Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Sep 1929, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1929 EASTERN ON +5 300444 ARI0 NEWS PROTEIN) 22.400 x vator Tenders Sought Prescott -- The Department of Public Works, Ottawa, is asking for tenders for the construction of a grain elevator at Prescott. Kingston Doctor Elected Kingston--At the Ontario Dent- al Association convention held in Brockville, Dr. Broom of Kingston wag elected a member of the Pro- gram Committee, Red Cross Returns Kingston--Although the returns of the Red Cross canvas are not vet completed, it is expected that with the Tag Day collections, the Amount will be more than $900. "Fire Destroys Home Brockville--The house of Reu- been Casselman, Inkerman, and some outbuildings, were destroyed by fire, The loss was partly covered by insurance. Clearing House. Figures Kingston -- Clearing -house fig- ures fssued for the week ending 10833 were as follows: #929,808.- The figures for the same dns of last year were $859,056.- 86. New Pumper Ganonoque--The new La France fire pumper which the town decid- ed upon purchasing about tnree months ago has.arrived. It has a capacity of 600 gallons per minute, which is considered sufficient for the town's needs in case of fire, Conservative Organizing Brockville--The Conservative Association of Brockville riding has rented the vacant store at 15 King Street west, adjoining the Revere House, as a campaign head- auarters for the coming provincial election. To Visit Watertown Kingston--The members of An- cjent St, John's Lodge, AF, & A. M., have accepted an invitation ex- tended to them by the members of Watertown Lodge, New York State, to vigit the Watertown Lodge and confer a degree on October 16th. Bieyclist Injured .s Kingston--James Brennan, of Point Anne, suffered' a painful ac- cident Tuesda¥snight when his mo- torcycle on which he was riding, overturned" in some loose gravel and fell on his left ankle, sprain- ing it quite badly. Painting Finished Ganonoque--The work of paint- ing and redecorating the Bennett block, in which the Bennett hard. QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S 'therefore, the last of daylight sav- ASS A dessa ARBs AMS ad ware store and the Bank of Mont- real are located, and the building at the rear used as a tinshop, was completed last night by Frank Wright & Sons, who had the con- tract, Music Group to Organize Kingston--A meeting to organ- ize a music group of the Kingston Art and Music Club will be held in the club rooms over the Bank of Commerce on Tuesday, October 1, at 8 p.m, It is hoped that a large number of those interested in this section of the club's work will attend. standard Time Port Hope -- With the amend- ment to the Kingston by-law gov- erning daylight saving time stat- ing that the summer time shall end at 12 o'clock p.m, preceeding the first day of October this city will resume standard time at midnight on the night of Monday-Tueéday in next week. The present week is, ing time in this year, Brockville Car Found Montreal--Twelve hours after it was reported stolen in Brockville, an automobile belonging to Thom- as Currie was recovered in Mont- real and its two occupants arrest- ed. They gave Montreal addresses. A quantity of goods believed to have been stolen was found in the car and detectives are investigat- ing to ascertain whether any store breaks were carried out between Brockville and Montreal, Workman Tnjured Kingston--Denzil Percy: Collett, employed at Belleville on the con- struction of St. Michael's Academy was injured yesterday. He was struck in the back with a swinging crane, Collett was stooping over working at his employment and when straightening up he did not see the boom moving in his diree- tion. He was struck in the small of the back and knocked down. St. Louis Still Missing Brockville--John St. Louis, 31- vear-old lock hand on the Cornwall Canal, who vanished on the night of Tuesday, July 29, when his au- tomobile was found in the Longue Sault rap'ds at Sheik"s Island, is still missing after 53 days have passed, Profound mystery sur- rounds disappearance and police are still without clues regarding him, dead or alive, Fatally Injured on Highway Brockville--Jnhn Hayes, aged 27, of Cornwall, was fatally m- jured on. Sundav when the car which he was drving on provin- cial highway No, 2 got beyond con- trol between Mille Roches and Moulinette and' crashed into the ditch. A half-brother, Charles Hayes. of Maxville, who was driv- ing with him and who owned the car, escaped injury. After the ac- cident, John Hayes was the first to free himself from the wreckage and For LITTLE We offer you, on Monday, white. With the Cool Days and Colder Evenings WARMER COATS | ARE NECESSARY | heavy weight all wool blanket cloth coating. 