Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1929, p. 1

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OL. 5~NO, 86 News in Brief (My Canadian Press) Farmer Killed Aurora, ~William Nigh, aged §, was instantly killed on the De Planta farm near Aurora, when fell under the wheels of a trace r while engaged in plowing, LI Archbishop Matheson IN Viotgria, B.0.-~Btill confined $0 his bed Most Rev, H, P, Mathe: pon, archbishop of Rupert's Land a primate of all Canada, tallied show any great improvement in sondition today, 0 verses Add to Blevators 0000 Port Arthur,--Offioials of the Union Terminal Elevator company of which W, A, Anderson, Wine pipes, 18 president, announced tos day plans for the Immediate cons struction of a 1,000,000 bushel addition to hte Port Arthur plant, [] w + Worker Loses Both Logs Windsor, ~John Marshay, 41, # Michigan Central vallway em: Jars, may not recover from ine uries received when he was run down by a switeh engine In the Joeal yards, Amputation of hoth legn was Imperitive, LJ LJ 1] Board ReKloctod 8t, Catharines, Howard n Rose has heen re-elected as presi ont of the Bt, Catharines Chame r of Commerce, with 1, W, Fox 88 first vice-president, J, W, Mo: innon second vice-president, and + A, Forster an treasurer, * ] L] Given Long Term New York, =Charles Delos Wan: per, Telluide, Colo, bank presi ant, was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment op his plea of gullty to mall fraud In connection with A scheme to obtain $500,000 from ix New York hanks hy means of raed authorisation papers, CR $100,000 Loss in Pipe Saskatoon, ~=Damiowe estimated at $100,000 was done by fire which swept the business section of the town of Broderick, south of Baska. tot, This afternoon the eonflak- ration was under eontpol but the ruins were stil burning, . Prince at Funeral Loads, England, ~The Prince of Wales flew from Londen in his n rivate alrplane to represent Ris Majesty at the funeral of the rl of Harewood, who was aide: amp to the King and father of il husband of pount Lascelles, Princesa Mary, . v ¥ Bankevs' Convention Quebeo,~=Hevaral hundred men minent in the financial life of nada and the United Hiates, will gather here during the week-end to attend the elghteenth annual sanvention next week of the Ine vestment Hankers' Association of Ameriea, LE J Commer tone Lad Kingston,~The ecorner-stone of the new Bt, Joseph's wing of the Note! Dieu hospital was laid hy His CGrace Most Rev, M, J, O'Brien, newly appointed titular archbishop of Kingston, In the presence of several hundred olerny of the diocese and members of the congregation of Bt, Mary's eathedral, * . MacDonald's oi a 1 New York, N.Y, AMAAY MacDonald, prime wminlater of Great Britain, disclosed today that he Las no plane for observing hia Sird ' birthday here Haturday, pther than to receive old friends, "When a man gets past 60," he Jad, "a birthday hecomes a day PF contemplation of the past as well as the future,' A] Wxeontion Ntayed Chicago~~Htay of execution wan granted to Willlam Henry Hawke, Canadian wap veteran, Who was to have hesn hanged tor raw morning for the murder, 1985, of Mye, Isabelle Rheokley, Re stay wan granted on the und that Hawke has hecome farane since commisslon of the Smo. L BN EN Apply ng Claw Ottawa, ~~1n future the Apecial Pumping Clause will be applied on ®obds coming nto Oanada, when aver the price Ia helow the faly market price In the country in which they are produced, 'This Announced hy Hen, W, D, ler, Minister of Nationa! Rew We, The new order will take ef on Oot, 5 ' Nirike Knded New Orleans, La Rtrikin a Orleans street car men wood 4 to 40 to accept the New York A Hi lh the 101. street oar strike, provided New Orleans Public Service would arbitrate interpretation of eertain clauses of the agreement Approved by William Green, preals - N the American Federation | em ro fo treat the saat - oR" and avs slates Ww south he - anita. La RA hoe and cool from aritime provin. fow sonttered satern provin. CEES te 0 ool Bd Sattar wih 3 Che Oshamua Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in s Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 16 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents . Copy, FOURTEEN PAGES F.L.MASON ANSWERS PROHIBITIONISTS Premier Ferguson Speaks At CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE SAYS HE WILL STATE HIS VIEWS FROM THE PLATFORM Declares, in Reply to Ontarig Prohibition, That He Will Stand Firm on His Prin. ciples of Doing Anything to Eliminate Curse of Drunkenness PLEDGE WAS SENT HIM FOR SIGNATURE President of the County Pro. hibition Union