Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1929, p. 16

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EASTERN | ¢ The Visiting Physician "Brockville~Dr, 'l'. F, Robertson is Visiting physician at General | St, Vincent de Paul hospitals the month of October. : Statistics i Brockvil ng the month of eptember there were 25 births, 12 Marriages, and 11 deaths within the nicipality,, according to records npiled bydown, Clerk Dewey, stated that rain in this district, Sunday's showers ( eiugh to benefit the e vegetables a or Fall plowing, Overcome by Smoke Belleville. Mt, John TF. Miller, an ged resident of Bloomfield, is suf- ing from severe scalds about the ¢, shoulders, chest und hands, as 'result of fighting a fire in the at- of his home a few days ago, 4 New Farm House "Kingston, Werk has been commenc- ed on the erection of a mew farm house for the Portsmouth Peniten- tary, It is being constructed of stone and the work is heipg done by gison labor, It. is being erected at nion street. and the prison road, Hebrew New Year Kingston~The Hebrew New Year will commence on Friday next, at sundown, It will not be the year 1930 for them, It will the the year five thousand six hundred and ninety $690), as they do not figure the pass- ing years since the coming of Christ . Liberal Convention ; Napanee~The Liberal convention for the purpose of nominating a can- didate for the Provincial Legislature, will take place in Odessa on Friday afternoon of this week, This riding was represented by Dr, E, Meng, Liberal, during the last. Legislature, Realized Good Sum Kingston.~At a lawn social held recently under the auspices of the Catholic: Church at Napanee, which is under the charge of Rev, Father McDonald, formerly of Portsmouth, the sum of $1,200 was realized, The many friends of Rey, Father Mc- Donald in Portsmouth and Kingston will be very glad to hear of his suc- cess, Season Opens Peterboro.~Activities at the Y, M, C. A, are now in full swing for an- other season after the inactive sume mer period, . Classes commenced Monday and members in all divisions are resuming their training and ex- {c QUALITY OAL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S erzising, A special lobby program was held last evening when music, Eames and refreshments were pro- vi " Big aBrn Devirored Kingston, ~Residents of the south- end section of the city were stirred shortly after one o'clock on Tuesday morning by a great reflection of fire in the sky. It was believed by many that a very big fire had broken out but it proved to be only a frame barn at the rear of the residence of Mr, Norman Crothers, No, 11 Syd- enham street, Seeking Heir ; Brockville ~Chester J. O'Brien, 185 Devonshire street, Boston, an attor- ney, has written the local police seek- ing the whereabouts of one Alexan- der J, MacLean, son of John Mac- Lean and his wife, Mary A, Gillis MacLean, who is now about 40 years of nge, spent his youth at Gillis ,Cove, N; 5, and is heir to a sub- stantial bum of money. Editor of Text Book Brockville~Dr, MM, MacOdrum, of Dalhousie University, Halifax, N, S,, is the editor of "As You Like It" in the "New Readers' Shakespeare" series which is being issued by the Ryerson Press, Toronto, Dr, Mac- Odrum is a son of Rev. D, MacOd- rum, minister of the First Preshy- terian church, Brockville, and « Mrs, MacOdrum, Rider Thrown to Roadway Belleville ~Two young men {rom the city were more or less injured on Sunday near the detour at Shannon. ville, They were riding a motor- cycle and not noticing the detour sign could not make the turn, The young man riding behind was thrown heavily to the ground, bruising his knees and arms, No damage was done to the machine, Temporary Fire Chief Belleville,~Fireman William Lynch has been appointed temporary fire chief until a permanent appointment is made by the council, There is not likely to be an appointment made until the fire brigade is completely re- organized from its present status, Fireman Fred Adams, who