56 in. wide in plain shades of navy, sand, copen, red or $2.50 YARD The FOLKS a special value in a good first thing in the morni simply can't be done wi day special. 49c Eiderdown «12 different patterns to choose from a kimona made of this material is very comfortable to snuggle into on retiring in the evening or for on cold damp. days. Comes 32 in wide. Mon- Cloths ng. A garment that thout in the sick room YARD The Arcade Phone 1000 helped Charles to extricate him- self, He died, however, in an am- bulance en route to Cornwall, Testified in Murder Trial Brockyille=--Dr. J, A. Pritchard, of the medical staff of the St. Law- rence State Hospital at Ogdens- burg, was a witn this week at the trial in White Plains, N.Y., of Earl F. Peacox for the murder of his wife. Dr, Pritchard, formerly of this vieinity, was called with records in the case of George Roof, an insane second cousin of the prisoner, Peacox. Garnet and Grey Practice Peterboro -- The garnet and grey gridders are working each night and the team is round- ing up into mid-season condi- ition, The backs are getting height and distance to their punts while the tacklers are learn- ing to get their man at the knees instead of the neck. They will make strong bid for the game on Satur- day against Lindsay, when the old rivals clash in the first game of the season, Line Cleared Kingston -- Following the ral- way accident in the vicinity of Cat- araqui, when a westbound train sldeswiped an eastbound passenger train which had been derailed, the wrecking gang from Belleville had the westhound line cleared and ready for traffic at about 2.30 p. m, on Wednesday. while the east- bound' line was cleared and open to traffic at about midnight when the regular traffic schedule was resnmed by the C.N.R. both east and wost, Returned to McGill ' Belleville -- Mr, Charles A, Sankey has returned home from Iroquois Falls, where, on the staff of the Abitibi Paper and Power Company, he has spent the summer, He will during the coming session complete his post-graduate course in Chemical Engineering at McGill University, Montreal, where he is in charge of the laboratory in the new building erected by the paper and pulp companies, New. Publication Peterboro -- Peterborough stud- ents at the University of Toronto, will have two periodicals to read instead of one, The original 'Var- sity' will make its appearance again and the new one. will be the "Privateer," a weekly organized by the students dissatisfied with the at- titude of the University body in re- gard to their former journalistic efforts. At Ouean's the "Queen's Journal," will still carry on news of the Univereity activities gs it hag for so many years. Aged Turtle To Be Soup Lindsay---The prospect great-great-grandfather was a bov faces Mr, A. J. Wood family, Mr. Wood found a huge mud-furtle near Snug Harbour re- cently .and tourists at Snug Har- bour, who claimed to know about such things, estimated its age to be about 150 wears. The was about a foot and a half wide and about two feet long, It weigh- ed 25 pounds, After it was killad and cleaned Mr. Wood obtainen nearly 18 pounds of meat from it. Average conditions Labor Conditions Peterboro Labor are obout average for this time of the year, according to inform- ation received this morning fram the Employment Bureau in Petar- borough. There are ahout five names on the list, if anything 18 somewhat lower than other years, {fowever, the general trend of conditions are about the same as other years, The domestic situation has not changed only a large lemand with no applicants, A few orders for laborers were received this morn- ing. ; Horse Racing Brockville--The owner of a har- ness horse in this district will have \ chance to grab off some oat mon- on October 2 when the Brock- 'lle agricultural Society will stage ~igantic 'one-day meet. A half 'liday will he procaimed by the avor and everyone will be there. rockville society in their fair years have run into rain on several oc- casions and the receipts have been naturally low. This meet is being sponsored to alleviate some of the financial burden. The meet is not going to be a case of spend your money and