Says Mr, Ferguson's Attitude Is Not in Accord With the Principles of the Union Frank 1, Muson, Conservative ean didate in the riding of South Ontario In the fortheoming provinelal elec tion, has advised the Ontario Pro hibition Executive at Toronto ii re ply to its questionnaire, that he will declare his stand on the prohibition issue on publie platform during the campaign, This information was mi ven out today by the Union's ofces in Toronto, and The Times has se cured from Mr, Mason a copy of his reply as follows Another Question In sending his veply to the Quiarie Prohibition Unlon's questions Yo The Times, Mr, Mason sent the follow ing savering letter for publication "dior, "Oshawa Dally Times, "Oshawa, Ontario, "Dear Biri "Attached hereto Is copy of a lets ter written hy me to Rov, A, J, Lewin, HA, DD, Secretary, Ontario Pro hibition Uniow, "Will you please publish this fet tor and also pet from Rev, A, J), I win, & copy of the declaration or pledie signed by Mr, W, kK N, Sin olay, and when received, | would be very glad if you would publish same, ""Phanking you In advance, I re main, "Yours sincerely, "IL MASON,' My, Mason's Letter "Rev, A, J, Irwin, BA, DD, "Secretary, Ontario Prohibition Un on, "Rooms 208-208, 1207 Hay Street, "Taranto §, Ontario, "Dear Siri "Your letter of the 7th received and in reply hem te say the different matters mentioned in the Pledge res ferred to, will be fully answered hy me on the public platform during the gourse of the present eampalgn, "Assuring you that my sympathies torday are where | hope they shall ever be, namely, with these people and organisations whose alm 8 ta (Continued on page 8) MissMacDonald Sees Broadway Daughter of British Premier Visits Children's Courts New York, Oct, 11.-Her wish to see a Broadway show fultilled, Miss Jahbel MacDonald today looks od forward to vieMing the New York's children's court, social cans tren and sat'ement houses, The daughter of Beitaln's labor premier, who ls eapecially interests od In soolal service work, will eons olude a busy day as the guest of honor at a settlement house dance, After a hrief rest from her trip from Washington and Philadelphia yesterday, Misa MacDonald was the guest of honor last night at an informal @inner given hy Rip Harry OG, Armstrong, British consul gens eral and Lady Armstrong, She wire for the occasion a hlaek lace evening gown, no Jewels, a oloth of mol evening oloak with sable gollar and cuffs and gold slippers, Planed to her shoulder was a bow quet of orchids, The members of the dinner party numbering about a dozen olose friends, later attended a Broadway musioal comedy an guests of police commissioner and Mra, Grover Whalen, the commissioner aeting tn hin eapnolty an ehalvman of the olty's offelal vecaption committee, Ea] Windsor, Oot, 11.=John Miller, allan Harvls, arrested in Detroit, held here far the authovitiea of Toronto and Cornwall, A eaassss Toronto and Cornwall, A search of hia room in the Windsor Hotel here disclosed 27 dresses and a seal cont hellaved to he part of loot valued at 34,000 stelen at Corn wall a week ago. Zeppelin Crew And Commander Oppose Flight Vreoldelohshaton, Germany, Oct, 11D, Hugo Mokoner and the entive orew of the divigible Gdat Zeppelin, with the exception of Commander Henest Lohmann, have pofuse od to partielpate In the pros Jocted Novth Pole flight of Boxe year "for financial and technieal vensons," The vefusal became appam ont from a list which Dr, Boks ner olrenlnted among the ep pelin ovew asking a positive ur negative statement i oneh, Women Killed By Automobile Reading, Pa, Oat, 11 An auto mobile plowed Into & group of wo men and ohildron walking along the road at Falrview, near here, Iaat night, killing two women and njuring threa children, The group had left a street oay Just three blooks from the seene of the ase! dent, Charles Gerth; #1, of Mohn ton, driver of the automobile was taken Into custody hy state police Mr, and Mrs, Taek Calvin, of Car mel, Cal, paddled in a canoe from Facoma, Wash, 1a Juneau, Alaska, In Ay two days Da pa -- EE MacDonald at Arlington National Cemetery 7 [} pr " ORY ey kin. Akio ett ff aif A 7 it NIITAIN'S PREMIER FAYE TRIBUTE T0 AMERICA'S UNKNOWN BO LINER Premier Ramany Machonald an the Innt day of hin histaple visit ta Wash ington visited Maunt Vernon and later Giant "Ogopogo Again Said To Have Made Appearance In British Columbia Lake Cowlohan Lake, B.C, Oat, 11.» Appearance of a "great, headless monster in the placid water of Cowlohan Lake recently has heen reported hore and the story Is re eelved with mingled terror and our losity, Heveral