Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: Presentation to Priest "Cornwall = Rey Charles Baker, cur te of Bt, Columban's Roman Cathos : Shurch here for several years past, Khe leaves this week to return to the Kingston dia ry wis presented with Beh of of gold yesterday by meme rs of the parish, Planning | Rink Belleville =Beventv thousand dol re has y+ y been subscribed to- wards the sllovil ¢ Arena rink pros sition and th hry «four thousand Mars require he rilsed yet, Directors relate that they every- where met with generous welcome fd hearty endorsation of the scheme ubseriptions are being freely given, Ta Complete Paving Runyon nude of a week or ten nj street paving work in Kingston | hav bean gompleted for this sea ond The works department Is at present engaged surfacing the paves ment on Ordpanee street and Justing the top on the pavement on Beverly Mreet, * ------ No Clues Found Gananoques~Fhere are no new des velopments in the search for the pers sun or persons who committed the robberies here a week and more ago Bo ell did the burglars cover their tracks that thera 18 very litle for the suthorities ta work on, Speaks at Convocation Kingston =Prineipal Bruee Taylor of uses University, will be the ghief speaker at the Fall convoeation pxercises at the University of West fin Ontarie at London, on Oetaber Big Contract Let Kingston, he bulk contract for the work on the new building scheme t the Kingston General Hospital has gen awarded to Gravoek and Co, of tawa, and work will eommence next week, It is expected that the work will be completed hy December 1930 at an estimated cost of $350,000, To Present Flag Kingston Following the practice ith new teams in the union, fueen's Iniversity will en Saturday, October Oth, when they visit Western at andon, present the University of estern with a beautiful large Queen's flag, Cattle Rustling Cobowrge=An alleged ving of yauthiul cattle rustlers onerating] | around Havelock and Camphellfor was broken up this week when three OUNg MeN were arrested at Camps pelord," They were taken into cuss tod Constabie Hardy of Cuinp: otYond. wills Mienipling to sell two ctl, | and were held for the Provine cial Police, ------ Milk Strike Threatened Cornwall Unless Cornwall milk distributors accede hy October 15 10 demands of producers who ask an in- ereang of BO cents per 100 pounds of milk, residents of the eity will he fused by a milk famine without pars allel in the history of the Munleipits ity, I the demands are met by the dealers, the price of milk in Cornwall will immediately jump from 12 cents to 14 cents per ¢ quart, yn Campaign Buscess Peterhoro~"The annual members ship drive at the ¥, M, C, A, ended last evening In complete suecess us the objective of 400 members was sui passed, In all, 422 members of which 194 sere ney members and 228 were renewals were secured up to the closing hour, after a week's cane piign Car Stolen Peterboro=It was reported ta Pro vinelnl Constable Harry Thompson this week that a motor ear the aperty of Charles IE, Nivens, of Asphodel Tawnship, had heen stolen After investigating the ear was found in a partially wrecked condition near Calvert, The hired man, H, M, Fig patrick, a British farm hoy, was ars rested, charged with stealing the us of a ear, No Criminal Cases Peterharo="1 offer my econgraty lations ta this county for this happy condition in major erimes," stated Mr, Justice Kelly in his address to the Grand Jury in the Court House in opening the sittings of the Sup reme Court, Justice Kelly was refer ring mo the fact that there were no criminal cases to engage the services of the Court, Household hint says table ean he converted inte many things Including divorces, ~Arkansas Gazol fe, KOTApS 1000 Cotton Curtain 38¢c EAcH Made of a good strong net, Allover pat. terns and scroll border design, Size 2)4 yards long, launder ends, wide, apecial, 38¢ (Second Will THE ARCADE PHONE 1000 Panels | out of the country, Fringed 36 inches Saturday well, EACH floor) & Lumber shawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 DANGER OF LOSS 'Hon, J, A, Maharg Is Alarm- 4 Ina