransemenis Appointments and Promotions Pte, D, Bmith, "I" Company ACorparal Transfop A«Cpl, BD, Bmith transferred from "HY Coy, ta Headguariers Wing ww Htore Clark Infuntry Courses, 1 Heglmentul Ootaber 11th Platoon to Hoyal Nehools, AGAIN PRESENT U, OF T, EXTENSION 1ECTURES HERE COURSES TO BE GIVEN IN POETRY AND TRAVEL First Lecture Will Be Given Next Thursday, Oc- ' tober 17 University of Toronto extension lagtures will he offered in Oshawa nein thin yaar, 16 was announced today, "Tha Jol uiv on will ha glyven in two subjects os last yeur, the subsets helyg poetry and travel The first lectnrs will ba given an Thursday evening, Oct, 17, at 7 n'elonk The place will ha Bane nounesd tater, The cotirse of study in poetry will comprise two lee tures in Enelish pastry, (hres lee Lures in American poetry, and one on the work of Dr, Pratt, Victoria Colles, Toronto, wha will sondnet this course, The next fouy lectures will he of wu travelogue nature, and will he wlyan hy Vrotessor Melellar, of the Unfversity of To rontn These ons, and antire lng fo uny he (Oren al Are apen fee In #860 for the Heplutrations will ha taken the opening night The conrse is prranged hy W, J Dunlop, who 1a tn ehnree of exten glon work at the Universtiy of To rontn Tha Yoel ecommities In shares of arfangemenis hora In fludes Mes, I, 1, Fowke, Miss F Holmes y « 1, Wabhinson, CO, 0 Cannon, H and MH, ¢ Headley on fohn An offtetnl eommunieation ha heen received from headquarters pdvising that the Fall Course (for which names have heen tnken) Ia eanootied Note Further Instrnetions will he fasued vegnrding the 18in spring Course Ag #oon as Informn tion Is avaliable 1, Pearson Adit Hoplment Capt, & Ontario ---- SEE THESE REAL BARGAINS 1021 Chevrolet Touring tn K, condition every WAY, Pree yuna 1008 Chevrolet Coach, and rune Hike new oar, Prive SEER ALEE Good motor, Price 1008 Chevrolet Redan, splendid eondition, Price 1008 Onkland Redan foot condition, Would STL ER EET) $565 Linoks "$825 1928 Ponting Redan, New tives, $728 in $565 pa take smaller oar as Part payment, 0 80, ped, . vv cand at out quickly, It must be done! buy, Act at once! 1927 Chevrolet Ton Truck Our new Hires, A veal smart Joh, All ready io 10 work, Price $405.00 1927 Star Co In feat elass condition, Price $425 1007 Chovealet Coach In good shape avery way Prive NTARIO On any basis you compare them=-appearance w=porformance==or price==these OK cars are the biggest values offered you, . «tuned up and fit, , , ,completely aguip- \ more interesting, priced to a fraction of their original cost=priced to move We are clearing out stock in preparation for the heavy winter new car business, Prices are away down, . . you save dollars and dollars, | | All ready to our Now ia the time to 1027 Overland Whippet Moto Prive $495 R[x Nedan overhauled Just | Due {real October weather Sin aed LJ J Abave 1s reproduced "Before the Btorm," by 1. ¥, Ohoultse, one of October Joan exhibition at the Art Cialleries of Toronto Inting probably represents this artist's best work, The landseaps, he hour before the threatening storm -- -- Hundreds Qf Names Are Added To List of Voters At Two. Committe 2 Rooms GF New Huine ire hein ol thie Hat wt both the | surprised Libera! sommittee] Hist at the wil informed | FoOms reeantly to ni Hi Lon that (hi was inissing, Needle inl elegti ane | mediately gpphed to have his nan tin the ety and the | added to the bist, This ineldent pr andhidates eitigon should see ta it that nthe Hist for thr might And hin right Hundreds vdded te the voter Lunseryan vind roams The Tin ferdiny here Ia CONNIE Proving ted meh Inters chon In past hit checking over YEARS Wil the nites when NEeryitive ( ind that his name blo pay he im nm ha KUPPOF Ie of the two tht ever busy rounding up the hat bu hrink the re port received when Hh y ehlled dt IL Mason's committee rooms ut Seo uth nao, Th there son of per ter Hin name Is wiph an pectdent or error he IL | Wis I'm sell deprived on election fa he wo neta imimitieg