Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 1

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"AN the News While It Is News" A J Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer he Oshawa Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City P " wa Ont, VOL. 5--NO, 84 ls dels lhe he he he allele he cele he he he he a le ls TTT TTT TTT YYYYY yyy TY News in Brief (oy Canadian Pros) gi Ww - Grimsby, ~~A contract for the BOWAge system in downtown Grimsby was awarded by the Couns oil to Peter Mohan, Toronto, The vost will be §70, Pid 1 Al d v Hault Bie, Marie, Ont, ~¥ederal aid for construction of roads in Northern Ontario was advooated here last night«by Hon, Charles MaCrea, Spouking on behalf of Hon, James Sons, Conperva- tive candidate, LR t io Hault, Mtudont Pilot Killed Haskatoon-~Theodore W, Helps, arage mechanic and a student pls ob lost his fe yesterday when a Moth biplane he was flying a. od flve miles north of the aire drome, He was killed instantly, An Inquest is to be held, LJ Hx-Civil Bervant Dies Ottawa. =Cameron Manton, for« mer Asdlstant Deputy Minister of Marine in the Federal Department of Marine and Fisheries, dled at hig home here Monday night, He had been in 111 health only a short time, Ten years ago he retired from the Government service, LJ * LJ Increase in Bullding Hault Mte, Marie-=In Beptember 236 building permits were issued at the olty engineer's office, for a total of $408,877, while for the corresponding period last ywar there were 437 permits for a total of $110,428, showing a gain this yoar of $081,008, ye Halse Band for Alrport Windsor, «That Walker Alrport will be placed back on the eants bound alr mall route within the near future is Indicated today, Lighting facilities for night flying are needed at the airport, and the necessary money is being raised by the Horder municipalities, 810,000 for Rynagogue Ohatham ~The members of the Chatham Jewish community have launched a campaign for $10,000 with which to erect nm synagogue in this efty, Fifteen hundred dol. lars In cash and pledges have heen obtained, San Kovineky has do- nated a lot or the site, LN Truck Driver Charged Toronto--Accused of reckless driving, Reynold Thomas, Bathurst street, was arrested last night by PO, Rdwards (3), motor-oyole of- oer attached to No, 3% police gars age, after Thomas' motor truck had struck an automobile parked on Blsabeth street, No person was injured, EXPLOSION KILLS THREE IN GERMANY | Pontoon Blows. Up we Wine dows Broken and Many Persons Injured -- Bremen, Germany, Oct, 9=Three ersons were killed and many in fired today, and glass in all windows n the viclnlty broken when a Kaiser bridge pontoon exploded, Tt was thrown several hundred feet into the air, falling on the stern of the motor acht, city of Bremen, and erushing The Inner compartments of the pontéon had been newly painted with a point producing an explosive gan while drying. It was reported that a man A was among the kills ed lit a cigar and accidentally ignited this gas, SOUTH ONTARIO TEACHERS TO MEET Annual Convention Opens Here Tomorrow Morning The 80th annual wession of the South Ontario Teachers' Institute will convene in the auditorium of Centre Public school, thia eity, to morrow morning, The convention will be weleoms ed to the city by go 1 1) Mit. cohell and hy A, W, chairman of the Noard of Education for the oity, It will be held under the chairmanship of Jose Arnott, Juin. | of North Oshawa Hehool, o ia president of the institute, ong the subjects that will he no tomorrow will be "The Old Geography and the New," and "Material and Methods in Nature ftudy," by George A, Cornish, of the Ontario College of Rduocat on, Toronto, C. F. Cannon, wuperviy nx prineipal of the Oshawa Public ools, Will apeak on the "Deport. ment of Public School Pupils," and en - ek Hutchinson ol w on Reading Lawton. "An interes has also been ar Rrory OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929 15 Cents 8s Week; 3 Cents a Copy, FOURTEEN PAGES OF UNKNOWN U.S. SOLDIER Miss Ishbel MacDonald Was Guest of Mary Anderson, Director of Women's Bureau of the Labor De- partment, and Miss Ab- bott, Chief of Children's (By Ray Brown, Canadian Press Staff Writer) Washington, D.C, Oct, 0.The last day of Prime Minister Ramsay Mac Donald in the United States capital was a busy one, With his departure set for nine o'clock tomorrow morn. ing, the British Prime Minister found today crowded, The day opened with a breakfast given In honor of