THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1929 PACE THREE mm Jury at Inquest Asks For Gates at Ritson Road Crossing agnificent Gift to the ro General Hospit Is MadebyRS. Mclaughlin Hospital Is Completely Equipped With a Modern Frigidaire Refrigerating System as Result of Gen- erosity of President of . General Motors of Can- ada, Limited REPLACES SYSTEM REPORTED HOLD-UP NOT S50 SERIOUS AS WAS BELIEVED WAS THREATENED AT- TACK BY TWO DRUNK CONSERVATIVES MEET TONIGHT TO NAME DELEGATES WILL MAKE PLANS FOR CONVENTION, FRIDAY NIGHT Determined to Place Strong Candidate in Field to Op- posé Mr. Sinclair This evening the Conservatives of Oshawa and the suburbs, in- cluding Westmount, Harmony and North Oshawa, will assemble in CANDIDATES IN DURHAM COUNTY PLEADS GUILTY TO CHARGE ARISING OUT OF ACCIDENT DERMOTT CONACHER IN COURT AT CO- BOURG TODAY Charged With Criminal Neg- ligence on Account of Ac- cident to Oshawa Girl (By Staft Reporter) Cobourg, Sept, 25--Dermott Co- nacher, 27, of Toronto was re- manded for sentence when he ap- peared before Judge Huycke in the county court at Cobourg this NOT AFFECTED BY TARIFF INQUIRY COLONEL W. E. PHILLIPS Death of Mrs. Annie Bilous is Described in Jury's Verdict As Being Purely Accidental LOCAL GLASS FIRM. |Orisen 1+ Eres Ths, chool Children Using Ritson Road Crossing the C.P.R. Safety Gates Should be Installed STATEMENT . NT. MADE BY| NO BLAME AT ATTACHED | FOR WOMAN'S DEATH their committtee rooms at 20 Sim- MAYOR M, J. ELLIOTT | W. J. BRAGG morning, to answer a charge of f th ital coe Street South for their first Of Bowmanville, is the choice of | 9 bila i the Liberal noMines sor negligence and doing bodily. farm Ho ll : Wh local rally of the election cam- y» C or / le election in urham County. | {go Miss Lillian Evans of Oshawa » 8 Grdands 4 bod hin Men Escaped in Car en paign, This evening's meeting is ine UlHsertalives 2 sngidus In Mr. Bragg was born in Darling- | on July fourth last. Conacher has Material Used for Duplate | of Traffic to be Taken to ronting on Xander feti of an important character, since | = : ; ton Township and moved to Bow-| peen fn custody since that date. 2 : : omg in Co Victim Called for the chief wan is the selection | County of Durham, Mr. Elliott { manville about ten years ago.| When the charge was read to. him, Glass Already Provided | Determine What Measure to be Improved in n- Help of the delegates who will attend | entered the political world in this | He started his political career in| {he defendant pleaded guilty. For | of Protection Is Required junction With the Paving the nominating convention which | municipality in 1921 when he was | 1903 when he was elected a county | Crown Attorney W. F. Kerr then al 2 J . is to be held at Whitby on Friday | oiected as council member for the commissioner at the time when | gutiined the evidence given at the ro he taritf ail at Crossing 4 3 4 Con- y ver lo * | the counties council was composed eliminary hearing in Bowman- A drawback on the tar 1 of the Street-- uggesiion A holdup which was reported to evening of this week. The Con town. In 1922 he became a mem- : A 1c held tl preliminary F'4 sheet glass 10 be used in the mahu-| Lait . the police as having occurred on | servatives have stated their deter- . yes 118 hotame.a me of commissioners. He held ihe|ville betors Magistrate W,, P.)Z1S6l glary 0 be tod Glass. as pro-| "We, your jury, empanelled te That City Property Also ror street fast might shrunk to| mination to place the strongest ber of the county council as deputy Position of Shairman of the fin-| ward, T. F. KK, p Jactuze © BE od Yor ih pRiene Ne : e in the field to | reove 'and the next ye » was | ance board in that council for sev- | nacher. He asked per i roseq. vy Ir combany 0 pisaure dnto SH be Improved an attempted attack by two Toelliger- possible candidate th weld N ee) sang ate Year he WAS! oral years and has always been prisoner tell