Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Sep 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY - TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 1929 PAGE ELEVEN a A, IA THE C S 0366" where, Mr. Buyer SEELED S meets Mr. Seller ECTION --¢ dm CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Buble. Etc. Coa- veyancing and general practice Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A.,, LL.B.; A. F. Annis, BA, LL. B. F FRANK 5. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convev- ancer. Money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building. Opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Commerce Building. JOSEPH >, MANGAN, B.A --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 142 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. E Srierson, K.C, T. K. Creighton, A. LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67. Residence PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, etc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field. GREER AND HUMPHREYS. BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc. 24%: Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to_loan. ALEX C. HALL, B.A., BARRIS- ter, etc. Conveyancing and general practice. 221 King St. East. Phone 3237. (tf) of | eers, sub-divisions, town Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sim- coe street north. Phones 210] and We DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street, Oshawa... Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. = Phone 1082. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCH J.J consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and_your interests protected. INSURANCE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms] to_suit_you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. FOR SALE--TWO GOOD BUILD- ing lots, three minutes walk from Motors. A bargain. Apply 370 Jar- vis St. _(69¢) FOR SALE--NEW HOUSE HARD- wood floors, electric fixtures, French doors, every convenience, Owner leav- ing city. A bargain for quick sale, will take small down payment. Ap- ply 370 Jarvis St. (69¢c) HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX ROOMS, garage, hen house, 4 acres of land. Apply Stanley Prevost, North Oshawa. Phone 1654 r 4. (69¢c) FOR SALE--FRAME HOUSE. 6 rooms, Electric lights, Water. 3% acre choice garden land. Must be sold at once. Very r2zcsonable, terms. A. E. Gives, Bowmanville. a aT a(R) FOR SALE -- THREE ROOMED house, Small payment down, Phone 2597F. (70c) Work Wanted: Transportation CARTAGE, COLEMAN'S, 85 BOND W., Phone 82. Furniture van and 6 trucks in charge of expert men. Furniture moving a specialty. Stor- age arranged. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVE: sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling. Phone 3048 and 2692F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. W. Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Specia references to maternity work and di- scases of women. Two years' post graduate experience. Office and resi- dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303 : DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN. Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. 9 pm. Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. DR. ALVIE STEWART, SUR- geon, Obstetrician, physician. Special attention to surgerv. Two ycars ele- ven months post graduate experience, Hospital, St. Bartholomew's and St. Mary's Hospital, London, Royal In- firmary, Edinburgh, University Hos- pital, Berlin. Office 142 Simcoe St. north. Phone 3020. Residence 3164. VR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M., a A P. and Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020. residence 161 King St. E. Phone 3155. I. ARCHER BROWN, M.D, L. R. C. P. & S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity work and dis- eases of children, Office and resi- dence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till/4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 9. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OSHAWA"S OLDEST ESTAB- lished furniture movers. Park Road car age. Local and long distance, Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Ri. South. Phone 215. (Sept 15-1 mo) EAGLE MOVERS AND CARTERS, long distance a specialty. Cheapest in town. Phone 3202, 82 King St. West. (Aug. 20-1 mo.) RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 15951. (56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents. If ren- tal supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Blidgon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W, (Sept. 10-1mon.) UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repairing. Auto cushions re- made and repaired, also autos re- trimmed. Phone 1436M, (Aug. 22 1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE- livered 76c¢, rental 25c, and the entire electrical system of car re- raired. 