Mr, MacDonald by James J, Davis, sec retary of Labor, to which the Pre miler was accompanied by Sir Esme Howard, British Ambassador, Fol lowing this, Mr, MacDonald motors ed to George Washington University to recelve an honorary degree, The afternoon programme called at Arlington, where Mr, MacDonald for a visit to the National Cemetery wits to lay a wreath on the grave of the Unknown Soldier, while in the evening Mr, MacDonald {s to be the uest of honor at a dinner given by lenry L, Stimson, secretary of state Owing to the fact that Mrs. Stim son Is an invalid, ladies have not been invited to the dinner of the secretary of state, the final function which Mr MacDonald will attend in Washing ton, . Miss Ishbel Busy Two engagements ocoupibd Miss Ishbel MacDonald on her last day in Washington, Shortly after noon the prime minister's daughter was the guest of Miss Mary Anderson, director of the Ma Bureau of ace Bhots, Mepartuin of the rans ' yo of the same department, at lunch at the University's Women's Late in the afternoon Miss Macs Donald planned to attend a reception in her honor by the National Wom en's Press Club, Ideal weather has featured the fumes part of the visit paid to Was ington by Mr, MacDonald and Miss Ishbel, and they have had an opportunity to see the United Sta tes capital under very pleasant cirs cumstances, 'Tomorrow they will leave for Philadelphia, arriving wm that city at noon, There Mr, p Te Donald will entertain to funch the shysiclans who attended him during Aix illness in Philadelphia in 1927, At three o'clock In the afternoon the hug Sifter & party will entrain for York Ramsay VISITS GRAVE MacD P----§m 1 ll bo°tin _ it iiosi a... FRANCE MAY BE STUMBLINGBLOCK Cornerstone of New McMaster University is Laid Order 13 Aeroplanes Montreal, Oot, B.A contract for thirteen neroplanos--the larg ont single order for alreraft places with a Canadian manufacturer han hoon awarded the Canadian Vickers Ltd, by the Dominion govs ernment, It was announced yester day, It is expected three of the planes, which are three-seater fly Ing boats, especially designed for forest patrols, wsketehing, light transportalon and aly photography, will be dellvered to the departs ment at Ottawa shortly after navi gation opens on the Bt, Lawrence River next spring, Pope Becomes Uncle Rome, Oct, §.«Pope Plus han become an unele, Marchesa Maria Luisa Perslohott! Ugollne, dough ter of the Pontift's brother, Fermo Rattit, yesterday gave birth to a son, Plucky Family On Long Try erm. Seek Shelter in Winnipeg _ Police Station When Funds Run Low 4 By Canadian Press | Presa Leased Win) Winnipee, Many Oct, 9A family of five spent ght at Winni per's bolle Wow ut they®were not under lock-and:key, Jean Rus. sell, Petite Beamsville, Ont, lassie, strode up te the police chief last night and asked lodging, er re. quest was granted , Ina ttered automobile, older than threé of the party, the mother, three daughters and little son have travelled Ng hor, eamsville here by oy of Toronto, Detroit and Chicago, They are en route te Calgary where {ot hae has secured oop ment in a nk and the $100 which Jean had saved to start an has dwindled low, The he et is dead. ucky quintet rumbled west. we out of town early this morning, with 1,000 miles to go, SAD BEREAVEMENT iy many friends of Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Dixon, Simeooe Street South hwy Joaply a» aympathisze with 4) thelr little in Dorothy Diana, who AWAY thia afternoon, The tla girl fell (from a chalr on Monde) and though hg nutfered why rent injury, it ia believed that is was the of illness which resulted in her death today, deupite the loving care of parents and nurso and the skill of the doo. tors who were called in Official Text of Britain's Invitation to Five-Power Naval Conference Published Washington, Oct, "9 Conellia tion of France and other League of Nations powers 1a the domi nant note of the Invitation which Great Nritain han Issued, with Amerioan approval, for the five power disarmament conference in London, beginning the third week of January, The oMelal text, the state department late last night, first enumerates the four major principles upon which the United States and Great Nritain have agreed during the past months of preliminary negotiation, ollmaxed by Trime Minister Maos Donald's still continuing private talks with President Hoover, These are: 1-That the Xellogg anti-war treaty ia the "starting point of agreement," offering to the world & new mecurity from warfare