Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Cl THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1929 Last Night's City Title Softball Final Game Was A Terrible Fiasco Fhose who didn't see last night's ale ween Fittings' Juniors AYMC, stayed away from something that most heoply pre- for to miss, Undoubtedly it was a ition, The manager of ngs' Juniors, together with his bunch of usually smart ball players had earned for himself and his team the name of & good ball team and because of the way in which they battled with Hamliton and Okes of Toropto, they had ngs q # Isrge number of real pups rs, However, last Mahi per formance throws a shade overt whole year's work, No team shou be ashamed of & 10 remain on the field and delibor~ atply refuse to play ball certainly reflects no credit on the team or "its manager, The alibi was put up that the Anglicans started to hurry the game by deliberately trying to get out, In the third innings the Ang- licans scored four runs on one hit, This certainly does not look like trying to le down and in thelr fourth, the innings In ques. tion, three runs were scored on one hit, The catcher threw the bell foot over the second base~ man's head, by necident (7), and the eentre fielder prepared to fleld the ball and then stepped out of the way so that the ball would not hit him, The Anglicans seored and then asked the umpire to make the Fittings play ball, This had no effect and the Ang- lcan's then left for home with the Ngore 11 to 0 in their favor, Towns, pitching for the losers, tried hard until it was evident to even him that the fielders were not trying and then he could do noth. ing elke but let them hit it, For the benefit of those who do not know the rules for such a predicament, it might be sald that the rule for national ball is that A team may sacrifice its chances while at bat; if it so desires, but the team that is in the field must play ball at alli times and when it is evident that it is "ragging"' At is up to the umpires in charge to take drastic action at once, The general view is that the Anglicans were mot in the wrong In this re- spect, but of course, they should have continued the game, On the other hand the umpires should have made the TWittings play ball or given the game to AXYM.C, Tt should be made certain fn future that all umpires are to have an understanding on this point, even if the offending team has to for- felt the game, An three innings does not cons Atitute a game there is a problem before the League for {its next meeting, Perhaps the best solu- tion to the question is to consider last Monday's game as a sudden (loath game and let the winner of that game be declared the city champs, However, the League will decide that and it is to he hoped that they take steps to prevent a similar occurrence, ODDS AGAINST CUBS New York, Oct, 8,--Retting on the outcome of the world series as- sumed brisker proportions yester- day, Wall street reported, One commission house announced that odds had changed from even money to 6 to § on the Philadel- phia Athletics due to the appears ance of considerable eastern funds, + One wager of $6,000 to $56,000 was placed on the A's at those odds yesterday. A het of $4,000 at even money was placed on the Cubs to win the series opener, Won Lost P.O, 52 040 A178 064 A10 Chicago Pittsburg New York ,....vy.828 St, LOWS varie 10 Philadelphia senna 0 Brooklyn ........» Claclapat! ,,.,, v.00 Boston X vives d ea vienna i6 EERE ERE) 4 Yesterday's Rosults : Qhicago ....7 Olneinnat 4 Brooklyn at New York---Rain, Only games scheduled, Games today=--Rrooklyn at Ros. ton: Chicago at Cincinnati New York at Philadelphia, Only three scheduled, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, Philadelphia .....108 ¢ 080 New York .,..... 88 Nit] Cleveland ,....vy\ 80 S41 | Louis ivi 0 8 B14 Washington ,,.44..'1 ATR Potrodt fs iv vais ve 08 W480 Chicago. iv. V, 88 ATR Jostod .......