his own story which | the Advisory Tariff Board of | nie Bilous, after careful consider- S------rpte ent drunks When Jt was Sons "Ha 3 Sinclair, and it is likely that the clectey us eave of Lowmanville, keenly interested in all branches | request was granted. Canada, would not affect the Dn- ation of the evidence are of the : bam calmer vein this morning y Harry biact of nominees will: also. be which poet he held for four years. | of politics. From 1908 until 1914 The crown in summing up laid | plate Safety Glass Company of | opinion that the said Annie Bilous A gencrous gift of outstanding {\w.od of Lake View Gardens, the | Bubjec n I : 1] A ¥ ok uf AL at Hoon Lit b character has been made to the: ood ! et ¢ We 1 states tial given some consideration at the | TWo years ago he was elected as | he was president of the West Dur- | some of the blame on the Boyce | this city, according to Col, W. E.| came to her Juath by being i y A " intended victim, ood ¢ $ a é 4 ade 2 , y p rd ssoclati fore | car ' y 4 g 5 resi 2 C any. | train no. . 37, Toronto-Montrea ' o " the War: n , .s | ham Liberal Association before | Cartage Co. of Toronto, who em-| I'hillips, president of the company. : Oshawa General Hospital by R. 8.14. wae driving a horse and buggy meeting tonight, he Warden of the { nited counties Fast and Wait Bofham: were unit. Saptage X of TO ante, Jo ew Sheet glass, ordinarily used as| westbound flyer, at the Ritson Rd. MeLaughHn, it was announced to-}.,., Thomas street when two men Possibilities of Durham and Northumberland | into onc: viding. Ye was first Jioy je i 188 4 Bh | i dow iiss. 5 mot used hy 'the | crossing of the C.P.R. on Friday day by G. D. Conant, president of | j.ove yp in a car and stopped him, Members of the Conservative | and this year he was elected by nominated for candidate in 1916 that it should be Ta iA io Duplate company here. in. ihc evens Sept, 20, in the city of the hospital board of trustees. This | 1,o1ding his horse. The horse proved | pary in Oshawa are saying very | ,..iamatfon for the mayoralty of | and was elected in the election | oo nie them. ; Jude Huge hy ke) manufacture af laminated glass, | Oshawa. We also find that death gift has taken the form of a new | halky however and broke away while | little regarding the possible can- : ? NR forowed Tn Tals "held | hearing the counsel for defence ; os lisivelv. | Was purely accidental and no 1 Frigidaive refrigerat-| ih. YE / f iy | didate. As indicated a few days | Bowmanville.: He is a past presi- | that followed in 1919. He held | jiai0d. "I do not know what to| Plate glass being used exclusively. E Dur ty any and complete I'rigidaire refrigerat-{ the men, who ' were. apparently Bre a Flent of the Towmanville Fair che seat throughout the 1923 and | go wint him. He seems a very de-| All of the larger automobile | Plame is attached to anyone. ing system for the hospital, Instaiw | frightened hy the driver's: shouts, | 880, the possibilities include I. I. | dent of the Bowmanville Fair and | 1g, "010 ion "which gave him ten Cent oh " : * | makers, including General Motors "Your jury recommend that ed and handed over to the institu turned and fled. Wood got the num- | Mason, , John Stacey and R. D. [fs on the executive of the Chamber years in the legislature as repre- Judge then asked crown and da- | and the executives of the Duplate safety gates be Installed owing to . il ', aw : : tion as a donation from Mr. Me-| ber of their car however and drove | Preston, all ex-mayors of Oshawa, | of Commerce of the town, sentative for Durham County, . oe 4 : br elves have decided | the number of children attending Laughlin, The system consists of | {no the 'police station, reporting that | but it is by no means certain that : fence to retire with him and talk | company themselves, have cided Ritson Rd. school and as this part one large Frigidaire unit for the | he had been held up these genctlemen