ros of W, It, N situated on Hond alae been aetive durin vitel tht i] Abreel » terday IL sreel the WE hit ou Inrpe of persons have handed in names, ft de felt here that the people of Oshawa are beginning to take & keen interest In the election Lue to the fact that there have heen Phen of | 8d many changes in the vlty's popu ung mes Wien the work of compiling a cor and women who have Rist attainef § rect list is rendered diffioult their majority and will Bie exercising in the last day on which thele franehise for the Bret time on [ names may be padded at either oom Qo, nites room In i timated that Iti human to en Hata | whout 1,000 new names will he sub Are NO exeeption t | mitted to the Comte « Revision An old resident of through the efforts of both politieal voted in pret ally DERATIFULONS, A Sure Sign of Autumn.- Father Lights the Furnace ------------------ in aharge stated Was most a sonstant pr west, have WIRE Inte the com whether then names had been (neluded on the Hist to the fact that thera has been sueh a larue population during will he Hew vy course there ave those | sONg past Tow days and rey nutten fin LI number ms ta thelr nerease in the gity recent years then any ers trday aiid volerd' this general rule the eity CVery who has provineid I'he few or thinks lgneinuly of wild fowl and venison, Hecearetully oleans his gun for soon i will be in action Hut there many who "do not think of rughy, the glory of autumn dave or the delights of hunting In October, With summer's fee bill still in mind they pare nto the MARIN black mouth of a and ar strongly reminded that (ot will have a terrible appetite tor fuel during th coming months, The grates are vie ously shaken, paper and kindbing is prepared and alter a few ineffectual attempts the fivat furnace five of th season ik Hghted and erackles mern ly un he ohimney, + have provided there is a tangy in the alr and the hasy blag a AtEm that "autwmn has come 1 he pithy iat feels dike fndulging tn Sis favorite mame and in his imagination he can viston hmselt with the pig akin tucked snugly In the erook of his arin, racing down the Held to th touch Hine while the erowds on the side lines go wild with joy, The poet fa not inclined to sueh strenuous act ivity but finds pleasure in by invading peacetal country districts and writing verses dictated to the flaming wlories of the maples wil the SWAG Oi | {he bok he hunts a sky are furnace tober rhyming w-- CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS Moose, are going to Taranto tonight to attend Toronto Lodge for the purpose of meeting James J, Davis, Director-General of the Loyal Ordey of Moose and Secretary of Labor the United States Government My Davis in i Toronto for the purpose of addressing the convention of the American Federation of Labor, TO COLLECT TAXES Biveh Clit, Oct, 100 Roruhadon ing changes in the administrative ofs floes of the munivipatity, Searbore township coundil at a special meets ng today appointed a committee whieh, sitting along with the auditors and departmental Reads, will bring in a report with a view 10 inereasing the efficiency of the various departs ments, Efforts will Ae be made to Act On a recommendation from the auditors that pressure be used to cals lect a large percentage of ontatands Ig taxes owing to the municipality, NO ROCORER TOMORROW The Oshawa City Noeeear Club received notifieation today that thw Crescenta Foathall Club of Toren to would not pome to this olty ww play the game oheduled for Al exand™ park In the afternoon Oshawa thus wins this game by default, ------ ROYR' AND GIRIN' LIRRARY Commencing on Saturday, Oct 12th, there will he a Story How at the Roya' and Qivla' Depamt ment of the Pablo Library sharp at 5.80 In the morning, The Roya and Giple' Library will also be open In the afternoon every Hat wrday from 3 a'vloek HII § eo'oloek NOT DR, JAMEN MOORE Owing 10 an inadvertent error, w wan stated 1p yesterday's lasue that Dr, James Moore of Heooklin had heen elected