Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Sep 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1929 PET am-- fr---- ee Social and Personal Miss Helen Ewing has been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. William Potter, in Warkworth. Mrs, M, B. Grover and Mrs. W. B. Turnbull, of Picton, were visi~ tors in the city over the week-end. - * * Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and chil- dren, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hope, West- moreland avenue. * * * Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Woodworth of Concord, Mass., have been spend- ing the past week with Mrs, O. Larson, Elena scréet. The choir of North Simcoe St. United Church, are planning their work for the fall and winter 'and are holding a meeting tomorrow evening to complete their plans, * * Friends of Miss Ruby Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Smith, Westmoreland avenue, will be pleased to hear that she is re- covering after her serious illness, LJ . Miss. Wilda Knight, who had en- tered college in New York City, was called to the city on Saturday upon the serious illness and death of her father, the late w. P. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rombough, and son, Byrrh, of Pontiac, Mich., attended the funeral of the former's father, Saturday, and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Rombough, Ar- thur street. * Ld The many friends of Mr. Karl Irwin, of Toronto, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Irwin, Greta street, will be pleased to hear that he has recovered from his recent serious illness. * Mr .and Mrs. Bob Vickers, of Re- gina, are visiting friends in this city. Mr. Vickers will return to Regina this week-end, while Mrs. Vickers: will remain in the city for several weeks. * * The members of the General Mo- tors Lacrosse Team, Dominion champions, are being entertained this evening at a banquet in the Mary street Auditorium 'by the offi- cials of General Motors. * * Mrs. Stewart E. McTavish, who has been spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt, Kenneth Ave. left today for her home in Regina, Sask, * LJ - Malcolm Dulmage, Westmoreland avenue, has returned home to re- sume his studies at the Collegiate and Vocational Institute, after spending the summer at the home of Mr. Richard Garland, Columbus, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Rombough have returned to their home in Tor- -onto after attending the funeral of the late P. S. Rombough, Sr., at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. S. Rombough, Ar- thur street.. ; Mr. Ross Rombough has return- ed to Bath, Ont., after spending a few days in the city, when he at- tended the funeral of his grand- father, the late P. S. Rombough, Sr. * * * Misses K. and M. McManus, ac- companied by Miss Walsh, of New York, motored to the city and have been spending some days with their sister, Mrs. D. O'Hagan. and their niece, Mrs. C. S. Cox and Mr. Cox, McLaughlin Boulevard. * . Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, 'Park- wood," was a guest at the lun- cheon and bridge given yesterday in Toronto by Mrs. Alfred Cameron for Miss Dorothy Stratton, whose marriage to Mr. Gordon Cameron takes place next week. The guests also included Miss Lillian Meighen, Miss Aileen Page, Miss Margaret McCausland and Miss Betty Ells- worth, who with Miss McLauguhlin will be bridesmaids at the wedd- ing. <* + pr pe 4 * + +* + Fa fo EN & 3 ae + 2 i L] TETPTITreri ttre odode dodo de de debe dede ddd Terriers te AAAS LLL WW NC) "Learn while you ea Night Sebo] Starts Tuesday Sept. 17 All day school subjects and general improvement cour- ses. Expert Instruction Call or telephone 3216 for information. Peerless Business 1734 Simcoe Str~et North PTI NCI) re Bodo de dood Bd Bodo Bod 22S AC J J hin Jb ot 2h aca 0 bn a RR a a 8 0 hode dod dbediete de diibodedeid ddd ddd bd dd bbl dh - LJ 0a a tn a 2.2.2 La The Earl of Cromer, P.C., former British High Commissioner in Egypt, will arrive in Toronto with his family on Wednesday, Septem- ber. 5, for a tour of the Eastern provinces. His lordship and party are spending a few days at the Prince of Wales' Ranch, near High River, Alta. Their tour will con- clude after a trip to Niagara Falls, with a formal visit to Lord and Lady Willingdon at Rideau Hall, after which they will sail for Eng- land on the S.S. Duchess of Atholl on October 4. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Rathwell, ot Waterford, wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Irene Anne, to Orme S. Moffatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Moffatt, Oshawa, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of September. : FIRST FALL MEETING OF ALICE JACKSON CIRCLE The Alice Jackson Circle held its first meeting of the fall term on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Bert Martin, Westmount. There was a large attendance and Mrs. Myers, president; capably con- ducted the meeting. It was decided that in the future the Circle would be known as the Alice Jackson Young Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. Ferguson took the chapter of the study book in an interesting manner and solos were given by Mrs. Malcolm and Miss Ruth Ferguson. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Martin's group. ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR SCHOOL FAIR, SEPT. 21 King street Home and Schdol Club met at 7.20 o'clock on Tues- day evening with the first vice- presidént, Mrs. Marks, convening in the absence of the president, Mrs, G. Norris. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were. read and approved. During the business meeting full arrangements were made for the school fair in Alexandra Park on Saturday, Sept. 21. The executive, under the convenorship of Mrs. Ro- gers, is to be in charge of the chil- dren's exhibits for King St. school. Following the roll call it was an- nounced that Miss Lyons' room had won the prize awarded for having the largest number of mothers pre- sent. ITS QUAINT--GIRLISH It's jonquil yellow organdie, sO pretty and becoming to the little miss of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years who demand dainty frocks for vaca« tion. The bertha collar, so quaint and girlish, is what makes it so popular. It chooses printed orgai~ die in yellow, green and brown tones. Plain brown organdie ac- cents the scallops of collar and is used for bow at left hip. The full flaring skirt is shirred so as to se- cure snug fit through the hips, be- cause even the younger set today; look for frocks with slender lines. Style No. 591 is a type that adapts itself lovely to most of the sum- mery cottons, as sprigged dimity, printed lawn, checked gingham, fine chambray, cotton voile, tub silk, sheer printed linen, batiste, and georgette crepe. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 1en cents additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine. It's just filled with delightful styles, including smart ensembles, and cute designs for the kiddies. , . PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON ® The Oshawa Daily Times Patte . Department, Oshawa, Ont. a Enclosed fihd ... Please send - patte: cases nanines Seo Our New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, South sessesvevenss SIZE stamps or SN Price, 2 cents each. Send coin. Wrap coin' carefully, BISHOP BETHUNE COLLEGE REOPENS Miss Mary Oughterson Sup- ported by Five New Mem- bers of the Teaching Staff Junior School Complete Bishop Bethuné College, Simcoe street south, again opened its por- tals for the fall term this morning with the new headmistress, Miss Mary Oughterson, formerly of Eton College, England, in charge. Bi- shop Bethune has been the out- standing boarding school for girls in the district for many years and pupils from far and near have as- sembled to receive their education there. This year there is a larger number than ever and the ensuing school year promises to be a suc- cessful one, both from the aca- demic and sport point of view. Miss Oughterson, who succeeds Miss Winifred M. Wilson, as head mistress has heen highly recom- mended prior to coming to the city and many times since her arrival here. She was formally introduc. ed and welcomed to the city on Saturday afternoon at the college. Supporting Miss Oughterson is an excellent teaching staff, which has been increased by several new members. The entire faculty is of the best possible teachers to edu- cate the younger set. Miss Crowe, the senior mistress, accompanied Miss Oughterson from England and also comes to the