Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Sep 1929, p. 5

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BURNS CLUBS ARE. "OBJECT OF ATTACK Publication of Scottish Dic- tionary Takes Place in Chicago" J GOOD AT SPEECHES . -- But "Wattie" Finds Per- feroid Scots Slow in Action SE ------ : ' Glasgow.~There is much sorrow-- apparently=~in the ranks of those who are always asking "Stands Scotland where it did?" For Scot- land has not risen to the call ol what is, they say, a great occasion, Strenuous efforts are being made to preserve the ancient Scots dialect, or rather, language, and Scotland does not seem to be paying the slightest heed, Sir William Craigie, a Scot who is one of the greatest of living dictionary makers, announced that he was to compile a "Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue," coming down to the year 1700, It was thought that he would get. plenty of financial support, and plenty of subscribers, but he was badly disappointed, and he has had to seek for help in Am- erica, and arrange to have his vol- umes published in Chicago; by the University Press of that city. Then Mr. William Grant, an Aber- deen man, who is also an enthusiast in things Scottish, made elaborate arrangements for a dictionary to cover the later period*-after 1700-- and laid plans for getting information abount the present day local meanings of words from all parts of the coun- fry, - A special appeal on behalf of both dictionaries was sent to Burns Clubs, but so far, not one of these has ordered Sir William Craigie's books, and only two have ordered the other of the two, one is in Hamilton (Scotland) and the other is in New Zealand, Seven English booksellers have or- dered copies but not one bookseller in Scotland. The question is, what are all the Burns Clubs and all the perferoid Scottish Nationalists think- ing about, if they are thinking at all? Went to Chicago The plain fact. of the matter is that the great majority of the people who talk "Scots Wha Hae" and "A Man's a: Man for a' That" on_the 25th of January, and shout Home Rule for Scotland or Down with the Tyranny. of Eogland, on. Bannock- burn Day or Wallace Memorial Day, are better" at singing and speechify- ing than they are at doing anything else, and seem to be quite incapable of doing,or organizing anything of a practical Scottish character, If they had been practical patriots, every Burns club would have ordere at least one copy of each dictionary, and every shouting Nationalist' would have been an active working canvas- ser for the two 'volumes, Instead of which, Sir William Craigie had to go to' Chicago, and' Mr. Grant sees no way. of carrying on his part of the ~.work successfully, Tt should have been the chosen task of a Scottish university to produce the two books, and there should not have been the least" difficulty in obtaining enough :' orders for both to ensure success i; long before one: page was printed, . Even if every public' library in Scotland ordered one of each--as they should do, if they are to serve their. purpose at all properly--a con- siderable sale would be assured, What is needed is some way of wakening people up on the subject. The people generally don't know anything about these enterprises. Little appears about them in the papers, and nothing | Temperance I Workers A meeting under auspices of the local PROHIBITION UNION will be held in King St. United * Church Thursday Evening, Sept. 26th at 8 o'clock All the workers | friends are urged and to be H. M. Gilchrist, Secretary O. M. Alger, President' SE -- is said about them at public meetings, y should organize a great Dictionary Publicity Campaigh and save the situation, as well as the re- putation of Scotland. Author Unknown The job might be undertaken by some of those who have been writ- ing so much of late about "The Canadian /Boat Song" and "The Flowers of the Forest" One hun- os Serr 31 peared in wood's agazine, ised jn' Edinburgh, that exceed: ingly fine poem which tells of the lone shilling and the misty «island, the mountains that divide and waste of seas, and of how the emis grant far from home in his dreams holds the Hebrides, It was not signed, 'and at the time few people noticed that it was a work of genius. Later it became better known, and the question of its auth- orship became one of the mysteries of Scottish literature, In the maga- zine it was given as part of a gen- ¢ | eral contribution, and as having been received by the writer from some other source, but what the other source was has never been really dis- covered. Some say it was the Scot- tish storyteller John Galt, who went to Canada and cither heard it on rivers there or wrote it himself and sent it home, Others say the word "Canadian" in the title is a mere blind, that it was written in Scotland, either by Sir Walter Scott or his son-in-law, John Gibson Lockhart, by these in _com- bination, or by Christopher North (Professor John Wilson) who was a Blackwood contributor, and may have taken the poem from somewhere else. The best of present-day liter- erary authorities hold contradictory opinions on the subject, and they seem to be totally unable to agree or to reconcile their arguments, They are as divided as if they, too, had between them mountains and a waste of seas, and there seems to be no hope that they will ever be other- wise, PROGRAM OF C.P.R. IN WEST 15 HEAVY Fifty Million Expenditure for 1,200 Miles of New Track in Five Years Ottawa, Sept. 26.