Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY ing TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1929 TINBLINFARIY HOLES REUNION - Members from Enniskillen, Oshawa and Other Points . Gather at Hampton " . Enniskillen, August, 28. -- e Tamblyn family met for & Micnic for the first time on Satur- y, Aug. 24 at Hampton park bout -150 gathered to renew old Joauainianees some of long ago, hile others who 'met for the first "THe young folk enjoyed the af- ternoon in races and ball games. Phe clan was represented from Port Hope, Newcastle, Toronto, Woodbridge, Cambray, Lindeay, Victoria Road and locally. The following officers were elected for the coming year as it was voted to make it an annual avent. . President, Mr. Fred Tamblyn, Orono; Secretary, Mr. Philip Bige- low, Toronto; Treasurer, Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono; Sports convenor, Mr, Arthur Tamblyn, Oshawa; Music Convenor, Mr. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono. After: an en- joyable supper, which the ladies provided, the evening was spent in listening to the Orono band, under the leadership of Mr, Milton Tam- blyn, which gave an.opz2 air con- cert to a large crowd who gathered to enjoy the music, which they generously played. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered . to the band by Mr. A. B. Cryderman of Hampton on behalf of the Hamp- ton people who also gathered. "he day was ideal and another reunion is. hoped for next year, Mr. and Mrs. John Tyers, To- ronto, Mrs. Lorne Sanders, Don- ald and Lorna, Bowntanville, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Theo. Slemons. Mr. Chas, Sanders, Win- nipeg is visiting his mother, Mrs. John Sanders and sister, Mrs, Theo Slemon. Mrs. Albert Stainton and son, Clifford, returned to their home in Toronto on Sunday after a month's holidays here. Master Gordon Stev- ens returned with them for a week, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Oshawa, were recent visitors with KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFIC C.P.R, TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1989, (Standard Time) Going West 45 a.m. Daily, .23 a.m, Daily. 8.40 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 4.35 p.m. Daily, » 7.34 p.m. Daily. 3 10.05 a.m. Daily. 2.04 p.m. Daily. 8.0 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 11.10 p.m. Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. . . . All times shown above are times" trains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Stan Time) Eas a.m, Dail Sacept Sunday. a.m, Sunday ly a.m. Daily, p.m. Daily except Sunday. p.m. Daily, \ p.m. Daily except Sunday. p.m. Dail 8.23 8.58 9.59 117 2.32 5.47 9.42 m. m, Daily. prop ---- © 228 Boe ANON NN Pd p.m, Daily. .14 p.m. Sunday only, D. i) .m, Daily, p.m. Daily except Sunday. azure Mr; A. "Beech: 'Mrs. Bonnetta, Margaret and Har- | lunch was served by Mrs. S. Trew- Miss Greta Oke, Bowmanville, and Mr. Cyril Rundle, Bethesda, visited with Mr, Wilfred Sander- 0, School! will commence on Tuea- day, Sept. 3rd, with Miss Reva Mc- Gill in charge of the junior room and Miss M. Dalton in charge of the Continuation Classes. Miss Luella Jeffrey, Scugog Island, is visiting her brother, Mr. Orr Jeffrey. Miss Myrtle Brunt returned home from the west after spend- ing three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Robert Preston. She, with Mr. ; Frank McGill spent Sunday with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levit Brunt, } "'Mrs. 8. Pethick was the lucky winner of a ten-pound ham at the Rotary Carnival, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, E. Darcey and M. Spinks, Blackstock, visited