Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Aug 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAIILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1929 and sul bseriptions will be received at the § Office of The Times. Telephones--Office, 5875 SENTATIVERIC AOOO000 NENORIAL CAP Busy- Program Each Day .+» Provides a Variety i... of Recreation . (By Staff Reporter) 'Bowmanville, Aug. 17,~--At the invitation of Mr. Galloway; super- intendent of the boys at Memorial Tnstitute Camp, The Times made 8 tour of 'inspection of their camp at the lake fronf yesterday afternoon. Upon' arrival, The Times reporter waf 'shown round the different buildings on the site. The first cot- tage wds named "The Radio Cot- tage," in remembrance of the fact the subscriptions for the buflding of it were given in answ- er tosansappeal made by-Rev..Dr. McNéll, paktor 'of Walther Road Baptfst Chuféh," Toronto, ovér the radio.. : The other residence on the Praderty; fs called" Peace Cottage. {IThe camp is run' on a regular schedule and the boys respond to the different sports in great style. The riging bell is rung at 7.15 a. * m., and is followed by the fla raising ceremony at 7.20. Break- fast ds at 7.45, and as one of the leaders said. "there are never any missing." After this meal the buys indulge in games, principally basge- bell, football, cricket, volley 'ball, quoits or horse shoes. On wet aays they amuse 'themselves with 'ping pong and other indoor games. At 11 o'clock all go for a dip in the lake, and ft takes more than a cold wind to keep these healthy lads out of the water, The day The Times representa- tive was there, there was a raw wind blowing off the lake and The Times suggested that they would hardly care to go in swimming. Just as he was speaking, a lad of about twelve summers asked one of the leaders if they were going to "hdve a swim this afternoon," and on being told that it would have to be a little warmer before they went in, turned away with a very disap- pointed look upon his well tanned face. At noon there ig no need to can the boys for dinner. They are all there waiting. After this meal af have to take one hour's rest, and many take advantage of the fine library that is in the dining room and spend their leisure hour in reading. In the afternoon most of the time is spent at various sports, including track events, At 4 p.m. (weather permitting) another dip in the cooling waters of the lake is « Friday August 23rd to Saturday September 7th Empire Year, the fiftysfirst consecutive Canadian Nangire Fea: she Sityfrdt « Fourteen days of new terests--an - Supper, which is at 5.30 is followed by a short vespers ser- y ing room. "Khel patty to civaes'. up. fate | tribes, namely, the Iroquois, Crees, Pontiacs, and Sioux, and there is keen rivalry between the different tribes in all the.sporting events. The tribes meet at night under the stars and hold wit the circle prio they have cary @nd have placed at the 1 its there are weiner | ts and er nights are spent in nn the camp where from 4 till dark they are busy me amusing themselves bedtime comes are for a perfect night's sleep. . As stated yesterday this camp fs run by -the Memorial Institute of Toronto, and the boys who save théir nickels and dimes all through the long winter pay their own SHpeties, The camp breaks up on Friday, August 23, and many an Interesting time Is in store for the boys between the present time and the closing day. I ---------------- BANK MANAGER 15 LEAVING TOWN D. L. Weese Has Been Trans- ferred to Milverton (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Aug. 17.--Mr, D, L. Weese, manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce in Bow- manville, has received notice that he is to be transferred to. Milver- ton. Mr. Weese, who has been in this town for the past two years, will be greatly missed, as during the comparatively short time that he has resided here he has' maae innumerable friends and is very popular with the tradesmen of the town, Citizens, although sorry to see him go, wish him success and continued prosperity in his new managerial position. Mr. Weese will be succeeded here by Mr, A. W. Crawford of Brantford who commences his duties on Monday, August 26th. The departure of Mr. Weese will not however be till about Sept. 1, which will give his many friends and acquaintances ample time to bid him goodbye. HIGH SCHOOL TEAM WON NICE GAME Colmar Pitched Nice Ball, and Students Won 10 to 4 (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Aug. 17.--~The stu- dents are tearing along at a great rate in the local town softball lea- gue. Last evening they took the Front Street crew into camp and handed them a 10 to 4 defeat. I'he High School boys broke out into an early lead, crossing the plate four tinres in the first frame. Hit- ting was tame compared to other games in the same league, none of the hits going for extra bases. Snappy fielding on the part of both teams cut off many chances. Colmer, pitching for the stud- ents, pitched a nice steady gamc end had all kinds of support. Ad- ams, pitching for the Front Street times, and was quite liberal in fis- suing free tickets to the first bag. James on second for Front Street, was pulling off some great catches throughout with several shoestring snares. The students may be considerab- ly smaller than their opposition in size, but when it comes to playing softball, they are right in there. The score by innings was as fol- lows: High School 401 020 120-10 I'ront Street 200 010 001- 4 The line ups were: High School--Cryderman, c¢; H. Colmer, p; D. Williams, 1b; A. Os- borne, 2b; K. Osborne, 3h;'L. Wil- liams, 8s; Gunn, If; C. Osborne, rf; G. Colmer, cf. : Front St.