search parties have bean nent out to verity the original chronicle brought In hy James Thomas, of Riveraldes, who olaims that he saw the creature while orulsing In his powerboat, "1 lessened the apeed of my boat while approaching the Narrows so Af to avold some logs," sald Thom Af, VHaving passed the logs 1 saw what | thousht to be a teléphone pole about 20 feet long floating on the surface, HBuddenly what 1 had taken to be a pole made a dive, leaving & ripple behind it "My blood van cold, for Just as It dived 1 had a very clear vision of the monster, There was no head or tall visible and the total length was probably 30 feet, The eolor Was greyish brown," Thomas' story 1s substantiated hy hs wite, who was with him in the hoat several months ago a visiting doctor reported having seen a sea serpent In Cowlohan lake and waa Jeared, The ereature reported hy the dootor has evidently reappear od, WEATHER HOLDS UP SEARCHING PARTY Northern Night Closing in as Fliers Are Held Inactive Winnipeg, Oot, 11-=The lang arm of the northern night is reaching out over the barrens to envalp a fost party of eight aerlal explorers, miss NK Row for a month and a day, Gras dually days ave growing shorter in the northern Mterand but a doaen search planes are kept idle hy the treacherous woather Reon funy mer and winter, wo Balked Wn rosoue efforts due to the In between" season holding swaw, four search officials left Winnipes for the east today, leaving only & tems porary staff at the headquarters ere, Tos, Ervington, viee:président, and Thaver Lindlsey, director of Da minion Explorers, were en route east las. night, Norman Pearee, brother of Riek A Lettre ane of the missing wen, With « M, Narraway, governs ment aerial surveys expert, departed yesterday morning I Escapes fram Jail St, Catharines = Albert Galt, serve Ing a four months sentence on 2 breach of the Liguor Control Agt thirke, escaped from Lincoln County fall yesterday, plackd a wreath on tha tamh of the Unknown seldier at Aviingt a L] cemetery, The pletury he pia MacDonald Is | the tamb, Beamisr MasRonald an pives in 1 rine ymin! ) Canada Ma Again Feted In the premise an he placed the wreath CHARGED WITH | New York City WANTTOBA CHIEF HIGH=GRADING ss GUEST TODAY Unusual Case Comes Up in Toronto Police Court (Ry Canadian Press Lossnd Wire) Taronta, Oot, 1~Joseph Maha, of Timmins, Ont, was arrested here vos terday and eharged with "hgh gra ding, Police state they found a club hi containing £4 ounces of pure gold tm Mahn's car, and that he was try IN 10 arrange o sade when arrested Fhe gold is repurted to be worth be tween $1800 and £2.000 he fAnding of letters and tele Frams on the prisaner provided po We, they stated last night, with in formation that gold {s helng sng sled down from the mines and dis posed of In Toronto, Niagara Falls and Bultalo Four Killed at Rail Crossing Automobile Reduced Mass of Wreckage in Pennsylvania Smash (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Seranton, Pa, Oot, He Four wen wore instantly killed early today at Dupant, near here, when the aut mobile in which they were viding collided with a Lohigh Valley engine On & avade orassing, The ear was re dueed to a mass of wreokame and wan dragged along the tracks for more than 150 yards, The dead: Frank Teracl and his son Chris, 19; Charles Ganglion, $0, and his son Michale, X) Al were residents of Dunmere and were on thelr way to number six eol lery of the Pennsylvania Coal Cam RARY in Pittson, where they were employed, LONDON AIR MAIL SERVICE STOPPED \ Sor By Conadinn Pisses Losssd Wie) Landon, Ont, Oct, Haste mail sbrviee at London atrport will he dis continued Oct, 21, as u result af ade quate Hghting not heing provided Major Tahone superintendent of the alr service, notified offends of the airport to that effect fast night A shinilar announcement was made with vegard to Walker atpart dn the Border Cities a teow days aga, AT| LUNCHEON WITH | 5,000 GUESTS Will Be Heard in Speech| Broaddnst Over Radio Tonight Now York, Oot, 11 His oflolal misalon af pence aecomplished, Rit Hon, J, Hamsay Maocbhonald, pre miler of Geant Heltain, 1s In what | he oalled the olty of his adoption | today to receive the greetings of hy felands and to vost Today ha had a program of lun ohoons, teas, dinners and oeonfey ones, Tomorrow (8 his wixty-thivd hirthday and he plans to spend It with friends in "quiet eontempla tion of the past and of the future," There are no plans for Sunday, at tor whieh he will evoss inte Can ada hy way of Niagara Falls tor a ponferencn with Maockensie King, Canadian premier The forenoon today wie