Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Sep 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1929 HAVE MANY TRICKS Carrier Pigeons Used "to Transport Supplies of Dope NEW METHODS od » bose i y in the Guise of Clubs Montreal--Behind closed doors and heavily curtained windows bo- gus West End night clubs are again 'selling liquor after hours and ca- tering for Zrug addicts. Before the great clean-up of the "West End haunts by the Flying 'Squad most of these establishments openly attracted "members" by electric signs and commissionaries. * The method has changed. The 1i- legal drinking, and in some cases the traffic in dope, continues, but axcept for the people furtively en- tering and leaving, these new clubs appear in the guise of private hous- 2s. Laughter or the sound of a sux- pphone is the only clue. Following certain rumors of 'their renewed activities, I deter- mined to find what really was hap- pening in the West d, which a1- ter midnight is _drinkless. But the pew proprietors are cautious--newcqmers welcomed as in thejold days, so I "started with a gyide¢ whose connec- tion with the busfness gives him 'he entry into every secret haunt in London, Of the six clubs we visited drink was obtainable in five of them. The first was near Wardour street. It was heavily barred and bolted; customers were admitted only after the closest scrutiny by the man behind the small iron' grill. Here in a long basement un- der the pavement, dancing, singing and drinking goes on till the small hours of the morning. When we arrived, however, there was no sign of life. . "They closed down a few min- ates ago--in a panic," a man told KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC Private Houses Are| 'barman 'informed us. us. "But they are opening again. next week." fi Next we crossed Piccadilly cirs cus and arrived at a club which, unlike the ones we vilsted later in the evening, boldly flaunted au electric gign on which was writtun its, name. Hard To Cater The proprietor was unwilling to let us in, and would only do sv on payment of 10s. each. It was about half-past twelve now. The room inside was merely a bar from which all the whiskey and gin sup- ples had been removed. Promi- nently displayed were ginger ale and lemonade. "Every drink is fifty cents," the When we ordered two whiskeys, he walked to the left, where there was a foot hatch leading into tne kitchen, and immediately two whiskeys appeared as if by mayie. Round the room there were more women than men. Downstairs in a basement room several couples were drinking and dancing to a gramophone. Our taxicab took us across the water to one of the most surpris- ing places I have seen. Although it is situated near the city, it is worthy of mention, as it is on the regular "beat" of those seekers af- ter alcoholic gaiety who frequent the clubs farther west. My guide rang the bell of a shab- by-looking house. After a time a tiny grille was opened and we were admitted, but not before we had each stood in turn in front of the opening with our faces tourned to the light, This was no bogus ex- amination which managers once fa- vored for the purpose of creating local color. When the door was opened we passed not into an apartment house, as I thought, but into a full- size bar with beer pumps and evs ery kind of intoxicant. Many of the men seemed members of race gangs from the razor marks that scarred their faces. Several wom- en were sitting together in a room next the bar. In the Charing Cross there are two of these secret clubs--without commissionaires, without lights, but with large entrance fees\ They are both small, crowded rooms which combine drinking with a to- tal lack of gaiety. One fact struck me foreibly. Drinks seemed to be served at fair- 'wanted only the ordinary saloon- ly reasonable. prices nowadays in these new haunts. Before the raids clubs could demand 5s. for a small whiskey. One club near the city bar prices. David Angehl"s Famous Liquid Powder Foundation Imparts that soft, velvety finish before applying wder., Also "Ansehl" Cremes, Skin Tonic, Astring- ent, Face Powder for each type of skin, JURY AND LOVELL, LTD. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS m, Daily, m. Paily except Sunday. 12.03 a.m. Daily. : All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) Eastbound t Sunday. Ye .23 a.m. Daily exc .58 a.m. Sunday a.m. Daily. 