get nothing in return but there will be the best class of horses on hand that ever faced a starter in 'eastern Ontarlo. The committee in charge of which Wil- liam Miller and Robert Webster are members have invited all the horsemen to the meet. Promises have heen received from Quebec, New York State and all parts of Ontario --- their horses will be there. The racing will be carried out on the fastest half mile ring in Canada and a special grooming will be given the racing strip be- fore the day. Gold, amounting to 2,223,251 ounces and valued at $46,165,400, was produced in the United States during the calendar year 1928. The bridge now being construc- ied connecting New York City with Jersey City over the Hudson Riv- er will cost approxmately $60,000,~ 000. Hens bothered with Lice are too busy to lay Eggs-- Kill the Lice with Sold by all dealers Write for Pratt's Poultry Book--Free PRATT FOOD CO., of Canada, Ltd 328 Carlaw Ave, Toronto 8, Ont. Se | 4 kers DON'TBE AFRAID T0 SHILE A mouth that is clean and healthy, gums that are firm and teeth that are white, radiate pleasantness, When you possess these it will be a habit to smile, Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Will produce all of these conditions if used regularly. It sweetens the breath and scours. the teeth without scratching, LARGE SIZE TUBE 39¢ At the Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 STORM OF SELLING SWAMPS MARKETS Billions of Dollars Quoted Values Are Wiged Out Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw aie quoting to shippers the following prices for carlots delivered on track, Toronto: No. 2 Timothy, baled ton .... $14.00 $14,°9 No. 3 Tumothy, baled ton..... 12.00 "15,00 Wheat 'straw baled ton 11.00 Oats straw, per ton . + 10.00 No, 1 Timothy loose, is s' 'quoted at $19 to $20 per ton, delivered, TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at teh following pri- fresh firsts, No. ces: Egrs--Fresh, extras,a in cartons, 50c; extras, loose, 48c;: frsts, loose, 48¢c; loose, 44c; seconds, 3X. Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 2. creamery, prints, ..Cheese--New, large, twins, 21 1.2¢; toplets, 22c; stiltons, 27c. Old, largeg, 29c: twins, 29 1-2¢c; triplets and cuts, 30c; old stiltons, 3c, 42; Dressed Jroilers Ducklings TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting gthe following prices to the trade: Smoked meats Hams, medium, 32 to 37c; cooked loins, 30 to 53c; smoked rolls, 28¢; breakfast bacon, 2 to 3c; back, pea- mealed, 3 to 38; do. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., 24c; 70 to 90 lbs., 22; 90 to 110 Ibs. Ae. Heavy yweight rolls, 40c, Lightweight smoked, 45 to 4c. rolls, 25¢ lard--Pure, tierces, pails, 15 3-4c; prints, tierces. 14 to 5c: tubs, tins, 17c: prints, 16¢ Pork loins, 35¢; New pork butts, 29¢; pork hams, 15¢; tubs, 14 1.4c; 17 to 1Rc, Shortening 14 1.2; pails, 15c; York shoulders, 25¢; 1-2, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET I'he following are quoi:tions, retail, in ¢f- fect on the St, Lawrence market, Toronto: Produce--~ Engs, extras, bo. first er, dary, Do., creamery, Fruite and Vegetables-- Carrots, duz, bunches Beets, doz. bunches Un , dry, 1l.qt. Dao., 6igt, K per dozen ........ per dozen basket .... A ste motion rk, NY orders, y 8 pt, 28 in rm | by | mcrease of | New Y seHing set the unexnectedly large £192,000,000 in Federal Reserve bre loans, swirled through the se- | markets of the county yes-| sent prices tumbling in spec- | 2 tacular fashion and wiped out mil lions 'of dollars in quoted vahie | Extreme declines in the active is of the New York Stock exchange ranged from $5 to $33 a share, with relatively little recovery from the | day's lows, Despite the severity the reaction, total sales fell well be- | low 5,000,000 sharcs. | of curities terday, of {Spinach | de VC Sues | | New Cabbage peck ... Mushrooms, per pond .......... Grapes, Cauliflower Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, 2 for Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, 11-qt. Parsley, per bunch . Cress, three for .. Celery, Oranges, per dozen per bundle Grapefruit, two for , Lemons, per dozen . Bananas, per dozen . Apples, 6-qt, basket . Rhubarb, 3 bunches . Green beans, 11 qt. , Plums, baskey . 6 qt. .. Cantaloupe, 16 at, . Blueberries, 11 qt Pears, 11 qt. Peaches, qt. yes Honey Dew, mel each Green peppers, six for 6 CHICACO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Sept. 27.