at the home of Mr. Jas. Freeborn re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn visited M. J, Strong, Manchester. Mr, Paul Curtis, Toronto, Rev. G. A. McKenzie, Yarker, Mr, and old visited at the Thos. McGill. Two strong games of football were played by Bnniskillen and Bowmanville at Solina Wednesday and Saturday evenings of last week which both resulted in a tie with ng score for either team. One of our Enniskillen boys had the mis- fortune to have a small bone broken in his nose, Saturday evening. The game was played again on Aug, 28 with the same luck, Not often two teams play four hours with no score in the three games. Mr. and Mrs, John Brown, Miss Olive and Mr, Jim Brown,' Orono and Miss Grace Bragg, visited at home of Mr, You'll be surprised, how quickly and easily! Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings relief to sufferers from! Asthma or Hay Fever, It effectively overcomes irrita-, , tion and permits you to escape from the horror of! sleepless, restless nights, It! relieves the worst cases. Try it and be convinced, Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, Limited Toronto, Canada é D" J.D.KELLOGGS the home of Russell Ormiston re- cently. Mr, and Mrs. W. Tamblyn, Cam- bray visited Mr. and Mrs, James Moorey. Mr. and Mrs, George Clemence, iss Verona and Master Walter Clemence of Stayner visited Mr. W. J, Stainton, The Orono Dramatic Club pre- sented their play "Looking for Mary Jane" in the church shed on Friday evening to an appreciative audience. The play was well given with witty and humorous speeches from start to finish. Miss D. Rowe and Miss Helen Powers sang sweetly several duets, while Mr. Drummond with violin and Miss Dorothy Rowe with cello also favored the audience with musical numbers. Mrs. R. Brown accompanied on the piano. Pro- ceeds amounted to $49.00. Mrs. Elmer Pethick and Howard, Toronto, visited at home of Mr. S, Pethick. Miss Mae Lamb, Bowmanville, is holidaying at her sister's, Mrs. C. Wilson, Nestleton, Rev. H. and Mrs. Wilkinson and family of Consecon are re- newing old acquaintancses in our village. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Jas. Bradley to make ar- son, the are visiting their daughter, W. Ashton, Mrs. a Some farmers are through har- | pital, vest, Fall wheat was a good crop, but peas and oats are very light. Mr, and Mrs, C. N. Tamblyn, Miss Annie Thompson, Miss Flora and Master George McLean, Wood- bridge and Miss' Wilma ' Smith, Oshawa, visited .at Mr. W, J. Stainton"s. : Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm and fam- ily of Nestleton, visited the form- er's sister, Mrs, Sidney Trewin. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Dickinson went to Toronto to visit the form- er's mother who is ill in the hos- CLAREMONT NEWS Claremont, Aug. 26.--Miss Edna Sulman and Miss Stella McCullough have returned from Lakeview Inn, Jackson's Point. Claremont C.P.R., station has been decidedly improved. An ua- dition has been built to the south end of the building. It as been wired and freshly painted, and the approaching driveway has been freshly gravelled. It is an improve- ment which well deserves comment. Miss Hilda Sulman and Mr. Gor- don, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sulman. Miss Peggle and Betty Ferris, of London, are visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. N. F. Tomlinson. Mrs. L. Réid and son, Ivan, of Toronto, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Heinan. Mr. Leonard Pilkey is holidaying in Muskoka. Miss Margaret Hamilton and Migs Elizabsth Smith were in Osn- awa on Sunday. . Miss Margaret Graham and Mr. Nichol, of Toronto, have returned from a