i i wo a pik .- v x Cog 4 "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY: SEPTEMBER 221929 EBTON GF | CHILDREN'S WORK HELD SATURDAY (Continued from Page 3) Rosie Muzik : 3. Dorothy Fraser. 7. Fancy Work | \pron :--1, Winnie Griffin; 2. Hil- 8; 3. Vera Sisson. d;-1, Dorothy Vamplew; Goodall. 1, Dorthy Vamplew; eseborough; 3. Winnie ork--1. Hilda Hopkins, Gs | Training 1. Russell Brant; 2. Robt. Griffin; 3. Lawrence Woolacott, Muffins--1 Harold Calford, 2 Doro- thy Clarke. Cake--1 Alta Soroule, Hayes, 3 Winnie Griffin, Writing i Sr. IV--1 Hilda Hopkins, 2, Annie Stenk, 3 Mary Romaniski. Jr. IV--1 Annie Labonavich, 2 Mel- va Titley, 2 Doris Hornby. Sr. #411--1 Bert Anthony, 2 Rosie Waite, 3 Lily Lewkl. Jr. IIl--1 Edward Pugh, 2 Helvi Kanukus, 3 Jean Muzik. Sr. II--Lillian Willoughby, 2 Doro- thy Clarke, 3 Marie Proctor. r. I--1 Lena Sledywaski, 2 Betty Clarke, 3 Lillian LeMere. Vegetables Tomatoes--1 Marion Judd, 2 Earl Banner, 3 Stanley McHugh. Carrots--1 Sydney Dunning, 2 Bert Anthony, 3 Teddy McCombe. Onions--1 Alice Waite, 2 Helen Lee, 3 Bert Anthony. Beets--1 Helen Lee, 2 Sydney Dun- 2 Peggy ning. - Potatoes--1 Geo. Wilson, 3 Earl Banner. Flowers Primary: Asters: 1 Betty Proctor, 2 Donald McCann, 3 Frank McCann, Jr. II--Aasters: 1 Lorraine McTag- gart. j_ Jr. 1--Asters--1 Eileen Glancy, Betty Clancy, 3 Betty Graham, . Gladioli=--=1 Henry Lee, 2 Wilfred Whiting, 3 Evelyn Cowle. Dahlia--(II Cl.) 2 Dorothy Morris. Mixed bouquet--1 Eileen Orr, An- <nie Snudden, 2 Harold Calfand, Lor- raine' McTaggart;3 Dorothy Clarke, Roderick Wiltshire. Primary--Mixed Bouquet--1 John Gingeriski, 2 Harold Lee, 3 Otto : Young. . CENTRE SCHOOL WINNERS Art Muriel Senior IV--Ist, Branton; Scratch Grain EGG MASH GROWING MASH CRICK MASH OYSTER SRELL GRI1 BEEF SCRAP Hogg Lytle Limited Phone 203 2nd, Marjorie Poil; 3rd, Lilian Walk- IV--Ist, Marjorie = Simm- sndsi. 2nd, Glen, Conant; 3rd, Marj- od. J. 'B. Barnes; 3rd, Allison. : Soe I--1st, Leon Nash; 2nd, Al- a : Primer--1st, Phylis Carrol; 2nd and 3rd, Hazel Sanguines. ' Cookies--1st, Tla Irwin; 2nd, Doris Thornton, 'ae Iced Cakes, {over 11° years)--1st, Jean Tait; 2nd, Eva Hopley; 3rd, Rosa Terry. i 3 Flat Cakes--Ist, Joyce Bryant; 2nd, Evelyn Bennet; Ralph McCabe (spe- sal Cake--1st, Jean Tait; 2nd er {ed ¢ H ' Hazel .Bennet, and' Eva Hopley; 3rd, Marion 3 : Jatt 1st, Doris 'Thornton; 2nd, Helen' : ! Pies--1st, Evelyn Clark; 2nd, Dor- is Thornton; 3rd, Ila Irwin. Biscuits and Cookies--1st, Ila Ir- win; 2nd, Mildred Kirby, Small Cakes--Ethel Logeman; 2nd, Doris Thornton. ; Flat Cake--1st, Doris Doidge. Flowers ! Pansies--1st, Winnie Rice; 2nd, Harold Creamer. ; . Mixed Bouquet--1st, Marion Rid- gen; 2nd, Doris Doidge. : Asters--1st, Gertrude - Robinson; 2nd, Ila~Irwin; 3rd, Helen Bukosku and Joyce Bryant. ; - Table Bouguet--1st, Ila Irwin. "2nd, Hilda. Stevens. Red Hot Pokers--Ist, Roger chin, Zinnias--Ist, No name; 2nd, Earl Danzey ; 3rd, Marion Ridgen. Mixed Flowers--1st, Clifford Cow- an; 2nd, No name; 3rd, Theodore Lahin; 3rd, Velma Dawson. Roses--I1st, Genivieve Conant; 2nd, Marion Ridgen. Gladiolas--1st, Marian