diffionlt position as the | ypecunlative ane, [ which should be coming inte the | here pretty quiek lot of husiness !weople will I Mr Those Splittin Siok Headao ! " FRUIT-A-TIVES " Stop These Health-Robbing Peina Mrs, Michael Coulis, Killslos Station, Ont, writes: Ee Sick headaches that come hack i od lime Min time 8 win Ved (7 "fm v mw C one of thous wands who have discovered this, "Pruits a-tives" fa a natupal ' intensified fresh fvult J ulema with the finest medicinal in slwhys relieves, Try It today, LONDON'S NIGHT CLUBS GRADUALLY BEING CLOSED UP Strict Regime of Lord Byng Putting Them Out of Business London Ovtober 11, Amerioans won't helleve Jt hut Lord Byns, the new poalles commissioner, hus made It nearly Impossible to get a drink anywhere in London after midnight Night club after night eluh has heen olosed In the West-and for falling to observe London's drass te drink regulations, The om spenkonsion that once served thirs. Ly customers after the public hous: on and law-abiding night efibs quit pouring aleaholio Hbatlons are now nearly all olosed Ten respectable clubs remain Hut It 1s useless, even with a fists ful of dollar hilly, to ask for moe Haguar after the midnight deadline Ila venched, Tt just lsn't done, In faet, no one, except for an oeoa slonnl Ameriean, thinks of trying It, As a result London 1s a deserted oily ten minutes after midnight, True, some of the olubs stay open until one and two, hut o few strag: lave, drinking lemonade ov sip ping eoftes, remain to dance, Lord Hyng's London 18 without night Ie, Boon after he took office some 20 or 80 (thers are not many night clubs In London) went out of husl ness nt the request of the law, Uns ) Ike the United Hiates these places do not reopen, The fact is, In the majority of the opses the MANA FOS ware foreigners and wera shipped Ones a night lub Is closed its ecaveer lu ended No one dares open 14 agaln Most of the law-abiding are having tough salling arg will uot stay after it they cannot drink, Lord Byng has elosed the law-hreaking places, thirsty pleasure weekers, after orulsing around town teying to find one of the old dives that is still open, give up In disgust and go home, The ald clubs, most of which ware In cellars so that the nolse ould not he heard In the street, va dark, Even those, exelusive lubs which only admit paying nembers will not serve drinks af- or midnight, It is Ineredible hut hey simply will net, WARNS FARMERS OF |] oluhs Reval midnight Raoause nearly all ed at the Situ . ation Calgary, October 11,-The price drop In the whont market was at tributed to fallure to market a reas onable shave of the 1888 wheat orap, by Hon, J, A, Mahavg, in an Interview here today, Asked for a solution of the pres. ont gratn tie-up, Mr, Maharg sald! "Unless we get vid of this year's orap hefare the next comes along wo might as well give It away" Mr, Mahavg sald It was always the policy of the Haskatehewan Co. operative Hlevator Company when he was head of the concern to get as large a share of the erop as possible heyond the lakehead be: fore the freese-up so an to get full advantage of the May market, The present situation was oaus- od to some extent hy the with. holding from the market of 100, 000,000 bushels of the 1088 crop, He admitted the pool was placed vik market wae only a Nevertheless, the Arie expected a big tinal divis ON, It was not a problem of storage, Mr, Maharg sald, bat one of get tine the wheat on te the market and getting a veturn fram ft, "Unless some of the money af the July ountry now fram the ovap, gets have ne use for Wt," Mahavg sald, ET ------ ---- -------------- 'UTO PLUNGES INTO RIVER; THREE ESCAPE Port Arthur, Oct, The=\When thelr ute, fn which they were driving ome plunged into the Melntyre Rive er in the darkness of Sunday night, a trio of young peaple from Oliver Township freed thamselves from the overturned car without injury, The ante, which was driven hy Kenneth Seargeant, contained his sis tor, Muriel, and . Miss Keith Jones, The Party was resending along Vie kers street, and when at the NAN near the old = Davidson-Smith feed mill, the var ran inte