motor trip to Mikkoka and other northern points. Mrs. J. Huestid, Miss Margaret and Master John Huestid, of Vas- sar, Mich., are visiting the former's parents, J. H. and Mrs. Beal. Mrs. Chandler, of Toronto, 18 spending a few days with her par- ents, J. H. and Mrs. Beal. Mr, Jos. Boyer, of Detroit, Micn., is visiting his brother, Ira Boyer, and sister, Mrs. J, B. Madill, Mr. and Mrs. B. Parks, of Toron- to, called on Claremont friends vu Sunday. Mrs. Hayes, Mrs, Cassidy and Mr. and Mrs. West, of Ashburn, visited Claremont friends on Sun- day. Mr. Richard Horne made a busi- nes3rip to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, of Tor- onto, are visiting D. A. and Mrs. Scott, and the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Scott, Miss Annie Spaffard has return- ed from a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Efleen Cooper, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Frank and Mrs. Cooper. Mr. Luther Pilkey is erecting a new garage. Masters Stewart and Billie OIli- ver who have been holidaying with friends in the village, have return- ed to their home in Toronto. A heavy electrical storm passed over this vicinity last Thursday evening, but no serious damage re- sulted. Mr. Frank Chidlow made a busi- nes strip to Toronto on Monday. We are glad to see Miss Mary Graham on duty again in the Bank ness. Miss Margaret Graham is visit- ing friends in Toronto this week and attending the Exhibition. The regular services will be con- ducted in the United Church next Sunday, Sept. 1. lan shall have returned from his re- cent vacation. The Ladies' Aid of the United Chureh will meet in the basement of the church on Thursday after- noon at 3 o'clock, Aug. 29th. Miss Jennie Michell, of Toronto Rev. A. MacLel- | of Commerce, after her recent ill- | | { | | { | Condy. Mr. L, McPhail, of the Bank of Commerce, is at his home in Can- nington, on a two months' leave of absence on account of illness. Mr. Gordon Gregg, of Toronto, 'spent the week-end with his par- ents, David and Mrs, Gregg. Miss Clara Neal is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Thos: Neal, Miss Bessie Graham, to, spent the week-end with her parents, J. and Mrs. Graham. Mr. W. and Mrs. Stanbury, of Toronto, have been spenidng thei vacation with T. and Mrs. bury. Mr. daughter, and Mr. Alloway, Madeline, Sunday. Mr. David Happer, of Toronto, { called on Claremont friends on Sat- | urday. A number of tended the game on Saturday even- ing, played between Whitby and | Claremont. The resulting score was 2-0 in favor of Claremont. BEAN 15 WORTH WEIGHT IN GOLD British Farmers Will Plant New Wonder Bean in Spring London.--Scorcs of British farmers will next spring be sowing a bean that is literally worth its weight in gold. It is the wonder hean of the world, { with more uses to its credit than any | other legume or cereal. For human food it provides fresh, hag been holidaying wth Mre. Thos. | condensed, or dried milk, flour for | cultivated in this country. of Toron- | Stan- | and ! of Pickering, | called on J. H. and Mrs. Beal on | foothall fans at- | 12000000 ' people demand Kel- logg's every day--be- cause Kellogg's have a crispness and flavor no other corn flakes can match. They are the 'world's most popular ready-to-eat cereal. CORN FLAKES 4 Have you tried Kellogg's or lunch? for lunc For over 15 years J. L. North, ¢i- rator of the Royal Botannical Gar. dens, experimented with 70 differc:it varieties of Soya bean, sceking ou that would be sown in May and lar- vested in September, and would thus be suitable for this country. Eventually his experiments successful, and it will be. definitely possible for farmers to sccure