Ridgen; 2nd, Joan Gorman; 3rd, Winnie Rice. Mixed Bouquet--I1st, Winnie Rice, Dahlias--Roger Alchin and Eva Carruthers. Maps--1st, Huda Douglas; 2nd, Amy Disney; 3rd, Marian Yong, Needlework--under 11, Class 11st, Hazel Bennet; 2nd, Clara Engel; 3rd, Mabel Knox. Class, 21--1st, Pat Hobbs. Class 31--Evelyn Clark; 2nd, Eth- ¢l Longman. . Dolls--1st, Nancy Murrall. Darn and Patch--Ist, Florence Bourne; 2nd, Evelyn Bennet. Snap Books--I1st, Amy Disney; 2nd Marion Young; 3rd, Gwelda Moynes. Vegetables Beets--I1st, Archie Whitelaw; 2nd, Alda Jordan; 3rd, Melford Sissons. Tomatoes--I1st, Tommy Bryant; 2nd, Winnie Rice; 3rd, Hazel Ben- net. Carrots--l1st, George Whitelaw; 2nd, Philip Perry; 3rd, Charles Pat- ten, Potatoes--1st, Tommy Bryant; 2nd Philip Perry; 3rd, Helen Aldred. Cabbage--1st, John Bachink; 2nd, Charles Patten. Marrows--1st, John Badwick; 2nd, Melford Sisson; 3rd, Wesley Critter- er. A Junior Al- | ton. Butter Beans -- Hearne. Corn--1st, Melford Sisson; Wesley Critterton. Wood Work--1st, Ist, Dorothy 2nd, Lloyd . Short; | 2nd, Jack Elston; 3rd, Frank 'Bell, Aux. Class Decorated Vase--Ist, Charles Sparks; 2nd, Albert Cen; 3rd, Char- les Sparks. Woodwork--1st, Gorden Vande- walker; 2nd, John Stokes; 3rd, Gor- den Vandewalker. : - Ist prize for best arranged group of vegetables--Centre Street School. Ist prize for best floral: display-- Centre Street School. * CEDARDALE SCHOOL Fancy work--I1st prize, Clara Schu- bert; 2nd, Florance Singer; 3rd, Ed- na Andrews. Fancy work, Pillow Cases--1st, Francis Tappie; 2nd, Vera Andrews; 3rd, Cushion top, Ada Crawfield. Fancy set--Ist, Lilian Tailor; 2nd, apron, Muriel' McKevsty ; 3rd, Mar- garet Lovett, Manual Training--1st, Peter Black- well; 2nd, Mervin Jenkins; 3rd, Eric '| Tailor, Flowers, Asters--Vera And 3 'Dahlias, Frank McPhee. Fowet Glenolers--Georgena Worsley, Home cooking--I1st, Edna An- drews; 2nd, Ellen Branton, Jr. & Sr. 1.--1 Joe Maga Lalonde, 3 George Brame: 3 Patsy Sr, IL--1 Alice Fraser, 2 Rose Pawlenzuk, 3 Alice Chryk, Jr. HIL--1 Peter Wysopski, 2 Peter Wysopski, 3 Peter Wysopski. Sr. IIl.--1 Steve Petrychsyn, 2 Rosie Gulenchysn, 3 John Chim- mara. Jr. IV.--1 Mary Wysotski, 2 Mary Wysotski, 3 Mary Wysotski, Sr. IV.--1 Mary Drapak, 2 Mary Drapak, 3 Olga, Petrowski. MARY ST. SCHOOL Art Sr. IV.--1 Ivan Ellicott, 2 Marie Kallman, 3 Irene Bone, Jr. IV.--1, Harry Bickle, 2 Lil- lian McRae, 3 Thelma McRae, Sr. III.--1 Hazel Penfound, 2 Hazel Penfound, 8 Pearl Laycoe. Jr. III.--1 - Victor . Keenan, 2 Phyllis Armstrong, 3 Bruce Wales, Sr. II.--1 Jack Hobbs, 2 Arthur Cory, 3 Ernest Bemis, . Jr. I1.--~1 Lois Cottingham, 2 Robert Hendrie, 3 Doris Crowe." Sr. I.--1 Jack Palmer, 2 Jack Palmer, 3 Jack Palmer. Jr. 1--2 Audrey Pigden, 3 Au- drey Pigden. Primary--1 Bob Armstrong, 2 Irene Ward, 38 Billie Hastings, Writing . 1IV.--Edna Rennie. . IV.--Bernice 'Bemis. . IIl.--Hazel Penfound. . III.--Vernon Osborne. . IIL.