will allow their it over, They were absent for twen- | 2bsolutely against the use of sheet |' L700 Lo 0 building up rapidly kitchen. and smaller units for the | This morning Wood was inclined | names to go to the ballot. Alder- tv minutes and on the judge taking | ®iass for the making of laminated | 047, wil ic increasing accoraing- upstairs floors. to regard the incident as an attempt | man Preston has stated, publicly, 1] d e d e dass 0 his scat again, gave the judgment | glass for windshields, etc, due to Iy We are of the opinion. that This new system takes the place | to pick a quarrel rather than a hold- | that he will not he a candidate. ° oy i» remanded. Conacher will appear Hie wa) y Sharacteriaies. ot the | (a speed limit should be reduced of the old refrigerating plant which (up. Ie recalls that thc men scem- | but whether he intends to abide at 10.30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 27, 8lass, Col. hillips said. Only one| 4," to; miles per hour within was openetl in 1910, and has been [to he very drunk by that declaration will he de- [f° hd and the judge hoped that more | firm. making a cheap type of auto- | y,o ¢jiy jimits until safety devices In service since then, It has, of | Chief Owen D. Friend has obtain- | cided at the convention on Friday | evidence would he available con-{ mobile, used laminated glass made | 410 jngialled.'" n ) J ' y : evening. cerning the present condition of | Of sheet glass, he stated. This was the verdict of a jury Migs Evans so as to enable him to Last year, an item was included | yder Coroner Dr, D. 8. Hoig course, hecome absolutely out-of-|ed the Rate 2 the men involved , % N Y i . had heen causing some | and it is probable that they may be peaker Not Yet Known i ] | " a Het a 1 > in Bog TA now , charged with committing an assault.| Tnquiry at the Conservative J Ld make a satisfactory ruling. in the tariff providing that polish-| which held an inquest at the city ly eliminated by the municent gift | Although Wood has resided herc for [ headquarters this forenoon failed Tr I oY Mate Fase, nia elise or king hall last night into the death of ' : did not | to bring to night any information || not made in Canada, when used in| Mrs, Annie Rilous, wife of Michael of a modern equipment for this|the past twenty-two years. he did no i en ras, Aunts Tous, ols Of ica) . oiNslRe b glass, was subject to a drawback | struck and killed by a fast C.P.R: of 99 per cent, of the duty. *This | passenger {rain while attempting purpose. recognize the men, They arc said to | as to who the chief speaker at the provides the: Canadian manufac- to cross the the Ritson turer with the raw material on a} Rd. crossing. Friday night's fat- ) is sli / it ,is J ality is the second to have occur- C.P.R. Official Says Census Mr. Conant also announced that, | be residents of the e city. nominating convention will he, but basis slightly higher than it is f -- it is expected that one of the pro: 4 : 10 XERPINE Wit the PRYINE of Alex BANK TELLER KILLED vinefal cabinet ministers will he | Many Hundreds of Feet of Duplate Safety Glass Being Pro- available to the American manu- [red at this point within two years. (Continued from page 1) facturer of a similar product," The unfortunate woman was the hospital property, improve- in attendance to address tho gath- duced by Twenty Men Employed in This Section of W. the Result of Intensive Scientific Research, and Are! , . civ no fire broke out and thus | Col. Phillips lips sald. within a fraction of reaching the Stratford, Sept. 25.