ews B "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1929 udget From Busy Communities of t e Osha meio ry ORONO HOLSTEINS SHOW FINE TEST Cedar Dale Herd Averages 4 Per Cent. Butter Fat in Test Orono, Sept, 25.~Miss Aileen Bres- lin, of Toronto, is visiting at her brother's, M, M. Breslin, Mrs. George Cowan was taken to Toronto last week for treatment for | Cedar Dale farm dairy herd under recent government test averaged 4 per cent butter fat, which is stated to be above the average Holstein re- cord. Mr, John Tamblyn, owner of this fine herd, shortly expects to ca- ter to the Orono Milk service in succession to Mr. C. A, Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Karkosch, of New York, N. Y,, formerly Miss Iva Ma- son of this town, youngest daughter of the late John Mason, were visi- tors the past: week at her aunt's, s, Briggs, Park St, Mr. and Mrs. Townley and family Miss Catharine and Master Bruce, o Fenelon Falls, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A, A. Ralph's, Mrs. Harrison is leaving for Ot- tawa shortly to spend a few days with 'her sister, Mrs, Adams, who is seriously ill in the hospital in that ib ; r, and Mrs, Alchifl and two daughters, Misses Thurma and Hazel, of Pine Castle, Fla, in a motor trip, | spent a few hours in town on Thurs- day last, guests of Mr, Orme Gamsby, Mrs, Alchin is a grand-daughter of the late W. H, Ogden and spent her early days in Kendal, rs, H. G. Odell and daughter, Miss Ruth Odell, accompanied by Mrs, W. S. Streefer, of Riverside, California, formerly Miss Kathleen Snowden who one time spent a win- ter here with the late H, H, Odell, motored into town on Sunday calling on friends and renewing old acquain- tances, Mr. A, Odell of Toronto, also accompanied the party, on his way vo Cobourg, .- Mr, and Mrs, Fred Morton of Chi- cago, spent: Wednesday 'with his fa- ther, Mr. Robert Morton, The Women's Institute had a good attendance at their meeting held on Friday last, considering the weather conditions, Musical numbers were given by Miss Dorothy Rowe and Miss Viola Noden. Mrs. F. J, Hall gave a very interesting account of her recent trip to the Coast, The committee in charge first served a contest lunch followed by sandwiches and pumpkin pie, which was much enjoyed. The Institute has been asked to provide the banquet at the Teachers Convention to b held in Qctober the 10th, Mr, John Millson was home from ronto over the week end at his '4ther's, Mr, Harry Millson, {The management of the Orono Community Park have decided to hold a street fair on the completion of the pavement through the business section of the village. Particular an- nouncement will be made later, The Fair will include all the usual at- tractions. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Winter, of this village was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their daughter, Etta, and William P, Ir- win, of Mimico Beach were united in marriage by Rev. A, K. Ednason, of Little Britain, The bride who en- tered the room on the arm of her father, wore a gown of white satin, Her veil of lace was worn with a ban- 'deau of orange blossoms, and she |, 'carried a bouquet of red roses, Miss 'Ethel Winter, sister of the bride was {bridesmaid and wore a gown of rose taffeta and silver shoes.' The groom 'Iwas attended by his _ brother, Mr, Hunter Irwin, Miss Mary Smith iplayed the wedding chorus. During {the signing of the register, Miss Hel. en Powers rendered a vocal solo. After the ceremony, a reception was "held after which the bridal couple left on a motor trip to the United States. On their return they will res side in New Toronto. On Thursday afternoon last the res gular monthly meeting of the Wo- 'men's Missionary Society was held at Liskeard, Group 7, Mrs. John ThompsQn, convenor, ~ prepare the rogram, assisted by the Leskard Mission Band, The scripture Lys- son was taken by the President, A chorus by five little girls, Miss Edith "Trull being the pianist: devotional leaflet by Mrs. Ed. Ball, Exercises by the boys and girls in costume repre= 'senting the different countries, ask ing for help. The Lesson study: "Pi- soneer Days in Canada," was prepared 'by Mrs, Fred Trull, Mrs. Butler and (Mrs, W, F, Chapman, made up a very interesting program, The meet- _ing closed with a hymn. An.excellent lunch was served by the Leskard ladies, A vote of thanks was tender- 'ed them by the Orono auxiliary, «A wery pleasing event took place fast Friday evening at the home of 'Mr. W. E, Davey when a number of friends on learning of the a proach. Hae marriage of his eldest daughter, fMary, took her by surprise and shows 'ered her with kitchen utensils, Upon arriving home from the city, with her fiance, she was greeted at 'the door with a wild outburst of sing- ing "For she's a jolly good fellow." "The young couple were taken con® pletely by surprise were led to seats 'in the drawing room where Mr, F, W. Bowen, M,P,, took charge of af- fairs and after explaining in a few brief words the reason of the gath- ering "called Spon Miss Gladys Rob- 'bins to read the address; while Miss Velma Neal, Leave Davey, Mary Somerville, and Marion Dickson 'brought forward two hampers filled to the brim with kitchen ware all in yellow, including a full set of yellow china, cutlery, china breakfast set, table cloth, vases and fancy dishes. Miss Davey thanked her friends in a charming little speech and then proceeded to take out the presents one by one. After these had been passed around and admired, Mrs. Boiven read "A recipe for cooking husbands," then followed a short rogram consisting 'of recitations by Hh Margaret Allen, and Mrs, C, { Markham were guests of Mr, Gamey, songs by Miss Valeta Allen and short speeches by Misses Neal, L. Davey, Archer, Souch and McKay, also Messrs Davey and Keat, After a short period spent in community singing a dainty lunch was served and then the guests were invited to go upstairs to see Mary's trousseau and dainty collection of linens, There was also on display the gifts of the young couple had been showered with the previous evening at the groom's home in Toronto, Dear Mary: On learning that you are soon to take upon J ourse the woman's greatest task of home mak- ing, your many friends in and around Orono decided to meet to-night to bid you God speed and to add a little sunshine to that home. We hope our little sunshine shower will convey to you that love and appre- ciative friendship of the many friends in your home town. You are not going so far away, and since Leland's car has the habit of travel- ing this way, we will expect to sec you both often, Signed on behalf of your many friends, ses PORT PERRY FAIR WAS FINE SUCCESS Port Hope and Sutton Horses Win Trotting Events ~Other Features Port Perry, Sept, 23--~The Church of the Ascension was beautifully decorated yesterday for the Harvest Festival Services, In addition to the morning and evening services there was a service for children at 3 pm, Rev, Dr, Macklem of Toronto gave a beautiful address at each service, Special music was sung by the choir, including two anthems, "O, Worship the King" and "Now the Day is Ended" by Ashworth, The horseshoe pitching at the fair on Tdesday was most interesting, articularly the game played by Roy 3 cLaughim of Bowmanville, who is only 10 years old. He made more ringers than any of the other play- ers, The Bentley Trophy was won by, Greenville and West of Orono, 2nd prize to McLaughlin Bros. of Burketon, and 3rd to Ames and Mc- Laughlin of Bowmanville, Only two teams put in an appear- ance for the softball games--Colum- bus and Greenbank, the Columbus firs winning the Durant Trophy 26- The results in the trotting races were: 2.15 Class--Ist, Peter Direct, owner G. L, Bennet of Port Hope; 2nd, Black McDougal, owned by G. A, McIntosh of Prince Albert; 3rd, Sisco, owner, Dr, Walker of New- market, Birdie Brino, Betty H, and Dan and The Limit also ran, 2.30 Class--1st, Edgar Gratton, owner, M, D, Styles, Sutton; d, Black Mac; 3rd, Prince S, Dr. Bai- ley, /Uxbridge, Teddy M. Dustless Dan and TheLimit also ran, Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Christy were in Guelph last week, Mr and Mrs. R, R, Cockburn and Robert Jr. of Combermere are visit. ing Mr, and Mrs, J, C, Cockburn, Sir, J. C, Cockburn was in Oshawa on. Saturday for the casting tourna- ment of the Anglers / ociation, Rev, W, P. Curry o. Toronto is a guest of Mr, and Mrs, Morley Moase, Mr, and Mrs, Knox of Winnipeg are visiting friends in Port Perry, Mr, Percival Muirhead of Walker- ville was in town one day last week. Miss Hilda Rose of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, . H, Rose, Miss Stella Wilson of Raglan was the guest of Miss Valde Hortop for a few days last week, r. and Mrs. Swift and family and Miss Moffatt of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mrs, G. A, Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Jillard of Toronto were guests of Mrs, Fred Moore: Miss Edith Peters of Claremont was home for the week end, Mr, Clinton Short of Toronto was home over the week end, r, and Mrs, Grant Gerrow at- tended the Lindsay fair on Thursday. Among those who attended the Lindsay fair on Saturday were Mr, and Mrs, .J. E, Jackson, Mr, Geo. {askaon, Mrs, H, Willard, Miss Reta illard and Billy Willard, Miss Rose Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shep- herd, Mrs. Beacock and Bobbie, Miss Hilda Wallace, George Tinsley, Ed and Fred Jennings, Mrs. Anderson and Helen, Mr, and Mrs. D. Car negie, Misses Edith and Florence