\\\., BO A603 ; Yesterday's Results . Washington at Philadelpla-- 'Rain Only game seheduled, 'Games today-=Detroit at Ohfo- Ago: Cleveland at St, Louis, "Only two scheduled, A New York contractor tele- Bhoned his barber to come to Eur '®pe and give him a hair out, We thought Europeans knew all theve was to be known about trimming Americans. = Augusta Chronicle, In many Eastern countries, we read, it ia the correct thing to res move the shoes before entering & house, unknowingly been copying the ous "oms of the East for a long time, «The Humorist, ood defeat, but | Many late husbands have The Blue Devils' Rugby Schedule October B==fit, Catharines at Oshawa, October 18.~~Oshawa at Susivh, October 10==Guelph at St, Ca avines, October 26-=Oshawa at Ht, Cath. Nov, 3.~=Quelph at Ophawa NOV, » Nov, ot. Oatharines at -- Strikes, Spares, and Blows © 7 At Local Alleys Well, folks, the old bowling sea~ son is in full swing now and they sure are spilling the maples, "Peg" Mackie, Gord" Creamer and a few others have been kick ing against the ability of the corn- er pins to stay up but as Hainer says, 'hit 'em right and they'll go down," One cannot help but notice the increased popularity of bowling this your, amon gthe fair sex, Every. body is giving it a go. Any age from nine to ninety seems to he the rule, MOTOR CITY ALLEYS The Ladies Major League held their-meeting Monday night and the following officers were appointed: President, Mrs, Mary Perle; vice- resident, Miss A. Grier; secretary, re, Reg Norris; treasurer, Miss 1, Mason, The above League will roll their first game on October 14tn, There is at present an opening for two or three teams, So Any teams desirous of entering this outstand- ing league mrer equested to eom~ municate with President Mrs, Perle at Jury & Lovell's office, or Via Norris, The GMC, Parts and Service will commence operations on Thursday at 7,80, Last night the "Duco Boys" also organized so it looks as it bowling is to be the outstanding indoor sport this win last ter, The prize winners for month were: Men's five pins, Ernie Dunstall, 363 single, Men's ten pins, Gord Jacobi, 214 single, Ladies' monthly, Alice Harland, 2405 mingle, Ladies' weekly, Mary Thomson, 230 waingle, This month's high scores: Ladies' sihgle, Bunty Goold, 2006 gingle, This is the highest ladies' score of thes eason for women, But for five consecutive games, Bill O'Regan has them all beat with 2606 average, Last night the Oshawa Dairy had a realu practice in preparation for thelr league which is to commence in the near future, CENTRAL BOWLING ALLEYS Last night a meeting was held at the Dally Times office of the mem- bers of last year's City Five Pin Bowling League, Business we practioally closed up and it was decided that a week from tonight the four teams, Nationals, Coca Colas, Whiz Bangs and Dumb Bells will bow! to decide the winner of the league, This is to take place at Jack Purdy's Alleys, next Thurs. day at 7 o'clock, After this roll off, a meeting will be held to start a new league for this year, All individuals wishing to bow! in this league are asked to leave their names with Mr, Pur. dy at the Central Alleys or with the Sporting Editor of the Dally Times, This 1a going. to be as ure-fire Jeague and if you want to be sure of being in it, enter your name fast, Already such well-known bowlers as Maakie, Creamer, Brady, Smith and Mason hawe signified their in. tenvions of being in the league. LET'S GO! Laat night in a special competi: tion game at the Central Alleys, nine men out of ten bowled over 200, Two of them bowled over 300, That's what you call competition, Well, heres wishing You a HEAD PIN Ty Cobb to Return To Baseball New York, Oct, 3,--Ty Cobb will return tot he baseball wars next season, after a year's vaoa- tion fromt he game, Home again after a summer in Europe with his family, the great Georgian an- nounced today that he had been appoarched with offers from ma- Jor league clubs, both executive and managerial, He will never play again, however, "The executive end of the game has the most ap me now," d Cobb, "T am not ready to Suy that I would not manage a olin again, although, of course, 1 shall never play again, "I have found that you cannot nd 24 