Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1929, p. 6

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Miss Thelma Foote, of been visiting her sister, Mrs, Fre Hufiman, Napasie: Mrs, Irene Swinyard formerly of York, is "Wang. irinds fg 24 "Mrs, D. McLean, of Montreal, is - " Bey sister, Miss Wigg, of ivy street cast, who is very ill, Miss M. Bedford, of Oakland, Cal, Lis, spending 3 week with her sister, Mm, H, tod Porter, 348 Arthur street, Miss Clara Ford, of New York, who has been visiting her mother, "Mrs, A. B, Ford, of Oshawa, has f ; (gone to Chicago. v Mrs, F. Bedford, wife of the late Rev. Bedford, of Fenclon Falls, is spending a few days with her niece, «Mrs, H. C, Porter, Arthur street, Mrs, E. Palmer, of Picton, is spending a few days with her two sons, H Palimer and L. Palmer, of this city, en Howard and M. Rombough left yesterday for Kingston where they will resume their studies at Queen's University, -r Miss. Helen Ford who 'has been visiting! in town with her mother has returhed to New York where she is an jin the Sperating roomy of St, Kuke's Hospita re. Me. and Mrs, Alex Bell, of Simcoe street horth, are leaving fodiy for Indianga, where they will 'spend: &' short Vacation, hgh LJ LJ pA . i Me. 'and Mrs, Geo, Bull, Simcoe. stre rth, returned Afcacrgay een Lake Simcoe where they w ing for a few days, J) | leaving to go to 'Toronto where they will Jylbit friends Jor a short time, Atglis Bell igh on 5 iu) ye for a tour of Wei B phnston's" Company [) leather' {| tafte "| she ai IM STRAIGHT LINES everyday occasions tne stegightline frock in printed silk crepe on dark ground finds a place in | rt woman's wardrobe, Style Nos#l4 is distinctly unusual with grouped plaits at either side of frafit 'belted at low waistline, The neckline is becoming and chic fin- ished with scarf collar crossed by tabg at either side with button trim. It comes in sizes 16, 18, 20 . 36, 98, 40, 42, 44 and 46 bust, It gan be worn for ng, travel" street or resort. Wi 'Jersey, shantung, rajah silk, pastel tub silk, sportsweight lin- en, pique, silk broadcloth, silk Planes Jinshan check, printed cot- ton voile and georgette crepe ap- » Made in unbelievably Pattern price 20 cents ¥ 1] 199 ¥ in sh te, short time, in ps or coin (coin is prefer- . Wrap coin carefully, - 80 t that when you send for fa pattern. you enclose ten cents additional for a copy of our la Faghion Magazine, hE ATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Oshawa Pattere +. Department, n hie Fy Bed ANE Lois iveereraniiaerees GERLS, son patterns listed below: SORT RrRTRRTvereeR || UI TTTTTTITITINY sine A ole seveenn A wth whe the staff of The Oshawa s where he was employ- the time of his departure, / Mdry BARI ot Porgus Yala innesots, is ting wit r x hing ¥, B. Hallitt and other ves in the city after having part dn the recent ips writing contest at Massey Hall, To- ronto, Miss Kitts won fourth place in t noyl class for world's a J in a class of forty: nine contestants, Last evening the Chosen Friends held a whist drive at the home of Mrs, Fountans, west of Ross' Corn- ers, The evening was in charge of Mrs, J, P. Marks and about fifty guests were there, After the card game there was dancing and refresli- ments were served; It is the inten- tion of the Chosen Friends Club to held a weekly social at the home of one of the members, The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mr, Kranz, 513 Rogers road, . A very successful whist drive was held in the Sons of England Hall on Tuesday evening, The Daughters of England were in charge of the ever ning's. entertainment, There were thirteen tables and the ladies played as gentlemen and competed for gen- tlemen's prizes, The prize winners were as follows: Ladies, first, Mrs, Simpson, second Mrs Tysen, third J Mrs, Scott; gentlemen, first Mr, C Lee, second Mrs, Bowen, third Mrs, Horton, There was a special prize won by Mrs, Allin, 'Weddings io JEFFREY --ARNOLD Tlie au son oO jarciage of Lottie Arnold, on ter of Mrs, G, Arnold, of ~and Francis Jeffrey, only g. and Mrs, Walter Jeffrey, Stirling, Ontario, took place very qui- 'etly on Saturday, September 48 in ("Poybnto, 'I'he ceremony was per- fo bby the Rev, R, A. Whatt- 'any "bride looked charming in 'gown of shell pink satin and lace oi hat and shoes to match and 'carried a bouquet of sweetheart ross "y She was attended by Mrs, C, radburg who wore 4 gown of mauve 'and Jace with hat