London, Oct. 1,~One of the world's most amazing and most confirmed criminals has just been arrested in South Africa, He is Carl Ludwig vas. Veltheim or, perhaps just plain Carl' Kurtz, His offense and sen tence this lime were comparatively mild==a month's imprisonment for "entering the country as a prohibited immigrant--but many a more serious misdeed attributed to hin as resulted in no punishment at all, In his time, Veltheim has: du and married many women, robbed them of their money, sought to black mail millionaires, killed a diamond king and won acquittal, and cooly confessed to a plot to kidnap a pres. ident, = He first came into world wide' at- tention back in 1898, when the Boer repitble of "the: Transvaal was still in existence, and the grim old Dutch mau, Kruger, was boss and president, Von Veltheim had gone into the of- fice of Woolf Joel, nephew of the famous diamond king, Barney Bar- nato, Acquitted in Killing Shots were heard and von Veltheim GENUINE RADIOTHONS that's why dealers say-- Westinghouse | TUBES INEVERY SOCKET POPP APT Wr Pw WY Poleolpoforordoaordorioriol PWR Ww BU aa TIME TABLES CPR, TIME TABLE, Effective April 29, 15D, (Standard Time) Go West ao Daily, aa, Daily, wi Daily except Sundae, pan, ba a East Daily, Daily, . Daily except Sunday. . Lally, Daily, shown above are times traime depart (rom Oshawe Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 20, 1029 (Standard Time) sastboun Dally, except Sunday. Sunday only, Daily, Daily except Sunday, 8.2% am, 8.58 am, 8.50 am, 1.17 pom, J would. cost about $5,000,000 | successful, von Veltheim was to get | a quarter of a million dollars, It was stated he had killed Joel The 4 caused great excitement, red he killed in sclf-def Barnato was bitterly | Kruger regime, he said, beca he got in touch with Barnato and outlined a scheme whereby he would kidnap Kruger and bring about the election of a new president. The pet and, ¥f never carried out, but he claimed | money was due him for work already e, . Barnato was dead, but von Velt- | heim wrote a series of seven letters signed "Kismet," in which he de- manded $60,000 from Woolf Joel. The jury accepted von Veltheim's story that he shot in self defense and acquitted him of the murder charge, but the Kruger government deported him from the Transvaal Lend He coptinued his shady career and, while living in Antwerp and Paris, sent blackmailing letters to Solty Joel brothérief the thurdered Woolf, and now head of the great gold and dia- mond business founded by Barnato. Joel procured his arrest and extra- dition' to England, where von Velt- heim was tried for sending threaten- ing letters, He was then 50 year, old and a huge figure of a man, it feet six inches in height and wit A police coal black hair and eyes, read inspector from Scotland Yard out his record, He said the accused was horn in Beynswick in Germany in 1858 and Lis real game was Carl Kurtz, Even as a school hoy he had a bad record, He stole a schoolmaster's pistol and injured himself with it, This record followed : 1872--Served as a sailor on a Ger- man ship, but deserted and served on various British ships. i 880--Served in the German navy, but deserted, Is supposed to have stolen the gold watch of Captain von Veltheim, and this gave him the idea of masquerading under that name, Was British Sailor . 1883-86--Served in British ships all over the world, Posed in Germany 4-as Captain Oliver Jackson of the Bri- tish Royal navy. 11886--Turned up in West Australia where he posed as Baron von Velt- heim, 1887--~Married an Australian wo- man and went to Capetown, South Africa, where he blackmailed a male acquaintance of his wife for $4,000, 1894 Posed as American Consul at Santa Maria, 189%6--Married a German woman in London under the name of von Velt- heim, Got $7,500 from her and skip- ped out, 1897--Returned to London and married a Greck woman, getting $1,500. from her, The man went to South Africa where he enlisted in the Cape Police as an Austrian, 1898--Forced to resign from the Cape Police, he turned up in the Transvaal republic, where he killed Woolf Joel and was acquitted, De: ported, but returned and was impri- soned, {| 1900-=Found Ly the British troops #8 a prisoner of war in Pretoria and deported to England, 901--"Turned up in Italy where he duped casy marks, raising $100,000 to finance a search for Kruger gold, Eloped with American 1903--Eloped from Naples with a married woman who got a divorce in South Dakota and married him, He soon deserted her, 1905--On the way to Europe met an American woman whom he wed in a mock marriage in Paris, Skip. ped to Germany where under proms of a German widow, who committed suicide when she learned the truth, His next appearance was in the English courts where this record was read, the while the accused bellowed from the dock, "Lies, all lies!" He was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years