Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Sep 1929, p. 11

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TASTIS AROUSED. A {| BY SURRENDER OF STATUS IN EGYPT Britain's Concessions To Cairo Interpreted as Signs of Weakness London, Sept. 5.--Predictions Mat the Orientals would miscon- strue the British yielding policy in Egypt and seek to take advantage of a seeming weakness have been promptly verified in the Palestin- fan outbreaks. While the outlawry ithere is fundamentally local and cial, there is undoubtedly a con- ection with the Egyptian matuor, and Nationalists are pusy through- out the Arabic countries ezatling the spirit of Islamic unity. Anglo-Egpytians, with a knowl- edge of the situation declare that thé Arabs argue: "If the British wiik sive up so important a coun- try a Egypt as a resylt of a mur- der campaign, we can do as we like." The Anglo-Egyptian. pre- phecy is that the Palestinian .out- break is only a trial of strength which, if not vigorously handled, may set the country ablaze and spread to other Arab-controlled Areas across purely imaginary fron- tiers. a A ---- ar THE OSHAWA DAILY Tes In THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 5, 1929 and the road ahead Bill "H excited istrict lineman for the al alted his ear on the high in response to the man's frantic As the man coutisued towards the Red C athered that an accident had occurred and that the man seeing the Red Di who had h ! Meester! Meester!!!" shouted a very) afoot as he rushed up to Bill McIn yejephone Company WAY NOT. .....4 andwaving. Jestionlating alternately ross sticker on the yindshield Cross si; PAGE ELEVEN HII, [CAR IS DITCHED NEAR BROUGHAM NO ONE INJURED Toronto Motorist Had Nar row Escape While Driv- ing on Highway Brougham, Sept. 3.--A near tra- gedy occurred Sunday afternoon when a Mr. Robinson of Toronto travelling west. on Highway 7 on Spring Creek Hill, skidded into the ditch. » The car turned over, righted itself and faced east before stopping. No serious injury resulted to the driver but the car had to be towed home. Miss Jennie Duncan is teaching at Birch Cliff this year. _ The L. Johnston family enter- tained friends from Western On- tario during the week. Funeral of Mrs. Madell The funeral of Mrs. Madell on Wednesday was largely - attended. Much sympathy was felt for the family in the loss of both father and mother in a few months, Among the many who were present from a distance: Mrs. Morton and daugh- ter of Newmarket and F. Morton, Fred and John Cowie, Mrs. Cowie, Mrs. Purdy of Toronto, Mrs. Brooks and son of Unionville. The George Hamilton family of Keswick, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton of Uxbridge and turned home ed Californie, Where she has been 'the past year. She Shorought enjoyed 'her stay in Cali- A i fine, he still thinks en all righ L. Johnston, Dan i il T. C and Will Brown, spent the week- end camping on hs shores of the Haliburton lakes. D, Gannon visit- ed his mother. while on the trip. Don't ask' how many fish they caught. 3 Visitors of the week included Mrs. Russ Brodie and daughters and Miss Shaunessy of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Beaverton with Mrs, G. Philip. Jack Gerrow entertained Oshawa and Toronto friends on Monday. The Crocker and Whitter families with the Mathews family. The Misses Whifs of Blackstock, Mrs. Hudson of New York and Mrs. Smales of Dunbarton at the Beer home, Chas. Topping; son Fred and fam- ily, of Toronto, called on Brown's Sunday. The A. Ellis family and the F. ments you All the Goodness of the Wheat In a Tasty, Digestible Form With all the bran of the whole wheat Crisp it in th It ia 4 e oven--eat it crumbled up or in biscuit form cooling cream or milk. Rich in all the food ele tamins and salts--delicious for any meal Malcolm family of Toronto visited Yelativas here over the week-end. R. and Miss Feasby spent Sunday at their home here, Miss' Phyllis Gerrow and friend Doris Smith of Oshawa is at her home here. FIVE PERSONS INJURED Toronto, Sept. S5~Five "persons were hurt late yesterday afternoon when two motor cars colitded at Cox- well avenue and ilverton boulevard, one of the cars being overturned, Ar- thur Walker, 200 Church street, was driving an automobile west on Mil- verton boulevard when