Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929 INGLICANS REPORT [75 vari oom a. EUTGTRIFICATION ON. THMIGRATION BRITISH RAILWAYS 20 Years of awinl A hearty vote of thhiks was ox Incrense in British Settlers Minister of Transport Ap-| fifesked Ao Capon NVoruon hy (he Fealinelt, for "Bis hook, "The Ol FOhvreh in the New Dominion," Under report of Panilly 1Afe and Hyeglene," Ray, ¥, C, Wopor, Wighop of Otuws, urged the gremt need of emphasizing the positive tenching hy the ehureh ol thie Chyistinn iden! of murringe Boy Scout Activities News of what the'B y Stouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ors, Contributions to column will be 9 2) yours of glow strangulation , , , Ho bud ha had to say outside sll night while hi mother fanned him, Liovrs at pn time, yelcomad be sent to the Times © Vhan Tuesdwy morning each enh, | , MOUT MNTORIAL At a vecent meeting, nt whish a Beout Movement in Oshawa was Iscussed hy several men of the Oity, n vemark was passed by ons, that he could tell a scout when. ever he saw one, even though he wak not wearing a badge, "This remark was horne out hy another member of the meating, and It is rather a fine compliment to the boys in the movement he~ onuse neither of theses men were Meoutmasters, and yet both of them ave continually In touch with the hoys of the aity, I Heouting at tho present time ine eludes some two hundred boys uns der its banner in the elty, hut it has not by any means touched all of the boys of the community, Wayeral of the Troops have vas eancies at the present, and if there fs a demand for more troops, there 18 no doubt that meeting places and leaders ean be found, Meanwhile, hoys in the mover ment should not fall to tell others of the good times they are having and encourage them to eennect themselves with a Troop If possible, Reonts should also continue to he a shining example to all others, and help to spread the geod im» pression which has be galned by at least two of Oshawa's oltizens, NOOUT NEWS All Troops are Nvipg In a state of nervousness these davs, awaits ing the avvival of $M, W, 1, 'Plers Hon and Committeaman 1, Thomp oh who ave judging the Inter. roop Competition whieh is being eld this month, We understand that some troops Aaye spent some considerable time n preparation for thelr arrival and intend te make a geod showing When visited, We ave pleased to hear thay an old Oshawa Sea Beout, Dick Found, has come to Oshawa and Is attend. dng the meetings of the 5th Troop, where he Is helping as an Assistant WSeoutmaster, We ara pleased to waloome him tn the Boeouting Fraternity of Osh WBWWa, and we hope he will stay with us a long time, «There 1s some talk of the mems- (hers of the Part Whithy Troop join dng with the Lone Reout Troop (Mnee thelr Booutmaster, J, Now, has been foreed to give up his of flee owing to his work In Toron« Lo, i. We are extremely sorry that it has bean impossible to find another Hooutmaster for this troop, hut are » 4 § TIME TABLES : Abd ibd dbrivdddedieidebiby CPR, TIME TABLE, Effective April 8, 100, (Hiandard me) TAA am ie Daily, fatty wxeept Bunda vy, Tally, Daily i Daily eavept Sunday, , Latly CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ve (Stands Time) 221 a.m, Daily, except Sunday, Bam, Sunday enly, BAR TTT LTH 'W pn Ba except Sunday, 20 pow, Daily, exvept Bundy, 647 pon, Dally, skospt Sunday, Sa pm 4" Daily, oi Piaily, sxeept Bunda: i RN ih, Westhownd ally, Wail, Waly, exvept Bunday, ' Vy i except Sunday, iy, saeent Sunday, \ ¥ aly, pA, aoe Bungay, by, except Bun and oh lee not Hg "| step If no other way out ls founm 17 Ae LEADING JEWELER pleased