wit: §t ol bin an '8 REPRESENTATIVE-B, ht 1 " Bite Ll $a wep uo wo wa ba R41 { f fn a We wii " | olub decided tournament 4 B LL. Ollvar- Nev Stainton 0, H, Pethigk par, default Dustan par, R. Bhrubhb--16, 6-0, 6-1, I Mitehel Jv, } Ba okander- eGregor par, f:1, 6-8, manville meetings during the year an the Friday of each month, at the nurses Lm A Varcoe par, 6-8, 6:1 Btrike----40, J, W. Alexander, A, Kent, and W, Dobson dpew hyes to vound, A Jackman, 6-2, §-2, 6-1, default, ( WW. Bissans, 8-4, 6.3 8 News, advertising and bec JBowmanville Office of I'he I' 5, JAMES WINS TENNIS TOURNEY AT BOWMANVILLE DEFEATS W. DOBSON IN CLOSE, SETS IN || J THE FINALS 22 Players Take Part in the Well Contested 1 Event -- Tho Howmanville Tennis Olub hes completed His men's singles taurpament and Stewart |, James was declaved the winney after a close and gruelling contest In the finale with William Dobson, The ta run a handieap é ures after th gite thelr handicap, player with a minus handicap must win enough paints to bring his score te par hefore he sath to seove The. seoves ware as follows: Fiest Round 0, H, Dudley--1§ he par, 6-0, 6 FUNGA Ne 16 W No A Jackmams 0.6, 16, ws Dr. B, W, Blssgns ' a0, default 16 won from | 1 i from J from B R., Smith par, won from T, A 4, 6-4, ( BR, James--180 won ¥, sutton par, won frem J, B, 240, 6-4, 6-4 Ww ai won from A, f ie, 1-4, 40 won from I, Dipple Art Kent--15 won from BH, 8 W, Dohson--i0, won from W. H, | fi=8, 2-6, 6-8, | Hecond Round t 0, H, Dudley, Rev, Mr, Stainton, | t the third Dr, B, W, Sissons Won fram N, HR, James won from R, Smith, fi-0; ¥, Button won from IL, Dipple, L] " rd Round 0, H, Dadley won from Pr, B, | s d BETTER _..AND CRISPER + KELLOGG has set a new standard in Bran Flakes, They stay crisper in milk oon gveams You get the fae mova flavor of PEP, The elements of the wheat: And just enough bran to be y laxative, Readysto-eat, Sold in the AT \ fgE don, Bg RR. James won from Rew, ] ¢ a 1 § N 1} t ( Fhovsands Now Eat spits earl ll Ll} wilt be Mi NA L } Won fro Hospi reas 2nd Viee President Recording Secretary=--Miss Peters from A, | Treasurer--=Mrs, A, L were altepwards refreshments were served again held when | their diplomas, They were sach pee: pregiation, made cooking realized h Home Cooking Sale and hers 4 Couch, Johnston TET 8 1 Jackman & Sons iain Caldwell Linen Mills (iq 1vs KE. F, Marrs Co, PAREEELEELLN | Robert Simpson Co yyvvivae A, L, Nicholls oo vii0aannninn will be received at the slephones~Oftice, 887, BERT MORTLOCK N on, G8, 6» f] A Bution won trom J, W, Alex: ey , 'Dobson oy 8, won from Art Kent, Hemi Finals , BR, James won from Ch, H, ey, «7, B-8, §-0, . Dahson won from ¥, Button, fird ' Indies' singles handles ament 1s not yet complete t It 1g hoped to have the ves next week, Those takes 0 the latter tournament anes H, Osborne, B, Bar: ont, N, J, Mason, H, foward, and Ms, hhle who are le only. ones left in this event, WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF THE HOSPITAL HAD A FINE YEAR Articles Valued at Over $300 Supplied to the Hospital The annual repart of the Wamen's Auxiliary to the Hospital Board 1s as allows | 1 Auxiliary officers are! Mrs, (Dr) V, H, Storey Mrs, FW, Goddard Mrs, kL, A, Tole st Vice Pres~ Mrs, J, O'Neill, Nicholls dxeoutive--Mrs, E, Flaxman, Mrs, F, J, Manning, Mrs, J, Bpencer, Mrs KE, H, Leighton, Mrs, E, W, Craw: ard The Astivities The Women's Auxiliary to Bow: Hospital has held twiivt ral or, Secretary esidence, also one Kxeeutive meet: ng: There is a membership of twen y five with an average attendance of ee Mpg, Bmyth, the Hospital Su perintendent was able to attend most of the meetings, On Qetaber 7 Graduation Exepeises eld in the Opera House and tthe residence to the three gradu tes and their friends A tea and sale was held a8 Mes Pr) CW, Slemon's an Ay The usual Christmas