--Stanley | ering. Sud, MONE. &1¢ to) De Made 10 The Anticknap, aged 21, of St, Cathar- Meanwhile, Conservative leaders E. Phillips Company Plant--Processes Used Here Are Not Used Anywhere Else coaches of the first: train. For- other side of the track and sate! Krounds ISON ON thay atsaet, 30 ines, teller in the Imperial bank | In the rural sections are also plan- AS 10 Drovice a be '| at Listowel, was instantly killed | ning for the nominating conven- igs regarded as 'One Of the reasons when she was overtaken hy no one was killed. speeding train and killed in the op- After having overcome many diffi- In the Duplate factory licre now, Passengers were aroused so sud- inion of C. Perkin, C.P.R. freight . pict train brakeman, who had witness Between the hospital grounas and yesterday when the car in which | tion. and a meeting is being held Simcoe strect lles a plece of prov-l 3 "wou Siging with three compan- [in Whitby this evening to select erty owned by the water commis-| oor (he provincial highway | delegates, and to discuss possible tlon of Oshawa, and used as the |, i sor trom the town of Listowel, | names of nominees to be placed greens of the Oshawa Bowling struck 'a fence and turned over. before the convention, culties in connection with processes [several processes not used anywhere denly they did not have time to 1 | ed her yain attempt to cross tracks : : jn Son of the Pom ing Sneingt dties, At ds suggested. that. the -sec- : DY : j duct and at a lower price then any other scant attire. Perkin told the fury that he ha ton © is property fronting on Y a. subsidiary of the W. L. Phillips lof its competitors, due to the research geen Mrs. Bilous running towards itm also | Latest Financial News Company, Limited, of this city, is|work that has been involved. New ried gg here jb not the crossing from the east. She AO as. to havo tho boulevard con now into quantity of production. Du- | machines were built at considerable Niwas ately an Kingston t was between a siding and the main plate Glass is being turned out at the | cost, designed and constructed by the physicians and ambulances were line. Divining that woman might ------ attempt to cross over to the other Toremte Mashtt Re To Joh Ts "Feed ig oR be day, and about twenty men are being RECEIVES FINE FOR employed at the present time in this [duced mn large quantities, smoothly | €d to the hospital. All .the injur- Believes That More Cara! she ran on. however, and seemed AVING LIQUOR section' of the Phillips plant. and without blemish, It is as clear as|©d Were on the eastbound train . . to glance at the approaching train H G Q or Fs Duplate company Nas org). pericet plate glass, with the added | from Toronto. x The majority of | Should be Exercised in before she reached the tracks. The Spr. Tst. 37 4 361, [zed last year, when Col. W. F. Phil- | qualitics of being non-shatterable, | Passengers on No. 20 were out of os : brakeman stated that he ran toa Pleading guilty to a charge of TORONTO STOCK. EXCMANGE kerr 16 5 & |10ps, president of the W. E. Phillips [The scerets oi manufacture which | the coaches when the side-swiping [Driving by Intersections | FUG" Y. 1% effort to save her Company, sccurcd the exclusive Can- [have been evolved are closely guard- | occurred. Eleven cars of No. 20 FREER, but in another second the woman Club, In view of the improvements of manufacture, the Duplate Safety Hse In i filugtey arc a use, aul | dress and scrambled, from thes - . " 1 aca 11) 18 ARN y a 4 "0 - i baing made hy the hospital author | Glass Company 'of Canna, Limited, Jie local firm | making a bette pro-| .oaohes ii pyjamas, kimonos ahd ! 8 0 y 'g tinued to Simco strast. rate of many hundreds of feet per [docal plant's research men and engin- called to the scene. Drs. C. Morri- ecrs, and now the glass is being pro. | 00 and J. IE. Kane sent the injure side he called to her to come back. Jhaving liquor in an illegal place, Torotito, Ont,, Sept, 25. Selling of Util, "A" 431 Bid Mrs. Josephine Kasko, Bloor: [Br ilian traction and International standard Mines adian rights to manufacture Duplate Led, and no visitors are allowed into | were derailed and five of No. 21. was right in the path of the engine: street resident, was fined #150 and Nickel created an easier tone to the f ooo gy 140 laminated safety