Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Oct 1929, p. 15

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Le TOS nd THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922 JL FIFTEEN S K N~~ Meets ECTION. --X ------ \\ V NNIS, BARRISTERS lors, Notaries Publi, Ete, Con, nein fn f Offleos ea. duetice of awa, Phone 4. G, D, Conant, Pa, 0 A. FV, Aunts, B.A, Boleitor, Notary Public Conyeys anger, Money to loan, Third floor pe Sr Opposite Post ne 29 " ¥ ABA R- tister, Solicitor. Nowary Public. Con- ve meer, Money to loan, Office | i St, East, Oshawa, , Phone " dence phone Mu I'm Parr) on a ser, r ay Jonveyanoers, Notaries Public, etn, Standard linn, Futraute Bimgoe Bt. Phone 13, ¥, Grierson, K.C,, TK, Crolghion, B.A, STW, Dewland's 16 Bimooe Residence [ " om wing " AN, Notary, over Money to loar, Phone 07, alicitor, tare, street north, {5 PARKHILL AND FILLD, Kiters, ete, Money to loan, idx. Opposite Post Office. Phone gi Parkhill, A, C,H, I'ield 7 : AND HUMPHREYS, BAR visters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Simcoe $t. N. 0 3100, Money to loan, " ALL B.A, DARE ter, ato, Conveyaneing and general ractice, 22% King Ht, East, "hone #0887, (tf) SC SSS SSA Medical BAR- Alger Office over |' Engineering and Surveying 0 N A io Land Surveyors and Civil Engine cers, subdivisions, town planning, funieipt engineers, 365 or 411 King , I, Phones 2532] or 2544, Undertaking LUKE WURTAL CO, 67 KING 8T. East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sims toe strect north, Phones 210] and DISNEY-COTT R7 Celin. street, Oshawa, Bruce street, Ambulance, 1082, Corner Phone Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURA wn [1A 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The olds re Arengy in Oshawa, 30 Re ACING , consult R. VN, Johns, 80 Simeoe north, Your insurance wants attended to pnd veur mierests protected, Transportation {(ARTAGH, COLEMAN'S, BF TOND W., Phone 82. Furniture van and 06 trucks In charge of expert men, Furniture moving a specialty, Stops age arcanged, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAV] Locul and long sand and cinders, distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2002F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St w OSHAWA'S © OLDEST ESTAR. lished furniture movers, Park Road car age, Loeal and long distance, Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park R) South, Phone 215, (Sept 156-1 mo) a DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYS!. clan, Surgeon, Obstetric jan, Special references to maternity work und di- seases of women, Two vears' pest graduate experience. Office and roni- dence 167 Simeoe St, N,, (cor, Broek) phone 303 ; DR. Mc¢KAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. eon, Accoucher, Office and resis ey King St, East, corner Victoria St._Oshawa, Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYS Surgeon, Obstetrician, disedses of infants . and children, Office and | , 97 Bond East, Phone 11585, HAZLEWOOD, PHYB1. clan and Surgeon, special attention given to «ray work and Electro: theopy, ffce, Distiey Fock: Phone 2050, OM o Span 9 nm, Residence 161 ng Ra Phone 2416, DR. ALVIE geon, Obstetrician, physician, Special atteation to surgery, Two vears eles ven months post graduate experience, Hospital, St. Bartholomew's and St Mary's Hospital, London, Royal lus firmary, Edinburgh, University Hos- "He Office 142 Simcoe St, pital Hn. noth, Phone 3020. Residence 3164, VR: PAYID ARCHER, MD, CM, 1a RCo ¢ o Katiburkh Pi sie urgeon ang hstetrielan ce 14 § alice St. N, Phone pa idenc ng St. BP 1, ARCHER BROQWN, M.D, a 7 > Po & 8. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special ot: tention to maternity work and dis- cases of children, Office and resis date, 188 Simeoe St. North, Phone Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist A RN Street West, Toronto, will be at Is office over Jury & Lovells Dru State each Saturday, from 1 tll for consultation and a op eases of car, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made ut drug store, Phone 97 1CTAN DR. B, , OFFICE tore, Hours Evenings by 'phone DR. E F, RICHAR iy Mitchell's Drug 10 to 12 am, 2 to 8 ea] Office onl en Residence 432 Re Q IA . Special attention 0 X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at. t ce. one 959. House 1312, DR, FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 37 King street cast, Alger building, Phone 2860. Evenings by Appoint: setts, "over Mitchell's Dru tion. Phone $4. Nitrous oxid oxy en gas for extra.: tious, Mice, oyal Bank Blda. residence, 1378M. DR. J. F, BROCK, DENT Simeoe St, N., aver ad Phone 1997. Res, 202W, ph ngs by . GIFE t , Bidp, Phone 1 4: LANGUAID DR. DAVIES, b tht, 3 King St E Special ats raction an ray o Nuria" In atiendance, Phones i oterinary Surgeon Specialist di Cat and Dog. Architects - LRA «§ecol floor, Phone 1406, sea domestic animals. ospital, 203 King west, tural work, Bank Building, SON ANL |] oi ects. Si 00 ie 6 Simcoe! 5. = We | out pieces of furniture her rticles at we vards, 41 ulenel uy of i (Sep. Sima a Years ex at uJ rience, hn St, Sou STEWART, SUR. FTE AN 0 A.T.0.M,, teacher of plano, ES "Beauty Parlors Real Estate for Sale 100 "ACHE DAIRY FARM ALT: tillable; 20 acres seeded to Alfal- In; falr buildings, milk house, good wells) situated on milk route, halt mile, from school, 6 miles from Oshawa; reasonable price, easy terms; would nceept other proper. ty In exchange, perferably pasture land, Avply Nomis Gimblett, Osh~ awa, R, RR, (785) TON TTT GT NOW KART, Patricia Ave,, now brick house, Ex tra Jarge ving room with conl mantle, Chestnut trim and oak floors throughout, white enamelled and tiled kitchen, built in eabinot and ironing hoard, inlaid linoleum on floor, wired for stove, large Ledrooms with plenty clothes closets, linen press with drawers, 1 cupboard, double base plugs In oneh room, three plece bathroom, medicine eabinet, towel rails, lin+ oleum on floor, Well drained tiled cellar, guaranteed furnsce and coll, laundry tubs, Reasonable cavh payment or clear building lot and vash, No old property, No agents, Phone 1007W, (K0c) FOR SALE--~NEW SEVEN ROOM on paved street, near brick house (M,C. Must be sold Immediately, Owner leaving the city, Apply Box 212 1 Imes, (81¢) FOR HAL IGN IEW KIouT ROOM brick house, All modern conven fences, Paved streets, North of Cleneral Motors, Apply 84 Allee St, (Rlo) Work Wanted CHESTER ih. RT TPHOL! STERING, fields made to order, We save you money, Estimates free. G. A, Cons stable, 74 Mechanje street, Phone 1508], (} Sof) BET] TY 1. oul gi RMANE NT WAVE Shoppe, le wave $7.50 and $10 "Automatic machine, 1 exten {ree finger wave. I' hone 2008 ai EXPER MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman. ent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham pon $1. Phone 2068 WATSONS HBARBER Beauty Shop. 9 Celinn 81, We apes clalige In ladies' hale cutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2083, (Sept, 10-1 mo.) EXPERIENCED MARCELLER will fill appointments in your own heme, Morning or evening. Ap pointments only, Phone 2710\V, (Sept, © 1 mo) Building Supplies FOR SALE »- SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black on, $1.60 a yi, For quality pnd dorvice 'phone Es+ sory Bros we ll, CEMENT rr FOR SALE- To insure prompt delivery, phice or ders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phong | 1618. Music PUPILS ACCEPTED instructions, Mrs, Derry, Phone 1166, AND IN VOOAL (Dr,) Grant 1-1mn) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To