Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1929, p. 12

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Jute DEAD ZONE PLANNED T0 PACIFY BATKANS New Type of Frontier Be- "tween Bulgaria and Jugo slavia Proposed aris, Oot, 11,==A "dead wane" "iy miles wide, a new type of niler, will ke established he: een Hulgarie and duRO-Riavie I" e Borbs oan pring it ahonut, This oA NOL Lo be In the nature of A AWE Jane's there fs no dls ayer tha frontier demorear lone, Tt 1s ta he a disarmed i ¥ one, under a joint polies, I ------ A A 0 AD 5 AA. 35 0 GS It 1a in resdity an adroit move a disarm the acedoniany and put an end to the Macedonian dream of independence, 1t fn baing push. od forward in the hope of finishes ing with the Comitadjis, ; on wecount i] J not make n 0 prpgvess which Budi #n affort Loward Wap ying the Halkans might seam a epit, veryhody helow the Danhhe knows this Udead wong! will he the grave of Narhtovhn 1 4enendonce, hat Is why the Hulgarian gavernment has not agreed, The Macedonians m Bulgaria have not permitted It ta YLLTD Weep Valkans Rolling At thig gentarance of Plrot he tween Jugo-Blavia and Bulgaria, where the frentier questions of the Halkans werp discussed again, averything except the veal Issue has Always heen diseuased, but 1f both parties ware In a position to Jay all cards on the table they would have to admit that the veas son why the Balkans cannot veaen A completely peaceful stata is that the Comitadils do not want It, The frontier as drawn hy the Preaty af Neullly © has heen vary useful ta them for ten years In keeping the Macedonian mouns tatng in w ferment, The Trasty of Neullly gave to Jugo-alavie aven mare of Macedonis than old Herhin had and did sn with a frone tier that outs over mountains, morons valleys, divides Farms, sapas rates vange land from water-holes and In consequence makes (tL impose pile to maintain a frontier, Comis tain anuld ask nothing hatter, Hpecial elreumatances also favor them, In Bulgaria is the ald seat of the Macedonian Revolullonary committee whieh has heen going for BO years and the yesion fs 4 mountain field whieh Hofla has never heen ahle to control, The Macedonians in Bulgaria are pros Bulgar, alan, They are Rulxars, hut they are Macedonians first, They are safe fram Interference themselves and the frantier, which has to he ienared In the cauras of avery day life, cannot prevent them Faeping un #& oonalstent Rroparans dn In Herhian Macedonia, And when there ave killings=-there wera 20 politionl assassinations on ebb bhbdddbb ddd ddd) } TIME TABLES ARs AAAARASAAARL ALAS L ALS) 1) Jinn a lk scent Bundav, 1H iF Iy hy in " ah . A GR, TIME TABLE, His i Golng beat tepart fram Oshaws Efastive April BW, W008, i" Mp " I i sacept Sundar, a CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS a aie mes tral » AA am, Tally, saeept Sunday S58 am, Bunday andy S04 HN ANA I Ww ve wal bi ® y ¥ WAR RL at ERR WAY SA noe, Dat 11. » Ww Daly, sneapt Saturday 2 am ng 3 py Bail hall SAY gw Daily SON om Bally, easel Bw AR TRAE, ssn Sunny S08 go Daily, sseept Bunda 2.08 nw Wily, exoent Bandar, AV aw | a (¥ . Sunday HH. A am ly, Nanly, y Vy W i exeent Bunday, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville the Jugosluy side of the frabtier In the last few menthse-the Ase wuublie make an easy gelawey nig Bulkurian Macedonin, foul Cleeumvent. New War I Jugoslay could Induse Bafa Lo aren to adiswrmed;, contralledl gone of ten kllomelres un each #lde of the frontier 1t would pur an end to all frantier fasidents und grantly lessen the danger o Bnew war tn the Balkans, hut {1 would hve to be done over the Macedo A dend hodles, As the Balkans ave divided, wn indspandent Macedonian Bipin Alon cventa a situation whieh y ohvigus In wdvenes, The Mace onions have always heen closer (0 the Bulgarians than to any of thelr other neighbors, They Want ta he under the Bulg bit, If they were free (0 choose, they would ally themselves with th uriang, Lt ALT thyaw a politieal harvier across the southern Hulls ANE Oxactly where (he mountain haveler Mes, It would divide Jus gonlaviy fram Greeca and unite Wigarin with the Adeiatle, With the Ttallan control of Albania the strategie Imporianea of such # barrier 18 sufficient evidence anys where, hut {n the Balkans Is known to every man, Would he Mountain Prison The Herbs want the "dead sone, to | dg thely Macedoniang from those of Bulgaria, Then they want to glve thely Macedonians als most camplete control of thelr awn alfulvd, This ts not & polley af gen orasityy It fs, vather, » method of shutting