The WIFE WHO FAILED And the Girl who Baved Garrard from His Crime w and Brought Happiness, instalment Twenty Two HARVEY GARRARD, tina ins Hd business whish he In ohrl hide by Poe nounces his Idle Hie and turin A PAB sympathy to Wie MILDRED, whe has thaly jane property (led up tor y 4 aha tails him wis torly In Bin orisin and Indie nantly leaves him with the word that she married him only to he supported In ue ury, Harvey flude a stranger alone in his off io 4b night dnd Ina thain with 8 siiion negoiie sourition ln hls 8 temptation to this money '0 pelp over the business Is ton FORE (RL adTuNREN SWATLE. hut "00h folie a wile aarrying, and Harvey's theft is undiveovared, A naw phate | put on the situation, hewsver, ith the appenrance of the HH man's granddsughiey, GRACE BWAYLE, who had an engagement to mest her anid or and wap axpaeting 11 10 have an fnberitants ady for her, The girl pels arver's promise that whe shall by ooked afier, And, while here fondaring how much she might know nl the million, fe in fovead nbd A business trip ta Amerioa, and finds hor on shiphoard virtual: iy torelng huraelf on him #8 We searatary, IWheugh Nard himasll apainet any slip whieh may hevaal hy sens vol, he finds the sltustian not plonsant, as thelr friendship viens, But the net of dim esavery oloses Around him, as ptiand Yard traces the stalks ands 0 hin hank acepunt, deaperately he confesses His grime to Grace, who deslares v lave for him and then vans fahes from her apartment, Wild with anxiety and torn palousy, Harvey apends & atiesn day, That night he meets her hy neeldent atl a hotel, Wow Go On With the Mory They both glanced around with Ihe same ides, Grace led Harvey 1a amply divan ; " ont 0 40 bao to Parla" he sonfided, "I ha wp and Ioft the fiat tov L PUPS, Then, an | wan getting my toket, | nad another thought, You see, | wal Boing #0 thay shewld not make we enter the withess hoax and oon fone hat the hands were Thine, hon I remembered that thay Wl 98 that withont me and That | Mare nore and awars everything whieh your lawyer (1nd me [eeuld phan An some good, Bo 1 Aeaided stay, | Ald po #0 bak to my POOMA haoRUER waniad 10 kesh way trom where tha polles eenld hd me Until atten I had ween you, I have all the paper, Nothing hae happen \ ty he assured her "A potion Inansstor has heen 10 vee We and asked some auestions, and 1 Ave had an interview with my sols shor, We will talk ahout that als How did you kaew that | wa hora!" aha Anked, At my olub" he anpwers AW, told mea! w. Bakiy A Mri dintng here with Philip he was auigk at apprehenson, and she sufidenly realized from his drawn fae, hi unnatural voles, wething of what he had been vounh. Mar hand stele toward Be and gripped 1, "oak at we my dean' she wee LL " wmorntag 1! ve hot ha my clothes, Do 1 ook as thew had heen dieing wily any one? Ab happened wal hat 4 Mad no uneh And 1 aw through the windows that there ple tn morning alathes ty \ i Reem, 1 Hmembera "we by UPPER tn, And T thaurht that © should Hike to sib at that (ble, 1 went fn, found We che In our Hille oF, Sal down ant had me dln Jat an T owan finiahe Sie Ph lett left the ih he and Aomé he ers And com f v wes, Wh Aved wh wight WW ARE have same caftes, We when Ra friends left, and wollal hoon PA Moment Harvey wan ahaah wiely ineanable of speech, 'There WOE A Mist hetore pin even, He tan Rn environment, It wan ane of the shnreme mamenia of weaks nes In Rin lite, With fin passing, helped bY the gentle pressure af her fianers, he Molt an Amasiag & ba wi ®t senna af rellal, A mreat eMed 10 have fallen vway, and Alt he terrors of the } setmed The a PAR fram A (tama J L have heen vending ahawt Home at Man's We Fra Winsett wan immw Nothing that haw tahiti hie A nad AN VOY, Wry Roth A) hy Y WF conte TH" he answered hum " we wide Avie ot the WLR af pea BW hae were Nhireunded. " Waal ; A La He" coming ta . 