ronto) pupils prepared doe all exanms Oshawa, NE ro 2 Sime Si pL Phone 2 ) WERT, ONE x Aronto's bid vielin tench ers, ia In Oshawa on Thutuday afternoons, Studio 86 Wigin Bt, K Phone 780M, (Oct, 4<1mo) ATRBRR FC. TIRONALR, ORGAN Ist and choir master of King St, United church, will aceept pupils in plano, organ and vocal musie, For partiounlars apply te 80 Wil lam St, Eust, Phone 2896, (Sept, 6+1 mo,) RIE, MoMASTER, Htudio Rosi: (Oet, 17 Connaught, Phone 1164F donce phone 1048 r 23, (Sept, 8:1 mo.) w | NRE, JAOK LN La RN ML, tencher of plano and theory, 613 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 83061). (Sept. 7+1 mo,) rano, will necept pupils for sing- ng, volce oulture, ete, Phone 1004, 228 Bruce 8t. Oot, Imo) ) 3 Money to ee | err AND FAT \ Field. "LOANS, TRO- loans arr Parkhill & orm Alger Bldg, Phone 1614, . emstitching 8 ARD, . od skirts one dollar. Dressmaking Alterations, Bmbroldery an Smocking, Mra, Dell, 36} (meoe South, Phone 100s. : | Contracting {| alterations, Slecirie Oo ars ating painti nd 25a. nting |rain tr orb ranteed. w or «1 mo.) fe» Tees rig Pine Ave, att) ucks lettered, R, Stacey, cLaughlin Blvd. Phone (Se 3-1 mo) ete, 118 2800W, . a ] Swiss watchmaker, repair pat Hy Kite Street West, Your pats Lal) ~ O17 AND TAGES, sories, Repairs on electri and battery seta. Tubes and batteries tented, Batteries recharged, rental supplied $1, fuone, 10487, Charles or{ Wales, 146 Elgin B (Oct, 8-1 mo) BATTERIPS CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 78 conts, If ren. tal supplied $1, Paltbries repaired a *Blidon, 20 Mill St. Phone (Se 10-1mo.) DARL TRA TAO N livered 76¢, rental 2fo, And the entire electrical system of oar re paired, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 41138W, (Sept, 10-1mo) TYPRWIHITERN TYPEWRITING AND ADDING machines overhauled, repaired and rebullt, My work Is guaranteed, You don't pay until you are sat- fsfied, Denler in all kinds of re« built typewriters, Calvin Elliott, 261 Arthur Street, Oshawe, Ont Phone 060W, (Oct. 4-1 Mo) FTTELARMWRR SE Photographer FAVE YOUR FAVORTIE NAT: shots and photographs colored Phone 634 for prices and samples, (Det, 1-1 Jno). For Sale or Exchange STROOM NEW HOUSER "Hou T= west corner Pine and Alexander, Phore 1418M (700) >| ih id Coat Repairing CET READY TOR WINTER= Gents" nvercoats repaired and altered, ladies' fur coat relied and repaired, *"Talloring" your own material made up, Address 124 King St. W (over Lanning), Call and dior Phone 500. (Sept, 21 1.mo)) FUT WEMODRELLED = 10 THE Ladies of Oshawa, Fur Coats re- lined, repaired and odelled, good work guaranteed, highest re b ferences, Prompt Service, Mrs, KE Delmage, phone 340, Howmanbilis. Nf) Second Hand Dealer FRCOND HAND DEALER FOR niture bought and rold, 188 Bloor St Haat. Kast, Phone 1617M, (th) = Room toom and Board - HOT PC TR WHOEE™T INNER for 20, Come to William St. KB, from 11.30 to ! . m, s (Nept, 21-1 mo) NICELY TURNTEHED™ ROOM with board, in private family, Very econtral, Phone 1038J, (70e) PD, CENTRAL, { h 68 Church 8t, (800) ) Appl stairs room, with board'for refined gentleman or lady, Close te Cols loglate, 146 Bimooe St, North, ; (81h) Shoe Repairing GOTO MENKON, CORNER oF Simeoe and Willlam Sta, the best place to have your shoes fixed, cleaned and dyed, (Oot, 1-1 Mo.) Lost and Found ¥ tween Athol 8t, West and Gen, Mo tore, black "llcenne containing papers and Reward if returned to 03 Queen St, or phone 14307, " (190) tween Rank of Montreal and Fite tings Ltd), man's wages. Finder please phone 12001, Reward, (81a) [0 TOOK a wagon from 109 Albert street re- turn as they are known, (81a) and Live Choice stock, Wm, (790) R lots for male, Kdge!l, North Oshawa, Cheap, Apply 178 Oshawa Blvd, 800) of ny with fair house, on op near