'THE USHAWA DAILY TIVES, 'THORSDAT. SRT aE sass Rass bssbsanas sss fess TEVITIITVY Sel ediedid SRR dL L ILLS 28s TPTTTTTITITIVITEYT EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: 2d lil Ls 28 0000.0 00004004 VEVITTIYVTIVIVIITIIVIIYTYY 22 08 000 assesses 2, TPTVVPTITVITTTTTT v One Measles Case i Kingston--The report on contagi- ous diseases for last' week showed but oné case of measles. . No Accident Cases ; Brockville.--The two local hospitals had no accident cases for treatment + over the week end. Visiting Physician o ' Brockville.~The visiting physician at the General and St. Vincent de Paul Hospitals for the month of Sep- tember is Dr. J. F. Purvis. Resumes Nursing Duty Brockville.--Miss Louise Henry, Victorian- Order nurse, has returned from a delightful . holiday spent in Ireland and has resumed her duties. "To Hold Ordination + Brockville.--In St. James' Church, Perth, on Sunday, September 8, Rev. Mr. Jarvis will be ordained to the priesthood of the Anglican Church by Rt. Rev. Bishop Roper, of Ottawa. City Clock Mixed on Time The city clock went on Standard time on Saturday at midnight through a mistake. Some confusion existed on Sunday at hotels and churches. Most people went "slow" on Sunday 'midnight. ' Lady Hikers Port Hope.--~Two lady hikers, all the way from Gananoque were in town on---Sunday and were on their way home. The hiking idea lost its attractiveness for them here and they boarded an eastbound bus for the re- mainder of the trip home. Vital Statistics Brockville. --According to the re- sords compiled by Town Clerk Geo- rge K. Dewey the vital statictics for the town during the past two months were as follows: July--births, 15; marriages, 8; deaths, 10. August-- births 30; marriages, 14; deaths, 7. Known in City Peterboro.--News of the death of Lieutenant J. Lytell of Montreal, who was killed in a plane crash in Oshawa came as a shock to many in this city who were friends of the deceased. He was the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Logan, who reside here. Silk Mills Incorporated Brockville--A Dominion charter has been granted to Superior Silk Mills, Limited with capital of $25,000 ind with head office in Prescott, The incorporators are Jasper J. Stanyon Robert N. Russell and Roy Putnam, sll of Gloversville, N. Y.; Albert O. Heilner, of Pelham, N. Y,, and P. K. Hapin, of Prescott, Has Awarded Contracts Kingston.--The Property Commit- tee of the Board of Education, at a meeting called for this purpose on Saturday afternoon, awarded the con- iract for installing an automatic stok- TIP P OTT IVIITTVTIYITITITTTTYTYIIIYTY er in the school oi Commerce, and an 'automatic "blower" in Louise Scheol, to Graves Brothers, Princess street, the tender of this firm being the lowest. * All Doing Well Kingston~There are three patients in the General Hospital suffering from injuries -received in motor acs cidents and all were reported to be making favorable progress this after- noon, The injured include Messrs. Fuller and Lemmon and Master Ed-, die Gommer.. 2% Salvation Army Serviced Brockville--The Salvation Army band from Smith's Falls spent the week end in town and assisted the local corps in the regular services, Saturday evening and Sunday. The selections . supplied by the visiting] musicians were of a very pleasing na- ture and won many favorable com- ments. Report Not Confirmed Peterboro.~There has been no of- ficial confirmation. rec:ived in Peter- borough "that the road from Peter- borough to Tweed has been assumed by the province, E. Elliott, county clerk and treasurer, said that all they have officially heard abou: 't was the statement made by the Honorable Robert Cook recently ot Crowe Lake. Two Cars Damaged Peterboro.~Two cars were badly damaged in a motor accident at the intersection of Sherbrooke and Rux- bidge streets at 9.10 last evening. The cars were driven by H. S. Thomp- son, 501% Sherbrooke strcet, and R. 0. Dixon, 584 Chamberlain street. No one was injured. pn Canoe Upsets Peterboro.--Two young men, E. North and H. Dales of Sandwich, Ontario, who were visiting this city, were rudely interrupted during the course of a sail on the Otonabee riv- cr on Sunday, when their frail craft upset and dumped them into the wa- ter. However, they were none tie worse of the bath, as they were soon removed to safety. Will Assume Duties Kingston.