1 nothing th the world SEE TX n a "awe nina } POE have BRawn that van were eaming fap san 1 pave WY hat on FONT Cade a Ereat Fartune® THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1929 PAGE El FVEN » Cupright Avove avin bn arm In A taxloah to the Alvany, Bhe looked around spe vavingly when Lis had ushed hey in o Wis sitting roam and installed hoy In a great anny ahaly AWhet buniiey!" she exclaimed, hint' ih pe gramhiaed, Eh nk ing of youvssll ak a paar des frauded young woman, 1 suppose, Never mind, dony, temarrow you oan have all you want of lusiry yourself, You are soming to work ! EET may When alvaatly the bank opens," he oonfided, "1 shall take you up thers, Do you know thal you are yory rioht" fWonderinl! Wow mueh money have 1, please?' she asked soutall mlly, fRomethiing ha a million dol rs ue mnEwarad in Wn elish monay about 18,000 pounds a " Wau are horribly vlah youraslf, thoush,'" whe murmured, with a Herta sigh, "Amt vary selfish (a Ye prey! YApparently To am not gnlug te have mueh oppartunity of wend ing my inoome,' he veminded har, gomahaw or other feeling that the harrar hind wane out of the 'ragedy ahead, "Tomerrow warming at 10 o'elook vou are going with mas to the bank, You must glve them In stevetions to sell one ar two of vir honda ao as te nravide voaurealf with HOMe YeRAY niohiey Then vou aan have a eheoue hook and draw Just what you Hie" O10 will he wonderful, of ralirae phe oanfessed, "10 tn what | hava Inniged for in a Yasser desver oil my By E. Phillips Oppenheim by Philip penhiainm Wn paaan of sxpesintion, of halls oratatin, halfdnsohorent promises and confessions, 16 wan the aver ning af whion Harvey had Avnanied, (he point of spunea when thay seems od 10 have veaslied an absolute fine ality of understanding to have take on thelr position definitely In sioh oiher's Hives, Grace's new (anders Hops =A tenderness to whisl he was wo pathetienlly ynuoeistamed.. wan onahanting 10 prought oul from Wim, 100, & flow of sentiment and wards of whieh ha Lind soar aly hee Havad himsalf sapahile, Their Hghte Neartednens, undar (ha elrolime alanoes, was almost fhoredih eo, Hhe find suddenly heeome sesuve in hin loyaeshit lind suddenly ssciped from the torment of the mont hide onif thouht that hind ever found We way Inte Nie brain, AL 1 a's oloak thay plenfoked off ehloken sandwiohos and a half hoatle of ohinmpngns which he found In the widebonrd, Afterward he drove her back to the Milan, Yi'he one perfect avening of my Wie ha told her, y he feat of mine," sha whisp gred, with har Lips ellngine to hin The following morning, Harvey, whose oar wan bloelod several (hmen hy the teaftio on tie way ally» warda, arrived at the offies resrly Boaunrier of an hour hahin® his up unl time, Grass, whe was already pentad at hor deal, enrages] on the Arrears of hep yesterday's corres pondenne, tanked up vopronohfully, "ienlly, my dear smployer,' she protosted, "in these Anys of sires Ho laughed, and 'eaning over, Winned por upturned Hps U1 odon't save ahout any ruliw ar fife, Just now, however, 1 Mo not wish ta think anvihine mors shout i There are ather far mova Im nortant thins ta "wa eonsidrran How ean 1 heln vou most? hettar hide ny pon we think wary together?" Ha mlanped sb the a'nok, fn five minutes, he annraneed, UEam going to put the poaltion hes fora youl eloarly, Unit! then =" He took her Inte hiv arms Hho draw a faint Hitle sigh of santent All the pansion and hveterial mn tion of the previous night seemed to have paseed away, to have siile aided Into a wave of wander l tens aernoss, When at lenmtl thelr Hine wars parted they sat tn silanes for SOVRERL momenta, Then he Yeran, UE don't want to seem 8 | eaals mist, Grae' he sald, "hirahes Nothing tn the world cond! make Me URhanny tontehb hut 11 1s mush hatter for both of us that we faoe tha truth, Tam up amainst this hing and there seems no ehunee of WAY enonpe, TF have had tha hest TAWYRP to advise ma and thy Is hin denlaton, The police by this time have all the neosaspry. Infarmntton AA hey are hound to prossente Tt