PAGE EIGHT 'HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1929. OPERA HAS RUN ITS COURSE ACCORDING T0 COMPOSER Creator of "Cavaleria Rusti- . cana" Gives Up Com- .. ' posing Operas (By Hudson Hawley, Associated * Press Staff Writer) 2 ° Rome, Sept. 6.--Opera has run its course, chiefly for lack of advertising, says Maestro Pietro Mascagni, cre- | ator of "Cavalleria Rusticana," and | the foremost of living Italian opera- tor composers. Writing in the perio- dical. "Works and Bays," Mascagni says, among other things: "I have written fourteen operas. The fourteenth may as well be the last. At least for the present I have ceased to compose. Not because in- spiration is lacking, but because I see no reason for writing a new lyric opera. Of my operas, only one, the 'Cavalleria, has achieved world-wide fame. The others are almost un- known to the public, although several of them are just as beautiful as the 'Cavalleria.' "The cataclysm of the war urged the public's interests toward new things. The opera's popularity dis- appeared with the older generation, while only light music pleases the new one. The great majority of the public does not care for opera. It has no interest for them because opera is a pleasure of the soul, and today the general idea seems to be to conceal the soul and avoid as | much as possible the memory of the wr existence of that little human fail- ing. Deople seek stimulants and not artistic pleasures; they want to di- vert themselves in¢sensational ways that ruin the nerves and _ leave one incapable of serious work the day after. "Opera has had its day but today a new kind of music is wanted, adapted to the changed conditions of life. Some composers think all this can also be expressed in opera. But opera is, by its nature, elevated. The aim of dramatic music has never been and never will be to satisfy the pro- tesque desires of the audience. the contrary the scope of opera is that of touching what is most pro- found and what is best in human na- ture. "Happiness, sorrow, passion, affec- tion and poetry are the motives of opera. All this opera seeks to awak- en in our hearts and that is the reason why opera can never be re- placed by jazz or other forms of music derived from the brain and not the heart. "I am inclined to believe that the decadence of opera is due mote than anything else to the deficiency of ad- vertising. The young enthusiasts who used all their energies in propagan- dizing, and the impresarios who in past times enthusiastically supported opera and real music of all sorts throughout the world have either be- come rich or dead. Their ancestors do not understand real music. They on thes Pribilof islands, once near destruction because of indiscriminate slaughtering, has grown until it com- prises nearly 90 per cent of all ex- stig fur seals. : : : ith the completion of the regular sealing season in July, W. T. Bower, chief of Alaska investigations, re- ports that 39,253 skins have been tak- en. Between 700 and 1,000 skins will be taken in the fall to increase the total more than 6,000 beyond the take in 1928. ; "It is necessary to go back 60 years," he said, "to find a year in at the Pribilofs as in the current which there were as many skins taken season. In the intervening period the take has been so small that in 1913, it amounted 'to a mere 2406 skins." The seal industry is strictly a gov- ernment venture, with Japan, Rus- sia, and Great Britain to stem the wholesale destruction of the once plentiful animals. : When Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867, the herd is estimated to have numbered several million ani- mals. Pelagic sealing, the taking: of seals at sea, was particularly de- structive because no discrimination wasimade in the slaughter and the herd faced extinction. In 1911, the four nations outlawed pelagic sealing and the United States was charged with building up the herd. #No killing of seals is allowed, except by government agents and na- are business men whose only aim is to create a fortune. From this point of view, light music and jazz, which aim to. satisfy the more vulgar pleasures, are much more lucrative than opera." SEAL INDUSTRY IS UNDER PROTECTION The Taking of Skins Is Rig- idly Super- vised Washington, D.C,' Sept. 6.--Seal skin coats, long a symbol of feminine luxury, are guaranteed a continuous lead in the fashion parade. Under the guidance of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, the seal herd Mew Martin THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC: Effective April 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Gong West a.m. Daily. a.m. Daily. a.m. Daily except p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily. } ' 6. Sundags 4 2.34 10. 45 .23 8.40 .35 .05 a.m. Daily. 2.04 p.m. Daily. 8.03 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 11.10 p.m. Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. y All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) 9.59 a.m. Daily. 17 p.n. Daily except Sunday, .32 pan, Daily. .m. Daily except Sunday, JIBS i-5 12] a. a.m. a.m. .02 pam. 3 Dajly. | Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. Daily, « - . ow 5 » Diy bd =4RIVBRE ok ANON 18] N pm, Dailv. p.m. Daily except Sunday.* Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 192.) (Daylight Saving. Time) est Arrive oy 8 Arrive Hospi 7.25 a.m. PEA; 3 P B RRA AA REREEREEF 1.00 p.m. 438 pm, 6.50 pom. 1Opm 100 pi 00pm IL Time marl ¢ | Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 5 Going West Leave Arrive Arrive Oshaw: 'Whit! Heapital .45 10.00 a.m, 12.15 pam. 14.8 pan. 2.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. ie h } E5uEEEER B is FRERRERE 21.00 1s t .00 p.m. po Time marke: are tal Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers A. GARTON. Prepeiotee BT Pmun + or 46 Hi HE "Girl Overboard' Also Added Attractions tive Indians who depend upon the animals for sustenance. Seals are killed for their skins by government employes, who select primarily three-year-old bachelors but guard the future of the herd by sparing females, young pups, and old males. The taking of skins, even by the Indians, is rigidly supervised. The enterprise is governmental from the very beginning until the pelts have been tanned, dyed, and made ready for market. Then they are auction- ed off, and the proceeds turned over to the United States treasury. Fif- teen per cent of the money goes to Canada and a like amount to Japan recaution is not taken. ssi Salts should 'be your safe- guard. Besides ig the body of impurities gently, surely painlessly, they possess a vital power of giving nev life and vi to the countless of cells of body is composed. That is why physi never hesitate to recommend Salts. for the relinquishment of pelagic sealing rights. The Pribilof islands, located in the Bering sea, are the breeding grounds and mark the only spot to which the Alaska herd comes to shore. BEAUTY OF EMERALD LAKE The beauty of Emerald lake in Yoho national park, British Colum- bia, lies in the peculiar colouring of its waters and the charm of its thick- ly wooded shores, Its waters are of a prevailing emerald in colour, and in their crystalline depths it is said one may count twenty shades of green at one time but never one of blue. A complete border of jade green forest adds to the loveliness of the scene. WORK OF REPAIRING ST.PAUL'S NEAR END i= Renovations Have Been in Progressifor Seventeen Years London, Sept. 6.--Seventeen years' work of renovating and strengthen- ing St. Paul's Cathedral is gradually nearing an end. The reinstatement of the huge electric organ, a four months' task, has been started, while the final fin- ishing touches probably will be com- plete in a year. The temporary bar- riers that have shut off nearly half the historic church from the public will be removed next June and plans are already being made for a Thanks- giving service to be held at the end of the month. After the installation of the organ, which has been electrified and mo- dernized in every respect, the prin- cipal work to be completed is the refacing of the strengthened columns supporting the dome, and their re- carving. The Cathedral, the third St. Paul's built on the site, was started in 1668 by Sir Christopher Wren. In 1925 city authorities condemned the struc- ture as unsafe and Dean Inge was informed that the hollow pillars sup- porting the dome were badly cracked and in serious danger of crumbling. Constant traffic and excavations for subways and new buildings in the financial neighborhood ahout St. Paul's had caused the weakening of the pillars. Steps were taken im- mediately to strengthen them and the lobby under the dome was shut off. Holes were cut in the columns and liquid cement was poured in them. The first work of renovation was begun in 1913 and the first public appeal for funds was issued shortly afterward. A total of $2,000,000 has been raised by public subscription, with a result that there will prob- ably be a small surplus after the work is finished. WOMAN'S RIGHT T0 MINISTRY Mrs. Isabella Scott Writes Scorching Words To Objec- tor of Women in Ministry Sydney, Australia, Sept. 6.--The problem of equal rights for women apparently has never reared its head among the Bignambas, a_cannibal tribe of Malekula, New Hebrides. Donald Nicholson, a missionary who returned American scienti- fic party abroad the yacht Illyria, brought to Sydney interesting tales of feminine obedience among the tribesmen. "Warfare among the tribes is al- most constant," said Nicholson, "but the women, in times of conflict, are allowed to pass unmolested and act as messengers between the fighting tribes. The women have no rights; they do just what they are told. Parents negotiate marriages, and 20 or 30 pigs is the usual prite for a bride." The Americans were the first white men expect missinaries to penetrate the cannibal haunts, ANCIENT HISTORY IS REVEALED BY SHELLS Saint John, N.B, Sept. 6.