city highly re- commended. Other new members of the faculty are: Misses Murphy, Miller, Vowles and Rittenhouse. The enrollment this year has been greatly increased owing to the addition of a junior school, which has made it possible for the col- lege to accomodate more pupils. There were sixty-four boarders en- rolled this morning and twenty-one day pupils, making a total enroll- ment of eight-five pupils. Of this number there are twenty-seven girls entering the college for the first time. The Thomas property, next to the college was purchased by the college and transformed in- to a junior school. This school is now complete in every degree and is filled with junior pupils. Helpful Hints A bottle of oil of lavender is nice to' haye fn the kitchen cabinet. Then when the cooking permeates the house it may be removed by filling a basin with boiling hot wat- ar and pouring into it a few drops of lavender. It gives a delightful aroma. * * * Delicate laces may be cleaned by squeezing them through skim milk, to. which a little bluing has been added. Then stretch and dry them between cloths over a Turkish towel. . LJ - To fasten small pieces of furnl ture, for fixing on small pieces of wood which have been chipped oft furniture, use Lhe, whi: e of an egg. If a tack il is used to tap the little ball of a glove clasp light- ly, there will be no troubule in fas- tening the glove, Foods that go together are stuff- ed breast of veal, potatoes roasted in pan with meat, buttered Swiss chard, tomato salad with French dressing and sliced peaches with cream. Also spiced beef, brown sauce; boiled rice, baked to stuffed tomatoes, lima beans, hearts of let- tuce with Creole dressing and can- teloupe with ice cream, To clean a carpet sweeper, re- move brush and clean out all hairs and.lint (a cheap wire hair brush is fine for this) then rub brush well with a cloth wet with kerosene and let it stand in air until odor is gone; it will then dv much better work. To stiffen the bristles of a sweeper brush, or any brush, dip them up and down in hot water to which a little baking soda has been added; dry in the sun. * * If the celery is 2 bit wilted, sep- arate the stalks and stand upright in a pitcher of ice water containing a little salt. Place the pitcher in the refrigerator until ready to use. It will quite restore the celery to its former crispness. HE Linens should be quite. damp for ironing and should be ironed per- fectly dry. Otherwise, they will wrinkle when drying. To do a per- fect job with napkins and table- cloths they should be ironed on both sides. If there 1s embroidery on a linen piece, lay it on a soft fi amit DOROTHY MACKAILL Wearing an evening wra) trimmed with silver fox collar and cuffs, with pale blue silk pan velvet embossed. cloth, with the right side down and fron on the wrong side until dry. This will make the embroidery stand out, * * * MACAROONS half cup fine Beat the gradually, shape and Bake in NUT Three egg whites, cracker crumbs, vanilla. egg whites, add sugar fold in other materials, drop on buttered paper. a moderate oven, COUPLES PART 100 QUICKLY Judge Gustave Morin Says Young Notice Too Many Trivial Matters © Montreal, Que, Sept. 17.--The op- inion was advanced by Judge Gus- tave Marin, of the Court of Scssions, that "there arc young, couples today who are ready to separate for. trivial reasons such as false pride or pique which, a few years ago, would not have made any difference whatsoever in the lives of two otherwise happily united people. The judge's remarks followed direct- ly upon a case presented before him in which two young people of goud families appeared in court, each them blaming the other for actic they considered annoying enough warrant a separation "If vou could hut see inte ture" said the feel confi ent that you would not rush into this scrions question without firstly giy ing it a lot of deep consideration The couple in question have married for only three years they have no children, and try could the judge could not sce w two people ®nder those circum should wish to live apart, FRANCHISE FOR AFRICAN WOMEN General Hertzog Says There | judge, "1 and ' ny Will Not Be Another Elec-! tion Without the Women Voting Cape Town, South Africa, Sept. 17. --Speaking at the Koffiehuis, where the Nationalist members of