so that they may proceed with safety to disarm, 2-That Great Nritaln and the United Staten have agreed to pars ity between themaelves, not only for capital ships, whieh was grants ed at the Washington arma. cons ference, but applied to all categor fen, including orulners, This pars ity In to be reached hy 1936, 3==That both countries desire, with the consent of France, Italy and Japan to postpone the replaces ment of battleships, Both Kage land and the United States are soheduled to lay down two dreads naughts apiece in 1081, and addi tional ones each year thereafter for nine years, unless the whole schedule of replacements can he deferred, 4-=That both governments wish "the total abolition of the subma- ring," The invitation then points out that the United States and Great Britain are agreed that, "in view of the reope of these discussions," a conference should he called and (Qontinued on page §) made publie hy eo WILLINGDON OFFICIATEN The ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone of the new MeMass tor University took place in Mame fiton yesterday, when Willingdon officiated before a large crowd of spectators, The photographs here show: (1) count Willingdon, governnrg eral of Canada, In academle rob signing university register yo receiving honorary degree, New York Boys Start Ten Fires "Ne Damage Was "at First Be. lieved to Have Been Work of Racketeers New York, NY. Oct I'wo schoolboys wera being held by the police today for starting ten fives in uncompleted Bronx apartment houses yrovionsly believed the work of ilding racketeers, One of the boys, Arthur Osborne, 16, was canght hiding in a vacant lot alter having been seen running out of a burning Buiiding last mght, The police said he confessed starting the fires for the thrill of watching the flames shoot into the air and the fire apparatus rushing to the scene He implicated Edward Edelstein, 11, as helping him start one of the fires Osborne was charged for arson and Edelstein held for questioning. 0 Soarlot Fever Outbreak Barrie --=An outbreak of scarlet faver in the village of Beeton In alarming the authorities and the temporary olosing of tha sohool is being consldered, Five caves have been reported in one family and nine in another, Pupils are helng watehed cologely in an effort to pres vont a spread of the Alnonse, Brantford, -- Local milk produoes ors and vendors have reached an agreement whereby the price of milk will be inoreared to the cons sumer, the charge for a quart hot. tle being 12) conta If obtained wy tioket, and 1% cents if bought sing: ly, The price for a pint Ia to re main the sames=7 conta, Thome pricor will be effective until the ond of May, 1980, Viscount | don, Vis | vl and (MN) AT HAMILTON CEREMONY bert Matthews, chalrman of board of governors, who presided at cere "mony, (8) Chancellor H, 1*, Whi. (4) Lady Willingdon, (0) Viscount Willingdon laying the cornerstone, (6) Shows seotion of crowd attending coremony, (7) | Mayor Wm, Burton of Hamilton, | A plan showing general of new McMaster grounds, nrmngemoent University Water-Boy King Is in Danger Nadir Khan "Claims His Brother as Rightful King (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moscow, Oct Advices received here today stated that Nadir Khan's forces have captured Kabul, Afghanis stan, forcing Habibullah Khan, the one-time water hov and now king, tw barvicade himself in a house in the contre of the town Aurdish forces in Carder and Kars isidervish surrendered to Nadir Khan who has dispatched a strong force to ward Jalalabad Habibullah Khan, formerly known as Dacha drove King Amanullah from his throne in Kabul carly this year Since then Amanullah has been in Europe, Nadie Khan wast one of the chief figures of the oll regime, Simla, India, Oct, 9««Nadir Khan, leader of the military opposition to Habibbullah Na, Afghanistan's wa- ter=boy king, today claimed his bros ther Shah Wali, entered Kabul, Hab ibullah's capital, Oct, 6, It was recalled here recent weports from Afghanistan have said Nadir's Opposition was progressing consis tedily and Habibwllah's troops were becoming demorali IN AY Baby Carriages Donated Kitchener, «<The generosity ot Kitchener citigens has been attests ed In connection with welfare work here, An appeal was made hy the elty's nurses for baby ears riages as there were some moth ort who wished to attend the baby elinles, but did not have oarriag: or, Twenty-three carriages have been donated, Hits 'toad "8 Dynamite Nrookville, Ont, Oct, #.