acoupt od with calls, ona hy a group of aoolalist lenders Inoluding Morris Hillguitt, ehalrman of the seolalin national eaommitten and Norman Thamas, candidate for mayor A deputation fram the Jewish Axenoy of Palestine wan also expected Mr, MacDonald will make his first apesch of the day hefare §, 000 guests at & luncheon at the Hotel Astor arvansed hy the Hage Hah Speaking Unlonn with the oo operation of three Brita soolaties, Later he wil laddress 2,000 mem. hors and guests of the farelan pal for assoelation, at tan and a vecep tion at tha Coammodare, At dinner he will he the guest of the oouncll of forelen relations from where the speeches will he hroadoast throushout the United Staten and Canada and to Grew Nreitaln Azores To Have Modern Airport Libson, Portugal, Oct, He=The Portuguese government has at last decided ta lay out a wader airport in the Agores Islands, where planes on teans-Atlantie fights may and and vowel ; A COMMAND 1 engineers, Avia tion exports and army officers will leave here Oct, 32 tor the Azores ta inapeet Toreeira Island which has hoon selected an the site An arkansas town named Hope ve ports a watermelon weighing 140 pounds, Meanwhile hopes in Wall Street also ave fAgueing vn some hig fat the end of the melons Otiawa Cltlaen, JUSTICE RESIGNS Chief Justice Perdue Gives Poor Health as Reason for Retirement Winnipeg, Oet, 11 The Winns po Tribune yesterday published the following special despateh from Ottawa! "Ohdel Justion Perdue of the Manitoba court af appeal has tandered his resignation, affective your, Until then he will have leave af absenon on aooount of poor health and an Jan 1, will he pensianed, No suooessar oan he appointed tH then The next senlor Judie, Han, RB, Justice Fullerton, will ha acting ehlet jus tien" Fear Death of Prospectors Canoe Found on Shore of Lake in Northern Ontario (Ry Canadian Pyess Leased Wing) Stoux Lookout, Oat, Opt 1 Some apprehension ia felt far the safety of Phil St Louis and James Proctor, wellknown prospects, whose canoe has been found on the shore af Pakwash Lake, When last S000 the mining men were ying ww reach Gold Pines, The difionltios encountered som times in erossing Parkwash Lake are weil known to wining men in the Red Lake distriot, Believed Dead, But Is Revived (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Atohison, Kansas, Oot, 11» Ohester Cahoon ia alive today, That WAY sound Hke news hut 1 is, "and good news," averred Cahoon ews phAtioally, Cahoon was overcame ¥ oarhon monoxide saa last night And A coroner's deputy ardered his hody turned aver 1a an undertaker The undertaker noticed signa of lite and a fire Separimam PRs tor halted plane for the funeral He was quickly recovered, and doing wel Sorks have no valow, y Lose Naval Base at Halifax as Result of MacDonald's Gesture | patohes sald, Durham Meetings ENUNCIATES POLICIES AT CONSERVATIVE RALLIES AT MILLBROOK AND PORT HOPE CHANGE MADE IN RULES FOR RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Winners Can Now Choose Universities at Which te Study MALIN fF Mantrenl, Oual 11 An tmpar tant change wus mada In the ad ministration of the Hhodes Bohol wrahips this The trusiees noting under power given them hy the Rhodes Trost Act, 1080, an nounced that In future seholavs will he allowed to spend the third yaar of thelr soholavshin at any unlverstty of Great Hellaln, and In Hpeoinl onsen, #1 Any university an the eantinent of Burapse, the Over WOAH Bomintan ar the United Biante, other than the eountry of avidin, on eanditons anpraved hy the sutharities eoncerned his change 18 of great impor tunes to seholarse who take up re woareh work, as It means that if apoelal elvoumstances make It ad visahle they may supplement the work dons In Oxford hy spending A your at another university, If thin heoames neeassary It wailld al an enlarge thelpy knowledge. and ex parlence of university life and methods OHANGY You Ottawa, Ont, Oot, 11==Oanadian aMelnls here veoelvad with inter oul, hut without eamment, the in formation contained in dispatehes from Washington that an his visit to Canada the Rt, Han, J, Ramsay Maobhanald, prime minister of Great Britain, would disouss with the Canadian government the mat tor of demilitaviging the naval hase at Halifax This, the dis might he dons to pethor with the dismantling of the Aeitlgh naval bases In the West Indies an a "grand gesture" of good-will towards the United Biatos The tmperial government has ne authority whatever aver Canada's military ar naval activition, 1t Was patted aut, all property whieh Was onea under fmperial Juvisdio Hon having at various times