Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Sep 1929, p. 14

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and y, Orono, and Mr. 7 Milton Werty, sgept Bnday 'with, Hor: ry) 74s iit : Maral verly and and EE ELE Fis ed rs. J. E. Virtue and 1 {hatghle onto vidited 1 his ter 3. W. Virtue} | | Mrs. 'Elwood Rahn and Bétfy, Mrs. Clark, Oshawa, visited Mrs, G. Preston Sunday. Mrs. L. Lyle :-has veturned. to her. home in Bow: marnvile after spending a few days with Mrs: : Preston. y J. A, Werry has purchased a new car. id Congratulations are being ex- tended to Fred Preston also Miss JEva Sanderson on their recent mar- riage. H Miss Lizzie Bigelow, Miss Mae Lamb and Kenneth Lamb, Bow: manville, spent Sunday with Lorne Lamb, i Mrs. H. Stevens visited 'Bert. Stevens, Hampton, recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fallis, Toron- to, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley. 3 Mr and Mrs. P. W. Smith spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Cecil Rahm Burketon. 4 Miss Marion Orchard has pur- chased a new car. A Rev:.J. M. Whyte has veturned home after spending a few days with friends at Kingston and EI. derado. Mr. and Mrs, John Slemon are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Hugh Annis,' Mr. and Mrs. 'S. Pethick amd family visited "the former's: aunt, Msr. Ross Kelly and attended the Oshawa Fair. Misses Sybil and Vida Langmaid Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Miss Margaret: Young and Miss KARN FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST BeFI MN 5.45 a.m. Daily, . 6.23 a.m, Daily. 840 a.m. Daily except Sunday. 4.35 p.m, Daily. 7.34 p.m. Daily. 10.05 a.m. Daily. 08 p.m. Daily. 1 le, AR REF I § ¢ Uy. Id i A files shou sbovel are tiinds) taalne depart from Oshawz Station. : /GANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ; . Effective April 28, j=, East IE Eastbound a.m. Dail envept Sunday. Sunday only. or an. 8 a.m. A7 po, p.m. p.m. pon p.m, Daily, p.m. Daily, o,m. Daily. ~000 0m 3A [Bes aily. = - " Daily except Sunday. Daily, Daily except Sunday, Daily. i JE) © 6% 223 is a » 28 um, Daily, m. Daily. 28 a.m. Daily. Daily. m. Daily except Sunday. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily. p.m. Sunday only. 7.27 ily, 8.42 yn Daily except Sunday, RI Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE bd 88 pEepe F NaNO 482 = --_ i Mamion; Rickard, Newcastle, orer mie prueoist] MB | Felt Bros. Maud Ashton, Toronto,' Mn Rodman, Scugog, and Ira Tray wa, spent the week-end rhe , Ashton and family. NEWS. | 5 LE GROVE ve, Sept. 17-- Large. tions attended both the §chibol and 'church se be ve a splendid 'sérmon "Blesed y.; The pastor, 1 on; 1 > are; jhe 1m . OF ithey shall inherit fhe i pretty anthem was 3 the choir in which Mr. 4 the solo part. ~~ {47 | 14 il Mrs. W. J. Snowden y with relatives in' Osh- awa. Miss Eileen Hockin visited Miss the week-end. Mp, -and? Mrs. J. D; Stevens at: tended the wedding of their niece, Miss Mary Foley, at Selby on Sat- urday. ' Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Snowden "motored to Toronto on Sunddy and visited friends there. Miss Vera Power, Newcastle, spent the 'week-end at her home here. 4 Congratulations are being ex- tentded to Miss Burgess on her re- cent nitirrigge. : ' Miss Nellie Snowden is attend- ing Norm#l School' in Toronto, Mr. "and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Misses Winnie Lancaster and 'Ada Allin spent the week-end with' Mrs, Munday's - sister, Mrs. Lockhart, Niagara Falls. : 'Miss 'Susie Laird, Ebenezer, at her Home over the week-end. 'Miss Winnifred Rickard visited Miss Greta Munday over the week- end.' REDECORATE THE EBENEZER CHURCH Work Will Be Completed by Sept. 22 When it Wil} Be Re-opened Ebenezer, Sept. 19--During the past' weeks painters and decora- tors have been busy at the Church re-détorating the building." The work will be completed by Sunday, |. September 22, and re-opening ser- vices will be held on that aate. The speaker in the morning ser- vice 'will be Rev. Mr. Honeysett, of Hi RADIOS RADIOLA Sold in Oshawa by | The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. 7 he LEADING JEWELER ent, Face Powder for each type of skin. JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, _. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS soft, | "Ansehl" Cremes, Tonic, Astring- --_ : Sf --_-- * y AES { Culidren's Strap Slippers ii kL, COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. Phone 733w whe Phone 900°} Ri A Hi TIMES, i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, preached excellent -sermons.. morning text was Matthew 5: and in -the "evening the subject twas, "If, ¥- were twenty-one." The | choir sang beatitiful anthems in both services. Sunday Sehool held a regular session in the afternoon. 