Cheep was ent to the nurses and staff in vest ence, In March came the birthday tea at he residence when the tea was Servs d, Donations valued at $40 and $M in cash were received, A bridge was given in April when ver jl was realized In June Graduation exercises were four nurses regaled ented with a book as a token of ape Tea was served ta the raduates and their friends at the esidence, Qu Sept, 28 a tea and sale of home W, The buyin ps Mos + 44 have faith, wily attended to the needs of thy hospital and the following articles have heen supplied by the auxiliary : 0 feather pillows, 11 po lasses Aa es, 2 doz, sheets, @ dog, draw sheets, 14 short sheets, 18 surgeon's gowns, 4 doz, towels, 4 dos pillow cases, 3 pair slippers, 2 beds, mal neumonia Jaske tablecloths, { dos, sherbet 75 diapers, 6 baby dresses, 6 is 4 esses And springs, 83 yds, ewriain material, 1 pr, ehintz curtains, A number of dishes were donated during the year for use in the resi: dence, and the auxiliary added dozen tea plates and four large plates, Halance on hand soir rannans $15. Memb: 2 Fees saan rrrann Rank ia Shakespearian 3 SECELEEEET 48 two 200 \ 42 di 00 CIAAN AINE nterest Pa and Sale of Goads yyy rth o Bias ATA AAANNANANY ridge Party voir vv ¥ Tea 02 AR £4 I, Eaton ( K| CLLR L) LEBER anadian Statesman viii ¥ N Estate quqnannane SANA TRAN ANAS Nh AERA RNRAAAANY . P, Carbett SARRARANANNNNAS (RRR RL IE ARRRRRRREY LE PE EEE PET TET deste GATIONS v1 vsans a iE DLN SEERZER THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 WINNIPEG MAN IS SPEAKER, WOMFN'S CANADIAN CLUB R. H. Finlayson Discusses United States and Can- adian Governments The Bowmanville Women's Cane adian Club held an Interesting meeting on Thuvaday afternoon In Bt, John's Parish Hall, Beautiful plow roses decorating the plat orm and tables gave # feative touch to the whole room, The president, Mya, George Mas #00, Wal In the chaly, and after the {reding of the minutes hy Mrs, J, 1, H, Jury explained the aveange: ments for future meetings, The assaoiation of Canadian Clubs Is arranging tours for prominent speakers and dates of meetings must he set esch month, Puring the social hall hour tea was served with Mes, Wesley Cawker as hos teas and Mrs, (Dr) Bonnyeastle pouring tea, The speaker for the afternaenn was BR, H, Plulayson, BA, LID, of Winnipeg, and his subject, "Ameri: oan and Canadian Forms of Gaye arnment,'! ,. Tha forceful, magnetie ersanality of the speaker made his netruetive address a very living one and brought to his hearers new understanding of government and legislation, in A Mare ar lon comparative study of the twa forms, My, Finlay son divided hig subject inte three parts, executive, legislative and jus dielal, He made elear that while Canada as In Great Heitaln falth wis In Institutions and law making machinery, tn the United Btates the final faith was in the electorate of oMelals, In the United Biates, of floavs from the deg catcher ta the president were elective and same tHmes a vater was confronted with some wlghty aMees to he filled whereas In Canada the ward pall tielan controlled the machine In the States Judialary the Bup roma Court was absolute In the en faveement of law along twa differ ent lines, Federal and Hiate, each with 11s separate wachivery, The Odnadian in Court not helng a court af final appeal lacked tn dig nity and power, As an advantage he elted the facet that ane sat af machingry enforeed all Canadian law, Dominion and praviness made laws sach In the sears autlined hy the Hritish North Amerioan Ast, hut hath were administered hy the pravinee within ts awn bounds, striking Wlustrations were given of executive pawers in treaty mak: ing and of the unwritten eanstity. tian of Grant Beltaln, This latter made far greater flexibility and growth and permitied (he seaming anomaly of 8 nation of Canada within