Parlia- ment were guests of the local branch of the Women's Nationalist Party, General Hertzog said there would not be another general clection in this country without the women having the right to vote. Now that the realization. of the ideal of women's enfranchisement was no longer so far off, remarked the Prime Minister, women scemed to be gaining an appreciation. of the responsibilities attached to the vote. It was their duty to prepare them- selves for enfranchisement, for un- fess they made the proper use of the vote, the result might be that wo- men's enfranchisement might become a false step detrimental to the Na- tionalist Party. altogether too many been | stances | PROSPECT FARMERS WIN MANY PRIZES AT OSHAWA FAIR George Smith Was Especi- Aly Successful With His Hols!eins Prospect, Sept. 14--Congratula- tions are being extended to Geo. Smith on his success in winning zo many prizes at the Oshawa Fair last week. Mr, Smith showed some good Holstein cattle and was successful in getting prizes. The prizes he took were as follows: Bull over one year old, 2nd; Bull calf, 2nd; Cow, three years or over, 2nd; Heifer, two years 3rd; Heifer calf, 2nd; Herd, 2nd; Dairy calf shown by a boy or girl under fifteen years, 1st and 3rd; Dairy calf under one year, shown by a boy under eighteen, Ist, which was the Eaton's special, a cabinet set of silver ware, valued at $22.50. Frank Vernon also took some prizes on his tcam' of horses and ponies, A large number from this district attended the Oshawa Fair on Thurs- day last. The -paradc was especially enjoyed by all. Rev. Mr. Merriam, the pastor of Prospect Church has been around calling on the sick and some of the members of the church. Ernest Pratt of Oshawa is nov cmployed with Geo. Smith for a cou- ple of months, Mrs. Geo. Hanpaford is with Mrs Lamb of Shirley for a week. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Poole of Toron- to spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Haltley. Geo. Smith with Mr. Wm. Par- rot and family were at Chalk Lak: on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and laughter, Verna, and son, Paul, have notored to Haugh Lake in New Ou- ario where they will spend a wesk with Mrs, Martin's sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holiday tlarold of Toronto spent nd with Mrs. Holiday. The corn binder is around cutting corn in'tiis distrigt and quite a number have already had their corn and son, the weck it. Arnold Roach has gone w Toronto where he has sccured a position in an office. Mrs. Moore is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph But of Oshawa The paving betv.cen Port Perry and Manchester will be completed m a few days. Arthur Gray H. Franklin for a few days. PRIZE WINNERS INPUBLIG SCHOOL is with | "AT PORT PERRY y the fu-1 Awards Anousiced For! 1 Highest Proficiency in | Entrance Class as he; Sept. 14.--Prize Win- ners in T. W. McLean's room, Port Perry Public School, were: first, do- nated by the Board of Education for highest standing on the term exam- { inations, Mary Smallman; second, {donated by the Board of Education for highest standing on the entrance cxaminations, Marion Cawker; third, donated by Mrs. T. W. McLean, for dor highest Si in British and | Ca wnadian History, Norma Turner; fourth, donated by B. D. Henry, manager of the Royal Bank, for the greatest improvement in writing, | Georgeen Hood. Harvest festival services will be held in the Church of the Ascension on Sunday, Sept. 22, at 11 am, and 7 p.m. when the special preacher will be Rev. Mr. Macklem, of Toron- to, former Provost of Trinity College, Miss Marguerite Jackson is visit ing friends in New Brunswick. Gordon Bruce has rented Mr, Fit- chams house in Prince Albert and is moving there soon. James Read, who has been in To- ronto for a few weeks has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Collacutt and daughter, Betty, IR friends in Oshawa for sev eral days this weck. Walter Savage, of Toronto, is vis- iting friends in Port Perry and vicin- ity. John Croft, of Toronto, spent Sup- day with Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Cock- burn, Messrs Geo. Robertshaw and D. Wilson of Oshawa were in Port | 'Port Perry, R. | | | | Perry on Saturday. "Women's Interests in the Home -- and the Eb Sane SS Mr. Owles, spent Sunday with friends in Seagrave. Mr, and Mrs. A. Prentice and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Prentice and Helen, visited Mr. Ross Prentice at Graven- hurst one day last weck. Miss Ethel Cook of Toronto was home over the week end. The orchestra of the United Church Sunday School was entertained by Mrs. Howard Stouc on Wednesday evening last week. Miss Hazel Beare is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. Thos. Smith has returned from an enjoyable visit among old friends at Bobcageon. EXCITEMENT HIGH IN ORANGEVILLE Mayor, Ex-Chief and Fam- ily All Face Assault Charges Orangeville, Sept. 18.