17 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Daily. Daily except Sunday. aily. Vn bh pt itby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) (Daylight Saving Tite) est . BY ER hair i 90D USED CARS Are Sold By The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. S. Phone 900 SPECIAL Men's Felt Hats $1.98 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. Phone 733w ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Disney Block po 1518~~Phene--1516 Felt Bros. 7 be LEADING JEWELER Simcoe St. G. Dufay, ex-officer of Belgium army and thrice decorated for bravery, with his companion, G. Lafframboise of Montreal, Quebec, who are touring the world collect- ing autographs in their 26-pound album, The first of these two clubs In Charing Cross had a slight sembl- ance of gaiety, as attempts were being made to tap some fun from a plano. But neither the piano nor the listeners were really sym- pathetic. Melancholy reigned supreme at the second one, but it was here that we heard rumors of amazing dope orgies which were being run by a woman whose name is closely associated with the more vicious forms of law-breaking. Drugs--By Pigeon Here the proprietor has discov- ered an amazing new method of importing drugs into London from the Continent. Homing pigeons, carefully train ed for years, are being used in this traffic. They fly from European capitals to their humble lofts in London laden with cocaine and other drugs worth many thousanus of pounds. Scotland Yard officers have made every effort to discover the chan- nel through vaich the drugs are imported. A detective who nas spent many vears in investigating drug traffic told me that the carrying of dope by pigeons would be a most diffi- cult thing to detect. "Such a method," he said, "has never occurred to us and it may be many months before we succeed tn getting to the bottom of the mat- ter. Only by some mischance will the police be supplied with a definite clue. There are many owners of homing pigeons in London, all ap- parently beyond reproach, and the the birds for doubtful purposes will be extremely difficult." We made only one more call that night--it was to the most famous club of them all; one which has never attempted to hide its real identity behind closed doors, cur- tajned windows, or anything else. Although the premises were recent- ly disqualified for five years, lights were blazing and a commissionunv was looming large on the pavement outside," even at that early hour in the morning. I told two girls in a box-office that I had only 15s., and was admitted for exactly halt of what I had. Inside I found the same bana, the same staff, and the same danc- ing girls which have always con- tinued here through the worst raids. I had previously been told that in a dark upper room, careful- ly guarded by a member of the staff, privileged people could still obtain intoxicants. I tried five ways of getting a drink, and the answer. was the same every time. There were no drinks to be had, 'Not for $500, and would a nice frult cup be just as good?" Perhaps they knew me. Anyhow, it was the only difference y feud notice in this notorious club. NO LIBERALISM FOR MR. STALIN Head of Soviet Government Demands Revolutionary Pol- icy at Home and Abroad London--In many well-informed quarters it was felt, until recently that with Trotsky and other lead- ers of the left wing banished into task of finding the owner who uses exile, the triumphant head of the Soviet Government, Stalin, inteud- ed to do his utmost to make peace with the other nations of the world. Some writers, indeed, con- fidently predicted the entire col- lapse of the Bolshevists, In a re- cent leading article, the London Times, by commenting on a recent utterance of the Bolshevik chief, makes it clear that such a hope is without foundation, Says The Times: Soviet official policy has again been clearly defined after a long period of confused wrangling over principles and tactics with a stub- born Communist Opposition, The spring session of the Central Exec- utive Committee of the Soviets, which has just closed, provided the triumphant Stalin group with an opportunity for declaring and ela- borating afresh its programme of action, "It was anticipated in some quar- ters that Stalin, after defeating and expelling from the party the adherents of his rival, Trotsky, would display moderate and even liberal tendencies. During the con- flict Trotsky had seemed to be the extremist and Stalin the compara- tively reasonable man. It was as- sumed by those who hope against hope after ten years of repeated disappointments that the victorious Stalin would at last justify a ling- ering faith in the capacity of Bol- shevism to evolve away from itself, 'Nothing of the kind has hap- pened, On the contrary, Stalin has geized the first occasion to declare that nothing of the kind can hap- pen so long as the Communist Party is in power in Russia. At the last meetings of the Central Executive Committee the Opposition was in- visible. Its leader and a large num- ber of its adherents were in exile in the deplorable situation of "counter-revolutionaries.'" 