off the Macedonians In thet mountains and making them vesponaible far themselves, But the Macedonians ara not logking far a mountain prison, alther, heli Jong history of insnreestion haw not heen conducive to tranquil gantentmani The Macedonians have hewn wn A alate of Insurrection mest of the time sinea LATE, Tf Macedonia had heen given la freadam wih Hulgara at the end of the Russn Turkish war the Balkans would have heen much less of a cockpit, It Was to have heen freed, Af the original peace disoussion of Fan Biefano (f was provislonally agrand to ineorparate Macedanin intp Bal arin, hut the powers (In the Bal Ans the hiame 1s placed an the British exelusively) by the Treats of Berlin, July 18, 1878, decided to leave Macedonia under Turkish rule The Macedonians then formed the Macedonian Heavalutionury committee, Its Comitad)is entered with ferver into the harassing of the Turks, They were ahaut to gel some mart of autanomy when the Young Turk movement gol started, Every ane, Ineluding (he Macedonians, helleved the Youns Turks would give Macedonia an tonamy without further pressur The Macedonian Revol ironars committe aven went aut of axis tenes for a time, But the Younus | Turks ware harder an the Macedon fans than the old, and merely oyu: | ol and eaveupt, governors of Ab dul Hamid he Young Turks in slated on making Turks out of them AMERICA HAS BIG INVESTMENT IN HORSES AND MULES Chisame, HL, Oct. H==There ave §! A00.000.000 worth of horses and a \ i the United States, the Harse Av | sociation of Awerien announced hy | way of proving that the automobile hasn't heen sueh a devastatin fluence after all ha number of saddle horses has votnally inereased in recent years, th Assogiation found he number ol horses in the United States was gly NRE AOR000 and mules at S447, NK, da not nriane, ih Nath Magwetle Pale in Canada | The narth magnatio pale a lo pated In Roothin peninsula on the Aretio oohst of Canada and the south magnatie pole in Bouth Vie tars Land south fram New Hear | land, Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER 12 Simeoe St. South | TR ol MEN'S WORK SHIRTA AT \ nL 49¢ 1. Collis & Sone wu = W, Phone T8iw THE OBHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 Prepare For Winter Now / BY ORDERING YOUR STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS We Measure, manufacture, have glazed and installed, Millard's Planing Mill "A BETTER QUALITY" they da not like SEA LION PLAYS JOKE ON KEEPER Ents Its Own and Four Companions' Rock Ballast ew York, Oct, 10511 strikes a good many peaple ws funny that wll except one of the sea lions in th tnd at the aguariam should he fou Ing around an top of the water, log king lke the start af the intern tional ballaan race, hut it 18 no Jaks Jamon Bavage, thelr koeper Mr, Savane knows that huovant ses Hon 18 dn cha rrussed sea Hen, and an cmbareassed sen Hon wieans nathing hut trouble, His a \ | f lHon's nature to around tn {his eharges for the water and disport himselt, and shipping dike the &itenfeld twins, thelr -plimsoll Hines exposes the only ane that 18 & nikive in the tank tor wll of them When winter games, a tirty losing his or her Hgure medinglely mendons layers of hivhiher Phe Tatier ha pets the Welw, But tn his native does nar mind this, He siniply lasts himaclf as he goes along A wine, wh kewp keel, Far this buyers will never digkey Hen hy the pound dies Mr, Bavage, wha | 8 Hong, had prepared I nusai, al in HI ERpet 1 wWiravs asked for Ash, and he gave them THE FIRSY A TIME ['VE EveR BEEN TOLD TO RUM MONE THE PARC WHERE 4% \r's QUIT 7 be Hemorte 2 2 PRODIXER -\ LINES | unday nner, Th Hghter kh TT he bial h cating a pehlile here and a dorniek there, and a sill boulder somewhers mall an an even an experianced ta swim steadily and with enough showing to wird olf Fhe rennon all the ses Hons except one same ta be Boating around with 1s that Peddy, the youngest of the lot, and New Yorker, ate the ballast that was pul Hon hi wid begins taledng on ty ih AEN mepteher, wn wt tol | song Hid they apieee, Knowing wild ik Ih hietiar, at it was then that Teddy wot in fils 1M work, Teddy 18 conside lle sipaller and velicr than he reat bes cause hie was only Lr lust June w the Central Park Zoo: He hid sich big teeth hut the gan-keeper, named him Teddy, His mother, who still has Ww overy good hore, although she is Homting tigher, in oulled Mabel Wills heandt, beens Worl pod prefers water, Paddy and his mother are only spending the winter in the squaring whieh has always heen ruled aver hy wn very larus Bei How eallod