Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Sep 1929, p. 6

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omen's Interests in the | " Social and Personal ! wi ob A gham pion, , New York. farry Donald, who has bess the past two weeks with Mr. Mrs, A, BE. ock street ccst, has left A A év. R. A. Whattam, pastor of rt "United Chureh,, and , Elena street, leave "Toronto, where they will pa time, \ E ty 4 » . * Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murray, Bond streéty and Mrs, W, J, Cory, visited with Mr, an in Sunderland and v s in Cannington LJ Mgs Charles. Yellowley and small daughter will leave Kingston next week for Oshawa, wliere they will join Mr, Yellowley, who has been transferred bo the city. * Ld Messrs, C. M, Mundy and A. R. Alloway are in Niagara Falls to- diy, where they are attending the Ontario Provincial Dailies Associ- ation Meeting. LJ] * + Mrs, R. 8B, McLaughlin, Simcoe street north, was a guest of the Heéutenant-governor, Hon. W. D. Ross at dinner last evening, when Wé entertained in honor of Col. the Rt. Hon. L. 8, Amery. * - LJ LJ Ld Mrs. William H, Hipperson and Master Lloyd Hipperson of Régina, Sask., spent the week-end in the #»ity, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, C, M, Mundy, Simcoe street north, 'Chey left for Toronto on Sunday where Master Lloyd has entered Upper Canada College. Ld Mr. Alex Hall, Lauder road, was in-8t; Catharines on Saturday when he @né& Mr. George MacGillivray of Whitby were ushers at the wedding of Helen Isabel Chestnut, daugh- ter of Mrs, H, Chestnut and the 1gte Captain Chestnut of St, Cath- arines to Carl Arthur Pollock of Kitchener, . Weddings ik LINDSAY~FICE ihe marriage wag solemmized an Saturday, September 21, 1929, + Rev, C. E, Cragg, pastor of pg street United church, of An- ule Gertrude, fourth daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Edward Fice of North Oshawa, to John Gordon Lindsay, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam Lindsay, of East Whitby, The bride was attended by Miss Mil- deed Farrow, while Mr, Edward Fige, brother of the bride, assist- ed the groom. Following the cere- mohy 'a reception was held at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Yialter Langm<2id, West Whitby, qhére a wedding suprer was gerved. After a honeymoon in Ne Toronto Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay will hé at home to thelr friends at 41 King street west, Oshawa, Strength. A Childbirt ! #After my baby was born | was vety weak and run-down. | was not able to do any heavy work but I had to be around on my feet all day. The sittin Lpuvel too great and | vas real k for about two months, My adage By nid 'egetable Com, to take it. You should have seen the ji ANNUAL CORN ROAST The snnual corn roast of the imcoe | Young People's Society of 8 street United church was held last ev at Geneva, north of Osh- awa, the journey being made by cars, Mother Nature's children no doubt were kept awake later than the usual hour by the laughter and songs of the jolly group. The early part of the evening was spent in playing lively out-oi-do"r gemes and when everyone joined the campfire circle welners, marsh- mallows, and coffee began to fiil that emptiness. which good out-of- door sports always create, After singing old-time songs and favor- ite hymns, with Rev, Mr, Harston acting as song leader, fires were put out and the perty left for home. Helpful Hints The water in which green vege- tables are cooked will not boil over if a small piece of dripping is drop- ed in just as the water begins to il, he dripping also helps to keep the greens a good color. LJ LJ . Always wash the top of your milk bottle with a cloth wrung out of scalding water -before taking the cap off and pouring the milk into a jug. Dust and germs collect on the top of the bottle. LJ To have all her cleaning tools as- sembled in one place saves the time and effort of the housewife when cleaning day comes. She does not then have to gather up her utensils for each operation, If the house is large, it is a convenience to have a cleaning kit upstairs and down. A fruit basket makes a handy recep- tacle for a cleaning kit. In it keep such as these: soap, whiting, coarse powder, brushes, chamois, soft cloths, linseed oil turpentine household am- monia, kerosene, hammer pliers, dust nan and newspapers. JUNIOR SPORTS FROCK The printed pique frock, especially in red and white as sketched in Style No. 586, is the' favorite type with smart miss of 8, 10, 12 and 14 years, The white pique chemisétte and Peter Pan collar gives it tailor. ed chic and sophisticated air, In- verted plaits at each side seam add necessary width to hem for active sports, without detracting from its slim straight lines, Green and white dotted rajah silk with white rajah, peach shantung with white, candy striped percale with blending tone plain pique, printed lawn with or- gandi¢, checked gingham with plain, nile green linen with yellow pam and plain white pique are a few of the Jang ways to make it. Pattern price cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). We suggest that when you' send for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine, It's just filled with de- lightful styles, including smart en- sembles, and cute designs for the a ae lone and in ts. | have Te V etable Compound fo ince eel my en ac lo take Liver Pills and | find them for constipation." ponderfl help for ames . Er, Fa 65), PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Te Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Th ban, wa, Ont, Buclosed find ...» send patte Name