--Decisions in Orangeville's famous Hewson versus: Morgan and Morgan versus Hewson assault cases were all postponed in Police Court here yesterday when Port Perry the accused persons all pleaded not guilty and elected to be tried by higher court. The denouement obviously unsatisfactory to a gallery of spectators, come to hear the details of the alleged assault re- sulting from the dismissal of the Or- angeville Chief of Police. His Worship Mayor Hewson fain:- cd in court yesterday during his re- cital of the alleged assault by wom en of the Morgan houschold. » And twice the united laughter of conrt spectators brought threats from the Bench to have the courtroom clear- cd. Although court did not open un- til 10.30 o'clock, some of these spec- tators had been waiting since 8 aun to sccure seats at the proceedings. The four charges laid by Mayor Thomas S. Hewson were the ex-Chief of Police William M. Morgan, his wife and George Westley Chaney did assault and gausc him bodily harm on the night of Sept. 10. Miss Isabel Morgan, 10-year-old daughter of the dismissed Chief, was charged with assault only, Mrs, Morgan laid a counter charge of assault and bodily Larm against Mayor Hewson, In or- der to save time, the charge against Mrs. Morgan and her charge against his Worship were heard together. It is getting so if you still are alive on Monday you are suspected, of having gone to Church on Sun- day.--Cincinnati Inquirer, Community Lr --. THERE IS ONLY MOSQUITOES I... .... Harmless fring to people... will not "There is no honesty anywhere. My maid has just run away and taKeo three of my best dresses." "Which ones?" "The ones that I sinuggled throuzh the customs last time 1 came over from Paris." A Preston man.says his wife is becoming so expert at patching tires that he has hope of her learn- ing to darn a sock, eventually.-- Galt Reporter. The kind of fellow who can show you a goqd time isn't the kind that can earn good money for you-- Brandon Sun. HOW OFTEN DO YOU BATHE? OUR body is constantly giving off perspiration-- from one to two pints every 24 hours.. This moisture dries so quickly that sometimes you do not realize its presence. Health authorities everywhere say that, to preserve your own good health and self respect and out of con- sideration for others, this film of dried moisture should be washed off daily. Gently, soothingly, Lifebuoy's creamy antiseptic lather washes away this film. It penetrates and cleanses the countless tiny pores of the skin -- opens them up -- lets them breathe--relaxes tired, tensed nerves and muscles, makes the world look brighter. And more--Lifebuoy's antiseptic ingredient will stand- guard as an invisible shield against infection. Every day let Lifebuoy purify the pores of your skin and keep them clean--antiseptically clean--and sweet. LIFEBUOY THE BATH SOAP SUPREME Purifies and Protects TO KEEP WELL Drink plenty of water, perspire freely, bathe daily . . . prevent per- spiration odour by using Lifebuoy Soap. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronte " DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE DONT T LoeK cute? JUST EXACTLY LIKE Te PRINCESS ToRINDA PUT on pr of DoNlY's DRESSES- AND LIKED "7T MORE THAN HER ROYAL RoBES -~ wb ' "ed lin ps, 152, King Features Syndicate, Inc, Great Britain rights dig . Pe SHE PICKED FLoweRS- IN THE Fens AND JUMPED Rope JusT™ Like Any OTHER HAPPY LITTLE GIRL. SHE WADED IN THE - BROOK WITH BoBBY AND COMFY- AND NoBoPy SColpPED HER FoR GETTING DIRTY ~ | --By Grace G. Drayta 5 JT HopE Dolly 1S HAVING AS [1 NICE ATIME BEING ME As || I Am PEING JusT Dolly SHE WENT To I3E THEN SHE HELPED CL

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