the river, Trapped dor the moment, the young people sweeceded tn foreing open one af the doors and clambered ont and reached satety on the hank of the stream, The car was later pulled out and the party resumed its way home Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND nt PRICES Wholesale flaniors in i w Hh Ayal nu phe the plo 68 ely ud di hated ton Ti thy, bald, ton 1 { HA MIaw, pei Whee! of Ay ie on Jui " 0) imathy loss, is quoted st 9 $20 per ton, Ueliversd, I TORONTO PRODUC Taronte wholesale dealers are olfiering pra duce to peinll dealers at the following pil: "8 ars ¥ rath Extras, in cartons, bis; frepl exirin, Wass, B08; Hist, lone, 486) son H utier=Na, Ly eve Li froamery, print, Mes No, " "lia ChesseNow, large, le) ne, Bl 1A triplets, dei wii iat : Be A! bk ie, wine, 0 1c; triplets nd rT shiltan ag ol eer 4 hy, "w 12 1] ld Ha air, ner fosen '" ' 1] y Rists per dosen ' i 0M 04 1] eal letiues I: Jo. under 4 Ihe, HA EEE MAAR Al bid Tams, me uh 0 Fill a Ihe, Jet (1 to 90 The, #ei 90 to I hip 0 i Yah, Mei New York sha Wega, LL] ) #6, The lallowinn fo fuatations, retell, in eet, dog, bunches Canliflowsr Toad lettuce, 1 lay Potatoes, ba fone) aver 5 lh, Wa, 4 tn § hs, TORONT FROVIAN ION foi Taronta wholesnls deste ine he ork i who, hota Mei hae 06 smoked i #8 to te, wvyweight rolls, x, Cihiweisht ui gt "Pure tierce, eit be, 15 Like yg pails 16 prints, 18 1g 10 Ba i heres " pork butts, #7 Lele; pork Kame, 3 ohoet oi the awrence market, Toronto Ey dairy, per pound Onions, dry, 11 at basket Mi, Bey basket ' Spinach, peck |, Moher Per pw nd Cusumbers, | it bas, pi {dard Parsley, per bunch [1 H oe ' po Wy fillow ing prices A fl " eames ik Mr Cured oa te tin clear il uf LRT] he tha, 14 Lode) palls, 156; tine, 176 TORONTO FARMERS MARKET i y } 0, EPRRIIELY, DEF POURE 4140 rulte and Var A bon Carrots, dor, buliches ' { abhage thiee lor Crean, three lor Celery, per bundle Chratiges, per dupe rapelrils, twa IF oo Sana, per dosen BANA , per dozen pples, boat, basket /| i en beaks, | Hog, wine, basket 00, FL hoy Canta hips, } Io i ey ' f 'sachsen, 6 yi {uney Dew melas, shel IREN peppers, Bix lor Lluinees, 0, Arapes, 1 Cranbseriies, gi Ot, 1 Kash day for » prukiasted period of pms "no change' on Bok. sKKE has been peparted, he the fu Laren Fegintered good upiuie Joey, whieh Em bo he ro the tesult of & continued shart covering process, Viaetlonal declines Mh ears of centralized Wand 90 scares wee the only changes 1a spot butler market to ay, Open sommitmenis=Kggs, November old, WM do, new, 1,744; December spun, 11 December butter, 7157 Janpury butler, |, Three Market Receipls Hutter today O05 Lest yenr, #1041, gis tuday, WHE Rd VEE, 44004 Wicagn spat market-Rutigr, extras, HW Bode abandards, 4% 1:3c; tone steady, Kugs, Boats (eurreit), 3 1:8 10 87 1:06 tons steady New York spat market Hyiter, extra, 44 Id Wa §he} bone wneeitied, A wm Wei lane him Bivesr Stocks=Hyuiter today, 11888; last year, 137,80, Egks day, FIRTEN lant year 144,bb8, Vous markets on hand=Nutier, E #08, 450 oe wlio Hutter, ow wren markets Batis IPA 745 Lunt year, net out, 115,194 00; last yews, | net out, MJ EAST BUFFALO LIVE ATOCK rou Wultalo, Cet, Hoo Begeipin of hoks, nN oldovers, 60] aetive, weights shove 160 Mow, ation 5 cents higher i ilk 160 (0 $00 hs, $1085} lew, $10} BN 1a M0 tha, $068; 985 Ihe, $1005 packing sows, W405 fa $890 Hecelpts of entitle, 185; wiepdy, sows, BH to M878; sutier grades, mon HEht weight bulls, 87,45 1 88 HR veslers unchanged, $18 down, Shes) lamba, steady good 10 wholes natives, wo MATE; wparingly to $141 throwouts, $10.5 to S1LASG fab ewes Nyy, $5.50 10 8 Chicagn, Kaus oe hint, 6,047 844 19,510,874, Eggs, WA, het out linn, wel bites TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crpin dealers on the Torani Board ol Frade pe making he flowing Guetation for var lotsi Mita wheat iy 8A 4 northern, (TN FT IH pi Idi Na, Na. , 81.011 feed, 98 1:86 6.00, Coderloh and Hay paris.) anton oats, No, 1 feed, 67 0 ok bile; No, 8 feed, American earme=Nn yellow, $1.13 1:8 (all vail, delivered Toronto freighis) Millieed, delivered Montieal Trelghts included = Bran, per