~--The Ottawa Evening Citizen, in its news col- umns today carries the following: "Announcement of extension plans of the Canadian Pacific rail- way in the 'west has been received here from headquarters in Mont- real, While some general state- ments have been made heretofore, the oficial character has been lack- ing. "It is now stated that 'within the next five years the Canadian Pacific plans new lines in western Canada, involving the construction of some 1,200 miles of track at an expenditure of $50,000,000, open- ing up a tremendous new realm to land settlement, mineral exploita- tion and general development." * "Alluding to the 'taking over jointly 'by the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National of the northern Alberta railways, the an- nouncement indicates that the two roads will go further than the act calls upon them to do, It says: "*A great future looms up for this northern territory and the aid furnished by the new ralway own- ership. will be ceaselessly progres- sive, A clause in the agreement of transfer obligates the new own- ers to the completion of 60 miles of railway within the next five years, but probably more will be undertaken.' " . a ---- Cause of Fading of Signals Poor contact between the tube 'prongs and the tube base contacts is a very common source of ap- parent fading and noise in A, C. gets, The remedy is to remove the tubes and clean each prong with sandpaper and replace the tubes. Usually this will stop the trouble, but since it removes only half the dirt and leaves the base contact still dirty, it is not always entirely effective. The problem of cleaning the tube base contracts is a. more difficult matter as they are often inaccessible.' By wiggling each tube prongs acts to clean the base contacts to some extent and this trick is recommended in case the cleaning of the tube prongs alone does not stop the noise. KARN -] THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFICK 0 this month there ap- |, the | . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM ES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1929 re this fall, Above is one of them in lustrous green : broadcloth ene ---- Coats in green will be in favor hanced by inserts of ved velvet, Collar and cuffs ave fashioned of {ved fox and add a subtle hote, are doing c welcomed, SR Pr AE SCOUT EDITORIAL At a recent meeting of the Central Committee for Scouting in Oshawa, the foundations of two projects were laid, These two projects were the forma- tion of a Local Association for Scouts ing in Oshawa, and the organization of the Toy Shop for this Christmas, With regard to the local Associa- tion, it was decided after some dis- cussion by the Committee that such an Association would be highly be- neficial to the movement in Oshawa, and that steps should be taken at once towards its formation, In the matter of the Tov Shop, a Sub Committee was formed of men who showed themselves interested in our Toy Shop of last Christmas, and work on the organization is starting immediately, This Toy Shop should be open by the first week of October and it will be necessary for every Scout in Osh- awa to render all the assistance that he possibly can to this work, As cvery boy knows the purpose of this Shop is to collect old toys which are being thrown out by the parents of children who arc considering 'the purchase of fresh toys for next Christmas, and the re-working of the same into new toys for distribution to the children of families who are unfortunately unable to purchase toys for them, The necessity for this work this year can not be stressed too much, and every member of the movement in Oshawa should endeavor this year to work even a little bit harder than he did last year, with the idea in mind of making a greater success of the shop, Anybody having toys which they are desirous of giving to the Toy Shop should get in touch with any Scout. in the locality or any Scout aster, and the articles will be gladly called for for the purpose previously stated, LJ . - FIFTH TROOP MEETING On Friday last the 5th Troop met for their first meeting of the Autumn season, at the Y.M.CA, The