the nation af Great Heitalw, In olosing (he speaker qxpressed his falth In the future af the new Cane ada and the new Beitlsh Empire, The elub axpressed Its appreciation af Mr, Finlayson's interesting and logleal lecture and olosed its moet Ing with the singing of "0 Oanada The next meeting will be held on Tusaday, Nov, §& in 8, Paul's sohaal ream with Mes, Erie Brawn giving an Hustrated lecture an UNatlonal Art Erle Brown © 1s Rrantdont of the National Gallery of ¥ FRIENDS SHOWER BRIDE - 10 - BE Mise Hazel Marlatt Receives Many Beautiful Gifts A shower was given at the hame of Mrs, BE. Ovrmlston last night in honor of Miss Hazel Marlatt, the Irdresser of the Rose Maria deauty Parlor, wha is shartly ta he married, About fifty felends sath: ared and Miss Marlatt was asked Mm. When she arrived the house was In darkness and on entering the dining room the lghts were turned on and she was confronted hy the large gathering, The ream was decorated tn white and yellow and in the centre af the tahle stand & huge bridal cake, Among the many beautiful gifts she vecelved, were a silver tea service, allver voll tray, silver butter dish and several Joke gifts, In & ha little speech Miss Marlatt thanked her friends for thely kindness and assured them that they would always be welcome fn her home, After ww freshments were served, the vest of the evening was spent in playing cards, ---------------------- TIMES ON SALE AT BERRY'S BOOK STORE , Readers of The Times will he 13 terested a know that the Oshawa TEES LR [B86 Ta LI Dally Times 1s on sale now at Berry's Book Stare on King Stveet, Anybody needing extra coples for SOUVERIP purposes can wow get them there instead of ing right up town, The Bowmanville afoe of in the Cowan Block ul AYE & Atack SAO agit "and are avatlabla any time 0 to nine o'clock each evening and after if the representative is in hia Pe WEEE ------ PREMIER FERGUSON DINED WITH LOCAL TORIES LAST NIGHT Bowmanville was honored last AF With the Scan of ihe Minister of v MT. Pr Was on his way (0 speak A Mths nd Poyt MH wl at the aval Hotel last evening for dinner, Several offi. clale af tha local Conservative As sociation Joined him in the dine ney, Mayor MM, J. Elie, the # The Whitby Daily Times Advertsing, Wineiiptions sad news will ba tecelved a8 the Whithy Offies, Dunder Siront nest the post REPRESENTATIVE--ROBERT H, HOLDEN WHITBY BAPTISTS REPORT YEAR OF MARKED PROGRESS Financial Position Greatly Improved--New Members Added--Reports at Annual Meeting --- r-- Raporis from all departments of Whithy Baptist Chuveh, presen: ted ut the annual congregational meeting held on Thursday evening noted numerieal, financial ands spiritual progress, Partieularly [lansing wha the very substantial mpravement in the congregation's financial position, The year hes gan with a deficit of aver $104, and notwithetanding this, together with several extraordinary expen ef, the ehureh year closed with a good halanee on the right side of the ledger, During the year twelve new members were haptls od and thelr names added to the ehureh voll The mesting, presided aver hy the energetic and popular pastor Rev, (Capt) 7, ¥ Hest, followed # most aeceptahle RUPP REFYed hy the ladies aft he ehliveh, Hey eral tables were laden with good thinks and aver 70 Joined in the disposal of them Thee Church Husontiain In a helef Anviduetory addvess the pastar elted vagular attend: ance, proper financial support and A deep spiritual interest as three pasentinle of the suecessful and progressive ehureh, People should feel that ta attend ehyreh was not only an abilgatien hut 8 source al apivitual blessing. They should give Hhearaly of thelr means as (od had hlassedt hem towards the sup part of the chuveh, and should one aperate with the pastor In spiel ual things The pastor vaparied that he had made 1Ed pastoral vis