Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Sep 1929, p. 6

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%, 4 Ht ey e * WW 4 Te ' i ' routs - 2 Mechs astute wont fuori Gand wi J vote Woodside, 8 aay en Ewin the: week- Gand wiih Friends in Boveronta, 2 Mrs, B. Glover ah) Hd. nt 2 thelr home In the ety. 5 i | Mr, Lee Shefler and twd children spent the week-end in armors: 4 ig they were the guests of Mra +X, Rose, . » ' »e " "0 y Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Alger spent 48unday in Warkworth, where they were the guests of Mr. and "James H, Black, 9 » Ld g # «| Mr, Buster Whitton spent' the "week-end at his, home in Deseron- #to, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Whitton, yg % | Miss Anne Storie who has" heen spending the summer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, King street east, has re-entered the AUniversity of Toronto, Myr. 'Bernard Xoch, Gladstone av- 'enue, Yeturned to Toronto after "spending the summer months with "his parents, Mr, and Mrs, L, A, #Koch, and will re-énter the Uni- Yetsity ot" Toronto, . Migs Elena Stacey has returned to Toronto. after spending the sum- mer with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Stacey, Simcoe street south, Miss Stacey will again enter Toron- to University, ++ Mr, Wilse McKay, who is enroll- ed in the Medical Faculty of the Vniversity of Toronto, has return- @d to Toronto after spending the summer with his parents, Dr, and Mrs. T. W. G. McKay, King 8t, E, # Mr, and Mrs. Earl Davison have returned to their home in Winni- peg efter visiting Mrs, Davison's mother, Mrs, Braund, Brock street, Mrs, Braund accompanied them as 18x. a3. Toronto. " Mr. and Mrs, Frank Thomas, of Pittsburg, U.B.A,, naid a visit to Mr, and 'Mrs, Len Powell, "Ystrad House," 'Mottarsil Drive. Mr, and I Mrs, Thomas were escorted on a ii Spownd 'the, city, after which p r, and' Mrs. Powell entertained at a musicale, Miss Maedwyn Pow~ ell, pianist, supplying the musle, , An enjoyable tea under the au- spices of Mrs. Elmer Shaw's group of the Order of the Eastern Star, was held on . Tuesday afternoon, | when Mrs, Iva Clift opened her . home to the members and friends of the Order. The rooms were taste- fully decorated throughout with au fumn flowers, Music added much ' to the 'enjoyment of the guests, . who were received at the door by Mrs, Grace Walker, Worthy Matron Mrs,' 8, J. Btorle,' gasibting Mrs, Cliff, In the tes room they were cared for by Mes- mes Larmouth, Lloyd, McKeever, ines and Reid, The proceeds of the afternoon Jere most gratifying. A. marriage of local interest tok place in St. Clement's church, Tor- { onto, when Rev, Mr, Nicholson un- ted in marrisge Elsie Walker, of pronto to E, Gordon Evans, of pa, formerly of Nicholson played the wedding usic. Mr, Waiter Evans, of Tor- onto sang. Mr, and Myps. Evans will reside In the oity. "he Hospital Auxiliary held thelr regular meeting in the nurses' resi- dence on Monday afternoon with 18 members present, The tent at the Fair again proved a great success and the 'members of the Auxiliary wish to express their appreciation for all the co-operation given them by. the public, Delegates were ap- pointed for the Hospital Meeting to be held in Chatham, Det, 3 and 4. The neighbors and friends of Mr, and Mrs, Lunn, 157 Nassau street, entertained In their honor last evening when they held a surprise party to bid farewell and bon vey- age to Mr, and Mrs, Lunn, who are leaving shortly to make their home in England. Mr, and Mrs. Lunn were presented with a travelling rug, and a tobacco pouch, Follow ing 'the expression of thanks of the couple a happy social time was spent. 'sw Complimenting Miss L, Arnold on her forthcoming marriage, Mr, an Mrs, Coakwell, 269 Court street, entertained at a shower In her honor on Tuesday evening, There were about sixty guests present, The gifts were many and varied which were presented to the bride- to-be, who was somewhat overcome by the great array, which showed the esteem In which she Is held by the members of Albert St, Unit~ ed Church, which she attends. Rev, Mr. Moore, representing Rev, Mr, Whattam, and Mr, Bickle made congratulatory speeches, From M, Samson, the appreciation of Miss Arnold as a choir member was received, After a sing-song, re- freshments were served by the hos- tes, assléted by her daughter, Weddings # MacGREGOR----MIDDLETON St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Belleville, was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding at High Noon, Tuesday, Sopt. 24, 1929, when Hel- en Mae, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Middleton was un? ited in marriage to John Bruce MacGregor, son of Mr, and Mrs, J. MacGregor, of Oshawa, The cere- mony was performed by Rev, J, A. | Seymour, M.A,, 8, T.D, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a