Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14, 1929 Times office not later morning each week. 'SCOUT EDITORIAL a Saturday to prove that 'Scout of) Gfuva lived up to gs I to keep the Eighth Scout Law even under what were sometimes the most trying circum- nees. Of course, the rain was the cause of it all, but while it served to damp- en almost everybody present, the boys went about with a smile on their countenance which was almost as re freshing as the rain itself, It was most surprising to see how many adults got lost during the rain storms, and at times the crowd in the tents grew $o large that we had our doubts about the side walls be- ing able fo stand the strain. The Wolf Cubs had an awiui job trying to keep.the tents clean of tabbish, and after about the third \ onslaught of the crowd, which left in its wake a litter of pop corn box- es, chocolate bar wrappers and empty pop bottles, they were forced to give up the attempt to keep the camp clear of refuse. : It was a pleasure during the day to have so many boys eager "to help other people at all times" and those in charge were especially thankful that the boys performed their allott- ed tasks in a true scout manner. The boys who are members of the scouting fraternity should keep on living their Scout Laws as they did on Saturday, and remember that while 1t is not so noticeable to the general public when they do so at home, yet it is very noticeable, to "Boy Scout Activities " News of wis he Boy ers. Comtbuions to canvas for a night was grasped last had been taken down in preparation rest which was well earned. ever, apparently do not sleep, and al- so suffer with an insatiable appetite, and it is rumored that after an ex- citing game of "Hunt the Skeeter" light sleepers, bearing many honor- able wounds went home for a couple of hours of sleep before he returned for duty. were apparently either better sleepers or had tougher hides, because did not seem to be affected so much by these little friends of the marsh. strong supporter for the move to re- claim the marsh land for purposes, and it is an ill wind (or should we say a sick mosquitoe?) that does nobody any good. » LJ] Scouts of Oshawa ; by the scout lead- this Solum will be should sent to than Tuesday UNDER CANVAS "The opportunity of sleeping under Friday night by scout master C. Rob- inson, assistant scout master O. Flint, assistant scout master E. Twist, troop leader W. Stonehouse, assistant scout master H. Hutcheson, troop leader Drake and scout A. Richards who stood guard over the property be- longing to the various troops which for the big picnic on the next day. A guard was kept over both the scouting property and that belong- ing to General Motors until the "wee sma' hours" and then the camp en- deavoured to settle down to enjoy a The mosquitoes at the lake, how- lasting until early dawn, one of the The other members of the . camp they At any rate there will be one more industrial "| tremendous strain ithout shipping. the 3rd tr half hitches would stand up under The Foose a or injury performed by troop leader Drake of before She Spenitg of the First Aid Tent, was highly prais- ed by the purses When they arrived. Ad WELCOMED BACK Scout master Ingham of the 4th troop was in the city during the last week end, and called a meeting of his assistants at his home on Sun- day afternoon. We are pleased to state that Mr. Ingham is expecting ta reside here again. LHR Scout master W. G. Sutfon is still very sick and the members of the scouting fraternity wish him a speedy recovery from his illness, PRESENTATION MADE At a meeting of the 5th troop on Friday last scout D, Miller was pre- sented with the silk neckerchief which was: awarded to the best all- round boy at the summer camp this year. / The meeting was given over to in- structions for the picnic and games and broke up early in order to allow each boy to get a good night's rest before his duties of the next day. By a special vote of the troop, the scoutmaster and his assistants will be given two weeks rest and troop act- ivities will be suspended during that time with the exception of those who will attend the Kinsmen's Kiddies Karnival, Those who will be on duty at this affair will meet at scout master Yes, of this morning! Here she comes Down the street Looking smart And very neat! 