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phona 3112W. (Sept. 10-1mo) Watch Repairing Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone 5 EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' ! hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. (Sept. 10-1 mo.) EXPERIENCED MARCELLER will fill appointments in your own home. Morning or evening. Ap- pointments only. Phone 2710W. (Sept. 9-1 mo.) Radio Service RADIO SERViCE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices. Char- les Wales, Phone 1046J. (Aug. 23 1 mo) Building Supplies FOR SALE -- SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam. $1.60 a vd. For quality and service phone Es- sery Bros. 332 ring 11. CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE-- To insure prompt delivery, place or- ders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, Phone 1618. Music PUPILS ACCEPTED IN VOCAL instructions. Mrs, (Dr.) Grant Berry. Phous 1153. (Aug. 29-1 mo) DR. E. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 am. 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment. Office phone Residence 432]. Dental - DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in at- tendance. Phone 959. House 1312. DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 37 King street east, Alger building. Phone 2860. Evenings by appoint- ment. . DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extra.- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M. DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N. over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 292W. Evenings by anpointment. DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence 669. ' DR. LANGMAID. DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 and 864. "Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 149%. Res. phone 909]. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects. Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. Auctioneer PHONE 716]. W: J SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe S.. S. We can sell your odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 41 King St. W.. Oshawa. Ontario. S. W. CLARK, AUCTIONEER, 25 vears' experience, has opened an of- fice at 520 Simcoe St. South. Your business solicited. Phone 2593M for particulars. (Sept, 9-1mo.) 2660. | Oshawa. liam St. East. ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Wednesday, 92 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2754F. (129-tf) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading viclin teéach- ers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons, Studio 86 Elgin St, KE. Phone 739M. (Sept. 8-1 mo) HERBERT C. TRENEER, ORGAN- ist and choir master of King St. United church, will accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply to 60 Wil- Phone 2896. (Sept. 6-1 mo.) MiSZ ANNIE E. McMASTER, A.T.C.M., teacher of plano. Studio 17 Connaught. Phone 116F. Resi- dence phone 1648 r 22. (Sept, 5-1 mo.) F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44%; King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. Rates for Classified Ads. Mininan charge--30g. Each cubsoquent insertion 1c por word Threo consecutive imser- tions for the peice of tivo fizet insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. h Box sumber 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 por month for 20 words or less; 19 cents a word per month feo orch additiona) word TES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask for Classified Ad De- partment - LN Articles For Sale CLEARING SALE--BICYCLES $5. Balance easy. Automobile tires. $1.75 up. Come and Jook them over, Apply 82 King St. W. (Aug. 29 1 mo) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WQOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26t1) FUR SALE--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd., pianos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; ters arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1565J. (111-tf) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone, black loam and cinders. Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St. Phone 1778J. (Aug. 22-1 mo.) Money Wanted WANTED--$2500 FIRST MORT-! gage. Excellent security. It will pay you to Investigate. Address reply to Box 167, Times. (54-tr) WANTED $200 or $300. WILLING to pay 10 per cent interest for 6 months. Apply box 198 Times Of- (69¢) fice. : Bought and Sold NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. All orders receive prompt attention. Phone 1020. M. Collis, 8 Church St. (Aug 20-1 mo) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD. ALL CON- veniences. Near bus terminal. Apply 68 Church St. ' (68¢. WARM, COMFORTABLE FRONT room, board if desired, private home, also garage, very central. Phone 2652]. . (69¢) Lost and Found LOST--LADY'S POCKET FOUN- tain pen, name engraved Frances Hammond, Finder please leave at T. Eaton Co., Oshawa, or phone 1808 r 1 2. Reward. (68¢c) LOST -- BLACK POMERANIAN dog name "Snooky". Phone 1621W. 344 Mary street, Reward. Any per- son harboring this dog will be prosecuted. (70c) Sign-Painting SIGNS, SHOW CARDS, BANNERS, etc., Trucks lettered. R. Stacey, 115 McLaughlin