--Verna Hogle. Reliable HERBAL REMEDIES for Stomach, Blood, Piles, Kidneys, Gall- WHY 'Don't You Know? THAT HERBS AND REMEDIES MADE FROM HERBS are the natural means REGAIN YOUR HEALTH? PROLONG YOUR TROUBLE? bladder, Overweight, Tonsils, Adenoids, Nerves, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Varicose " Veins, ete. 79 SIMCOE ST. NORTH - - Osh + Dr. Thuna Balsam Remedies, Ltd. Your Nearest Store: PHONE 2558 awa Sr, 1L.--Doris Crowe. ) Jr, IL--Jack Palmer, Sr, IL--Moira Thom. . Jr. I.--Billie Hastings, Primary--Wilma Rennie, Beat- rice McLean, Fancy Work Doll's Outfit--Under 11 years, 1 Beatrice 'McLean, over 11 years, 1 Queenie Trott, Darning--1 Hazel Penfound. . Apronl Mary Andrews, 3 Au- drey Tryon, Towel--1 Jean Neiss, Hopkins, Pillow Cases--2 Mildred Gar- rard, Dressed Doll--1 Hazel Penfound, 2 Pearl Laycoe. Doll's Quilt--3 Lois Bowden. Linen Square--1 Lois Bowden. Runner--2 Neta Reddick, Cushion--3 Queenie Trott, Manual Training 1 Harold Reddick, 2 Glenn Lan- der, 3 Eric Pearce. Baking Iced Layer Cake--Under 11 yrs. ----1 Edythe Harton, 2 Evelyn Far- row, 3 Genevieve James, Over 11 yrs.--1 Margaret Bul- mer, 2 Catharine Merritt, 3 Mar- garet Alger. Iced Flat Cake--1 Merritt, 2 Gladys Denny, Tea Biscuits--Under 11 yrs.--1 Margaret Bone, 2 Genevieve James. Over 11 yrs.--1 Grace Luke, 3 Dorothy Mollon, 8 Isobel Camp- ell, Muffins--1 Dorothy Mollon, 2 Jean Hopkins, 3 Margaret Alger. Loaf--1 Jean Hopkins, Sponge Cake--3rd Amy Webb. Vegetables Tomatoes--1 Gordon Wragg, George Davis, 3 Vernon Ellicott. Potatoes--1, Norval Allan, Lewis Allan, Carrots--1 Margaret Law, George Davis, 3 Vernon Ellicott. Beets--1 Beatrice McLean, 2 Vernon Ellicott, 3 Margaret Law. Corn--1 Norval Allan, Citron--1 Reta Allan, : Flowers Mixed Bouquet--1 Reta Allan, 2 George Davis, 3 Margaret Doidge. Asters--1 Reta Allan, 2 Mar- garet Law, Cosmas--1 Bill Doidge, 2nd Margaret Law, 3 Lawrence Wragg. Zinnias--1 Reta Allan, George Davis, 38 Bill Doidge. RITSON SCHOOL Roses--1 Jack Hoar, 2 Connie Cooper, 3 Billy Tonkin. 2 Jean Catharine 2 Pearl Dobson, 3 Phyllis Taggart. Dahlias--1 Irene Lovelock, 2 Keith Taggart, 3 unknown, Gladioli--1 Lucille Massey, 2 'Willie Mitchell, 3 Phyllis Bathe. Marigolds--1 Billie Tonkin, 2 George Thrasher, 3 Jack Hoar. "Mixed Bouquet, lot 2--1 Mar- garet Corbett, 2 Arthur Pitman, 2 Alma Cooper. Salpiglosis--1 Billy Tonkin, Asters-- 1 Arthur Bathe, 2 Dor- othy Crooke, 3 Olga Wladyka, Home Made Cooking Cakes--1 Maxine Noble, 3 Fhyllis Taggart, 3 Phyllis Morey. Pies--1 Lillias Clarke, Fancy Work--Age 11--1 Cory. Age 10--1 Minnie Cory, 2. Annie Oblinski, 3 Athiel Pritchard. Age 8-9--1 Lorraine Towns, 2 Isoble Magill, 3 Dorothy Bathe. Knitting--1 Maudie Smith, Plain Sewing--1 Evelyn Meyers. Darning--1 Abner Barker, Ukranian. Sewing-- 1 Sophie Staban, 2 Mary Krawchuk. 14 years--1 Doris Docherty, 2 Mary Baluk. Alice Fruit Apples--1 Pearl Tubb, 2 Harold Morris, 3 Lily Krawchuk. Plums--1 P ~rl Tubb, Strawberries--1 Kenneth son. Dob- Manual Training Aeroplane--1 'Lorne Cory, Boat--2 Lorne Cory. Bird Jouse--3 Peter Chasczw- ski. Vegetables--1 Joe Sapinski, 2 Mary Baluk, 3 Connie Tribble. Carrots--1 David M:tchell, 2 Lena Shelenkoff, 3 Vera Johnson. Potatoes--1 Idella Demille, 2 Helen Siwokowski, 3 Annie Brooks. Onions--1 Millie Brown, 2 Keith Taggart, 