THE OSHAWA DAIILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST | 7,1929 Abia, won ds 0 bn id te Wl OB, Dens So . next the post office,~<Telephone 434. REPRESENT ATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN "BOWLING TOURNEY HELD AT HOSPITAL} g a Kieran Won The Highest Honors of Event "(By Staff Reporter) ..... Whitby, ~ August 17. -- Five rinks of the Whitby bowling club were entertained by the © hospital bowling club at the latter's greens on Thursday evening. A fit- , ney tournament was run off and played under the plus system "hich included three draws and the high , Scores. to count. . Those who fig- ured in the prize list include Mr. J. J. Kiernan who won the highest 'honors, Mr. Wm. Correll who was awarded the second prize, Mr, J. M. *Hicks the third, Robert Anderson the fourth and Rey. Lindsay the fifth, For the third prize three contestants were tied which made necessary an extra round to decide the winner, The local bowlers who attended . were well pleased 'with the even- ing's entertainment and report a decided improvement in the Hospi- tal bowling greens since they play- ed _ on them a month ago. The Whitby bowling club intend to en- tertain' the hospital bowlers next Thursday evening. + ANY ENTRIES FOR 7/BOWLING TOURNEY r (By" Staft Reporter) : 'Whitby, August 17.--A large {'mumber of entries have been receiv- ,@d by the executive of the bowling {club for the tournament to be 'held {von Saturday, August the 24th. The ;iplans for the affair are well under sway, The tournament will consist Lat three games and will be operat- i #d under the plus system, while "four sets of prizes will be award- fed. The draw is to take place at iene o'clock sharp in order that the i Bude may not be too late in play- fing. ' A, F. AND A. M. PICNIC {"" Whitby, Aug. 17.--The arrange- (ments have been made for the pic. # mic of the Composite lodge, No. 30, 'VA F, & AM. which will be held at Frenchman' s Bay on Wednesday fsust the 21st. A good program f sports is to be run off commenc- g 'at 2.30 and a fine time is ex- i pected for all the members who attend. = PROTEST MADE OF SOFTBALL GAME (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Aug. 17.--At a meeting of the Deanery of the Anglican churches of the 'district held re- cently at Dunbarton, a soft ball tournament was staged, in which the "Sea-Fleas™,6 of the town league, were successful in winning out. The promised prize, however, has not been presented due to a protest made by the vanquished team, of St. George's parish, Osh- awa, that they were, forced to play without one of their regular play- 'ers and a substitute had been used. The "Sea-Fleas", however, feel that the prize was fairly earned and are mot anxious to replay the game, GRAVEL PIT OFFER HAS BEEN ACCEPTED Will Pay $1,000 For lis Share of The Property (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, August 17.--The offer of $1,000, which was made by the town council some time ago as the purchase price for one half of the gravel pit, has been accepted by the township council.. The initial pay- ment of $250 will be made early in September and the balance of .the price during the first part of next year. 'The gravel pit is situated on the Heard farm just North of the town and was bought by the township from the department of highways about a year ago. Whithy's division of the gravel pit is estimated by engineers to contain approximately 50,000 cu- bie yards of gravel which is valued at five cents per cubic yard, which would amount to $2,600. The divi- sion of the pit is to be made by Donovan and Smith, Ontario land surveyors of Oshawa, The pit when originally: owned | by the department of highways was estimated at about four acres. Since then considerable gravel has beens used by the highway depart- ment as well as the township and the town. It is estimated, how= ever, that the pit still contains some three acres of gravel. There is a new danger in aviation novradays. An aviator coming down on a field after making a new record is liable 10 collide with others just starting out to break it.--Judge. DATE FIXED FOR JAMES INQUEST] Inquiry Into Fatal Accident To Be Held on August 22 (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, August 17.