He during the year, and 47 vials ta parsons not diveetly connected with the ehureh There were 13 baptisms and four marriages Deacon and ohureh olerk, John W, Bateman, read the minutes of the various meetings held during the year and these were adapted He veterred to the splendid work done during the your hy the pester Alan ta the Improvements in all de partments of church work, Pro Hvess was halng made and the eon Kvogation ha real cause fay thankegiving and edurage Financial Statement The financial statement af the treanurer, Mr, Wilhelm, showed to tal receipts of $3,760.06, and afte meeting all expenses, neluding same debits fram ast year, thers Was & balance an hand when the church hooks closed of $138.84 The ehureh gave ta home and far olen missions $988.48; ta the Lord's Day Alllanea $81.45, and ta the Prohibition Vunlon ie 11] In the financing of the ehureh the treasurer and ehuroh affielals had substantial assistance from the Ladies' Ald Haelely Repovts were presented and adapted fram the allowing argans lsations: Ladies' Ald, Mes, Gold huni Mission Olvele, Mes, Oalley| financial seoretary, Mes, Parker; sunday Sehoal, Len Richi senioy RY. RU, Blduey Parvatt; Junio BY PU, Olive Wilson, thrausgh Vera Hawley: Mission Band, arlow; (ladys Ohalr, Robin Ni chalson, The paster and his wife were named delegates fram the ehureh 10 the annual convention of the Conservative oandidate, spoke at " ape and Millbrook, And was well veeslved at each Mace, BAIL ON CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE CHARGE RENEWED AT $20,000 W, 6, Marrow of Peterbora who Wah charged with eriminal negli Fence In connection with a mmial acoldent on the Kingston Highway last Week appeared before Magis trate Ward yesterday morning top the renewal of hia $30,000 hail, Mw, raw Rad just left the Osh awa {tal where he has heen confined with Wis injuries since the acoident, and he will a \l for his vrellminary Rtarne on Fri day, November 1, My, Wakefald, whose wife was Killed, ts still in the Howma Hh Babe el hut a reparted hy A Physician 10 he pros gressing nioely, Acid Stomach And Ulcers It you Rave, tndigeaion and gas, SONTHeSS AW RL aller yl look ow ov g ett TN Fick often result fram a chronig, tie amed ar irritated condition of the stomach lining, To get guickest ros geliel from this serious condition 10 end ndigestion-=ta neutrahize in: stantly the Jungerons, {aduierment. ing, gas forming acid that lies Wm your stoamach--take at once i tle pure "Hisprated" Magnes, It will ep he pain dn five minutes and then wi Nek Roath, heal and protect the acid inflamed stomach Maing. Protect yourselt against chron stoma hy "Risgrated" M : sia. All good druggists sell it who tablets and powder form «Cost small Get a test package today and enioy your food without fear of pam oF distress 19 tallow, Baptist Association of Ontario and Quenes to he held In Otiawa this month, All officers of the ehuveh were vealocted toy another year, and 10 ane and All there wis Lenders od # heapty vote of thanks for the valuable seryies they had venders "da, Hrlaf 4iirestos were klven wy Dencons dohn W, Bateman and 1 W, Dudley, the pastor, and J, H, Ormiston, editor of the Whithy Gae gotta and Chyonlele, the latter ve: thonding ta mn expression of thanks to the local press for paw Helly favors, During the avenlng the fallow INE programme wes glveni Plann wolo, Mrs, Dewey quaristis pum her, K, Nicholson, Myvi, Michael, Constanes Pareott and Leonard Richi soln, Constance Parrott] reading, Miss Josephine Thomas, AIRPORT QUESTION STILL LIVE ONE IN COUNTY TOWN pe Chamber of Commerce Will Discuss It At a Meeting Called For Friday Night Secretary J. HL Ormiston, of the Whithy Chamber of Commeree, has BORE oul sixty Ave notices tor # gen eral meeting of the Whithy Chanter ab Commerce which has heen eallod for Friday evening, at