that they will take this Once: again: wo would like to invite Whitby, Bowmanville, and Brooklin Troops to send thelr news to this column, care of Mr, Mor Intyre Hopd, Editor of the Osh- awa Dally Times, The Bh Troop held thelr meals ink last Pridny night in the Y.M, Cid + . Tenderfoot work was reviewed and the Patrol Leaders of each Patrol presented with nn Poeket Record Book with which to take the names of thely new patrol, Work in earnest for the WH, Gil pin Hhield will be started next weal, Kveryhody is pleased, to hear that XK, M, Button of the 2nd Troop is once more on the job after his holiday, By al) appearances he has had # good time and is much better ror his change, On Monday of this week the Commitiee of the 6th Troop met 0 discuss the various matters of 'roop business, Arrangements for a Yather and Bons Banquet were niide and the purchase of several items of Beout equipment arranged, A good time ls expected in the near future, ROOUT NOTICES Mh TROOP The Bth Troop will meal at tha YMCA, on Friday next at 7.80 pm, Boys are reminded that the Ine ter-Troop Competition Is on ana it 1s necessary for avery hoy te be present with all of his uniform on Running shoes must he worn on the Uym | FOURTH OSHAWA TROOP The meetings of the Fourth Osh uwa Troop have been well attend ed, as the members are going In very strongly for thelr patrol eon test, In whieh (he present standing In an follows! Beavers, 10 points Bobwhites, 15 points; Whips, 11 points, A court of honer will he held at the heme of the peoutuianie; next Monday at 7.15 pm, At the last meeting, Mire Chief Elliott gave a splendid talk on "Fire pre vention and how Noy Scouts could help in this Chy." At next monday's mealting, the duty patrol will meet at 7.158 pm, and the troop at 7.80 p.m, My Russell will be at the meeting THE SEVENTH ORHAWA TOO? The Reventh Troop meets each | Wednesday evening at 7.00 pm. | In Bt, George's Parish Hall, Cen tre street, Every Seoul Is asked to he present In as mueh uniform ad possible, ineluding running shoes and rapes, and te hold him elf In readiness for the appearance of the Judges for the Interstvoop competition which Is belng held this month Last Wednesday troop held 'a very successful meet ing, with two new Hoouts present Knot tying competitions and other games vere much enjoved evening the Ntrwek hy Auto Hamilton, Ont, William Cline, 78 years, Nurlingten dled lant night from Injuries received when he was atyiok by a ear driven hy Gordon Pullan, Toronto, An In quest Wilf ba held, |_|". Fell | Bros. 12 Simcoe St. South i MEN'S WORK AHIRTA A 4% I. Collis & Sons $054 LE) W, Phone T3w BRESEE to wee JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Yas IN Rhindoo Bt, Nowtn W.A.HARE ORTON INT St. North © Hundreds of wear with ut comfors Hare's Faultless Lonwes Diamonds! Bassett's and Decrease in Con | tinentals ES Vaneouvey, Oct, ho tmmibrntion from Creat Britain to Canada 14 Increasing, and that feom Contin ental countries ds decrensing, Can an GU, W, Vernon, paner,] necra tary, Toroto, reported (o the Coun all for Boelal Bervies of tha Chureh of England In Cannds, hora vecals | ly, Canon Vernon's raview dated from the peak Immigration year 1914, | From Mmveh 851 to July 31 of this year the total Immigration 10 Canada was 01,000 ns ngninst 00, 000 In the same peri d last veny, | an Increase of 0 poy cant, Veom! Britain 41,000 onme this your, | pEainst 27,000 wu your ngn, an in| ¥ branth my fore "Oil Welfare! points Committee to grease of 47 vr oeent,; from the United Btates the inorénse win 19 er eent,; from Northern Kurope, 2 par cent, and fro. other coun tries, Ineluding