Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Aug 1929, p. 16

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1g igston-- Is open for engage- 4 , The boys have received bei i uniforms 2 are getting ready or 'the full its e on 'street near ollege of Art, is being and Bo progress is being made, ; Paving Going t Hopes The' 3 Secs for ving 'work are fQing rk will : Ws 1s in full swing. os 3 why 3 go the General Hospital, is now at the home of his son, Ald. Marle Ward, and is doing nicely, his many friends will be glad to learn. x; Froritenac Crops ston.--In Frontenac grain cut. Straw is ve: dont, but grain is fairly well fill cld will be light. Same barley has been, threshed and will run about 25 to 30 bushels per acre. Demolish Bridge - Port Hope --Workmen are engaged the rapidly and soon the re beion in full force," Citixens will they see some fest syst ic pav- ing 'going.' forward... Give Guns Coat of Paint Bn. -- The two German ca- nofi§ which decorate the armouries niear the north entrance ate re- g a coat of paint, not however bef re it was necessary, e new coat will add to the appearance of these warfare weapons. w North End Won Kingston, -- In an exhibition game p ed at the Cricket Field, North nd defeated Brockville Aces by the score of 13 to. 5. The game was well-played despite the wet' condi- tion; rr the field and the spectators were treated to some snappy play- ing. # Buy Fire Apparatus Brockville. -- The Cornwall town council has -decided to purchase a fon motor fire pumper manu- factured by Bickle, mounted upon a Studebaker chassis at a total cost of $6,114, 'an allowance being made for a Ford hose truck which is being Bal by the department. Is Doing Nicely Kingston.-- Mr, Arte Ward of Harrowsmith, who, as the result of 1 most unfortunate accident a short time ago had his leg amputated at QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 To make the finest Dill or Sweet Pickles is only short space of time when you use our Dill Pickle Mixture. Everything prepared cold. the matter of a or Sweet Simply add the pickles to fi the mixture is all that is . necessary. { Dill Pickle Mixture 35c Sweet Pickle Mixture 35¢ Sold only at Rexall Stores Jury &Lovell King St. E. Simcoe St. § Phone 28 Phone 68 ling to his records. an average of 112 births per annum | have been in demoli the t- bridge across 'the Factory Creek at Co- bourg on the Provincial . Highway. Last spring the bridge started to sag, and a temporary structure was erected, Has Record for Births Brockville--During the fifty years of his professional practice in Corn- wall which were concluded. recently Dr, C..J.. Hamilton brought at least 5,600 babies into the world, accord- He assisted at and was present at as many as five births in one day. Zealous Students Peterboro.--A curious sight was: to be witnessed at the Collegiate Insti- tute yesterday afternoon. On the steps of the main entrance. on Mc- Donnel street three boys sat with open books in their laps to all ap- pearances studying. Whether they were acting in mute protest to the closing of schools during the sum- mer months or merely anticipating the fall opening was not ascertained. Slippery 'Roads Peterboro. -- Motorists attending the Serpent Mounds regatta yester- day experienced some very difficult roads before arriving on the scene of the sports. The final part of the road from Keene to the lake is mere- ly a clay trail and the heavy down- pour made it as slippery as a waxed floor. The lower part became so bad that finally automobiles were de- toured through the fields to the lake shore. Gathering Evidence Kingston. -- Provincial Constab- les Clubbe and Franks have been at Black Rapids and Singleton Lake se- curing evidence to be offered in the case of Frederick Cain, who is now being held in Toronto, on a serious charge against a young girl. it will be remembered, was placed onder arrest here several weeks ago by the local police. Our Lady of the Snows Peterboro--~Whether the recent cold spell in the summer month of August, or whether some American tourist has been misinformed as to the climatic condition of Canada, it is unknown, but nevertheless this fact remains certain that an Ameri- can roadster was seen going up George street this morning with a pair of skiis in the rumble seat of the small car. New Uniforms Peterboro.--The new 'uniforms of the Peterborough Bus Lines, are on display at the Tip: Top Tailors and, they have a very neat and attractive appearance. The material and style is similar to last year with the addi- tion of a Sam Browne belt. Gold let- tering forming the words Peterboro Bus Lines, over the pocket lend an additional attractiveness to the umi- forms. Flowers on Display Peterboro.