--A message from His Grace Most Rev. M. J. O'Brien, co- adjutor archbishop of Kingston, who is at present in Peterboro, his for- mer diocese, conveys the announce- ment that he will come to Kingston officially on Oct. 9, to assume his new office. Arrangements for the recep- tion"to. Kingston of Archbishop O'Brien are now being prepared. Ferry was Disabled Brockville--The ferry steamer Al- oumas, operating between ~Aultsville and Louisville Landing, broke a pro- peller shaft in midstream on Friday afternoon and was finally worked a- shore by her crew on the north side of Mack's' Island. Seven passengers and several cars were abroard and 'suffered a these were' removed to a scow and thus brought ashore, It is probable 'that the ferry steamer will be taken to' Kingston- for repairs, New Theatre Port Hope~"What about a thea- tre?" is still the question, but as yet there is nothing definite to announce. We understood 'that the Famous Players -- architect is expected here any day, and when a site is selected and the cost of the building estimated a decision will be made. * Seriously Injured Picton.--Mr. Lewis Goodwin, of 'Picton, was seriously injured when he fell from the roof of a barn on his farm at Cherry Valley, which is rent- ed to Mr. William Goodwin, The ac- cident occurred on Wednesday, while Mr. Goodwin was fixing the barn roof. In his fall he struck his head causing concussion of the brain and was unconscious "for many hours, He will recover. Came to Grief Kingston.--The Ruggles truck of the local fire department came to grief Monday morning when an axle was-broken' and: it will be out of com- mission until a new part arrives from Toronto." The truck was taken. from the Ontario street fire station to a nearby garage to have the tires blown up and in making a. turn to come back to "the "station the mishap oc- curred, Nasty Fall Gananoque.--~Mr. Norman Steven- son, aged 81, a highly esteemed citi- en of this town, residing on John street, was walking down the long stairway leading to Ray Andress' boat livery, north-cast of the swing bridge, Friday night, when about ten feet from the ground he missed his balance and fell to the ground and fractured leg below the knee and also had three ribs frac- tured, Death Accidental Brockville.--A verdict of accidental death without blame being attached to any person was returned by the coroner's jury, sitting at Elgin in the case of Joseph Gallinger of Ottawa, employe of department of railways and canals," who was fatally injured in a blast near Davis lock of the Rideau canal, Cobourg Youth Wins Hurdles Cobourg. --Arthur Ravensdale; of Cobourg Collegiate won the 120 hur- dles title decisively at the Dominion Track and Field championship at Banff, Alta. Monday afternoon. He went into the lead at the end of the first 20 yards to defeat A. Chapman of Windsor who was second while Fred Weathenback of Edmonton was close third. Purse Missing from Cafe Belleville--On Saturday, Mrs. E. M. Young of Toronto left the Quinte Cafe after eating lunch and shortly afterwards missed her purse which contained a large sum of money and other valuables. The police were no- tified but an 'active search failed to reveal the missing purse, Any in- formation of the missing article will be welcomed by the police as there Now that you are home from your sum- mer cottage you will no doubt make a resolution to do your marketing where you may obtain the best and most for your money. Visit one of our markets. then appreciate the advantage of deal- ing with us. You will Special Five Roses or Monarch 7db. Bag - Ode 24.1. Bag $1.09 FISH FRESH ATLANTIC Flounders 1b. 15¢ CHOICE CHICKEN Halibut 1b. 25¢ FRESH HADDOCK Fillets 1b. 22¢ GEORGIAN BAY Trout 1b. 25¢ SMALL Whitefish 1b. 20¢ PRESERVING | SUPPLIES CPU FRUIT JARS Medium 1 1 00 Size ... Doz. 99. Small Size .... RUBBER JAR RINGS Pkg. (¢ HEAVY QUALITY ---- in . Doz. 19. Spring Lam did ~ FRONT QUARTER » 10. Round Shoulder Thick Rib Roast Rump Roast Beef 'Blade Roast Beef Lean Corned Beef Pure Pork Sausage 7.5" 1b. 27 Jellied Veal (Sliced) Fray Bentos (Sliced) Peamealed Back Bacon (Sliced) 1b. 39. 1b. 26. 1b. 20¢ 1b. 24. 1b. 26. 1b. 18- Roast Beef 1b. 45¢ 1b. 20. Loin Roast 1». 36c PORK YOUNG HALF OR WHOLE LEG Arnold's Baking Chipso Arnold's Pure Lard Old Dutch Cleanser Sweeping Brooms "Tne" 39. Choice Seedless Raisins sux 2 lbs. 23 White Icing Sugar Large Package 18- Easifirst or Domestic Shortening 1b. 18. CUTS 1.29. 122 1b. ]1 Ge 3 tins 20. Powder$3*23¢ 3 Ibs. 25¢ GRAPEFRUIT COOKING ONIONS HOME-GROWN TOMATOES : : 6 1bs. 25¢ 2 for 19c _6-0t. Basket 29. are valuable documents in the purse. If these are returned without the money it is understood no question will be asked, Steamer d Kingston.