penal servitude, but ser- ved less than 10 before being released Since them he has twice entered South Africa illegally, twice becn imprisoned and twice deported, 252 pm, 5 647 pan, 0.42 pany i" 9 po, 7 pom, A 0} Daily, except Sunday. Daily, exgept Sunday. | Daily, Daily, except Sunday, Daily, * Daily, Westbound Ye 11. fe 12.0 13.35 pan, "4. Dail Daily, Daily, Daily, Daily, except Sunday, Daily, except Sunday, Daily, Sunday only, Daily, except Sunday. Daily, except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville am, am, am, wm, + 0.03 am, 2.02 pom, SAY pom, 7.19 pom, 7.27 pom, 80 pom, Bs 8.5 LI 1 except Sunday, | wheat and flour, CANADIAN FLOUR Bighty-three countries of the world are customers for Canadian according to a recent report, Great Britain was the largest, During 1928 more than 94,000,000 bushels of wheat were ground as commercial flour in 'Canadian mills, which was an increase of eight million bushels over the previous year, Flour pro- duced totalled 20,000,000 barrels, or an increase of nearly two milion barrels over the previous year. use it inte A his plas d | imerlurs h ison aad ise of marriage he got the fortunc | ILGIVE. More Authoritative and De- finite Expression to be Presented BORAH IS CHANGING U.S. Secretary Stimson Has Talk With French Ambassador Tokio, Oct. 2.--A more afithor- itative and more definite expres- sion of Japan's disarmament views than hitherto has been available soon will be laid before the gov- ernment of the United States and Great Britain, it was learned here, today, During the weeks of the nego- tiations between Premier Ramsay Mac¢Donnld and Ambassador Dawes, Japan remained a passive onlooker, merely receiving inform- ation of the progress made, but now that the Anglo-American agreement iy somewhat crystalized the Tokio government Is able to assume a more. active role, It is officially admitted that Am- bassador Matsudaira in London has requested fresh instructions, his request having been discussed at a Japanese cabinet meeting re- cently It 1s belfeved the envoy in' Lon- don has been instructed to amplify his previous expressions of Japan- ose official opinfon, by which he Is understood to have already inform- ed the Anglo-American: negotiators of such outstanding points as Jap- an's desire for a 70 per cent, ratio of eight neh gun cruisers, Official circles, however, empha- ¥ size thot Japan does wot contom- t plate Bnything in the nature of a bilalnary power 'parley th Great Brita States which wou and United likely endan~ ger the projected five-power con- ference, It 1s denied that Japan contemplates even conversations with Great Britain similar to the recent Anglo-American conversa- tions, y Borah ON Path Washington, Oct, 2,~--True 10 his favorite lone-hand role, Sen- ator Willlam ¥, Borah, chairman of the Benate Foreign Relations Committ¥e, appears to be heading off on his own path with regard to the Administration naval lim- itation program, Borah said he does not expect to be invited to be a member of the American delegation to the pro- posed dirarmament conference which probably will be held in London garly next year, There are indicatiofs here that if any naval limitation treaties result from that conference, President Hoover will have to fight for their ratification in the Senate without the aid of the man who holds the key post in the Benate so far as international affairs are concerned, Borah said recently he was not interested in naval limifation which did not provide for secrap- ping of British construction, He sald the United States serapped ships at Washington to bring down the level of tonnage and that now Britain, having the larger cruiser fleet, should likewise scrap Instead of asking the United States to build up. But Prime Minister MacDonald's Felt Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Eotablished 1086 | 12 Simcoe St. South recent statement made it plain that if agreement is reached the United States would be expected to build up and that reduction of the British cruiser fleet would Some only gradually ag ships wear out, fiecretary Stimson intimated conferences with the diplomatic representatives in Washington of the three naval powers which are to be invited to nin with the U8, and Great Britain in a seapower limitation' conference next January, His first. talk was with Paul Claudel, the French Ambassador, and it was indicated there would he conversations later with the Japanese and Itallan Ambassadors Neither the Secretary nor the French diplomat would discuss the meetin, 4 France, Japan and Italy have heen kept informed of the Anglo American negotiations for limita- tion of their cruiser, destryer and submarine fleetd, er a B.O, CATTLE BREEDERS The beef cattle breeders of Bri. tish Columbia provines have or- ganized an association for the pro- motion of the beef cattle industry REPORT ISSUED ON JUVENILE CRIME Figures for 1928 Show Con- siderable Decrease in Delinquency Ottawa, Oct, 2.