glass. This glass isthe plant. The wrecking crew from Belle- "Too many motorists in Oshawa | ye thought that she had made it 'costs by Magsstrite Hind in police balance of the list in this morning's Amulet 329 210 composed of two thin sheets of plate Running Steadily ville was summoned, but it is ex- | &reé forgetting that they are not (Continued on. page 2) court this morning. Mrs, Kasko's [scssion of the Toronto Stock Ex- Br. Holl, 18 17 , | Klass, cemented together by a trans- At the present time the plant is | pected the tracks will not likely be | Supposed to drive over intersec- plea of guilty was entered through change. However, with the exception Ato... 08 2 parent substance in the centre, and framning steadily, producing glass al- | cleared for some hours. tions at a greater speed than ten her counsel D, A, J, Swanson, of Braclian, he decline a an ore Dal. Oil * 280 an " |is used largely for automobile win-fmost entirely for repair work on au While the cause of the first de- | miles an hour," Magistrate Hind | gearg's machine travelling nortl When Detective Sergeant I. id aay Jecessions So %¢] Dome 930 Bid ows 0d. witdhieds hesilse in an fomobil bin Supeviarity of Duplate | railment has not been established, som) ented ip? nny When ne on Golf street. ~ J u ") . 4 accident 1 Wi on cri ney 18 mg show 8 g 'reas. iov g , 3 i - ounc « M, eard, 0 VY, 3 Flintoff, Provincial Constable ie oe lg) Ma. Cr. 195 180 180 ascides i Ni i Dy eo Bo or js being sh y 1 Ju te Svar uci 15-1 It is believed a broken or split rail Suilty on + dharge of 'rethies A. J. Parkhill who prosecuted Thos. Mitchell and Wm, Ingel, in- 1:8 roint 16 58, firmed back to) Falcon. 1050 1000 1000 ! Ay. 4 ns i g ime of demand for this pro- | was responsible. An investigation Hit 3 arge © °%3 | the case showed the court a garage terpreter of the court, visited the 70, Po) N38 ho 5- % ned ek a [Grnda. 21 20 20 i¥ 0 manligetne ph cad) ac and La- duct. About twenty men arc being | will be held. driving. The charge against Heard bill of $49 which he elaimed that Kasko home on the 23rd of Au- ¢ want 3 gape ai 0 3- Holl 600 570 57 Salle cars of (ieneral Motors and in femployed steadily at the present time, saved By Other Cars had been laid upon a complaint | njjjer hag been required to pay gust last they found a quantity of | {or @ loss of 23-8 points on the mors ; 4 5 5 as in other high class cars, but when the automobile plants be-| wo cars of fruit and baggage | made by W. Miller whose car ha@iiss the renult of damage to his caf row Sens i ning. International Nickel showed | He. Oil 1860 1850 1850 | ionts sin quantity production in, and ah anc DABBARE | poop struck by the defencant's car] .o.o : home". brew beer .in the woodpile jj 0 "ros i "0 the realizing, ops | Howey 89 90 ; Scientists Called In in 1 on and express cars saved the passen- i Jie ; caused by the accident. down cellar, As the Kaskos had [PCliCF I€ | A enum p I B Hd. By 0! 1700 1700} The difficulties experienced by the | the demand Is aga fcit from that | oops 11, the day coach and possibly | & the intersection of Golf "and The defendant stoutly denied heen previously convicted for B, L, | Shing at down 1-2 at 50 1-2, and then | Hd, By, ; 4 Duplate firm here were in connection |Guarter, more men may be employed | (00 5 FE F840 5. TF \ Alma streets recently. that this amount of damage had C. A. their home Is regarded as a | Sclling back to 56 5-8 Ha, Lk #0 20 [with processes of manufacture, While {by the firm. $e in the sleepers from death, "Unless drivers in this city ex-| peon caused. Karl Johnston, of public place under . the law andj, Lhe oils provided the bulk of the| Kt, Ilr. = 1: pis wi d2 1 | ihe Duplate glass as developed by an Addition = Required the' Wrap Twisting Machine Co, | £r6i5e more caution we will have! wpjtpy, 'who had been driving im they dare not keep liquor on the business in the balance of the lis. Lk, Sh i 2060 2084 