--The Norwegian 'steamer Rein was reported this morning as having gone aground on the Farm- ers Shoals, just below Cardinal, in the St. Lawrence' River. The tug Salvage Prince, of the Pyke Towing and Salvage Company, was dispatch- ed to her assistance carly in the after- noon. as being badly damaged, and it was not thought that the lives of her crew were endangered. _ Pass Figures for 1928 Kingston. --Building permits issued dt the office of the City Engineer show that Kingston is growing. For the month of August therc were thir- ty eight permits issued, fourteen for new construction and twenty-four for alterations. The value of the permits issued is placed at $279,461, as com- pared with $26,372 for August of 1928. Pérmits issued up so far this year are valued at $512,751 as compared yi $424,530 for the same period of ._ Motor Car Found on Fire Belleville--As Constable Peter Thomson was making his rounds carly Sunday morning he noticed a car in Dicken's gangway. Closer in- vestigation showed it to be on fire. The doors on the Essex coupe were locked but the officer broke one of the windows and pulling the seat out which was on fire put it out. How the fire started is a mystery, but the prompt action of the constable pro- bably saved he car. The car is owned by Stan LaPalm of this city. Weds Prominent Kentuckian Cobourg.--At four o'clock Monday afternoon the leading social event of Cobourg's sumnier colony took place, when Mr. N. Barnet Jones, of Louis- ville, Ky, and Miss Edith Daintry Fitzhugh, daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Henry Fitzhugh, married in St. Peter's Anglican Church, Both bride and groom are promi- nent in Cobourg society, the bride's family being numbered among Co- bourg's oldest residents and the groom's being prominent in the Am- erican summer colony. Miss Fitz- hugh's grandfather, John Daintry, was one of Cobourg's first mayors, Dr. Walsh Enjoyed Flight Dr. Leonard Walsh was the winner of the Kingston Flying Club's trip to Brantford on Labor Day. He made the 235-mile trip with Capt. Harry Free and enjoyed every minute of it -and when asked about the trip on Tuesday morning Dr. Walsh was loud in his praise of the manner in which Capt. Free handled the plane and the way he made the trip so in- teresting by pointing out and naming the many places which the plane flew over. Dr. Walsh referred particu- larly to the.careful manner in which Capt, Free, who is instructor for the Kingston Flying Club, carried out his manoeuvres. PETITIONS AND DAMAGE CLAINS CONSIDERED (Continued from Page 3) property for an industrial area. Alderman .JcLeese, chairman of the committee, promised that a report would be presented at the next meeting of the council, Claim For Cows A letter from Conant & Annls, who are acting for J, T. Sleeman (in his claim against the city for damages due to three of his cows dying after drinking water from the Oshawa creek, alleged t~ have been polluted by outflow from the storm sewers, informed the coun- cil that the chequ esent by the city for $400 in full payment of all claims" was not acceptable {lo their clients. 'Alderman Hai: de- clared that the settlement made by the council with Mr, Sleeman 'for [1 $400 was not in full payment, fn i covered only payment for th cows, for burial expenses, and for the renting of other pasture f.: the rest of his cows. The city employee that made out the chequé had not followed in:iructions, he said, He moved, seconded by Al- derman McLeese, . that a cheque for $400 be sent to Mr, Sleeman, in part settlement of his claim, Payment Opposed Alderman Preston opposed pay- ing one nickle, as no proof had been advanced that the cows had died from drinking water from the storm sewer system, he said, The city would only be acknowledging a guilt for something that it might not be liable, he declared. He moved that the engineer pres pare a report on the emptying of the storm sewer system at this point, including the cost of laying tile to carry the storm sewer out- flow farther down the creek bed. On division, the motion of Al derman Hart, to make a part set- tlement the claim by the payment of $400, was defeated, Aldermen Hart, R. McDonald, Harman, Boddy, McLeese and Perry sup: porting it and Aldermen Douglas, P, A. Macdonald, Morris, E, Jack- son, Preston, Disney and Carnell opposing it, The motion of Alder- man Preston, that the engineer submit a report on the subject, then carried. Claim For Damages Peter Kostur, through his coun- sel, L. Hyman, claimed damages of $60 for the destruction of his raspberry patch by city workmen cutting weeds, Several aldermen who had inspected the property opined that the damage was nearer 60 cents, but the matter was re- ferred to the