--Candler, ¢c; Adams, p; Culley, 1b; James, 2b; @ole, 3b; Bates, ss; 'Williams, 1f; Oke, rf; Cancilla, cf. FOOTBALL CLUB IS READY FOR FINALS boys, was inclined to be wild at || ing the robbery and collecting fur- ther evidence. Kent was arrested by Toronto police recently on a charge. of vag- rancy and it was found that a large Quantity of stolen goods was stored at his home. Some of the goods are thought by the police to have been stolen from the local freight sheds, and '- hence the rges here. The accused man is said to have a bad record with a umber of convetions and has been known 'by as many as ix names, by the police. MRS. SHIRES IRECOVERING g i (By ; Bowmanville, Aug.' Shires wite of the rector of St, Jos Anglican, Ehuteh,, who. a seriously in an accident at Kingston® last week is reported. to keep progressing favorably, Mr. Shires is aldo improving. and the wound on his head has healed enough for him to remove the bandages. Their many friends. in Bowmanville wish them a complete and speedy recovery. WON SHOOTING PRIZE (By Staff Reporter) = Bowmanville, Aug. 17,--Con- gratulations to Mr. Fred Hockett, who recently received from the army council at Ottawa a prize in recognition of his fine shooting on the ranges at the summer camp at Barriefield, Kingston. Mr, Hock- ett 1s goal tender on the Bowman- ville football team. BODY OF OSHAWA WOMAN IS FOUND (Continued from page 1 Provincial Constable Taylor arrived at the same spot. Barlier in the afternoon they had gone out In a launch' but as it was fairly rough they decided to take the car along the shore a piece and then walk along making use of a powerful set of field glasses, Body Found on Shore They had walked along the edge of the cliff searching the shore but had not been able to make any dis- covery. They decided to walk along the shore and it was then that they found the body. Going up to the farmhouse they were told that Bland had notified the police at Bowmanville. A visit to the beach was made by Acting Chiet McGee and Detective Sergeant H, Flintoff, the police mak- ing the trip on the lake in a boat owned by Frank Cager, of Lakeview Thousands Now Ent (Bushs A Delightful Breakfast Foped Park. An ambulance had been or dered and under the dir of the police the of Mrs. Beckwith were brought Parlors. Identification was made by Robert Beckwith husband of the de ceased woman. E ure Showed Expos When the body was recovered yes terday it is said to have been lying on the dry gravel of the beach at the foot of a thirty foot cliff about ten feet from where the waves were beating upon the shore. It was on the landward side of a rather large stone which was holding it there. The body showed considerable signs of to the. sun and water and was almost wholly clothed. x One Still Missing * 'The lake has now given up three of the four persons who left Lake- view Park in a rowboat that Monday never to return alive. On the foll morning the bodies of Mrs. Bdwin Gomme: and Baby 'Beckwith were located floating close to the shore and about two miles east of thé Tocal harbor. The upturned row- boat was also discovered feating the manner in which the members _| of the party ~had gone to their ths. So far no trace has been nd of the body of Walter Stape- ley but with the finding of Mrs. Beckwith the search has been re newed with increased vigor. The provincial police have been interested in the hunt for the miss- ing people and their activities in this connection have been under the di- rection of Inspector Edward Stringer. The city police and the fire de partment have of course taken a leading part in the search and al- ways held hope for the recovery of Mrs. Beckwith and Stapeley. Wm. Barnhart, proprietor of Lakeview Park pavilion and former employer of Stapeley has never ceased in his efforts to locate the bodies and since the night of the tragedy has made motorboat trips almost daily to the spot where 18 is thought the drown- ings may have occurred. ashed Up in Storm A severe storm which raged on the lake all day Thursday is thought to have been responsible in washing the body on to the beach, Mrs. Beck- with had probably drifted several miles eastward. No Inguest ' "Death was probably caused by drowning," Coroner Dr. F. J. ,Run- dle stated to The Times this morn ing. Dr. Rundle had examined the body in the Luke Burial Parlors last night and this morning released it for burial. "Will there be an inquest?" The Times asked. "No," replied Dr. Rundle. "Not un- less we find further evidence, I still maintain that an inquest could be of no value unless there is evidence available. I am waiting for develop- ments." The funeral of the late Mrs, Beck- with is being held at two o'clock this afternoon from the Luke Burial Par- lors, King street east, interment to be in the Urlion Cemetery. Ignore the story which can not be made funny without profanity or ob- scenity, the Luke Burial} You cannot I N fact, you can't think of the Pontiac Big Six in terms of other cars of its price , . Simply because Pontiac presents big car value at small car cost. Here are big car lux- ury of appointments . . the solid ease of the roomy interior . . such comfort as only a big car can