Wells, Mr, M. Beare and Miss Valde Hortop, Miss Anna DeLury is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W, C, Wilson.: Miss M, Nevin of Toronta is.the guest of Miss Margaret Forman, Mrs, Alex Gilboord is very ill at present. We hope for a speedy re- covery. \ ; . Mrs, H. S. White, of: Caldwater is the guest of Mr, and. Mrs, Thos, Asher, Mr, and Mrs. DW, Mcintosh snent the week end with friends in Warsaw, Mr, and Mrs, M. M. Williams of an Mrs. Gale over the week end. "Mr, and Mrs. Huglin of Regina were recent guests of Mrs. Wm, Brock, Mr. E. B, Walker has been ap- ointed manager of the Canadian ank of Commerce at Dresden and has left to take charge of his new work, We wish Mr, and Mrs. Walk- er success and happiness in - their new surroundings, . Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Rose have gone to Toronto for the week end, Mr, Robert Wallace has sold his farm to Jas, Davidson of Toronto. Mr. Morley Campbell who has been ill for some time is recovering. Mr. Forbes Nasmith is going Toronto, where he will attend University. In recognition of their generous services to both Sunday School and church the orchestra of the United Church S.S. was entertained by the Ladies' Bible Class and staff of the Sunday School at a banquet last Fri day night. A good program was given. Mr, Alfred Andrus is director of the orchestra. to the CORN GOOD GROP RAGLAN VICINITY Farmers Pleased With Better Return Than Was Anticipated Raglan, Sept. 25~Rally, Day ser- vices in the Sunday School will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2.30, on October 6th, A special program is being prepared for the occasion, Every family being invited is to be present, Silo filling is the order of the day in this community, the corn having been a better crop than was ex- pected due to the wet period when sowing, many are complaining of the corn borer as destructive as last year, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Brent, on the birth of a son on Thursday, September 19, 1929 -Vadlie Hortop has returned to her home in Port Perry from spending the past weck with her friend, Es- tella Wilson, Rose Brent of Brooklyn is spend- ing a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. Gordon Brent, ' Congratulations to Mr, J. A, Wil- son & Sons on obtaining many prizes donated to them on their stock and grain, etc, Mrs, Langmaid and daughters of Oshawa were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Irwin Ormiston on Sunday. Many friends from here were sor- ry to hear of the sudden death of Mr, Moses Doolittle of Columbus on Thursday evening. Many attended the funeral which was held from his residence on Monday afternoon, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Nottingham, on the birth of a son, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Way of Osh- awa visited at the home of the lat- ter's parent, Mr, G, Stacey on Sun: day Mr, and Mrs, C, Cook of Prospect spent Sunday at the home of Mr, J . Evans, The annual rural school fair will be held in the Brooklyn School grounds on Monday, September 30th, Many children taking a great interest and pride in the garden will be able to select prize varieties of different things. Sus, Bray spent Sunday at the home of her brothers, Mr. J. Bray of Prospect, Miss G, White spent the week end at her home in Egypt, Quite a number from here attend- ed the Port Perry and Lindsay fairs of last week, Mrs. Erle Ruson and son Francis have returned to their home in De- troit, Michigan, after spending three weeks at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, F. Dring. Several attended the Liberal meet: ing which was held in Oshawa on Monday night, also the Conservative meeting held in the town hall at Co- lumbus on the same night, Mr, and Mrs. F, Dring and daugh- ter Stella motored to Port Hope on Wednesday of last week. Mr. M, Knapp spent Monday in Toronto. : HAMPTON SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY Oo: M. Alger, Oshawa, Tells of Work of Children's Aid Society Hampton, Sept, 23. --~Miss Ruth Johns, Missionary Vice President had .charge.of .the Young People's: mect- ing on Friday night. After the open- ing exercises and business part of the meeting. Rev. Mr. Bick took charge of the Devotional period. Miss Vera Kerslake had the topic and Mr, T. Salter and Mrs, Hilton Peters favored with a vocal duet, oc- companied by Miss N. Horn, Miss Mary Novik gave a reading and the meeting .closed with the League be- nediction, Rally will be observed next Friday evening, Sept. 27. Spe- cial Rally program 1s being followed, Theme--"Lessons from the Harvest, Rev, Harold Stainton, Courtice, will ive an address and special music is: eing prepared, The attendance at the Rally Day Service, Sunday afternoon, was about one