Board of Works. The council received the man- QUALITY OAL Phone 3060 The vessel was not reported | 3 Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro. duce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 52c; fresh extras, loose, 50c; firsts, in cartons, 47c; firsts, loose, 45 to 46c; seconds, in cartons, ic; 34 to 36¢c, y Butter--No. 1-Creamery, prints, 42¢; No, 2 creamery, prints, 40c. A Cheese--New, large, 20 to 2ic; twins, 20 1.2 to 21 1-2c; triplets, 21 to 22; stiltons, 27c. puis, 30¢; old stiltons, 30 to 3lc. Chickens, 5 Ibs. Do., 4 to 5 Ibs Do, 3 to 4 Hens, over ., 4 to Broilers .... Ducklings TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to teh trade: Smoked | ts--Hams, di 35 to 40c; cooked loins, 50 to' 53c; smoked rolls, 28; breakfast bacon, 28 to 40c; back, pea-mealed, 38 to 3c; do., smoked, 45 to 47c. Cured Toate Long Sear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21 :70 to 90 Ibs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 15 1-4c; pails 15 3.4c; prints, 17 to 18¢c, Shortening, tierces, 13 1-2 to 14 1-205 ub, 34s pails, 14 1.2; : nts, -2. + Pork loins, :New York shoulders, 2c; vork butts, 32; pork hams, 31 1.2, , UP serserrensrirsnacs 38.42 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Lawrence market, Torgnto: Egas, gays, per dozen 045 Duck eggs, dozen Bujter dairy, per pound .. , © y . Fruits and Vegtablose Carrots, doz. bunches Beets, doz. bunches . Onions, dry, 11.qt. bas Do., 6.qt. basket , Cabbage Caulifiower Spinach, peck . ushrooms, per pound Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, 2 for . Potatoes, bag .... Cucumbers, 3 for Parsley, per bunch . 0 070 035 050 o S7aRRs2es coconooo con SRA Old, large, 29; twins, 29 1-2c; triplets and G | No, 6, do., $1.08 Cress, three for ,..oesesssssnses Celery, per bundle .. . Oranges, per. dozen Grapefruit, each .... Lemons, per dozen .. Bananas, per dozen FH basket New potatoes, peck Green beans, cr qt, reen peas t. ees Plums, iy ooseberries, 6 qt. .. Cherries, sour, 6 gt Raspberries, quart Do., pints .... TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for car lots, : toba Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.53 3-4; No. 3, do., $1.27; 0, 5 do. 3 § 1-2; feed, do., 9c. cif, erich a a; ts. Pri cars lc higher than Fin ig Sees on ccomcocoocccocoo SEALNN2=rEAL2RS CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Sept. 4.--Open commitments: De. cember butter, 695; November eggs (new) 2,- 001; Noveniber eggs (old), 125; December eggs, 3. 'wo market receipts--Butter today, 41,. 867; last year, 37,320, Chicago spot AT Butter, extras, 44c; standards, 43c; tome firm, E gs, firsts, 35 to 36 1-2c; tone steady. New York spot market--Butter, extras, 45 cents, tone steady; firsts, 35 1.2 to 37c, Street stocks--Butter today, 119,802; last i Eggs today, 135,02; last year, Movement at 10 markets--DButter, net input, 187,537; last year, net withdrawals, 186,91. Eggs, net input, 153; last year net with. drawals, 24,147, Report of 26 cities--Butter this year, 113,. 604,723; last year, 90,605,197. Eggs this year, 4015,799,741; last year, 6,634,042. _ EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Sept. 4.--Receipts of hogs, 1,- 200; holdoveres, 400; active to all interests, mostly steady; bulk desirable 160 to 210 Ibs, $11.90; few 200 lbs., selections, $12; 220 to 240 1bs., $11.50 to $11.75; 260 to 320 lbs., $10.65 to $11.25; 110 to 140 Ibs, $10.75 to $11.25; packing sows, $9 to $9.60, Receipts of cattle, 175; cows predominating steady; butcher cows, $8 to $8.75: cutter grades, $4.75 to $7.50. Calves, 50; holdovers, 150, vealers active, strong to 50c higher; good to choice, $18.50; some held, $19. Receipts of sheep, 600; lambs slow; gener- ally, $11.50 to' $12.50 throwouts, $10 to $10.50, datory order for the construction of the large storm sewer to relieve the business section, which it had applied for from the Provin- cial Department of Health. both sides of Warren avenue was referred to the Board of Works. Council 'decided to pay Miss Agnes Alger an honorarium of $150 for services as stenographer for the juvenile Court for the year 1929. To Build Bridge The city engineer was in- structed to prepare plans for a permanent bridge across the creek at John street. The land for the extension of John street across the creek was recently expropriated by the city, and a small foot bridge placed to accommedate school children coming across the creek to Center Shool. The council now plans to move this foot bridge farther down to accommodate the residents of Lakeview Gardens, and build a bridge across the creek