Prov, Highway, within § miles of Oshawa where party will take good house, Priced right in exchange, Lox 811+Times, 700) cholce garden land, good Sram house with 3 piece bath, barn, 3 hen houses, 200 hems, 2 cows, horse, All necessary implements. Frleca $5000, Will exchange for Oshawa or HRowmanville kouse property. Lycetl, {8 King EB, Osh. awa, 1a (80¢) \ Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--114 cents per word, Minimum charge 500, Each subsequent consecii tive Insertion lo per word, Three consecutive Inmer. tony for the price of two first insertions (threes cents a4 word), Minimum: eharge for three fusertionn, G0 cents, Rox number 100 additional Professional or Business Cards, 92,60 per month for 20 wordy or less; 10 cents a word per month for each ndditionel word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS CONT LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE on Auk for Olaskitioa Ad Department Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 ker load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Lined Phong \e88 (Apr, 2010) FOR BA Lb HEINTZMAN vO, Lad, planos, new and used planoy, also radios, latest wodels; terns 4ftun ed. Apply GC, Trull, Phone 166 --r 2% 1 voit] BAL DY - Qu ARTER- CUT OAK dining room table, good condition, Apply #04 Rie hmond, Bt, 10. (§0¢c) CHEAP § NEW CKLLAR WIN dow frames, alse one large eabls net enterprize heuter, Phone 2027TW, (80h) FOR BALE-1 DRERSER AND Commode $8, New kitehen table $56. New Nimmons bed $15, Also other articles, 1756 Oshawa Hivd, (80h) MIRROR « Phone (800) MOTOR FOR SALIG-- LARGE with oak frame 6% x 3% $107 A SEWING MACHINE for sale, almost new, Cheap for quick pale, "hone 193804 el (Ble) 6-11 BE MOHAWK RADIO, CONTI speaker, Complete with Batteries in new condition, Fifty Dollars, Phone J280J, (Ble) FOR SALE--GOOD WELL PUMP, TH6 Gifford Bt, Cedardale, Phone 20704, (816) -. rn Dressmeking PRESEMARING, REARONATLE prices, children's garments fn spo lnlty, Mrs, Charlton, 64 Montrave Ave, Westmount pol ) Home Cooked Monts ENOLISH HOME MADE PORK plen,, sausage rolls, brawn, potted meats, eto, ete, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 23720, (77th A A ., Help--Wanted Male LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Fon & progressive casualty company with considerable businous in. force in Oshawa, Attractive contract for responsible party, APPY Hox 223, Times, (100) I ERMANENT PLEASANT WORK for two good men, Apply in pers won, Saturday and Monday, Fuller Brush Co., Alger Bldg, (800) AMBITIOUS INEXPERTENCED men allowed filty cents per hour, learning best paying trades, Engine cerin Eleetricity, Garage Work, Chauffeuring, Bricklaying, Barbering, Hairdressing, Literature free, Write Dominion Trade Sthack, King St, West, Toronto, (7 5.2881 ead ! RT Help WeahdF emale EXPERIENC ¥ D COOK GENERAL, to live in, Apply 212 King Street Fast or Phone 1066 it GIRL, FOR Gl NERAL HOUS work, Me to do gain cooking. oe Jo91 I ------------= Mary gc Wanted FARN UPWARDS OF $25 WV FEK- ly growing mushrooms for us, in waste vellar space all winter, Illus trated booklet sent for stamp, Dome inion Mushroom Co, Toronto 3, Agents Wanted [5ouble your salary By adding $95.00 ely selling Imperial Art Personal | oh stmas Cards to {riends, business associates, club and church members, from magnificent free sample book, Jtuperial Art Manufacturers, 51 Wel lington West, Toronto, PERBONAL CHRISTMAS GRERT- ING CARDS-~Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada, Regal Art Co, Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto. Pocition Wanted YOUNG GIRL: WITH HIGH School education desires position tor afternoons, in offipe or. store. Apply box 221 Timer Office, (70e) For Sale or Rent FOR BARK OR RENT-=7 ROOM house, All conveniences. Garage, 