dosan't make u pavtiela of o ter fNee EWA vou, the ante nine 4 pep SON don't wish 11, Tha offeree is ORE AEATREL Ihe nw, and not nantngt A private individual" { YTE seama very stupid" ave do elared, "Why fan Toot mo (ate the ox and swear that 1 lent yan the banda? "YOU An" de that, denn" he welnted ant, "hernia Alan wou ware not In Eanland at the Hime You oan't help me that wiv any [Ware than your insta up 'he nos Hom tosh nish did me any Yoem | AONE suppose they will even fre ibis 10 see you Asaln, axoent Ail Yau 10 Wantity the bonds whioh, of oouree you will have ta do What [ you fan LU 5 hein, IF pou wil), Wf rome In 10 say that you were perfeolly CORTARL to have me use tham that they have bean vestored 16 ven in 1a0h And hat IF you had bean here FOR World have passed thew on tn Wa 10 Waka vare of tn any pane, THAL wan't affect tha wmaln sttun Hon, But it will woke things castep® NVR meant BE mean that 1 will met a Nehter fentenee. The fll horror of the thine, whith ale had soavoaly yet rend od, broke aver hep RAE Harvey," ahe orled, "do von WAR that they willesthat yon will have to ko to prison?" "ROP A very wham Hime, dear AW ARAIEY he admitted, YT des sree 11 1 made felontans ve of the RORdAs and 1 ai 1 delibarately, t didnt Know about you 101 had, 1 am not sure that it wold have mada any difference, I aed them with the Frm tienen oF returning thew, an tam doing NOW, the wament tha erlats was oven Unfortunately, halt the thieves tn the world have the rama ion, OF gonres, IE things had kone the other way and the hands had Boon saeritinad, Wy postition wand have been worse even than t+ Wa ROW, An Ib In 1 am a thief theave Heatly and Tegally, hut not actually PIE have te satier top It, bat t Pave thin consslation: © oaaved a Nustness which has heen eatabiished FA Rundred and BEY years and ¥ FERAL you say fn almost selfish Arce axelatmad tndtenantly, "Haw Ahant met Ahall Tonet sutter toot? STAAL devende he anvwered SRMPRIY Wpon yourselt NP divares PRAM BA En Rta md Tahal proba at \ long hetare | came ont oF nian, IE vou sare fr ma well endnph to Wall, Graces walle Aho threw hepselt suddenty ate BR arma, ia Or sours TH wa RI, ohaking the aor at WE sentence hack when pw 2 aha ad 1 pomiintions,' ha deolared "I may | have (0 wo short of Kisses £ v a0 Tong that 1 am nol wo'ng (a nagleet my anportunitien" Ya threush your letters, ' she urged him, "Wa may as wal' wet An mueh done np we oan, I've out wll the envelopes," I Yama and sit hy my side" he hawwrgd, They read and sorted swiftly, Another bateh, already apened, [enme un from pelow to be ndaed te [the wie, [MND win of anv heoak tn 1) ries, Aho remarked, The arder sheets, tan, are wonderful, Po you (utend 10 aneant all these sontrarin?" YRvery ane, hie assured her, "We are nlling un mansy, bul we UAE need 1H Take dawn theses OADIARFAME WN" LAAT me, DIeANe, Wa had better ve rest aren up and Hale, from the hides feparts ment After that It will ba time MH wo ta the bank" | Whe EAYe Lhe necpssary orders, And for another hatthnu® tLe 'hres men oonsniiad and CGesee tank rote of thale deelslons "No slans of 8 hratk vet, sip restores remarked, with a faint ste "Wha wants a break? Warvey pojotned good-natured "We oii have plenty of stook and If von wo thronsh our offers of as! wisk you Wil see where we shot'd have heen If wa'dt none on huvine (2A'sepimine Alaiye hung un with nat ara) we should never wat vid of IF Vere ware the slinhiest dean Um aff te the hank now with Mw 'wavle, Broatoron, Any one who or'in oan WALL until 1 mot hank, 1 thelr Busi nose 1s Important" UT don't think thay are aver ooms Ing" mee whisnered # % they danse oended the stalvonss, "1 think they have daolded to leave »our slope Mr, Poulton wan tn and caver to reonive them, He asusplod an to Hh Phd gad troduction ta Miss Bwayle with oh vious Interest, Phin te the young ade' Harvey declared, "whose twa hundred and Bity thousand pounds' worth of Amerionn bonds nave heen ying In my