0. Worden and Miss Patty Wor; den, of Tordnto, were .week-enda visitors .with relatives in this vi- sinityy. 4% ioe wies i The regular nionthly meeting of the Mission Circle will be held on Saturday, September. 21, at the home of 'Miss Aura Osoorne. The 'program will'be in' charge of Miss Osborne's group and will be good. sent. . Many from this vicinity attend- ed Oshawa and Bowmanville Fairs, Threshing is the order of the day in this community and many are preparing to cut.corn for their silos. Some: plowing:is also. being done since tha rain which came a few days ago. . HARMONY BRIEFS Harmony, Sept, 18---Mrs. N. F. Alexandra and Mrs, XK, C. Alexan- dra, of Arden, spent the wefk-end with Mr, and Mrs. D. BE. Weeseé. Mf. and "Mrs, Fred Currie and family and Mr. and Mrs Piner and family, of 'Toronto, spent Sunauy with Mr.' and 'Mrs. J: Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. J.'Griggs, of Little Britain, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. W, Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs. Ingham, and Mr and Mrs, H. Davenport spent Sunday at Fenton Falls, Rosedale and Lindsay. Mrs. Howard Gimblett has re- gl Eo : i! essT's vefigze All the girls are'asked to be pre- |: lett, Ths. Teall illson tte d on Saturday.' 'Misses Jean and Lucy Barlow Hox anvi 'andg B gt vin relat ves Ao Vs : 'wereT at-home over the week-end 2 attending Ain hod aing of their gis: tee.~Miss Jean Barlow is spending all this week with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. L. V. Hogarth and Miss-Derothy Hogarth spent Sun- ; Eniskillen. : core» J. Clark is 'driving a new truck. i "Mr... and Mrs. N. Hind spent Sunday: with relatives at Colborne, «Mr. and. Mrs, Haslep, of Janet- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rey Kel- lett on Sunday. Fn Mrs. Harry Gimblett is spending. a week: with r relatives in Detroit, + R, Gimblett and Miss:Vera Gim- blett.are settled in their new, ome, The regular monthly meeting of .the Harmony Home and School Club-will be held Thursday evening, September 26 at eight o'clock at the school. « This is the first meet- ting of the season and a good at- tentnce 'is hoped for as there is 'alot to be arranged for the com- ing months. Sept. 26. The C.G.I.T. "chums' "held their regular meeting on Friday night, plans are being made for a social evening in the near future. The school children are Took- ing forward eagerly for a big day on Sept. 27, the School Fair, With good weather a good time is as- sured. SOLINA PERSONALS Solina, Sept. 14 -- Mr. Arthur Wannamaker ,of Consecon, P.E.L, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil- bur and other friends. Mrs. Arthur Gibbens, Toronto, visited his old home here for part of last week, turned 'home after' spending the Solina Harvest Home and day with Mr. and Mps. Mountjoy at | Don't forget the date Sept. 29, and Oct. 2. . umbus,~ were Sunday Visitors James Mooney. Lloyd" Williafmg 'kicked by a horse in the parade 'at' Oshawa Fair. He was broagiy home in a car. Messrs, C. A. and Arthur Blan- chard have purchased a new trac- tor for their farm work,. Melvin . Williams, Port Perry, 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sanson, Greenbank, visited Mr. and . Mrs. Chas, Howsam. : Mr. and Mrs. Donald Y&lowless, 'Helen and Jean, and Mrs, Yellow» less, Sr., Columbus, visited MT, and Mrs, W, Vice on Sunday. , Missionary Sunday at Eldad op- ened with Mrs. Elgin Taylor pre- siding. The first number was a . reading by Miss Jean Millson eh- , titled '"The Three Knocks," Mrs. A.J. Reynolds sang a splendid so- lo, "I love the Name of Jesus," Mrs. Ray Langmaid then told the story of a day In school in India. 'The usual programme for: chureh service was. carried out with Rev. ,J. R. Bick in charge. Rally Sun- day will be held at Eldad next Sun- L day, ; Thos. Baker and Miss Vera Bak- .er spent Sunday in. Toronto as h ERasts of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sul- : ley. i 7I0N SHEEP MEN SHOW AT FAIRS with Are Exhibiting This Week at Lindsay Oakwood and Millbrook Roast Fowl 'supper will be beta |; "Mr! and Mrs. Chariés Grills; Col, 0 1 ) werg §unday visitors of Anson was" ballly | EAndsay. Oakwood" and Millbr Pairs. : Mr. and «Mrs. Heaslip, Osh: Ji SON. i " Cin The church service also the Sunday school session: were wells} attended on Sunday. # Rally Day service in the Sun- day school will be held next Sun day. at 10.30 o'clock when every: family is invited