ton, $09.85; shorts van, M7050 middlings, $4.4 ntarin grain Wheius, | $40 Sig to She, Harley, 70 10 a BLM AGED WOMAN RECALLS LIFE Mrs, Phosbe Upham In- dulges In Reminiscences On Her 90th Birthday (By Canadian Press Losssd Wine) Montreal, Que, Oct, 11-=Farson- al reminiscences of a lite which began fn 1820 were related recent- ly at a birthday party given in her honor by Mrs, Phosbhe Upham at her home on Prud'homme avenue, Mra, Upham used to live in Kings: ton and she recollects well John A, MacDonald, afterwards Bir John and prime minister of Canada, Bhe recalled meeting him on one oes caslon under strange elreum stances, Mrs, Upham sald! "People used to pide horseback mostly, There were not so many hugkles then, My husband apd 1 ware In a buggy, driving slong near fydenham and In front of us was a herd of a hundred oattle, John A. MacDonald was viding towards ue on & horse, and got mized up with the herd, It was funny to see Wim trying to met through" The great leader was a frequent guest at the Upham home, being an ins timate friend of Mr, Upham, whe was clerk of the local court" Mrs, Upham gave her views of ourrent news and remarked that the Zeppelin trip round the world was not to he compared with the trip of Columbus across the Als lantle for courage and usefulness, One of the many letters af oops gratulations received hy the eens tenarian came from Mrs, Marvy Wilson who will be 100 years old next month, There are three hranohes of ¢ Upham family in widely seperate places, One fa tn the Maritime 'rovinces, another in Montreal, while & third ix in Ohleage, Of the (third) branch Mps, Upham spoke rather scoffingly when she remarked {t was composed of three granddaughters, who are 'ald maida," NEW BOOK REVEALS LIFE OF FISHER Sir Reginald Bacon Pub. lishes Biography of Great British Sea Lord Ny Thos, T, Ohamplon, Can, Presa Salt Correspondent) London, Oot, 10-=The lite of Lard Flaher (1841-1920), hy Ads wiral 8ir Reginald Bacon, was published today, It Was & mere ootnoidence, though a remarkable one, that the great divi) whe was twice Firat sea Lovd should ARPOAT At the very moment, of the Ashington conversations between Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon: ald on President Herbert Hoover t would he a lengthy task ats Aempting 10 discuss those matters in which Lord Fisher perfarmed BO WMOmentous a Part, And upon which naval historians will diapute for all time, 1t tn indisputable that Lord Fisher was the Wost dominating personality the Brit. | coaL Phoee 3080 MALLETT'S Ish Navy possessed since Nelson And If the world pursues its pre pent line of thought It seems hardly possible that any man of (he sea will again have the opportunities whieh fell to Lord Fisher in the early days of the World War, when he again took office after resiena ton of Pripnee Louls of Batten herg, Admiral Bacon's Book contains Hitle that Is unduly provoeative, In reasonable terms he tells of Lord Flaher's Hte-long tank of fitting the British Navy for what he deemed the Inevitable! of how he warned Asquith In 1014 that the Germans would not hesitate to use submar Ines against merchant trafio; and of his prophecy fn 1010 that Jelll one ol command the Grand Fleet, REMAINS OF OLD MAYAN EMPIRE ARE SITED FROM PLANE Party of Archaeologists Pi- loted By Lindbergh Make Remarkable Discovery Miami, Lia, Oct, H==fi010N4s Charles A, Lindbergh hrushed the dust of ages from another ahaoure page of Mayan Kmplve history tos day In discovery of four ancient oitles of the Empire, The ruins were sighted as Lhe filer, hig wife, Dr, A, V, Kidder, Avehaeologist of the Carnegie Institution, and W, I, Yun Dusen made thelr way northward hy aeroplane from Heligs, British Honduras, toward Miami, Hfeports of the find were made in radio messages from the pane to the aleport of Pan-American Alps ways here, Pour anclent eities and the grumbling walls of a temple were slghted hy the aerial explorers within two hours, Dr, Kidder de seribed the discovery as a perfect type of Mays Empire evidence The ruins were desorihed In va dio messages as being #0 miles north of Banta Crug Radio reports