United States firm was good, it was| In order to cope with the needs | presi. Pe P gine worembe 2% to provide bridges for pedestrians | fleard's car told the court that premises, Imperial Oil was up 1-2 at 38 1-2 Malar. : 4 ° not perfect and Col. Phillips and his fof the Duplate firm, a new boiler or Dine his Sling at all our intersections," His Wor-| they were travelling at a speed of 1 t 1 P ie | ved Ja 17 18 / 2 % the Hotel Diue hospital today. He { i e ---- a international Pete was unchangec at Mn, Bs, associates resolved not to rest until | room will have to be built at the shio continued. less than twenty miles when they 47% McColl was off 3-4 at 37 1-2; McDoug, 3 43 . 43 a perfect product could be produced | Phillips plant shortly, Col. Phillips hi en route for Montreal from Thos. Beard, 260 Golf street, | snnyoached the intersection. Card of Thanks gupetiest gained 1-4 at Jo 3-4: and | Men, : 1405 1405 at a low cost of production. Several |stated. A considerable amount of | © ovonto: : and Mrs, Eric Barber, 72 Cadillay Hoard was fined $20 and costs. Service Stations was unchanged at | zm, Cr, ) 400 400 research men were "turned loose" on [steam is used by the Duplate oper- ee Ave, testified that the defend- - 78. Ford Motor "A" was casicr, scll- | Newbee 36 an a51; Ottawa. -- Permission has been | ant's car had been travelling at a | f - In this way 1 wish to express |ing off 1 1-2 points at 40 1-2, Nrda. 5550 53550 the problems, and many new process- | ations, and the present heating plant 5 ¢ problems I | ! eranted by the Department of Na-| yapid rate of speed when the acci- sincere thanks to all people of Osh- Pd. Or. 470 450 Coming E Events said lawrence Lepari, traveller for o es of manufacture tried, is being taxed to capacity. awa who helped to do the last (STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE | Prem, 170 Bid Rail and Bus Services Avy; 2 a triangular aerial passenger ser-| proached Golf street from the west Cea vice between Vancouver, Victoria] on Alma street. He stopped at 3 ts per word each ime Vocational School, Special thanks | change was weak today and declines | SW. Pt, 22: ass WwW th R to Mr. O'Neill, . principal, and [were general throughout a broad but | sd, Bs. K 725 ange l eturn to put into effect shortly. when his car was struck by j* -- RUMMAGE SALE UNDER THE Society, Ukrainian Reading So- [former sold between 21 and 26, the | wy Hy, 15 150 430 s --- ---------- tional Defense to Washington-Al- | dent occurred. honor to my unforgotten son, Wil- | "oronto, Ont, Sept. 25.--The under- | Sh. Gr. 51 615 and Nanaimo, B.C. It is under-| the intersectio:x and then pro- sexton, Winiuse charge Sor Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational | inactive list. Tk. Hg, bh 5FO . Standard Time Sunday| : ra RL ciety, Greok-Orthodox Sisterhood, | latter figure representing an advance Walnwell 19% 19 CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS > 0 av aska "Airways, for the operation of According to Miller he Had ap- llam, ot the Oshawa Collegiate and [tone to the' Standard Mining Ex-| Siscoe § 94 stood here that the service will be | ceeded to drive across the street each insersien, Ste, School, Mr. Godyk, Ukrainian Na-| Arno and Siscoc 'were the most TOW. . . 140 Young. Star Club and Mr. Frederick [of two points as compared with yes- ---- {| Railway ond bus line time ta-! that it ran on daylight saving time, ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH vats rors Ds So2ounam n= ME » tional School, Young Ukrainian [prominent in regard to activity, The | ventures 680 --- oe w for the beautiful wreaths, T also [terday's close. Siscoe started firm but NEW YORK | bles are betng changed on Sunday | the buses leaving on the same hour thank the pall beavers, flower [later reacted to 94 for a loss of thir-| : # : by standard time that they have ¥ hearers and those present at the |teen points, Amulet was down thir- | Stock