Blackshire gown of Sinbad crepe in Drapho blue, French hat of gold and blue, blue Coming Thursday '\ Added Attractions % Regular pe "Prices New Martin Theatre Jacqueline Peterboro. | p d the Order gathered THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEK ZJ, v927 Vomen's Interests in the Home ~ and the Community shoes, atmosphere hose snd gloves snd carried s shower bouquet of Bweetheart roses. The bridesmaid, Min Jon Miadiston, wes charm- ng in a crepe and velvet" n of Montella brown with hst pd . Lloyd MacGregor, wedding music was furnished by the organist, Mr, E, Wheatley, A.R, C.0,, assisted by the choir, of which the bride was a member, the signing of the r Mrs, E. Wheatley sang sweetly, Because," Immediately after the ceremony s dainty luncheon was. served st the ome of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, MacGregor left later on 2 motor trip before taking up resi- dence in Oshawa, For travelling the bride chose a brown ombre tweed cost with Patou sesrf, with shoes, hat and gloves of matching CHOSEN FRIENTS ENTERTAINED AT COLLEGE NIGHT Unusually Large Crowd in Attendance at Entertain. ing Program ' Crowding the Canadian Order of Chosen Friend's clubrooms to ca- pacity, making it necessary to in- crease the seating capacity, a large number of friends and members of last evening for the interesting Old College Night, This evening's entertain- ment has been greatly advertised but the praise and terms of com- mendation which followed the closing of the Jrosom showed that the efforts of the committee In charge had succeeded in making this event an unusual entertain- ment, The Oshawa Citizen's Band, led by Mr, Fountain, was in at- tendance and received the unre- strained applause of the audience after each selection, The program, which was varied and unusually Interesting, was opened with a solo by Master Rob- ert Tole, the four-year-old soloist, Misses Doris and May Ball contri- buted a piano duet which was well given and received, Mr. N, Ib- botson delighted. the large audi- ence and drew forth hearty' peais of laughter with his comic songs' Mr, ocock's | guitar selections were excellent as was the solo give en by Miss Hurlburt, A comie sketch, "A Business Investment' as given by Mr, Lloyd was unusu- al, "Billy Sailors," a skit by Messrs, Pritchard and E, Burley was so wholesomely comic that it was several minutes before they could proceed with the program, since none of the following wselec- tions could be heard above the laughter, Mrs, Kantz was also the cause of the members of the audi- ence growing fatter with laughter with her selection of college jokes, Miss Hilda Gillespie gave an interesting recitation which was followed by one equally as enter- taining hy Migs Marion Stephen- son, A feature of the evening's pro- gram was a presentation made by Mrs. B, W, Bell to twelve nurses of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, who are leaving soon to continue their training at the Western Hos- pital in Toronto, Mrs, Bell spoke highly of these members of the lodge and the regret with which n farewell would he extended by their fellow members, Little Ralph Marks, age seven years, had on exhibit a house which he had built himself and which was complete in every de- tail, His sister, Joyce Marks, also showed a hand painted handaker- chief, Both these exhibits had won high awards at the recent school fair, . The Field Superintendent, H, W, McGill of Hamilton, spoke on the progress the Chosen Friends are making throughout Canada, He also mnnounced that the Hamilton degree team will be in the city on the evening of October 23, to carry on initiation work here, Mr, Dennison of the local lodge, an. nounced that a house party will be held for the members on Thurs. day' evening at the home of Mrs, Black, 517 Rogers road, A vote of thanks was moved by Mr. Den nison and seconded by Mrs, Bell to the artists for the assistance Seo Now Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE to match-and carried Ophelia 1002, 3 flor the usual collapsible dry: CI the Having canned fruit spoil, after expending the time, energy and money that canning entails, is ons reason why so many of the young- er housewives and even the more exper fear to attempt to preserve their own fruit or vege- tables. But every housewife covets at some time the thrill that is to be experienced in contemplating the rows of neatly labelled and up- turned jars of preserves decorating her cellar shelves, In order to eliminate some of the bogies which crop up in the path of the ambitious homemaker, it has been obtained from Miss Edns W, Park, M.A, lecturer in household science at the Univer- sity of . Toronto, several points which are essential in successful canning, "The spoilage of food is due to the presence of living organisms