hundred.and fifty. | The theme was, "In 'Quest of Others." The rinted 'program was followed throughout. iss Ruth Jota tell ing 'the stor; of "The d. Shep- herd" and the "Lost Sheep," to the children, after which Mrs, Gea. Bar- ron, Mrs, W, Wilbur, and Mrs, Hil- ton Peters, favored with a vocal trio 'The Ninety and Nine," fitting in nicely after the story. . . Mr. Hilton Peters, and Miss Laura Virtue told interesting stories of "Some followers-of Jesus." Miss Sar« gent also had a part in the literary part of the pi 3 .. The hymns throughout were heart- ily sung. Mr, Alger, Oshawa, a visi tor at the school told some interests ing facts of the wark of the "Chil dren's Aid Society," in which he is engaged, r. and Mrs. H. W, Wilcox and family attended Lindsay Fair on Sa- turday. : . Mr, Levi Niddery, Brantford, vis- ited 'Mrs. Georgina Niddery recently, Mr, and Mrs. Hooey, Cameron, visited the latter's sister, Mrs, Grace Clatworthy. Miss Vera Baker, Solina, . Mrs. Thompson, Selina, "Miss \ Thompson, New Yor Mrs. €. €ross- man, and daughter, Jean, * Oshawa, visited Mrs. Mabcl Taylor recently, Mrsf A. Trenouth, visited her dau- ghter, Mrs. Rov Metcalfe, Maple Grove, . Mrs. A. E. Billett and family were in, Lindsay Saturday attending the am, My. and Mrs, Upton .. Stephens, Base Line visited the [.rmer's mother Mr. and Mrs. John Colwill, Jr, in company with Mrs, Georgina Nid- », Loraine |! fet, and son Jack, visited Brooklin riends pectnlly Mr, Percy Hills and daughters, Ha- zel and Violet, Toronto, visited at the home of A,B, Cryderman, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Cowling, vis- ited Solina relati -»s recently, Mr, and rs, W, Geron, , Port Perry, Mr, Ernest Geron, BA, To- ronto, visited at the home of Mr, A, C, Trull, Miss Audrey Clark and friend, To- ronto, visited her sister, Mrs, Lewis Cryderman, ' LARGE APPLE CROP "HAYDON DISTRICT Apple Pickers Rushing Work to Completion Before the Frost Haydon, Sept. 23~A large crowd attended the Rural School Fair at Enniskillen on the 19th, the day was ideal for the schools marching, cx- ercises, and drills, and out-side ex- hibits, and showing of live stock which was well done by the Juniors, each school carried off a fair share of prizes, The singing of these school children was particularly good, showing the time and training given them by their teachers, and making it hard for the judges to decide the winners in the contesting schools of North Darlington, A booth on the fair grounds supplied refreshments of all kinds, and was well patronized by adults and children throughout the day, Apple pickers and packers have started oh a large apple crop, they will be busy with the best of weather to finish before the frost catches them, Mrs, Richard Ashton has returned from Leaside = where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. / Brownlee and Mr. Brownlee, Mr, James McNeil of Toronto is spending a few weeks with his bro- ther, Mr. R, McNeil. A number of people of this neigh- horhood attended Bowmanville and Lindsay fairs, Mr. and Mrs, Grant and Mrs, Pub- low of Toronto visited Mrs, Grant's mother, Mrs. Wm, Creeper on Thursday, and attended the school fair at Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs, Lesley Garrard and two daughters of Camp Borden have been spending a week with his mo- ther, Mrs, E, Garrard, Mr, Eugene Beech who has heen in charge of a mission in Saskatche wan this summer is visiting the home of his father, Mr, A, Beech, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Malley on winning first prize on their baby boy at Oshawa fair, Mrs. Malley was a former teacher of Haydon school, Miss Mable 'and Eugene and Mr. A. Beech visited Mr, and Mrs, Aus- tin Larmer of Burkton recently, A concert under the auspices of Haydon League will be given at the church on Monday, Sept, 30th at 8 pm. Members of Trinity Church choir of Bowmanville, will furnish the musical part of the program. A short play "How Betty Pig Things over Pa will be given. Admission fee 30c and 15c, DREAD DISEASE AT ENNISKILLEN Keith Ferguson Contracts In- fantile Paralysis Re. cently Sept, 24. --Corn-cutting Enninkilien fos are the go around and filling si here, Sorry to say Master Keith Fergu- son, son of Mr. Walter Ferguson, has infantile paralysis. Quite a number from around here attended the Lindsay fair on Satur day, also the School Fair here on Thursday which was very successful though rather cold to stand around, oMr.and. Mrs, D. Burgmaster are 'visiting 'friends: at Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs, W, Griffin, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Griffin, Mr, Ellis, Ma- rion and Wilmer motored to the home of Mrs, Russell Griffins pare ents, Mr, and Mrs. Aberncthy, Tot- tenham, on Sunday, - Mr; Ogvill