1) 3 Wihuies: to four corners, Fhone 0) Q) Lia Caulking HAV BLL TREVIOLE AROUND bo your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost is small, Free estimates, J, H, Law son, RR. No, 2, Qshawa, Phone 728-8, (Ogt 4-1 mo) i Ty For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROONED MOD- orn suites, including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conveni- ences, eto.) continuous hot water supplied. Apply Bupt, 'phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ird., manager for owner, Toronto, (3740) APATITMENTS TO WR Moddm conveniences, $40 and up, Apply Jury & Lovell, (30-41) TO RENT=PRIVATH §-ROOMED apartment over Ledger's Htore, next to Karn's Drug Btore, Pose wewslon October 1, Apply Mrs, F, , Henry, 231 King 8t. Eset, hone 16, 02« tf) TO ENT=FHAMY HOUR, $13 monthly on Montrave avenue, Ap ply HB, A, Sargant, 288 Park Rd, NH, Phone 1270W, (761) TO NENT=TWe NOONE Fin: nighed, Bvery convenience for light housekeeping, Phone 1478), (7010) HBVIN ROOM- finished, Gar« HOUSE T0 RINT - od brick house, attic nko, Immediate possession. Apply 100 C 'olborne Bt, IK, Aan NEW THIX ROOM PRICK K HOUSE, Hardwood floors, French doors, Ronsonnble rent. 84 Cadillae Ave, "hone 104 or AB04J, (B0c) For Rent 0 -- HOT TT. Newly decorated, newly furnished, central, Apply Conant and Annis, (8-T) TOBACCO AND CON: foctionery business, newspupe:s and magazine, Central business lo- ostion, Rent $10 per month, Phone 1400, / (Sle) HOUR 70 RENT ON WHITING wvenue, Apply 43 Whiting avenue, (B1c) 0 COMFORTABLE RL for Fusiness man, private home, purtial board if desired, Apply Box 2256 Times, (80n) PATHROOM FI. 0 NENT, three rooms. $20 per month, Ap. ply Mrs, Patton, 243 Clarke St. " (Boe) Public Stenographer MATTE M, HILTON, 14 BIMCOR street north, Phone 1600, Speciul rates for malling lists and eircular work (Rept, 24-1 mo) Wanted to Buy THEE BURNER COAL OIL stove, wanted, Must be in good condition, Phone 1404M, (818) we Books a] HX ROOM "HOUSE, 80 204 HALO AT, All conveniences, blinds' and fixe tures, Curage, Phone %106W or onll 241 Grooms Ave, (784) FOR RENT THIER UNTUTNTEN od rooms, all conveniences, new hours, no children, Apply 847 Division St Jhone 1011W (Tho) FOR RENT--NEW "RIGHT ROOM brick house, All conveniences, Possession Oct, 22, Apply Henry Wilkins, 228 Gibbon St (700) FOR RENT" FOX NIE TD TED: room with all convenlences. Apply 79 Mechanle Ht. Phone 2820W, -- w (700) HOUSE 10 TERT IN ITARMONY on the highway, or Information upply to Harmony garage. FPhone 16R8W, (70¢) OANATE VOR WENT, ATPLY ITH Colborne St, Kast (70e) 130) (HN 1350 ml 30) 4034 04 nished rooms. All conveniences, Wired for wtove. Central, Phone 1168) (79¢) TO RENT = GION ITE, Now large xix room houwse, square plan, hardwood througout, good location, Phone 2060) (80c) FIVE ROOM ED YOUSTFO RENT at 404 Burke St, lights, water and sewer, Phone 10287. (Roe) A ROOMS AND TANTRY, GROUND floor, usa of cellar, alvo garage to vont, "All conveniences, Apply 876 Bhort Celina (80¢) TORENT TWO GR THRE furnished rooms on MeLaughlin Bivd, hone 25812M (81h) ROOM TO RENT IN "PRIVATE family, Board If desired, Apply 131 Coloborne 8t, E, Phone B20F, (800) ON" BROCK Moderat TO RENT =THOUHN" St, Kast, Convenlencos, rental, Phone 460, (80h) TO RENT « THREE ROOMN, heat, water, light and phone, Ap ply 233 Dearborne Avenue, (800) TO ENT NOUSERERPING rooms, une of everything except none, Sulit young couple or ladies All conveniences, 364 Arthur St, (800) I LARGE UNFORNIEHES On partly furnished rooms to rent, AM oak floors in new home, Possess son any time, Apply 97 Oshawa (80¢) a, RTMENT TO RENT BEAUTIFUL, MODERN APART ments in Oshawa's choloest resis dental nection, refrigeration, elec trio stoves and grates, $70 and up. Apply Apt, 2, 161 King 8t, HE (804) ETOHT ROOM HOUSE TO RENT All eonvenlences, Hardwood floors, Hot alr heating, 8 garages, Reas- onable rent, Phone 308 or 309, (sot) ERE ANOTHER DANDY= Hoven roomed house for rent on Division St, Phone Holden 371WV, (80h) 3 I ur spartment,: Ideal rseidental sec tion. Kitghenette, dinette, ving. room, bedroom, bathroom. Equip. ped wity kitchen cabinet, electrie refrigerator, electrio stove, electric washer, elootrio fixtures, blinds and curtain rods. Hot and eold water the year round free with Janitor service, Rent reasonable, Disney Real Estate, Opp, P.O, Phone 1660 or 38347W. (8012) ) rooms for light housekeeping, Heated, With all conveniences, Phone 18317, (800) furnished rooms. All conveniences, Now house, Near Motors, A 188 Rosedale Avenue, (80d) TO "aN housokesping rooms, Suitable for young couple, Convenlent to Ped- lars and Phillips, Apply 88 Jacks ron St, Phone 1841J, (800) TO THE=0R apartment, All eonveniences, Im. mediate possession, 262 King St, BK. Phone 1215W. (800) OFFICES AND LIVING APART. ments to rent, Apply Canadian, Bank Commerce, Standard Bank B he { ou ISB TO RENT. Sal ohn f St, Fast, 1¢ To RENT--THREE ( RTURNIS ed fooms on bath! flat, all conven: ences, Apply ne WER TY MO oo Apply § Bivd, RT we NISHED ky suit ao 0 en, i) Simeon St hone aw ah In unfurnished rots npstairs, Heat. ed, Telophone, Conveniences, Bal weleome, 108 Albert Street. . Lee) private | TODERTEHAW'S CIRCULATING Ibrary, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotion at minimum cont Phone 1473, 87 Blmcoe Ht. North (T-F-8 tf) "NOTICE CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST (Boction 19) Voters' Lists, 1920, Munleipal ity of Bast Whitby, County of On tario, Notice Is hereby given that | have complied with Section 10 of The Voters' Lists Act and' that | have posted up ot my office at Columbus on the second day of October, 1080, the Het of all pers sons entitled 'to vote im the sald Munielpality for Members of Par lament and at Mubnleipal Elec. tions, and that such lat remains there for inspection, And I hereby eall upon all voters to take immadiate proceed. ings to have Any errors or omis sions corrected atgording to law, hte last day for appeal being tho twenty-third day of Qotober, 1020 Dated this 3nd day of October, 1030, P. G. PURVES, Clerk of East Whitby, AUTOS TAKE 71 TIAL Wp -- Four-year-old Boy Is Latest Victim--Hit by Car Toronto, Oct, b.~The reventy- first automobile vietim in Toronto, during 1989, died In the Hospital for Slek Children yesterday, Fours year-old Patejek Gallagher, Logan avenue, who was struck down by a car driven by Fred Tucker, Wood- bine avenue, on Wednesday last, a few steps from his front door, fail- od to recover from his Injuries, and dled yesterday morning, An opera tion was performed in an effort to save the child's te. Tucker, following a police In- vestigation by the Pape avenue di- vision was arrested on a charge of eriminal negligence. He was ro- manded one week when he appear od In police court on Thursday. Little Patrick is sald to have step ped off the curb, and started across the street when he was struck down by Tucker's car, Dr. Murray, of Danforth avenue, wat called and the child was rush. od to the hospital, an inquest is to be held on Oct. 10, with Dr, H, W, Burgess, coroner, RHODESIA"S GLAIN DENIED BY HAVENGA South African Cabinet Min- ister Explains Failure of Conference en sa-- Sob Arigna, Qct, §-- Hon, N, 6. H member of the South A abinet, yoater- day deniod that the compensation required by South Africa in return for customs concessions to Rho- desta was excessive and therefore the cause of the breakdown wn rew days ago in the customs confer. ence between the two countries, The charge has been made by the Rhodesian Government, Tuesday, Agreement