Blvd, Phone 2890W. (Sept. 3-1 mo) Wanted To Rent A MODERATE SIZE STORE, must be fairly central and rent rea- sonable. Apply Box 191 Times. (66tf) WANTED TO RENT--BED SIT- ting room or small furnished apart" ment, central. Apply Box 192 Times, (661) WANTED TO RENT-TWO OR three rooms for light housekeeping; heat and light essential. Please state rent, Write to box 199, Daily Times. (69b) WANTED TO RENT--THREB UN- furnished rooms for refined couple. Close to business section. Phone 2185W. (70a) PRIVATE SALE -- ELECTRIC washer, gas range, coal range, cur- tains, rugs, beds, veranda furniture, child's crub, bridge lamps, all kitchen utensils, Chesierfield suite, etc. 111 Colborne Street East. Tuesday and Wednesday only. (68¢c) FOR SALE--GURNEY OXFORD Range with Reservoir and hot closet, $10. Apply 6 Nassau St. (69b) PRIVATE SALE AT 170 SIMCOE St. S., Apt. 1, afternoons and evenings of Sept. 23, 24, 25. Terms | cash. Sofa, heavy walnut frame, {hand carved and walnut bedstead, 1 spring and mattress, (69¢) | FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN PIANO. i 92 Yonge St, Call evenings, (70c) | FOR SALE--A GOOD WOOD AND coal, cook stove in good condition, heap for quick sale, 354 Division t. (70¢) ONE ELECTRIC RANGE FOR sale. Apply 216 Clarke St. (70e) Help--Wanted Male SPORTING EDITOR WANTED, -- one with practical experience prefer- red. Make application by letter only, giving age, experience, sporting in- terests, references and all other re- levant information, addressed to M. McIntyre Hood, Editor, The Oshawa Daily Tinies. (671) 'GARDNER WANTED, MARRIED man, knowledge of low pressure boilers. Steady position. R. B. Reid, 10% King street west. (67t{) WANTED -- ELECTRICIAN AC- customed to shipyard work and plant maintenance, State age, ex- perience and wages required to Box 199 Times, (69¢) WANTED -- CUSTOM SHIRT salesman for high-class line. Apply L. E. Hagedorn, Kitchener, Ont. (701) WANTED--STATIONARY ENGIN- eers, if you are interested in an association that is organized to better working conditions and wages through coffective legislature write Ed. Golightly, 8 Denton Ave., Toronto 13) for information. (69¢) Help Wanted--Female WOMAN WANTED FOR HOUSE- work. No washing. Live in. Appl 392 Mitchell avenue. (68¢ C 8 Ll) MRS. JACK LEE, A.T.C.M. teacher of piano and theory, 613 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 2351J. (Sept. 7-1 mo.) Money to Loan Ere Et ---- CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Field. Barristers, etc. Alger Blda. Phone 1614. - Hemstitching phair ARTERITIS NINE CENTS PER YARD. PLEAT- ed skirts one dollar. Dressmaking, Alterations, Embroidery, and Smocking, Mrs. Dell, 264 Simcoe South. Phone 1656. (Sept. 14-1 mo.) Contracting NTRACTING -- CONCRETE plastering, electric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates (13) Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA. petlanget, painting and graining. rices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave, phone w or 2067w. Second Hand Dealer EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL Apply 212 King Street East or phone SECOND HAND DBALER. FUR: {1066 niture bought and sold. 186 Rloor St. Bast. Phone 1617M. (tf) Coat Repairing GET READY FOR WINTER-- Gents' overcoats repaired and altered, ladies' fur coats relined and repaired. "Tailoring" your own material made up. Address 12% King St. W. (over Cannings). Call and deliver. Phone 509. (Sept. 21 1-mo.) Educational WANTED--YOUNG PEOPLE WHO wish to obtain expert instruction In business training. D-r and evening classes, Phone 3216. Peerless Busi- ness College. 171; Simcoe north, (701) LADIES WANTED--TO SECURE names of prospective buyers. for old established house in Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby $5.00 to $10.00 easily made. No selling address. Particulars Box 14 Times. : (70a) WANTRED--A LADY TO DO GEN- tleman's laundry. Phone 418 be- { tween 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. (708) For Rent FOUR AND ern suites, udiog electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conveni- ences, etc.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. "phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. (27-t1) F E A room apartments, All conveniences. Some with Murphy beds. Apply Disney Phone 1550, (38tf) APA TS TO RENT Modern conveniences, $40 and up. Apply Jury & Lovell. (36-tf) VE ROOMED MOD- | NOTICE MISSING RELATIVES WILLIAM JOHN TILL DECEASED BY ORDER of the Supreme Court of British Columbia notice is given that William John Till late of Chilcoten, British Columbia and formerly ot Ushawa, Ontario, died at Williaws Lake, British Columbia on the 15th day of No- vember, 1928, leaving a will which bequeathed a legacy to each of Lis first cousins. Every person claiming to be a first cousin of the SEVEN-ROOM NEW HOUSE FOR rent. All conveniences. Hardwood floors throughout. Near General Motors office. Apply 91 Ritson Road North. (Ang. 28-1 mo.) TO 'RENT-- TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 14737, (54tr) TO RENT--PRIVATE 6-ROOMED apartment over Ledger's Store, next to Karn's Drug Store. Pos- segalon October 1. Apply Mrs. F. J... Henry, 23) King St. East. Phone 16. : (62-1) TO RENT--SIX ROOM FRAME bouse on Park Rd. south, Posses- sion immediately. Apply 8. A. Sargant, 238 Park 'road south. Phone 1270W. Saif) FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO rent, suitable for light housekeeping, board if desired. Phone 2610M. bo (69¢) FOP. LEASE -- SMALL HOUSE comfortably furnished. $35. responsi- ble persons only, Phone 2065W or 3129W. (671) FOR RENT SMALL DWELLING-- 14 dollars month. 