account, You have had them transferred tt Yesterday afternoon, sending to pone instenetion, Me» Garrard Mins Hwayle has now on denasll the oxant aeoupitien you aft with ws" SYa0 had batter sald ane of the bonds for ten thousand 42V are and Place the nreosads ta tha medi of A oureent aseaunt whieh Miss gwavie would Hike ta ansn with vou Harvey Alreetad "ARs that the halbsvearly Interesy will keep her molnp" Whe halbyearly Intesest VN Ponlton remarked a ble arliy, Swill amount to about atx thowsand pounds, Unless Miss Ewavle Is a Very extravagant Iady © ahonld ink she will probahly be able to subatat without realising more ae aurition Crass slaned ner name halt a denen Himes, acoppted a aheque hook And various congratnlationg, YEhere have hoon aiy few Young Indien within wy knowlsdpe," Mn Poulton declared, "wha have tonnd lon of aweh & sum af many LPNs that wo may have the pleasire HF A0LIRE a8 YOu bankers tar a long me Where 1m ne reason why I AIOE WIAATAW Wy aouuritien, My Poniton," Grace repited, "1 am wh hanhy 1a Think that they were of service to My, Garded, Tt should Nave honk perfectly asntant tar him 10 have held them for a 10ARe Pei fod, 11 he had desired" YE AW very pleased th hear thar he admitted with perteet truth, 1 hope that other penpte Will heat (POM Yan 10 tha same siteet Whey sertalnty WILY she assur off Wim, 88 thay took thaly save, YER Dokl AF Thane Depot beads," Harvey pathtod ant, an their way WHALE T AOR want 19 ase yon ae a day, | Yon M A whieht AB wad ' aha we top that wow tha i Ly ot ; ! Wall af lone we fa Reedy Bask, Min that they don't need any transferring or anything of that sant, Are Just Ik Bgl ProRsE Bonds, You either Mave. them oF JON havent aot thew A momentary (1 at tehresston Will dame to vou when yon want We Tam yours, ontively apd tov Alwavg MN Taw ania wade Thay Joh the hotel teeter and Their conversation dergal ne * wolied her) an outeama od Aho strain DOM WRIER they wore BOR uncom solowsly suttering, $18,000 a your whilst pou sre away from me, Harvey?" she waked, dAvenm ahout and wan! v urged, nN among your Yreneh friends who ean Haly rather appen olety ite of honia on he axpinining all the time why my halr Ly | heantiful hails, shall be furious, wlonn, the warehouse is full as noun'! and buyers, brief interviews which hind to he aesorded, Asoisions to he given, hut still no sign of the dreads of messengers, ARO, avery contrast or offer which themaelves unoxpestediy tn pensis | ® "What am 1 golug (0 do with "Da Juni the things you wed to do," he "Take wome old Indy trom ay ohiaperon, wo rourd Haly snd Ind a place for 'our honeymoon, 10 me, The soe fod 1s very sells ys ANA wo shouldn't have te 80 short," they dare to ely off youy he oxelnimed, "1 "Do it good," he laughed, "Come Push after mo, I oun see hare ware a ovowd of osllers Only n whort while wan placed hetove Warvey at the merest fraotion helow the estahs ahead prio he had retuned Immads Intaly, sven though tha profits wer still adequate, Today he Yefuse nothing, Wven hiv own shissmen wera gurprised, Wa Lonk two of them on ond side hafore passing inte Wis private offiee, Don't ask me why," lis told them earnestly, "hut today Y am & ually, 1 know all ahnut thie cables from the wide cantar and 1 Wnow that thers has heen na break, Very, possibly prices will mp hiwher, Nev. or mind, We've done well, Tat wome of the others have a turn, The nolley of the firm today fn) first, not to Tel a sinnle parson antalde these walls Ynow what that polley {1 secondly, to buy nothingt thirds Iy to wall svaryihing whieh wh we a weal Weare mating the Inveeat Lune over now that has aver hen known in the trade,' one of the salesmen ventured Eat us make (1 Harvey Joined YHalter Lurnbver wook," Paok analn to those hroathiess hours of work, with Cirves always hy his wide, enol and rompetant, Boon the sounds of hole theonrhe ont the great siniton of warehouses died away, The husiness world, whatever (ts absorptions, was