--Thursday, August the 22nd, has been set as the date for the inquest to be held into the death of Charles F. James, a Toronto man who died as a re- sult of a motor accident on the Kingston highway near Dunbarton on the night of July 29. As a vre- sult of the crash, Dr. Oscar Ranta of Pittsburg, the driver of the car in which James was riding, has been charged with criminal negli- gence and released on bail of $10,- 000. Dr. McGillivray of Whitby, the coroner, has charge of the inquest while Crown Attorney McGibbon of Oshawa laid the charge and set the bail. Dr. Ranta will have to ap- pear before the magistrate on Mon- day and renew, the bail. FOOTBALL TEAMS PLAYING TO-NIGHT (By Staff Reropter) Whitby, August 17.--Both: of the local football teams. are sched- |. uled to play out of town games to- night. The Whitby hospital team are playing at Claremont, while the town aggregation meet Brook- lin on their own grounds. The game at Brooklin fs important as the town team is near the top of the league and a win for them sus- tains their position, while a loss woilld darken the chances of en- tering the play off. Both teams are playing good football and it is expected they will be accompanied by large crowds of their respective followers to the games tonight. ° Head-on Crash Injures Two (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Ont., Aug. 17.--Char- les Conley, 32. and George Tim- mons. Sandwich received critical injuries today when their automo- bile collided head-on with an Am- herstburg interurban car in Sand- wich. They are in Grace hospital. PRODUCED BY MSLAUGHLIN-BUICK BODY BY FISHER GUARANTEES OF EXTRA : PRICED AT $1220 AND uP ON et. "Ask your dealer about 4 fio ei oy gl] whch Bri a ogc o MOTORS Lian" HA.24-8.298 field "PRODUCED by MeLaughiin- Buick"--only the Mar- Quetis in the moderate-price recommendation. Everywhere is the unstinted goodness that has forever established Mec- Laughlin-Buick in the public mind as a master builder--to provide extraordinary brilliance in performance, unfailing de- pendability in service, and un- limited satisfactionin ownership. On its staunch and sturdy chassis the Marquette carries VALUE can offer that priceless beautiful closed Bodies by _ 'Fisher -- "the last' word in ~~ modern. good taste. Tailoring .. . "and appointments of exceptional quality and completeness. And such value features as: a new non-glare windshield, adjustable driver's seat. See and drive the Marquette. Check every feature, make every test. The Marquette is easy to own. You will be sur- prised at how economically you can buy a Marquette on the liberal GMAC Terms, * 1 zone, Cuamrion's exclu- sive sillimanite insulator is practically impervious to carbon and oily deposits. Special analysis electrodes re- sist pitting and burning to the utmost. That is why Champions: excel in service. Caamrion SPARK PLUGS Windsor, Ont. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT J other incident . OSHAWA'S OLDEST CITIZEN 94 TO-DAY (Continued from page 3) house, splits her own wood, and prides herself on her erect carriage, maintained through years of activity. Never Worries Mrs. Pike has no recipe for old age. She says of Herne, however, that she has taken no medicine in 34 years. A strong will has enabled her to ovefcome many obstacles, and to force herself to steer a straight course that led to longevity and an enjoyment of life. She never en- tertains worry in any form, which has also probably been no small factor " lengthening her years, An Interesting Study The pictures on the iy of 'Mrs, Pike's home make an interesting study. She has portraits of all of the kings and queens of England during her lifetime; from Queen Vic- ) Abandonment of Radial | . Line Through Scarboro ' | Again Subject of Rumor| og 17=The possibility indoning the radial ling -east 'from: *Bi Cliff to West Hill is being freely discussed. in the township and a definite pronounce~ ment is being. eagerly awaited by residents. in the eastern. communities along' the line. Scarboro, Aug. of the T.T.C. a which is now the eastern terminus of the first In that year the Scarboro Township Council upon receiving an application to extend. the "line east- ward to Highland Creek, enacted a by-law granting that privilege , to the Toronto and Scarboro, Electric Rail- way, together yo "futher rights, : franchise and authority" as set forth in an agreement made with the town- ship that year. . Another by-law was passed, assenting to the company ac- quiring. lands in Scarboro for the purposes set forth in the Street Railway 'Act, At present the line operates on a single - track from Birch Cliff to West Hill on a zone system of tariffs. Questioned i mn reference to the out- look for this line, Redman, Township Solicitor, said that the situation was a very. complicated one when the 1904. franchise was granted and was still: an open question in MUSKOKA--LAND OF CLEAR ' SKIES