president of the say LOAN EXHIBITION AT TORONTO ART GALLERY, the outstanding masterpieces of the The oloud effect is particularly beaubifl, and the with ita trees, The work was loaned to the Ciallery for this exhibition by Mr Mra, RB, MoLaughlin of Oshawa, collectors of many famous Canadian and other paintings, (CONSERVATIVE ~~ brings oul tha beauty of and CANDIDATE HAS GIVEN HIS REPLY 1) social eandi proving: the curse ol remain, (Continued from page ral and ul the the of the eltigens impr ton of Ontario by eliminating drunkedn from cloty, | vory sincerely, F. 1. MASON," days ago, following & eon vention in Whithy, the pledge of the Cintario Prahibition Union was Tor warded to Me, Mason for his gonsid gration and stnature nyention deciding that helore a campaign wi pened in the viding In the Interest of prohibition Mr, Musson showld be Riven an opperi@nity to pledge him oto support the pringiples it he so desired, It was pointed. out | { t that the pled led to W, KK N vnelair, KU, | herdl'] Tower and that av reply had bean reeeived trom him to the effet that he stond hy his de alarntion vn the prohibition le tn the Fort Willlam and ether peeehi A Tew the Unlon's en ofory LLL ma President's Statement Teflroy, wl the County ol Chntario Probb bon Union, when formed today by The Oshawa Dally x of Mr, Mus stated that he wus ol the opinion #» expressed at the Whithy convention that it did not whether My Mason signed the pledge or not In canine hin louder, Mr, Ferguson, Was gertainly nut In accord with the Pro hibition Union's declared prineiplos Ahere was nothing leit for the Union to do, he deelared, but proceed with AMpaiEn th the « in the in of prohibition, taking into gonsideration Mi reply which to Wim appeared to be yery satistactorny viel Lin i's reply atid matter As unity erent Sinelaie's MOTOR SALES # SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 800 men's Association of the Deanery of Bast York, The name should have vead Dr, John Moove of Reookiin, who tn well known as a prominent Anghoan layman, ARNTRNCRD w THRER MONTHS Frank Buckley was sentenced to three months when he was conviets od hy Magistrate Hind today on a ohapge of bhelng ntoxioated, Thin Wak Wore thah his thing offense under the Liguar Control Act, hat the court oak inte consideration that some time ago he had sianed the pledge and managed to keep AWAY fram lguor for a period of nine mgnths, QIHAWA'S MOOSE Go ; TORONTO A number of officers and members of Oshawa Lodge, Loyal Order of APPRALN CONVICTION William Fairhead, Xing street eant resident, Who was convieted in police court last Wedneaday on # charge of helng toxicated and Was accordingly sentenced to three months in the county all, gave nos tie af appeal to Magistrate Hind In polices ourt today throush his counsel D, A, J, Bwanson, The ap peal will take place betore'a coun: ty Judge in the court house at Whithy, the date to he set hy the dee, Fatrhead was released on bail of $2,000 Riz morning, his bandswmen belag Bente Marks and J, N, Wik son, Thin was Falrhead's third ob fonse under the LOA, EE NEWS HELD OVRR Owing 10 ek oF space, some wows ie held aver wath taerrow, OSCAR HILL RE- GEIVES FINE AND JAIL SENTENCE Was Convicted _ by Magis trate Hind on Two Charges of B.L.C.A. ---- Oscar HULL proprietor of a ress taurant and boarding house at dd Ontario street, was fined $300 and oomta hy Magistrate Hind this moras Ing when ha was convicted on a ohare of having Mguor In a Mace other than a private dwelling, Hi Wak Also convicted on a charge of keeping Hauor tor sale and as the oburt ruled this to he hin second offense, Magistrate Hind sentenced hm to serve six months in the county Jall at Whithy, Hill, who Waa romanded for sentence noveral days ago, received the decision of the eaurt oalmly, Hig Worship spent considerable time in veading hihx Judgmeny Agana the aooused and in analys ing the evidenca which had been placed before him, Appavently he had mone into the case very tho oughly and was