to match, wore the gift of the groom, amethyst pendant and carried a quet of Columbia roses, Mr, C, radburg attended the groom, His gift was a white and green gold watch chain and knife, After the wedding swpper Mr, and Mrs, Jeffrey left on a trip to Ham- ilton and Niagara Falls, The bride travelled in brown satin with small brown felt hat and shoes to match and she carried the gift of the groom which was a beautitul brown leather purse, On their return they will res side in Stirling, Ontario, CARR--FRASER The Umted Church, of Odessa, whien had been beautitully decorated with autumn flowers and autumn tints by the friends of the bridey was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday at two o'clock when Miss Lawra Grace Kraser, B.A, on- ly child of Mr, and Mrs, Austin M, praser, became the bride of Mr, Charles Wilham Carr, M.D, son of Mr, and Mrs, 5. J. Carr ot 'Thorn. ton, the ceremony being performed by Rev, G, C, R. MeQuade of Odes- sa, I'he first five rows in the centre of the church were reserved for the guests, there being cighty-five pres. ent, and the beautiful ceremony was witnessed by a large concourse of people, the church being filled, Promptly at two o'clock the bride entered the church leaning upon the arm of her father and presenting a lovely picture in her bridal gown of dvory crepe satin with rose point lace, her costume being boutfant style with embroidered veil arrang- ed from a woronet of pearls and orange blossoms embroidered in seed. pearls, She wore silver slippers and carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses, I'he strains of the "Pridal Chorus' from "Lohengrin," played by Mrs, Robert Cairns, or. gant, hiled the church as the bride and her attendants approached the altar, 'hat matron-of-honor, Mrs, J. W, Saylog, ot 'Worontg, cousin oi the bride, was exquisitely gowned in midmght blue with poke bonnet and streamers and silver slippers, She carried a bouquet of 'ink carnations, 'the bridesmaids, Miss Eliese Carr, sister of the groom, and Miss Lela Davy, of Loronto, cousin of the bride looked charming in gowns of peach crepe satin with hats and stockings to mateh and gold shippers, their bots quets being yellow carnations 'tilisman roses, Little Miss Doris Perry of Napanee was a dainty flow- er girl in yellow, and carried a base ket of flowers, 'the ring-bearer was Master John Davy of 'Loronto, the ring reposing on a pillow of white satm, made from material taken from the wedding dress of the bride's great grandmother, The groom was attended by Mr D. KF. Aylsworth, B.A, of Bath, an then hers were Mr, J, W, Saylor 0 Thornton, During the signing of the register Mrs, W, 8S, Holmes, of Odessa sang very. beautifully Love's Corona- tion." At the close of the ceremony the bride was presented "with a white bible from the trustees of the church, this being the first wedding solemnized in the new church, Ni whSce Our ¥ I New Fall Line of Coats "and Dresses at the to, and Mr, Orville Carr, of | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3,1929 in_the Home -- and _the Community N FEATURE OF gg Bh Ty widow of the late John Macdonald vk of Joshua Smith, R.B.A,, and will " Te persnalities which Mr, Smith This portrait of Mrs, John f 1, Macdonald Co, Ltd, id the Jona raits ¢f Toronto {from Saturday, 'will have on exhibition al the Merritt PORTRAIT BXHIBITION ; Malloney art galleries beginning a week! rn gn w-- The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to * the Homemaker and the Housekeefier » The employment of white organ die for diminutive ruffles, which mark a dipping waistline or form appliques is the outstanding feature in trim- ming, Upon these insets of organ- die motifs arc worked in such attrac- tive themes as howknots, flower bas- kets, triple stalks of wheat, or ¢lus- ters of flowers worked in diminutive contour, Jabots of organdie edged with Valenciennes lace is another manner in which it is utilized, Skirts are longer, but maintain a fairly even hemline, with circular fulness placed low at the front or The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome fox tur; to the matron. ofshonor, bridesinaids and: soloist, stering silver pendants with amber settings ; to the Hower girl, a gold chain; to' the ring-Bearer, gold cuff- Inks; and to the best man and ush-'| ers, morocco leather bilitolds, dhe bridal party and guests later repaired to the home ot the bride's parents, wnere a