is seri- ously ill in the hospital was given six months leave of absence from Octo~ ber 1st without salary, Plans Ready Peterboro, = Preliminary sketch plans of the Ovaltine plant of A. Wander, Limited, to be erected in this city have been completed by Chapman and Oxley, fii Hh in Toronto, and have been forwarded to the firm headquarters in London, England, for consideration, C.J, Glaspell, manager for Canada, gives the assurance that work is expected to commence this fall, Attends Unveiling of Tablet Lindsay ~A memorial tablet to the late Hon, Sam Hughes was unveiled in the Orange Lodec on Friday evens ing by Lady Hughes, Right Wor- shipful Bro, Armstrong gave a very ; : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1929 GARDENING HOBBY OF SENATOR CENTENARIAN Gardening was, up till two years ago, one of the hobbies of 102-year-old le tor G, C, Dessay 5, Bt. Hyacinthe, P.Q. This photograph was taken on 300th birthday in a corner of his garden whore he was examining some of h "a flowering plants, brief address and Most Worshipful 'Bro, Green, Grand Chaplain, offered prayer, A banquet followed at which the great outstanding work of Sir Sam in gonnection with the part Ca- nada "took 'in. 'the 'World War wap dwelt upon by'a nember of speakers, 640 Prisoners in Kingston Kingston~There are at the pres ent time 640 inmates in the Kingston Penitentiary and' it was reported to- day that there lias been quite a fall- ing off in the number brought to the Penitentiary the past few weeks, Following the fall assizes all over Ontario ;however, there is always a marked "increase in the number of prisoners enrolled, A few months ago when a number of prisoners were transferred to Stony Mountain' "penitentiary there were over 100 prisoners in the Ports- niouth prison, but since that time the register has not hit the 700 mark. rr ------ Practical Joke Peterboro.--Some youngsters in the west end of the city have a new idea in the practical joke line, Last night a number of motorists driving on the west end of Charlotte street near the boundary were somewhat disturbed to hear as they passed a certain point,.the shrill sound of a whistle, As the sound seemed to have the mouth of the law behind it, the drivers peered nervously about each time the trick was played an looked for the origin of the sound, Some even came to an abrupt stop, gn THE ARCADE prices from chaire, gunmetal, park Are Guaranteed . What more can one ask---The ap- pearance and wearing qualities of a hose guaranteed, Arab, atmosphere, avenue, beach- skin, bareskin, clearskin, cascade, chateau, mitone, patio, piccadilly, lane, sandtone and rose taupe, Your choice at pair.. PHONE 1000 Camel Hair Coats Will be worn by most of the stylishly dressed Ladies this season, For three very good reasons--First, appearance; secondly, personal comforts and third. ly as a price proposition. The last word in smart effect, has the appearance of a fur coat, is as warm as a fur coat, yet is no heavier than an early season coat, therefore giving all the warmth desired with- out the discomforts of a heavy weight garment. There are several grades of this material ranging in $23.50 to $53.75 Kayzer Full-Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose $1.95 pr. colors are, fairskin, flesh, hojjar, illusion, mocha, plaza, riverside, 1.95 regent, 24 DOZEN MADERIA NAPKINS Including only, the most popular desi 'Basket, "Butterfly", "Horseshoe" a OB ed. on a. beautiful quality lien. + 29¢ each or 4 Napkins for $1.00 Harvey Tailored Silk Lingerie FOR THOSE SEEKING QUALITY There are different grades of rayon, just as there are different grades of silk, wool or cotton. The Rayon used in 'Harvey Garments' is of the best quality obtainable "Har- vey" rayon garments if washed carefully . will give long service. Innum- erable 'tests show that "Harvey" rayon gar- ments, so far as durability is concerned, easily com- pete with any other gar- ments. Comes in all the most desirable shades. Bloomers from $1.19 to $2.00 Vests from 98¢c to $1.50 with a guilty conscience, after speed- ing up the street at an unlawf speed, Needless to say those re- sponsible withdrew rapidly from the scene when such a © success was scored, Work for Unemployed Kingston, --It is likely that a met- ing of the Board of Works will be held shortly and at this meeting it is understood that the question of pro- will be taken up, Busy at Docks Belleville ~Twice within a week the Government Employment office has received orders for large groups of labourers for unloading and load- ing ocean going ships according to an interview with Major L, F, Green, superintendent of the local office, With the deepening of the channel in the Bay leading to the Govern- ment Docks, there is no reason why Belleville cannot be listed as a port of call for the larger type of ocean going vessels, considering the amount of famous cheese exported from this district, along with the carloads of apples dispatched to the European markets, COAST LINE OF BRITAIN IS GONG Suffolk Villages on Verge of Falling Prey to Sea London ~"I{ crosion along the Suf- folk coast continues at its present rate, within seven years the church of Pakefield and villages near Lowes~ toft will be in he sea," This statement was made in Lone 'on recently at a conference cons cned by fhe Town Clerk of Lowes. iit to discuss defence works against »t will be in the sea 'es At Pakefield, where . houses are rched perilously on the edge of the | {| :liffs, new defences to protect the village from falling into the ses would cost £7,000, but in the present circumstances the money can only be provided at the rate-payers' cost, and the village is so poor that a penny rate only brings in £22, Meanwhile not only at this spot, but all around the coast of Britain, the question of who will pay for de- fence works is repeatedly being ask- ed, and was asked long before a Roy- al Commission was appointed to en- quire into the subject in 1911, but no action has yet been taken, Briefly, the Commission found that there would be no justification for placing the whole of the coast de- fence against the sea' upon the State on account of the prohibitive cost, but it did recommend a proposal = which would exactly meet Pakefield's needs--that the provisions of the De- velopment Act "might reasonably be used to give incidental assistance to poor communities." Again, in 1929, just before the fall of the Conservative Gewernment, the then president of the Board of Trade, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, pro. mised, in accordance with authoriza- tion from the Prime Minister, Mr, Stanley Baldwin, that a Bill which. had been drafted on this. = subject "would be introduced as early as pos. sible in the next Parliament." Ruined by Waves ; But these gentlemen counted chick- ens before they were hatched, and since the formation of the: Socialist Government nothing more has been heard of the matter, In fact, despite the urgency of the problem and the enormous number of men clamorin| for work, many men are in danger o suffering the same disaster as the one vouched for by the Rector of, Pake- field, who had watched two houses in which he had put all the savings go over the cliffs, At the same meeting a representa. tive from the East Riding of York. wee wii 20'S cold Hy will relieve monthly ' women, and in every case Leaves you Peeling Good tll ul | ME Feet. viding some work to help out the]! unemployment situation in the city | re, | 7 . Ll " Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets HAY AND STRA A. in hs 8 the ie ht ME 4 on baled ton i 3 fe baled, ton 1.,.