Address Towns Province Price. cents each. d stamps or { soln. Wrap coin oy Lylia E. Pinkhamts aetabie Compoun M \ Youthful Loveliness of SKIN and HAIR RETAINED by using Cuticura Soap tegu larly every day ly Ointment as required . . . Begin today the use of Cuticura for the toilet, bath and shampoo There is nothing better for keeping the ski: fresh and cleat, and the hair Live and glos! Soap 2%¢. Ointment 2c. and S0¢. Talcum 24 Sumple cab free Addr Canadian Depot 4: T. Walt Company. Limited, Monts sa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2% 1929 Announcement of the first dances of the season turns the feminine mind to the important consideration of dancing clothes. Above is a group of three of the new evening gowns which are dis- tinctive as well as flattering to the wearer, (1) An exquisite frock of figured tafleta with petlumed hipline, a new note of the season, producing a radical change in the silhouette, It is somewhat reminis- cent of the bustle gown of days gone by, (2) This flame colored gown is a combination of faille and marquisette in charming bouf- fant style, (8) Satin-velvet or panne, as once upon a time it was known, has come into a glorious ovening vogue, This model is im an entrancing yellow pink called Cal. lot, The shoulders are cut down to a slender line of fabric to keep step with the fashion of mere straps to shoulder the support of ovening gowns, The bread container can be the scene of much waste unless it is em- tied often, washed and very thor- oughly dried again. Stale pieces left at the bottom will ruin new bread, Stale bread fries better than new, and many use fried bread as a foun- dation for savoriés, and serve it with sausages and bacon and with thick soups, it toasts well, makes bread- crumbs and is the chief ingredient in many puddings. So there need be no waste, . LJ LJ Cut the strips containing buttons and buttonholes from discarded gar- ments and use them on new garments It saves time and labor, . * L To make dressing melt the butter in a saucepan, Stir in the flour and ¢ |dry mustard and cook for a couple of minutes without browning. Then draw the saucepan to the side of the fire and gradually stir in the milk, When all is in and the mixture quite smooth, stir until boiling and boil for three minutes, Add the sugar, salt and pepper and allow the sauce to cool a little; then stir in the yolk of an egg. Stir over the fire for a couple of minutes without allowing the mixture to boil, Leave the sauce to become quite cool. Stir in the vinegar very gradually, and when it is quite' cold fold in the whipped cream and serve in a sauce boat or glass jug with the salad, FLUFFY PUMPKIN PIE 34 cup. sifted pumpkin, 34 cup su- gar, 2 eggs, 1% cups milk, ¥ cup cream, ¥ teaspoon ginger, 12 tea- spoon cinnamon, 4 teaspoon salt, Beat 'yolks of eggs with sugar, salt and spices. Add pumpkin, milk and cream and mix thoroughly. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold into first mixture. Turn into pie plate lined with pastry and bake. If a highly spiced pic is liked, more spices can be added. MAN OF ADVENTURE BETRAYED BY GIRL Peter Klem's Life Reads Like the Story of a "West Seller" Sidi-Bel-Abes, Algeria, Sept, 23. --No tears were shed by the hard bolled corporals and buck privates of the French Foreign Legion when they heard that Peter Klems, a former legionnaire sergeant and See Our New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, South one of the most audacious adven- turers ever to set foot in North Africa bad committed suicide in a Berlin police station, Klems had escaped fiom a French firing squad after being sentenced to death by a court mar- tial for desertion and enlisting wiht Abd-El-Krim to whom he became chief of staff, Six years ago Klems, fleeing be- fore the German police, = reached Marseilles and enlisted in the for- eign legion, He took part in sever- al combats against Abd-el-Krim and behaved ro well that he was promoted tr a sergeant, Klems' adventurous soul felt, however, that there 'was Tore opportunity for advancement with the rebe! forces and he deserted to the Rif- tians, Abd-el-Krim a: 2creiated the skill of Klems as a soldier and made him his chief adviser. Klems taught the Riffians many modern war methods, especially with artillery, One morning In May 1926 the second Froneh division under General Marty operating along the Moulaya River, reached the foothills of the Riff range, Targuist, Abd-el-Krim's military capital, lay twenty miles to the rorth and General Marty in his hurry to capture the rebel chief ordered the line of hills two miles away to be stormed, Four com- panie swere instructed to reach the top of the hills and dig themselves in. Just as the black domes of the Senegalese appeared over the top of the range, 77 millimeter guns raked the ground with appalingly effective shots, It seemed as if the Riftians had had their two lone must be captured when we get that Ritfian, army." But Klems escaped when Abd- Home - and the Community | Constant dally testing and blending of the world's cholesst teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable flavor and nevesrveryiog goodness, Every package guaranteed. REDROSE 84 TEA isgood ted | RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good el-Krim collapse came and it was a year later before a dark-haired girl employed by the French en- ticed him into Foreign Legion ter- ritory, He was sentenced to de shot, Five days later he stole the uniform of a French interpreter and walked through the lines, Fleeing to Germany he took up his o'd trade of burglary, was caught and was being questioned in