reception was held, Lhe bride, assisted by her parents and the parents or tne groom, also the matron-ot-honor and bridal at tendants, received near the bay window of the beautiul, drawing room, which was banked with cars nations: and maiden haw fern, 'the nving room, which contained the many tables laden with gorgeous gitts from the guests, was tastily decorated in pink ana white stream- Crd, the wedding dinner was held fol- lowing the reception at the Hotel LaSalle, Kingston, After the dmmner at which many guests were present the happy couple left on a trip to the Mannme Fro. vinces and Moston and on their re- turn will reside at Oshawa, wherd the groom has prepared a beautiful home at Simcoe north and Bucking: ham streets, CHOCOLATE GINGER BREAD 1% cup sour milk or cream, 2 teaspoons ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 14 teaspoon salt, 2 oss, unsweetened chocolate, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 2 oups flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon butter, Mix the milk and cream ginger cinnamon and salt, Add melted butter, Stir in the mixed and sift. ed flour.and baking soda and last- ly the unsweetened chocolate anc 1 tablespoon butter which have been melted together, Bake in moderate oven for about 35 min- utes, A fine housekeeper credits ner kitchen alarm clock with much of her eficléncy, She gets it for time to start dinner, feed the baby its medicine, give her grocery orders over the phone, baking cakes, call. ing the older children into help set the table and stores of other things, PERG ATE TE Occasionally a flare placed at the sides will dip below the hem, and in one frock of Lucile Pagay circular flares dip at both the baek and front, The higher waistline. marked by a slender belt, or hy an inset band at the top of the hips that ties at the front or at one slae. In evening dresses, skirts attain an extreme length through varying treatments, Jane uses circular flares all around, with a gradual movement to length in the haek, in a skirt that is taffeta tacked to net, while a moire freck of Marthe and Rene has a circular skirt in. handkerchief treat- ment, dipping in four points, L n Lelong suggests lengthyat the bagk of a green velvet. gown through fly- ing panels, and stresses the princess silhouette through the cutting and manipulation or the fabFie, sides, Smart New York is showing an overwhelming choice for black hats, mostly in felt, Among latest colors Paris sees mueh violet even in daytime frocks while green in yellow tones and a bluish shade is very good, red fig- ures prominently in all shades, from coral to a deep wine, much favored by Chanél, and pink is coming 'in, almost entirely for evening wear, Brown is being shown in nets, Gray is favored by Patou nd Lelong, and blue is another Lelong favorite, Blagk continues for afternoon and evening, and white and the ecru shades are used for trimming, SA: HAD ECZEMA VERY BADLY | Hair Fell Out Terribly, Healed by Cuticura. "My linle gir] had eczema badly. It eo in small blothies on her head and then formed scales all over her scalp, Later it spread behind her ears and formed wet, sore eruptions, Her hair fell out terribly, She was bothered about three months, "1 tried all kinds of remedies but the trouble "kept getting worse. A friend advised Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, and after using three cakes of Cuticurs Soap and five boxes of Cuticura Oints ment she was healed. (Signed) Mrs. tyman Earle, sant N. 8, Aug. 13,1928. Give Cuticura Soap and Ointment the care of your skin, pa -- | one crowd he says! Helpful Hints IDENTIFYING KEYS It your ring of keys to the at- tie, trunks, duplicate house keys and all is confusing by its num- hers, try tagging certain keys with different colors to identify them, These could be listed if your mem- ory falls you, * LJ * PAINTED VURNITURM Dingy iron beds and unsightly dressers and chests of drawers can he rejuvenated and made beauti- ful by® painting, There are many quick-finish paints on the market, including some new ones that do not smell phinty, a good color to choose, PREVENT INFECTION It is a good plan to have a Fmall | magnifying glass, such as an in- expensive linen tester, handy on the bathroom shelf to make gure the children's seratches, cuts and other minor wounds are perfectly clear of extraneous material, This wster will discover tiny bits. of Girt, hair or fuzz that the