612 Christie avenue. (68¢) 2 NEW APARTMENTS. ALL CON- veniences. 262 King St. E. Phone 1215W. (68¢) HOUSE TO RENT -- 9 ROOMS, 2 toilets. All modern conveniences. en- quire 21 Bond St. West. (68¢) GARAGE TO RENT -- $4 PER month. 63 Athol St. West. (68¢) FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FUR nished rooms for light housek ing. Every convenience. Also gar- age. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (68¢c) ROOM TO RENT. APPLY 146 EL- gin East, (68¢c) SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE. Corner of Simcoe and Whiting Ave. Possession {mmediately, Apply 853 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1575W. (68¢c) TO RENT -- BATHROOM FLAT or 2 rooms, Very clean. Apply 214 Clark St. (68¢c) TO RENT--2 ROOMED APART- ment. Light, heat and water. Cen- tral. Apply Box 196 Times, (687) I'URNISHED ROOM, VERY CEN- tral, Suitable for light housekeep- ing or double bed room. Aliso garage. Phone 938M, (68¢c) APARTMENT TO RENT, FIVE rooms. $20 per month. Apply 191 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 1663M. (69c) TO RENT---ROOM FURNISHED, suitable for. two, Board if desired. Bathroom flat. 240 Eulalie Ave. : (69¢) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED bedroom on ground floor, running water. Every conveninece. Very central. Apply 178 Centre St. Phone 3116, (70a) 6 ROOM HOUSE YOUR RENT AT 191 College avenue, Oshawa. Bath and furnace. Apply Threadgoid Bros, Phone 255 or 439, Whitby. (M-W-I" tf) TO RENT--THKEE UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light housekeeping. 271 French street. Phone 3207M. (69¢) ROOMED Division FOR RENT--SEVEN house. Newly decorated, St. $35 monthly, Phone Holden 371W, (70b) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS on bathroom flat for rent. Apply 72 Ritson road south, (70¢) TOR RENT--FURNISHED BATH- room flat with gas and all con- veniences. Apply 292 Haig street. (70c) FOR RENT--THREE _ ROOMED flat on 227 Dearbourne Ave, Ap- { ply 58 Brock St. E., after 5 o'clock. (70c) FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE TO rent cheap. Also 4 unfurnished rooms. Phone 2494M, / (70b) TOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms, downstairs in new home, All conveniences. Bargain to good tenants, 31 McLaughlin Blvd. Phone 23957. (70a) TO RENT--4 ROOMS. USE OF kitchen, with owner, in brick house. Hot water, Heated. All con- veniences. Garage. 131 Albert St. j (70¢) TO RENT--TWO BRIGHT UN- furnished downstairs rooms. Priv- ate entrance and use of phone. Ap- ply 58 Brock St. E. Phone 983M. (70c) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--STORE, and six roomed dwelling, with all conveniences, garage. Apply 31 El- gin St. E, Phone 1686J. (2Ctt) TO RENT OR FOR SALE--EIGHT room house. Apply 404 Park Rd. South. (68¢c) " For Sale or Exchange FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE--G large building lots, North Oshawa. Would take good used car, cash or terms. Must be sold at once. Apply 49 Mechanic St. (700) Agents Wanted (72tf) For Exchange WANTED-- SE NEA - awa. Exchange farm 48 acres, good barn, house and silo. Main road. Immediate possession. Edwin Jen- nings, Port Perry, Ont. : (60-2 wks) DOUBLE YOUR S Y BY ADDING $35.00 EEKLY selling Imperial Art Persopal Christ- mas Cards to Friends, Business As- sociates, Club and Church 'members, from Magnificent Free Sample Book. Imperial Art, Manufacturers, 51 Wel- lington West Toronta 4 iStandard, FOR SALE OR RENT---NEW 4 room cottage. Lights. Good lot. Rent $17. Apply 389 Windsor street off Wilson road. (70¢) General Winter, whom the Russians relied upon to defeat Napoleon, ought bors' style, too.--Toronto Star. People are more concerned in keep ing well than in getting well, which probably accounts for the large exe penditur~ on golf.--St. Catharines Be to put quite a crimp in the Doukho- | FOR RENT-- BIGHT _ ROOMED house on William St. Close to Mot- ors. Also garages. Apply Oshawa Dairy. (70c) FOR RENT ----- FURNISHED rooms. All convenien..s at $15. Private entrance. Apply evenings, 724 Margaret street, (70c) | pa I] Notice T will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date. ALFRED GEORGE MORRIS. Sept.