years in baseball and then forget it, unless you do as I did and go a long way off. 1 uave not felt a yearning for the game this summer because I was in Eu. rope and there was no haseball all about me ast here would have been if T had stayed at home, hut now T am back, it is different," Irvine Meats Eliminated Hamilton, Oct, 4 --~Riselhys ad- vanced to the final series for the intermediate softhall championship of Ontario here last night when they pushed across a single run in the ninth to defeat the Toronto ye- resentatives, Irvine Meats, at Vie oria Park, The final score was 8 to 7, and the issue was in doubt until the final out, Toronto stepjed into the lead at the outset, holding it for three inn. ings, but in the locals' half of the fourth Parker homered with Kess- ler, who had tripled, parked oun, and the two runs served to hold Riselays in front until the sixth, when Glasner four-based with a man on, In the locals' half of the eighth they tallied four times, putting them well in front, but Toronto, not to be outdone, scored as many in their half of the ninth to tie it up, The break came in the ninth, when with two on, Turnbull hit # long saerifice fly to left. The ball was foul and Wesley made a sen sational cateh of it, hut his feat enabled Kessler to score enslly with the winning tally, Pasel and Sobel were the oppos- ing hurlers, and honors were about even, Kessler and Miller were the leading hitters with four each, Belleville to Play To-Day -- A Belleville, Oct, 2,=-The second game heitween Bell Telephone and Belleville Nationals to decide the winner to meet Walkerville in the finals of the O.B.A A, senior wer fen, scheduled for today, was call: ed off on account of rain, The management of the two teams with representatives of the 0.B.AA, went into conference and decided the game wonld be played on ¥ri- day, If Belleville wing the game the deciding game will be played in Conboy Park, Toronto, on Bats urday, The managers of the two teams tossed for Belleville or To- ronto, The winners will play Walk- erville either in Toronto or Belle ville on Waédnesday, and back to the Border Citles on Haturday, Harry Batstone, of Queens, ar rived In the city early to play with the Bells, but left as soon as the game wag called, to drive his play- ers through a stift practice, The local players came through the game on Raturday In fine shape and belleve they can send hie gories Into a sudden-death game Walter Gerow will "likely send Utronkl back at the Hello Men, with Batstone velylng on elthe (GHllesple or Moffatt, A great denl of Interest has heen created by this series and a large erowd will be present on Friday, RED ACES The members of the. Red Ace Soft ball Club are reminded of the meet ing which is to he held in the Y. M C, Av at cight o'clock tonight, New York is to have a Luxem- bourg for modern urt, Pletures, we assume, Will be kept in the new museum until somehody discovers what they mean,-~The New York er, Left to vi ts Bill Tribble, Jack Bond, "Doc" Rowden, silo and Morris h Cohen, four DEVILS who are goins better than ever. You'll see them . on Saturday at Alexandra Parl SPORT SNAPSHOTS BLUE DEVILS - Now that the schedulg has Leen drawn up everybody will known when and where the games are to be played, THE BLUE DEVILS are raving to go and they are going to make Oshawa officiates at If you haven't seen them here is your chance to see for all opposition, day afternoon, it hot (being Devils) Alexandra Park this Satur last year's Intermediate Champions of the O, R, V, U, LJ # # * LACROSSE GAME IN WESTON On Saturday the General Motors Seniors play the last game of this season when they play the return game with Maitlands intermediates in Weston, to secure grounds in Toronto owing to rugby activities, The game is being played at Weston due to the inability The Maitlands have before them the tusk of wiping out a nine goal lead which the local lads secured here last Saturday It is doubtful whether they can do it, but a failure will not be due to lack of trying * * # SKATING ON SATURDAY The yesterday morning, In