to be present, * Rev. Mr. Bick paid a visit to the public' school on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Miss Gertrude Duncan' and Harry Gourley, Oshawa, visited J. W. Balson and family, The Ladies remained for a few days' visit, Sunday, October 6, the Women's Association is planning a harvest home service when Rev. Ww, . Jones, Millbrook, a former pastor, will take the services at 2.30 and 7.30. Special music will be given with a special collection in aid of the Women' sAssociation. Tues. Oct. 8, roast fowl supper will be served in the spacious shed. Mr. and Mrs. John Stainton, Oshawa, visited his grandson, Rus- sel Stainton, on Sunday last. Mrs, Sulley is not so well, nurse Dorothy McGregor is in attend- ance. . Miss Margaret Perkins is un- "der the Doctor's care with Flu. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Aylesworth of Newburg, spent the week-end with the latter's sister, Mrs. Chast. Master Lloyd Ayre sustained {| severe injury to his left eve when hig twin brother, Boyd, hit him with a stick, OLD BUILDING DAMAGED Ottawa, Sept. 20.--Fire recently damaged an unused coach house 'Good Roads Due to a truly. remarkable evolu- tion in the construction of roads in the Province of Ontario, within the past few years, citizens living on farms and in isolated country villages have - been brought into very close touch with the City, and this makes it pos- sible for them to be served with' their wants almost as fast as a town dweller. For our part, with our completely motorized delivery system, we are pre- pared to supply the agriculturist and villager with his wants, in our own lines, at the same price as the towns- man pays, with nothing added for de- livery. Good roads alone make this possible. Furthermore, we will positively guarantee promised time-delivery to outline points, backing our guarantee with our money, the same as we do our City deliveries. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED - 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821:282G which is said to be one of the oldest buildings in this city. It was erected Zion Sept. 17 men are showing this week at about 100 years ago and was uscd i for many years as a brewery and lat- stands on the cliff overlooking the Local sheep fer as a hall in which public cnter-| Ottawa River just east of the Rideau house ' Falls, at John and Sussex streets. tainments were held. The Before a man can wake up and find. himself famous he has to wake up and find himself. --Lifc. ELLA CINDERS--A Splash A A In Time TT i i) WN i | WR \ By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb (637, ALATA Ea WITH A VOICE. LIKE THAT |S BETTER OFF TALKING ON THE SCREEN IN Hold ARAL RRR A és 7ETEY / : aN RN Sty = N % A NNER EN YIN \ AW RAR \ INN WY lla TEEN ORR ERAN a ALTA LI HILL AL AN ANN RINGING UP FATHER WILL HAVE! TO THIS ON BY GOLLY! MAGGIE LAMP. THAT | AT THE QLLB- SEE OH 16NT IT. EXQUISITE? SUCH GOD YOUR ROOM ? THIS GOES IN MY ROOM- You WANT EVERY THING . Men's Barrymore Coats Special. . 22.50 "DOMINION CLOTHING CO. ..,.. 68 KING ST. W. .. Phone, 2141 We Deliver : 4 ik RAAT Wi 8 a RB hg if | o % AEA BRBEEES: Beats RERER I THE KANGAROO RATS, TOMMY. AMONG THE PECULIAR TYPES OF MAMMALS WHICH THE DESERT REGIONS OF WESTERN HORTH AMERICA HAS DEVELOPED NOHE ARE{ HANDSOMER OR MORE INTERESTING THAN --- [T3AMGAROD RATS, DESPITE THEIR HAME, ARE NEITHER KANGAROOS NOR RATS, BUT, ARE HEAR RELATIVES OF THE POCKET {| MICE ¥HICH SHARE THEIR HAUNTS. I T3.1 HAVE A KANGAROO-LIKE FORM, INCLUDING SMALL FORE-LEGS AMD FEET, LONG HINDLEGS KANGAROO RAT BURRON Di KANGAROO. RAT yl lite: c= INT \S SPINY POCKET MOUSE . Pethe of THAN THE BODY HHICH SERVES AS A BALANCE. THEIR EYES ARE LARGE ANDPROMINENT AND THEY ARE PROVIDED WITH CHEEK POUCHES FOR CARRYING FOOD. THEY LIVE WITH: OUT DRINKING BUT OBTAIN THE NECESSARY Y{ATER THROUGH THER rn DIGESTIVE PROCESSES. POCKET MICE J MAKE Mice | PETS, BETTY, FOR ONE 'CAUSE SHE {i HASHT ANY POCKETS. § [) 1929, by King Featores Syndicate. Ine. Great Biitain rights reserved. -AND FEET FOR JUMPING AND A TAIL LONGER SEE +H 'TILLIE THE TOILER~--Nothing But The Proof hi [iLvie, WHEN MAC COMES tA TTELL HIM W wANANT To Ag HE'S AS ALL ® 1920 King Peotures Syndicate, Inc. Gr MR. WHIPPLE eat Britain rights reserved. i RIGHT. | MR WHIPPLE WANTS "TO SEE YOU, MAC, A BEAR WHATS THE MATTERPDID SOME. OVE SAVY "B00" TO HIM? CROSS As . y SAY, WHAT KIND OF A CHEAT ARE YOU. ANYWANV® THAT CAR WHATS | WRONG WITH 1T2 VT [iT won cLime ANY WIAD OF A HILL dive Ei) J ou " WAS O.K.. I @00D CAR tsAID "ON THE LEVEL IT WAS A By Russ Wastewn

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