3 Phyllis Taggart. Tomatoes-- 1 Idella Demille, 2 Daniel Potipco, & Vera Shelenkof!, Pumpkins--1 unknown, 2 Vera Shelenkoff, 3 Thomas Speirs. Cabbage--1 Sophie Makh, 2 Mable Davidson, 3 Gordon Fer- guson. Squash--1 Mary Longbottom, Ves. Marrow--1 Lucille Massey. Ll KING ST. SCHOOL Baking Dark Flat Cake, Age 13 ycars-- John Miller, Phyliss Sandford. Age °|12 years, Edith Dalziel, Aileen Glenn, Lorraine Greentree. . Light layer cake--Age 13 years -- Jean Miller, Mary Schwartz; age 12 years, Hazel "Trew, Isobel Morrison, Jean Baird; age 11 years--Doona Peacock, Doris Rundle; age 9 years Joyce Marks; age 8 years, Kathleen Gummow, Margaret Lockwood; age 7 years, Helen McQuaid. Biscuits: Edith Dalziel, Hazel Trew. Muffins--Hazel Weir, Jean Miller, Douglas Flintoff, Cream -- Irma Rutledge, Phyliss Sandford, Mary Sheridan. . Taffy--Patsy Connelly, Edith Dal- ziel, Gloria Rogers. Flowers Cosmas--Sr. IV--Gordon Johnston, Jean Miller; Jr. IV. Marion Palmer, May Shingley; Sr. III, Marda Gar- butt; Jr. I1I--3rd, Evelyn Weir. Asters--Sr. IV, Gordon Johnston, Willie Morrison, Jean Miller; Jr. IV, Stella Brooks, Hazel Trew, Isobel Morison. Zenias -- Stella Brooks, Brockwell, Doris Rundle. Mixed bouquet--Edith Brooks, Jas. Pickup, Richard Thomas, Roses--2 Margaret Lockwood. Petunias--2 Margaret Lockwood. egetables Carrots--DBilly Mason, Isobel Mor- rison, Billy- Pipher. Beets--Elmer Eadie, Tom Rodman, Willie Morrison. Onions--Chas. Taylor." Manual Training Sr.--Billie Marlow, Harry Medland, Bobby Cawker. Jr.--Ralph Mares; Jack Sceley. Harry r Primary -- Drew Jacobi, Betty Moore. Shaw, Lily Jr. and Sr. I--Veru '| Dunigan, Betty Germonu. Mixed Bouquet--1 Cecil Massey, 1 if MONDAY 23rd to SATURDAY BABY WEEK--A week devoted to serving the Mother and Their Royal Highnesses, the Babies! You. will find a large display of Baby Clothing, etc. in our windows and store. Our clerks will be only too glad to explain the features of the many garments offered for 'your inspection. A limited number of valuable Baby Books will be given away free to interested customers." We also carry Layette Pat- terns by Butterick in stock for those who wish to do their own sewing. 28th A Sixty-Five Page Baby Book Free For Mothers or anyone interested this little'book is written to aid in planning the little clothes i. and health. Eminent physicians as Dr. S. J. Crumbine, of American Child Health Association; Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, Commissioner of Health, Chicago, and many others have made valuable contributions to this little book. Keep it in your work basket where it may be easily referred to. If interested call at our store early as the supply of these books are limited. ".y for Babies' comfort Flannelette A pretty little garment broidered scalloped edge, Featured for Baby Week A cosy little I wool Flannel. | silk embroidery Featured Barracoat A soft, lighwteight Flannelette, the garment to help keep baby warm. Featured for Baby Week English Flannelette Flannelette daintily finished with em- All Wool Flannel garment of Prettily trimmed with | an Vanta The Perfect Shirt