~When a truck and an automobile collid- od here yosterday, fifty oases of dynamite were strewn along the roandway---hut didn't explode, Rev G, A, Brunet, Mr, W, R Spence and Mrs, Blaly, all of Porth, were passengers in the light nutomoblle and are nursing outs and bruises James Paul, Carle ton Place, true driver, escaped un- hurt Doth truek and puto were thrown into the ditch by the orash Nteamor Delayed Edinburg Sootland, from Hamburg to Montreal with passengers and general eargo, the German steamer Elmshorn devel. oped engine trouble and was foreed to put In to Kirkwall in the Urk- Nound General Motors Adopts Standard Tag For Prices General Motors Corp, through national advertising and through all its dealers, has an nounced that a new standard price tag, attached to the steering wheel of every General Motors ear offered for sale, shows the list price of the automobile with a deduction for freight and delivery charges arriving nt the "delivered price" from which u further deduction covering access orles and special equipment is made, thus giving the "total" delivered price," Detroit, Oct, 9 Appeal Quashed Was Convicted for Stealing on July 6, 1927--Two Charges (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont, Patrick Me Fadden, who was accompanied by Judge Wills of the country court at Belleville July 6, 1927 on two char ges of theft from Frances A, Bick ford, one of $500 and the other of $4530 und sentenced to two years fu Portsmouth penitentinry on both charges, the sentences to run cons currently, appealed to the second dis vislonal court at Hall to- day The appeal for quashing the gon vietion for a reduced sentence was dismissed, The crown, represented by W. B. Commins, was not called, H, 1, Waldman for the appellant sald that McFadden was a young man and was willing to pay the mo ney back, He said the penitentiary was no place for such a man Mr. Justice Riddell: "Where would you send him?" Mr, Waldman: "To a reformatory Portsmouth is only for hardened eris minals Oct, 9, Osgoode First Livestock Show Montreal, Que With entries from practically every cattle breeding diss trict of Quebee province, the first livestock show in the city of Mons treal, opened today, at the new quar. ters 3 the Montreal stockyards neys today for repairs company. Coroner's Jury Blames Both Drivers For Fatal Accident To Former Pickering Girl Toronto, Oct, "Failure of the authorition to a with the re. gulations concerning the putting of "stop signs' on through streets, such as are demanded by law, was obnuidered to be partially respons sible for the death of Fern Thoms, aged 15, of 840 Avenue Road, and formerly of Plokering and Oshawa, hy the Jury whieh returned a vers diet at the inquest held yesterday by Chief Coroner M, M, Crawford, Saying that Miss Thomas met her death on Sept, 26 from the resulta of an automobile accident on Sept, 24 at the Intersection of Heath St, W. and Russell Hill Road, the vers dlet read: "We are unanimously ot the opinion that the drivers of both cara In the acoldent were partly re- sponsible, We are further of the opinion that the authorities are partly responsible In that, having designated Heath street a 'through utroet,' they did not observe the re- gulationa for protection of the traf. flo on sald through street, Also that regulations should he made to limit the number of persons allows od to ride In the front seat of any automobile driven on the streets.' The drivers referred to In the verdiet are Robert Silverthorne Ruddy of 84 Roxborough Drive, driver of the Oldsmobile roadster in which Miss Thoma was a passen. gor, with alx others and the driver, at the time of the accident, and Krnest Horawlll of :99 Manor Road East, owner, driver and the sole ogoupant of the Chevrolet conch with which the other car came Into impact, Ruddy, who {a out on ball under a oharge of oriminal negligence, wan represented by Colonel Richard Green Hal Gordon appeared for the Crown, Dp, I, H, Erb azoribed the cause of death to a fracture of the hase of the skull and hemorrhage of the brain, Charles Alexander, an expert on aotomobiles, testitied that the road British Note Not Discussed Premier Briand Places Bric tish Invitation to Confer ence Before Colleagues ¥ Paris, Oct, 9.