Now that your summer holidays are close at hand you are no doybt anticipating at least two weeks of leisure somewhere in the Muskoka district where the warm lazy wa- ters refresh one. replenish flagging energies--a ver- itable paradise for the vacationist. athing, canoeing, sail and motor boating, while steamer trips through beautiful lakes clustered with miniature islands are both novel and invigorating.' Tennis, lawn "bowling 'and , golfing most everywhere, Dancing of course, in the cool of the" evening, for those who choose. The line of the Canadian Pacific to Bala. gives very convenient ser- vice then a short boat ride brings you to any one of the numerous comfortable hotels located in this summer. playground. Any Canadian Pacific agent will gladly furnish literature.on the. va- rious resorts and hotels in Mus- koka on request. | Until 1904 the line only ran as far {as the Half Way House, Just the: place to. many respects. Alihough the original franchise had expired, the rights to run the railway were still being exer- cised. Giving his personal opinion Mr, Redman thought that it could be terminated .by either side giving pro- per notice. The fact that it had been contin- ued beyond the five-year period did not necessarily imply a renewal of the franchise. "Despite some advan- tages which buses. might have," he stated, "railway engineers consider that in the long run the rail system will win out." Until the Township Council took some stand he was not in a position to explore the possibili- ties of the situation in Scarboro. So far that body had received no noti- fication from the T.T.C. or the City of Toronto of any intention to aban- don the radial line between Birch Cliff and West Hill. PAJAMAS INVADE SARASOTA GOLF LINKS Sarasota, Fla., Aug. 16.--Paja- (mas, that flimsy, vari-colored uni- form of exponents of sartorial com- fort, has gone a step further tnan its threat against trousers, pants or '| whdt 'have you, and has given no- tice to knickers. First suggestion of menace to the common garb of the golf links --which itself had gained some reputation for comfort in bygone days--was evinced when Mayor E. J. Bacon and three other promin- ent Sarasotans appeared on the Bobby Jones municipal course with silken nightwear fluttering in the breeze while a large gallery cheer- ed their efforts. No official notice was taken of the attire of the ' mayor and the other members of the foursome, Dr. J. R. Scully, Dr. A. 0. Morton and Dr. J. E, Harris, When inter- viewed their only response was, "We believe in comfort" HERO BY PROXY Two little boys came into the den- tist's office One said to the dentist: "I want a tooth took out, and I don' 't want no gas because I'm in a hurry." Dentist--That's a brave little boy, Which tooth is it? Little Boy--Show him your teoth, "Albert--Texas Ranger, RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good NOTICE The Kinsmen Club of Oshawa wish to have it tho- roughly understood that every precaution will be taken to guard against 'mishaps on Monday, Aug- ust 19, in connection with the Kiddies' Karnival, but cannot be held resvonsible legally if an acci- dent should occur. Dave Fowler Chairman of Kinsmen Kiddies' Kamival oo Child Drowned By Big Wave (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man., Aug, 17.--Ven- turing into the rough waters of Lake Winnipeg 11-year-old Allison Ovis, of Winnipeg, was knocked down by a high wave at Victoria Beach, local summer resort, and drowned late Friday. No mere man can ever understand why a woman will pay five dollars for a pair-of stockings that give the impression that she isn't wearing stockings.--Arkansas Gazette. Form your habits wisely for your habits form you. PERMIT THE OFFICERS OF "THE CONFEDERATION" TO BE YOUR HOSTS The tried ang true personnel of "The Confederation' take pride and pleasure in ever serving its guests in a courteous, attentive and cheerful manner. Master railway car constructors have put their all into the equip- ment of "The Confederation' -- even to the latest in radio receiv- ing sets, make for the ideal in trav- el comfort. "The Confederation" leaves To- ronto for Vancouver daily at 9.00 P.M. (standard time), serving en route Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Jasper. Information, reservations, etc. from any Agent of Canadian Na- tional Railways. a toria. down. A complete collection of pictures of the McLaughlin fam- ily of this, city, which did so much for Oshawa by establishing the Mc- Laughlin carriage works in this city, also reposes on her walls, There is also a complete