meeting was given over chiefly to the reorganization of the Troop, Patrols this year, instead of having eight members, will be cut down to four boys besides the Patrol leader, This will make it necessary to have twice as many patrols, and conses quently, the Second Patrol Leaders of last year will now become Patrol Leaders, a During the course of the evening, Alan Johnson, having been a proba- tioner with the troop for a period of two months, and having passed the necessary tests to qualily him as a Tenderfoot, was duly admitted as a member of the troop by investiture, Several games were indulged in and the meeting ended at 2.00 p.m. 1ST TROOP MEETING The 1st Thornton's Corners Troop met as usual on Friday last, Their next meeting will be held on Friday next and all boys are expect- ed to be present. We are pleased to report that AS, M. G. Mills is now out of hospital and doing well, Word has been received from SM, I. Cornish who is doing well on a Boy Scout Ac News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa Times office not later morning each week, op ------ tivities ontributed by the scout lead. ers. Contributions to this column will be and should be sent to the than Tuesdey bom ma i that quarters for the shop will have been procured and the work started, In the meanwhile boys should make as many collections as possi ble with the idea of having some toys ready for the opening, At the Central Committee meeting on Monday, it was, decided to go ahead with the organization of a lo- cal Association in the district and it is hoped that thg project some re- sults in the ncar future, LJ] LJ » . SCOUT NOTICES 5th Troop, The 5th Troop will meet on Friday next in the Y.M,C.A. at 7.30 p.m, All. boys must be present and bring their running shoes with them. ---------------------------------- Pat was arrested for being intox- icated. On being brought before the judge he was asked by the court what he was there for Pat: "Your honor, I was arrested for being intoxicated." v1 "Pat, where did you buy on it, A Scotchman gave it to me." Judge: "Thirty days for perjury.' A defective radio tube can some- times be made to function correct- ly by gently tapping it in order to jar the elements so as to secure the loose contact or to open it al- together, SHEARER'S REPORT BUNK; SAY OFFICERS Vice-president of Bethlehem and President of New- port Co. Testify Washington, D.C, Sept. 25,~ The .Jast two of the three ship- buildink executives whose firms paid William B, Shearer $25,000 for services rendered at the 1927 Geneva naval limitations confer- ence--which collapsed--lamented thelr action today before a senate investigating committee, and insis- ted his reports were "bunk." 8, W, Wakeman, vice-president of the Bethlehem Shipbuilding corporation,' related regretfully that he had been "jazzed off' his feet by a 'super salesman," and said it was a "damn fool decision" to hire Shearer, The other, Homer F, Ferguson, president and general manager of and Drydock corporation, said he the Newport News Shipbuilding knew nothing about his company's employment of Shearer until after- wards and that he could not ap- prove fit, . Tonight the investigators sum- moned Laurence R, Wilder to ap- pear -tomorrow, He is a former president of the American Brown Boveri Electric corporation, which was listed on the $143,000 "legis- lative" fund of the .United States shipbuflders for use at Washing- ton as the dispenser of $36,000, Chairman Shortridge of the com- mittee of inquiry, gave notice, however, that numerous requests for a general investigation into lobbying activities would have to be passed over because of lack of authority by his committee, Senator Allen, Republican, Kan- sas, questioned Wakeman ahout a 'surprising' letter which Shearer wrote to Wakeman in 1928, and in which Shearer asserted that "as a result of the failure of the tri- { power naval conference at Geneva there is now before the 70th con- gress, a 71-ship building program, costing $740,000,000."" Wakeman sald it was "absurd" to attribute to Shearer the break- down of the Genevh conference, KINGSTON MEMBER GIVEN NOMINATION Kingston, Sept. 205,--Lieut.Col. T. A. Kidd, Conservative member for Kingston and Portsmouth in the Ontario legislature at its last session will again be the candidate for the Conservatives in thig rid- ing, in the election to be held on Oct, 30, At a rally of the party held here last night, Col, Kidd was the unanimous choice, no other name beinz placed before the meeting. The name of Col, Kidd was pro- posed by George Laturney and seconded by T. F, Burke, Col, Kidd was tendered a most enthusiaistic reception to which he replied thanking his supporters, Col, Kidd spoke at some length, dealing with the manifesto issued hy Premier Ferguson, strongly upholding the government