Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Sep 1929, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 PAGE SEVENTEEN itself, In large boats the water thus displaced Fins into thousands of tons esign The principle on which. modern speed craft are designed is called the ard chine" principle. It has hither: to been applied only to small eraft fifty feet in length, because ieved that the absence of immersed well below the surface detracted from the sea-wor- thiness and stability of the boat, Ex- Berimesity now in progress in Ames- have shown that this theory is a fallacious one.- The difference be- tween the two types is, to put it PARIS EXPERIMENT 41 : simply, that the "hard chine" boat : : 1 y : 7A : F [must be handled differently in a ' Dr. Voronoff Invites Vet heavy sca from that of orthodox de- ' é Pai sign, inarians to Take ; Liner of Future we, M Operations I visualize that the great liner of . the future, and equally the cargo ves- London --An animal grafting sel, will have a greater beam and less experiment on an unprecedented draught than the liner of today, and seale was announced to-day by will be designed on the "hard chine" ' Serge Voronoff, the famous french principle. In consequence the power rejuvenation expert, who attaine needed to drive her at the higher * world-wide - notice by his experi speed will be less in' proportion fo ments with monkey glands, that which is needed to maintain a © Voronoff revealed that, begin speed of, say, twenty-eight knots to- 'ning on Oct, 1, he would conduc ey with the present design. the experiment in his laboratory at t will, pt course, be argued LA the College de France in Paris, f many nava atehjtects that a boat J ' i breed of su- be unseaworthy in heavy = weather, SApesune. lh rR the next few but I do not think that this will prove years would increase French pro- be Sl Sag: any mois lay tue t 25 to EG A ot esent-d . Saeion of Nori and mutton 25 . That Where she is slow, Eras worthy in bad weather, Those who _ "The operation on the sheep' se- still p 5 Power J y as you h Al have made many voyages across the lected for the experiment will be se power will be wasted in overcoms | Atlantic know that when bad weather performed in the presence of any Tr a ya thay yer me is experienced, even with such gigan- " Veterinarians foreign governments MT Walter tic ships as the Majestia or the Ber. might desire to send Voronoff said, { President and Directors on Tour Y= aA A ANAL GRAFTING TEST IS PLANNED Famous Gland Specialist "Forecasts Race of Super-Sheep Beatty add directurs of ii rail- | dent of the system, Dr, H, A, Beat- way are here shown on their ar-|ty chief surgeon for the C. P. R, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, | rival at the North Nieto station, de on Sir Charles on and great mining and industrial [From left to right the photograph don, Ross H 'McMaster FE plants and agricultural conditions | shows Rt, Hon, Lord Shaughnessy, Me edith De. 1 EAA uy on the route of their journey |W. A. Black, Sir George Garneau, | Meredith and Dr, Charles I, Mar- across Canada from Montreal to|of the Civil Service Commission, |tin, dean of the faculty of medi~ Victoria and return, sident | E. W, Beatty, chairman and presi- | cine, McGill University, Inspecting hotels, resorts ex- perimental farms and properties for a station is a thing of the past... With the New Kolster Selector Tuner, "hunting" for a station is out-of-date, This new device, exclusive to the New Kolster All. Electric Radio, is amazingly simple to operate. You simply press a button--turn the dial till it stops automatically-- tuned to the "The operations | is by gland-grafting, which I fore- cast years ago. and on which I have experimented continually Tor the last five years." NEXT SPEED BID ON Voronoff said. are to be performed in the pres- ence of ary veterinarians that for- eign governments might desire to send over to my laboratory for the purpose, "Although the plans for the ex- periment hitherto have been sighese, should be 4s litle as pos-| epgaria, they have to slow down to adding that he hoped to convince The ship of the future must come speeds of Something ge ivi esos sceptics of the efficacy of his gland u transplantations, Goverfiment to Participate "Immediately after being graft- ed," Voronoff said, 'the animals will be taken out of my hands and turned over to the government, At the same time, there will be strictly. secret, it is not intended that the actual experiment shall be conducted secretly, On the con- trary, I desire once and for all publicly to confound the sceptics. Conditions Changing "The whole thing is, living toun- ditions throughout the world are Far-Reaching Development out of the water if it is to develop its speed. It must travel over and on the surface of the water, but not SEA SAYS SEGRAVE Ideas Revised Modern speed-boats have shown the way, just as the carly racing mo- tor cars pointed the way, for all the ta cr in Shipbuilding Foreseen conditions improve, years, I feel sure that great scientific in it, That is the direction in which|y ¢ : . . . evelopments will take future development lies, such a result of data now being oh- connection with On the sea, over the next ten place, an ined from experimental work in high-speed power aft, When the maximum point of ef- station desired. The set can be tuned in. dependently of the Selector Tuner, In appearance the New Kolster is modern. . beautiful. Its tone is superb--rich and life-like. Carefully constructed, tested at every stage of production, it has every modern radio im- changing--for instance, as people abandoned cotton for wool, so the demand for wool is increasing. Likewise, the demand for meat throughout the