pass ad Into Canada's hands, The last fmperial troops to garrison Halifax loft the Nava Seotlan eatpiay as far haok as 1004, slnee when the dominion has had complete ean tral Canada's military and naval ase tabhishmont in Halifax is extreme Iy modest and soarcely one that eanld be considered as eonstitut Ing & menues ar even a potential menaes to the United States AL present there 1s ane destray on, the Champlain, an loan ta this country from the British admiral ty, and two minesweepers, the Yves and the Avmentiores, There In alae & shove training school and # dookyard, Amal! Gaveison at Halifax With regard to soldiers, Halifax In garvisonad hy a small company of the Raval Canadian veximent, aoma coast artillery and a few ens Elnears, army service corps troops, ordnance and other administra Hive personnel, LARGE BRITISH IRON COMPANIES IN BIG MERGER Two Firma Have Joint Cape ital of Over $20, (Ry Canadian Press Loassd Wine) Middloshorongh, Eag, Oot, 11-A merger hetween Dormans-Lang and Company and Bolokow, Vaughan and Company, two of the higest ran and steel producing firms in Great Britain was announeed today, subieot 1a Ap proval af the shareholders of the res Sheotive congerns The sapital af the two companies tn aver $30.000000 and its *nthined plants have & praduotive sapaeity o A000 0000s of platran anuwaly The name Siheria means "thives LAN Premier Tells Port Hope Audience That Self-Cons trol and Education Are Big Factors in Controlling Liquor Traffic DECLARES GOV'T 18 ON THE RIGHT TRACK Speaking at Millbrook, Mr, Ferguson Lays Stress on Government's Policies in Connection With Hydre and Roads Development Part Hape, Oat, 11 "Cantral yourself," Pramler Ferguson tald a hig Durham County eampaden audi anes here last night, "and there will ha no trouble In controling the Hguar trai Hxarelsn fame som: man sensa and vestralut and there will he no trouble ahoaut it," In education, he elaimed, lay the sole salution ta the #,000-year-ald prablem, Leglalation and soarelon, he olatmed, could not do it, Thera Wis something In the Anglo-Hazan roe, he sald, that made It resent enorolve measures "Thou shalt nat," he said, was abjectionahbla ta all hey want od to be told, Instead: "Yau should not da 11 and then they wanld easnperate, They resented, he ald, the Ushall nat' tps of Ingles lation The Prime Minister would net SAY that the Liguer Cantral Act Whe A complete success, and he would not say that there were ne Weaknesses, Hut 1 do say," he declared "that wa are an the eight track, and I have tha evidence of scares and Roares af people wha apposed me In 1086 and wha today vealise that there tu anly ane way of handling A problem of this kind, and that is hy persuasion of the publi and hy an dntelligent eampalgn of eduess Hon Duty To Country In dealing with the Hauer quel: tan tanight, Mr, Forguson natioss Ahly Fired the enthusiasm of his fallaward--hath here and at Mill hraak, sariler==with the declare: ton that in Arent publie questions of this type he wis not aetunted arely hy the "desire ta held eb flea," "While, ha sald, "there 1s na stronger Conservative than f==1 am far my country first, and the prop or solution af aur publie questions 16% Nigh sense of duty that ta dears or 40 me than any party alleglanes, There 18 no man in my Government wha desires ta ha veelagted far the purpose of holding aMes, There 18 Bo man ino my Cabinet whe is nat publie-apivitad and wha desires to (Continued on page 4) Jury Returns Open Verdict Unknown Motorist Blamed For Fatal Accident Near rani (Ry Conndian Press Losasd Wine) Rroekville, Opt, 11=Tha earaner's nry sitting at Esoott lst night tn the ease of Dennis 1, Panavan, gars ANe proprietor, of that plas ound dead in a ditoh beside the pravineial hihwayy early an Wednesday mara ny returned a terol that death wa due to Donovan being stenek hy an automobile aperated hy an wis Known driver an hn the liter was Wily of a grave misdemeanor ™ diving AWAY And leaving the man on the side of the road in a dying cans dition, Dry 1B Williams, Wha pers armed an autopsy, reper e hat death had heen due to a hemorrhage Hon. J. A. Robb Will Open The Winter Fair Toronta, Oot, Hoabon, James A, Robby Wainer of finance, has Toi sented to afigiate at the forw Mi of the Raval Whist Fae Sh \'ednestay, November 2 at AY Raval Colisenm, Toronta, Mw will declare the fair open at the Hest evening periamance, A hriel mang« wral address will he given hy the wis winter, The naval loud speaker faetlis ton are being installed 1 the calls sou and the address will abe be hroadeasty

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