naked eye can never gee, INemoved, tne wound becomes simply a matter of 'healing, Many had cases of in- fection might have been prevented by just such a simple device, HIGHWAY SYSTEM PLAN FOR ONTARIO Government to 'Launch Ex- pansion Program for North Next Session Sturgeon Falls, Oct, 3 --Imme- diate development of Northern On- tario by a progressive road build- Ing program in the rural districts and opening up of the immense fields of iron and coal deposits was the assurance given delegates to the Conservative nomination convention yesterday afternoon by Hon, Charles McCrea, minister of mines, who opened his tour of the north country here yesterday, Mr, McCrea touched on many matters of interest to the residents of Northern Ontario, and he as- sured the gathering that the Fer- guson government had in view developments of great importance to the future prosperity of the North, "TI want to tell the people of Sturgeon Falls and other districts in this great north country that the Ferguson government under. stands the problems confronting you and has mapped out plans whereby the prosperity of this part of the province of Ontario will be assured," stated Mr, MeCrea. "The Ferguson government has been In power since 1923, When Mr, Ferguson took hold, everybody felt that he had a hig job ahead of him, There was a feeling that the previous government had not heen competent or capable to handle the affairs of the country, so by an overwhelming majority the people of the province asked Mr, Fergu- son to take charge, "I leave It to you, Hasn't the Ferguson government given the problems confronting it the atten tion and eare that has made the province what it i= today? Liquor Problem "We had the liquor problem te face," continued Mr, McCrea, 'We were told that prohibition was good hut the people demanded lib. erty and freedom and it was rea- lized that temperance comes from within, Now 'we have the Liguor Control Act, Different views are held in many parts of the prev. ince as to this act but all are agreed that it In a vast improve. ment over previous conditions, Mr, Sinclair and the Liberal party have made pronouncements as to thelr nolicy and nobody seems to know just where Mr, Sinclair stands, To 'Perhaps the rovernment measure is all right.' and then to another he says: | "They can't line me up with the liquor control,' : "Mr, Lethbridge says he is going "to try for a plebiscite if it takes him years, Premier Ferguson says there 18 a law on the statute hooks and we are going to so in torpret that law as to express the will of the people." "What poliey do you want?" wiked the speaker, 'Do you wang Mr, Sinclair's polley of not knows ng what he wants; Mr, Leth. 'widgo's nolioy of a plebiscite or Premier Ferguson's policy of 'Here ia the law; if vou don't like it 'put us out,'" (Applause), rt pr-------------- One way to put money into oir culation is to take it to the race. track. Sault Daily Star, r-- Why not hold the coming dis. armament conference in Chicago? ~--Bugalo Courier~-Express, Apple green is | On Sale THURSDAY Fresh Leg PO FRESH SHOULDER PORK 41000 or Whole FRIDAY and SATURDAY RK wu 20 Blade Roast Beef Fresh Ox Tongue Pure Pork Sausage value at this price ,. terranes Raspberry a 32-JA Porterhouse Roast Beef 1b. 37¢ Rib Roast Boned snd Rolled Ib, 33¢ I) perenne EERIE RT WETHEY'S PURE 32-0%. Jar 1h, 24 Ib, 25¢ Ih, We Arnold's Red Label Tea This Tea possesses enjoyable flavor for family or individu~l use and is wonderful Strawberry 35 "=f California Sweet Juloy ORANGES tern Leg of Spring Lamb. .... Loin of Spring Lamb... Beef Bologna .......... Fresh Atlantic Haddock, Boiled Ham (Thinly Sliced). ..lb, 53¢ Smoked Breakfast Bacon. ....Ib, lc COTUE™¥ Bacon, wrapped 1-1b, Pkg. 36¢ Imported Scotch Kippers. , Pkg, 28¢ 4 FISH IN A PACKAGE Fresh Atlantic Codfish,......lb, 18¢ Fresh Atlantic Flounders.....lb, 18¢ New Cured Finnan Haddie. . lh, 18¢ ves. dbs 30¢ Ib, 22¢ voor. db, 24c | Perrin"s Victory Brand Pickling Spice al Y1C Salada Tea Choice Seedless Raising ..,.2 Ibs. Kellogg's Cornflakes ......Pkg. Loaf Sugar ,. HotSeat Biscuits, Ib, Borden's Evap'd Milk, talls,2 Tins Kraft Velveeta Cheese, 5's ..... Fry's Breakfast Cocoa, 4's ,.... Pickling Vinegar," Aylmer Apple Sauce, 2's ....., Queen Olives #0 ozs, (bulk) ........Ib, bulk, gal, i 1b, Phy. SPANISH ONIONS CHOICE YELLOW GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS CHOICE TOKAY GRAPES B.C. APPLES, McINTOSH