world is increas- ing. Simultaneously, however, the Three syears from the date of | production of meat is_gdecreasing, the expgriment, a French "central | if anything, owing "To several wool committee" will summon an | causes, including the exodus from international sheep conference in | the country to the city, whieh re- Paris, at which the world's experts | duces the number of farmhands, will be invited to compare the | Another factor is the intrusion of twa flocks of sheep, totalling 4,- | factories into the countrysides, 000' animals, Two thousand will | diminishing the world's livestock be offspring of animals grafted by | grazing grounds. : Voronoff and the remaining 2,000 "Thus the world is confronted will be non-grafted animals of the | with two problems--first, to in- same age turned over to the con- | crease the supply of wool and meat trol committee on the same day | to equal the demand; secondly, to as 'the grafted flock. accomplish it without actually in. big improvements in motor car de- sign, The first time I travelled at more than 85 m.p.h, on the water caused me to revise my preconceived ideas about the sca, Speed-boats are a recent develop- ment in this country, where, as is nearly always the case, anything new is looked on askan€e, until it is an established fact, * Judged by America we are many years behind in the de- sign of high-speed commercial water craft. During the next few years new super-speed liners and cargo boats must inevitably be developed on high-speed principles. The modern high-speed runabout goes fast because, unlike boats of equal size built before now, it rises turned over private flocks, which will 'be inspected monthly, by of- ficlals of a committee formed of distinguished professors of the two: most important veterinary schools in France." ficiency has heen reached with a cer- tain design, there is only one thing left to do, and that is to change that design and adopt an altogether dif- ferent principle, The principle on which a modern speed-boat' is built is absolutely dif- ferent from that on which the pas- senger liner" and. cargo vessel have hitherto been built, Whether this principle can be adapted to ships of this nature will be proved during the next few years, but I venture to think that it can, ; At any rate, the opportunity © adapt it and experiment with it lics before British naval architects, who, if they are bold enough to take 1t, may revolutionize British shipping} and maintain our superiority at sea, provement--Dynamic Speaker, of course. See and hear the New Kolster, Operate the Selector Tuner yourself. Visit your nearest dealer today. The New Kolster is avail. There sre two able in four All-Electric Bat Models, Models. Priced from Pr from 215 #60 and up, less tubes andup, lesstubes Made in Canada by CANADIAN BRAND MITE TORONTO P rs Ly MITED in: Future London --With the nation rapidly becoming more air-minded day hy day, it is the fashion to say that Britain's {i@re lies in The air, This is, of course, true, but only to a cer- tain extent, The British Empire was originally built by seamen, It is knit together by the sea, and its commercial fu- ture must continue to exist by the sca until such time as aerial devel- opment has reached a pitch at which the carrying of heavy cargoes by air is an accepted and an economic fact, writes 'Major Sir Henry Segrave, in the London Sunday Express. I forsee that a far-reaching devel THE NEW "I intend to operate personally on a number of sheep which the Government and + private owners throughout France are shipping to me from October 1 to October 14." creasing the number of head of livestock for which there are insuf- | oy ficient grazing grounds and insuf- |W ficient hands to care for them, "The only way to accomplish it the future of shipping, and increase the prosperity of this country. to the surface and glides along the top of the water, instead of pushing its way through it, as has hitherto been the case, Any onc can casily realize that, ment is coming .in shipbuilding hich will, in duc course transform This to 3,343 persons during the first Old Age Pensions A total of $461,960.96 was paid EE Eb alu F-- Takes Any Decoration McLaughlin Coal & Su Limited - =- = Carew Lumber Co. - Er THE NEW IMPROVED GYPROC allboard For Sale By Watrous-Meek, Limited pplies, Oshawa Lumber Company - W. J. Trick Company, Limited - Oshawa, Ont. Improved Edge é development must be in the direction of increased speed, Qur ships are too slow, It takes 38 days for the average eqrgo boat to come from Melbourne to London with a cargo of fruit or frozen meat It should take only 20 to 25 days in future, Half the Time Go to' New York by fast liner and ime. southampton on Monday morning nd dine in New York on Wednes- lay night. You can now do it by irship--but not all people like the air, and you cannot send coal or | wheat by airshig. ' Goods from Capetown take abont %) days tp come 6,000 miles, It tould be halved at least in the fu- ure. The same applies to every :orner of the Empire which has sea- vorne trade and communications. More speed means more trade, less cold storage, less loss by deprecin- tion, less unemployment, quicker Dominion: development, greater un- derstanding between nations, and a closer-knit Empire. The current idea scems to be that airships and airplanes alone can ac- complish things. I disagree. Air- craft, from a commercial point of view, for some years to come, at any rate, will be more or less an unecon- omic proposition, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. * Oshawa, Ont. life. LASTING VALUE Figure the worth of SATIN FINISH HARDWOOD FLOORING long period. In an intelligently design- ed building, conceived in the modern spirit, this beautiful flooring gives de- finite assurance of a long and useful Striking to-day, it will be just as impressive, just as pleasing, and just as sturdy many years hence . . . The floors laid to withstand, for a time, the urge to destroy and rebuild, find their best safeguard in being con- structed of "Satin Finish." We are well qualified with you, all questions pertaining to hardwood flooring. ! Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 over a long to discuss M | against the resistance of the water, That the development of speed in ships has virtually stood still for the last 20 years has been proved by the recent performance of the 22-year- old Mauretania against the super: modern Bremen, Motor cars have practically reach- ed the limits of perfection. Railways, like ships, have also remained sta- tionary, or nearly so, from the point of view of development, but they of efficiency than ships. Bremen Speed The. Mauretania, 22 years old, can still. almost coual the speed of the brand-new Bremen: I hear that the Bremen: did not do her utmost when she set up the new recosd. What of it? Even if she can do the Atlantic ¢rossing in 10 hours, or even a day, less=--what does that prove? Merely that a certain advance has been made --an advance which one naturally: and justifiably expects after 20 years of rescarch and re-designing.. But as an advance, as the fruit' of 20 years, it! is not enough. Twenty years agc motor cars could | not travel at a hundred miles an hour | Today they can more than doublei that speed. | Twenty years ago airplanes could not fly at a mile a minute. Todav| they can do five, perhaps six, milgs | a minute, | Motor-cars, then, in twenty year | have more than doubled their spect Airplanes have quadrupled their And shipping--the most vital of 0 the services that bind our Empire av bring our daily bread--shipping can not show an increase in speed of even one-fifth of the rate it was ca- pable of when I was a boy of thir- teen and many of my readers were in their cradles! Other Factors " Comfort, carrying capacity, size, fuel ayd safety devices have all been improved on. © Speed' alone remains practically static. . What is the cause of this lack of progress ? : I would put the answer in one word --design. ; am \ The design of ships, in its broad principles, has altered little since the first viking galley grounded on these shores. The modern ship, like the gal- ley, still has a keel, a sharp bow, and a deep hold. She 'is still 'half Tk attained a much greater degree submerged, and forward 't costs you seven days in. valuable | You should be able to leave |} with a given amount of horse-power, a boat will travel faster provided that by reason of its design it glides along the surface of the water instead of ploughing through it, when the greater part of the given horsepower is expended in separating the water, year's operations of the Old Age Pension scheme in Saskatchewan, according to the annual report of F. J.' Reynolds, Commissioner ot Child' Protection, for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1929, The scheme went into operation 1m so to speak, and cutting a path for Saskatchewan May 1, 1928, KOLSTER RADIO "MORE THAN EVER A FINE SET" Distributed by--Bennet & Elliott Limited, 1108 Bay Street; Toronto, 'Sold by--BOND BROS., KING ST. E., OSHAWA "LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT | Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 254 Whitby 12 NG PHONE SER PHN" J.C.YOUNG 4% Prince' ST. ) Oshawa; On. ol CRTC CTE i V. A. Henry INSURANCE rl) Simcoe St. 8. "hones 1108W--Office 1858) --Residence PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs {HOMPSON'S *) Simcoe Su. 8.~~We Deliver she still ploughs her way Reading where a man was fined $8.10 for beating his wife, a writer says he figures the ten cents. was the amusement tax, Galt Reporter. A large modern cold storage and pre-cooling plant, which was put into operation at Penticton, B.C,, last month by the Penticton Co- operative Growers, marks an ad- vanced step in handling 'fruit in that part of the Province, This plant will do much in providing bétter fruit for ¢he consumer and bringing better returns for the producer, The cold storage will be used largely for apples, while by the use of the pre-cooling chambers for soft fruits, peaches and other stone fruits can be shipped in riper condition, which means larger ton- nage for the growers as well as enhancement of the reputation of OAL COAL Phone 108 W.J. SARGANT Yard---89 Orders Bloor Atreet K. omy Delivered STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 185 King Street West, Oshawa. Phone 1160 : Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TU0 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 161 King St. W. Vhone 1914 the soft fruits of the district. Practically every line of busi: ness is represented in this di- rectory----a handy reference for ------ those who wish to become acquainted with the various business houses. List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! LUMBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 35 Albert Street Phones 230 & 147. INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER i OISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA 'LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8T. W. Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 with electric, toilet, bath, furs large chicken house, fruit, Immediate possession. Will exchange for Oshawa property. DISNEY, Phone 1330 Teacher--Give an example of a sentence using the word "tariff." Flapper Pupil--Your stockings are sure to tear if you don't put them on carefully,

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