his car was struck and overturaed. Mrs. Lilian a Another Factor Another factor is the danger tnat lies in the fact that intercourse be- tween Egypt and Palestine is con- . -stant. The Daily News, sounding a warning "The wider Sanger is unfortun- ately as real as it is incalculable. an ear mark of all Bell KB iephone cars whose drivers are qualified first aiders, wanted his help: Telling ah § to jump in Bill headed down the road to the house indicated. Here Be Jonad a plucky little lad, -- tear or a whimper, with his upper lip torn o Spes and a deep gash in his iS yight cheek. C Thanks to Bill's knowledge of first aid and his emergen = kit the boy was soon given skillful attention pending the arrival of the doctor. Having done all he could Bill departed with all the blessings the parents could bestow showering upon him. ractical knowledge of first aid which is now the Bill MeInt Te, after all, is only one example. The qualification of 909, of the big army of Bell tele phone plant employees, is proving an invaluable public Cooper, aged 47, of 22 Margery av- enue, a passenger in the car suffered head injuries and was taken to the East General Hospital, The other car, proceeding north on Coxwell avenue and driven by Mrs. Payne, 119 Queensdale avenue, was| many old friends from a distance by their attendance showed the esteem felt for the deceased. A few old friends spent a very en- joyable afternoon Thursday, at the home of Mrs. R. D. Miller, where the old fashioned quilting bee was the 31. streer &" Tu (Avenue... 3 OPPOSITE PENNA. R.R. Jai K | Preeminent Hotél lof, 1200 Roos each having Bath, Servidor, ¢ Circula, ting Ice Water and nd many, yother inno, att Wh as CAR ASPET IT ETR REF SAA EAL PERNA ITT TE i a AYRRETNISYYRI 8S of Not only is the famous Druse chief weported to be assembling large Arad forces in Syria with the in- tention of joining in the attack through Transjordania upen Pales- tine, but the great excitement in many parts of the Arab world is expressing itself in vehement de- monstrations calling for the unity of Arab countries under the king ship 6f Ibn Saoud. To ignore these signs would be to blind ourselves safeguard. to the combustible elements of the Arab nature and the possibility of a senseless Holy War emerging from the racial flare-up in Pales- tine. It is of the utmost impor- tance that the British Government should possess vital information on all Arab movements outside of Pal- estine, and above all 'get in touca with Ibn Saoud, King of the Hed- jaz. The attitude of that great Arabian monarch is the clue to the riddle. It is within his power to keep or break the peace. He exer- cises an immense influence; he is a religious enthusiast; possesses a magnetic personality, and is said to be well-disposed to Britain. But there are a number of acute pron- lems ouéstanding between him and Britain, not the least being the Br- tish methods of defending the Iraq frontier, while the failure of the Clayton mission to liquidate these questions has alarmed and aggriev- ed Ibn Saoud." Partly Political The Daily News states: "Iraq leaders in London, from whom I have. had indirect informa- tion, frankly express the belief that the Palestinian outbreak is partly political in character, anu has so far not been identified as having any foreign connection. This is not to say that the Arabs are solely responsible for the af- fair, since there are religious rau atics on both sides too ready for excuse." NEW SUBMARINE SAFETY INVENTION Stockholm Sept. 5--~To prevent possible submarine disasters Swedish naval authorities have just developed two new inventions which are aimed to lessen greatly the danger of such accidents, One consists of a contrivance which discharges signal and smoke bombs from sunken submarines. When the disabled vessel has come to rest upon the bottom of the sea, these bombs are released from the inside of the boat, and when rising to the surface they emit a thick smoke by which nearby ships can easily detect the whereabout of the sunken hull. This device has been invented by O. P. K. Obqvist"a Lieutenant in the Swedish Royal Navy, Another invention, which had also been tried out with great success, consists of collapsible pontoons which are carried in "pockets" on either side of the submarine. They are made from a combination of metal wire, canvas and rubber, and can be inflated to more than ten times their compressed state. The inventor. is Ragnar Blomquist, a Stockholm en- gincer, When better automobiles are made, most of us will still be paying for the ones we have now.