an interview Yieesmaker" of the Oshawa Curling Club started his work with the President and the Sees retary of the elub it was learned that the rink will he opened for skating on Saturday A more definite announcement will he made in Friday's issue of this paper as to the exact time of the opening, the admission and other particulars, # » Watch for it, L] # KINSMEN DEFEAT RAILWAY Last night at Cowan's Park the Oshawa Railway the Oshawa Kinsmen's Club by small howed to the The score of seven Lo six, game was featured by a spectagular catch by Fair and a costly fumble hy Smith, both of the Railway, Both teams enjoyed the battle and showed good sportsmanship at all times # * ¥ * CHICKEN SUPPER FOR CHEVS, Last night the Chevys, were entertained at the Olympia, hy Mr, A, Bakogeorge, wish to express their appreciation to Mr Ld * An enjoyable time was had by all present and the Chevys, Bakogeorge, " * CHEVS, TO PLAY BRAMPTON On journey to Brampton to play another girls' team of that city, 1 known of the as high class as their lacrosse SUL opposition, of themselves, L * team the However, the Chey aturday afternoon the Chevys, Oshawa's Lady Softball Chanips Little calibre of Brampton's lady teams but if they are of Chevs, are assured of some cin be trusted to give account LADIES' SOFTBALL AVERAGES TOMORROW as they lies FEARING SR RI TT Moybe there ia nothing in this superstition business about hoodoos, jinxes, black cats and Friday the Thirteenth, but look what dappened to Ted Birkett, a member of the Rivermead Club of Ottawa, while Playing the thir. teenth hole of the famous Jasper Park Golf Course---on Friday, the Thirteenth of September, pite all the hoodoos and Jinxea attached, Birkett, who was A gueat at Jasper Park Lodge accepted atarter's ticket and started on his round over the course, All went well until he faye into the rough appiuiehi @ thirteenth hole, The ball lan ina Jie of rocks and bounced into the pw branches of a jack-pine 0, With the well-known stoiciam of a hardened' golfer, who walks un. der ladders "neverything, Birkett said, "I'll play 'er as she lies", Here is the answer as secured by a Canadian © Nationa! Railway photographer who was on the No, 13iground at the crucial moment, Looking Over the World Series (By Canadian Press) New York, Oct, 3.-The Cubs outnumber the Athletics In catch ors J% to 2, but it seems reasons able to suggest that Connie Mack would not trade the brilliant Goy- don Cochrane for all the Chicago receivers, Hartnett is the Cubs' hall---he can eatch but cannot throw, = However, he can hit and probably will be seen during the series with a bat in his hand, even It he is denied the privilege of donning the catching armor, When Cochrane goes out to yell "Right here," for the firat time In the series he will be enlisted for the duration of the war, barring incapacitating Injuries, If he mw urt, Cy Perkins, a spry veteran, 'i11 be the relief, Should Cochrane and Perking both fall by the way- wide, Jimmy Foxx could move in from first base, The Cub catching staff conalsts of Zach Taylor, former Giant, Robin and Brave, The bulk of the receiving will fall on his capable shoulders, with a chance that Mike Gonrales, another veteran, may feo action, John Schulte, the for- Pmer Cardinal, is the other apare, Macks Superior Hartnett, who will not eaten, mw the only ,300 hitter on the Chicago staff, Taylor and Gonzales bat a B70 elip and Schulte much lower, Cochrane 18 a consistent 200 hit- ter, while Perkins is 100 poms away, The broad shoulders of the hus- tling young Philadelphia star will carry the burden for the Ameri: oan league, Cochrane can throw, hit and run, He probably is the fastest catcher the game = has known in a generation, and with Jimmy Dykes, packs moat of the "pepper" of the club, "Cochrane ia the greatest piece of catohing mechanism I ever saw," sald Ty Cobb, who saw oatchers come and go jn the American league for a quarter of a century, Without depriving Taylor of the aredit which is his due as a hard working, oapable performer, the Athletios must be voted the ad- vantage