eight o'glogk in the Caunetl Chamber, hy President KA Hutehison Ope uf the chief tapes (0 he gussed 18 that af laeating the large alepart at Whithy, This question has heen & lye ane for same tine, and although some months ago it wis announeed sembafigially that Camp Borden would he maved ta Trenton it bn stated that the Department Militia and Denfense at Ottawa ha ta any dehnite decision dis Hol yet gape nthe maties Whithy Bpresiates the « Hon of the City of Oshawa tn this | matter, and believes | oral alr camp 1a loeated at Whithy, | hath the eaunty tawn and the Mao | wr City willl mutually bene There are alsa a number af other | matters 10 he diseussed wt the Fis | day meeting neluding that of harbor IRFOVEments Phere should be a) very large attendange af and ather interested eitizons { MISSION CIRCLE | UNITED CHURCH Held Successful Opening Meeting--Missionary Gave | a Very Fine Ad: dress Opera: | thst 1 a hig ful emhe ™e opening meeting far the soasan af the Misslan Civele of the United Chueh, held an Wednesany evening, attracted o large num her af members and friends of the ehuveh, and an exceptionally Hae PPOBTAIG Was given The seripture lesson Was read wy Misa Hilesn Mohvide: Misa Hap horn lod In prayer, followed hy & plane sala hy Miss Mavion Osharpe Mes, BM, Hawn axhibited and explained fn detall & set of lantern slides entitled "Keeping Bohoal at Inland Lake! showing the mood work hn oarried on by & teach oF In the Indian settieoment After & sla hy Miss Frances Grace, af the Ontaria Ladies' Col loge, Miss Hpargo, a veturned wis SORATY, AVE ® very Intevesting And inspiving address an missions Helrashmenty were served and & social hour spent, The naval yardatiok may play iw part, hut far universal peace there Would be nething like the stiiol ap Pication af the golden Pale ==\im sinlan-Pliey, NEW EQUIPMENT AT SUB-STATION BEING INSTALLED Hydro Men Are at Work In Whithy == Capacity Will Be 2,000 Horse Power In about two weeks'time workmen employed hy the Ontaria Hyvidra El gatrie Power Commission will have sampleted the iestallation for the Whithy Publie Utility Commission of the second transformer at the Whit hy Munieipsl Power Btation on draek Btreet Bouth, The transtorm or 18 naw in place and was given u test on Tuesday of this week, hut the work on the switching equipment al the substation 18 not yet eompleted Phe new equipment, all mahufi tured hy a well-known English eomp any, Is the most madern Pou abl, and when it 1s installed ihe Whithy station will have #& total capacity ol twa thousand horse power, with plen ty of power 1 reserve 10 eer all pimergencies and demands, The wa transtormers will he in sonstant vas all winter when the power load will he meh greater As #& matter of et, the wake has been elimbing avery month for some thine, making the New equipment neeessary ny and ere elecipies! applignees are he ing waed by the people of Whith and als of the Pickering Hurl Power Distriot, which gets 118 powes tram the toes! station Phe new subisatabion Is munieipally owned, the town purehasing is pow ef from the Hydro and doing its own distyibution MANUFACTURERS IMPLICATED IN WDONALD T0 RECEIVE DEGREE University "of "Toronto to Honor the British Premier Tavantn, Oot, 11,The Univer sity of Poronta will eanfeyr tha honorary degree of doctor of 1awe nn Pramler Hamwiny MacDonald Aduring the statesman's viel hope next Wednesday, Anngunesmeni that Premier MacDonald had we aepied the university's invitation tn yeinlya the degen wis made hepa Inst night, Tha cevemony will he held In Convasation hall My, MacDonald will duesd hy Bir Hohert Falooney prapident of the university, wha will outline the aesomplishmenis which entitle the Labor minlster to the honor, The degrees Hast will he handed the premier hy Bip Wil Ham Mulack, ehaneellop of the university, Mv, MasBhansld then