--A display of gladioli and sweet peas in connection with the annual competition of the Peter- borough Horticultural Society is to. be seen in the window of the south Teco store on George street. These have been entered for judging from all parts of the County of Peterbor- ough. Among the specimens of gla- dioli are some special seedlings that developed by George Clarke and Al. Spencely of this city. Daring Robbery Peterboro.--The. Keene robbers have nothing on the Peterborough hold up men who execute their get- | away. and take their spoil in the broad daylight. A confectionery store on George street reports that Travel The King's Highway "DAILY COACH SERVICES OSHAWA ~~ TORONTO FARE~85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA (Eastern Standard Time) 6.00 a.m., and 6.30 a.m, daily except Sunday 7.30, a.m. and every hour on the half-hour till 9.30 p.m. 10.00 p.m. Sunday only. Leave OSHAWA EAST ten minutes earlier. LEAVE TORONTO (Eastern Standard Time) 6.20 a.m. daily except Sunday. 7.30 a.m. and every hour on the half-hour till 10.30 p.m. I Coach connections 'at Toronto for Newmarket, Barrie, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Orillia, Muskoka 'Wharf, Shel Huntsville, Alliston, Brampton, Orangeville, burne, Hamilton, Brantford, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate . Coach connections at Buffalo for all U.S.A. points. Prince St. "OSHAWA Telephone 2825. Cain: THE OSHAWA DAIILY TIMES, SATURDAY, A" 17,1929 th taking ways, lift- gum 'box, which 'is no small inket, from its place outside of the . Not only that, but even the WS that held it were removed re the box was taken, and the dence left of this automatic Vv machine is three small screw y, on in_the store front, Drag Hit and Run Driver le Knocked down by a ¥ speed ng car near Farran's Point a ts ago; William "McMillan, A ona taxicab driver, was drag- ged for 40 feet under the car, which id not stop.. His clothing was torn to ribbons and he suffered numerous bruises and lacerations for which he is receiving treatment in a Cornwall hospital. At the time of the accident McMillan was engaged in making re- pairs to another car which had crash- ed into a tree beside the road. Has Narrow Escape Brockville--When his fast out* board motorboat capsized in the Rapide du Plat, west of Morrisburg, afew days RA Sidney Cole, of Wed- dington, N was thrown into the Unable to swim a stroke he was ket on the surface by the air- filled waistcoat which he is required by law to wear and was thus able to reach the Canadian shore, towing his boat, where he collapsed; com-= pletely exhausted," Medical aid was procured from Morrisburg and he quickly recovered, Died 'of Poisoning Brockville. -- A coroner's jury in- vestigating. the case of Ernest Ma- loney, found dead in his mother's home at' Carleton Place, brought in a verdict stating that his death had been due to alcohol and. wintergreen poisoning, An analysis of the stom- ach made by the provincial analyst ------ Hawed {hat both alcoho] an mes] 1 iate were. sent. Friors, relatives of Ma test that he was in the habit of drin' g almost anything that he could ct and Roy Maloney explained that c¢ | lotion composed of -alcohol and . o-. thyl saicyiate had been obtained bv | him for use on an injured hand and had been left by him on a shelf, whence it had disappeared. It was labelled "for external use only' dy i Brodube Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE 'foronto wholesale dealers are offering pro. duce to retail dealers at the following pri- Green beavs, 11. qt. ree peas, Plums, doz. Gooseberrics. 6 6 ERns=Fresh extras, in cartons, 42: {resh | Cherries, sour, 6 at. 'Last Word in Car Line loose, 40c: firsts, Tc: seconds. Zc Peterboro.--A unique little contrap- Lh , prints, No. tion was seen fearing down Reidf? hg iy or 7% 20. to Ze: twin. 20.12 coo~cown SFEARRER TORONTO HAY AND STRAW "HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now Is The Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With ' That Good Jeddo Coal - Solvay Coke And All Other Good Fuel street at' an amazing clip yesterday | (0 a 1:2; oripleta; io 2: stiltons. 