behind the plate, Ina short series the pitching makes the olub, and often the catcher makes the pitohing. . At least the makers of the law are persistent, They keep trying to think up one that all"the people will obey, -- Port Arthur News. Chronicle, Magny Teams An open meeting largely atiend- ed hy hockey fans and representa~ tives of different teams met in the Y.M.C.A, under the auspices of the City and Industrial Softball Association on Tuesday evening last, PresidentA, Rowden occupied the chair and explained the object of the meeting, He asked all pres- ent to voice thelr opinion as to the | advisability of forming a hockey longue and if it should be run un- der the management of Softball Association or as a separate lengue, After considerable discus~ sion a motion was put to the meet~ ing favoring the Softball Assocla- tion ruling over hockey, It was also decided to have Intermediate and Junior Series and also Juve- nile if sufficient teams enter, Everyone present were enthusiastic for a successful hockel season, President Rowden then announe- ed that there would he a general meéting of the Nofthall Association next Tuesday, Oct, 8, at 8 pm, to consider necessary changes in the Constitution and for the elec- tion of officers, All softhall teams are entitled to two voting repre- sentatives at that meeting, Clubs not already in the association who intend to enter hockey teams may have representatives present for the election of officers, Beven in» intermediate teams, two junior teams, and one juvenile team an- nounced their intention to join, Several other entries are expected at the next meeting, Rugby Officials Saturday's Game President John DeGruchy has appointed the following officials for Raturday's games in the varl- ous serfes of the OR. F.U,: wenjor Kitchener-Waterloo at Balmy Beach----Referee, Hal DeGruchy; umpire, Alex, Sinclair, f#t, Miathel's College at Camp Borden---Referee, 'Sweeney' Da- vis; umpire, "Boh" Armstrong, University of Toronto at Wind- sor--Referee, Harold Balley; um- pire, Ross Craig, Hamilton at Sarnia--Referee, Bert Harper; umpire, Jerry Good- man, Intermediate St, Catharines at Oshawa---Refs eree, "Ab" Chilcott; umpire, Gor- don DBritnell, Interscholastic Thursday, Oct, 3,~Central Col- loglate at Technical Schools (Ham- ilton) ; local officials, Saturday, Oct, 5--Pleton at Bel. leville, C.1,, Peterboro at Cobourg, Oshawa at Lindsay; local officials, A tourist Is a person who can name every town where he had 0 puncture or got stung on the price o fa sandwich,--8t, Joseph Nown-I'ross, y Wa don't know what this "shot fk" we see advertised is unless {t's what our socks turn into arter the third wearing.--Galt Reporter, A lady has died in Toronto as the result of being knoeked down In a departmental store, These bargain sales are desperate affairs, Hamilton Herald, mmr RO>- BY "DOPESTER' Last night saw some dark stuff pulled off by Coach Pound and Co. The truth was that thef use in the huge floodlights blew out and the boys had to practice in the dark- ness, Rather dificult, but never- theless effective. They specialized on line work last evening and some very good work was done, Mastering the fin- er points of football is all that Conch Pound has in mind from now on, He wants to turn out a real mid-season team on Saturday and from all outward appearances, he will succeed, Gord Cook, husky halt-back, Is suffering from a badly twisted an kle, but Trainer Sam Johnson as sures us that it will be in pretty fair shape by Saturday. Julius Grey, the world's strong- est little man, is busting them up in fine style this year, He feels much better this year, as he put on #0 much weight since last season, He tipped the beam last year at 130 lbs, and this year he's away up to 131, The two Swedes, Wilsonvitch and Loganskl, they are in pretty fan shape although Loganskl has a bad forearm, and Wilsonvitch has had an ailing shoulder, Just how they will stand up under fire, remains to be seen, Al Moore, diminutive 100 pound er, who played left middle last year, has been out with the flu, Al is