atthis point, large enough to handle regular traffic, Sewer Completed The Board of Works reported that the sanitary sewer at King street east and Oshawa boulevard was now connected to the large St. Julien trunk sewer, so that no further trouble should be experi- enced in the district south of King street. The Board also reportad that the grade of land would not permit sanitary sewer connections for the houses on Frank street, just west of Simcoe street, Letter re Subway A carefully prepared letter has been submitted to the Dominion Railway Board, setting forth the city's views with regard to the subway, the Board of Works re- ported. The letter asked for a care- ful review of the whole situation in a hearing before the Board for the clearing up of several points still in doubt. Alderman Preston, chairman of the Board of Works, stated that every effort was being made to get action as soon as pos- sible on. the construction of the subway. COLUMBUS BRIEFS Columbus, Sept. 4--Mr. A. Burt and Miss Marjorie Ashton, Toron- HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now Is The Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With That Good Jeddo Coal - Solvay Coke And All Other Good Fuel FOR THE Gravel, Sand, BUILDER Stone, Lime And Building Material DIXON COAL AND SUPPLIES Telephone 262 FOUR DIRECT LINEF to, spent the week end with Mrs, Jas. Ashton. Mr, and Mrs. Orael Chapman, Mrs, I. Chapman, Orono, Mrs. C. Wilbur, Solina, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Thos. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarves, Mr. and Mrs. W, Beacock, Nestleton, called on friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Monroy and daughters, Markham, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Murison's. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutherland visited with - Mrs. John Sutherland, Uticia, on Sunday. Mr. P. G. Purves is making im- provements on his house by building a sun room Messrs. Bert and Detroit, spent the week end their mother, Mrs. J. James. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Langmaid and sons Earl and Clare of Baltimore, Md, and Mrs, Wm. Gray, Oshawa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Guy. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hayes, Ray and Bill, visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. J. Holman and Mr. Chas. Holman spent the holiday with rela- tives at Newmarket Mrs. Geo. Hayes is with her sister at Sunderland who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Abrahams, Mr and Mrs. Edwards of Detroit visited at Mr. H. James' on Sunday Several from here attended the Ex- hibition. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wotten, Peter- borough, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wotten, Belleville, spent the week end at Mrs. J. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ellins are visit- ing in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes and family spent Sunday at Fenelon Falls. Howard James, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luke 'from Flint, Mich., Mrs, E. R. Mason and daughters from Toronto spent Sun- day with Mrs. T. Longhurst, Mr. and Mrs, Clugston from Meca- ford spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Clugston. We are glad to report that Miss Ellen Bromell is getting along fine after having an operation for appen- dicitis in Oshawa Hospital. Cuticura Heals Terrible Itching Burning Eczema . "I was troubled with eczema for a number of years. It started with a terrible itching and burning on my face and then formed water blisters, which scaled over. Scratching seemed to irritate it, but it was the only relief I got. It seemed to bother me more at night and kept me from sleeping. Later it broke out on my arms and disfigured them. 1 "I sent for a free sample of Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and got good results from it. I purchased J more and after using one cake o Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuti- cura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. A. Logan, Rock Springs, Ont. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with hes of Cuti Oi as re- quired, keeps the skin fresh, smooth and clear. Cuticurs Talcum is an ideal toilet powder. Soap 2%e. + 2 and 80c. Talcum Be. Sold here. ddress Cana- pe T wh Sopasy Limised, Motes. Cuticurs Shaving Stick 25c. woe MALLETT'S "Lu Li | One Complete Outfit SKIRT and MIDDY 50 ONLY ' Pleated Navy Serge Skirts 50 Middy Waists i Of best white duck, trimmed, blue or Scarlet Each $1.79 Brass Edge School Ruler With Outfit