'NUGGET" Shoe Polish THE *'NUGGET"' TIN OPENS WITH A TWIST! advantage of the distance to criticize each other, Ie outlying par the: received a 'message telling" es red try to get back to camp without be- ing caught by the other scouts. One try to arrange a week end camp for Labor Day week end. Where the camp will be held will be decided la- ter. Fourth Oshawa troop--It is indeed, a grand pleasure to have scout master A. Ingham with us once more. There will be a meeting at Rotary Hall this Friday evening at 7.30 p.m. All boys in town are requested to be present. MUSSOLINI POLICY UNDER FIRE FROM CATHOLIC CHURCH Many Stories Heard of Trial And Tribulation of Anti-Fascists he Chiasso, Swiss-Italian = Frontier, Aug. 13--~Many stories seep over the frontier from Fascist Italy indicating the trials and tribulations of the anti- Fascists who still remain inside of Italy, and now and then there comes a tale of the vicissitudes of Benito Mussolini. Qutwardly, the recent Lateran 62 haps not so much against the Fas- of them succeeded. It was decided tof ha the Observatore Romano is already starting a cleverly cloaked campyigh against the Fascist Regime. Per- cists as for. the Church, Not in years s an Italian newspaper, even innuendo, dared to raise its voice|' against 'Mussolini and his decrees. Thus far the Observatore Romano has confined itself to criticism of the various interpretations. placed by the Fascists upon certain disputed pro- visions of the Lateran Agreement, It naturally champions the Vatican's in- terpretation, but it goes still further and in the issue of July 18th, it de- clared that had Italian newspapers ever dated to publish as "stupid and ignorant" comments against the acts of Fascist officials as they print about the Lateran Agreement, they would have been taken to task im- mediately by the authorities, Then the Osservatore proceeds to give, lucidly and fearlessly, the Vatican's]. side of the case, Because the Osservator Romano is no lenger under the jurisdiction of the Fascist state, being published upon sovereign soil controlled by the Pope, Mussolini's officials are power- less either to censor or suppress it. The most the Fascists could do would be to prohibit its circulation in Italy, outside the Vatican City. But even this is impossible. The one force which Mussolini, even in his services are available, The wise man never waits till he is driven by neces- sity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W ~~ Manager, palmiest days, could not combat, was the Church, In the recesses of his church the priest could give any counsel--spiritual or political. To interfere with the free circu- lation of the official Vatican spokes- man, the Osservatore Romano, would city over the land where the news- paper circulates receive word to that effect. Then when the newspapers arrive for distribution officials of the government quietly and quickly pur- chase every available copy before the Terrett's house on Friday next at 7.30 p.m. to receive their instructions. * TROOP NOTICES 5th Troop--Those boys wishing to be on duty at the Kinsmen's Kiddies Karnival next week meet at scout master's Terrett's house 630 Mary street, at 7.30 p.m. on Friday next. Those who will not be present at this event will not attend this meet- ing. The next troop meeting will be held on Friday, Aug. 30th, 1929. Patrol leaders will arrange meet- ings in the interval. 6th Troop report--At the meeting of the 6th troop on Monday even- ing at the usual meeting place sema- phore was again taken up, Long dist- ance signalling was tried between the camp and a point on the railway em- bankment. The boys scem to get a goud deal of fun from this line of work, especially do they like to take Agreerhent, negotiated between the Blackshirt Dictator and the Vatican, has been hailed as a feather in Mus- solini's hat, Even Catholic circles admit that maybe after all the Fas- cists got the better of the deal. But in one respect Mussolini slipped up. In tying the Vatican to his chariot he loosed in Italy perhaps the most insidious and powerful propaganda weapon that exists within the realm --the Official Osservatore Romano. Published within the Vatican City bring retaliation in every city, ham- let and district in the land under the influence of the Church. The support of the Church, which Mus-~ solini sought go diligently for years, would again be shaken--after hav- ing been bought and paid for at the expense of relinquishing sovereign- by over a bit of the heart of Rome. So the Fascists have resorted to their only alternative, When a dis- tasteful article' appears in Osserva- tore Romano the Prefects of every news-vendors have a chance to dis- pose of them, The process is costly For after all newsdealer at Chloiorc but thus far has been ~ffective, For after all newsdealer Catholic or other- wise, are concerned chiefly in selling their wares and the government's money is as good as any. Should the practice become wide- spread, however, it is possible that the Vatican will act. At the mo- ment its criticism, voiced through the Osservatore, is aimed at the powers | that be. When it becomes necessary to reach the public it will. be time enough to precipitate a crisis. rm ---- ' Not Much Help Port Hope.