Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1929, p. 10

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| Mr. and Mrs. Notman Moffatt and Wiitors atithe C. NE were Me) -- dren, uffalo, spent afew and . O.3]. "an | Sith his grandmother, Mrs, Bromell + MeCalioch, Miss 1da:Me-| Wind burned Skins " an > Lo E 2 x 2 Mrs. Toa Fgift. Afterwards| 8 | Sr. other relatives. 'Culloch, W. J. Ormiston, G. gr i : . iy nd Mrs. GC sxe Mr. aud aan Mey Jud, Mrs, Es QrmistonaMs. #0 ® "I Mrs, H. Hayes an rs. James. -| an rs. * Pascoe, Miss Dorothy |']" ~~ C 1} tou attended he. faneral of oli, Dr, Pascoe, Re yallare, Pascoe, de Ble {| | Cura ryant at Sunderland on Saturday. |guson, a r. an rs. F.' mit! 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Miss E* Wilbest Ferguson fr visiting at|/| ~Scsp snd Ointment. They do so much to Delma Gilroy, and Miss Mary Mar-| Mount Forrest. |!| "allsyisritation, and chington, of Toronto, and Mrs. A. J.| Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe. spent face and bands, remove dust Cook and children, from = Brooklin | the weekend at(Brooklin and attend-| | keep the skin soft and clear under Spent Sunday at the home of Levi od the Richardson-Mackey 'wedding. tions of exposure. en, : h 'agai it] .|'| Sosp25c. Ointment 23c. 'alcum A TME and Mrs. M. Winking, Osh 11. Tiobon ao teaver Eo Wb ALL] Eo chen: Bamptccch hoe awa, visited Mrs, J. James on Sun-| Miss Helen Pascoe has commenced 4 TIE ps Set , which would make it coi "['with their arrival. Other authofiti 4 th '| place She cate of wb present oldest en ry pagtupf t urch about two centu~- | ior ti plendid = rs However that may 'be; a |ve ents wereiserveds © ° i church of much the same description | = Aftéf the"S: v*School lesson on Has stood 'on the same spot for at |Sunday, Miss Miriam Chant was least 700 or 800 years. The whole [presented with a Bible by her glass- was probably originally or timber, as ymates and .t er, . Miss + 'Norma the. north side now is, but the south | Glaspel.": ; 4 ; and. west end were rebuilt in Lymm | Friday cvening, Sept.'6, Mr. and . sandstone in 1645, The chancel was | Mrs. S, G.. Chant were pleasantly ' | probably in the first place an inde- surpriséd by. ir; friends of" Zion. pendent addition in the same timber [A hidely worded address' was read style as the nave, and about 1711, and a Chgsterfield, table and floor ANDER athihiiass reap. east end was extended in brickwork. ies': Aid, /Bible (Class and, neigh- rT a Avy 3B # Chester; Eng. Sept. 16--In_cofi-{ io "ihe brick tower was built, the ER 'presented' on behalf of /the £5, Section with the appeal for.funds ho 'wards ihe 2epaatiouhor the ancii black ~andswhite, . timber church Warburton, - Cheshire, the furch 9 Stanford opened han Ma Hall and gr nie to visifofs onefaf- ternoon recently,~' a charge' of orfe shilling ; being made to, epter the 'grobnds and a'eMarge of two shill- 4 § 10 ick the ; the Earl's beau- tit residence. Domesday Book mentions "War- burgtune,",and there was perhaps a Saxon church here, and probably on the peesent site. In the . reign of Henry 1I. Norbertine White Canons settled" at. 'Warburton, and the date The "Little Chancel" on the south side. of the chancel partly of stone and "the Park Pew," on .the north side, built. entirely of Lymm sand- stone, was added in the seventeenth century. . ; The low-pitched roof of the nave is of a wide spar and supported by strong pillars of oak, on three of which are stag's horn hat-pegs and on another a plain iron hour-glass stand.' The seats on the south side were. removed in 1895 on. account of dry-rot, and the two main pillars and the front were at the same time cleaned from the paint with which Messrs George and Christopher were cach, given a.fountain pen by the young men's class. After many words of thanks were expressed a social time was enjoyed and refresh- ments were served, Those exhibiting stock at Oshawa and Bowmanville fairs were: W. Robbins, A. D, Langmaid, J. W. Bal- son, and Alf. Ayre, at Peterboro, Anson and Balson, W. R. Robbins and Alf, : Ayre, at London; F. B. Glaspel and Alf. Ayre. Sam Rattle of Milliken visited J. W. Balson and family, : COLUMBUS PEOPLE ERECT BUILDINGS Elwood Wilber Erects Black- : Address Conadian 2? J. T. Wait Company, Ltd., Montreal. day. ..; duties as teacher at Wick School. V. BUCKWHEAT IS NOT A GOOD CROP Enfield Farmers Will Have Small Yield Due to Dry '| congregation much food for thought, In the absence of Rev. J. W. Whyte on Sunday, T. Brown of Ot- Ftawa gave an interesting talk on "The Purpose of Life," He gave the HOSPITAL RUN BY: WOMEN ENTIRELY New Hospital in' London Run has transformed