for Babies Dainty soft little Vests, plus the added grateful - knowledge that they afford double protection over chest and abdomen and that they have no pins Materials these come in are cotton, cotton and wool, silk and wool and pure wool. or buttons. All Cotton, each ......... Silk and Cotton, Silk and Wool, each Pure Wool, each ......... svestentipiy sensssessisinire DOC a Baby [3arments Vests Soft, lette. Vanta Gertrude Baby Week, Slips white Flannel- Featured for 4%9c just 49c of English 15¢ fine pure Vanta Pattern Free Why not use one of these If you pre- new Diapers? fer Flannelette ask us for a free pattern. Use this and follow direc- You more than pleased with the recommended by doctors and nurses. tions given. new diaper material, be will me T A dainty silk and wool Band style as above. | included in every Layette. i Featured for Baby Week.... 65¢ | ah VANTA BINDERS Baby's First Garment r This Binder of fine, soft pure wool ig de- signed to give the greatest comfort and best protection nor sewing. Featured for Baby pins 59¢ requiring neither eething Bands Babies' second garment, a fine pure | -wool Teething Band. A combined abdominal support and undershirt, knitted without a seam. Featured for Baby Week, sleeveless Teething Should he invsize 9x13 inches, pink design. Featured for Baby Week .... BABY"S FEEDERS Good Boy or Good Girl ~ An excelent quality Terry Feeder, with tapes. Colored border of blue or tie 19¢ BABY BIBS An excellent assortment of styles and qualities too numerous to ad- vertise, Featured for Baby Week Special from 25¢ to 75¢ each A splendid + Featured for Baby Week BABY'S RUBBER PANTS proof Rubber Pant, in both med- ium and large size. heavyweight, acid Pant made 19¢ * 39c¢ BABY'S DRESSES French Hand Made An assortment of pretty styles with dainty trimmings of hand embroidery, etc. Plan on adding with shirring at waist and knee 3 or 4 of these little Frocks to your 'Layette. Special from $1.75 to $1.98 BABY'S WINTER COATS We have a large assortment of Infants' Bearcloth Coats, in sizes 1 and 2. Good variety of styles in colors of white and fawn, These Coats are just right for winter days. A small deposit will hold any coat till required. Featured for Baby Week. From $3.95 to $5.95 each COSY CRIB BLANKETS In By-Lo Land Baby needs comfort and warmth. These soft quality Crib Blankets come in a large selection of soft eiderdowns and also in pure wool. Some have Baby designs allover, some bound with satin. We feel sure these will appeal to you. om 69c © $2.25 FINE 1-1 RIBBED SEAMLESS Little Nell CASHMERE STOCKINGS FOR CHILDREN Little Nell Infants' and Children's Cashmere Hose, is manufactured from Pure Wool seamless feet and fast dyes. nude, sand, pink and sky. Sizes 4 to 10. Featured at 35 C to 80 c according to size. Botany Yarn, Colors: black, white, BABY'S JACKETS Hand Crochet and Knitted A large varied assortment of styles in both wool, silk and wool and hand crochet silk, Dainty color ed trimming of Baby shades. Pullover and open front styles, Baby will need one or two of these for cold days. Featured for Baby Week, from 75¢ to $2.95 each BABY'S WOOL BOOTEES To keep Babies' little feet cosy and warm we can provide a nice selection of warm, fine wool Bootees in both short and knee length. Just the thing for night and day during the early months of the Baby's life. Featured for Baby Week from 29¢ to 75¢ each COVERS Robe, the warmth, retaining Made PADDED SILK CARRIAGE A fluffy featherweight Carriage necessary of quilted silk. Some with embroidered designe, Some with florol design centres, Featured for Baby Week from 98¢ to $2.49 each + BABY"S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Of soft elastic materials which no washing will mat are these Silver Spray Silk and Wool Hose. Sizes 4 to 8%. Featured for Baby Week 50¢, 65¢, 75¢ According to size. fine 'quality FANCY WOOL SHAWLS Nice Warm Shawls, weel. Sizes from 42x42 inches to 64x58 inches. Excellent designs, all with fringe edges. These make useful gifts for Baby. Featured for Baby Week. from $1.98 $5.65 made from wool and silk and BABY BONNETS Silver Spray Quality . We have assembled a varied as. sortment of Baby Bonnets, fluffy angora, hand crochet silk, knitted wool, silk poplin with warm lin- ings and cosy bearcloth in assort- ed sizes. From 49¢ to $1.98 each , Featured Baby Week Vanta Diapers Eliminates Pins A square fold knitted Diaper of soft ab- sorbent cotton, adjustable with Vanta twistless tape. Another source of comfort. Featured for Baby Week 49¢ REE Vanta Knitie The Ideal Sleeping Garment || This cosy little. gown will withstand any amount of twisting, turning, kicking for it closes at bottom like a bag. Baby can kick to his heart's content, but «till keep | warm. Comes in 3 lengths in soft knit- ted cotton. eatured for Baby Week . 4 Bc Jr. 1I--Avice Parker, June Mec- Kenzie. : Sr. II--Floyd Hodgson, June Stein- er, Mike Dinkowski. Jr. 1I=H, R, Haynes, W. Hooper, Douglas. McDonald. Sr. 11I--Stella Brooks, Mary Mc- Lae, Wm. Kingston. Jr. IV--=Mary McGill, J. Robert- son, Sr. IV--Jean Baird, Malcolm Young, Betty Fuller. Penmanship 'Primary--Garfield Peters, Dorothy Dunigan, Irene Ianson. Sr. I--Betty Giles, Geo. Hooper. Jr. II--2 Rosella Farrow, Dorothy Cawker., Sr. 1I--Edith Brooks, Dorothy Haverson, F. L. Edel Pleen. 1 Jr. 111=QOral Phillips, Evelyn Weir, I. Kinsman, ; 3 ---- . vr A Sr. IlI--Kathleen Sandford, Ethel Grigg, Mary McRae. Jr. IV--Louise Bennett, Joyce Ed- gar, Tom Rodman. : Sr. IV--Marguerite McGraff, Reta Hooper, Clarc Hayton. ewing Special for child's dress -- Edith Dalziel, Special for darning -- Irma Rut- edge. Special for painted' handkerchief-- Joyce Marks. Special for lampshade--Jean Tam- blyn. i 8 and 9 ycars--Fhelma Lawry, Joyce Marks, Ina Brooks. 10 years--Dorcen © Dalby, Brinning. 11 years -- Edith Brooks, Doris Rundle, Kathleen Harper and Irma Audrey Rutledge. 12 years--Lorraine Greentree, Jean Miller, Edith Swithenbank: 13 years--Stella Brooks, Lily Mar- tin, Avice Parker. LY 14 ycars--Marion Anderson, Annie McDonald, Patsy Connelly. NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL Knitting--1 Edna Armstropg .2 (The balance -of this report will be found on page two)- A