which cause fermentation and put- refaction, These are yeasts, molds and bacteria and will cause the fruit or vegetables to spoil, Yeasts thrive on sugary foods, molds on sugsry and acid foods, and bacteria on protein foods such as milk, meat and corn and peas, etc," stated Miss Park, "These yeasts, molds and hac- teria are to be killed by subjecting them to heat, When canning, the average housekeeper, who does not possess / steam pressure cooker, should employ the 'intermittent method'. This Is to cook pint jars of vegetables for one hour the first day, then allow them to cool, dur- ing which time any spores present many develop into bacteria, This processing on the second day will destroy these bacteria, The third the product and give complete sterilization." Miss Park then enumerated other essentals for successful ecan- ning, "First of all, absolute cleanll- ness in surroundings and in all equipment is important," she said, "The second cause of failure is often due to defective jars and rubbers." Her advice Is to test each jar before using and see that there are no chips or cracks pround its edge, 'Good rubbers will stretch and return promptly to place without changing the in- side diameter, and should stand folding or bending without crack- ng." According to Miss Park, the third cause of failure Ig due to the desire to pack as much fruit or vegetable possible into the jar, "In that case, the fruit in the centre never reaches bolling point and hence sterilization is impossible, period of ecpoking will safeguard) The Women's Corner For th Bn § the of Interest to Therefore pack the food loosels and leave a space of half an inch ot the top and pour in bolling water, ' "The next important matter is to can only fresh fruit and vege- tables, If possible, can the food the day it is gathered, Also dis- card all those having blemishes, "Guesswork," stated Miss Park, "Is one of the most common causes of faflure, Use only accurate meas urements," She went on to ex- plain the two methods of canning fruits and vegetables, the open- kettle method and the cold-pack method, Open-kettle method: Fruits and tomatoes may be processed by this method quite satisfactorily, The fruit is eooked in sugar-Syrup in un open kettle and then packed, while boiling hot, into sterilized | Jars and sealed immediately, Al- though no further cooking fis necessary, as a precautionary meas. ure one may place the jars in a steamer for ten minutes or in a boiling water bath for five minutes to be gure that the products are steriMzed, Invert the jars till cold, Cold-pack method: The fruits and vegetables are packed into hot sterized jars; the jars are filled with boiling syrup or boiling water and partially sealed, then procesi- ed the required length of time un- til the fruit or vegetable is tender, Tighten seal, wipe jar and invert till cold, Miss Park offers the following schedule as a help in canning fruit and vegetables: Steps in canning: Select fresh products; grade or sort according to size; prepare for canning (wash, peel, etc,); blanch and cold dip; pack carefully in jars to within one-half inch of the top; fill with boiling liquid (syrup or water); adjust gew rubber and glass tops and partly seal by ad- justing only the upper clamp or slightly screwjng the metal ring; sterilize in boiling water bath, steamer or steam pressure cooker for required length of time; In vert the jars until cool, avoiding draughts; wash jars and label them: store in cool, dark place, Miss Park has 2lso submitted some syrups for canning fruits: For htim syrup, to use with sweet fruts, 1 cup sugar to 2 cups water; for medium syrup, to be used with medium sweet fruits, 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water, and for heavy syrup, to he used for acid fruits, 2 cups sugar to 1 cup water, In each case the sugar and water are hept- ed together, stirring constantly une til the sugar Is dissolved and then boiled for three minutes, they had given toward the enter tainment, Mr, O, Lint, who Is a specialist in arranging games, put on a num- ber of old college games, which were participated in hy all and were thoroughly enjoyed, Mr. Lint received the commendation of all upon the excellent arrangements of games, Following the closing of the pro- gram refreshments were served, Helpful Hints When roasting a ham baste it with a few tablespoons of grape juice; when boiling it add half a cupful of vinegar and two tablespoons of grape juice to the water. In either case the flavor of the ham will be ma- terially improved, ; One woman has discovered that the easiest and most satisfactory me- thod for cleaning the kid gloves that have embroidered cuffs ok light un- derfacings is to rub them briskly with art gum, She says even though the gloves may be washable the art gum is superior to suds because it does not