could not be obtain od for the simple reason that it was impossible to reconcile the in~ terosta of the two countries, who do not constitute a politieal union, and who are both committed to a polley of protécting their own ine terests, Mr, Havenga explained, The two ecountriek vould main. tain very dly relations while following their own fiseal policies, Mr, Haven added. The parties had agreed th after, but each now ap ted the other's point of view, No doubt, he econclud- od, the fiyoal differences would ultimately be settled with mutual satisfaction, oy 1 Pretoria 'A hunter in Abyssinia traded a bottle of cognac for four baboons and three monkeys, If that had been the American bra, he could have had his hooch and his monkeys, too. hy scksonville LIVES IN TORONTO THE CICADA IN THE FIRS Charm of the vibrant white Bep- tember sun How tower the firs to take it, tranced and still Thelr scant ranks crown the pale round pasture hill Their circuit through the serious marshes run No bird-call stirs the blue; strangely thrill blunt-faced, brown eleada's wing note's shrill A web of silver o'er the silence spun, but The orn-winged musician, wheney it camo I wonder this insistent thine thine, Did once the highest string of Suns mer's lyre, Snap on some tense chord slender ar on flame, Take form again in these vibra. tions fine That o'er the tranquil spheres of noon aspire, ~Chnrles ©, D, Roberts, On wong of In some of the larger cities schools for teaching women to shop sre be. ing established, Now it's up to some- body to endow one of our leading universities with a professorship to let birds know what their wings are for.--Jackson News. PUBLIC Typewriters and Adding Machines Owing to the fact that many of my friends here in Oshawa, have Inslsted on me to locate here and give morvice to typewriters and adding machines I am now located at 251 Arthur St. where I will do my work until business demands a more suitable place in the busi. ness section, I will call snd overhanl your typewriter or adding machine in radius of one hundred miles with out any additional charge. The sorviee which 1 give is the best nnd I strictly guarantee all work I do. I will give $25.00 to any one that brings me a typewriter that | cannot repair or robulld. Try me. Save money by haviag your old machine made now. GALVIN ELLIOTT, 251 Arthur St, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 606W HARDWOOD ¥LUOMS Lali) BY EXPERT MECHANICS 014 floors finished like new. storm windows, combination doors. Genera} Contractors, B. W. HAYNES 16 King St W, Phone 48), residence 80rd, Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales +MITED 90 Simcoe St, 8 Phone 900 SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION CLOTHING 68 KING BT. W. Phono 2141 We Deliver . CO, Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Room 6 "hone 2700 omer EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes In Modern Lite Optometry Fonture Yervice Yous Eves and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block Jo 1516~Phene--1516 AMBULANCE 87 Colina St, Phone 1082 po A Shipment of Scottish and Swedish Granite Monuments of shi ago, the finest quality. This pment was ordered a year and if it had been * baught now, would have cost us a great deal more. Citizens of Oshawa who are contemplating buying monument, can therefore secure one at a very reason- "able price. Work Completed this Fall would save the long delay in the Spring. Re 94 Bond St. T. Lethbridge Phone 746 'REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your Watch is not' wake satisfaction we can regal and time the correct D. J BROWN RY Oftficia, Watch [napector for 10 Rung 8. W, iy National and Oshawa Ratlroade Phone 180

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