--The fellows digging on Mill street weren't much assisted by the earthquake. They're still cracking the rock with the occasion. al blast, Burial at Smith's Falls Brockville--D. W. Johnston, of Winnipeg, brother of Mrs. G. R. Johnston, of this town, passed away last week and interment was made on Thursday in Maple Vale cemetery, Smith's Falls. WORK APPRECIATED The efforts of assistant scout mas- ter E. Twist and his cook house pat- rol were appreciated to the fullest by the boys on Saturday, and al- though the cook shelter was com- mandeered by the general public during the rain storms, the work pro- ceeded with such alacrity during the respites that meals were served on time, much to the mental and phy- ay. sical comfort of all present. Boys attending this affair should * = = meet at Rotary Hall at 1.00 p.m. on CONGRATULATIONS Monday, August 19th, 1929, in as| We hear that scout master Boult- much uniforc as possible. bee won the committeemen's race at the picnic, and we wish to congrat- ulate him on his prowess. It is rumored, however, that scout master W. L. Pierson did not enter this race because he was afraid that the judges would not see him as he passed the finishing line. their parents who appreciate their worth. : J What more can be said than just that? ELLA CINDERS--HOT NEWS : By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb * % = KIDDIES' KARNIVAL The Kinsmen's Kiddies' Karnival will be held on Monday, Aug. 19th, 1929. All scoutmasters should be ready to supply their share of the fifty boys required for duty on this KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC SOME ROPE We hear that one of the local scoutmasters was thinking out loud, that he would like to get the tug-of- war rope for his small boys to tie their knots with. Just imagine tying a sheep-shank with that rope, or trying to do a wea- ver's: knot with the hawser in ques- tion and a piece of clothes line. The tug-of-war between two Gen- eral Motors trucks when they were stretching the rope in question, was one of the most exciting events of the picnic, and it was a good oppor- tunity for the boys to see how two BRINGING UP FATHER GEE: O'S 1H A TOUGH JAIL I'M HERE TERN DAYS AN ALLY GIT | 15 CORNED BEF aN' CABBAGE THWRES TIMES a DANY-AN' DEY FORCE You TO EA (rv AN' ME ON AN EIGHTEEN" DAY DIET - 'M GONNA GIT MESELF OINCHED an' MAGGIE CANT KICK WHEN ' TEL HER THEY FORCED CORN BEEF AN' RASENGE DOWN MM THROAT - YOU DONT DO NO BIT FER THAT- YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO PAY A HEAVY FINE AN BLY A NEW PANE OF { + DID- COME oN, PINCH ME-'M READY TO DO ME 817 ~ 10.05 a.m. Daily. 2/4 p.m. Daily. 8.03 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 1110 p.m. Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. . 'All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Eftective April LES a, Simcoe 8. I, 7... Fhote 209 D t Sunday. Sunday Ye Daily. Daily except Sunday. p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily except Sunday, RY ---- | Felt Bres 7 he LEADING JEWELE Daily ex: taints gasrsEal 00mm pesw BEER tn [iat] Ixg=t=s, aa > 8 © 1929. Int" Feature Service, Ine., Grest Britain rights reserved. Onna v .m. Daily except Sunday. m, Daily. .m. Sunday only. | Sn: 1} i SP 5 oir ON THE TOMB OF QUEEN EUZABETH IN / Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BRR Ey LSA HSRC {| CAMED RING, TOMMY. [T WAS A PLEDGE | B GIVEN BY THE QUEEN YO THE EARL OF ESSEX ASSURING HIM OF HER AID SHOULD HE GET INTO TROUBLE an P 20 EJ syx4RasRee ) "OF ESSEX WAS IN PRISON CONDEMMED TO § thio. DIE FOR TREASON WE GAVE THE RING TOTHE "30% 4 COUNTESS OF HOTTINGHAM TO CARRY TO " v nk ri $ * Men's Felt Hal 1.98 . I. COLLIS & SONS. 50-54 King W. Phone 783w : seed » 8 I TRAIT 14 SARDONYX OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, SET IM A CIRCLET OF ARAGESQUE DESIGN * HAVING A BEZEL OF BLUE ENAMEL. THE if PORTRAIT WAS CUT BY AH ITAUAN ; , ARTIST EMPLOYED AT COURT. >on Eepetstestinue BEEEREREE FERERRRRRRSE RING AND THE EARL WAS EXECUTED li FEB. 25,1601, QUEEN ELIZABETH DIED TH( YEARS LATER BELIEVING THAT THE EARL - Diamonds! oa Bassett"s = / Lil i On Oshawa's Main Corner TILLIE THE TOILER--A VALUABLE MAN. ITWAS SO KIND OF YOU TO LET ME GO EARLY YESTERDAY - $0 I'M GOING TO TAKE YOU TO - A DANCE TONIGHT BasptE BREEE EERRREREREREE i eis F BE - t= (Aen MEN'S FANCY SOX on 22 BERREREF SEES | SAY. ARCHIE. IVE GoT ™WO | { TICKETS FOR THE WALA WALA | DANCE TONIGHT. WANT TO COME ? 5 3S 15¢ Yow ARE A DEAR To BE SO THOUGHTFUL = BUT t WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO TIRE YOURSELF - AJP BESIDES YOU DON'T LOOK WELL RHE ; i E g g fig gf 33 F i § fi oocnk Bo Ea & Bak FERRERS ? B 37 1 gusts BE MEBGE YOURE RIGHT, TLLIE FERRERS 56 5 8 F Ri Snip ft h AA FREEEF BeitbeE ERBBERS F E fi 8 : i | : i

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