falthe ful to tts laneheon hour, Warvey winaneed at his watoh, "In view," he wnmentod Vol our provable separation" Yirhe Milan Gri she horned, "Come alone then, he ansentad "Hy Jove, 1 am tired! Veur hour of nretty strenuous wark," 1 toved 10." she derinred "here's no telling how mush time wa mayn't have really," he remarked, as they entared the ear, YE omay he valoased on hall, I'm not, aven In the eyes of tha law, a desparate sinner, OF courses, It's a sltuntion whieh han ra dlendyan. tenes," he went on *haushtinlly "We should have ta mive np the Milan Opell! Room, far inatanee Paonle would probably stand en thalr ahalrs to have A 'ook at me Mowaver, wa shall he able 1s tind » Aulel plane Wa might eamn ont In the ware house," she sungested "The sltuntion sivwests many fontunen of Intorast't Harvey ve flected, "Ona might wells ap ar told on "Wow 16 ive geaeelully whan aul on hail" Yi all very wall ta alte Ahan! I" aha almhed, hat 'a mush rather they left you alone, Ahout that other matter, Harvey, kaw long will 11 be beloresmess" "Decree absolute six menthe from next Wehetiary, ' Ye dedlares YA devil of a Tong time, ht IF TW taking a vost eure ft won" matter nd IF U'm fren we'll spend meat of IC together, TU ma tam whe han be oareful, although, hy ove, If any one eould lure her Into an Indisere tion thev'd be alever™ (Continued Tomerraw) BRITISH TROOPS 10 GARRY ARMS ARMISTICE DAY -- MS Solemnity of The Occasion Warrants Full Drees, Says Government LD than London, Oot, 11-=While the Labor government wishes te give greate rominent to the civilian aspect an 8 M10 the military side of the pepe: | Monies at the cenotaph on Armistice day, the attending troops will be in walter and will carry arms, A state ment from the home office fast night | explained the government was fully alive 10 the importance of foster every way possible the new a A of International peace and \ It had felt considerable sympa With the sugeestion that the troops on Armistice Day be unarme "On the other hand" the states MEAL vontinued, "ft mst bo remembs ered the purpose of the aneual ses VIGO At the venetaph ix 10 pay teibwie primarily te the memory a those Whose death the venotaph is vom memo tn ailors, soldiers and alr wen who Tost their lives | the w 14 13 therefore partienlarly a Ate and Biting that this RA Mo attended hy representative i! taohments pf the navy, army and ale A Nr the most Hi considera Hon the government decided it wou Wnt be fn Keeping with the solemnity Wf the ougasion (1 the service detachs MERE wee to parade otheryvise ha in ait SR amd At feels vonfdent this deaision will be in harmony w Wh the feelings of the majority of the dation, These detachments will thera: He he deessen and anned as i cuss BINATY OR foremonial oevasions, "In orden however, 1 sphasise the peatland civilian nature ol ho Ceremdny the government has dee oiled to ve the service personnel On duty ak the conotaph 1 the swath 30 number compatible with adequate TepreseRtating of the three services," (REGULAR MEFTING Routine Business Is Trans Gounell wag held on bar 7, with members all present, Roave Williams providing, Ww 4 Hosp Birike, Alex WH, Leith and 0, Onin fron Co, and were ordered filed, gave notloe fh ol with further yoferenon to replue ing old time alarm bells with u Losdate Wik-wag slgnsls st certs orossings, This was ordered filed, | I, tion Clerk hind been admitted to the Oshawa General H Judes 1, V, ttlonts of volers' list for 1030 that & Aditah near his prem' on ot centre lot 1K, con, oul und enlarged and Wm Ing penasied t proved, Counell deoolded to Invest ata, My, AD, eon, 6, made raguest for wire fanos bonus superintendent to maka a report to out down un dead tres on road side at lot B8, son Deputy Reeve Annis with power 1a net, slon te eut down ¥ roadside at lot L, con, §, Welerisu to Councillor Mutton with powe Lu net, Councillor Mutton was Sulthpr lued Lo well wll rells In wn fence on onst wide of rond mllowance