$12,0 Wie straw, ton vies 9.50 x , baled, hi AA "0 0, quoted $2 per ton, nL ' ee-- Toronto wholesale dealers are sting da ma einer. ot foto 'or " ans--~Tresh, extrag,s in , 50s fresh res, loose, ht 848, ore, [Mls firsts, No, 1 & » prints, 42; No, 2 , prints, 40c, oo ow, lasge, 21g; twins, 21 1.2; triplets, 22¢; stl , 2c, OM, larges, 2%: twins, » 1.2; ¢ and cuts, Jc; old stiltons, dlc, rp: raw Bre ices o { Grapes, 6 Gt, .00000 for | Ci 16 at. Gmigiupe, i5"11 Plums, basket ...., Peary, Fo verernrenes Gb corr vers ccconces R[EIRVJER y v Green peppers, six or irvine -- EAST BUFFALO LIV] Yast Bufalo, Oct, 2, s of hogs, 1, 200; holdovers, 700; fairly active to all inter. ests, 15 to 25 lowers bulk 170 to 220 Ibs, 10,605 few, $1075; 120 10 150 Ths, $10 10 10,25, Pigs, downward to $9.50; 350 to 400 lene, P15 10 9.35; packing sows, to $5.50, Receipts of cattle, 350; weak to 25¢ low- ers lightweight heifers, 87.25; butcher cows, $5 to $8.75; cuiter grades, 50 to $7.50, Calves, 150; vealers wesk to Tower ; good to choice, $17.50 to $18; sparingly to Receipts of sheep, 400; lambs slow, steady; to natives, $13; some held ut ,25 5 throw ts, $10 10 $10.50; fat ewes, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Oct, 2~Locsl operators were leave the spot market undistur- ERONBRES 2ARPERAD TORONTO PROVISION PRICES 'oronto hs dealers arg Quoting the ing prices to the trade: a] 3 ium, 32 to ¥c; cooked loins, 50 to i # rolls, 2c; breskfast bacon, 2 to Hci back, pes-mealed, 3 to Jc; do., smoked, 45 to 4c, Cured mests---Longt clay bacon, 50 to 70 } fe: 0 to ww 22¢5 90 to 110 Ibs, eavyweighy rolls, 40c, Lightweight 1 tieyces, 15¢c; tubs, 14 1.4c; pails, 15 3.4c; prints, 17 to 1B, Shortening tierces, 14 to 15¢c; tubs, 14 1.2¢; pails, 15¢; tine, 17¢; prints, 16e, Pork loins, 35cs New York shoulders, 2c; pork butts, 27 1-2; pork hams, 27 1.2, JORONTO FARMERS MARKET The fol on ng Are quotztions, retail, in of. Lawrence market, r Josen ' » on "oi dairy, per pound oronto; 055 050 iy CFOR eames per found pe 042 hes 4 S88 ach, Peck». Hn ' oer nd' M ifowel 7% Lea! lettuce, three for ead lettuce, 2 fo ranges, per dozen irapelruit, two for Lemon: doz hubarb, 5 bunches reen beans, 11 at. . SEVIBSS83ASB COCO OO=RIDDDSSD ° » & to bed today with a consequent unchanged list of quotations, Trading slong the street is of moderate volume only as most dealers are using their own stock, The futures market while declining only 1-8 to 3 3-4 on Novem. ber eggs new, showed a much easier tone, The Duties #) market suffered further reverses today beng generally 1-2¢ lower, Supplies have more than enough to satisfy local requirements and have served as a considerable barrier against withdraw. sls from storage, The Decembers ran into a wave of selling this morning that carried values down J3.8¢ from the early high, Nope commitment_Nev, egRs, old, hi, ov, s, new, 1917; , eggs, 110; Dec, butter 700; Jan, butter, 1, Three market receipts--Butter today, 22, 308; last id 24,479; eggs, today,27 633; last year, 32,954, Chicago spot market--Dutter, extras, 46c; tone steady; eggs, firsts, 37 1:2 to 40c; tone firm, Street stocks--DButter today, 125751; last Jour 1048; eggs today, 131,088; last year, 48,185, Four markets on hand-DButter, 63,778,087; ergs, 3,077,773, ovement at ten markets--DButter, net out, 230,653; last year, net out, 144,517; eggs, net out, 32,837; last yesr, net out, 32,81, 5 Six cities--~Butter, 19,630,132; eggs, 953,652, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations : Manitoba wheat--No, 1 north. ern, $1.50 1.2; No, 2 northern, $1.47 1.2; No, 3, $1.44 1.2; No, 4, $1.9 1.3; No, 5, $1.28 1:2; No, 6, $1.08; feed 95 1:2 (e.i.f, Goderich and Bay ports, ) Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 69c; No, 2 feed ic, American corn--No, 2 yellow, $1.13 3:4 (all rail, delivered Toronto freights), Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bag included --Bran, per ton, $34.25; shorts, per ton, $34,25; middlings, $41.25, Ontario grain---=Wheat, $1.30 to $1.32, Oats 55 to 58¢c, Barley, 70 to 75c, shire said that an area of land 40 miles long and four miles broad had been eaten away by the sea between Spurn Point and Flamborough Head, Little wonder, then, that the meet- ing unanimously passed a resolution urging the Government to make ade- quate contribution, towards the cost of necessary coastal defences, : But