the interior, 'adapting: it to the needs of a thor- oughly, up-to-date hospital. Speaking of this great boon to' women Dr. Saleby, in "Overseas," writes: ; "Crookes has gone, and Rontgen, and Becquerel; and Professor Curie was killed, very young, by a motor car in the streets of Paris, now long years ago. But Madame Curie is still alive and well. And our hope. is "that, thirty-one years after her -discovery of radium, she will unjustly visited with a dreadful disease as indirect consequence 'of maternity -- may send a 'sum of money, small or great, earmarked for the purchase of radium, to Lady Briscoe, 'M.B., Honorary Treasurer Marie Curie Hospital, Hampstead, London. Most of the radium there now is Government property, once used for gunsights, visible in the dark, during the 'war; but, of course, the Government stock is allocated to well-workeu centres all over the country, and smith Shop, Lorne Cook a New House Louis Torzella, of Paterson, N.J, ing, Sept. 20. To Wrom IT May CONCERN: Fi F ETI RL ee THIS OFFICE WAS ROBBED BY A i dn ga ELLA CINDERS AND MAM CALLING HIMSELF RED Muck! ; RED MIKE |S TAKING HEIGHT SIX FEET, WEIGHT TWO f \ \ HUNDRED POUNDS, RED HA BROWN of the timberwork in the church has : . 9 Ja . ; they had been thickly overlaid. The] Mrs. Chas. Vivian, Whitby and been, placed by some in the twelfth A . " . y Enfield: Sept. 1 --Owing t 1 A . a Dulpls and ask o , Samson alle Mr. and Mss, Anda Vem, Marky Hh mg Ye By Women for Women. herself formally open, in Septem. the Marie Curie Hospital, like the ; : 7 A h WE . or October, the n - ' GF yl Ton Hones cl Fo Sn Ca bl WT eS Eo) Will Treat Cancer [iru seve i Bebe Bey ref, neo ar mar the a tar the earliest date in the registers 1s| Tracy Glaspel has returned from year. ~ i 1611, entries were not regularly made } the United Pt shows with his Mr. and Mrs. R. Knox, Oshawa, London, Eng., Sept. 17 -- .Lon- is tg nliee Narle Colle os: until 1634. sheep, well pleased with the results,| Columbus, Sept. 16.--Lorne Cook is visited Mr, and Mrs. J. Hepburn. , ; hi ! 'led and: d. 1 2 af 5 1d : i a -- a | f Cotow building a new house of cement]: Mr. and Mrs. Croleven and son, don's newest and most original|®e nd cure n ever-increasing | aged 15, killed his playmate, John Becks He sold a number of Cotswold sheep. block. Tt will be up this week ready|and daughter of Palmerston, and hospital is to be run entirely by |Proportions as they come earlie:, | Nolan, aged 14, during a fight, and for roofing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodham,| Women for women and will be de- and , the methods improve. In the | has received a sentence of ten years, Elwood Wilbur is building a new] Omemee, were guests of Mr. and|voted to the treatment of cancer by' | hands of the medical women who : A man who has a penchant for |blacksmith shop. Mrs. A. Prescott. radium. = At present 25 patients on- have already, in various scattered wanting to get married every time| S. Roberts is having a new well] Mr. and Mrs. George McCullochjly can be admitted, later on, pos-|hospitals, been doing this work for he arrives at a county seat is John dug this week. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert = McCul-|sibly 30 beds wil be available, sev- | nearly four years with ever-increas- J. Peters, a® 94, of Santa Barbara;| Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ward and son, | loch, Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer|enteen women doctors comprise the ing success. Cal. He wandered into the county |Elmer visited Thos. Cook and family | Gibson, Oshawa, and - Mr. and Mrs. | staff. : "My readers elsewhere have sent : : clerk's office at Santa Cruz, the other [on Sunday. Reginald West, Woodstock, were TL hospital is in Yue house in |me hundreds of pounds for radium em 1 day and was quite insistent that the| Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton from|guests of J. McCulloch. tsjohn's avenue. ampsteau, | which have ben added to the uitesr- Members of the Family Are clerk allow him to file notice of his! Toronto spent a' few days with Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Edwards, Geor-| where John Pettie, the Scots paint- | ly inadequate supply already in the Honored by Zion intention to apply for a marriage li-Jand Mrs. Levi Ellen last week. gia, U. S. A, and Mr and Mrs. G.|er lived. His studio, a great lofty |hands of these pioner medical cense. He admitted that he had no| The Drama entitled "The Win-| Abraham visited at the home of L.