convinesd that the evidence proved heyond a doubt that the accused was guilty of hath offenses, Hill had Meaded not guilty when the ofse was heamt lant week, Magistrate Hind painted ont that during the months of July and Ang wat, Hill had proouved 40 dosen QUATtE af hoa, not to mention apis {ta from the government store, The a WR GR WER TR WR RR ER WR WS We NO SPARE PARTE FOR WORN-OUY SOIREE i spelen lone AYRIOM breaks dawn, Rg drawnant sats lows Et JACK'S BAN en By wot only howe bat Hyer, Kidners, stomach functioning WMONTRLY. Pure vegetable, Tiny doses Always aot, ) WE WW WWE WR WR WR we We ee Soll Bye W. Thompson, Drags, PAGE THREE THREE, i al Total of 463 Register at Collegiate Night Classes Many at Business Colleges "ARRANGING COURSES WwW. TT, DUNLOP Head of the Kxtension Department of the University of Toronto, who ls nreanging for extension courses In Oshnyn this fall, LUTHERAN CHURCH MAY CHANGE ITS MEETING PLACE Church Council Suggests Masonic Temple as Suits able Quarters The two most fmportant soele ties of Grace Lutheran Churoh, the Chureh Counetl and the Ladies Ald, held thelr regular meetings on Wednesday evening At alght o'clock the Ladies met at the home of My, and Mrs Hoss MacKensle, #3 Ritson road north Mra, 1, M, Dahmer, prosl dont of the soclely, was not pros ant to open (the mesting, on An count of making preparations for a trip to Regina, Mask, In her ah senee, the meeting was conducted by Rev, A, OO, Hahn Miss Gertrude Dahmer won the ehain prige, eansluting of twa dain ty cups and savoeers, At the next meeting sha will provide the prize Mrs, MacKengle served a Aplendid Juneh, and thus the evening end od Ald Church Connell Moots The meeting of the Chureh Couns ofl wan held at the home of Nieho las Nilve In view of the voters members meeting on Sunday afters noon, the Chureh Councll drew up un number of recommendations It will be recommended, that the congregation ratify the aotion of the Counecll tn hreinging about a changes In the place of worship, from Weloh's Parlours to the Ma sponte Bullding, and of nourving the expense of huying an organ, Furthermore, the Councll will ves ommend that the pastor's teles phones hill he pald hy the congre gation! that an avery member can vase ha conducted on the last Nun day In November to receive the contribution pledges for 1 BAN; that A special Reformation Herviee he held. on Thursday evening, Opt, Hat, to commemorate Futher's posting of the B85 theses at wits temherg! and that the expense of sending out veunlar ohuroh lotiaiw be borne hy the congremiational treasury, These recommendations will ha placed hefore the voters of the congregation at the next regular meeting on Oot, 13, To pay a het, one of two giels Is to walk around State and Madison Streets in Chicago drest in pajamas only, The sight of a young woman wearing so mugh elothing in Chicano will no doubt he novel =Des Moines Uribune- Capital (defendant and his wite had olaimed that they consumed practionlly all of thin bear themselves but thin statement tha court could not bes Hove an HI was not a heavy drinker, The evidence of Mill and Mra, HA tht they had given beer to hoarders upon tha payment of hoard wan In itself an admission of sale under the provisions of the Liguor Control: Aot, Magistrate Hind ruled, Hin Worship referred to the faot that when the police offoars Visits od Hill's place they found men drinking at tables tn two reparate rooms, He considered that the one FOOm Was nothing buk a common tap roam, Crown Attorney MoGihbon weed that Hill should be convioted and sentenced on hoth charges, W Born MeDOUGALL==In the Oshawa Qeneral Hospital, Thursday, Oot, 10, 1929, to My, and Mw, O, Gs MeDongall, 238 Arthur 8, a son, (Rodger Alexander), Sta ---- RE ---- "OO LAIR 10 ow TY FORRES ORY ROOMY Bayram flat, Apply. 