collection of the min- isters of Simcoe stréet United Church of which she is a faithful. member, auring her residence in Oshawa, and a much. prized picture of Sir John A. MacDonald, which was presented to Mr, Pike for having performed services to the Conservative cause. Born in Quebec Mrs. Pike was born in Vermont, Quebec, on August 17, 1835, a dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs. There were three other children in: the family, one daughter, and two sons, all of which have pre- deceased her, Her last surviving brother, Nelson Briggs, a well known insurance man of Detroit, Mich, died last year. Here Nearly 50 Years In November, 1859, she was mar- ried to Chauncey B. Pike, at Myrtle, Ont. About 1880 they - moved td Oshawa, where Mr. Pike built the house in which his widow is now living about 40 years ago. Mr. Pike died about 15 years ago, and two children, a son and daughter, both predeceased their: parents. The son died at three years of age, and the daughter, who was showing signs of fine musical ability, at 18, Mrs, Pike has no living -relatives, except one neice in Chicago, Moving Her House At the present time, Mrs. Pike's chief concern is the projected mov- ing' of her house, which adjoins thc Parts and Setvice. Building 'of Gen- eral Motors of Canada, on to a new location, to make way for the march of progress of Oshawa's chief in- dustry. The old house, on which she has a life lease, although it is owned by General Motors now, "will be moved off its present site, and: Mrs." Pike will make her abode fartheg: west on Bond street. Like every n her life, however, atest turn of = t she takes this quite philosophically, despite" | fact that it means the uprooting' ang Moffatt Motor Sales, Ltd. | 88 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Phone 915 11 : BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN ws ------ ns Sd Smtr a) ee' as mame mmo Eh ! transplanting of her old home,: con- fident in the fact that the eetcaties: of General Motors, most of whom: she has kilown from childhood, will! give her: the best: treatment, - For several years the company has been. supplying her with firewood from the .|'body plant close to her house, and "doing other little 'things for her, .. We often think it. would be better to Tet the question of bearing arms go and ask the applicants for natura- lization if they have any conscienti: ous. objections. to working. ~= Ohio State Journal" Therm wi Coinges Outlook Avenue, THOUSAND ISLAND PARK, N. Y. On the St Lawrence River. Home Cooking Rooms with or without pri: vale bath, Golf, = Bathing, Dancing, Tennis. Moderate prices. Local' Reterence, id | J. B. GIFFORD, PROP. il Winter Place, The Beverley, 'Southern Pines, N. Carolina f i GARAGE DOOR CONTROL : HOLDS DOCRS RIGID-~OPEN OR SHUT 'Stops Danger of Monoxide Poisoning May be the factory==ORw-- Dealers, builders and contractors everywhere who have seen STA-PUT pronounce it the most efficient, most reliable type of garage door control ever brought out. which it. is installed and the simplicity with which it oper- ates appeals to all owners of garages. STA-PUT is a revelation to everybody who knows the grow-_ ing need for a really efficient garage door control. STA-PUT will last a life- time--Requires n no oiling or greas- ing--First cost the only cost. 'STA-PUT can a be affixed in a very few minutes. STA-PUT meets every requirement and is not affected by rain, ice, snow or wind. STA-PUT sales in the U.S.A, are phenomenal, first appearance on the Canadian market, Cotwlete $9.75 Ready to erect EEE Sole Canadian Manufacturers: -- Farrwell Development Co. Ltd. OSHAWA obtained from or. through our travelling representatives, Agencies will be established throughout Canada. Applichtions Invited. 'Oshawa Lumber Co., Oshawa Carew Lumber Co., Oshawa Carnegie Hardware Co., Port Perry The ease with This is its t |. Slight pressure on one door causes both to open and shut as one, 2. Holds both doors firmly in the strongest wind without hooks or props, '3, Easy to install; completely can be readily 'adjusted. Nothing to get out of or- der._ . 4. Does away with the ne- cessity doors, such as overhead and rollaway type. 5. Eliminates the danger of death by monoxide gas- sing when garage doors slam. 6. Pays for itself many times over in preventing damage to. car, broken doors and glass--in sav- ing time == in conveni- ence--in TEMPER. 7. Can be fitted equally well 'on all kinds of swinging doors, such as factory doors, barn doors; etc. OUTSTANDING FEATURES doors comes assembled, for expensive ~~' IU DE...