sui- plies of seed from a well-known firin of seed merchants next year. bread or biscuits, margarine, cheese, a coffee substitute, infants' food, custard powders, salad oil, and soy, the basis of numeroys sauces, while commercially it is used for soaps, paints, enamels varnishes, printing inks, celluloid, rubber substitutes, and glycerine for high explosives. It has behind it a history of 5000 years, but for reasons of climate has never in the past been successfully were ELLA CINDERS--The Bridge of Sighs CAN'T SLEEP! ALL Tcant EAT AMD I Ioo ss WALK THE FLOOR AND WORRY AND_ CURSE THE DAY _ BROKEN UP WITH ELLA! TF ony | HAD THE COURAGE mn Li iif f Reg U S Pa OF Copyright 1920 Hy by Meirapoliun Newspaper Service TO A MAN WHOSE LOVE HAS BEEN BLASTED! A DIZZY RUSH OF AIR-- A, TINY SPLASH--AND ALL 1S FORGOTTEN! NO -- > op 28 A THE MIGHT IS MADE FOR DREAMS, BUT THE DAY 15 MADE FOR DEEDS! EACH DAWN BRINGS NEW HOPE >To MILLIONS! [LL FACE THE A © MUSIC LIKE A Man! Tue wr 3 rangements for the School Fair on Sept. 19th, also quilting. A dainty in's group. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Lindsay, SPECIAL Men's Felt Hats $1.98 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King w. Phone 733w EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: ] The Eyes in Modern Life Featur, BRINGING UP FATHER VLL JUST QUIET SNOQZE IN THE HAMMOCK WHILE MAGGIE 1D O0T SHOPPIN' TAKE A ALL RIGHT: MAGGIE WHAT 00 YOU WANT? WHERE ARE a . Toa A ; S 977 Tht Feature Service, Inc, Great Britain TELLING TOMMY . sueronr W . PENDULUM \ 4 INVENTED BY CHONO, A CHINESE SMITH, IN G Sm bin ot Sooty. ACCORDING TO SCIENTISTS THERE ARE SWE, Olhawe, Bowakiille |: f ABOUT 9000 EARTHQUAKES EVERY YEAR, ; WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Fe 1 B ; TOMMY AN AVERAGE OF ONE AM HOUR 4 t ros LEAVES ITS AUTOGRAPH ON THE SEISMO- 7 he LEADING JEWE {Effective on and after April 28, 1920.) {Daylight Saving Time) | kK GRAPH, BUT MOST OF THEM ARE TRIFUNG. | Sid 4 Leave Leave I~ €. : @ RECORDING LEVER ELECTRIC TIME MARNER TT Sm ASE NE © -y EARTHQUAKES, FORWARD 10 'CEPT BEY * Vl DINNER. ue rN ~ va | Aube | $3 om 74 am, 8.20 a.m, me 9.45 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 1.30 p.m, 2.30 p.m. * 3% p.m, . iu pm, p.m. 7.00 p.m. 8.30 p.m, * 9.45 p.m, 11.00 : 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. if PENDED PENDULUM AHD RECORDS THE EARTH MOVEMENTS ON SMOKED PAPER. THE PEM 15 STATIONARY, THE PAPER @ / MOVES AHD JOTS DOWN THE EARTHS Motion fC 3E DRAGONS 1 THE OLD CHINESE OF- TECTOR, DROPPED METAL BALLS INTO THE FROGS MOUTHS WHEN EARTH QUAKED © 1929 by King Forums Srodenis Ine Gren: Britain rights ig 435 pm. fs i AT iy J.J SEISMOGRAPH IS THE NAME APPLIED TO A MACHINE WHICH WRITES ABOUT OR RECORDS | THE OCCURRENCE .OF AN EARTHQUAKE AND INDI- TATES \T5 FORCE AND DIRECTION. THE NAME (OMES FROM THE GREEK WORDS, SEISMOS, MEAN: G.'AN EARTHQUAKE AND GRAPHEIN, YO WRITE | A PEW OR POINTED INSTRUMENT 15 ATTACHED TO A SUS-, AE 10.55 p.m a L Boys' School Boots All sizes. Special $2.49 DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST. W, Phone 2141 We Deliver OH, YOU KNOW HOW MAC 1S = HE THAT WAS GREAT SCOTT, GIRL! ; CAN ONLY THINK OF ONE YES, THIS (8 TILLIE- YOU MAC, ON ™E WHAT'S KEEPING MAC? HEwas ae BE DOWN RL R A CONFERENCE- MANGE THAT'S HIM ON .-- THE PHONE COLLON'T GET THEM? TRY SOME OTHER STORES - I SIMPLY MUST HAVE THEM TODAY = PHONE JUST NOW, MR. SIMPKINS WHY DIDN'T YOu ASK HIM WHAT TIME HE WAS COMING TO THING AT A TIME! Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner 2a SS Tx stovsi CTH TERN ~ © rude, King Fumutes Synduate, fc _-- ) Street, South.

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