destroy the natural softness of the gloves, . In nearly all homes it is a con. venience to have a clothes drier in the kitchen, Probably the most sats isfactory clothes drying rack on the market now is the one that is sus- pended from the ceiling, This, of course, is a space saver and keeps the articles to be dried out of the way 80 there need be no ducking of the head, The apparatus is just a light weight frame that is fastened to the ceiling and may be readily lowered to hang the garments on the rack and then it is easily raised to a convenient height, As warm air rises clothes hung on these racks dry more rapidly than when bung on lines ng racks, If you keep the frying pan cov. fered while frying the eggs they will be more appealing to the appetite hes #4 Simcoe St. South fl cause they will be clear white and gold color, Substantial supplies of Canadian wool of all grades are to be sent shortly to Japan for practical tests in the wolen mills of that country, |S) (Pees and Miserable "I took Lydia E. Pin Vegetable mada pr be erable and tired feelings and it gave me strength to do my work. My nerves are better and 1 feel hi and strong and have . 8 appetite] sleep well and am in pretty and able to work e now: I recommend the Vege: table Compound and you may use this letter as a testi- wi En eg x treet, 8 New Brunswick, tiiibiga «. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veoetahle Compound EVIDENGE SHOWS DURANT IS POPULAR Registrations Show Increas- ed Seles and Prove Prest age Gained by Good Policy According to registration figures for the city of Toronto furnished by Might Directories, the Durant car was the only one that had an ip- crease in oy in June over Apri among six cylinder cars, In Apri and May, Durant Sixes were in fourth while in June they ad- T00 MANY COOKS SPOIL THE SOUP Bride Broder Also Points out that Too Many in One Business Spoils the Trade (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont, Sept. 25-'Bride Broder in a Mail and Empire edi- torial writes: If, as the old adage says, too many cooks spoil the broth, it is equally true that too many peo- e d in the same money-mak- vanced to third Das maintaining that position in July, With the excep- tion of an automobile that had a low registration for April, the Durant in- crease in May over April was the largest in a list of fourteen different cars, In the four cylinder car field, Durant held second place in Toron- to during April, May, June and July by a substantial margin and while all other four cylinder cars show a decrease in May, Durant Fours en- joyed a considerable increase, while in June the decrease in Durant sales was very much smaller proportion- ately than that of the other makes listed, Durant products, including a com- plete range of passenger cars as well as Rugby trucks, seem to have surrounded themselves with a pres- tige which is the result of a "quality first" policy established by the com- pany years ago, It is said by many to be a natural outcome of the strong spirit. of loyalty which has been built up among the employees at the plant whereby they are encouraged tc build Durant products as they would wish to receive them, In addition, there has grown an equally strong loyalty in the dealer organization which, while extending from coast to coast has been mater- ially strengthened during thé past few months, Here it is found that dealers and their salesmen believe so strongly in the policies of the company and in the company's pro- ducts that there is an' enthusiasm rarely to be found in any sales cre ganization, wl During the past year or so it is strikingry evident that this loyalty and enthusiasm has 'caught on" with the public so that the third link in the loyalty chain has been forged by the increasing host Durant owners and possibly the strongest factor accounting for the increased sale of Durant products, 1s the enthusiastic endorsation of peo- le who have driven Durant cars and ugby trucks and who have discov po the merits of these Durant pro- ducts by actual experience, MISS GRETA LAUDER TOURING CONTINENT Edmonton, Alta, Sept. 25---~Away from Scotland almost a year, in which time she has traveled almost around the world: with her celebrated uncle, Miss Greta Lauder, Sir Harry Lau- der's neice and chatelaine of his love- ly home at Dunoon was a visitor in Edmonton during her uncle's engage- ment, A charming young woman with ha- zel eyes and a vivacious smile, she has met more celebrated people in all walks of life than one would dream of, Shortly 'before she left Scotland last year she had a delight- ful visit with the Duke and Duchess of York and the Little Princess Eli- zabeth, ; . Miss Lauder's chief hobby is swim- ming, although she doesn't believe in championship events, She is fond of motoring, At the opening of the season each year