he tween lots 6 and /, gon, § st the Wa, % Jot 7, aon, HH, Hurt & Co, Toronto, re (uasled an order for sssessmen! ahd solleactors' yolls for year 1980, Clark was. authorised to order Wms, ftond Buperintendent vouchers as follows! No, 86, kelary, excise samps and telaphone, #10187; 0 M bridges, BIGUB U4) No, 4k, constraetion work $114.10; No, 80, voud main tenmnce $HK0,068, which Wers ap proved and ordeved paid, Tranpiver uwoknowledged veselpt of $14.08 ftvom Li, 'F, Vascos, Ihxen 10UH, Orders were drawn on urer wn follows I', WH, Wiehards, salery, stamps, totophione, $103,875 7, JI, Mahe nrdn, road songivuetion, $334,104 T, H, Rlehurdy, voud maftenance, BANOO; 1, HM, Richards, bridges, BIUUNOAL HW, A, Northostt, sheep inspection, $2.00; W, R, Allin, salary, fed quarter, $478.00; Munis elpnl World, supplies, #108 W, I, Wirike, legal wdvise and pre puring dead and vegistration of wie, BRO AGE Robt, Philp, vement wldewnlk (Burketon), $ib00n; K, MaoNaohtor, BO yur sent, main tonunen) HB, OG, Davies, Bowman: ville Hosplis) Aug, § ta 16, LOEN BO00 Mew, NH, Motherly, milk, Mun, Wavige (uharity), $8,005 V', Ty Byam, suppies 8, G, Davies (chur Hy), $18.00 ©, ©, Hodgson, mip pion Mi, Havers (aharity), BION WW, NH, Kersluke, disinfeat: ante Ly Woof Hy, 84,104 br, H Vorguson, MB, medion! services Tol, of MH, S04.801 J, H, Mutton, whoop dumnges 1 sheep, B406.00) Jaoks Brow, sheep damages ¢ whoop, 4 lambs, BBE00; Robt Collnoott, shosp Aamaxes § sheep, 1 Inmhb $B0.00; Hot Collnent! sheep damages, 16 sheep, 1 lamb, BLNR00) €, N, Houssm, outtine wood, osmetery, lot 48, oon, ¥ $10.80) J. 0. Hmith, advertising fon tenohors, LAD No 10 100.00 Counell adjourned to Thursday, Ouotoher 7, 10ED, ab the houp of 1 o'eloek pm WwW, I, ALLIN, Clark, i. LANGUAGE PROVES GREATEST BARRIE Differences Are Bound to Retard Radio's Pace Somewhat Mantreal, ~The language harriey and the multipieity tn the types of slectrie enrvent with whieh homes In Great Britain und the Continent wre worved, and the fact thet radio stations une a wave anywhere froin 400 to 2,000 meters, arp some oi the conditions which explain why radio uhroad haw not kept pres with radio development in Ameri on, "aly, where broadeusting In oonfined largely to the 200-600 bund, and where types of electric Gurrent are few,'r says an observer, "Is the one Vuropean country in which radio practies In any way npproximaton that In the United Hlatew,"" unld Mv, Molealf, "An » result, aly 1s the one European Gountry which offers Amerigsn munufucturers uo merkel, for mods Wen volume produstion veselvers "The portable receiver, costing wiywhera from B65 to $400, is the popular wal abroad, If a4 wet re colvan on a wide hand, the Hetuner may hear programs in five, six or waven languages, whieh unless mie slenl, wre tuned out heehuse not understandanle, Because the lane Sure barvier eliminates all desir for wreat distance, a salf-contanined portable wel In consldared less of a nulsanes than any other type, and they enjoy n vogue that fs difoult for the English stoner to undaps wand Portable set natavally do ney give the guelity of reception which wo take for granted, and the Kure penn radio fan has to he contented With the sauesks and sguaks thet were prevalent here u few Yunre Tl Hrondousting, too, sannot he sompared with that In Amarlea In London on hama may be served wih one of #0 types of wsleetris frvent, Tt may he ACL DO, 50 volt or anything up ta E60 volts He onune the English situation Is near I¥ In every Kurapean eauntry, vel OF DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL preponted acted ~ To Consider Road Improvements a ---- Hegular meeting " Darlington onduy, Outo Minutes of lust vegulay meeting eo rend and sdopiad, ommunlentions were vesd from "Prous Hureay of Muploipal Affairs, rio Bridge Co, Canada Theol Northern Wleotrin Co, W. V Kary, Clerk of the Venues, or the welestion of rors lar year 1080, Meterved Lo 8 Hoave, Assessor and Township W anadiun