--The story of prehistoric man-'as he had his being in New Brunswick and No- Lva Scotia thousands of years before this country was discovered by Eu- ropeans is to be found in numerous New Martin 2 DAYS ONLY 2 Mon., Tues., September 9-10 Arlie Marks and Her Company of Talking Picture People in Person Monday--"Tommy"' and | Vaudeville. It's a wow! | Tuesday -- "The Tight | wad", as played for 2 || | years, Shubert N.Y.C. ! 2 hours and 15 minutes of |! solid amusement. Tickets within your reach || Children 25c; Adults 50c | Tax Included No Matinees || shell heaps scattered along the shores of the provinces, according to H. J. Boeckelman of the Florida Natural History Museum Society, who is spending some time in Eastern Can- ada' making a special study of these shells. The ancient Maritimers, it seems, had a particular prediliction for the ancestors of our present clam and oyster, and in the moldering heaps of shells that mark the locality of their feasting are to be found stones, bones, and other articles in- dicating the nature and habits of the natives who inhabited this country long before its discovery by Columbus or his Norse predecessors. In Northern Africa, shell heaps have been found dating back 25,000 years; in Denmark, 10,000 years, and in Great Britain, over 5,000 years. All the way up the Atlantic coast from Florida, Mr. Boeckelman says, traces of shell heaps have been found in great numbers, and those engaged in research work have ascertained that these heaps exist along the coast to Greenland, and in Iceland, as well as Britain and the north of France. The Chinese coast is also rich in these mounds, We regret to have to state that gradually the feminine gender is changing to the nuder gender --Ot- tawa Journal. Premier Ferguson says he once de- sired to become a musician. But the only thing he learned to play was politics. --Toronto Telegram. ELLA CINDERS_Back To The Soil TVE SEARCHED FOR ELLA DAY AHD: NIGHT-- QUESTIONED ALL HER. "Ansebl" Cremes, ng Te ent, Face Powder for each type of skin, JURY AND LOVELL, LTD. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS PHILCO and moos' RADIOS Sold in Oshawa by The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. S. = Phone 9500 Her Felt. Hats $1 9 8 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. Phone 7383w A . I'M FORCED TO GNVE UP! IT'S PLAIN THAT SHE DISAPPEARED PORPOSELY TO AVOID SEEING ME! HER LOVE. FOR ME 1 \S DEAD! TICKETS oi US Pu OF; gh THERE'S NO OTHER, EXPLANATION ! SHE BELIEVES I MADE LOVE TO ANOTHER' GIRL, AND THE EVIDENCE WAS SO STRONG IT WOULD BE: IMPOSSIBLE TO CONVINCE. HER. OF, MY INNOCENCE | By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb GooD-8Ye, CTY OF HEARTACHES! 1 SHALL NEVER LOVE ANYONE het eeera SON aN KAN EXCEPT EULA! TLL Go BACK TO MY RANCH IN THE WEST AND LIVE THE LONELY LIFE OF A BACHE(OR 7 HOPING TO THE LAST THAT | aay SOME DAY I'LL HEAR. Now that Jim has gore, LOS We Steal Feral owt what hoppered Sta ! BRINGING UP FATHER "Wg r By Geo. McManus "7 CADDY: MOTHER HAS ING ALL DAN: HERE YOU" WHERE ARE You GOING? , Ioc., Great Briwin vights reserved. ---- Lf 4 : 3 N EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: The Eyes in Modern Lite Optometry Fasture Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strais Disney Block ?3: Boy's Suits¥with extra pants ... $5.95 DOMINION CLOTHING OO. + 68 KING ST. W. ; - Phone 2141 We Deliver Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner - \ -, Phone 2283 Sishasa Salting Rasen. J Arinen Shon RC RATA ay SE TR Ee ET BEGI TO LIVE VIEWED SOME OF THE OLD TREASURES OF THE SCULPTORS ART 11 ROME, HE SAID, THAT HIS BIRTH SHOULD BE RECKONED FROM THAT TIME. FOR OMLY THEM DID HE , -- wy HIS BIRTHPLACE RE WENT SRI" £51055 HIS SUBJECTS TAKEN FROM GREEK MYTHOLOGY, HE 15 FAMOUS FOR THE LIFELIKE "LION OF LUCERNE" CARVED AFTER HIS MODEL IH THE NATURAL SAHDSTONE NEAR THE 'GLACIER GARDEN OF LUCERNE . © 197 bv Kung Frases Symizore ton Cooet Brite sights reserved "THE LION OF LUCERNE { --- : : SE 3ORYIALDSEM,YHO LIVED FRON [770 TIYB44, BEGAN BN SER 45 ART STUDIES AT THE AGE OF ELEVEN Tf COPENHAGEN, 0 ROME IN 1797. TM GONG 10 BE SOME- BODY WHEN 1 GROr tp. J Avy! Even ON. NIFTY - WHAT IS BLIBBITS AND DID WE oLvT BROS, SAY, NIFTY: A STATEMENT TO BLOTZ|¢ .NO, eur I SEAT fEhce MAIL 'ME , THIS FLOURISHING 17, 5) KNOW? | was OLY To LUNCH BUSINESS VACATION = IT'S THANK={»7 [3 LESS d Ion el BUY sStiLt IM Ion IT) \ 3 THAT'S LOYALTY) / it By. Ruse Westows. TAKE MY ADVICE; BUBBLES. NEVER ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBIL OF TRYING TO KEEP YouR Boss': FROM GOING. BANKRUPT WHILE HE'S ON A #¢ i. A