Ashton, Mr, C. A. Stain- ory Martin visited, Mr, and Mrs, ory aMrtin visited, Mr, and Mrs, tuart Rodman's, Scugog, on Sunday. Rev, J. M. Whyte took for his text 'the character' of Judas. We meet 'this type of character every day. One "who tries to be on both sides of the dence at once. We need men to lead out.an every good cause. Next Sunday cvening will be Sa- erament and everyone is welcome, Dr, and Mrs, Ferguson, Allan and Donald spent Sunday at the former's arents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Ferguson's, xbridge. Mrs. John Lander, Bowmanville, Mr, nad Mrs, Wm, Creighton and Lorne Hannah, Alberta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Slemon's. Mr. Fred Robbins, Miss Evelyn Robbins, Mr; Eugene Roach, Roch Suter visited Mr, and Mrs. F, Rob- ms, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley May, Toron- to, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: E: C, Ashton's. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Bradley visited Mr and Mre James Henry, Black- stock. . 3 Mrs. A. Walker, Toronto is visiting at Mr. J, Frechorn's. { Mr, and Mrs, Fred An: son and family and Miss Annie Anderson Canton, spent. Sunday with Mr, E, Dickinson, Mr, and Mrs. Aldred, Toronto, vis- ited the latter's sister, Mrs, W. Sweet man on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, E. E, Staples visited friends in Bethany, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mr, Alymer Beech lost a valuable horse last week. as well as the SCHOOL FAIR HELD AT MAPLE GROVE Ideal Weather Favored An- nual Event on Tuesday-- Large Crowd Attended Maple Grove, Sept, 25~Both the Sunday School and church services were largely attended on Sunday when our pastor was with us and gave us a splendid sermon, The annual school fair was held in the School yard at Maple Grove on Tuesday, last, Ideal weather favored the fair this year, when a large crowd gathered from the different school sections, Schools. winning prizes in marching were 1st, 8. & No, 1, Shaws. 2nd, S. S. No. 5, Pro- viderice, 3rd. 8S. 8. No. 3, Base Line, In Physical Culture the winners were Ist 8. S. No. 6 Maple Grove. 2nd, S. S. No. 1, Shaws, 3rd, S, S. No, 3, Base Line, In the musical contest the winners were Ist. S. 8. No, §, Providence, 2nd, S. S. No, 1, Shaws, 3rd, S. S. No, 3 Base Line, The Busy Workers Class of the Sunday School were kept busy scry- ing the large crowd with hot dogs, sandwiches, candy, and ice cream, Rally day services will be leld in the Sunday School room on Sunday Sept, 29. A special programme being prepared, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Snowden, To- ronto visited their parents here, over the week end, . Mr, and Mrs, Babcock, Kingston; spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs, Wood, Mr, Sam Snowden left Tuesday morning, where he will spend most of this week judging at the following fairs, Barrie, Ramona, and Severn Bridge. Mrs, Snowden is spending the week: witls her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, I. Macklin, Cobourg. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band will be held in the school on Friday, Sept, 27. Large crowds gathered at the home of Mr, E, W, Foley on Mon- day cvening, and presented Miss Margaret Abernethy with a chair. A social time was spent, after which candy and fruit were served, We are sorry to loose Miss Aberncthy from our community where she has always been a. willing helper. HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR 15 SUCCESS Pupils of Six District Schools United in Big Event of the Year Hampton, Sept, 25~The weather conditions were very favorable for one of the biggest events of the year, on Monday, when the annual Rural School fair was attended by a large crowd from the surrounding country. The company enjoyed a real sun bath, while mostly seated in a semi- circle in the Park, whose spacious grounds afforded an ideal spot for such an event, The ladies of the Women's Insti- tute were busy iu the forenoon pre- paring their booths for their bazaar, lunch counter and confectionery, cold drinks, etc, while at the other side of the park, men were busy erecting the tent, in which the officials ar- ranged the exhibits brought later by the children from Solina, Bradley's Mitchell's, Salem, Bethesda and Hampton schools, About cleven o'clock the crowd be- gan to gather, and the balling of calves, crowing of roosters, ete, which is evident at most fairs was on the air, Soon after one o'clock the judging began, and from this time throughout the afternoon there was much of in+ terest to the many spectators, The schools which were all out to win, and cach dressed in uniform colors, some in red, white: and blue, others in green and white, ete, made au pretty sight, as they