give Jou . « the gare and elegance of a ig car revealed in every line of the Body by Fisher. > Test Pontiac's real big car perfor- mance. Experience the power of the big six engine with GMR High- compression Cylinder Head. Learn you! - match these about the Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers be gd x to your riding comfort; the Internal. expanding Four-wheel Brakes . . and all the other great advancements in engiheering and design now em bodied in Pontiac for the first time in the low-priced field. Check appearance for appearance add immeasurably for performance. You cannot match these big car feas tures 'at or near Pontiac price. A trial ride will prove g revelation to Pe17-8-298 Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan Moffatt Motor Sales, Ltd. 88 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Phone 915 1T'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wesod Yard, [hone Ushawa 224 Whitby 13 BY EXPERT MECHANICS | 01d floors finished like new storm windows, combinatiov doors. General Contractor» | B. W. HAYNES | HARDWOOD FLOORS LAD 161 King St. W. Phone 81, residence 180r2, Own GREATEST/ SATISFACTION Practically every line of busi Ad acquainted with the various LUMBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK. COMPANY LIMITED 25 Albert Street Phones 280 & 157. Ce beyond comparison . . ; impressive-- (By Staff Reporter) mess is represented in this di- Bowmanville, Aug. 17.--The rectory--a handy reference for Bowmanville: football club that is in the finals for the cup is to be seen each night hard at practice at the High School grounds. The teat Is very optimistic and feel sure that the cup will again be theirs for a year, Their opponents in the final will be Enniskillen and the game is scheduled for the 21st of this month. Great interest is be- ing shown in the game locally and it is expected a good crowd will be on hand to view this game that promises to be a battle royal. GEORGE KENT WAS REMANDED T0 JAIL Man Being Held For Trial on Charges of Burglary '(By Staff Reporter) Whitby, August 17---George Kent, of Toronto, who appear- ed before Magistrate J. E. Willis in police court yesterday af- ternoon on chares of theft, was remanded in custody at the request of the crown. until Thursday, Aug. 22nd. Kent is charged with break- ing into the local C.P.R. station and freight sheds and for steal- ing goods from the same. The re- mand was made in order to give Chief Gunson and the railway de- tectives more time 'in investigat- wonders . . . of novel, variegated in tacle of educati Y . tue, Industry, sport, music, art and science, To Here Are a Few Empire Year Features Opening of the new $1,000,000 Automotive Building V. A. Henry INSURANCE 3} Simcoe St. 8. Phones 1198W--Oftice | W. J.SARGANT 1858) --Residence Yard---89 Bloor Street K. Orders romp PHONE 22 ree For Your Drug Needs : THOMPSON'S ~S70RE FOR RENT | Cosy Brick Cotiage 10 Smmcoe Mn. 5.-We Deliver | - 4i 9 Prince SI. Apply 5 Rooms--all conveniences ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. Oak floors, worth $4,000. Very central. Three Thou- 185 King Street West, Oshawa. Phone 1160 sand will buy if you have $1100 Cash. DISNEY Opposite Post Office. Phone 1550 business houses. : Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 List Your Firm in the "Times" COAL COAL Business Directory! Phone 193 Carnival of the Clouds and National Aircraft Show. Wh CNE.-Wrlgley Marathon Swim in two events--Friday, August 28 (women) and Wednesday, August 28 (open) for $50,000 purse ~ world Sn championship, Insplring: dally concerts by the Goldman and other famous bands. Four concerts by the 2,000-volce Exhibition Chorus--August 24 and 29, | lines ' September 8 and 7 Stupendous military and naval grand stand spectacle, *Britannia's Muster" IF WANTING INSURANCE of any kind Real Estate or money on other than frame houses me to serve you J. 'H. R. LUKE Rages Theatre 3 . Bor $125,000 Agricultural Prize List, Trotting and Pacing Races and $5,000 Futurities. ernational sport program on land and. water, featuring Conada's ol Pe Hack Teer. EP RA. regalta, and a ni races. i i ns for Exhibition Chorus, Coliseum, and E INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER + COOL IN SUMMER Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 161 King St. W. "hone 1214 The church service on Sunday last was conducted by Rev, Mr. Bunner of Bowmanville. Next Sunday, Aug. 18, there will be no service here, but the following Sunday Rev. Mr. Haig from Agincourt will conduct the ser vice. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Clugston, is spending his holidays at Meaford. in Front of the Grand Stand, Should be Made Now. STAND SPECTACLE -- EXHIBITION . Asnigsion, 25¢; Reserved SEUM--General CORY Sn, oo 3 3 Boxes, $1.50, Ground Floor, 75¢; Box Seats, $1 Moodey's, 47 King St. W., Toronto, or Canadian National . Exhibition. " . osTmisyvED BY ED RAILROAD. STEAMSHIP,' For Better Values tn Cou Ins NS Brn TORTS DIAMONDS OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED THOMAS BRADSHAW, H. W. WATER ADSIAY, BV. WATERS ik Ge Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms 23%; Simcoe St North Hundreds of yeuple wear Hare's Faultioss Lenses ONE GOCD REASON "Alice is a girl that could have married anvbody she pleased." "Then why is she still single?" "She never pleased anybody."-- Pele Mele, Paris, 4

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