83 MY 4) ba "RETRO URFTRNTRRED rooms for lHaht housekeeping. AR conveniences, Phone 2X83W, (8%) f UOANS 13 5 AS 0 RN LY D0 AN rooma, Laundry tubs Built in hath, Rleotrio stove, steam heat Man nished or wafurniabhed, Central Box 287 Times (Ren FOUR ROONRD HOUSE 10 Tent on Mary stheel, Apply 87 Cons naught Si, (880) | Large Increases Shown at Collegiate and at Both Maple Leaf and Peerless Business Colleges in This City ALL COLLEGIATE CLASSES FILLEL Stenography Takes Largest Number-- Many Students in New Classes Made Pos- sible by Technical School Registrations at the classes of the Oshawa Technleal and Vooutlonsl Institute, as well Af al the Maple Leaf and Peerless Business Colleges here, show a lve Inerease over last year, i carding to figures compiled hy The Times Loduy, The Collegiate reported (hat the total reglutration at the avening clues In that institution had reached the flgure of 468, na large Increase over last year's total, Both business oollegos, also reported Increases, #0 Lhat the total registration the evening classes In the oly well aver abn The new technleal addition to the Collegiate this year afforded the gpportunity to students to ahs Lain un mueh hotter course in the various vocational olasses, and un total of 18 olasses were offered, Linrge roglntrations were obtained In ench of these Monography Largest Class Nlenopraphy as usual took the largest number of veplstrations, In the junior elass K7 registered, and in the senlor class 40, making a total of BT, In the domestic nolence olass, 60 pupils ave rvepins fared Motor mechanios, a naw olan made possible by the technis onl wehool addition, attracted be students An encouraging feature fv that {7 New Canadians recently immis arated to Oshawa registered in the special English course pros vided for them, Drosmmaking: Was 40 puplls, shop mechanion 'and drafting 40, bookkeeping 246, coms mercial art 23, electriolty 81, Engliah and arlthmetio 81, coms mereial French J6 and woodwarks Ing 14, In the Business Collogon Young men and yourg women of Oshawa are anxioug to seeure the benefits of a business conrse judging from reports received" hy The Times this morning from the two business eollages of tha elty, the Maple Leaf Nusinesa College, Himeoe street south, and the Peers lend Rusinesys College, Nimaone street north, There fa a large Als tendance at both tnatitutions while the night classes show a marked Inevease, R, CQ Ashenhurst, proprietor and manager of the Maple Leaf Business College stated today that the attendance at the dag school compared favorably with last year white the attendance at the night classes had practioally dowbled, He pointed out that those attending the night classes generally took two subjects, either a combings tion of (veg shorthand. and types writing or typewriting and books keaping, "Our day attendance has bean greatly inoreased," 4, W, Cowan, manager of the Peerless Business College declared today, "There hae, also been a marked Inore in attendance at the night classes evening mn In Granted Divorce Paris ==Adoris Btevens, noted fominiat loader, Wan aranted a divores from Dudley Fleld Malone, New York lawyer, in the French oourts today en the ground of abandonment, » H Et -- a -- Coming Events # Conta por wond éach ine sortion, Minimum oharge for each tusartion, 8d, RUMMAGE SALE AT THR MAR. Ne, Saturday, Oot, 18, King St, Ladies Ald, (88a) CONSERVATIVE LADIER ARN invited to the committee rooms, 20 Rimooe 8, South any evenings until election, (34h) ALL ROYAL SCARLET COM Panions ave requested to mest In the Orange Hall, Sunday, October 13th, at 10.18 for ¢ purpose of attending Div Service, I, Nu Bateman, i NS ( OSHAWA WINTER "GARDE danoing Saturday night, 8.80 my, to Frank Carew and 1) commanders, ona of Torontees toading dance orchestras, (34 2 MADAME RROWN, PALMIST, Loud 81, Phone Raton sy E LALLY ON (FM) OSHAWA WINTER GQARDENR, Feiday, 830 pom, square and round daneing to Pat Shannon and hin haymakers, (34g) AT THRE REGENT THEAT Sunday evening, Ootober 18% the Band of the Ontario Regt ment at §, 30 pom (380) RUORRE IN ORANGE Hall Friday, Oot, 11th, (83h) b=

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