%| The Oshawa Baily Times |= Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer VOL. 5~NO. 51 Day Ercept Jindus, Sea OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1929 Oshawa Schools Open For Autumn Terms Next Week - - Estimated 5000 Will Attend 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy. Second Section LN) / ow g wv IB J d ATE y AVAL a | Pe "Readin' and Writin' and 'Rithmetic, All to the Tune of the Hickory Stick." 2) HAT is how the old song used to go in the days when the fathers and mothers JIE] of today were going to School. Next week, the old song takes on the same old meaning for about 5000 boys and girls of Oshawa, who will be flocking back to school after the long and glorious sum- mer vacation. Schooldays, the days when work must be combined with pleasure are close at-hand once more, and on Tuesday next, September 3, the school bell will ring out its warning note, and the boysand girls will hear its call, and troop along the cement walks and up the old familiar steps into the school baiidings, 'To most of the scholars, it will be renewing acquaintance with schooldays. They have already been there, and know something of the joys, and the sorrows, too, of school life. But the coming of a new term always means a new begining, a new opportunity, and a new desire to make the most of those precious hours spent both in the classroom and in the playground. Then there will be the tiny boys and girls. walking along with mother or father, with something of fear and trepidation in their hearts, just embarking on their long career of education. To them, school will bea new experience. But these will find that it is not so fearsome an experience as they may have anticipated. And when schooldays are over, and they have reached the maturity of manhood or woman- hood, they will ok back on their childhood days and sing, just as their taithers and mothers sometisnes do, "School Days, School Days Dear Old Golden .Rule Days" In this Issue of The Times, the parents will find Speci] offerings by Osha merchants of goods 1 and articles essential to the school boy and girl, whether they be starting to school for the first time, | or simply going back for another term. Our readers are invited to study these offerings carefully, | 'and to seize the money-saving opportunities that are placed before them.