{room, oak-floored, has been turned | women. Any reader who would like People particular woman in view as his pros- | ning of Joy" will 'be given by the|C. Pascoe. into chief ward. The woman arch- [to know that he or she has radium pective bride but stated that if al-| Columbus Young People in the Un-| Miss Mae Lamb,.Bowmanville Hos- | itect, Miss Elizabeth Scott, who de-'| in Hampstead which is saving wom-~ lowed "a few minutes," he would go |ited 'Church, Columbus, Friday even-|pital, visited Mrs. Harold Ormiston |signed the new Shakespeare Mem- |en's lives--nearly all of them the Zion, Sept. 14.--Saturday evening, out and get one. last week. orial Theatre at Stratford-on-Avon, "lives of mothers, most cruelly and Sept. 7, the teen age girls, "Buds of is : Promise," entertained the teen age ELLA CINDERS--Two Is A Crowd By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 4 ; hove, The Gleaners" and Miss Mc- a i --~ EI 7 : 4 i 3 faster to a party at the home of RTI Ase 1111 i :- ADMIRAL JOHN DENISON | their teacher, Mrs. Fice, when games |. . Cla tromed? or the Qictaphorne | 5 © A (LEE Iu ex President of Old Boys' Association |and stunts were indulged in. During Zr the talking gras ag ou SAN i 28 FOR THAT . 'of Upper Canada College in Eng- : 5 to ictate a plea a job. T FRIGHTEN MEL UST AS SOON land, who will attend the col- Ss She was Startirg, a burglar LL. ROLLER, £5 ) lege centenary. [) oo ------------ orced gpert a wirtdlonw -- LOUD THEY'LL THIS SAFE, TLL Tailor made HEAR ME CLEAR Suits $25 OP IN SING. SING er . IN TIME, TO SWEEP {) lL OUT YOUR. CELL! (? \S HELPING HiM- SELF, RE LIKES RIS WITNESSES uss RADIOS Sold in Oshawa by The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. S. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist PHONE 3215 Phone 900 Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER ARERR RR b g ven) roa C.PR, TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1823, Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South ' AH-MR- JIGS" I'M LOCK TO FIND You \N- WOOL KNOW- | SMOKE an) AWFOL LOT OF CAQARS YOU MUST HAVE THE TWENTY A » 1 + 5.45 a.m. Daily. 17 6.23 a.m. Daily. 8.40 a.m. Daily except Sundav. + 4.35 p.m. Daily, r 2.34 p.m. Daily. 0s am. Daily, .04 p.m. Daily. 8.03 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 11.10 p.m. Daily. . 12.03 a.m. Daily. " i 'All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawz Station. CANADIAN 'NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) WHY THESE 1 KNOW 1 T+ CIGARS ARE THIS \& ONE OF VLL SAY YOUL ARE- WE CAN'T ALL BE David Ansehl's Famous Liquid Powder Foundation Imparts tha on t soft, velvety finish before applying y "Ansehl" Cremes, Skin ent, Face Powder for each JURY AND LOVELL, LTD. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS - SR SPE SPECIAL Men's Felt Hats $1.98 LI. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. Phone 733w oo» as a.m. Daily gucept Sunday. a.m. Sunday only, a.m. Daily. p.m. Daily except Sunday, p.m. Daily. .47 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 42 p.m. Daily. ;: .09 p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily. ote SBE I "eo © > &3 3 farted a= bd =] » : ® 1929, Int" Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. TELLING TOMMY 2882 5 ASHER CEFRPSERE Re TTT WRintnn SSEsk 00 ~ 27 pom. Daily. 8.42 p.m. Daily except Sunday. : i om | , ome! p LEAVES, FLOWERS Ia Whitby, Osha: J | ) : , AND BERRIES OF sig EARS IS EYESIGHT SPECIALIST | AE . ; THE COCA PLANT 4 p,m. Sunday only. ~ ULI 1M T00 BUSY YOU COME AND HEAR) TRYING T0 DECIDE DADDY TELL ABOUT ff WHAT KIND OF 3 COCAINE, BETTY? | Optometry Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Diangy Block z LEAVES COCAINE |S MADE, IS NATIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA BUT 15 HOW ALSO : CULTIVATED IN CEYLOH, INDIA AND JAVA. | IT GROWS FROM THREE TO SIX FEET I INDIANS, ESPECIALLY JH PERU AND BRAZIL, CHEV! THE DRIED COCA LEAVES MIXED WITH FINECY-PONIDERED CHALK AS A STIMULANT, a © 192%. by King Fostuom Syudicas. Ine.1 Gotat Britain rights veseoved. Winco 8X, Phone ua HIGH AND BEARS YELLOW BERRIES. ~P1t4 Wig, 10 AA Boy's Suits with extra pants ... $5.95 DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 68 KING ST. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver By Russ Westonn FORGET ,(T, MAC] THAT MAN (Sg IS Me. WHIRRLE WHIPPLE ISN'T BACK VET. AMD THAT BIE WALRUS MR. FRAGIL, 2 IS (IN HIS $55 wire 230 id Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner cd 1245 pou. 285 pm. 4.45 p.m. 4.4 p.m. 8.45 p.m. x 33% om 'Mmoepa. Nlfpm UN pm 1200°0.m Time: marked are through busses tc Whitt Aospital a % 1] a i. A GARIUN tor Bowmanville- Phone {12 or %4¢ Phone . 2283 Ushawe Waiting Roam. 10 Prince Ste

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