--Juvenile de linguency decreased in 1028, Child- ren under 16 years of age convict- ed of major offences numbered 5,- 063, a reduction of 93 from the previous year's figure, Those guil- ty of minor offences fell off from 3,029 to 2,636, Figures are con- tained in a report issued at the Dominion Bureau of Statistlies, Bince 1922 the first year for which figures are quoted, there was a gradunl vise in the number of delinquents for major offences; the peak being in 1927 with a total of 5,063, Minor cases increased more rapidly until 19256 when a high figure of 3,807 was recorded, The chief forms of delinquency were: theft and receiving goods, 8,260; breaking and entering pre- mises, $13 and wilful damage to property, 620, The proportion of second offend- ers was substantially reduced, In 1928 they represented 22.32 per cent of those hefore the courts, while in 1027 the percentage was 26.74, Cities and towns provided the great majority of juvenile offend- erg, Tha number of casse dealt with in 34 urban centres in 1928 was 8,304 out of a population of 2,492,809, The remaning 1749 came' from a suburban popula tion of 6,205,674 During the reven years 1922-28, 5.28 per cent of the boys and girls brought before the courts were dis- missed or their cases adjourned sine die, Of the remainder $1.81 per cent, were either let off with a futon: / The wise man never waits till he is driven by necec- sity, secure your services are available, INGER COAL now while hes: 'J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W ~ug Manager, reprimand, put on probation, or required to make restitution when damage was done, 24,06 per cent, were let off under suspended gent- ence, 10,08 per cent, were fined, 3.80 per cent, detained indefin- itely, 9.27 per cent, sent to reform- atory, or corrective institutions, and ,89 per cent, were given cor- poral punishment, HYDRO POWER FOR FARMERS With 1,000 miles of new power linos being erected this season, the publicly owned Ontario Hydro Power Commission will serve more than 6,000 additional farmer con- sumers, Valuating the assets of this electric power commission at cost, the value is now stated to he $162,000,000 -- the market value, however, is stated to be nearer $500,000,000, Er ------------ The steady march of industrial and general development in Wes- tern Canada Is Indicated by the decision of an Alberta company manufacturing heavy structural steel products fo make large addi« tions to its plants at Calgary and Edmonton, in order to keep pace with demands for material from all parts of the country, ELLA CINDERS--An Official Welcome in that province, WITHOUT STOCKINGS | Reg. U. § Pe, OF; Copyright 1929, by Mesopoten. i id bd ~. id : By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BRINGING UP FATHER I'M BO ORR ET PPE \G HT OUT OF MY H WAT TILL MAGGIE FINDS CLT YOu BROKE A LAMP. I'LL TAKE THD ONE OUT OF HERE BEFORE YOO BLOST \T- WOL'RE IN OLR Cw -- | RoAD- nN) 03 7 ney I | " I'M GLAD | DIDN'T BREAK IT MAGGIE Wik HAVE TO GIVE ME CREDIT FOR SAVIN' THIS ONE p, 0 lS @ 1929, Int"! Feature Service, Ine, Reo) Great Britain rights reserved, ERCP a i THE BOOTH HOME IN MARYLAND E340 YEARS LATER HE PLAYED HIS FATHER'S ROLE OF RiCHARD IT IN NEW YORK CITY. i YOU WANT ME T0 ASK DADDY MANY PEEPS THERE ARE IN A KEY- HOLE © Ii Wh BUS LINE 2 WEEK DAY SCHEDULE TOMORROW, BETTY? . (Effective on and afer Amive Hospital | po} y \ ent, Fass Powder for sack JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, «+ EXCLUSIVE AGENTS TPTTPTPOPP Z33FBPRE32357 10.50 a.m A4 pm | 43 pn 645 pm LL 30WIN BOOTH WAS THE SON OF JUHIUS BRUTUS BOOTH THE FAMOUS ENGLISH ACTOR HE WAS BORN IN BELAIR,MARYLAND,IN 1833, AND HIS ACTING CAREER BEGAN IN BOSTON IN 1849, 10.85 oun J ACTING WAS IN SHAKESPEARIAN PLAYS # ESPECIALLY IN THE ROLES OF HAMLET, SHYLOCK, RICHARD II. KING LEAR AND OTHELLO. © 1929 by Kmg Features Syndiente. tne "wot Britem nghte nasrved EE 2 oo Ave we wimanvi 5.56 a A, of 2. 's " 3 CR J POTTER SR A TI 1 TY Soo 2=SehensE3e 7Z ---- & W.A.HARE OPTOMETRIST 23; Simcoe St. North 'Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lonses ll By Russ Westewn 1500 SOTA ao IY _(0_THAT BIRD FOR EFFICIENCY. TPTPEoEs EF TILLIE THE TOILER--Quick Action [LISTEN , PARDNER -. VIVE STALLED LET ME SEE SOME {ACTION OM THIS Op IT |S VERY MPORTANT, THAT WE DISCUSS TH'S PROPOSITION \MMEDIATELY MR. SIMPIKIN 2 Non caes g3z332 eo R: SIMPIGONS RRR PT of DO INDAY AMD. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE To _BISTURS ih . N Diamonds! hy Bassett's | On Oshaws's Mam Corner sm eS ---- MEN'S WORK SHIRTS X 49¢ 1. Collis & Sons §0-54. King W. Phone 733w 8 om WX pm MIS em whe talked are Whithy Haute, Special Busser tor Al Uccastone Reasonable Rater ne Carelut Drivers \ A GARIUN Praprieoter Bowmanville Phone (12 a M8 a Ushawe Waiting Roam, 10 Prince b= { NERY ey