High Low next, Sept, 29, when Oshawa and been leaving by daylight saving | was INTOXICATED | Ned. Todas his' sopditi oh funeral, which consoled my family !teen points at 3.16. Amer, Can, 171% 165% various other Canadian and United | yj The schedules of the Colla- Fred Graham edgy fined $20 and i oe os ay. is condition 1s fe and I at such a sorrowful time. | The Oil stocks were exceptions to | Atchison ..274 ~~ 270% States cities return to standard | cutt bus line, to Peterboro, Beile- | CC 2H Fil 80 © ed in Dos porsd as favorable ud he is ex=| Rev, J, Chrustawka, the general trend. Ajax Oil advanced | Balt & Ohio 136% 30 time, ville, Picton and Kingston, which gin his er " : 1 ha Be a ye ay Jenson can (72a) |10 at 145; South West Pete was Briggs Mfg. Changes in the railway time ta-; have been on standard time all Sl " : iS nos ing ; h a pan Re be given for this rash act. steady at 2.20 after selling up to 2.25; | Can, Pac, bles locally are only of a minor | summer, will remain unchanged. | Peng £1 oxicated hn a _.pudbiic rs Associated was unchanged at 3.25 ai- | Can, Dry nature, Tiere is only one change { The Gray Coach Lines, between | Place. Graham did not appear but | FEW USE AUTO PARK COME TO THE OPENING DANCE' ter touching 3.45; Calgary Edmonton | Chrysler in time for the Canadian Ntaional | Oshawa and Toronto, schecules | had arranged to enter a plea of Observation 'has shown that, so at Crest House, Newcastle, Fris ; Rene 25 35. 5.75 and Dalhousic was | Congoleum Laing Funning through His city. | which have been on standard time, | Suilty. tar, very little has been made of | © day, Sept. 27. Good orchestra I€ . . Wu ---- up § at 275 Erie he westbound Ottawa to Toronto | will be changed to allow for the | ~~ the cit utomebile park which attendance., (Tc), SUGDEN---In loving memory of Other price changes included: Fal- | Fam, train which has been passing | change in time. The first two BICYCLIST INJURED has hear ihe on Bagot mn Ger IST. our dear baby Jackie, inant son | conbridge off 33 at 1000; Lake | Gen, through Oshawa at 5.04 a.m., will | buses in the morning, going to To-| When he was struck by a car | geet, just off Simcoe street. On | MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, of Mr, and Mrs, .Geo. Sugden, |Shore off 30 at 20.75: Mining Cor-| Gra, after Sunday morning leave Osha- | ronto, which have been running at [While riding a bi "cle on Albert street | vorv tow occasions, since it was Ross Corners, Phone appoints ® Who died Sept, 25th, 1926, age | poration off 5 at 4.00: Nipissing oft | Gola wa at 5.556 a.m. The only changes | 6.00 o'clock and 6.30 o'clock, daily {near Wilkinson Ave, vesterday, a lo- opened, have (ars Ben: seen' Jagks ments 2894, (M-W-F) 1 year and 1 month, 35 at 200; Noranada off 30 at 56.25: | Hud. Mot. in the Canadian Pacific time ta-| except Sunday, standard time or [td] man sustamed severe = injuries ing use of it. even at the busiest OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS: We could not let the day go by [Premier off § at 1.70; Sherrit off 10) yyypp bles are that the westbound train | 7.00 and 7.30 daylight saving [about his right leg. H. L. Donald, ins i of the 'week. 'Possibly thie] dancing Thursday ni ht 8.30 pe Without a small reminder at 640 and Sudbury Basin off 35 at|y( Com leaving Oshawa at 7.34 p.m. daily | time, Will be taken off. The tirst [320 Leslie Street, was driving the car | (O00 S00 0 pits BI0l B90 none Fras Ry ne aad i Of happy days we would have (7.35 It. Nk. 5614 and the eastbound train leaving | bus will now leave at 7.30, stand- |but the name of the injured man has people are unaware that a public ty or Toronto's known S------ Kly. Sgfd. A '% 4 | here at 2.04 p.m. daily, will be fard time. 