they go to London together and do the round of the shows, "Laudervale," the Lauder home on the banks of the Clyde, onc and a half hours' trip by boat and rail from Glasgow, is a white stone colonial mansion over 116 years old, but re- modelled and fitted with the most up- to-date equipment, "much of which I am afraid my uncle got from Am- erica," Miss Lauder said, "You know women are not given so much con. sideration when it comes to house. hold conveniences in the old country, and your devices in Canada are the last word, I do insist however, on keeping to the old country range, There is no stove that bakes so well." Don't throw away that rubber hot water bottle when it springs a leak, It can be put to several uses in the home, The top can be used as a fun- nel, and the bag makes two excellent mats to use under hot dishes on a polished table. Cut these out neatly along the ridge that goes all around the outer ade of the bottle, An old rubber bottle makes quite a serviceable kneeling mat when washing or polishing floors. Bits of old rubber can be used as domes on the bottom of chair legs to prevent them slipping on polished floors or linoleum, of |' ing enterprise, in one small centre, succeed in preventing everyone from getting a decent living. ne exams ple we are thinking of at the moment 1s the fate of the village in which it is next to impossible to get fresh meat, not because there is no butcher, but because there are four. One man was making a comfortable living in this village and everybody who want- ed it was sure of fresh meat, Now, with four on the scene, there are too few customers to go around, and each man is afraid to lay in a stock of any size and so between the multitude of butchers there is nearly always a meat famine, The same situation is now being created in the 'tea-room business, Where three or four tea rooms in a ten mile area brought a modest in- come to the women who presided aver them, dozens have opened up, and there are rather sad little tales of food wasted, money lost and gen- eral discouragement, Much of the trouble is due to lack of initiative, There are people so constituted that they cannot, think out a line for themselves, but are fired with a consuming desire to imi- tate the initiative of others, There are all sorts of openings for original idea and methods. Why enter crowd ed fields? she asks, ------------------------ A total of thirty-one head of short- horn cattle are being brought from Britain for the Prince of Wales THERE 18 ONLY ONE "70 A LITTLE CHILD" : Sweet Innocence, my child, of all good gifts I ask for thee, They mind by foolish flattery un- beguiled, From evil-free; Thy lips by lies and slanderings unsolled, Thy conscience clear, Thy life more noble, blessed, sane tified, From year to year; Till at the last, thy thoughts serene, . Thy race well run i The Master calls thee home, snd welcomes thee "Dear child--Well done," LILLIAN JACKSON, The scholarly appearing little man rushed into the police station, "I wish to report," he gasped, "that my car has just been stolen!" "See who did it?" queried the desk sergeant, life and eyes," "What'd he look like?" "I fear I could not describe him accurately," replied the little man, "But" (and he brightened up and _ produced a note book from his pock- et) "I succeeded in taking the num- ber of the car" LET'S SEE ONE "Motorists are, on the whole. very capable," says an expert. Some can actually fold a road map back to its original creases, -- London ranch in Alberta this year, Opinion, Your guestswill praise your home-made mustard pickles les, and with Keen's doing this assure high stand purity and flavour -- 0) FREE ~~ Send we have and of mustard pickles. Every year, more and more women are making their own mustard pick~ Mustard. They know it's a mark of distinction and good taste to have home-made mustard pickles on their tables. Decide now to make mustard pickles in your own kitchen this year. By you can select the com- bination of vegetables you like best-- of quality, ractice true economy =~ and win praise from your ests and members of your own a the bookies ee a instructions on how to make all KEEN"S MUSTARD Aids Digestion : "ne Colman-Keen (Canada) Limited, 1033 Amherst St., Montreal AND SUPPER - THE Y OE -- . hb) THRY ATs So MUcM Of THE MAGic ROLLED AND WENT To SLEEP. BOBBY BOUNCE N dy . OVER HAD A TRUDGING So TIRED Of THE BLus | MY Paweyes ARE TineD, Ican NG "THEY WERE ALONG « AND "THEY GoT "I wisH BY MIGHT PRO'S FEATHER - WE MH ¥ To RIDE SAID COMPY REY NICE BIG Horse « ALL PADDED WITH CoTTown. So HE WAs ' MOST" COMFORTABLE "To, MIDE on=t J uke His eT, Sao Compr! THEY CAME To a HUT WHERE CHILDREN WERE CRYING FOR FooD =~ AND BY MIGHT OF THE DLYE OIRDS FEATHE IY LEFT TM ENOvan Food FOR A JEAR AN Rh ----

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