Pacifie Hallway Oo, hi Notice wan recelyad from Coun that ane John Wari fapital Clerk noknowledged veonipt from O'Conner of his eer Willlamuson WL raqunnied ha olenred Cowl that rosd leading 0 his promises in Hampton he im i, ann Int MuNell, lot Kather Hlevens, 11, eon, 0, Bu WY I, Hoferred to Road rad Lane vaquesies pearciission be Haterred to Harry Frasier vequested permis dead trees oi ---- Lr i i A. ume production and use of modern AC vaiio wet whroad Is doomed ne th Lhe power companies sraights on out this situation and pevve mare of the 66 per esnt of the [homes whigh st present &ve unwu 'od, [ "Brith wets employ very few tihes hocause until July the many. (aoturers had to pay the Mireon) Company $8.18 for each Valve (he artioular set utilised, While It % true that the 'ngenwity of the manufacturers partly overcame this high eost handleap hy prods ng valves which, in veslity, were two or three under one Klass, the fet romans that the siff royalty haw served to vetard i Din ent all along the line, he Rritish Wadia Manufacturers' Assofation and the Mupeons Intepests, at loge gerhands for some years, hava now sompromised thely differences on the basis of $1.46 per valve, and thi akresmant will undoubtedly serve Lo stimulate hetter radio NO PPANFNT FAR PREM. FERGUSON -- Liberal Nominee Is Report ed to Have With. drawn Ottawa, Oct, 11=Thomas Lio of Prasoott, who was nominated w 4 Liberal to contest Grepvill nenlnst Premior Howard Verguson in the provinelnl elections, has des oldod to withdraw, the Journal lourned last night, THness of his wif prompted the decision, It fs holleved Mr, Ferguson will ho glven an neclamation, as Gare not Anderson of Kemptville, presis dant of the Grenville County Libs ern) association, sald It was une likely the association would enter anyone alse in the feld, Possibilities of the prohibitions Ist and UU, FF, O, entering the Aight vanished today with veporis from woth quarters that definite dees wlan had heen made not to entey candidates New Zealand has & law taxing fom eign salesman on the profits they make In that eauntr) EVEREADY Radio Sets PROVE THEIR GREATER VALUE In Your Own Home OU cannot buy Eveready quality in any other radio set af Everead vellous Eveready set, prices == and you cannot buy Eveready's mam ort-aerial performance at any price, outside of an These facts won't down, You will positively get better results AVERRADY CONSOLE MODRL MW Superd tone-builisin Rooveady Flootra:Dynambe ) helovtrie=duilt 10 last a Hfelmes ' dears comer controls and speaker grille woboanitful walnut Anish~same chassis as other cominle models, PRICE [flew tubes) $265.00 will arrange this test in your own home Upsetting all traditions, Eveready has sensitivity, tone and appearance == the an pri, (home employing 20,000 men, ment and many years of research, Each all-electric console model is equipped Electro-Dynamic Speaker builtin, Sealed days will not alter either sensitivity or tempera a fine watch, from an Eveready set with a 204oot aerial than from any other receiver, even though a longer aerial is used, An Bveready dealer without obligation to you, produced sets superior in Srawning achievement of a priceless laboratory equip: with powerful Eveready against humidity, selectivity, Adjusted for f fuAfpled or one full year t mechanical defects «= every and vel iy Too howe mug, assuring delivery of the set Ro walnut finish by Malcolm & t condition as it left the Jo rou cabinets Canadian National Carbon Co, Limited Cutiery Vapoouver TORONTO Montraal Winalpeg Owning Bueready Radio Svation RNG, Toronto, We recommend Genuine Radioton tubes, RVERBADY " ! Haleetrte, within Reeveady Kloetro.Dynamiv ha Kg) Supe Rated PRICE fon ube) $215.00 ht si Distributors for Central and Western PURSER, BULL & COMPANY, LIMITED, THE WORLD'S CEPTION PERFECTION and London, Sold in Qshawa by GEORGE C. ALLCHIN, Ltd 15 CHURCH STREET 18 Church Street, Oshawa PHONE 1438 Toronto Branch--888 Bay St.