--Fggs--There was no change in today's spot market with trade yeported light except on top grades which can be moved readily at premiums ove: posted quotations, Sim ilarly there was little cr no change in the future market. Volume of trading was swall and seemed 10 he con- fined almost entirelv to locals, It appeared that some effort was made early to depress quotations on extras in butter, but sufficient buying power was evident immediately after the close 10 prevent and readjustment of prices. In the futures there was carly sell. ing of the December eggs at 4} het offerings thereafter were never h and sellers apparently did not care to press sales further today, Chicago Spot market --RBu'ter, extra ; tone steady; eggy, firsts (current 7c; tone steady. Jutter today, 1! 133,018; 2, ; eRRs today, sing prices-- November rgze, new December eggs, 37 1-2c; Decenber 1 1 44 1-% TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dea fers mth nto Board Trade are making the for car i ern, $1.49; No. $1.44 1-2; No, ta} freights, bag 23; shorts, per to 81.3 Onts Fhe break a week of steadily declining prices mterspersed with rallies which gener- ally proved abo rive in character, In addition to such mmfavorable credit opments high call and tine r the increase, in Ie waising of the Ba of, Eng- discount ra from 51; per cent, with its withdrawal of York, the to contend wit news as came as the climax o money ans nd the land G1 threat i foreign | miarket also has had h such unfavorable trade falling off in the | Jouty nit to | & balances from |" d oi the country of steel and automobiles, re 0 's basi ing prices last ithe popular a share, or more, high levels The: cords were established in tances. only a few week there was every indication bull" ement, which 1 prior to the election of President Coolidge in 1924 and has continued, with few interruptions since that clos night, sell- the re- ro stocks were $40 years below high several in- ago when that the Mos just the | i | IRA Tr Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 -- Four Direct Lines to Central i E00 FE I; out the reduction in taxation tha previously had been anticipated. Re trenchment will be in order all dowr the line, and it is possible that (he government will have to reduce or eliminate altogether subsidies on certain exported products. Indus. tries which have been secking tariff protection will probably have to. de without it for the time being, and every effort possible will be made to husband the country's financial re sources so that it may emerge from its present ordeal as strong econo mically as possible; time, would carry over into the new year, RESTORATION IN NEW ZEALAND TO COST MILLIONS Sir min Big Problem Faces Joseph Ward's Gov- ernment South 4,000,- The na ative Population of Africa is now estimated at ano, Wellington, New Zealand, Sept, 28 Sir Joseph Ward's rew govern- ment will be required to spend mil- lions of pound sterling in the re- storation of the earthquake-ravaged sections of New Zealand, and just how 'the money will be raised has not yet been decided. A special loan will probably be au- thorized by parliament and the coun- try will have to worry KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIO of eat- | ing soup that originated while hiz | still | and | turtle | sixty- | ! which | pO ENERO EN EE ESE NF EEN NNO EENEEEEAENER -] Dore JURY & Optical Parlors C. CHURCHLEY Fer satisfactory repairing bring your watch and clock work to Churchley. 'We guarantee all repairs--Prices reasonable. Old gold and silver bought or exchanged for Jhe Credit Jeweller When We Test Eyes--It Is Properly new goods, LOVELL .. Phone 28 or 20 YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Phone 2520 and a driver will call OSHAWA LAUNDRY Mill Street to Build Up Our City- And Dry Cleaning Co. and Help Build Up SHOPPING DISTRICT Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps = § | EEEEEE "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" 12 Simcoe Street South Phone 701 Radios--and the Wonder Orthophonic Alsg Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa . D. J. BROWN King Street West Phone 188 Oshawa Siberrys' TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS Hand finished customized suits for men tailor- ed from finest grade British Woollens. Hun- dreds of Patterns to choose from. Perfect fit guaranteed--Place your order now. 27 KING ST. E. (Opposite P. 0.) - ERS EEEEEEN RY

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