THE OSHAW A DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1927 McLaughlin's F amous ' READING Anthracite Coming To Re Next Week - - Monda ly YOU'LL LOVE THE MUSIC IN "THE DESERT SONG" Listen to them in your own home by purchasing the VICTOR RECORDS OF SAME AT COAL MORE. HEAT LESS ASH 110 King St. W, Phone 1246 | Don't Swelter in the Heat Like Those Who Live In The Desert EAT AND ~L AT O Are You Going Away For the Holiday? How shout 33 ur Th res? Why not carry a good extra tire when you can pu them at a 7% discoun nt. The oe is limited--Take advantage of this offer wb She 370 GUTTA PERCHA TIRES 20% DISCOUNT This Offer Good Only Until August 5th Church Street Tire and Radio Shop 15 CHURCH STREET PHONE 1438 GUM- DIPPED Poultry Supplies >: Brantford Binder Twine i Hogg & Lytle, Limited 54 CHURCH STREET PHONE 203 D. J. BROWN'S THE JEWELLER Victor Records Always Carried in Stock } = 4 AKING STREET WEST PHONE 189 WITH JOHN Bx CARLOTTA Talking SC creeps oniL ] Operetta d Neckwear 10 doz. of the smartest styles | in lace organdie and silk regu- lar prices $1.00 to $2.50, at Smart Hats Ree Prea 830: 1:81.00 20 Children's Hats Regular $1.95. Each Fugi Silks Special About 165 yards only in rose, pink maize, red, grey, laven- 49c , der, navy. Clearing TE The 7: A oust: { Glearancs g of DRESSES DRESSES FOR THE HOLIDAY DRESSES FOR SPORTS DRESSES FOR REGULAR WEAR All At Extraordinary Prices DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY PURE SILK CREPE DE CHINE AT FLAT CREPES, SPUN SILK, PRINTED CREPES at $8. 05 CLEARING OF ALL FUGI SILK BALACHENE AND ODD PRINTED SILKS AT $1.98 | 200 pair Latest style D & A Corselettes with inner belt also without belt. | Coutelle. | Gant usally sold 481.08 LINGERIE 100 bloomers, vests, brassier bloomers in good heavy weight and good shades. big bargain to clear at 269c $5.95 | Opening of | Department With a big shipment of new toys on second floor 5 pecial Corselette Offer FOR SARURDAY Made of best A comfortable gar- SPECIAL Toy To-morrow