the sea waits neither for King Canute nor British Government, in proof of which consider the inexor- able: inroads it has made into our coast-line, . Old time holiday resorts have.disappeared and extensive alter- ations take lace to the frontage of modern holiday towns where the un- pleasant process continues, Coast erosion, of course, is no new thing to this generation. It has been a very serious matter for towns and villages right round the east, southeast, and south coasts from Sunderland to Plymouth, In fact, generations ago, holiday makers vis. far out to sea and forgotten, Down at Lyme Regis the sea is constantly un':r-cutting the cliffs so that landslides frequently occur, and ,on the Isle of Wight there is abund- ant evidence that our grandchildren will find on their maps two small is- lands where one fair-sized island stands today, Corton and Aldborough in Suffolk are rapidly disappearing and at Re- culver, where a church totters on the edge of the cliff, the older inhabi- tants can remember when a church. yard, a road and some houses lay be- tween it and the sea, Cromer of today should really be called New Cromer, for Old Cromer, the one time favorite resort of the gentry of the Eastern Counties, is gone, and Eccles, Wimpwell, and Shipden--once pretty watering places on the Norfolk Coast--have vanished also, ited seaside resorts which are now |. BUY = Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Tweaty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 -- Four Direct Lines to Central 'AKE Pinkham"s Phen- rin, These little pink tablets contain no nar- cotics. They will not affect the heart. 30c. at your drug store. Packed in a handy metal box to carry in your pocket or (if you happen to be a lady) in your handbag. Pi NikHaM S PHENRIN EACH YABLET CONTAINS TWO GRAINS OF PHENACETIN (ACETENILID DERIVATIVE) CONTAING NO NARCOTICS PinkHAM LABORATORIES LYNN, MASS, MELOIDS Instantly relieves that tickling in the throat and hoarseness of voice. Handy pocket package. LAAN SUK AX DC CC A a sn nc 3 Day Bargain in Water Bottle and to ally cost, fal price, per bottle Introducing our new 2 quart "Viking" Hot offer this fully guaranteed bottle at practic. Made in one plece from real live rubber, Magnificent bargain. Sat. urday, regular price $1.75, Spec. Hot Water Bottles reduce our stock we $1.19 CC A A A A EX ZA EE nn ny) ORDERLIES No fuss in getting the children to take these. An effective laxative for grown-ups too. luleid holder. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste large size, Klenzo Tooth Brush and Cel- All For 49¢ Giant size, shave Talcum blades. Klenzo Shaving Cream Gentleman's after All for 89c¢ and 5 Gillette value, 80¢ WRITING PORTFOLIO 39c¢ 80¢ . FRENCH BALM 39¢ 4 HOSPITAL 78¢ Sloan's Liniment Gin Pills ,..... Absorbent COTTON 59¢ $1.25 Ncott's Emulsion MORE REAL GOOD VALUE Kruschen Salts ...c00v004 Chases' Kidney Pills ,...., 25¢ Vinolia Castile 8 Cakes for 25¢ Milk of Magnesia ..... Ipana Tooth Paste ... Odorono ,...ve..0 Chersiette Face Powder And Lorie Loose Powder Vanity $1.50 | All For 98¢ anc $1.75 200 abc HOLDALLS $1.19 veesennss dc Silk and Rubber 25¢ MECCA Ointment 22¢ 80c 25¢ Baby's Own TABLETS tees ALARM CLOCKS 98¢c Knitted Wash Too Good to Mise FREE with each three 10c cake of Tiny Tot Soap, 3 cakes 29¢ WASH CLOTH FREE Cloth 38¢ LORIE HAIR FIX - 29¢ Pocket Comb in Case 28¢ 19¢ 38¢ WHISKS (Ring Top) '19¢ MEET ME AT THE REXALL SODA Clothes Brush 50c Solid-back 29¢ JURY o DEINE) Wow what a A Produet of WADE & BUTCHER fake 20 Shed Qe SAVE WITH SAFETY AT 20c 38¢c Klenzo Tooth BRUSHES 19¢ Leakproof Pen A Waterman-made School use. Has all the features of the most expensive pens. boys' stYIes co ounuiniininsiniin Fountain Pen for Girls' or 98¢c $1.50 HAWKEYE CAMERAS 98c $1.50 GILLETTE RAZORS 98c 80¢ -38¢ Leather Key RETAINER 19¢ FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LS SS SS Sl SO Ye EE MR NO 3 XO NR YE YS MR A NN

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