will sign his nama In the "galden honk! of the university and ox tend Wis appreciation of the honor ponferred upon Wim he Intra Hot water destroys the lustre of i pearl Wha golfing novice Anished his fest game and handed his Beors APA Lo Lhe Beerstary Wewn helow hogey,"" he velirk afd proudly, Uibut," prglested the offislal, ihin 1a nowhers pear hogey,' Wha navies looked hw, HOampara the sears) he sain Twlih Ihe Neuve on the card, and Yow pases'! Diwan Beolt, mani' he roared, Ehat's the length of the souves in yhvie Millmove CANNNING'S What a Test : in one O made , Nine Competing Radios Room! N the evening of Priday, July 12th, the test was Nine competitive and leading makes, side by side, 1s All hooked up to the same aerial, , Same ground connection, Bame room All in good working order, All new models,» switch, one afver the ather # dowen spectators, clearness, for tone, Each was given a mn BUILDING PROBE Gordon Waldron Cancels | the Absolution Previous. ly Granted (81) 11 Daoiaring dlavavering indica Na LILI faranta that He Whe tons af possible oom vombing plan, Gordon Waldpon, K | Pum issianny Investigating boule M, Singer's organisation in the plumbing Indusivy, yesterda) aliarnean withdrew the partial abanlution he Lad hestowed he day bhatore an pambing manus turers and wholesalers wha he came linked with Hinger In 188% though his Dominion Chambey af Credits After a day's evidenes fram which he had expressed the Rope that he would he able ta dete mine whether the members af thy BOG had uly knawledge when they Joined the Higgs op ganisation Aly Waldron an nonneedl C1 thought the manutae turers were going to he oul, Now It ARPears that they are Ening 0 he In The understanding with whieh the manufaoturing and wholesale fiom entered the DOO, was the point Which the commission spent the day trying to eatabliieh, On this point A, W, Holmsted, sale tar far a number af the firms, and Mad bh Be Anthes, prosident of the Anthes Foundry ComBany, maintained steadfastly that thay RA woepeted assur ness of Bins ors good faltn and entered the O.0 In the hallef that 16 Was ered arsanisation which woul henetit the tndusiry hy edueating har owas, however, as atrdhaly maintained hy FW, Git fihs, commission causal, that the mannfacturers had had hetors thew olear evidenes that wera entering a combine, they And then they were tuned in, hy means of a multiple vv 1 00 108 same tiation, before Careful record was made of the performance of each, for volume, for "pleloup" (sensitivity), for And then they were put 10 An even more severe 16st, of the dial, 10 record the stations brought in, thelr volume and clarity, There waa in that group one Radio that brought in stations with an unbelievably greater volume ond clarity than any of the others , « that one Radio was the Rogers! When the others were barely audible with their fill volume trwed om the 1930 Rogers, in several instances, could he ent down enefourd and every word and nove came in clearly, The Iaboratory test, Iv deals only teat is more severe than any home with cold, comparative resulis, Is asks not that allowances be made fir conditions) the ime and the place affect all alike, Just & fow hours' test, but one that means year of radio satisfaction to you, The 1930 Rogers is offered to that you will expect much of it, wi Ww with the hope he promise that you will not be disappointed, The 1930 Re hacked by a recor ers, Mlbnew in construction bus of ive Yea proven performance. and with the only guaranteed AC mbes, Comes to you with the highest faring earned by any receiving wn' ROGERS-MAJESTIC CORPORATION LIMITED WINNIPEG > TORONTO MONTHEAR % O~ Sold in Oshawa hy Geo. C. Allichin Ltd. 18 Chueh Street, Oshawa Toronto Branch=--888 Bay Street HEAR I pre mier INVITATION R am8®Y MacDonald TONIGHT, OCT. 11 At Adams Furniture Store=~--You Are Welcome