desevihad a Maya hullt pyramid as an APPATENE e8ps tresploce of the once majestio temple, Underneath the. fliers, approxi mately 1,000 feet, sgtratehed a pres highway, elevated ahove the earth's surface hy ta econstruetion of hiooks of solid stone, but partly covered hy & natural aveh of trope foal growth After turning toward the const, Colonel Lindbergh sighted Tulum, ona of the Arst copstal rulng to be disnovered It mada a heautiful slight from tha aly Twenty-five hulldings were strung along the poaconst and grouped ahout a great HOURS SAFETY MEASURES AT SEA PROPOSED International Labor Confer. ence to Give Thought to Sea Proviems semen Diseussion centering around proposed elght hour day for tor be brought up at the maritime ston of the International Labor Con ference now In session ut Lieneva, will be increased hy a proposal for still greater salety ut sea, according to a report Just issued by the inter national Labor office at London, The natice which eoncerns certifi pates of competency for masters and navigating oMeers In the meveantil 1 marine, advooates oe desirability of Keep Your Skin Healthy With This Daily Care weny dayenight snd morming=elesnse your skin withCleens: é ing Cream, Wipe gently with tissues, then pat with » pod of shsarbent sotton wrung out In eold water snd with Skin Tonle, Do this (sithfully snd your skin will not be healthy snd naturally lovely, but will stay young and § indefinite Vor complete instruetions eonsuls Mise Avden's little bok "The Quest of the Desutiful," which your loss) shop will be fled to five you on request lisaborh Avdon's Vinstian Toil Proparabions are on oho) Jury & Lovell THE REXALL STORES Simcoe South King East Phone 68 Phone 28 thelr profession should be eonfined to those whose competence Is gusrans teed by ofelsl and searching tests, These problems, and many ethers which will be presented hy the 40 maritime countries at the conference should provide highly Interesting mat ter for debate ie event 1s heln regarded with mueh Interest In Wl parts of the world, In the hope that milyy fonsible plane for bettering maritime conditions will be solved The local Shipping Federation Is represented by AL, 'W, MeCallum, SECTEIATY, establishing as far as possible, Inter national relations for a minimum re quirement of professional eompeten ey, to which end an Internationa draft eonvention Is suggested, "It 1s not sufficient," the report claims, "that the rules of the road at sen should he fixed internationally, hut steps must also he taken to en sure that the navigating staff are fas miliar with those rules and wre capa ble of ohseryin them," The safety of life at sea, as well af the professional interests of mer cantile marine oMeers, require that # [Im Iii] TO fT i iL I ALE ATRL ETRE BUY =~ Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service Is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 .. Four Direct Lines to Central A EE ~~ BRIDGE LAMPS New Style Heldge Lamps that are very smart, The are In ovushed velvet and the standanis are walnut finlah with Antares, mai he Jaw ng 1 9.75 JUNIOR FLOOR LAMPS Very Handsome Floor amp in wonderiul eves" ations of Urlished Vel vot In the wew Well he, Talloved withowt vl alse others Ww od velvet and silk vembinations with Head fringe, They mage in price complete from $26.95 " $45.00 Now the cold h it brighten up your home L) make for the winter months, A new hp So or Ng or The Jang w piece of furniture will give the desived effect Our Easy Payment Plan 1s help ing Hundreds Today! § PIECE BEDROOM SUITE | Handsome 3-piece Bedroom suite in Grey Enae [| mel trimmed with blue, decorated, Comprising | large size Dresser, Dressing Table, Bench, Chil fonier and full sige bed, A high class suite, nian. te, $199.50 SPINET DESK Gibbard's Solid Walnut Spinet Desk, very sturdily onstructed and nicely finished. A very hi desk at a remarkable low price, $28.50 S Special SIMMONS' WALNUT FINISHED BED -- Link and Simmons' mattress, Complete, regular $18.95 Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St. E. Phone 78:79 |

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