led by Premier Ferguson, Dr.' A. E. Ross, M.P,, also dellv- ered an address in which he dealt with the policies of the Conserva- tive government, In the absence of John F. Soward, president of the essociation, the chalr was occupied by Howard Kelly, All 1s very qulet in the Liberal J Her Monthly simple the do of a deed with such he Seige ing effects, An annual deposit equal to $5.80 ao week in a Our representatives are specialists in ar- ranging Monthly In. comes. Information furnished freely and without obligation. Insurance Company "Canada's Industrial-Ordinary Company" LONDON, CANADA HEAD OFFICE Love Letter 4 LJ J. C. HORTON, WALTER FOY, District Representatives, 14" King Street East, Oshawa campaign thus far. No date has as yet been announced for the hold. ing of a meeting to select a candi- date, ER _---- CRUSHED TO DEATH AS TRUCK UPSETS Welland, Sept. '256.--Joseph E, Gagen, nine years old, son of Mr, and Mrs, Adolph Gagen, 17 Broad- way, Welland South, was'instantly killed when the truck in which le was riding was overturned and he was thrown out and pinned under- neath His face was terribly crush- od, His father, who was the driver of the truck, was seriously injured und lies in a critical condition nt the Welland County General ho#- pital, Six others, all employes on the construction work at Humber- stone on the Welland ship canal, escaped injury, Dr, Black, Port Colborne, opened an inquest whigh was adjourned until Oct, 1, The accident occurred in Hum- berstone villcge on the highway at a point where it is claimed that Te -- recent blasting operations 'have disturbed the road hed with the result that it is wavy, It appears the elder Gagen way moving a piece of machinery weighing between 300 and 400 pounds, The truck was travelling towards Welland and when cross- ing this rough section of the high= way, the jostling caused the ma- chinery to cant over to the side with the result the truck turned' completely over, New buildings and extensions for the University of Montreal, costing $6,000,000 are being undertaken, si-- -- LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT | Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Ushawa 254 Whitby 12 INSURANCE 113 Simcoe St, 8, Phones 1108W--Office 1808J--Residence EE =------ Do You Own Your ed. SATIS Own LUMBER o Buildin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. STII High Class Interior Trim Rough and Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED For Your Drug Needs Practically every line of busi- 'those who wish to become INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. fur farm in Northern Ontario. He writes of many interesting ex- periences, including the bloodless capture of a live skunk. 8TH TROOP MEETING At a meeting of the 8th Troop on Friday last, the Troop Committee were present to notify the boys of the Troop that SM. B. Hall had re- tired from active leadership. They also introduced M. H. Rigg who was taking over the Scoutmass tership. There is. some talk of changing this Trop over to Sca Scouts, and if everything goes well, Oshawa is likely to have its first Sea Scout Troop in a short time, CENTRAL COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Central Com- mittee on Monday, a sub-mittee was formed to start the organization of the Toy Shop for this vear. In the near future, it is expected THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.--We Deliver Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARUK NOTHING T00 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 101 King St. W. Fhone 1314 ness is represented in this di- rectory--a handy reference for _ acquainted with the varioue business houses. For Better Values tn DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store torner King and ('rince Oash or Terms Mr. Ferguson's manifesto contains nearly everything but an explanation as to why an election is being held thia ar.~Peterbers Fveminer, The three words most effective- ly used by man to preserve peace are: "Yes, my dear." List Your Firm Business Directory! in the "Times" casy terms, will get you $3700 a tan - hiv Italian Stucco Home. All conveni. ences, Seo DISNEY REAL ESTATE Phone 1350 ADD TWO I was once asked who was the meanest man in Scotland, I replied that he was the Glasgow fellow who, when the sent his pyjamas to the laundry, put a pair of socks In the pocket, I have since heard that a Greenock man has invented a means of taking the inkstains out of blotters that they may. ve used again.--8ir Harry. Lauder. 25 Albert Street : Phones 230 & 187. -- Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8T, W, Telephone 672-228 : Night Calls 510-2560 STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 1853 King Street West," Oshawa. Phone 1100

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