Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1929, p. 13

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.. branch of the Kerr * have fesided in Little Johnny Johnson playing with . matches behind the 'shed, back of hit summer home, didn't know and didn's care anything about the busy business men in the big _ cities east snd west. Johnny went right ahead and started his fire. By the time his short legs had carried him on the run to his home and mamma, the shed was a roaring furnace and the uplicking flames had burned through the long distance telephone cable passing overhead, ile Johnny was sobbing out his tor HSiropolia was placing a memo on h s de ing a deal involving thousands of dollars, : or the same instant the watchers of the wires had discovered trouble en the line and "trouble shooters" from nearby towns were hurrying to "transaction by long the 8 the fire died down the wires had he iopened next JPOIRing the wires were singing their messages. istance and a very repent: to his startled mother, a big business executive miles away In the esk pad to call a business associate by long distance next morning | | noliday with PORT PERRY BRIEFS Port Perry, Aug. b--Mr. and Mrs. i Arthur Glenister of Chicago are visit- ing friends in Port Perry. Mrs, Mellon and the Misses Helen ! and Frances Mellon are spending a { couple of weeks at Williams Point. The 'Misses McPhail are visiting friends in Detroit. Miss M. Harradin of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. James, Mrs, Jas. Read, Miss Violet Read, Miss Kath- leen Read, Miss Grace Read, Mrs, Middleton and Jessie, Mrs. Gibbs Sen- for, and granddaughter spent a plea- sant afternoon at Bowmanville on Wednesday. Sam Cawker of Toronto spent the Mr, and Mrs. John Cawker, Hugh Lucas of Whitby was in { town today. , Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell, Mr. and Spain of Toronto spent the week-end with friends in Port Perry. Misses Marion and Lucille Harri- ---- a A i A. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1929 EE son are spending several weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bartley and family of Toronto are Yisiung friends in Port Perry. 'Wm, Oke of Toronfo was home for the holiday. Messrs. Geo. and Chas, Cawker of Toronto spent the holiday with their parents Mr, and Mrs. 8. C. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. H: 8. White of Cold- water are guests of Port Perry friends. . Ross Prentice of Gravenhurst was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert. Prentice over the week-end, , m. Clark is home from Oshawa much hiproved in health, * My. an gu. Rost, Milne of To. ronto ot a Mr, John Irvine over: Sunday, Mrs. C. Ci Keele of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Cockburn," Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wallace and family of Toronfo were guests of Mr, and Mts, Frank Mitchell over the holiday, The Sunday School picnic of the RT Church of the Ascension took place 'last Wednesday afternoon at Steph: enson's Point, Earl Sweetman of Toronto was home for the holiday. Robert Wells of Orangeville was with" his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Wells for the holiday. Mr. and: Mrs, Elwood Carruthers and family of Glen Major and Fred Stark and gon Howard of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A, D. Peters. Irvine Coates of Toronto was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Middleton of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs, D, W. McIntosh last week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and son Billy of Toronto spent Sunday with Port Perry friends, Tom Harris and- Geo, Manning were in Fenelon Falls on Sunday night. In a recent newspaper interview, Leon Trotzky says everything will come right in the end, Wut he omits to say whose end.--~Punch. WHY DO WE SLEEP? (Hamilton Spectator) Science has evolved drugs that will put one to sleep, but just what it is that brings natural sleep Is as || great a mystery today as it was to the cave-man who curled up on his rock mattress, with his flowing beard spread over him for a quilt It is a commentary on human na- ture that we are more particular about our food than we are about regular hours of sleep, yet it is a fact, definitely estalished, that it is possible to live much longer without food than without the be- nign embrace of Morpheus. EDUCATION (Mail And Empire) Dr. Albert Parker Fitch says "'ed- ucation adds burdens to life." That's the sort of thing that gels || you nowhere. So does growing up, $0 does marriage, so do babies, but who would forego these things for. a few burdens more or less? Asa Jimmie Vletie REGENT USUAL PRICES matter of fact; education chucks a whole lot of 'burdsn away. ET = PES ea fire as fast as repair cars could carry them. Almost before nd communication restored. Long before the stock market The business executive had completed his ant Johnny slept peacefully in his little cot. ORONO PERSONALS Oreno, Aug. 7=Mr. and Mrs, Harold A. Awde of Toronto, are spending their holidays with his pae- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Adwe. James Gilfillan is heme from Nia- gara Falls for a couple of days. Mrs, Neil Macksnzie, of Toronto, is visiting her father, I. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Seymour who Oshawa the past year, purpose shortly returning to Orono, occupying their own residence now tenanted by Mr, M, Breslin, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson, of Toronto, former Kendal Bay, and a one time student at Orono School, was' in town on Saturday last. Ross is now the manager of the Canadian Confectionery i Co, a United States firm with offices in Toronto, The marriage of A. Walker of ¥ Port Hope and Miss Wanda Brad- = ker. «Jan H ley, of Orono, took place quietly on Saturday afternoon, at the parson- age, Hampton. Miss Jean McLean attended. the bride, the groom being supported by his brother, Jack Wal- The happy couple after the wedding dinner at the home of the bride's mother, left on their wedding tour to Kingston, and the Thousand Islands, F, Gibson, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. S, Yeo, and other relatives Messrs. H. J. Winter and Kenneth Hall returned Saturday from a week outing Bt Lake Scugog, guests of Al- a Miss Rena McMillan and sister, Mrs. Mahr, Cobourg, spent Tuesday with their aunt, Mrs, W. F, Ralph. Miss Ross, teacher at Kingston, is "a guest of Miss Mary Davey at her ¥ father's, Mr. W. E. Davey. Miss Phylis Challis has returned home after a pleasant visit with her uncle, Mr. Howard Challis. Mrs. J. F. Lorriman and daughter, Miss ILorecn, returned home last week from a three weeks visit with her cousin, Dr. Alexander, and other New Martin NOW PLAYING | GREAT CROOK DRAMA "You Can't! Beat the Law" COMEDY "SOLE SUPPORT" SERTAL CHAPTER THE FINAL | RECKONING || relatives at Chicago. They also met Dr. Ross lang and mother and Mrs. Lockhart, Florence Gamsby, former- ly a student at Qrono school, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hall and mother of Teéronto spent a few days last week at the home of his uncle, Frank Hall, afterwards leaving for the northern lakes for a couple of weeks' fishing. Mr. and My rs. Howard Challis and family, Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Wood and baby Helen, are holidaying at Rest-a-while cottage, Buck Horn. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Harper mo- tored to Oronc and Peterbore. On the return trip Mrs. R. H. Allen and little grandson, Ewart Bragg accom- panied them to Toronte and spent a pleasant week with relatives and friends, Mrs, T. W. Quinn and daughter, Mtes. Rainer, of Toronto, spent the week-end, at her brother's, Mr. M. L. Oravelle. Mr: and Mrs, Thomas Cuttell, Brooklyn, N, Y., Mrs, Sam het of Toronto, and Mrs, Treboar, of Toronto, motored into town yesters day for a visit with his cousin, 5. Cuttell and other relatives here. Tt was the first time the cousins had met since boyhood days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ho Morris and son, Mr. Milton Morris, and Miss Morris of Bowmanville, also Mr. R. Cornish, Orono, motored to Novar and spent the week-end with their cousins, the Messrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Vinsofl, and family arc spending a few days at Mr. T. W. Somerville's and other friends here. Mrs. R. W. Atwell, and little dau- ghter Marion, of Detroit, are spend- ing a couple of wecks with her sis- ter, Mrs. Percy Morgan, Sixth Line. EBENEZER BRIEFS Ebenezer, August 6.--Sunday ser- vices at Ebenezer were good. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton is away on his holidays and 'in his absence the pulpit was Ss cupied by a former pastor, Rev. W. S. Boyce. Both sermons were excellent and inspired all who were present. The morning text was "All that 1 have is thine" and in the evening service the sub- ject was "The Preacher's Responsi- bilities." The choir added much to cach service by their music, Regular Sunday School session was held in the afternoon, Three ser- vices will he held at the regular hours on Sunday August 11, and Rev, John Bunner | Bowmanville will be the speaker at both church services, Jack and Billie Bellman are holi- daying with Mr, and Mrs, H, H. Nichols. Rev. J. Pollock is holidaying with friends and relatives in this commun- ity. The Ladies' Berean Class held a meeting on Thursday afternoon of last week in the Sunday School room, The meeting was only fairly well at- tended but a good program was en- joyed and important business dis- cussed. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. H. F, Osborn's group and IF YOU LIKE OLIVES YOU'LL LIKE INVINCIBLE OLIVES BETTER MLaRreNS INVINCIBLE OLIVES "INVINCIBLE iN NAME AND iN GUALITY'® M:LARENS LinviTED HAMILTON. ONT. i family, at the close of the program refresh- ments were served the group in charge. On Wednesday afternoon and eve- ning of last week a raspberry soc. ial was held on the lawn of Mrs. A, F. Rundle's home at Courtice, The social was in charge of Mrs. Arthur Pascoe's group of the WM.S, and the proceeds of about $20 go to the treasury of that society, Rey. and Mrs. W. S. Boyce are with their daughter, Mrs, Clarence Penfound. Miss Mona Morrow, of Jvinnipe i visiting with Mr. and Mrs, oi ay. HAMPTON BRIEFS Hampton, Aug. G(---Geo. Barron is holidaying at Hamilton and oth- er 'western points. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason and daughter, Audrey, Mr, and Mrs. J. Gripton, of Toronto, wera recent visitors at the home of E. C. Flory. Miss Violet McMillan, of Osha- wa, with Miss Wilma Leach, vis- ited at the home of Principal Groat. Miss Mary Jebson, of Toronto, is home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and son, Wallace, were Sunday visits ors in Millbrbook. Miss Nancy Johns had her von- sils removed in Bowmanville Hos- pital recently, and is progressing favorably. Mr. und Mrs. Dr. Davies, of Osh- awa, visited at the home of H, W. Wilcox on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smyth and family, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hills and of Toronto, were Sunuday visitors at the home of A. B. Cry- derman, Miss Sadie Virtue, of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Frank Hastings, of Peterboro, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. R, Virtue and daughter, of Oshawa, Miss Fanny Virtue and Will Staples, of Tyrone, visited at the home of J. J. Virtue on Sunday. Misses Lillian and Mildred Phil- ip, and friends, of Toronto, visit- ed their sister, Mrs. Wilbert Craig, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, of Peter- boro, visited at the home of Loren- zo Trull. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mrs. Bond, of Toronto, visited at the home of S. Kersey recently, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Short, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Kerslake, of Bow- manville, visited Mrs. Bessie Rob- bins on Sunday. Harry Cowling, of Toronto, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, of To- ronto, visited the, latter's mother, Mrs. Esther Stevens, on Sunday, Mrs, Mabel Taylor, New York, is spending her holidays at her home herve, W. RR." Allin, who has been re- ceiving medical care in Bowman- ville Hospital, is somewhat i cd and is expected home this week. Mrs. R. Avery, Miss N. Horn, Mrs. W. W. Horn and son, Wallace, visited Port Perry friends on Mon- day. Mr. Wallace, accompanied the Orono band, which played at their day of sports there. The Loyal True Blues' Lodge of Oshawa enjoyed a pienic in the El- liott Memorial Park on Monday, ar- riving by bus about ten o'clock, and spending the day in games of bage- ball, ete. Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Horn and family 'were Port Perry visitors on Monday. T, A. Brown, Ottawa, addressed a fair congregation on Sunday night in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, who is on his holi- : days. The Elliott Memorial Park was the place of reunion for the an- nual family pienie of the Hooper "ifamily on Monday. -.. eu sess VICTOR $375 [ ial for the-first time. changeable shie realism, manship . bomey, A remarkable new im, Printed in Canada _ RADIO-ELECTROLA RE-43 (Complete with tubes) of VICTOR Features 1 Micro-synchronous balance: Every element in micro-exact resonance at any frequency. Con- densers amtomatically harmonized, Unprece- dented sensitivity and selectivity. Perfect ormance through the entire range of the 2 aun full vision, illuminated sta, i tion selector. .. as.illustrated. Improved civedit developed by Victor™ sve a wnpardieled stability and fidelity, § = designed Push-pull amplification . .. .. intro, . new power Radiotron 245. Greater } distorted volume with the entire musical scale. Three separate and distinct unmits--inter- ov + all accessible | d with scientific: thoroughness. | Marvelous new improvement in the Victor 6 decid manic reproducer ..... ro-creales the 5 mality af voice or instrument in all its life. tke Compart cabinet design of a all-Victor erafts- 7 « « exquisite in every line. Har- monizes with the furnishings in the finest reproduces the new Victor V E. Ortho phonic Records in dll their priienyy, Enjoy this miracle-- Micro-Synchronous ictor-Radio the most sensational triumph in the history of fone reproduction Don't Revolutionary in principle--in design --in per- formance! Victor quality .-.-- at a price you can - afford . .. at all Victor Dealers! Miss it! FULL VISION, SUPER-AUTOMATIC STATION SELECTOR, ALL STATIONS PLAINLY AND} VISIBLE . o . JUST SLIDE THE KNOB TO RIGHT GR L277 ~ IN COMES Tt STATION Y0u WANT, the un- . dl paris d Blectrola tat Canadian Daily Newspapers pena dreds of thousands have waited for ..%o.. ro seve ei by es of i New Oxthophonic Victrola "*, the newest radio by the prodncersf the marvelous Victor V.E.! Orthophonic Records! |. 22% Radio by Views coeared by Victor bul by Vicor!" f i - An' instrument that ee' an achieve- ment hetetofore. thought "impossible" MICRO-SYNCHRONOUS RADIO . goal towards which radio engineers have striven -ever since the birth of radio! WOO loctsic tadio that teactios far lato ah the future =, . that Victor is proud to trade- mark * His Masar's Voice." "4 Go Today to Your Victor Dealer oe ie. or » VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL crested by Vicor te! et (Completa wich tubes) Never before'has radic Affe sch wer - ling tone naturalness . ~~ reproduction to Be "compared only with the singing at playing of the tists themselves! 4 VictorcRadio can be iad separately ina Band some walnut cabinet or with the marvelous new improved Victor Electrola %a"w com your old Victrola! ~ bined 1s oue aitinic cabinets lagen The best news of all is the price! Only $255 for the Victor-Radio Console . « «. only $375 for the Victor-Radio-Electrola Combination. You may purchase of tie defers pepe plan at all Victor Dealers. = A her

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