went through their physical drills and marching, in the light of the bright = sunshine, which played an important part in making the fair such a success, Hampton school came first in physi- cal drill, second in music, and third, in marching, The efforts of the teachers were not in vain, in. the training of the scholars in all this, as was evidenced by the splendid manner in-which they showed results of efficient training, which made it hard for the judges to determine who the winners were. Miss Marjon Orchard, who has a class in our village, and also teaches music in our school, wore a smile whan Hampton was awarded second prize in music, There was a mad rush for the tent about half past four, when it was opened, the children being, the first on the scene to investigate whose ens try tickets bore the colors of the first | second, third, fourth, and fifth prizes, The exhibits here were as good as, had ever been shown before, the work of art in the splendid display of cakes, light biscuits, cookies, etc. sewing; deserves spe- cial mention, and would compete if not excel that done by many adults, When the scholars had viéwed the exhibits, they were called to the campus where there were races, both for the teachers and scholars, leaving more room for the parents, and oth» crs who seemed to show about as much interest as did the scholars, About now was the busy time for those at the booths, especially. at the lunch counter, where you could get hot degs, sandwiches, cake, pie, and tea, Many enjoyed this part of the afternoon previous to leaving for home; so near supper time, others Seman longer to have a game of all, : In the evening the young people wound up the program for the daw, by relieving the Institute of the left over hot dogs, and enjoyed an even. ing round a big bon fire, in the park, with laughter and song, and later in the moonlight, in games of tag, etc. Mrs, Wilbert Craig and family, / have returned from visiting Toronto friends, : , Mr, ¥. Cowling attended Lindsay fair last Saturday, Mrs, Lorne * McGill' spent a few days at her home in Ponty Pool, r, and Mrs, Chas, Willis, Toron- to, visited Mrs, C, Johns on Sunday. The weather has been somewhat warmer the last few days, Mrs, Roy Metcalfe and children, Base Line, shen' a few days with her mother, Miss Evelyn Dickinson, Port Hope, visited at the home of Mr. T. Rowe, on Sunday, The mill which has been closed down on account. of repairs being made, is operating again as usual, Miss Wilmah Leach accompanied Mr, and Mrs, A, E, Jennings to Lind- say fair on Saturday. Mrs, E. Martin is visiting her son, Thomas, at Zion, Mr, and Mrs, W, W, Horn were guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, Sulley, Oshawa, on Sunday. Miss Cassic Ruse returned with + them after a pleasant visit here, RALLY SUNDAY AT SOUNA CHURCH Rev. Geo, Williams, Toronto Speaks on "The Quest for Others." Solina, Sept, 22---Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Elling, Mr and Mrs, Frank Ellins, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs, Broad Lindsay, Dr. Will Burdon, Rochest- er are vsittin gwith Mrs, C, Blan card, Rally Sunday brought 100 mem- bers and several visitors to Eldad The programme as put out by the Educational Council was followed, with Migs Fanny Smales giving the story of the Good Shepherd, while Allan Balgon gave the story of Dr, Sweitzer, of Africa Mr, Wesley Yellowless gave the life of John Wesley, Rev, Geo Williams, of Toronto, gave an Interesting and educative talk on the 'Quest for Others," He told many interesting things about his life in Formosa and in the mountains of the Peace River District, Mr, and Mrs, Norval Motten and Francis and Mrs, Franny Arnott are visiting Mrs, Arnott's sister in Michigan, who is quite ill, Mr, and Mrs, W, L, Miller and Clifford and Mr. and and Mrs, J. J. Bunn visited Mr, Bunn's cousin, Mr, Joe Shannon, of Oakwood, and called on another cousin, Mr, Clar- ence Shannon, of Lindsay, who has a eplendid herd of Palled-Angus cattle, Mr, and Mrs, Davidson, of Cherrywood, visited at Jas. Smales, Mr, Norman Yellowlees attended Millbrook fair, Mr, Jesse Van Nest, Oshawa, visited with' Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Baker and at Mr, C, Housam's on Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Hunt, of Bowman- ville, visited Mrs. 8. Bush, Mr, J. D, Hogarth, of Hampton, and Mr. Will Lammiman and friend, of Oshawa, visited at Mrs, Thos. Baker's, Myr, Harold Williams, Hampton, visited at Mr. John Baker's, Mr, Chas. Housam visited at Ut ica. Mr. Talmadge Taylor, Enfield, visited Mr, C. Housam, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and children were at Lindsay fair and 'with friends over the week-end. Mrs. A, L, Pascoe visited with Miss Nora Werry at Kedron, Mr, and Mrs, C. P. Smith visited with Mrs, Monitor, Kedron, Mr, and Mra, Walter McCarl, Neil anda' Ralph; Mr. Milton Bals- don and Miss Lois Balsdon, of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Irene, of New Toronto; Mrs, Gordon Hardy, Jean and Myrtle, of Lindsay, visited at Mrs, Harvey Hardy's. Mr. David McKenzie and friend visited at Mr, J. T. Rundle's. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Tink and Miss Kathleen visited at H, E. Tink's, Mr, and Mrs, Dan Wotten and Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Fleming, Tor onto, visited at Mr, J, J. Brown's EBENEZER CHURCH REOPENED SUNDAY Had Been Closed for a Few Weeks for Redecoration = and Renovation Ebenezer, Sept. 28---Special ser- vices wera held at Ebenezer on Sunday, Sept. 232, it being the oc casion of the re-opening of the church following the re-decorating which has been done during the past few weeks, At both services the church was filled and all pre- sent were inspired and helped by the sermons and music. Our pas. tor, Rev, J, H, Stainton, was pres sent in the morning service, but the speaker was Rev, Mr, Honey. sett, of the Fred Victor Mission, of Toronto. His text was found in Isaiah 6: 1 and his sermon was wonderful indeed. Rev, J. Petlay and Rev, W, 8, P. Boyce also as- sisted in the service The choir sang two beautiful anthems and Mrs, J. H, Stainton sang a lovely solo during this service. In the evening the pulpt was occupied by Rev. Mr. Richards, of Whitby, who gave a very helpful sermon. from a text found in St. John 10: 7 and St, John 14: 6, During this ser- vice Mr. H, Treneer, organist of the King Street Church, Oshawa, and Mr. Frank Walter, soloist of the same church, sang a beautiful duet whieh everyone thoroughly appreciated, The choir alse sang anthems in the evening The Sun- day School held an open session in the afternoon, Rev, Boyce taught the lesson during the study period, Mr, and Mrs, Elton Werry, of " A Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Bragg, of Shaws, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. B, Werry. Mrs, Walter Snider and Mrs. Sadie Muir are visiting with re- latives and friends in Western On- The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held on Saturday afternoon of last week at the home of Miss Aura Osborne, The program which was in charge of Miss Osborne's group was good and all the girls spent a profitable afternoon, Following the pro- shin a soclal time was spent py a y Mr. and Mrs, Horsburgh, of Cleveland, are visiting with the |in latter's sister, Mrs. A, F. Rundle, Mr, and Mrs, Everton White and family of Bethesda, were with Mr, and Mrs, Eslin Oke on Sunday, Miss' Lyla Osborne, of Toronto, was at her home here over the week-end, The Sunday School will hold a special meeting on Sunday, Sept. 29, it being the annual Rally Day. A special program will be given and everyone will he welcome, Mrs, Sidney Trevial, of Oshawa, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, E, Osborne, Weather remains fine and all work on the farms is progressing rapidly. REDECORATE THE HAMPTON CHURCH Contract is Awarded to Mr. Rowe, Bowmanville -- Has Started Work Hampton, Sept. 23.--Jos, Washing- ton, Auburn, a school friend of 60 years ago; Mrs, Byron McCleod and daughter, Norma, Winnipeg, Man.; Mrs. Geo. Callan and Mrs, McCready, Bowmanville; Mrs. Walt and Mrs. Ira Argue, Oshawa, were recent visi- lors at the home of Mr, Jos. Curtis. Mr. Rowe, Bowmanville, has taken the contract of redecorating the church walls and began work on Friday morning. Mrs, M. Goodman and daughter were among the attendants at Lind- say Fair, Mr. Fred Billett is among our be: gifmers at Toronto University this year. ' W. W, Horn is driving a new car, Misses Esther and Burnita Wal- lace are attending Toronto Univer. sity this year, Miss Elva Pascoe, who has been in the office at the creamery, is enjoy» ing a visit with relatives in Saska- toon and other western points, Mrs. Jno, Willis, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jno, Col- will, Sr, Master Douglas Shackleton had the misfortune of running a stick in his 'eye while playing. Mr. Richard Robbins, Janesville, Wisconsin, visited his grandmother, Mrs. R. Avery, vi My Henry Wilcox hag 'sefurned from' visiting his daughter, Mrs. Elmer Wilcox, Redford, Michigan, Mr, Jno. Spry motored to Lindsay and attended the fair on Saturday. Mr, Albert Allin spent a few days at home previous to attending uni. versity at Toronto, i Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch .and daughter, Mrs. Kenneth -Caverley and babe, William Douglas, Wind- sor, visited the former's sister, Mrs, Jno. Pye, Enniskillen, Messrs, Elliott and Greenaway, Bowmanville, have installed a new "Sunshine" furnace in the basement of our church, : Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wilson, Mrs. Bond, Toronto, and Miss L, Doidge, Oshawa, visited at the homes of 'S. Kersey, and James Burns, on Friday. The recent frosts have affected tha tomato and other vines, Miss B. Sargent, Bowmanville teaching .staff, was guest of Miss Laura Virtue, on Sunday. Mr. Ross Trenouth, Oshawa, spent Sunday at home, Mr, C. H, Burrows spent the week- end with his sister, Mrs, Mary Good- man, Mr, and Mrs. Will Ranton and daughter, Margaret, and Mrs. Jno. Ranton; Trenton, were Suiitay ay. tors at the home of the latter's daughter, Mrs; Virtue. Mr, gnd Mi Groat | dna family, Tor y . 