REDS COOKING ONIONS Doz. 21 2 1hs, 25¢ 5 lbs, 23. Doz, 35¢ 6 ms. 21 ON AN LN EN lr A ial a I se am NSE LARGE SIZE I A SCHOOL FAIR HELD AT ORONO FRIDAY Clarke Union School Wins Silver Shield for Most Points Per Pupil Orono, Oct, 2~There was a spen» did attendance at the North Clarke School Fair held on the Agricultural grounds here on Friday last, With large entries in the numerous classes' competition was keen, S. S. No, 22, Clarke Union, was awarded the sil ver shield as a winner of the highest number of points per pupil in the School Fair work, In the school pars ade the honors went to 8, S, No, 9, Lockhart's, with the other schools in the following order! Clarke Union, Enterprise, Sixth Line, Orono and Starkville, The award in physical culture exercises were ried off by Orono, and Leslie Brown was the winner in: Public Speaking contest, In the school chorus singing awards were made in the following order: Clarke Union, Orono, Starkville, The management of the Orono Community Park have decided to hold a street fair on the completion of the pavement through the business section of the village. Mrand Mrs, Inch and sen, Cars men, of Weston, recently visited 8, M, . Billings, i William Armstrong, Sr, is visiting his neice, Mrs, T, C, Wilson (nee Lizzie Armstrong) Ottawa, ° Joshua J, McCormack accompanieil by his brother-in-law and wife, Mr, and Mrs, Jehn Gibson, of Mount Vernon, N, Y,, were guests of Madi- son Hall, Grant Keown and his mother, Mrs. Keown, Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs, Sou- theran and family, Balsover, Mr, ant! Mrs, 'S, T, Dawson and family of ' Providence, Rev, Hubert Jamieson, Owen Sound, and Mr, and Mrs, W D, Frip, were recent guests of Fred and Miss Male] Lytle, Victoria Road, Mrs, Robert Jackson of Peterbcro visited at the home of Mrs, E, A. Fowler last week, Misses Bertha Cain, Gladys Cob bledick, Nellie Hill and Nellie Hens derson, graduates of Qrono High School are attending the Provincial Normal School at Peterboro, Thomas McNeil and son, Alex. Mc- Neil, spent Wednesday .with his daughter, Mrs, Gordon Martin, Alex McNeil returned to his studies at the Ontario College of Pharmacy, Toronto, Friday last, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Moat of To- ronto, spent Sunday with her pars ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. E, Richards, Mr. and Mrs, Elmo Staples left Sunday on a motor trip to Montreal, and Quebec Cities on their holidays, Miss Viola Gilfillan of Toronto ars rived last week from Washington and Atlantic City where she. has heen spending her holidays, for a visit with ber parents, Mr, and Mrs, J, J. Gildan here, Mr. and Mrs, C, I, Crease of To. ronto who have been visiting with her parents, Mr ,and Mrs, Fred Co- wan, the past week returned home Sunday, Miss M, Archer spent the week end with her friend, Mrs, Dunbar, Hope Township, Messrs, Lawrence Allin, Norman and Ray Winter returned last week from a ten days' motor trip to New #ork, the New England states and Quebec, Addison Rickaby of Teromte, vis- ited his sister, Mrs, H, Souch, his mother accompanied him home on his return visit, Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Seymour of Toronto, are spending a week with parents here, Mr, and Mrs, George aeymour, Mrs, Saunders. of Montreal, Miss M, Eagleson of Millbrook and Geor- ge Eagleson of Bailichore were re- cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, James Eagleson, Centre St, Orme Gamsby has been engaged to sipg at the re-opening of the Kensfort United Church on Sunday, Oct, 6th, and also the following Tues. day in connection with the fow! sup per held there, = the grocer will refund your REDR TEA RED ROSE ORANGE The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says, If | not satisfied return the unused part in the package and money. (1) SF is good ted' PEKOE is extra good BOUNCE DOLLY DIMPLES AND pm PINS AND NEEDLES. THE DRASS « THE MOUNTAIN | "FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, South BOBBY (HE FELD Of STONES : AND LT ThE GARDEN Of THE DRAGON'S CASTLE . MOUNTAIN of Of Glass .AND MEANTIMELB0BDY AND COMFY HAD BEEN. RIPING | ON tHE MAGE HORSE HUNTING For Lolly = WHEN THF Mo -- . gn Fy - vn ON SET THEY Saw A' O16 CASTLE BF Pore THEM They Got SAID ComFY! Off THE or J LISTENING "T HEAR Poniys verce" --By Grace G. Drayton " rR fl i SE: AND STOcR SS hail a

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