- 19, 1929. v(68¢c - sald d d is hereby required to forthwith file with the Regist- rar, Supreme Court, Quesnel, Brit- ish Columbia sworn proof of his or her claim, and to deliver a copy '0 the undersigned as Solicitor for Charles Moon and William Yors- ton, the Executors, All claims filed will be submitted to the Presiding Judge at the Court House, Quesnel, British Columbia at 10 a.m. on the 4th day of Nov- ember, 1929, and each claimant who desire to be heard personally or by Counsel, has that right. DATED the 7th day of Septem- ber, 1929. E. J. AVISON, Barrister, Carson St., Quesnel, B.C. Approved Edgar C. Lunn, District Registrar. (64a-70a) CLE, Senior Assistant Surgeon (retd.) which gives some interesting sidelights, especially from the medi- cal point of view on the Army in India in bygone dzys. Major Hill is now 86, and served under the Indian withstanding his age, he is able to relate many curious details of his crowded life In 1857, raflways were practically nonexistent in this country. The great military problem of efficient lines of communication was not so casily solved then as it is now. With- out other facilties, roads for the most part were the only military routes, except at Allahabad, "where the River Ganges was used for trans- porting men and stores by hand-pro- pelled boats to Calcutta, and at Fer- ozepore and Multan, where the same transport was used on the rivers Sutlez and Indus to Karachi." The Old Shako For the military, a regimental hos- pital system was then in force, and under it one Medical Officer was al- lotted to each Battery of Artillery, and three to every Regiment of Cav- alry and Battalion of Infantry. These officers were permanently attached to their respective units, wore the same uniform, and were only removed in some instances on promotion to high- er rank. The senior was the Regi- mental Surgeon, whilst his subordi- nates in the same unit were designat- ed Assistant Surgeons, and this was the origin of the rank held by Ofii- cers and Warrant Officers of the In- Notice JUDICIAL SALE OF NUMBER 4890 ATHOL STREET, OSHAWA, In the Supreme Court of On- tario between Toronto Brick Cora- pany Limited, plaintiff, and Wil- liam Farrell, Motor City Realty Limited, Wilbur Ba'.d and Eva Baird, defendants, Pursuant to the Judgment and final Order for Sale made in this cause, there will be offered for sale by public auction with the approbation of the undersigned Local Master, by William J. Sulley, Auctioneer, on the premises in the City of C a, at the hour of 2 o'clock, on Friday the fourth day of October, A.D., 1929, the follow- ing lands and premises known as 489 Athol street, being composed of the West Thirty-Two feet of Lot Number 58, according to a plan registered as Number 301, for the County of Ontario. The property will be offered for sale subject to a first mortgage, securing $2,500.00, principal money with interest thereon at 7 per cent. per annum from the Twenty-Eighth day of August, 1928, sald interest being payable half-yearly on the Twenty-Eighth days of February and August in each year and the principal falling due on the Twenty-Eighth day of August, A. D., 1933, which mortgage shall be assumed and paid by the purchaser and also subject to a reserve bid fixed by sald Local Masters, The purchaser shall pay dewn to the Vendor's solicitor on the day of the sale 10 per cent. of the pur- chase money, and shall pey the balance of the purchase money into Court without interest within thirty days after the date of the sale. Adjustments to be made as of the date of the rale. The pur- chaser 'shall search the title at his own expense. The Vendor shall not be bound to produce any Ab- dian Medical Department at the pre- sent day. There was also a reserve of surgeons and assistant surgeons 10 replace vacancies in the regiments, and to perform duty at convalescent depots, etc. These wore a scarlet tunic and shako, the old romantic head-dress once despised, now com- ing into its own again. In 1880 the regimental hospital sys- tem was abolished in favor of the present station hospital system. Old soldicrs always claim the unofficial right to "grouse," and this change apparently caused the privilege to be exercised by them with addition: energy, as is always the case when their conservatism is outraged. Both the regimental and medical personnel felt aggrieved, the former because they thought that their halt and maim would not receive the same sympa- thetic treatment from outsiders, and the regimental surgeons because they thought they would lose their inde- pendent status by having to serve un- der the orders of superiors in their own department. The change was made and when prejudices had been broken down, it was found that it led to greater efficiency and incident- ally produced an annual saving of Rs. 300,000, not taking into consid- eration the reduction in the quantity of equipment required. Big Move System Under the regimental system, if a unit- moved it had to take its sick |" with it, and this meant additional hardships and less chance of recovery for serious cases. Major Hill also states that when a regiment moved, it marched out with its own regimen- tal bazaar. At the present day, the little fuss attendant. on the transfer of a unit from one station to another makes one aghast at the stupendous procession of troops, followers, wives and children, hospitals, sick, etc. which made up the exodus of a regi- ment in those days. _ It is to be feared that the soldier in those days did not suffer {from over nursing. "The Indian Ward Servant with an occasional help from Government from 1857 to 1993. Not- |} BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like mew. Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W, Phone 451, : residence 18072, | HARDWOOD FLOORS LALD the man's company was all that ex- isted" The Regimental Stretcher Bearers received training in first aid, as they do now, and when they were employed in nursing their coms rades, they receiced the princely ex= tra remuneration of four annas a day--but living was very cheap in those days. Major Hill states that in Peshawar grapes, pomegranates and quinces cost two pice a seer, €ggs quarter of an an.a a dozen, and oth= er commodities equally as cheap. The troops were accommodated in barracks composed of mud huts roof- ed with reeds, and floored with cow dung. The latter was indented for on the supply officer once weekly to repair the floors. The fly pest 'a those days can only be left to the imagination. Major Hill refers to two epidemics of cholera in his time z#iongst the troops, which occurred in Peshawar in 1862, and Jullanday in 1872. They secmed to have very crude ideas re- garding the treatment of this dis- case at that time. No'general plan was adopted beyond the administra- tion of barley water or cold water to relieve intense thirst, Ice was uns obtainable. For the cholera pains, hot formentations and massage were applied. It was generally believed that if the patient survived the first 12 hours of his illness, there was a good hope of his ultimate recovery. Lsolation v-as carried out to a degree by sending the most affected com- panies out of th. station, and moving them about the country a few miles cvery day. Major Hill says that the Indian Government were so pertutb- by these outbreaks that they engaged the services of a German professor, one Petten offer, to inquire into the matter. His idea was that outbreaks of cholera were dependent upon the rise or fall of the subsoil, and Major Hill was dctailed to read daily the registration of an apparatus which the professor had caused to be erect- ed at Delhi. DISNEY-COTT . AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone . 83 Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car. Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS- COUNTS LTD. Felt Block Room 8 Phone 2790 stract of Title or any deeds or evidence of Title other than those in his possession or control. In all other respects the conditinne of sale of the Court as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the undersigned. On the premises is said to be erected a detached dwelling house, containing six rooms and a bath- room. It is a building of brick and has a cement foundation and con- tains a cellar, Further particulars and condi- tions of sale may be had from, CONANT & ANNIS, Solicitors for the Vendor, Oshawa, Ont. or W J. SULLEY, Auctioneer. Dated at Oshawa, this 5th day of September, A.D., 1929, ROBT, RUDDY, Local Master. (M. Sept. 23) SOLDERING I JOHN COMPANY Regimental Doctor of Mu- tiny Days Describes Service Conditions The present day soldier in India is so hemmed in by protective barriers for the preservation of 'his health and efficiency that it is almost impossible predecessor in the days of "John Company." Even before he ever are rived in the country, dangers assailed him on the voyage out. Dr, A. L. Adams, Regimental Surgeon of the 2nd Regt. (now the Cheshires) writs ing in 1867 said "No troop-ship at sea should be without a netting around the forecastle. It is notorious that more soldiers are drowned by falling from the forecastle than any other part of the vessel M The regimental journal of the Roy- al Army Medical Corps recently pub- lished an interview with an Indian Mutiny veteran, Major H. T, Hill, Tow some of the Doukhobor Sons of Freedom can walk slowly round chanting "The Prisoner's Song."-- Brandon Sun. Walking is a mest healthful exer- cise, says one writer, but, as it costs nothing very few indulge~Galt Re- porter, 100 ACRE FARM, fair buildings. PRICE $6500. Will exchange for Osh- awa house property. LYCETT, 25 King E. Phone 295 to realize how handicapped was hig ergy. not afford liveries. Economy of time is a first principle of sound business. effect the most in things well done at the least cost in time and en- .'In these days, few people with things to do, can afford stage coach methods in getting men and material to the job. If you value your time and mon- ey, you will realize that you can- firms and individuals, who will not give you 'money guaranteed' de- Wo do just that. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 It aims to to use to do business with MII "REPAIRING WATCHES If your Watch ie not giving satisfaction we can re air and, . make it tell the correct time D. J BROWN Officia, Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads 10 Ring St. W. Phone 189

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