3 at the : ropts | i; tis sdd i Rey, Geo, 3 T re- turned missionary from save a ver, Spiviag adress to a large £8 on | oo Rev, Bick will preach a HH] y morning, when there will bg' bined service. $i y school ses sion in the will be with. drawn owing to the Harvest Home services on the Eldad appojntment. Rev. Bick will take Rev. Best's work at Bowmanville in the even- 8. i Mr, Everett Robbins, Darlingford, Manitoba, spent a few days with his uncle and aunt, Mr, Mrs, Haggith, and renewed acquaintances here. Everett received his. first, years of education in. Hampton school, and is now attending univer- sity in Toronto, His 6ld school friends here wish him every success. Mrs. Alvin Peters, president, pre- sided over the September meééting of the W.C.T.U, held at the home of Mrs, (Rev.) Bick. The openifg hymn was followed by prayer. Jt was decided to send $10 to the Budget Fund, An impromptu pro- gram followed to which the mem- bers responded very nicely. Mrs, McCartney and Miss McCartney, To ronto, pleased the company with in- teresting talks. It was decided to adopt the group system for our pro grams, and Mrs, Salter, Miss Kater son, and Miss Pascoe were appointed group leaders. Mrs, Clatworthy. ex- tended an invitation for the October meeting to be held at her home on Oct. 8th, Mrs. Bick offered the clos ing prayer. Attendance 22, SOLINA MAN DIES VERY SUDDENLY Edward Varnum Was Dead Four Hours When Dis- covered by Friends °, BT Solina, Sept, 18--~Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Brooks, Glen and Gwendoline visited. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Wilbur én Sunday. Edward' Varnum was found ' dead sitting in his chair, He was pronofinc- ed by the doctor to have béen dead some four hours, Heart trouble was the cause of death, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Black 'were in Lindsay on Sunday, Mrs. Mac Soanes and Miss Ernie Soanes, Oshawa, visited Mrs, 'BE; J Black on Monday. 3 ' Mr. and Mrs, Charles Howsam, visited Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cook, Port Perry for the fair. : 'Date of Roast Fowl Supper at So- lina has béen changed from the sec- ond of 'Qctober to the first. which comes on Tuesday evening, Some from this district" Attended Lindsay fair this week, 4 Mri and Mrs, J. W, Réno and Ruth spefit Sunday with to friends, a Messrs, Alex Dunn, Thessalons nd Bob Halliday, Chatsworth, re Sunday wvisitors with their uncle, Mr, R. % McKessock, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Ra) hy, Lois and Jaek visited Mr, W. . _Laylor, Masters George dnd Wesley Werty spent Sunday with Bowmanville re- latives, t Mrs. Si Thompson, Oshawa, visited at S, E, Werry's, Miss Audrey Werry and Mr, Mere- dith Moffat, Mrs, Carrie Drew, Can- nington, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'H. Werry, Miss Florence, Miss Ellie James, M. A. James, Mr, Geo. W, ames, Miss Ruth and ~~ Master William, Bowmanville, visited at Mrs, A, L. Pascoe's, . Mr, and Mrs, Magid and Miss! Hilda, Brooklin and Mr. McQueon, Toronto, visited with Miss M, He- garth, ' Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens with Maple Grove friends. 4 Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Stainton at Mr. R. C, Scotts. . Golum- Mr, and Mrs. E. Webster, bus, at Mr, J. Wi Yellowbus.: Ee ESS RS 4 ORO A, 4 SA SE FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. Ist-2nd See a Genuine Agricultural Fair and'M Old Friends Black Bill the , is coming. br Sov Chamsinniis 5 GT other attACHOBN LTT F More and better Exhibits mark this year's fair, orem of the Coustiy's product) * art andl in the exhibit hall, Display of) Exceptionally Good. With Parade at 4.30 PM. il Big Steer who wei x Ph ho "Races. Everybody. enjoys the races Free for all. The entries are and the contests will be hat. The Fair of Education and Amusement Durham Regimental Band. : Admission to Fair 25 Cents = | Town Hall, First N With Old Time ce, Second Night. Drama Un _ the Society. Plan Sie Dray + Fiddlers Contest. Cash: Pines, Dramatic Agricultural Store. "a M. H. Staples, President Adolph Henry, Six. Tred...