--San Diego Union. While Ramsay MacDonald is in the U. S, they may get him to chris- violence on a comparatively mis«or ten one of their new battleships.-- | Br indon Sun. Pure >. Rich pre The Product of the Best Canadian Dairies 100.000 women yse it - send for your Copy, OM Charles evaporated milk used in place of cream for salad dressings, . creamed fish, creamed vegetables, and ice cream 'makes better, more wholesome food.' Yet it is less than half the price! Send for this free book; it shows new ways to prepare favorite dishes and contains many simple recipes that help you nourishing meals. ST CHARLES BRANU EVvAaporaTED Mii to serve tasty, Tus Boanex Co., Laarren, 140 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, Dept. A. } | T0 DISCUSS THE VALIDITY OF LAWS territorial Effect Is Questioner London, Sept. 5--The Imperial Conference Experts Committee con- vening in London on October 8, has an important agenda list, including an inquiry into the rgport upon: ex- isting' provisions requiring the re- servation of Dominion legislation for the assent of His Majesty or author- ising the disallowance of such legis- lation; the present position regard- ing the competence of the Dominion parliaments to give their legislation extra-territorial operation; the prac- tibality and the most convenient me- thod of giving effect to the principle that each Dominion = Parliament should "have the power given to it of extra-territorial operation where such operation is ancillary to a pro- vision for the peace, order and good government of the Dominion; and the principles embodied or underly- ing the Colonial Laws Validity Act of 1865, to the extent that any provi- sions of the Act ought to be repeal- ed, amended, or modified in the light of existing relations hctween mem- bers of the British commonwealth of nations, Grand Trunk Case The Canadian Government is in- terested in the committee's decision, especially as the Investors' Protec- tion Corporation has summoned a meeting of the Grank Trunk prefer- cence shareholders in order to urge the British Government to accept the principle that contracts made in London between the Grand Trunk and the perpetual stockholders should not be varied by Canadian extra- 'territorial legislation except by agreement of the perpetual stock- holders in separate meetings. They further urge that the stockfolders { never consented to, or were subject { to, arbitration. The Investors' Chronicle comments as follows: "Attention is drawn to a point of considerable importance in connec- | tion -with- the Canadian acquisition | of the Grand Trunk, namely the | competence of the Dominions to give legislation extra- territorial effect that is beyond the sphere of their juris- diction. "The appropriate re- procedure garding projected legislation of self-- governing parts of the Empire which | affects the interests of other self- governing parts is a previous consul- tation between His Majesty's Min- isters in the several parts concern- ed. Previous consultation" is the crux of the matter so far as the Grand Trunk acquisition is concern- ed. The railway was not the pro- perty of the Canadian National; its registered domicile was London; its stocks were preponderantly held here; its physical property was in the United States and Great Britain as well as Canada. The Grand Trunk Acquisition Act 'was passed by the |: Canadian Government, therefore. it was. extra- -territorial in effect; yet there was no previous consultation with His Majesty's Ministers in England before the law was passed. Equity Is Doubted "A further act is that while de- creeing that the principle of arbi- tration applied to the valuation of certain stocks, it enabled the Cana- dian Government, simultaneously as legislator and buyer, to nominate two out of three arbitrators and fix the maximum value, but not the minimum, although a definite sum has already been offered." A skyscraper means in the United States a high building ; in England, a tall man' or woman; in naytical language, a three-cornered skysail.