--Premier Briand to. day placed the British invitation to attend a fivespower naval disarmas ment conference before his colleag- ues at a cabinet meeting but the note itself was not discussed, M, Briand asked the interested mis nisters to study the questions raised and to be ready to discuss the text of the reply at next Monday's cabinet meeting at Which President Doums ergue will preside "he Preach reply, which will be acceptance to participate in the cons B rence, will be a le ngthy document dng up every point raised in the British note, The present feeling in official cles cles is that France under no girs cumstances will abandon submarines as defensive weapons, waa dry when he visited the scene shortly after the accident, but that "the visibility was not awfully good," Upon Coroner Crawford re- marking that he had underatooa © to be a clear and not a foggy night, witness explained that his phrase referred to the artitiolal lghting, which ls not too powerful at that corner, Four in Front, Four Behind Evidence was given hy the six surviving passengers who avere with Ruddy in hig father's roads ster at the time of the acoldent, Ruddy drove the car, and also in P. McFadden's onald Spends Last Day in Washington | ANGLO-AMERICAN PRINCIPLE OF LIMITATION NEVER HAS BEEN FAVORED BY FRANCE Much Difficulty Foreseen by the Daily Telegraph in the Dissatisfaction Now Felt in France With the Ar. rangement of Naval Par. ity With Italy SUBMARINES BIG PROBLEM TO SOLVE Manchester Guardian Stress. es - Necessity of Under- standing French and Italian Point of View -- Not Sufficient Confidence Among European Powers (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Oct, 0,~The terms of the Dritlsh government's invitas tions for a conference on further naval disarmament by the [five prineipal naval powers are as plain and frank as the purpose of the statesmanship which prompted It, declares the Dally Telegraph today, The Telegraph, one of tho few papers venturing to comment so early, says prolongation of the holiday In battleship bulldings may well be secured, but Anglo American principle of limitation by oantegorieg of vessels has never been favored by France, 'Further difficulty in promised by the dis~ shtisfaction now felt In noe with that arrangement of naval parity with Italy agreed to at Washington seven years ago,' the Tolegraph says, "As for total abolition of sub 'marines, assent to thet by France and Italy i» fnoonoeivabie Some advance upon the measures of dis armament secured by the Washing ton treaty may be recorded, but a coprehonnive five-power agreement on matters left over untouched In 1032, In not to be looked for, The immeasurable improvement of the position as between this country and the United States may be the most substantial fruit of the initi« ative taken by President Hoover on entry into office," the Tele graph concludes, The Manchester Guardian, Lib eral, strosses the necessity of understanding the French and Italian viewpoints, The Anglo- American eorulser agreement In born of a confidence which ad- mits inferiority at a point where oach side hitherto stipulated for at least equality, the Guardian says, That degree of confidence doses not yet exist among the European powers, "When it does we shall be well on the way to disarmament, If I'rance and latly can be brought even to consent to disarmament within each class, that would for a first step be a considerable vice tory." BROCKVILLE MAN 13 FOUND DEAD Dennis Donovan Is Believed to Have Been Knocked Down by Auto ------------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, Ont, Oct, 9-~Dennis Donovan, of scott township, was found dead on provincial highway No, 2, in that township this Morning, having been presumably fuck b id an automobile, De, E Rw Hiams, coroner has left to fo x Ware Lintion, Donovon leaves a wife and three children, Donovan's body was found early this morning in a ditch beside the highway about one mile east of Eas cott village and bore marks which fed to the supposition that he hi been struck during the night by ." automobile, Nothing was known of the accident until the body way diss covered, The longest lived animal is the tortoise, some living to be 200 years old, the late Miss Thoms, and Donald MacCallum of 168 Castle Frank Crescent, on whose knee sat Emily May Reld of 234 Jones avenue, In the rumble seat were Monica Whit. taker of ¥3 Clifford street, Hugh son Rice, of 87 Roxborough Drive, Murray Dennis of 84 8t, Andrew's Gardens, on whose knee sat Jacks son Rice, of 27 Rorborough Drive, It was proved in evidence that the front seat wax 3% feet ® inohes in width, and the rumble seat was thet ront seat were, mext to him 3 feet wide, ! 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