'The representatives of the So- viets from various parts of Russia who listened in the Kremlin to the long speeches of Stalin and his col- leagues had no heart to contradict The wise man never waits till he is driven by nece:=. sity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best services are available, Concrr Lemes Coir Co" nak © FEW 4 J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W. > Manager, 7 them. It was a subdued audience. Stalin, almost ironically, compli- mented the conference on its busi- nesslike tone. In the absence of op- position he at any rate, was entirely free to declare the policy his group intended to pursue in the present situation, 'And the essence of the policy he announced was a renewed struggle, in the country, in the towns, and in the world, against all the varied forces of "Capitalism and Imper- falism."" The signifcant passage in his speech is worth quoting: ** We are faced with two alternatives: Either we continue owr revolution- -- ary policy and organize around the U.S.8.R. all the proletarians and oppressed nations of the world -- in which case international capital will put obstacles in our path. Or, we shall desist from our revolu- tionary policy and make conces- sions of prinicple to international capital, and then, perhaps, inter- national capital would not be un- willing to 'help' us in the work of transforming our Socialist coun- try into a 'good' bourgeois repub- lic. There are people who think that we can carry out a revolution- ary policy and at the same time in- duce western European hourgeois to embrace us! 4 i HAVE VANISHED SO COMPLETELY! T'LL SER \F THE. POLICE HAVE BUREAU LOCATED FIFTY MISSING GIRLS THIS WEEK, BUT SORRY, MR. BLUNT ! We've SIGN OF Miss CINDERS! SHE EITHER LEFT TOWN IN A HURRY OR HAS CHANGED HER NAME AND 1S KEEPING OUT OF SIGHT ! By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb MISUNDERSTANDING, AND BEFORE I HAD A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN SHE WAS GONE! DO You THINK, ANYTHING COULD RAYE HAPPENED TO THE ANSWER. 1S SIMPLE | SHE DOESN'T WANT You To FIND HER! AS A RULE GIRLS DISAPPEAR. IN TWO WAYS ~-- EITHER WITH THE MAN THEY LOVE, OR TO GET AWAY FROM PR THE ; TM AFRAID YOU'RE MAN THEY Doar! QUT OF Luck! BRINGING UP FATHER HERE COMES THE MINIS 'S LITTLE § CALGHTER DHE S AH! | SUPPOSE YOU ARE ON "YOUR WAY § HOW DO YOu DO-MR-IGCDT © 1920, Int Peatyre Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. [MAP Sn TELL ME! WAT DOES YOUR Para DAY WHEN HE S\TD OOW TO LONCH TELLING TOMMY LORNA DOONES CHURCH IN THE DOONE VALLEY. -Y --- LORNA DOONE Si TREES ALONG THE BANKS OF BADGEWORTNY WATER . LY READ OF ALL THE NOVELS WRITTEN IN THE FNGLISH LANGUAGE AND 11 15 Jeri 00 YOU KHOW ABOUT THE BOOK, LORNA fk WITH A BLINDFOLD } yoo oivi? WELL THEY DIDN'T d MAKE 1T POPULAR TEST. ACCEPTED AS A CLASSIC. TOURISTS NOW MAKE PILGRIMAGES TO THE LAND OF THE DOONES WHERE THE STORY 15 LAID. Cireat Britain rights reserved [*31CHARD DODDRIDGE BLACKMORE WOULD NOW BE FORGOTTEN WERE IT HOT FOR HIS "LORNA DOONE, A FINELY WRITTEN STORY OF EXMOOR AND THE NEIGHBORING DISTRICT. © 1929 by King Features Syndicate. lnc Boys' School Boots All sizes. Special $2.49 DOMINION OLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver TILLIE THE TOILER. Br Russ Wortews HEY, TILLE THIS 1S BLOTZ AND CO. THEY WANT TO PLACE HELLO, VES, THIS 1S. SIMPRINS | AND CO. AN ORDER - ALL ACH( - : * D WASHING HINES ~ 30 Mace MACHINES, AND | 48 0 MODEL. H MACHINES IMMEDIATE Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave ORDERS / HERES A E ; VERT WELL , SAT ORDERS -WHY| | BUNCH OF OA | | THE OnLy REASON. AL PERS TRY] | ORDERS THAT | WAS HERE TO: WKE 2 : CAME IN WHILE 'EM DOWN' IS THAT | YoU WERE AT y THE CLUB, MR. Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner oJ 4 \C.JHWITH A i © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved.

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