| The Oshawa Raily Times EE Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer ; : es a OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1929 + 15 Cents a Weeks 3 Conte a Copy. Second Section--P. 11 =n VOL. 5--NO. 56 Oshawa Fe air - - . This Year Bigger and Better SEPTEMBER 10 - 11 - 12 "Hei gh-Ho Come to the Fair" These words of the old English ballad form an approp- riate slogan for the big event which takes place, on Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, September 10, 11 and 12, the 1929 Oshawa Fair. The Oshawa Fair is more than an Oshawa Institution. It is directed and operated each year by a body of public spirited citizens of South Ontario, who form the members and dir- ectors of the South Ontario Agricultural Society. If isthus ° 'an event covering'a wide area, and attracting widespread interest, and as such it merits the whole- hearted. support of the whole district which it embraces. The Oshawa Fair is primarily an agricultural institution. South Ontario has good reason to be proud of the products of its farms, in live stock as well as in the crops of the field, garden and orchard, and the Oshawa Fair is the show-win- dow which is provided for the exhibition of these products. It is an educational institution of the highest value to the whole community. And it is: more than that. It provides features of entertain- ment worthy of the patronage of every citizen of Oshawa and South Ontario. The directors have left nothing undone to ensure the success of the 1929 Fair, and The Times issues this special Oshawa Fair Section in an effort to en- - courage the people of Oshawa and distric =" ~*r very best in sibpott so as to help the . . . : OSHAWA FAIR Next Week to Break All | Existing Records