a Ber- lin police station when he slashed his throat with a razor blade, 200 IN CUSTODY AFTER TIFF FIGHT WITH DOUKHOBORS Riot Act Read, But Sons of Freedom Refuse to Move Nelson, B.C,, Bept, 24. --Two hundred Doukhobors who have been encamped on the outskirts of this city were arrested Saturday by thirty policemen, and booked on charges of resisting arrest and vag- raney, Provincial Attorney-Generals Dé- partment, following & report by sn official from Victorias on thé seni tary condition of the Doukhobors' camp, Provincial Police notitipd the 200 or more Bons of Freedom to leave, The Doukhobors refused to move, and John Cartpel, Govern- ment Agent and Provincia) Magis- trate, read the Riot Act, 'which sso failed to secure their obedience, A clash occurred when Masloff and other leaders resisted arrest, and the officers were at first thrown back, The police, however, con- centrated on these men, And: the hody of adherents, on seeing them disappear into a car, made no Tir ther resistance, About thirty off- cers, including Provincial, and, eity police and specials took part im the arrests, Under nominal guard the Douk- hohors, chanting a hymn, - were marched to the Provincial jail, The first group taken were booked as resisting arrest, and others pn charges of vagrancy, The Doukho- bors' claim, that they had no home was met yesterday by an offey to them of Porto Rico, one t lumber camps of the Universes! Brotherhood, The arrests wers di- rected b Provincial Police Inspector Forbes Cruickshanks, Mayor R, D. Barnes was also present, and efty authorities lent their 'moral and Acting under instruction of the physical support, hatteries trained upon this point, Twenty-three men were killed and | sixty wounded before the four com- panles could be brought back, That evenng at mess, General Marty one of those shells were countergigned 'Klems.' Ho | The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper Happiness is the goal of most humans and yet too few take the trouble to pause and analyze the essential characteristics contribut- ing to that state, Lack of imagina- tion also has something to do with the unregulated scramble for happi- ness, according to Lorna Rea, who writes that everyone resents the monstrous futility of all those poor fools who, given 3 wishes without condition or . limitation, failed to profit by them and were frustrated and brought low by the poverty of their own imagination, The good wife who inadvertently wished a black pudding on to the tip of her nose is, of course, a pitiable case, She was only guilty of a mere slip of the tongue that might have happened to anyone in simil- ar circumstances, But for the man who wanted money and framed his wish so carelessly a: to be buried under an avalanche of gold there is reall, no excuse, One sympathizes deeply with his desires, but one: deplores his unnecessary immolation, And still, In spite of the fact that the lesson has been well ham- mered home, one continues to be: lieve that, granted this or that, one could secure a full measure of satisfaction and happiness, Plunging about among one's own dear desires and ambitions does not, however, provide an answer to the qusetion of who are, In fact, the happiest people. The only thing one needs to ensure a con tented life may be leisure, free- dom from the galling interference of ties of time and place; but on the other hand, Mrs, Jones is yearning for just the type of ser- iously exaeting job which will oc- cupy the greater part of her day, and Miss Brown is looking for what she calls an interest in life, and envisages it as a cross be- tween the managing directorship of a business concern and the pleasantly casual slumming of the unprofessional day visitor, A study of really happy people, however, as a rule reveals one com- mon factor, Miss Rea believes-- one and all they are found to have some active employment in life and they all like their job, There is a certain perverted af. terglow of satisfaction that follows on the fulfilment of uncongenial work, But there is nothing com. parable to that searching radi. ance that emanates from the man who is doing the work he loves, He is sometimes depressed; he Is often bad-tempered; he suffers furiously from grit in the wheels, from other people's incompetence, from his own stupiditieg end fail.) ures, But the measure of his bitter impatience 1s the measure of his ultimate satisfaction, Fundament- ally, he is in tune with life, { Too much emphasis is laid as a | rule on atmosphere and environ. ment, They add to happiness, but they are very seldom responsible for it, A high degree of activity, a high power of personal output, and a genuine love for whatever may be one's means of self-expression are the factors that contribute to just that type of richly happy life that everyone longs for and no one Is conscious of living, thrive on FRY'S This pure and high quality cocoa is made from especially selected cocoa beans, by ekill acquired in 200 years of experience For giving health and Write for Free Recipe Book vigor, FRY'S Cocoa is matchless J. & FRY & SONS (Camda) Limited, Montreal, Que. BBY BOUNCE MIGHT Of 3 'THEY TRUDGED ALONG: AND WERE TWPDENLY VERY THIRSTY. "WE wish THs Blues FEATHER. WE © 1929, King Features Synditare, Ine, Grshh AWD THERE BEFORE THEM WAS A LITTLE TABLE ~ WITH THREE GLASSES FULL of SPARKLING, ColD WATER. i OH- Dotsn'T Thar [8 LooK ReEFReESHINGD § HEN THRY 'om, "To SAID EAT" Doliy- UDGED ON AND ON; 1? IT WISH I MAD Some THING STRAWSEARY "TARTS « MitKk= OR AND TAM NevenyYTRING w= LHAD A DRINK, THEY SAID.

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