'The last bus at night not {been Feporzed oY 10 the yolice: parking area has been established beens dance hos Ey bo Kad fate to use been kinder, TORONTO Mt. Ward 125% changed to daily except Sunday. has heen leaving Oshawa at 9.30 .. : - bv the city 2 Ever remembered Stock High Low 12.30 Mek Trek 98% Bus lines: in this vicinity are | standard time or 10.30 daylight CARS COLLIDED ; . Te OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS; Mother, dad and family, | Bei) Tel, 168% 168 168 Nt. Pr. Lgt. 677% making little ehange in their sghe- | saving time, so, in order to keep | \ car driven by A. Mason collided f » = Friday, §.30 p.m. 'Square an (72) hy 44 pod Phil Pt. .. 38% dules. The Garton bus line, run- | the schedule practically the same, with. a machine driven by S. Met- | INTOXICATED DRIVER : roundedanciagsto Pat Shannon "A 66% 66% Irn. A "BY 6314 ning between Oshawa, Whitby and | a new bus is being placed on the staed at the intersection: of Simcoe Walter Murphy was.gentenced to and his haymakers, (72¢ : Packard 29 7% Bowmanville, will operate the | route leaving Oshawa at 10.30 and Bond streets yesterday jamming | gorve seven days in the county jail . : TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 3 Radio .... $83 same schedule on standard time | standard time. it against a fire hydrant and causing | a Whitby when he pleaded zuilty | CONSULT MADAME * ZEDDA; considerable damage. Mason was N N : inieatifin c : h before Magistrate Hind in police Scientific palmist, 224 St. Julies FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FURNISH: Be. Rh. 180% TORONTO LIVESTOCK WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING (travelling south' while Metstaed-is | ao 'vesterday morning to a Street. ea (1200 ed or unfurnished; All conven. | Sts DF . : i ba aig, es 3 said to have been attempting to then | charge of operatingh car while un- isnces, Good locality, Suitable for |: 3 4 bin k ie : Toronto, Ont, Sept. 25--Left-ov- | Winnipeg, Man, Sept. 25--Opening [on ta Bond street. No one was in- | gor the influence of liquor, Murphy | CHICKEN PIE sup PER THORN Studebaker LR ers on the Dominion Livestock Ex-{ Wheat; Oct. 1-8 higher to 3-4 low- |iured. was represented by J. I'. Mangan, light housekeoping, Phone 1502 W, . 150 ! : ton's Corners Sunday School on (72) ' ans Siess change totalled 600 head. Prices were Jer at 143 38 to 42 1:2; Nev. 1 tof ons onl (Sore, as counsel. Thursday, Oct. ig Suppes Tv ; 3 3 SALE, oo HS stead ith the best ste d -11 3-8 lower at 143 1-8 to 142 3-4: |¢ 4 = Sp ae 1 7 served from 5 until all are ou OMED™ "COTTAG 7] 4 U.S. Rubber 54 Hea A ly he Dest Stéies Su hele Bes 112 oy i sam 3, F 2. 4 Joo Fesco, 279 Bloor street, is} This is the fourth man to have served. FolloWod by good prds rent, Light and water. North end. Apdo ond 12 lhe Tho el x hh vs \ bg gh he holy ine i heen sentenced by the court onithe : ' rR Phone 169TW 72 : . U.S, Steel 2414 mon downward to $650. Butcher [3:8: May 1-4 higher to 1-2 lower at [Said to have attempted suiuciude ged NY J ; gramme. (W-S), BRE JS ura OLLIE NH. Wives, Ovid, 18% cows ranged from $500 to $7.50.]1150 1-4 to 149 3-4. Oats: Oct. 1-4 {last night when he cut his throat [Same charge within two days. i ; CN ROOM. AND ROARD FOR ONE Woolworth 981% 614 . Store cattle were selling steady. higher at 67 3-4: Dec. 3-8 to 1-8 low- | with a knife. He was rushed to "We will have to inflict more | RUMMAGE SALE IN MARKET, gentlemen, Apply 43 Elena street. Yellow Cab. 31% Calves v steady-at $16.00 er at 69 to 69 1-4: Mav 1-8 to 1-4]/the Oshawa Hospital and Dr, F, J.|severe penalties," Crows Aligrmer Thursday, -September 26 at.d Phone 2426, L732) | S, Station Money 10 per cent. $12.00 for «..viee lower at 71 3-4-0 71 3-8 * "Rundle and Dr. Ferguson' were | McGibbon commented. p.m. Knox Church, _ (Tal Thursday, * Sept. 26th, 8 Mrs, Banfield will give an illuse trated. address telling of the work and.eonditions in Africas Good music. Everybody welcome, Collection. ; (Tle); = Bo pp 12 fon [oT 12 el Dt DI DNOD WII ID - 18 BLE DEO DS ~C ao-R In Memoriam Won 2 wow 2 FE Fr » 10 © oo - PR on on - Fos