Bouthern Wurope there was a decrease of 843 pay eent,; Canon Vernon stated Of the total, of 100,000 immli grants from Vpgland to Ifvitish gountries, Canada has vecelved fully one-half, he veporied, Many harvesters, who had returned hon gxpacted to return to Canada, and Under the new scheme of the pre tent Labor Government, 1 was thought that there would Inrge ineveass In Dritish immigrn tion, The report commendad the work of the gaunell In (ta church hostels for boys coming from England un England Counell of Bmplre Nettle went, Hostels nad heen established nt Indian Head, Mask, togethe) the Chureh Army hostel ut Winnl poy, operated and finenead by the | English Army, boys thelr short With were potting B20 mn month for the mer and $10 a month for the 7 tre, with extras for harvesting and | whi threshing had Aer the ausploes of the Church of | same was praction)!y boys ut Kdmonton Head 82 of the 40 "Hrugule pod" thd writes Lurery Labierin, of Forest, Ontarin, "Ih M hip) "a Ire -- Hhludl ave found them the Dest powell treatment, Thin is no eoncogted evidence but straight truth , , , so take if 10 heart, you ANTHMA wiflerers ooo Bogln with RAZMAIL now «+ + Bleep peacefully again , , | Visa from that frightful, slow strangulation , , . No smokes, upraye, sonff Just elann onppulon, Guaranteed relief from a 81 hox or money bhok, At sll driggints, Good for chronie Bronohitls, Brous ohial and Head Colds, too, 10 Templaton's wonderful RAZ-MAH Ba ws ES pil Maolfort, und | wilh Edmonton, Husk, Boys Doing Well the Capadinn hostels 20 hid boon eared for durin period of operation, | fow oxceptions thes boys | doing well, In many eases | Al Hume | | win: | Melfort the hianl ir of th while at Indin hon ul t hove I'he $1,000 nt together In ELLA CINDERS--Tolling The World -- 1 | GRERT Miss | CINDERS == | CF Lon | boon gold to W he | wa The report on howed that mueh valuables work up helng done The work of the wir ecomipended pu by I, Awesney, shop This work had won Arm Jay, J Torontn honored Churgh It, un | ples ny an ovangslistie and socla wEeley, bo paid | $175,000 FOR SEAT ON STOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Ont, Oot, 0-~"T'he sen the Toronto Klock xchange held hy Aemilius Marvin, Jv, has H, Jolie The price Is reported as $175,000, & drop of 860,000 from the record price Car Birnek Weidge Kitehaner, Om William Pay torson, BED Frie strest, Biratford, I tn the hospital In uw critienl con dition nu the result of an automo hile necldent near herve today whan his onr struck the side of the bridge ut Proesport Hin Injuries { consul of un badly fractured right log, n fractured collar bone, u fra tured lower Jaw und uo probable fracture of the skull Refuse Perishable Goods NY An embargo on all perishable produce to New York was lald down last 1 ) aven railways, The wetlon of the congestion from dy eit because ulin ket troel Eoterming! re 4.000 1 + ------ {ha : \ ul i TAKE A bi DOZEN | THEY Rs PREM ) >,r7 Li) SHORT Doman VLWAINE FROM HE PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT! CALL. Don vor NOUR, PARE Dont TL COOPERATE, a -- Na a \ WwW OM, MAGGIE HAVE WOOL dOT ALL WOLR JEWELRY ON? Consider Plans Jaondan~"The Ministry of Trans por. Announeés that the following commities hos heen appointed to roport upon the slectrifieation of the rallway systems of Crest Brit nin Loyd Welr of Vastwood, chaly man, (Lord Welr presided over the gommittas whopa report led to the dppointmént of the Central Kinetviey Board.) wiv Rolph Wedgewood, goaneral manager of Lhe and North-Eastern Wnllway Wir Willlum Mel intock, cherish od aceountunt, auditor of the Cen tral Kleetrieity