7c. afternoon. It was a miniature auto- | Old large, Zc; twins, 29 1.2: triplets and mobile with its owner and creator | cut; Zc: old stiltons. toi I proudly seated at the wheel, Un-J Chickens, 5 Kke_the usual erude Artempls, | of ol Do., 4 to tle boys to copy real autos in de- signing. their toys, this had a com- Hanae ores § ils, pleteness of . design that evinced a spark of genius in its builder. Tt even had four spark plugs up in front, and would have had more if the hood had been longer. It seem- ed for a time that the car was pro- pelled by its own 'power, but this | Eggs, extras. per dozen point was cleared up when the young- Ds ar per Jouen erenies ster suddenly jumped out and give it | Butter, dairy, © oan a 'push to keep it going and then jumped back info it to enjoy 'the fruits of his efforts. Toronto wholesale hay and straw dealers are he to farm- ers (deli No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 d Nominal q T, )z Lower grades Wheat straw .. Oat straw geznnny asgrwas Ducklings CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Aug. 16.--A softening spot market and bearish reports of storage movements brought December butter futures down $48 a car on the Chicago Mercantile exchange tc- day. August fresh futures weré down un equal distance. In spite of heavier receipts + eg egg futures held their previous le- vel, jeflecting steady spot situation but in relatively J turnover, Open ie enor cbier eggs, old, 133; November eggs, new, 1,957; August but- ster, 4; December butter 710. Two markets receipts-- Butter today, 23,- 314; last year, 17,305. Eggs today, 28,144; last year, Chicago spot "market--Butter, extras, 42 1.2c; tone, easy; standards, 42c, Eggs, firsts 34 to 34 1.2c; tome, steady. New York spot market-- Butter, extras, 43 1.2c; tone, steady. Eggs, firsts, 34 to 34 1.2; tone, firm, Street stocks--Butter today, 113,469; last year, 103,812, Eggs, today, 130,027; last year TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET " The tollowing re duatations, Jetail, in ef ect on the St. 8 3 P awrence market, oronto Beets, doz. Onions, A negro woman walked into an in- | Do. 6 surance office 'and asked whether | Cauli they Seat, in as insuratice Wh S$ "We do," a clerk replied. "What | | y POUR: do you want insured?" Head Iettuee, hr Jor "Mah husband." Potatoes, bag "Then you don't want fire insur- Curumbers, 3 for .. ance," smiled the clerk, as he reach- | Cress. hres for. SRBIERE Fuss on bal pia on FOR THE BUILDER Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime And Building Material DIXON COAL AND SUPPLIES Telephone 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES 123,211. Movement at ten markets--Butter, net in, 421,006; last year, met in, 370,005. Eggs, net out, 6,909; lasy year, net out, 7,4%, ed for another application. "What | Celery, per bundle you want is a life insurance policy." Oranges, oe Sozen "No. Ah don't!" exclaimed the hing Ea at woman, "Ah wants fire insurance. | Bananas, per dozen Mah husband's been fired fo' times, to 35c lower bulk; $12.35; 210 to 250 Ibs., EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK to $10, Rhubarb, 3 bunches . East Buffalo, Aug. 16.--Hogs--Receipts, 3,- steady, cutter grades, $5 to $7.75; Apples, 6-at. basket . f » in de las' two weeks. New potatoes, peck .. 100; holdovers, 300 market slow unevenly IS light weight bulls, $7.50 to $8.25. 150 to 200 Ibs., $12.25 to $11.25 to $11.90: to 130 Ibs., $11.75 to $12; packing sows, $9.50 Cattle--Receipts, 250; mostly reactor cows, common > Calves ~Receipts 600; vealers steady, weigh. ty kinds slow: good to choice, $17.50 to §I3 Sheep--Keceipts, 1,000; holdovers, 600; "fat lambs fairly active steady: others draggy tending to lower; good and choice natives, mostly to $14; throwouts and mixed lots, $11 to $11.75; ewes, 36.9 to #7. 110 TO YOU Total ... poy With 4 Premiums Retail Price . Factory Price Saving to You i= 7 Tube All Electric RADIO SALE | Will Soon Be Closing ONLY A FEW MORE OF THESE RADIOS TO RELEASE AT THESE PRICES AND TERMS. IF YOU WERE AWAY ON YOUR HOLIDAYS WHEN OUR PREVIOUS ADD APPEARED YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE THE WELL KNOWN 7 Tube Westin a New ouse Radios Built in illiams Cabinet $3.00 a "Week SAVING TO YOU ALL RADIOS COVERED BY OUR USUAL GUARANTES RADIO MAGAZINE STAND No Interest Charge YOUR CHOICE OF 4 -- Valuable Premiums With Each Radio -- 4 FRE THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A 7 TUBE ALL ELECTRIC === CABINET RADIO EQUIPPED WITH A MAGNO - DYNAMIC SPEAKER COMPLETE WITH YOUR CHOICE OF FOUR OF THESE VALU- ABLE PREMIUMS AT $165.00--A SAVING OF $89.50. Free -- RADIO CLOCK RADIO BENCH FREE RADIO END TABLE FREE STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE wra Electric Shop 70 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | RADIO SMOKER FREE OSHAWA

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