Heywood Broun, heeause he hasn't seen a ball game in elght venrs Nebady linows where Teddy's fa they in ar whit hie father's name ia Foddy's advent at the Zoa lust June with wn unadulterated surprise When Teddy was put in the agua fn tank Heywood Broun was ol ready riding high hegalise Hulure works faster than usual with hin aid there were na roeks In the tank | ar In Battery Parle, either, tar that tier. Nature worked slower in put Hing winter blublier on Veddy, ail the Hitle seamn soon discovered that he eauld swim faster and make guile er turns than Heywood Brown, Fa the next fey Paddy mimused himself by sneaking up on Heywood Braun and tng him an th Hipp Crowds gletown visitors the aquarium would laugh hearth | when Hevwood Hil sipped und ploughed around high of the Viler the hig elrele, making wn hus Ignant remarks i Heywood get an 0, Navan tap ta sid A pul i vond pould eatoh hallasted im four bh tone for she eames rom Cal Lik yn al oul ul In I bi exerelae helo And 1 desided that Hey nee he | oproperd yb oput a hig stone ponewhat salle I the faur athe Hut | what. Teddy did He managed | of tl rocks, ine! [T1} | | wil UL ¥ Whe a clipper ship, VN hive 1a ges gle Wim LOE nest Hinge y My, Bivipgs sighed, Bone are mot giby 10 alain, expecially on Muha bute Iatandd, with w tenelemen's sire IH rag ries, 0 oveekon WH take 85 ponds of | tone ta ballast Broun for the wi ter he ENGLISH MAIDEN LADIES INVADE | PARTS IN SUMMER Of No suspicion One of the great advantages of baking your own eakes, biseulits, ete, Is that you are In full eon trol of everything used. And you won't use anything but the most wholesome ingredients. No suspicion "to take the edge off enjoyment! MAGIC BAKING POWDER Mere sold in Canadas than of afl other brands sembined, pind Striking New Aspect Parisian Tourist Trade avi ig Inerensing numbers of nidddiosaged unmarried Boglish women who come to Pavls for thely sumnar holidays 1s one of the mast siriking unpscts of Lhe yearly BRIE Invasion Ope ments them sverywhers wining Enna unobtrusively endearing thamwelves al whateve) thay do, On the haat-tealn the othe Any ther ald ladle, wany auntie wlone and whin in BOERNE only wn few wards Froneh hey eame through the gustame ordeal with riving valam | and mesmed ta fpd all the host pits on tha host while hardened travellers were obliged to stand ee tn Pavie they And themselves gomfartahle vaomus 1y howtevard hotels and fo¥ing themeatves with tremendois Tl Ware weaves of elise ml ARYA L HAICING own [NE A E. W, GILLETT CO, LTD. Toronto Canada LI | Inexpensive wot ahaut an EE i USE GILLEX FOR ALL CLEANING, LAUNDERING, DISHWASHING ll , > Fheut bi thea! and champ we he Lhe river, ie the under CHa Bees Fiennes unl art galleries, at halle, Paris) day evil veputution | Fh glue 1h malden ladies of tn Bl erprining wid ta be i nd mink are losing he hah tri Pelvis must hi L mothe Ll AB WHERE 18 YY DARLING CW } IY = Cl \T AY HE WAS VANISHED AY THE WANDS OF CwR\ '] EMEMIES AND PRRWARS 1 BrALL NEVER BEE AGAIN | Dla ol ? BRINGING UP FATHER PALGHTER JOGT ENGAGED A bEW BUTLER Cen DOW) IN THE WATCH EN AND SEE (F Sd NS HE WiLL DO 4 = MAGGIE (TS HARD Yeo ll SY A 2) iH SF RW Te bap ~~, LEE S [] pm-- : Wr TO PAAPAE An) WAHAT OND THEY CALL { LG WRT | | LAET RLACE™D | via EAE BE GvdMMIRRD Teal My HEAR] ye - W/E Wim h Ng oy A a ns , 4 a \ ag VA Ber OM 6 Metigmlian How mpe By Geo, MeManus i ales -- --- | DUET TO GIVE Wik A FUNC AR THE NOSE, BLY ES RIG - aan am-- le hn ETN 2AM Wa aM \ TWA \ | i wR LD LAA PRA BRIET VAAN | | 8 FLARE | f | | SL HY a [0:44 TT aaa mm. YEO Cneinep TIM WANA -y THERE ARE QUITE A HUMBER OF THINGS THAT ARE MISHAMED, TOMMY, GERMAN SILVER 19 MOT JULVER AND IT WAS NOT INVENTED BY A GERMAN, Tr ---- A ------------ A - THERE 3 NO LEAD MA LEAD PENH \ a WELL, THEY GAVE PIGS A GOOD NAME ANYWAY "CAUSE THEY Bl CERTAINLY ARE "PIOSY a V "THOTHMES JI DID THE JOB ABOUT 1300 B.C 2 NE GUINEA PYG 19 HOTA PIG, BUT 19A TITMOUSE 19 HOT A MOUSE BUT 13 A MON BIRD. THERE ARE SEVERAL SPECIES PENCILS DO HOT CONTAIN LEAD BUT ARE OF GRAPHITE A FORM OF CARBON. OPATRAY NEEDLES WERE MOT ERECTED NER HOR WERE THEY 1H NER HONOR RODENT, IT DORS NOT COME FROM GUMEA BUY FROM SOUTH AMERICA. { \ ALIFKG YAX DOES NOT CONTAIN A B'T OF WAX, 1113 MADE OF VENICE TURPENTINE, SHELLACAND CONNMABAR, oii BREESE al JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS | Bates HH Nhwewe Nt Soak TILLIE THE TOILER-His Lucky Break TES, THIE |S TOHN as - MORROW APF TRRNOOM I WHY SURE « 14, hu vou av Wie Ra GAARE Simcoe St. North

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