not in any too good health and may find the going tough, but you can bet he'll be in there all the time, The two sterling outsides, Bond and Wiginton, are going great guns and if they don't knock the fillings out of "Porkle" Perts' teeth next Saturday, I'll miss my guess, Since Noisy Hobart joined the G.M.C, Tech,, hes got so collegiate that he high hats everybody and won't speak to a soul, Don's carry this too far, Hobart, 'cause these Blue Devils are an ornery lot when riled, : Roultbee is in the very pink and says he can go a full 60 minutes any day. And his looks in prac- tice don't belie his words, He's gure hitting them hard, Tomorrow we'll tell you more of the team, Keep them extended, An article says that chemists have found xylose in peanut shells, Very disheartening, we should think, if they were looking for pea- nuts, ~=Detroit News, The Autumn fashions will be full of quaint eccentricities, says a wor men's paper, It seems a very un- gallant sort of thing to say,~.ue Passing Show (London). TY SOFTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL RESULTS IN- BAD MUDDLE Hockey Meets | The Approval | Miss Orcutt Defeated by Miss Collett Oakland Hills Country Club, Birmingham, Mieh,, Oct, 3,--The one and only Glenna Collett nafled another clincher to her fame as America's feminine golfing wonder today by erushing the challenge of Maureen Orcutt, brilliant star from White Beeches, N.J., 7 to 0, in the second round of the third nation. &] women's championship at Oak- land Hills, { On the trail of her second straight national title and ner fourth since she first crowned herself as queen of American golf in 1922, Miss Collett shot surpris- ing golf to gain her lopsided vic- tory, Bhe clipped five strokes from par on the rugged course, ana was stopped with a loss only on the ninth hole by a birdie three off her rival's clubs, Her performance stamped her as the outstanding favorite to win the 1029 title, Miss Van Wie Eliminated While the champion thrilled a gallery of 2,000 by her golf art istry, the girl esteemed as her greatest threat, Virginia Van Wie, of Chicago, fell the victim of a stunning upset, and passed out of the championship pleture, Mrs, Leo Lederman of New York turn- ed the trick, shooting even par to conquer her two and one, The defeat of Miss Van Wie, 1028 finalist and twin medamr, with Helen Hicks of New York this year, was the biggest upset of the tournament, Incidentally, it was Mrs, Federman who stopped the march of Mrs, Helen B, Stetson of Philadelphia, 1926 ehampion, at the twenty-fourth hole yesterday. All the remaining favorites came through handily today, but Mrs, Dorothy Campbell Hurd, veteran from Philadelphia, who won the national title in 1900, 1010 and 1024, turned in the eariest victory of the field, Salling placidly over the course in one under par, she overwhelmed Anjeanette Hunter of Pittsburg, # to 8, Miss Hunter, who yesterday upset Mrs. Alexa Stirling Fraser of Ottawa, Ont, another three times title-holder, was far off her game, League Leaders (Including games of Oct 1) National League Batting--=0'Doul, Phillies, .305, Runs--Hornsby, Cubs, 161, Runs batted in---Wilson, Cubs, 52, Hits--0'Doul, Phillies, 248, Doubles--Frederick, Robins, 03, Triples--~I., Waner, Pirates, 10, Homers--Ott, Glants; Klein, Phillies, 42, Stolen bases--Cuyler, Cubs, 40. Pitoching=~Root, Cubs, Won 18, lost 6, American League Batting----Fonseca, Indians, 873, Runs--Gehringer, Tigers, 120, Runs batted in--S8immons, Ath- leties, 101, Hits==Simmons, Athletics, 200. Doubles--Manush, Browns; Ion. poeca, Indians, 44, Triples--Gehringer, Tigers, 17, Homers--Ruth, Yankees, 48, Stolen bases--Gehringer, Tigers, 26, Pitehing--Grove, Athleties, won 20, lost 6. A Se es SE ssw = Opening Game INTERMEDIATE O.R.F.U. SERIES gsc rz SATURDAY, OCT. 5 Alexandra Park at 2.30 p.m. St. Catharines vs General Motors "BLUE DEVILS" Special Ceremonies ADMISSION - - 50c By Kind Permission of Lt..Col. H. E, Smith and Officers, the 34th Ontario Regiment Band in Attendance

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