Board The terms of reference are In view of the progross which in bolng made towards widesprond avatlubility of high tension elec (rien) energy, to examine into the seonomle und other uspecis of the oeloctriflention of (he rallway wv toms In Great Britain with parti ulny vaference to main line work Ing and to report thelr conclusions wir Felix Vole, who recantly re slanoed his position as seneral man nger of the Crest Western Ral) way, suld to nn reporter Ihe task of elocteifyinge the whole of the malin allways in this country would take many Yours and would eout many millions of but the work wonld go a to reliave unomploye ehiof London nound long way mont Tha Government nouraged to consider tha question vy tha ravid progress helng made the electrical dovelopment of han hean one | The wise man never waits till he is driven by neces sity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best ETRE Brit Bon Wi wont und Hn from ary services are available, \Conerr Leman Coar. Co. LiMrreny J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687.W Manager, EE i n % nin by the Central Klectrielty ra, hemes Tar England raised developing Routh und Mouth Wales, a smaller one for Hast Ang will shortly reach the hoard 1 the ¥lectrleity Commission The whole of Kngland will then Cine ho netlvely Ing Lom \ hitehe some six miles below Amherstburg wovided for, and work will be In progress for develop hgh-power distribution wy» y linked together aren by area terday ol cop Judge Nets Raise Body of Man hy i thi Fri cove W sor Fishermen employed on the shore of Lake i! Rone were horrified found eaught in it Innatl showed , when he [1] when Surince meshes yesterday 1 thelr net to the Policeman's Pocket Ploked Chie A contempt hi for law John Bu stand neur the Pichell, when one | Jostled hh H ren ter when he ockethool nner ( ., A PUBLICITY I JUST TELL WEL ABCAST YOURSELF PROM BEGINNING TO BND I'M GOING TO PLASTER, YOUR, FACK OVER, THE PRONT PAGE OF BEVERY NEWSPAPER, IN THE country! DLL PLANT You IN THE PUBLIC ENE FOR WREPS WITH SMASHING, ANOCKOUT {| Copyright 1929, ! por Bevis x embere dis Wil ad thes und the corpse plekpocke! ves entered police eourt nnd stole two dollars fram the poekes Policeman The benel of the "By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb "one i i al ; | I ll wiv By Geo. McManus THE ELECTRIC LIGHT BLEW OLT AN | COLON HER ME WAN, ROUND: BLT | KIN E -- TELLING TOMMY Wi ofl" £0 If \.. ; mil - a. NATHAN NAW INORNE M1028, NATHANIEL nm ---- HAY THORNE PAID ONE HUN: ORED DOLLARS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF MIS FIRST STORY, FAHSHAWE, A TALE, 1 HIS LATER YEARS HE DESTROYED EVERY COPY HE COULD FID, VERAL AUTHORS THAT LATER HAD LITTLE RN) TROUBLE IN FINDING PUBLISHERS MADE THEIR FIRST APPEARANCE BL TEEN COVERS AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE, OR AT TRE EXPENSE OF RELATIVES, sever son --- RHE COST OF PUBLISHING THE PENTLAND RISING, RL STEVEMSONS FIRST PRINTED MORK AS PAID TOR BY HIS FATHER, THOMAS STEVENSON PUBLISHER'S BILL FOR SCHOOLBOY LYRICS BY | RUDYARD KIPLING AS PAID &Y HIS FATHER. © 1920 by King Fonvores Sn 18 180 ent Britain ghte seseeved WELL, DID YOU § J FIND QUT WHAT DADDYS BOOK OF THE MONTH STILLHIS 1X BANK BOOK, TILLIE THE OILER--Will The Boss Accept? RANKS MR WHIPPLE SEEMS Awl. WORRIED BECAUSE \ ASKED "MB BONS IF HE WAS SONG "MR RIPPLE DINNER PARTY HE DON'T WORRY, RRCALSE SAY TLLIB ARR You SURE Thm WOULDN'T. Rom. To My DIN MY HE \ 1\"}] D\ OF "TH - - " \ ER- 'M ER a Na A WY © To 8 QF 55 nS BAR Ng Feats Mundas bie, Sen Be pag WHIPPLE . 'hh SER F

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