-- The Mentor, For Your Legislation Having Extra-| | attraction. Our new teacher, Mr. Germain, and his wife arrived in time to take charge on Tuesday. We hope their stay among us may be happy and helpful. Miss Muriel Shepherd has re- badly damaged. Mrs. Payne was cut by glass, and her daughter Marie; Jean Bauvias and Harry Jacks, of 17 North Dewhurst avenue, also riding in the car, sustained minor' injuries. They were not admitted to the hos- pital. vations™ feattiring a a sincere spirit o 'of! hospitality. E. o. ! KILLY ; General { Mnger | ASSORTMENTS FRIGERATED Thank You! Ontario's hearty satisfaction with A & P's fine foods and service is proves by the fact that over one-third of a million people of this Province weekly purchase their food requirements st A & P. 79 modern spic and span A & P Foodshops, scattered throughout Ontarie, are giving complete satisfaction to these people. A & P apprecisies the comfidence Onmiaric women place in its services and pledges itself to continue giving the best services and foods at lowest possible prices. OSHAWA--TWO STORES--KIN™ ST. WEST _ SIMCOF. ST. S. MEAXS SELECT YOUR MEATS FROM GENEROUS DISPLAYED IN RE- A Few Worth- while Savings KELLOGG'S PEP CASES 2 Pkgs. 23c YOUNG PORK MADE FROM REGULAR BUTTS or FRESH COTTAGE Peameal Peamest ROLLS: Ib, 32. Oxydol Cleanser "By the : y Large Pkg. 21c HEINZ SPAGHETTI BUTTS FRESH YOUNG PORK for ROASTING or BOILING PORK Fresh Shoulder 1b.20¢ Very Lean For Roasting MEDIUM SIZE TIN 15¢ GEO. WESTON'S Large Fancy SODAS 10-OUNCE 25 c PKGS. : 1b.28e . SHREDDED SHOULDER Porterhouse HIGHEST QUALITY A & P PRIME BEEF ROASTS PrimeRib: n.28 "UNDERCUT RUMP Juicy--~Tender 1b.27¢ WHEAT 2 Pkgs. 23c CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES b.a0e | 2 THM" 2 SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE NEW SEASON'S SPRING 1b. 30c ..1b. 25¢ Breast Roast .1b. 20c LAMB Legs 1b.3§e Frontslb.20e Sliced 2 'Wid 25c ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH 12-0z. Bottle 13c FANCY BREAKFAST BACON Thinly Sliced | PRESERVING JARS ib. 32 | BE Sec 20 $1.09 WILTSHIRE 'HAMS Gammon Half .Ib. 35¢ Cushion Half. 1b. 40c DAVIES' FAMOUS OLD ENGLISH CURE 'Back--Sliced . .Ib. 45¢ Back--By the 1b. 45¢ | Collar--Sliced.1b. 35¢ - JAR RINGS Be 17 oUR OWN ENCORE BRAND SANDWICH SPREAD Rubber, Doz. 8c BACON Piece .......1b. 40¢ FRESH CAUGHT Flounders--Fresh Caught .....Ib. 12¢ Cod--Fresh Caught --By the Piece-- 2 lbs. 25¢ Whitefish ». 20 Centré Freshly Smoked Sox. Jar 29c ON STATION CFCA FOR A & P RADIO HOUR OF RECORDING MUSIC BE- TWEEN 11 AND 12 AM. b DAILY. Cuts Steaks......Ib. 18¢ "Celery Hearts -- You are cordially invited to sample a cup of our famous Bokar Coffee free of charge at our Booths Nos. 208-9-10, Pure Food Bldg, C.N.E. THE COFFEE SUPREME Bokapr ». rin 5 5¢ Packed in Airtight Tia %-Ib. Tin ......ccc0n... 0 AYLMER RED LABEL NEW PACK STRAWBERRY 35- 40-0%Z. Jap 4A EXTRA SPECIAL! FANCY QUALITY SANTA CLARA VALLEY Prunes : 25¢ A UNIVERSAL FAVORITE-9 OUT OF 10 MOVIE STARS USE Lux .;'3 ce 1 Qe MILK FROM CONTENTED COWS wwlT7e Carnation Milk Keen's Mustard 4-0z. Jar 24¢ JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX Royal Yeast Cakes, Gillett's r«-7¢ Extra Week-End Special FINEST PASTEURIZED CREAMERYX MERIES 4 MADE IN ONTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERIRS FRESH CREAM- Our own Silverbrook ERY BUTTER Brand in 1-1b. Prints 2m. lc 2 ws. §Fe Primrose Pastry Flour. ..7-1b. Bag 31c Branston Pickle mgd Jar 23c Shirriff's Shredded Marmalade-- Orange ............12-0z. Jar 19¢c SOMETHING BETTER IN CHOCOLATE-- PUT UP EXPRESSLY FOR A & P p 1b. Pkg. 43 : Gondola .cu. AYLMER FANCY QUALITY MEDIUM SIZE Asparagus Tips :.: 39¢ NATIVE GROWN ge Head 1§e Cauliflower 3: 7 he. 25e¢ Onions Apples -- Duchess Tomatoes a Home Cask ings. - Nis. Grown .... ..6-Qt Bakt, 33c .11-Qt. Bik. 45¢ Oranges--Calif. Va- Suse Pe lh 4 oo. 23c lencia . .. Doz. 23¢ Carrots -- New, Na- ive. ..3 Bchs. 10¢ Crisp, Tender . ... «vss. Bunch 17¢ NEW NATIVE Potatoes ™.:" 27 Aching Head Cale one ZUTOO TABLET ead ia 20° slater, the pein is gone and you Ld 1 700 wt op tena, po py Please send me free copy of St. Charles Recipe Book. TRE GREAT ATLANTIC & PAaciric Tea Co. ) OF CANADA |

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